IBRAHIM RAZAQ From : ibrahim taofiq <ribrahim@fsmail.net> Reply-To : ribrahim@fsmail.net Sent : Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:06 AM Subject: : reply fast Dear Sir, I am Al-Hajji Razaq Ibrahim Tarfiq, a 32 years old Egyptian, establishing this relationship with you based on my presume reliance as a Muslim and in the faith of Allah (God Almighty) that you will treat this letter with utmost secrecy, sincerity and with the fear of Allah. My Brother-In-law who is from the Gulf Region is presently in exile as a result of the known problems (I am sure you understand). He is in exile and cannot reach any of his assets and funds except $168 million USD which he has with one of the top financial organisations in Bahamas (will give you details later). We have communicated with the organisation and the funds are ready to be transferred. Unfortunately, the funds are transferable only to his foreign Business associate's account according to the agreement he made with the organisation with fear that he was going to die. However, the associate by name Mr. Xavier rather died early in the attack before the family departed for exile. Brother, all we need is a trust worthy and God fearing person bearing same name, to whom the funds will be released as the Next of Kin and associate of my In-law. I have been mandated on trust to handle this and I am sure in the name of Allah that I am not making a mistake for choosing you among many others that I searched on the internet. If you are interested, how old are you? What do you do? Are you married? Can you handle funds of that magnitude? Can you be trusted? This has to be treated very urgent. Please call me on + 871 763593943 so that I can furnish you with more details as you may wish to know.pls reply back to this mail add. razaq@starmail.com Thanks in anticipation. Wassalam! Xavier (eventually) shows interest. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, February 10, 2004 5:39 PM Subject: : RE: reply fast Dear Mr. Barfing, How excited I was to receive your email about $168 million dollars. What amazing good fortune it is for both of us that I have the same name as the aforementioned business associate. Let me assure you that I am completely trustworthy and a god fearing individual (although I worship a real god, not your heathen allah). I am 50 years old, not married, and work in the financial industry in New York. The recent stock market collapse has left me with only about $500,000 in the bank, so I am in desperate need of more money for a better retirement. Truly god has led you to me. I would be happy to help you complete a secure and private transaction on two conditions. First, due to the risks involved in the current security climate, this task will be very difficult and I will require 40% of the transfered funds. Second, if we are to do business, I must have your affirmation that you will convert to following our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I look forward to your reply. Cordially, Xavier New York, New York Razaq responds w/ website/passwords to access an 'account' purported to contain the $168 million. Woowee, that's impressive. He also quickly accedes to my demand for 40% but decides to ignore conversion to christianity. Oh well... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, February 10, 2004 11:20 PM Subject: : Re: RE: reply fast DEAR MR Xavier, I APPRECIATE THE BRIEF CONTENT OF YOUR RESPONCE, WHICH CLEARLY INDICATE YOUR ABILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO ASSIST EFFECTIVELY IN NOT ONLY PUTTING THE FUNDS INTO THE SYSTEM BUT ALSO, HONEST AND RELIABLE TO BE TRUSTED. YOUR CONCERNS ARE WELL UNDERSTOOD. BEFORE I PROCEED, I MUST EMPHASIS ON THE NEED FOR ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY, SINCERERITY AND 100% DEDICATION DURING THE COURSE OF THIS TRANSACTION. YOU WILL NEED TO RE-ASSURE US OF YOUR UTMOST COOPERATION AND THE ABOVE THREE HUMAN QUALITIES. MY IN-LAW IS FROM IRAQ BUT PRESENTLY IN EXILE AND HE HAS NOT BEEN FEELING WELL SINCE THE CAPTURE OF SADAM AND WE WILL NEED TO GET THOSE FUNDS TRANSFERED TO YOUR ACCOUNT AS URGENT AS POSSIBLE SO THAT WE LEAVE WHERE WE ARE PRESENTLY. OUR CONDITION RIGHT NOW IS VERY CRITICAL AND REMEMBER, ALMIGHTY GOD WILL NOT FORGIVE IF THIS FUNDS GETS TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND YOU DECIDE TO BETRAY US. ON TOTAL TRUST AND IN UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY, I AM REVEALING TO YOU THAT THE $168MILLION USD IS WITH A SECRETE FINANCIAL ORGANISATION CALLED GLOBAL MONETARY ORGANISATION (GMO) WITH HEAD OFFICE IN BAHAMAS. WEBSITE: www.gmonet.com FOLLOW THE INFORMATION BELOW TO ACCESS MY INLAWÕS ACCOUNT DETAILS. GO TO THE GMOÕS WEBSITE AS ABOVE, CLICK ON THE PAGE TO TAKE YOU TO THE HOME PAGE. ON THE HOME PAGE, CLICK ON ACCOUNT PROFILE, YOU WILL SEE A COLUM TO FILL. THE INFORMATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: First Stage From Account Profile. Client Card: 4519224568790142 Issue No: 07642 Client Name: tariq Acc No. : gmo/024/amt/04/03 Second Stage Secrete Question: year of oath Answer: 1999 Third Stage Authorisation Code: TARIQ/GMO/Q042 Pin: X1844X WHEN YOU ARE THROUGH WITH THAT, GO BACK TO THE ACCOUNT PROFILE PAGE AND CLICK ON ACCOUNT-ACCESS AND USE THE FOLLOWING INFO ALSO TO CHECK. USER NAME IS: Tariq and PIN IS: 020/AMT/04/03 THE ABOVE INFORMATIONS ARE HIGHLY CLASIFIED AND MUST BE KEPT AS TOPMOST SECRETE. I HAVE GIVEN YOU ONLY TO ENABLE YOU TO ACCESS MY INLAWÕS ACCOUNT DETAILS WITH THE GMO. YOU MUST NOT DISCLOSE THE WEBSITE AND ANY OF THE GIVEN INFORMATIONS TO ANYONE. WE MUST BE ONE IN SPIRIT AND IN FAITH OF ALLAH! MY IN-LAW HAS AFTER DUE DELIBERATION AGREED TO GIVE YOU 40% OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT. HOWEVER, IT IS THEREFORE NECESSARY AT THIS STAGE THAT WE SPEAK OVER THE PHONE, TO ENHANCE MUTUAL TRUST AND PROPER UNDERSTANDING. I WILL EXPECT YOUR URGENT CALL ON: + 871 763593943. IT IS A SATTLITE PHONE AQUIRED PURPOSELY FOR EXECUTION OF THIS TRANSACTION AS TO ENSURE SECURITY. I AWAIT YOUR URGENT CALL FOR FURTHER DETAILS. THANKS. ALHAJI RAZAQ. +871 763593940 OR 3 Razaq gets impatient, Xavier is a bit slow in responding. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Friday, February 13, 2004 7:01 AM Subject: : Re: RE: reply fast Dear Mr. Xavier, Hope all is well. I expected your responce earnestly without success. Could you please furnish me with your private phone number so that I can call you. We really need to commence actions and we must communicate to allow that happen. Please reach me immediately. Thanks. Xavier finally responds and rules out phone contact. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Sunday, February 22, 2004 7:00 PM Subject: : Re: RE: reply fast My dear Mr. Razaq, I am so sorry for the long delay but I have been in Europe on some important business that I could not avoid. Let us now proceed with this sensitive transaction. Rest assured that you have found a capable, trustworthy, and discreet partner to help you accomplish your goal. I have checked the account details and all seems to be in order. I await your further instructions. Reply as soon as possible. I must insist that we do all of our business through email as my government intercepts and monitors international phone calls on a regular basis. It would be much to dangerous to discuss this matter over the phone and this type of communication must be avoided. Cordially, Xavier New York, New York Razaq apparently refers to his brother-in-law as 'daddy' and has already forgotten he promised me 40%. Possibly a different writer here... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:17 AM Subject: : Re: Re: RE: reply fast Dear Xavier, Hope all is well with you. It has been a long time and we have begun to worry about your long silence. We had a three (3) hour prayers for you three days ago and we expect to hear from you if you are the GodÕs own choosing person to handle this transaction, as regards our Islamic believe. Therefore, hearing from you is nothing but a testimony to the realization of our dream. I want to assure you that God Almighty (Allah) will shower his Infinite Mercies and Blessings upon your Business and your entire House-Hold, as you display your good intentions towards assisting to honestly conclude this transaction for this family. Daddy (my In-law) has been a very good man all his life and I am sure that is the reason why God directed someone Godly like you to come into conclusion of this transaction. I still request that we speak over the phone at least to ensure mutual trust and proper understanding. We are using a satellite phone and cannot be intercepted by any authority. Can you acquire one so that we can communicate safely? We trust and believe in you but we need to hear each otherÕs voice as to be sure of whom we are dealing with. Please try as much as possible to call me on the sat phone (+871 763593943) so that we can speak. Daddy has decided after our last night prayers that 40% of the total amount will go for Charity. 25% for himself but will be Invested by you on joint partnership agreement. 25% for your good self, while 10% goes for a new home in Asia preferably Singapore through your assistance. However, your bank account details will be required at this stage to be submitted to the account department of the GMO for immediate replacement of the receiving bank. I also intend to fax you a four (4) page Deposit Agreement between Daddy and the GMO and your fax number will be needed for that effect. As soon as the account detail is replaced, we will need to offset our out standings with the GMO to enable the issuance of our Pass Code which will allow us to commence transfer. Have you accessed the detail through the Account Access button? Check my detailed email to you again and you will see where I stated on how you can access that. Daddy has been worried about the outstanding (Handling Charges) as we are in exile and cannot operate any of his bank accounts due to confiscation. Please check the details on the site and inform me if you are capable of offsetting the charges for the family, enabling the transfer of the funds to your accounts. Please understand and bear with us. Daddy said he has a lot of Gold Bars and Dust (100% Purity) in his private Vault, and will give us details as soon as the situation in Iraq is calm. He wants to know your experience in the areas of Gold business and your capability to handle it in a large quantity. Daddy has a lot of trust for you and I. He has a lot of assets that will be entrusted to you and I to handle but we must pray Long Life for him so that all will be achieved. So please remember him in all your daily Prayers for God to grant him good health and long life. May God (Allah) be with you. Razaq. Razaq grows worried, Xavier again slow in responding. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Monday, March 1, 2004 10:27 AM Subject: : WE NEED TO ACT FAST dear sir, hope all is well. i dont understand the way u are delaying in this business. i sent u a since last week but still no respond from you. pls informed me fast in regards to the mail sent to you . its very importants. i advised that u send me your telephone number that i can reaches you on ,just to be informing you anytime i sent mail to you so that u can check it. awaiting your responses. razaq Xavier finally responds w/ (fake) bank account info while ignoring phone/fax requests. Before agreeing to sink any money into the deal, Xavier makes first request for $100 token of 'good faith'. Xavier thinks chances of success are low... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, March 2, 2004 8:16 PM Subject: : Re: Re: RE: reply fast Dear friend, Sorry for the long delay but I have been very busy. Bank info: 1st Bank of New York Acct #: 107852648 I can certainly help you with gold business. I am also capable of handling the account charges but I need a sign of good faith from you before I will agree to such a thing. If you will send me US$100 in good faith, it would show me that you are truly commited to this effort and I will then take care of the other expenses. Reply back as soon as possible. Xavier New York, New York Razaq turns up in Accra, Ghana where he wants to secure release of and then sell family gold to raise funds for release of the $168 million. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, March 3, 2004 12:59 PM Subject: : Re: Re: Re: RE: reply fast dear partner, hope all is well. i just arrived in accra ghana this morning in regards to the release of the 2 boxes of raw gold that daddy kept with the security company here. daddy told me that i should imformed you as soon as i arrived in ghana so that u can meet me in accra ghana,its very important because i just have to go together with you and for them to know that u are daddy business partner that is coming for the clearing alongside with me because daddy has already informed them about our coming and i am will all the documentation for the clearing. i have spoke many time with daddy about you and he believd that with you everything will go on well and we will not have anty problem at all in selling of the gold product. brother we need to act fast as you are delaying too much in this business. i will be very glad if u can call me in ghana on this number + 233 24 591224.pls its very important that u called me or you send mail immediately to tell me your arrival shedule into ghana for the quick release of this boxes. we trust you and we are ready to work with you as everything is goping to be in your name as a trustee. i even think maybe if we if we sell all this gold then we can have more money to settle the gmo ,incase you think that u can not raise all the fund and you have to forward you full acoount info to me so that i send it to the GMO for the changing of the account to your own account for the transffer immediately. expecting to hear from you brother. thanks razaq. Xavier tries to keep Razaq focused on the $100 token. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, March 4, 2004 1:06 AM Subject: : my good friend Yes, yes, all in good time. However, before we continue, I will need a sign of good faith from you. I will then arrange to travel to Ghana and wire you the funds to settle the accounts. To show that you are proprosing a true business deal, please mail me the very small sum of US$100 in cash. This act of good faith will seal our partnership. We will then complete things as rapidly as possible. I look forward to our mutual success. Your friend, Xavier New York, New York Xavier waits for Razaq to respond, dangling a $75,000 carrot. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:26 AM Subject: : Re: Re: Re: RE: reply fast My good friend, Why have you not responded? I have set aside US$75,000 to pay our account fees and incidental expenses. Our success is so close, we must continue. All I await from you is a sign of good faith to seal our partnership. Reply back that you will send me the token sum of US$100, and I will send you my business address. I can then bring this money immediately to Ghana to finish our transactions. Xavier New York, New York Razaq smells money. Instead of sending $100, he wants Xavier to wire $14,000 to Ghana. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:58 AM Subject: : ok , after the release of the gold i will start selling it ok. i will sent you the money but i dont not have it for now until the boxes are out from the security company and we are still looking for the money to pay the gmo for the quick release of the fund . it seems that u dont understand me at all. how much is 100 to compare to what we are having at hand. if we be able to finalise withe gold we can get and we sell it we can even get more cash at hand,hope u know that, yesterday the securit company director said i have pay the demorage charges incure which is about 13,750 dollars. if it possible for u to sent it through western union to me fast ,i will go ahead a pay the company before ur arrival and start selling the gold and later send you any amount that u may need before friday. pls ,i hoe u will understand. send the money through western union money transffer in name of the security compnay cashier : mr larry derrick accra ghana send the text question and the control number to me asasp. thnaks. Xavier insists on the $100 token and hopes this mugu is too stupid to recognize the mailing address given isn't in New York. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:19 PM My dear friend, I'm afraid I must insist that you send the $100 before we proceed. It is custom in my country to receive a small token of trust when forming a partnership. I will even return it to you when I arrive in Ghana. Please airmail this very small amount to my business receiving address: Holdings XX c/o General Delivery xxxxxxxx, KS 66xxx U.S.A. I have the $13,750 ready to be wired immediately to you and I have begun making travel arrangements to Accra. I look forward to your letter. Please hurry, Xavier New York, New York Razaq resists. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:03 PM dear partner, i think that u are making thing going back everyday. pls kindly send the money or send ur 3 pages of ur passport to enable the security company where the boxes are arrange for your entry visa as soo as posdsible. i dont have any money with me brother,but if i have it i would have send it for long, after selling the gold ,then we will have more money to finalise every transaction at hand. pls believed me as i do believed u. but if u can send down the money i will then clear the boxes before ur arrival in ghana,then can also sell some of the gold to raise the money that u are asking . its very important that we act fast as time is not our friend. this business is real and we do not have to waste time ,u known that iam in ghana because of this gold and pls iam still waiting for u. i will like to see seriousness in you as iam begiining to lose confident in you because u keep on saying the same thing as u are already known that there is no money in my hand and if i have the money i should have pay the 13,750 by myself for the release of the gold boxes. awaiting ur respond. razaq Xavier insists. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:23 PM My friend, If you would just send the token we could have started by now. The $75,000 I have set aside for our task is in a liquid money market account and ready to assist us. I will wire you the first $13,750 as soon as I receive your letter along with the very small sum of $100 cash. I will then return the $100 to you when I reach Ghana. You must have something or how did you get to Ghana? Surely you could borrow such a small sum from a friend? Please airmail this to me as fast as you can. Here is the address again: Holdings XX c/o General Delivery xxxxxxxx, KS 66xxx U.S.A. Thanks, Xavier New York, New York Razaq gives a sad story, asks for money in message that contains strange type face changes. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Monday, March 15, 2004 10:20 AM Subject: : ur assistance is needed Dear partner, Iam very sad to hear this same word of sending u 100usd,offcoures its a tocking amount but i will like to be truthfull to u in this transaction,i came to ghana through by road ,my purpose of been hear is no raise money for the gmo payment because we have not been hearing from u and we do not want to capitalise on ur effort alone ,that is why daddy said that is having some boxes hear in ghana if i will be able to go there by road,at that time daddy is very sick and there is no money again,so i have to make moves in coming down to ghana by road transportation. when i arrived in ghana i contact u mr Xavier Xalisio immediately to alert u that iam here to release the boxes that contain the gold from the security company here in accra ghana. i arrived in ghana with two hundred dollars only with the release document for the boxes whioch i have to present to the company before they will allowed me to inspect the boxes. After i see that i have to seek the services of a attorney to facilitate the process of the release as i told u earlier that u should sent me ur passport as i have discuss with them and they agreed that they can arrange for ur entry visa to ghana,but till now u never send it,my good partner stop thing bad about me and this transaction as i dont not have any bad mind in doing bad thing to you or to put you in problem or trouble sir. you dont need to raise any amount of 75,oousd. you know that if we start selling this gold will can raise any amount of money that we need. the attorney even told me on wenesday last week that he has a contacts with courier company that can ship the good to your company or you door step in newyork as i have told him that what iam having with security company vauilt is gold and he advised that after releasing of the boxes ,i should send it directly to usa so that i can sell it in good prices over there in usa. First ,the ghanian attorney is fully capable and qualified to handle the project before your arrival.second after inspection of the boxes with the attorney the company demand that we make a payment to the cashier for the quick release from there security company vauilt; . However you offer no reasons mr Xavie for your concerns other than "trust me" With this reasons and facts partner. you know that iam not a ghanian but iam from egypt and i dont have any friend here as iam just sleeping in a mosque nearby waiting for your arrival and so that will finalise this transaction asap,please. kindly arrived accra ghana this week.please. The attorney in Accra said he is ready to collect his payment after finishing his work and i also tell him that my partner will be very glad in knowing him as soon as he arrived and he is very happy. so if u can send the money to me to go ahead and pay for the release of the boxes or u can come along with the money into ghana. pls this deal is real and i will like you to support me well. pls lets go forwards but not back words. razaq. Xavier stays focused on the $100. He throws out travel plans to buoy Razaq. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, March 15, 2004 6:10 PM My good friend, I'm afraid tradition is tradition. I must have this small sign of trust from you before we can proceed. Borrow the money from your religious friends at the mosque. Tell them you will pay them back within days. Or call one of your family members and have them send it to me. If you were truly interested in forming a partnership, this would be very easy for you. Please hurry, the $13,750 is ready to be wired down to you. Here's my address: Holdings XX c/o General Delivery xxxxxxxx, KS 66xxx U.S.A. I am currently scheduled to arrive in Accra on 24 March, Lufthansa flight LH564, at 6:40pm. However, if I don't receive your airmail letter by then, I may have to delay my arrival. Please, let us continue towards success. Xavier New York, New York Razaq pleads for trust (who could doubt him?!) and offers more sad stories, including that he needs malaria medication. Xavier thinks he might be wearing down... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:10 AM Subject: : THE ATTORNEY AS FINALISE THE CHANGING OF OWNERSHIP INTO UR NAME Dear sir, The attorney has change the beneficiary of the boxes to ur name this morning,i can sent u the release document if u wish that i should send it and this is very very good ideal ,so u are now the orginal owner of the gold boxes. I believed on what u said partner,but my main point of choosen u has my partner is not because of ur money ,but its because that u a really willing to assist me well and with ur capability in this transaction and ur knowqledge everything will go on well. partner,if i tell u that the mosque people sometimes feed me in daily as i nomarlly eat once in a day and also do some fasting. U known that is its very bad to ask such a vafour from them after all this shelter support and feeding as i have believed that when u come down afte finalise the deal, i will go and show u the moques that i do sleep and i will like u to donate for them as i ahve already told them that my partner will be coming soon and he will assist them in renovate there mosque. i was send to ghana by daddy and hec is very sick in the hide out where he is at the moment, i always told him that mr xavier will be with me this week as i told him that u miss ur flight that is why u have not show up in accra ghana.daddy is counting on ur support so that as soon as we sell the gold and after then u can now wire some of that funds into gmo account for the release of the fund with them. I even thinking of telling the attorney this 100 issues,but i think once again that its letdown for me as he is working for without paying him and i have spoke alot about you my partner,that u will surely bring gift items for him and how is going to feel about all what i have say's,so i deside not to do it atall. pls if i have any other way of raising money i will do it,but unless i will sell my shoe or my clothes which i dont think it will up to 100 dollar because they are not newly dress. Mr xavier seen is believing,if u are doubting me,dont send the money to me,u come along with the cash and as soon as you arrived here in accra ghana we will go there together with the attorney for the release of the gold boxes,the security company has agreed to deliever this boxes to our house,hotel or anywhere after the payment. sir ,please iam pleading inn the name of almight god that u should try and believed me,pls take as ur brother,ur son and someone part of u. this transaction is real brother. when u arrrive u will now see and believed me that iam a truthfull person,i dont cheat and i will never cheat on you. pls try to erase the doubt from you mind and let conclude fast. Are we going to sell some of it here in ghana or usa ,or u will send it along with u through courier services when u are living as i will be glad if we can sell it in usa. Sir ,i have relative that i can call i should have done that for long,pls none of them known my whereabout and i dont wnat them to know where iam for security reason and not to rase eyebrow. i have to keep very came to avoid trouble,apart from daddy that send me to ghana,nobody knows that iam here, daddy still have alot of thing to tell us about his wealth and if will be able to sell all the gold and pay the gmo,iam very sure he will tell us more,u know that is very old and i want me too to get somethiing good from him before his dealth. Sir, i need a drugs ,so if u are coming pls bring me good malaria drugs as iam having fever . i am going to the attorney office to show him your date of arrival into ghana and ur flight shedule as i and the attorney will be at the airport to pick u up as u known quite alright that i dont known anywhere here. i need ur co-opeartion sir. may god be with u. thanks. Xavier begins to lose patience... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:11 PM My dear friend, You must send me the $100 or we cannot do business. It is an important custom in my country and I'm beginning to become insulted that you won't do this simple thing for me. I can wire the $13,750 to you the very moment I receive your letter. Please, please hurry and airmail it to me so that I can arrive in Ghana next week to continue our business. My address again is: Holdings XX c/o General Delivery xxxxxxxx, KS 66xxx U.S.A. If you don't have it, borrow the money from the mosque or the attorney. Tell them that I will pay them back many times over for their generosity and will bring many gifts for them. I hope I will see you next week. Xavier Holy crap, Razaq begins to cave in and offers $50! IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, March 17, 2004 9:24 AM dear partner, after going through ur mail of today, ihave discuss with one man that we used to pray together and he told me that the money that is having at hand is about 50dollars and i deside to contact you back if i should take it from him at send to you like that,pls i really neede ur assistance,so iam waiting for you respond,so that i can pick it from him and mail it to you asap by today. sir,i dont want to tell the attorney about this issues and that is why i contacts the man that we used to pray together in the mosque. pls,do not feel bad about this as iam try to do what you said but i cannot meet up to that amount so kindly accept this 50usd by post from me,please. expecting to hear from u soon,so that i may proceed to where to mail it. thanks. Before Xavier can even respond, Razaq promises to mail the full $100! What a moron... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:46 AM Subject: : I WILL SEND IT THIS MORNING. DEAR SIR, I WILL BE SENDING THE MONEY THROUGH POST TODAY, SO U WILL RECIEVE IT BY MONDAY MORNING ,AS I HAVE MANAGE TO GET THE RSET 50USD FORM THE ATTORNEY THIS MORNING. I WILL SEND U THE SENDING DOCUMENTS THROUGH SCAN BY MAIL TODAY. HOPE TO SEE U NEXT WEEK AND TRY TO SEND ME THE INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF,THE CLOTHE THAT U WILL PUTTING ON OR SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY YOU. THE SECURITY COMPANY CASHIER SAID THAT IF U SENDING THE WESTERN UNION TO THEM ,HE SHOULD BE IN TWO PLACES SHARE IT INTO TWO PLACES : 6,750 USD AND 7000USD MAY GOD BE WITH U. AMEN. THANKS Xavier commends Razaq on his stupidity and promises good business once the token is received. Xavier still isn't sure at this point that the $100 will show up... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Friday, March 19, 2004 2:49 AM Excellent, my good friend, this will seal our partnership. As soon as I have your letter, I will wire the funds down to you in two parts as you have requested. I will also bring some additional money with me next week in case of contingencies. I plan on wearing a red hawaiian shirt, a white wide brimmed hat, sunglasses, and I have a gray beard. If any of this changes, I will let you know. Please let me know how I may recognize you upon arrival. I look forward to meeting you and fortune smile upon our endeavours. Xavier New York, New York p.s. - let me know if you need my mailing address resent to you. Sure enough, Razaq leaves open the possibility it might get lost in the mail. Enjoy the 2nd paragraph, where Razaq's 'attorney' isn't sure why Xavier wants $100 and is 'very suck' on the matter. On the bright side, Razaq drops requests for wired money and instead suggests I just carry it on over to Ghana. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Friday, March 19, 2004 9:25 AM Subject: : I HAVE SEND IT BY POST AND THIS RAISES SOME ISSUES WITH THE ATTORNEY DEAR MR XAVIER, HOPE ALL IS WELL. MY MUSLIM BROTHER AFTER CHANGING THE MONEY TO DOLLARS AND I GAVE HIM YOUR ADDRESS AND HE WENT TO THE POST OFFICE IN THE CITY TO SEND IT TO YOU AS I HOPE BY NEXT WEEK U WILL HAVE IT. AFTER THAT IWENT BACK TO THE ATTORNEY OFFICE AND HE ASK ME THAT THE MONEY I COLLECT FROM HIM TO SEND TO U ,WHY?" AND WHAT FOR? .I TOL;D HIM THAT U REQUSTED FOR THAT AS U MENTION YOUR TRANDITION, THE ATTORNEY SAID THAT WHAT CONCERNS TRADITION WITH THE GOLD DEAL THAT WE ARE HAVING WITH EACH OTHER,INFAXCT THE MAN WAS VERY SUCK AND SAID THAT MAYBE U ARE JUST KIDDIN OR NOT SERIOUS ABOUT THIS BUSINESS THAT AM HAVING WITH EACH OTHER AS HE WILL LIKE TO KNOW FAST AS HE DOES'NT WANT TO WASTE HIS TIME , AS THE ATTORNEY ALSO SAID THAT THE GHANIAN POST OFFICE OFFICER MAY CHECK THE LETTER AND IF THEY SEE THAT ITS MONEY THEY WILL REMOVED THE MONEY OUT OF THE LETTER. SIR ,I WILL LIKE TO TELL YOU AT THIS MOMENT THAT I WAS SEND DOWN HERE PURPOSELY ONTO RELEASE OF THIS GOLD BOXES AND IF U ARE NOT INTRESTED AT ALL,PLS KINDLY TELL ME SO THAT I CAN MAKE ANOTHER CONTACTS IN USA OR EUROPE AND IAM STARTING TO HAVE DOUBT ABOUT YOU IN THIS REGARDS. PLS I DONT WANT YOU TO SEND ME THE MONEY,YOU COME ALONG WITH THE MONEY FOR THE RELEASE OF THE BOXES OUT OF THE SECURITY COMPANY AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO THE SECURITY COMPANY HOUSE TOGETHER WITH THE ATTORNEY. BECAUSE IF U ARE DOUBTING ME AND I WILL YOU TO SEEN THING BY YOURSELF AS I DONT HAVE ANY MIND OF CHEATTING U TO ENRICH MYSELF IN THGIS REGARDS. ITS VERY IMPORTANT THAT U ARE STRAIGHT WITH ME,PLS KINDLY RE- COMFIRMED YOU ARRIVAL SHEDULE TODAY, I WILL BE WEARING GHANIAN NATIVE DRESS MADE OF WHITE AND BLACK ,I WILL STAND BY THE ATTORNEY WRITE YOUR NAME IN A BOARD PAPER. SIR ,AT THIS MOMENT ITS WILL VERY GOOD IF YOU SPEAK YOUR TRUTH MIND OUT IN THIS BUSINESS. EXPECTING YOUR URGENT RESPOND. MAY GOD BLESS U. RAZAQ. Xavier reinforces his (and his money's) arrival is contingent upon receipt of the $100. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Friday, March 19, 2004 7:41 PM My friend, you have nothing to worry about. I am fully committed to our business, but as tradition dictates in my country, I do need a token of trust from you to seal our partnership. As long as I receive your letter by next week, I will be arriving in Accra on 24 March, Lufthansa flight LH564 at 6:40pm. As you have requested, instead of wiring any money, I will carry it with me to Ghana. I await the arrival of your post and look forward to our meeting. Take care, Xavier Uhoh, Razaq says the letter won't reach me until after I'm supposed to leave for Ghana (clearly he has never mailed it) but that I should just come on out anyway... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, March 20, 2004 11:18 AM Subject: : YOUR ARRIVAL IS EALIER ARRIVAL IS VERY IMPORTANS dear brother, the man that went to send the airmail to you said that at least it will take 5 or 6day before reaching your hands, because there is no money to send it by dhl or fedex asit is not register . pls sir i will advised that u have to trust me as i do trust u . this issues raise some thing as the man that borrow me the money also was saying if i said that u are my daddy partner and you mr xavier knows my condition here in accra ghana and why are u demanding that task form me as you quite kown that i dont have at all. he was try to say 5that he can introduced me to one man that can help me aswell,but i responded no to is advised as i told him that youare the one that send me down here to accra beforeyour arrival and i caught the discussion. mr xavier i want you to take hold of this oppurtunity as if itscomes soo easier u will be feeling is not true ,but this deal is very true and i dontthink why oi will be waisting yourtime and hour if in quite known that what am doing with you is not true at all. kindly assist me well ,as aim veryu worried in this regards and i am be coming to think other wise,plsdo not wait untill ureceived this mail before you arrived as iam very sick here with mallaria fever and i need to complete this transaction with you and fly withu to usa . pls your co -operation is needed. thjere is notting tradition is going to do in this business if u are really seriuos in helping me ,as we are talking of milion dollars of gold bar and this is not a joke issues. expecting you inm ghana and pls do not letme down nd i promised in the name of GOD that i will not let you down or to jeopadise you. may god b;less u. awaiting ypour respond. thanks. Despite Razaq's childish assurances and broken english, Xavier just doesn't like that idea... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Sunday, March 21, 2004 4:16 AM My friend, this could delay things. I cannot leave until I have your letter, it is as simple as that. Please let me know exactly when the letter was sent and exactly when I can expect it to arrive. I hope it will get here quickly so that I can meet you next week. If not, I will advise you of my new travel dates. Xavier New York, New York Razaq continues to hope Xavier is greedy enough to go ahead and hop on that plane anyway. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, March 23, 2004 7:26 PM Subject: : Re: RE: YOUR ARRIVAL IS EALIER ARRIVAL IS VERY IMPORTANS dear sir, sorry for the delay to your respond as i dont have cash to go for net. i have sent the airmail since last weekfriday and i tol;d u that i send it through normall post office . i will be at the airport with the lawyer tommorrow.waiting for your arrival. pls try and make it up. hope see y tommorrow. thanks. Razaq will be at the airport today waiting for the money, gifts, and medicine to show up... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:23 AM Subject: : WAITING FOR U AT THE ARRIVAL HALL HOPE ALL IS WELL. I WILL BE GALD IF I SEE YOU TODAY, THE LAWYER AND I WILL BE TRHERE WITH HIS CAR TO PICK U UP TO GUEST LODGE IN THE CITY. PLS DO NOT FORGET TO BUY THEM GIFT LIKE WRIST WATCH FOR THE MAN AND THE SECURITY COMPANY DIRECTOR FOR ALL THIER ASSIATANCE GIVING IN RELEASING OF OUR BOXES. PLS DO NOT GFORGET MY DRUGS FOR FEVER. THANKS. RAZAQ Xavier waits until after the arrival time to respond, hoping Razaq really wasted his time at the airport. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:17 AM My friend, I did not receive your letter on time, so I will not be arriving as planned today. I am moving my arrival back to early next week and will write you again shortly with the new flight info. I hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience but, as I stated, I must have your letter before I leave. I will indeed bring gifts and medicine next week, as well as the money for our business. Poor Razaq suffers his first disappointment (and hopefully not his last)... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:05 PM Subject: : too bad dear sir, i waited for you at the airport and at least 4 good hour for not seen you. i will like to speak with u and if u can even send your picture to me as i will be exppecting you soon. razaq Possible success! Razaq has gotten the message and really airmails something this time, attaching a receipt to prove it. But will it contain $100? (He also switches to a yahoo mail account for the first time.) Notice on the receipt he's added New York to the address, thinking I left that off. IBRAHIM RAZAQ From : raz him <hirazaq@yahoo.com> Sent : Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:49 PM Subject: : URGENT( WAITING FOR THE NEW FLIGHT SHEDULE) Attachment : Receipt.jpg [picture of some form] dear partner, hope all is well. i recieved your last mail which indicate that you have'nt got the evenlop and i decided to go where i sent it from and they told me that they have not send it because i pay for normal post which takes about two weeks. But for this reason i decide to go a look for money,so that i can send it by express which i have done today through EMS and they told me that by tuesday or wenesday u will have it,pls immediately u received the parcel.pls call me to informed so that i can be rest assure of u getting it. Yesterday i call the security company to informed them that u missed your flight and that its why we cannot come and the operation director of the company told me that they have made an arrangement with their bank which they kept our boxes for safe keeping that we will be coming to pick it from there custody,but i have told the director that we will be coming for the release of the boxes nextweek. he should there pls notified their bank that by next week friday we will be coming for the clearance of our properties. i will be expecting your arrival shedule and the clothes that u will be putting on so that i can indetifiy you immediately. i have also attached the receipt of the EMS they issue to me. i will be expecting your mail soon. may god be with u. razaq. Razaq is anxious to know I received the news and sends another message. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:34 PM Subject: : hope u got the mail that i sent through yahoo address hope u got the mail i send to you through my yahoo address and the receipt of the ems poster service. hope to hear from you soon. razaq Xavier really can't believe it. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:25 AM My friend, I am anxiously awaiting your letter, so this is good news. I will let you know as soon as I receive it and also send you my new travel plan details. If the letter arrives this week, I will probably fly to Accra next Tuesday. I will let you know once I've finalized arrangements and also pass on what I will be wearing so that you can recognize me. I look forward to finally meeting you. Razaq looks for arrival info and reminds me to bring gifts and medicine. Here's wishing the little bastard really has malaria. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:11 PM Subject: : information dear mr Xavier Xalisio, thanks for the mail. i just came back from the clinic as there is a lot of mosquetoes in the mosque that i slept everyday. i will be glad if u arrived tuesday as you said.also i will like to tell you that i think we should clear all the boxes at once,therefore we should clear the two all from the bank vault as soon as you arrived in accra ghana. pls do not forget to bring the gift for the lawyer and the security company director for his assistance in release of our trunk boxes. pls,do not forget my drugs and some other personal gift from your mind for me. i will be going to the security company tommorrow morning to alert them that mr xavier and i will be coming for the release of our boxes on wenesday and they should contacts the bank vault. i will be expecting your flight shedule as you said. may god be with you,amen. razaq. Razaq sends a strange email w/ no body text. Apparently he wants to convert after all. Or maybe a mistake on his part meant for someone else? We'll never know. Xavier ignores it. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:30 PM Subject: : I HAVE ACCEPT CHRIST INTO MY LIFE AND BEING INTO USA WITH YOU, GOING TO CHURCH Razaq grows worried about the parcel and Xavier's commitment. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Thursday, April 1, 2004 1:34 PM Subject: : hope u have got the parcel.(worried) dear sir, hope all is well. iam very worried for not hear anything from you. i hope u have got the parcel by now. iam seriously counting on your support and hope to see you nextweek in accra ghana. pls kindly informed me with your flight shedule and the clothes that u will be putting on. awaiting for your responds. may GOD be with you. razaq. End of part 1.Will the package show up? Will it contain $100? Stay tuned...And... beginning of part 2 - the package arrives!For once, Razaq wasn't lying and an airmail envelope from Ghana arrives. But what's in it? Deadly spiders? Anthrax? An illicit picture proving George W. Bush is a chimpanzee? I nervously rush outside to open it. Inside is a large manilla envelope and inside that is a very pink, card-sized envelope. Did that smoothy Razaq send me a late valentine's card? You had me at hello, Razaq. Actually, it contains a bizarre thank you card with a hand written note from the inept 419er in his usual poetic style. And inside the card in a white envelope is, yes, it's true, a crisp $100 bill!! Score one for Xavier!!! It's real, too, showing all the security features (internal USA100 strip, watermark, changing ink, red & blue threads in paper, etc.). See attached pictures. How about that flowery thank you card, thanking me in advance for allowing myself to be robbed blind! What a nice touch by the lad that I hadn't even requested...The envelope, please.... ![]() The nice note: ![]() And the money! ![]() Xavier, flush with victory and a bit surprised that it worked, fires off a response setting a new arrival date. (He tries to find a flight arriving in the middle of the night to make it as inconvenient as possible for the mugu but, unfortunately, the last flight into Accra lands at 9:50pm). He also instructs Razaq to make a comical sign and hopes for a picture of Razaq holding it. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Friday, April 2, 2004 7:01 PM My good friend, your package has arrived! It came in today and I was very happy to receive your thougtful card and the $100. This gesture fills me with trust and excitement to complete our business. I have rescheduled my flight for next Tue, 6 Apr, Alitalia flight 846 arriving in Accra at 9:50pm. I will be wearing a grey sweater and a New York Yankees baseball cap this time. I will bring all necessary funds, as well as many gifts for everyone. So that I may recognize you, please make and hold a sign that has the following on it in large letters: WELCOME TO ACCRA! I AM EXPERT COCK HANDLER! PLEASE SEE ME FOR COCK SERVICE! Cock is a term used here in America that means 'private business'. Please do not put my name on the sign as I don't want anyone to know I am travelling to Ghana. Also, take a picture of yourself holding this sign and email the picture to me this weekend so that I will be able to recognize you when I arrive. I will see you next week, my friend. Xavier New York, New York Razaq eagerly awaits Xavier's arrival and promises to bring the requested sign to the airport. He asks for some specific gifts and ends w/ another inconsistent reference to Jesus. IBRAHIM RAZAQ <hirazaq@yahoo.com> Sent : Saturday, April 3, 2004 11:36 AM Dear partner, Sir i really appreciated your effort and iam very happy to hear that u have got the card and the cash. i will do as you said and i will write the WELCOME TO ACCRA! I AM EXPERT COCK HANDLER! PLEASE SEE ME FOR COCK SERVICE!. that is the sign between us. I WILL WEAR FULL LONG WHITE DRESS AND I AM LIGHT IN COMPLEXITION AND WITH BLACK BEAR. sir, i will be at the airport holding the poster and i will also reconize you as soon as i saw your outfit. yesterday i discuss with the chief imam of the mosques that i will need the assistance of his son to take me arround as i told him that my daddy will be coming from american next week that he should take me arround so that i can see a very good lodging that will suitable for you and safety for our transaction. actually i have see a very good one's that u and me can stay and its very safe and nice. some are $80uds, 100usd and 50usd with fully services. SIR,PLS KINDLY BUY ME A CLIPPER FOR MY HAIR CUT BECAUSE I HAVE NOT BARBER MY HAIR SINCE AND IT SHOULD BE 220 VOLTAGE. ALSO GET ME ONE PHONE TO GIVE TO THE CHEIF IMMAM FOR HIS ACCOMODATION THAT HE GAVE TO ME IN THERE MOSQUE AND ALSO FEEDINGS,HE REALLY DONE VERY WELL FOR ME. HOPE TO MEET WITH YOU ON TUESDAY AND EXPECTING YOUR MAIL SOONEST. MAY JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU,AMEN. BEST REGADRS, RAZAQ. Xavier angles for the picture. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Saturday, April 3, 2004 4:15 PM My good friend, I will bring what you ask for with me next week. Remember to take a picture of yourself holding our sign, once you have it made, and email this picture to me (like you did with the package receipt) so that it will be easier for me to recognize you. Please do this before Monday. May fortune smile upon us. Damn, still no picture. Xavier makes another request... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, April 5, 2004 9:02 AM Subject : where is the picture? My friend, why have you not emailed me a picture of yourself holding our sign? I asked you to complete this task as soon as possible and I'm upset that you have not responded. Please get this done today so that I have it before I leave. It will help me recognize you when I arrive in Ghana. Remember not to put my name on the sign, since I want this trip to remain a secret. Razaq figures why bother w/ the picture, he's already got me hooked... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Monday, April 5, 2004 12:09 PM Subject : OUR SECRET CODE AND HAVE A SAFE TRIP dear mr xavier, thanks for your mail. i just check the mail today as the internet cafe was'nt working yesterday. After going through your mail. i went straight to the photographer shop and i was told that it will take three day before they will wash it and give to me,that i can not get it immediately. pls do not border about this pic as i will be at the airport with the LAWYER and hotel ATTENDANT with there van to pick you straight to ur logding and the place is very good and safety. i will be holding the sign between us as i believed that its only me who known the sign. as soon as i saw your outfit and you also saw the sign you will definately knewn that its me RAZAQ and i will known that its you. pls do not worry at all,as at now everything is alright and nobody known that u are coming to ghana and i will never write your name on the board. so iam counting on you and hope to see you tommorrow nite . safe trip sir and success all the way. may God be with you. RAZAQ Xavier again presses for the pic... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, April 5, 2004 6:30 PM My friend, that is just nonsense. It didn't take you 3 days to send me a picture of the mail receipt. Now I would like to have a picture of you holding the sign. I assume you used a digital camera for the receipt; do the same for this picture. I will be able to check my email while I'm travelling, so get this done right away and send it to me. I would like to have it before I arrive. Razaq blows the pic off. Xavier takes comfort in the fact that Razaq will be wasting more time at the airport while holding that ridiculous sign and hopes some english speakers will be getting off the plane, walking past that sign, and getting a good chuckle. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, April 6, 2004 2:02 PM Subject : PLS TRY TO UNDERSTAND ME AND I WILL BE AT THE AIRPORT dear sir, it seem that u dont understand my point. its not a problem for me in taking the picture ,but its the photo studio that said they dont have instant wait and get camera to do that ,they can only snap it and two days after i will came for it. u know that this africa but not like american or europe that u can have access to instant photo immediately. kindly understand me well. iam with the hotel manager and we will be going to the airport by 8:30 pm tonight. i will surely see you as soon as you arrived and i will never write your name and you also will definately see me as i will be wearing long straight white dress and i have a side black bear and i will be holding the sign between us as you known that nobody ever knowns about this sign. iam seriously looking forwards to meet you at the airport as i have full confident in you that u will definately arrived safetly. my due regards and kindly appologe. may god be with you and have safe trip. your 's truthful, razaq. Waiting until the day after his expected arrival, Xavier ups the ante, asking Razaq to pay another $250 to continue to play. Our fictional hero explains how he was fictionally arrested trying to leave the country with a suitcase full of cash. He bribed his way out of jail but those damned corrupt security officials want a payoff from Razaq or it's back to jail for Xavier and the end of the scam for Razaq. I, of course, realize the chances of this happening are close to zero. But might as well try to set a clear scamorama reverse scam record. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Wednesday, April 7, 2004 2:32 AM Subject : URGENT, NEED YOUR HELP!! My friend, I've gotten into some serious trouble here. You know that with recent events, security has been increased at our airports. As I was getting on the plane in New York, the security people discovered that I was carrying $20,000 in cash for our business. They confiscated the money and gifts, took my passport, arrested me, and threw me in jail!!!! This is absolutely horrible. I would have written you sooner but I wasn't able to get out of jail for some time and finally was able to talk the security officers into accepting $500 to release me. Despite letting me go, they would not release the money or my other items and stated that if they did not receive a $250 fee from my business partner in Ghana (they knew from my ticket where I was travelling), they would arrest me again and send me to court. They are going to tell the court that I am some kind of terrorist or drug dealer!!! If this happens, my friend, the court will throw me in jail for years and seize all of my other assets. I cannot overemphasize that I am now in a very desparate situation, my friend. I beg of you, please borrow another US$250 and send it to me as soon as you can. If we are to continue this business, and I pray that we will, you must not let them throw me in jail and take all my money. The security officers say that they will forget about this incident and return my things if I deliver this fee to them in an unopened envelope from Ghana. I will then be free to travel to Accra and we can continue our business. Please, my friend, as I was going to help you, I now need your help. If you will do this small thing for me, I will pay you back tenfold. Do you need a laptop computer or cell phone? Maybe something else? If you help me, say what you need and I will bring it and more. I am depending on you. May god bless you. Xavier New York, New York Razaq isn't buying it... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:58 AM Subject : i can not do anything u are just playing me. but i was having one faith in you. you are not straight,all what u want is to gert me in trouble and i dont have and i will like you to stop the deal as i finaly known what u are doing .but too bad. i cannot do anythings. aim sorry as u known the problem that iam facing here in accra ghana. i will look for another person whom will help with trust. bye. Xavier, working hard to convince the lad, tries to turn the tables and use religion to his favor. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Wednesday, April 7, 2004 5:28 PM Subject : I truly need your help... My friend, I am not lying. If you do not help me, my life will be ruined. Please, please, please do not turn your back on me. As our saviour Jesus is my witness, I will repay you for any help you provide. I am counting on you, my friend. May god open your heart to the truth. Xavier New York, New York Razaq wavers and wants Xavier to call him... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:31 PM Subject : UNLESS U CALL ME hello, You mentioning the name of GOD and how can i trusth you in all your promised and failure arrangement. For me to proceed again with you i need to speak with ou via the phone or you call me on my mobile number + 233 244591224. You know quit alright that i went to borrow the money that i sent to you,even the air post. i do not see any truth in you for now as u told me that u will be arriving yesterday night ,i was at the airport wih the lawyer but you have put me in serious same twice and GOD is seening all what you are doing to me. Where are u now?. there is nothing i can do unless i hear your call and u can never tell me that you dont you have someone in your country that can help u in any problem that u may been facing ,actually you are not the first person to travel to african and the relationship between ghana and american is very strong. so i found it difficult to believed you for more reason s you are not say truth. But if you think that u cheat me ,its only GOD that will judge you. call me immediately. razaq. I often wonder what might have happened if I had called at this point. Razaq sounds unsure and maybe, just maybe, I could have convinced him to send along more money. But I didn't want to use my private line, didn't really have time to make other arrangements, and thought the chances were rather low anyway. Xavier continues his attack by email... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Friday, April 9, 2004 5:52 PM My friend, I swear in the name of Jesus that what I say is the truth. I am in serious trouble and truly need your help. I certainly would have been in Accra on Tuesday if I hadn't gotten into all this trouble. Now I can't leave the country without my passport and if these security officials don't receive their payment, they are going to ruin my life. Please, I beg you my friend, don't let this happen to me. If you will help me, my money and passport will be returned to me and I can be on a flight to Accra the very next day. I will repay you for this favor and we can then continue our business. I will try and call you this weekend. May god put it in your heart to send help. Razaq still appears unsure, even as he declares his inability to help. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:40 PM Dear mr xavier, why are you doin this to me . i dont have any thing and i cannot even beg anyone or borrow for anything again. you quiet known what iinsult that u have put me through here in accra ghana. pls if you want to continue this tranmsaction with me ,then u meet with me in accra ghana. offcourse you are not a drug dealer why are you intrested in giving them money ,as u can see that all what u are saying is like you are just playing games with me but only god will judge you. i will like to hear from you via the phone as iam told daddy all what u have done to me and we are now making arrangements to look for areliable person. so the ball is still in your cought,any how you want to play it. i cannot do anything as i dont have any power of doin it. thanks. Razaq sends brief message suggesting Xavier use his own money. He's such a bright lad... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, April 10, 2004 1:46 PM Subject : PLS GIVE THE SECURITY SOME OF THE CASH THAT THEY SAW WITH YOU. Not hearing back from Xavier, Razaq feels cheated and demands his money back. Don't you love it! Sent : Monday, April 12, 2004 8:05 PM Subject : U THGOUGHT U CAN CHEAT ME? so you decide not to all or mail me again. so u really want tyo cheat me as i can see that you keep queit for now. i will be glad if you can send back the money to me so that i can give it back to the owners. you have already disgrace me and you are not a trustfull person aswell. bye Xavier isn't quite ready to end the relationship and tries to placate Razaq w/ phone problem excuses and assurances that he wouldn't cheat the lad out of a few hundred $ when there's $$$ millions to be had. Razaq is, again, asked to pay to continue play... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, April 12, 2004 10:00 PM Subject : I am still trying to make things work... My friend, I tried to call you several times this weekend but the number you gave me did not work. It would not go through. I meant to write you sooner but I've been scrambling around trying to find some way out of this horrible situation I'm in now. As Jesus is my witness, I did not cheat you, my friend. If I can get out of this situation, I will repay you when I arrive in Accra. Why would I cheat you out of a few hundred dollars when I could make millions by helping you out? I am fully committed to you and our deal but I need your help or all of my things will be taken away. I cannot help you if I am in jail. These security officials are dishonest men and I have already payed them money from the cash I had with me but this was not enough for them. Unfortunately, they are also demanding a payment from my business partner in Ghana. If they don't receive it, they will turn me over to the court and tell the judge lies to get me thrown into jail. Please, if you will send $250, it will satisfy these men, make them feel important and they will then let me travel to Accra. I promise you will not regret it, my friend. I will try to call you again this week. Do you have another number I could try? May god bless you and your kindness. Xavier New York, New York Razaq gets really mad, typing in all caps. Xavier must be doing something right! IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, April 14, 2004 12:35 PM WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME GETTING ANGRY AGAIN. I SAID I NEED THE MONEY BACK AND I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY TO SEND TO YOU. I RECEIVED SEVERAL CALL FROM DADDY AND VWHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT RUBBISH. CALL ME ON MY DIRECTLY NUMBER. 00 233 244 591224 YOU DIAL IT JUST THE WAY I WRITE IT HERE. BYE. End of part 2. It's pretty clear Razaq isn't going to part w/ any more money. But is this the end of the relationship? Heck no, I still haven't gotten a picture of the lad. More to come... PART 3: THE WRAP-UPWell, it had been over 2 weeks since Razaq's last email and while I'd given up on getting any more money out of the lad, I was still itching for a comical picture of the mugu. Xavier drops his demands for additional money and tries to pick up the relationship...XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, May 3, 2004 7:26 PM To : hirazaq@yahoo.com Subject : My friend, I have solved my problems... Good news! After much scrambling and a lot of money, I have managed to clear up most of my problems. I will now be able to leave the country again and travel to Accra. Through god's grace, we can continue our business. Please respond and let me know how you would like to proceed. Your friend, Xavier New York, New York Amazingly, Razaq is willing to continue. Well, he has already sunk $100 into the relationship and he's a greedy bastard, so maybe it's not that amazing! IBRAHIM RAZAQ From : raz him <hirazaq@yahoo.com> Sent : Wednesday, May 5, 2004 2:48 PM Dear sir, thanks for your email respond to my mail. iam very happy to hear that u have finalise with all the matters sorrounding your arrival to ghana. today i told daddy that u send mail,also told him all what you said. he is still willing to do the business with you on trust. the only thing that can make us believed you now is that,tell me your arrival date to accra ghana and if you send the flight shedule again and you did not show up,that means you are not a good person. we really want you to handling all our transaction and business everywhere in the world. i will be expecting your arrival shedule soon. i will informed the company that we are coming to clear the boxes in there bank vault soon. iam seriously suffer in in the hand of the poeple that i borrow money from and i dont known if you will be able to send me money through western union but if not i can wait till you arrived over the weekends. expecting your mail. i will like to spaek with you. call me on : 00 233 244 591224. thanks. razaq. Xavier a bit slow in responding, Razaq sends another mail... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:54 AM DEAR SIR, IAM STILL WAITING FOR YOUR MAIL. THANKS. RAZAQ Xavier finally responds and begins angling for a pic. An arrival date is set two weeks out to give Razaq plenty of time to get it done and no room for excuses... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:44 AM My good friend, I am so excited that we can continue our business. I was worried that you might have given up on me. Never fear, my problems are over and I am ready to continue. There is so much for both of us to gain and I look forward to finally arriving in Ghana. I'm giving myself plenty of time to prepare for the trip and have scheduled my flight for May 26, Alitalia flight 846, arriving in Accra at 9:50pm. I will let you know what I'll be wearing shortly before I leave. Please hold up the same sign we had agreed upon earlier. Also, since we'll have time, please take a picture of yourself with the sign and email it to me so I will be able to recognize you. Thank you so much for this opportunity, you will not regret it. I look forward to meeting you soon. Xavier New York, New York Razaq asks for a pic in return and wants Xavier to call... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:19 PM Subject : OK. CALL ME Dear sir, i will be glad to meet with you in accra ghana. but untill i see you in ghana before i will believed all what you are saying,evn both your flight shedule as you have send shedule several times but i will be at the aiport with the lawyer but we cannot find you. you turn me to a lie at the present of this people. but iam still counting on you. so i will like to see your own picture and also i will give your info to a very good and security hotel .so that they can come over with me to the airport to pick you up as soon as you arrive into accra ghana. i will be expecting the type of clothes that you are going to put on. so far you send me your pic,then i will surely see you. expecting you soon in accra ghana. call me if you are really a trust person as iam worried for not even talk to you before you arrive. call me on my directly number: 00 233 244591224 and i promised that i will never discuss about the business with you on phone. thanks. razaq. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Friday, May 14, 2004 7:09 AM Subject : my picture My dear friend, I am sorry for the previous problems but I can say with confidence you will not be disappointed this time. I've attached a picture of myself so that you will recognize me. Now, please send a picture of yourself holding our sign. Do you remember our sign? If not, let me know and I will refresh your memory. Get this picture to me by the end of next week so that I will be able to recognize you. I am not familiar with hotels in Accra, so well done on those arrangements. Please let me know more about this hotel. Also, I have tried to call you several times previously but I have not been able to get through. I will try to find a secure line here so that you can call me. If I am able to before I leave, I will let you know. Many thanks and may god smile upon us. Xavier New York, New York Xavier sends along a picture of himself. (Actually a dapper looking Dennis Hopper who is even kind of flying the middle finger in the photo. Thanks, Dennis! Dennis is a great actor but I was betting he's not well known over in Ghana.) He demands Razaq reciprocate and continues to dodge phone contact. Razaq claims to have taken a picture and still wants to talk on the phone. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:43 PM dear friend, how are you today. i got your mail and the picture which i even told daddy on phone about it today and that he should count on you as you have make all the necessary arrangements to arrive in accra ghana on the 26 of this month. he also said that ,he hope that you are not going to fail this time and i razaq say's yes that you are surely coming on the 26th of this month. i have take a the picture and i will be sending it through email to you on monday evening. so there is no problem . i have talk to the hotel and they will be coming along with me to the airport to pick you up with there hotel van. the places is very good,safety and nice. Hope the flight shedule that send to me is correct as i dont want any dissapoint again. I will also like to speak with you on phone before your arrival in accra ghana. so try to send your telephone numbers that i can call you on . i always receive call on my phone ,so you can call me , dial the numbers just the way i write here : 00 233 244 591224. you will surely get me online. i need to speak with you,its very importants. may god be with u. thank, razaq Finally, a picture of the lad shows up! He doesn't look like an indecent fellow, I think to myself, and it's really too bad he isn't making an honest living for himself. Well, maybe this experience will discourage him. Yeah, right. Even worse, this picture just isn't going to work. The (somewhat vulgar but hilarious) sign I asked him to hold is washed out and unreadable... ![]() [We couldn't believe Razaq would actually pose with such a sign, so we enlarged a part of it. You be the judge. Not our usual taste, but too amazing to be ignored.] ![]() IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:54 AM dear friend, this is my picture. i will be expecting your mail and also for you to reconfirm your arrival shedule as i have giving all the details to the hotel management,they even told me that they will comfirmed if you are going to be in the alitalia flight 846 on the 25th of may ,as they also dont want dissapoint by standing at the airport without seeing you. call me mr xavier ,its very important that i spoke with you and you can send me number that i can reaches you because if you said that you are trying to reach me and its not going through ,that means you are lying ,so try to be straight with me. i need to hear your voice today. thanks. razaq. ![]() Ugh, getting another pic out of Razaq will be like pulling teeth. Xavier initially asks for a copy of the sign to make sure it is (comically) correct, asks about something else Razaq is holding, and points out that Razaq doesn't look at all arabic (remember, he's supposedly from Egypt and stated in a previous email that he's light in complexion)! Why, he looks like he could be a native Ghanian; what a surprise... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:28 AM My dear friend, it is so nice to finally see your picture. And it's a good thing I had you send it to me. I thought you were arab but you look positively african. I never would have recognized you. Well, I am happy to know what you look like. There is one problem. I cannot read our sign. Please scan in the sign or take a clearer picture of it and email it to me this week. I must be able to recognize the sign when I arrive in Accra! Remember, I'd like it to say: WELCOME TO ACCRA! I AM EXPERT COCK HANDLER! PLEASE SEE ME FOR COCK SERVICE! Also, out of curiosity, what is that interesting item you have in your hand? My flight is set for Wed, 26 May, Alitalia 846, arriving 9:50pm. I have tried to call you many times and have not been able to get through. Maybe I am making mistakes as I am not good at international calls. I will try to find a number you can call me on here before I leave. Looking forward to meeting you. Xavier New York, New York Razaq responds that he's only half egyptian/arabic and that his mother is african. The item I asked about in the pic is a string of islamic prayer beads. Ah, a religious scammer, how nice... IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:09 AM Subject : EXPECTING TO HEAR YOUR VOICE dear friend, how are you.I am half egyptian but my mother is a black woman and that is our culture of dressing. I was holding a white prayers counting bees(TESBAU) and that its a sign of islamic followers. There is no problem in that ,because as soon as i saw you at the airport in accra ghana, i will surely recognized that you are the one. i will be expecting the clothes that you are going to put on. I also informed the security company director of your arrival on the 26 ,as to alert them of coming for the clearing of the boxes out of there vault. pls dont forget to bring my drugs and the gift items. Send me numbers that i can also call you. I will scan those sign and send to you . thanks. razaq. Razaq sends a copy of the sign. He's got it right, now if I can just get a good pic of him holding it. Also, he's set me up at Day's Inn in Accra. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Subject: OUR SIGN Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 00:42:23 -0700 (PDT) Dear friend, I have attached the scan copy of our sign. The name of the hotel is : DAY'S INN HOTEL. Its very nice,safety and not too expensive for us to stay and they will be at the airport with me to pick on your arrival. Thanks for your co- operation. RAZAQ. [We didn't get this, but see the enlarged bit above.] Xavier delays his arrival date to allow time for another pic demand. He throws out a $$$ reminder carrot to encourage Razaq's cooperativity. Xavier also wants to stay at better digs and asks for confirmed reservations at a specific five star hotel (hoping Razaq will lose more money securing unrefundable bookings). XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Sunday, May 23, 2004 12:04 AM Subject : Important news My friend, I have had to make some changes in my plans, so please take note. Due to some important business I have in Europe this week, I have delayed my arrival to Accra by a few days. I will now be arriving on Mon, 31 May, on Alitalia 846 at 9:50pm. I'm sorry for the delay but it will allow me to bring more money down to Accra for our business. In fact, I should be arriving with about $80,000 cash to cover any expenses we might incur. Please keep this a secret, of course. The sign is perfect, my friend. I would truly love to have a picture of you holding a readable copy of our sign. Why don't you take another picture of yourself this week with a large, readable copy of the sign and email the picture to me. I will be able to check my email while I'm in Europe. Also, I would prefer to stay in a better hotel. A friend of mine recommended we stay at the Labadi Beach Hotel. Go ahead and make reservations for us (two rooms) at this hotel and email me a copy of the booking receipt. I will not forget the gifts and medicine when I arrive next week. Thank you for your patience and this wonderful opportunity. Xavier New York, New York Damn, Razaq resists another pic. He's not going to make this easy. He misinterprets my generosity in arranging a second room at the hotel for him (the poor man has been living at the local mosque, you know) and thinks I'm bringing a companion (my previous email was a bit unclear in this regard). He also avoids securing a booking at the five star hotel. IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Monday, May 24, 2004 8:47 PM Dear sir, Thanks for your email responses. I do appreciate all your effort towards the smooth conclution of our business. MY good friend,i do believed you and i think we have to be straight in anything we are doing. there is no need for me to hold any poster again or taking picture,that is enough. Seeing is believing. i have your pic and you do have mine. soo that is good. we need to act on how to moved the boxes out of where is it as soon as you arrived without any delay. We need to be very serious as times is not our friend. You known that where am staying is not good for me and my health is very important too. I hope to see you and your friend on monday night. You never told me about anyone like that before as i believed that you trust the person very well and he is not going to betray us or link up our secret about our business transaction. If i may ask, who is he?. Due to changing of the hotel. its all good. I have made the enquiry today about LABADI BEACH hotel and receptionise told me that i my paying in cash or with the credit card.Accepted credit cards- American Express, Visa Card, Master Card and Diners Club. They also told me that room's are available any times day arrive on monday. That means we dont need to worry about that and as soon as you arrive we will moved ahead to LABADI BEACH hotel for reservation. I will be very glad to speak to you and you can even call me from pay phone. call me on my number + 233 244 591224, you dont need to lie about this again. or send a number that i can also call you and i will never discuss about the deal on phone with you. just to say hello!. Hope to see you soon. thanks. razaq Xavier explains the second hotel room is for Razaq and demands a confirmed reservation. More importantly, he presses Razaq for another pic and hints he may quit if Razaq doesn't comply. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Tuesday, May 25, 2004 6:20 AM My friend, I think you misunderstand me. I will be coming out alone next week. The second hotel room is for you. I assume you would prefer to stay in the hotel and get out of the mosque you have mentioned. Do not worry, I will handle the charges until we can sell some of the gold. It would give me peace of mind to have a confirmed reservation, so call the hotel back and make reservations for Monday night. Have them email me a confirmation so I will not worry. As far as the picture is concerned, this is something that would be very easy for you and I don't understand why you won't do it. I am flying half way around the world with a large amount of money for our business. If you cannot do this one small thing for me, maybe I am making a mistake. I would like to carry with me a picture of you holding our sign so that I will surely recognize you at the airport. You have plenty of time, so get this done by the end of the week and send me the picture. I'll be expecting it. Looking forward to meeting you next week. Take care, Xavier New York, New York Bwaaahaaaa, the five star hotel which was wide open in his previous email is now magically & completely booked up. Razaq has found another hotel and sent along a 'confirmation' (which is nothing more than a hand scribbled note on some hotel letterhead that you could get out of the rooms). IBRAHIM RAZAQ Subject: HOTEL COMFIRMATION Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 02:26:02 -0700 (PDT) Dear mr xavier, Thanks for your assistance. I just return back from LABADI BEACH HOTEL just about few minutes ago. The managements told me that,the hotel is fully book for the international conferrence that is going on in GHANA and most of the 5tars hotel are fully book for now. The labadi management call there sister hotel and work you in and the reservation has been comfirmed. I also visited the place and It also along the coast and its very very beautifull and nice,guarantee for safety. I Hope to see you on monday at the aiport. I have also send the pic. Thanks. razaq. ![]() Xavier lets the hotel slide (and clears out some space in his inbox) as it appears that Razaq is indeed sending along another picture. XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, May 27, 2004 7:59 PM My friend, I am sorry to hear the Labadi is booked up. You see, this is why I plan ahead. I received the attached confirmation for this other hotel. I trust your judgement and look forward to staying there next week. It is good to have confirmed reservations, well done. My mailbox filled up rather quickly but I have cleared it out, so please send along your picture and any other attachments. Thanks, Xavier New York, New York IBRAHIM RAZAQ Sent : Friday, May 28, 2004 8:37 AM To : Xavier Xalisio Subject : MY PICTURE Attachment : OURSIGN.JPG (0.22 MB) dear mr xavier, thanks for your mail and for all your effort to conclude the business with me nextweek. i will waiting for you at the airport alongside with the hotel staff to meet with you at the arrival hall on monday night as soon as you land into accra ghana. i wish you safe landing and safe trip. hope to see you on monday night. thanks. razaq Razaq has gotten the message and a much better picture shows up! Ding, ding, ding...score another one for Xavier! Haaaa, look at the mugu holding that sign! Can you imagine getting off a plane in a foreign land and seeing a local standing in the airport w/ that sign?! Kind of funny, don't you think... [ wouldn't it get you arrested? or at least booted out of the airport. Ghanaians do speak English ] [no pic sent to us, but again, see the above] Xavier, having realized all his goals, yanks poor Razaq around a few last times. He misses another flight and reschedules... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Monday, May 31, 2004 9:57 PM Subject : Flight delayed by mechanical problems... My flight out of London had mechanical problems this morning, my friend, and I was unable to make the connecting flight to Accra. Please forgive the delay but I'm afraid these things happen. I have booked a seat on KLM flight 589 arriving at 7:10pm tomorrow. Hopefully there will be no more problems. Well done on the picture, my friend. That is what I wanted. To make things easy, I will be wearing the same clothes as in the picture I sent to you. Please reply back and confirm that you will be at the airport to pick me up tomorrow. Xavier New York, New York Razaq wastes even more time at the airport... Sent : Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:37 AM Subject : expecting you today Dear friend, I wonder why this is kind of problem is happen. i was at the airport with the hotel staff car that will picking you straight to the lodging. We left the airport at 12.00pm as i still waiting to see if you will come out ,till all the pasenger on alitalia flight comes out finally. OK. i will be at the airport to pick you up today. Kindly call me: +233 244 591224. have a safe trip. thanks. razaq. Can you believe it, Xavier misses yet another flight. He's been consulting w/ his own imaginary attorney, you see... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:38 PM My friend, as I was preparing to leave the other day, I checked my email one last time and noticed an email from someone else in Ghana claiming to need my help in securing the release of a large amount of gold. This was very troubling to me and I decided to call my attorney about the matter. He advised me that this might be some type of scam and to delay my trip to Ghana. I am no longer sure I can trust you, my friend. My attorney has recommended that, before I continue our business, you send over a sample of this gold for inspection, as well as pictures of the entire lot of gold being held by the security company. If you are serious, reply back and we will make the necessary arrangements. Xavier New York, New York And that is the last I have heard from Razaq. He finally got tired of it. Oh, Razaq, we hardly knew ye ... I eventually sent him a final parting shot to rub a little salt in the wounds and try'n worry him... XAVIER XALISIO Sent : Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:26 PM Subject : you are stupid My good friend, I just wanted to write and tell you that you are the stupidest scammer on the planet. Did you actually think I believed your idiotic little scam? How foolish and pathetic. In fact, I think that there are goats that are smarter than you. Maybe you should buy a goat and let it run your scams. I think the goat would have more success. Thanks so much for the $100 you sent me. My friends and I enjoyed spending it and we laughed about what a moron you are as we did it. I also like to show your picture to children and tell them your story and they all laugh at you and cannot believe that someone could really be as stupid as you. Tell me, did you enjoy the many trips to the airport and all of the time you wasted? By the way, I have recently contacted the police in Accra and given them your picture and your address. You might want to go into hiding and I strongly suggest, my friend, that you find an honest job and quit this scamming nonsense. Thanks for all the fun. Xavier New York, New York That would get our goat. |