In a time of (greater) financial misery (than usual), the Lads move among us, offering imaginary loans. Examples are digested in LOANS FROM THE LADS.

Fortunately, the hive of alter egos known as Naz is back, following triumphal appearances in COME ON, FEEL THE ILLINOISE!, LIGHTS, KAMARA, ACTION, THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON 419, and many other adventures. A hearty Scam-o-Welcome to the Loan Ranger!

raynaz, INK, presents a short saga, that may be tied to an earlier drama:

starring, in order of appearance:


The orchestra tunes up, the curtain rises, and...

William Givens
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:


I am Mr.William Givens, and i am ready to help you. I am a private money lender, Are you in bad credit? Does your financial standard need refurbishment? I operate a registered and government approved financial institute. I Agive out loans to companies and individuals for 3% interest rate. I give out local and international loans to any body in dire need of a loan, and that is willing to repay the loan, all over the world. I give out loans via account transfer or bank certified check to what ever country you are. I am not a bank and I do not require much documents. If you are interested in getting a loan from our firm. You can reach us via And please i am very sorry if this information came to you as a shock or invaded your privacy,.

Mr. William Givens
William Givens Loans IncĀ©.

[WOW!! A Lad is going to lend me money. Low interest, few documents, no problems. Hmmm...must be legit...]

Harald O. Sens
Dear William Givens,

How did you know I need some money? Did my brother tell you? I asked him if I could borrow some cash from him, but he didn't have it, so did Horace tell you to contact me?

What kind of interest do you charge? You said 3%, but that can't be right. Let me know what the deal is.

Harald O. Sens
William Givens

[SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! The IP is the same as the one "another Lad" is using, to warn me of Nigerian scammers!]

X-Originating-IP: []
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008

Hello ,

I want you to know that you can be sent this loan if all all status meet our Modus Operandi. I am Mr Williams Givens , i am a private money lender, i operate a registered and government approved financial institute. I give out loans to companies and individuals for just 3% interest rate. I give out local and international loans to any body in dire need of a loan, and that is willing to repay the loan, all over the world. I give out loans via account transfer or bank certified check to what ever country you are. I am not a bank and i do not require much documents. If you are interested in getting a loan from my company, contact me with the following details.

Below are the requirement for the LOAN APPLICATION FORM.

Williams Givens Loans Affairs Inc
* Applicant Full Names:..................................................
* Applicant Contact Address:.....................................................
* Phone No:.....................................................
* Country:.....................................................

* Age:.....................................................
* Marital Status:.....................................................
* Amount Required As Loan:.....................................................
*Proposed Terms/Duration Of Loan:.....................................................

*Currency of needed loan...................................................................

*Annual Income:.....................................................
*Occupation in the last two years:....................................................

Note....this information will be used to fill your application form whice shall be sent down to you for signatary, EXCEPT!


You are to choose a mode which you prefer the loan to be sent to you.Below are two option
* Payment by bank to bank transfer
* Payment by bank certified check(courier)


Verified by:________________
Confirmed by: ________________
LOAN AGENT 'S SIGNATURE:________________

All replies should be forwarded to

Mr.Williams Givens
C.E.O.Williams Givens Loans Affairs Inc. AND Givens Home of FOREX & TRADE
Harald O. Sens

[Naive and optimistic, I send him my "informations"...]

Dear William Givens:

As you can see, I don't need too much money, but this would pay off my reverse mortgage I took out several years ago, when the wife was sick with the vapors. With your loan paying off that mortgage (it has a good interest rate, but the payment would be lower, so you can see it would really get me out of a big debt load.

Is this all you need for now? I have to go to Vermont to help my cousin, they're building a new pole barn, and he wants to put in some hog-butchering equipment, so he wants my expertise. I will be gone from Thursday (17th) to Friday next week (25th). My cousin Vinny is so happy that I can help him, he's even paying for the gas for me to drive up there!

If you can reply before Thursday, I can go to Vermont worry-free.

Harald O. Sens
Williams Givens Loans Affairs Inc

* Applicant Full Names:....HARALD OSWALD SENS............................
* Applicant Contact Address:...284 NORTH OTREM PARKWAY, SUDDENURGE, EC 18467
* Phone No:...(MESSAGES ONLY) 2023455031.........................
* Country:......UNITED STATES..................................

* Age:....68...............................................
* Marital Status:......WIDOWED........................................
* Amount Required As Loan:.....$38,000.........................................
*Proposed Terms/Duration Of Loan:....3%, 10 YEARS, approximate payment, $350.00/month...
*Currency of needed loan.......UNITED STATES DOLLARS......................................

*Annual Income:.....$12,000..........................................
*Occupation in the last two years:...DISABLED, RETIRED (FORMER BUTCHER, Piggly Wiggly Stores, Inc.............

You are to choose a mode which you prefer the loan to be sent to you.
* Payment by bank to bank transfer
William Givens
X-Originating-IP: []
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008

Hello Harald oswald

I am in receipt of your email, your loan application and I require your designated bank account which will be required in effecting the swift transfer of your loan along with a scanned copy of any of your valid ID.

In acknowledgment to the loan application, This e-mail is to certify that I got your Loan Application form on this day the 15th of July, 2008., which was filled by you, and in anticipation to it, the Loan Repayment Schedule and conditions are stated below in this email,

Note; this firm only grant that small kind of loan repayment period for companies and registered world individuals, and sure the medical records and security will be verified and scrutinized ,please we have accessed giving you 8 years and that is the best we can do,

You are expected to acknowledge its content and read carefully, so we could proceed to the next level in procuring this Loan from me.Below is my Loan terms and conditions:


The loan repayment will be made on a monthly basis which consist of the Principal loan amount and interest together. Like it's written, the loan duration/period is for 10 Years (120 months ). So find the interest rate and repayment schedule below:

* Principal Loan amount: $38,000 USD
* Interest Rate: 3%
* Loan duration/period:10 YEARS (120 months)
* Monthly Installments: $ 326.17USD
* Number of installments:120
* Interest paid:$ 1,140 USD
Principle Loan amount + Interest Paid = Cumulative Installment
$ 38,000 USD + $ 1,140 USD = $39,140 USD

Furthermore be informed that in line with the rules governing this organization, you will be required to make a monthly payment of $ 326.17 USD making a total payment of $ 39,000 USD for 10 Years ( 120 months ).
This is the total loan amount and interest.


{ 1 } The applicant will start the repayment of loan three {3} months after the loan has been transferred to him/her.
{ 2 } Failure to pay back the loan at this expected date/period, legal actions will be taken against the applicant by our attorney immediately.
{ 3 } Applicant who is unable to meet with the repayment will be given 2 weeks more as a grace period before legal actions will be taken.
{ 4 } All Applicants abroad {Outside the Country} MUST make a down payment for obtaining a NON-RESIDENTIAL TAX CERTIFICATE in his/her name due to the Lending policy 274/Ur in the amended constitution , and the International Monetary Funds Bill Of Transfer of the ACT 2004 in the lending policy which is $205 USD.
In agreement to this, applicants will be sent a copy of our loan agreement form which you are expected to sign and send the signed copy of the loan agreement form to us for further documentation.
Once this is received, the transfer of your loan is guaranteed to your designated bank account.

NOTE: I do require you to send a scanned copy of any of your valid ID Card for documentation along with your Designated Bank Account informations which will be required in swift transfer of your loan as it is the most important requirement in this transaction

In acknowledgment to the loan application, your loan will be insured and approved.

Best regards, as i await your response,
Thanks and GOD bless
Harald O. Sens

[This goes out Tuesday evening...]

Mr. Givens,

I'm sorry, I don't understand this paragraph:

"...Note; this firm only grant that small kind of loan repayment period for companies and registered world individuals, and sure the medical records and security will be verified and scrutinized ,please we have accessed giving you 8 years and that is the best we can do..."

Does this mean that all you can offer me is an 8-year loan? If this is the case, why do you say I must make 120 payments? If an 8-year loan is not in the picture, why do you mention it? Payments of $326.17 would only recoup you less than $31,500--you would LOSE more than $6500, which isn't good business, you know.

As far as the bank information goes, I can get that for you when I go to see my banker, Miss Ann Thrope, tomorrow, to take care of getting some money for my trip to help my cousin Vinny.

I bank at the First Interstate Bank of Tillispond, NC (the next town over, it's a little larger town than Suddenurge, and has a bigger bank. They even have a Blockbuster) I can send a copy of my driving license for you. It's still valid, even though I don't have a car. My town is so small, I don't need a car. When I was working, it was different.

Let me know what you think of this, OK?

Harald O. Sens
William Givens
X-Originating-IP: []
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008
Subject: LOAN UPDATE!!

Hello Hosen

I am in receipt of your email, and the corrections that you stated, concerning the paragraph that u quoted'

"...Note; this firm only grant that small kind of loan repayment period for companies and registered world individuals, and sure the medical records and security will be verified and scrutinized ,please we have accessed giving you 8 years and that is the best we can do..."

it explains that all needed loan passes through a screened check, the 120 payments signify 120 months, that is 10 years though we considered giving you 8 years, your loan was insured and approved for a repayment period of 120 months, in your favor, this is to say that your principal loan amount is $ 38,000 USD, calculated repayment period of 10 years , being $ 326.17 USD as monthly installment, with a 3% interest rate of $ 1,140 USD, I am sorry , all calculations were done by expert in these fields and checked for possible error already, so we can proceed with the providence of your Driving License ,and Bank account details, needed for the transfer of your funds and your Non Residential Certificate, YOU ARE IN OUR TRANSFERLIST FOR TOMORROW. If only you are able to receive call


Mr. Givens
Harald O. Sens

[We must correct this faux pas immediately...]

Mr. Givens:

I am just going out the door, to see Miss Ann Thrope, my banker, and I check my mail program to see this from you.

Why do you address me as 'Hosen'? That is part of my email address--and you omitted the 2nd "S"of my surname into the bargain! Hosen is not my name. My name is Harald, you may address me as "Harald" if you wish, but don't call me Hosen'!

This makes me think that you do not care what my name is, or who I am! If this is the case, we can cease doing business right now. I'm sure that I can negotiate a good re-finance rate with my bank since I am a good, long-time, steady, and reliable customer, so your loan offer is on the line.

Get back to me immediately.

Harald O. Sens
William Givens

[Apparently, this Lad doesn't read as well as he should) Now he addresses me...]

X-Originating-IP: []
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008
Subject: LOAN UPDATE!!

Hello, O. Sens

I am in reciept of your email , your name on our data base is

Harald O. Sens, i wrote HOSens as the secretary reply to get your attention, and that have been achieved, can we proceed now?, as you are in our transfer list of funds transaction.

Harald O. Sens

[Gotta set this straight...]

Mr. Givens:

Hello, O. Sens NOW YOU ADDRESS ME BY MY MIDDLE INITIAL, AND MY SURNAME!!! I told you that you may address me by my name, WHICH IS HARALD!!! Are you drinking liquor? Are you DRUNK???

to get your attention, You certainly got my attention, and not in a good way, either!!

can we proceed now?, Perhaps when you sober up--if you were not in some drunken haze when I told you that I would be unavailable to correspond for one week, beginning today, then you will remember.

as you are in our transfer list of funds transaction. I spent too much time trying to clarify my name to you, and you have ignored. Now you know that with all your inept foolishness, you have wasted my time!

I will return in 8 days, that is Friday, 25July. Please be sober when you write to me.


[More to come?]

[Clueless in Scamorama Land? See The Main Page.]