Tushie Meshuganah is back, trying to help someone who won't let herself be helped. And probably isn't a she.
Updated December 27
The Cast:
JAUNTHER SHERRY BUOY - Dying woman with money to spread around
MR. MORRIS MOORE - Financial consultant
Sister Tushie Meshuganah - Kindly member of the Holy Bagel Community
Yuliq Madiq - Tushie's personal assistant
Lonslo Tossov - Agent of the Foreign Office, undercover as a Pastor
Dr Aspis Fuk Yu - Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank Intl's Hong Kong office
Rev. Dr. Cy Gezunt - senior pastor
Joseph Kucker - Director of Overseas Operations
Dr Hugh Janus - Honorary Treasurer and Deputy Chief Cashier
Elsie Tanner - Dr Janus's secretary
Some bits highlighted for the scam-o-challenged.

Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010
Subject: Greetings from Sherry Buoy,
Greetings from Sherry Buoy,
after going through your information over the internet i decided to
contact you for friendship and assistance for distribution of my
inheritance towards charity. My name Sherry Buoy; I am a dying woman who
has decided to donate what I have for the good work of charity. I am 60
years old and I was diagnosed for breast cancer for about 2 years now.
I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my
late husband to you for the good work of God, rather than allow my husband
evil relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly. They don't
care about man kind, all they care is how to rob some money from me and
spend them ungodly. Please pray that the good Lord forgives me my sins. I
have asked God to forgive me and I believe he has because He is a merciful
God. I will be going in for a surgery soon and I want to make sure that I
make this donation before undergoing my surgery.
I decided to donate the sum of $2.5M (two Million Five Hundred Thousand
U.S.Dollars) to you for the good work of the lord, and also to help the
motherless and less privilege and also for the assistance of the widows
and unfortunate mothers. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls
right now due to the fact that my husband's relatives are always around me
and trying to see if they can overhear my conversations and my health
status as well.
I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly, and
please use the funds well and always extend the good work to others. I
have informed my consultant about the ( $2,500,000.00 ) it is true that I
dont know you and you don't know, but I have been directed by God to
contact you for this. Thanks and God bless. I will direct you further
after hearing from you. NB: I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality
in this matter until the task is accomplished as I don't want anything
that will jeopardize my wish. Also I will be contacting with you only by
email as I don't want my husband relations or anybody to know because they
are always around
Reply me through this my most private email:
Mrs.Sherry Buoy
Tushie Meshuganah
Oct. 27
Dear Sherry,
Where are you? Our beloved Pastor Lonslo Tossov and I would love to meet you and say all the prayers that you so richly deserve.
Is your country anywhere near Smegaroon?
The Holy Bagel Community
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010
Thanks for your reply, which has been received and noted.
I am truly humbled by this opportunity. I am praying for guidance and sensitivity from the Lord. I really donÕt know where to start but I think telling you more about me seems the best. I was born September 2, 1948 (in Baltimore MD USA) and got married to Mr. jaunther here in Tokyo Japan. I am the only child of my parents. I want you to take this project very serious and let it be confidential between us. I am presently in Tokyo Japan and will be going to the hospital soon for my surgical treatment.
I got your email from my personal search over the Internet and I decided to contact you. It is true that we do not know each other, but my spirit has chosen you and I do not know why.? I pray that you will be a good person for this humanitarian project. I would like to visit you there in your country, so that both of us will know each other very well and discuss face to face. Even though that my health situation is currently bad, I will try my best to make a trip to meet you and discuss with you. It will really be my pleasure meeting you in a round table discussion there in your country. Importantly, I would want you to send me your complete house address on how to locate you there in your country.
I will continue to pray for you, so that the Lord in His infinite love and mercy will continue to take care of you in fulfilling my wish. In Luke 24: Jesus revealed his Mission on earth to bring the good news to the poor, to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind and to free people from oppressions. In other words, to bring glad tidings to the poor. This was the mission of the Lord when He came to this earth. This is also my mission to continue the work of the Lord in bringing glad news to the poorest of the poor.
Let me tell you the main reason why I contacted you to distribute these funds, I was in a dream where I saw a guardian angel and the angel said to me, behold and pay attention to my word, he asked me can you give your most valuable treasure to unknown person? I replied NOT AT ALL.? After a while the guardian angel appeared again and gave me a revelation. The angel said that God gave him a massage for me that I should do a generous sacrifice to the Lord by donating money to some less privilege people before going for my surgery, and that is why I decided to make this donation.
My spirit directed me to contact you, but if you feel that you are not the right person to fulfill my wish, I will gladly search for the right person. I do not know you and you do not know me, but I believe that God Purposely bring both of us to serve Him through those that are in need. The word of God must be fulfilled, as long as this massage came from Him. I am not afraid as long as God is watching our innermost thoughts because he directed me to make this donation to someone unknown, as it was revealed to me through dream.
Please, protect the interest of the less fortunate and love them as you love yourself. I want you to establish some profitable project to crate jobs to the less fortunate, so that this project will give an opportunity to be paying them money to earn their living. For example establish a company to do any hand made and sale those product which made from widows and widowers so you have money to pay them plus has many product to sale for tourist.
give the less fortunate children the opportunity to achieve educational field, possibly build a school and give free education to the less privilege ones. Help the widows and widowers including those that are in the hospital that could not afford money for their treatment. I believe I have enlightened you on some of the necessary things that are required of you, so you should also apply your own idea towards the successful accomplishment of this charity project.
I had a male child for my late husband, but unfortunately he died at the age of 16 as a result of illness. My husband relatives continually persuading? my husband to remarry a second wife, but my husband refused because he knew quit well that we love each other very well. After a while my husband died out of heartbreak.
I do not have any child to inherit my wealth that is why I decided to donate it all for humanitarian projects if only you can be honest to me. My spirit has chosen you to fulfill my wish, and I hope that you will not disappoint me now or in future.
You can invest the funds in business and profits made from the investment will be use strictly on humanitarian projects this is my desire and wish. I am also offering you 20% of the $2.5 million for your personal use, so that you will use the rest for serving the Lord through the less fortunate.
We will discuss other details when we meet one on one, as I intend to make you the manager to the humanitarian project. But I would want you to promise me one thing, which is to handle our dealings with truth and honesty.
I would want you to tell me more about yourself and your work, so as to know you better to enable mutual trust rule between us. I will try to send you my photo the moment I hear from you, so that you will identify me at the airport once I arrive to your location. I also look forward to receive your own photo, so that we will be able to identify ourselves once we meet in your country.
After meeting with you I will link you up with my legal representative, so that he will commence the transfer process.
Please, I want you to Promise me once again that you are going to fulfill my wishes.
With love and peace,
Mrs.jaunther sherry
Tushie Meshuganah
Oct. 28
Dear Sister,
So you are currently living in Japan - it so happens that Pastor Tossov and I were planning to visit Tokyo next month on our way to Australia where we have been invited to attend the annual meeting of the International Council of Independent Charities set up by the United Nations back in 1969 to deal with mendicants, shnoorrers and guniffs from all over the world.
We could see you in Tokyo in about ten days time - or you could visit us at our headquarters on the beautiful Indian Ocean island of Smegaroon.
What would be more convenient?
The Holy Bagel Community
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010
I really appreciate your write up to me, well i will like to know more of you, before we will get started, could you send to me your contact informationÕs and location at present, do include your contact number, and your present occupation and a little of yourself. i sincerely desired a God's fearing fellow that will carry out this wish on my behalf.
I'm waiting to hear from you, once in hear from you with the above information; i shall introduce you to my attorney who will be working with you towards the success of the business, and actualization of my dream, as i will not be able to be following you up.
Mrs: Sherry Buoy
Tushie Meshuganah
Oct. 29
Dear Mrs Sherry,
I thought you would have realised from my e-mail that I am not a "fellow" but a lady like yourself. I am 69 years old and for the last ten years I have worked for the Holy Bagel Community [HBC] before which I was secretary to Mr Joseph Kucker, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International in London. I took early retirement to work for the HBC to which I was introduced by Mr Kucker, a trustee of the charity. I am also a Sister of the HBC.
For your information, I now set down some details about the HBC:
Ngoblah House Caleb Street London WC1 FU2 England
tel: 0207 230 1279
Life President: Sir Marmite Luny-Binns CH MC OBE
Spiritual Leader: Pastor Lonso Tossov MA [Oxon]
Honorary Secretary: Sister Tushie Meshuganah
Honorary Treasurer: Dr Hugh Janus FRCS, AA, RAC
Bankers: Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International
The Holy Bagel Community was established by Pastor Cecil Ngoblah in 1979 to cater for the material, moral and spiritual needs of young African students and workers living in Great Britain. Although donations were received from several African states, the Community was beset by financial problems until 1998 when a student from Zambia - who at the time was renting a room in the Community's London hostel - won £9.5 million in the British National Lottery.
The student [who wishes to remain anonymous] donated £1.5 million to Pastor Ngoblah and thanks to some wise investments the Community now owns hostels in London, Manchester and Edinburgh and maintains a fund for indigents and charitable causes throughout Africa.
Any African of whatever race, colour or nationality may apply for assistance in the form of a loan or outright gift. All applications should be sent to Sister Tushie Meshuganah at the above address or by e-mail
I have dual British and Smegaroonian nationality but I work mostly in London. You can contact me directly at the HBC
I look forward to hearing from you shortly - can Pastor Tossov and I meet you in Tokyo?
The Holy Bagel Community
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Subject: Contact him and get back to me
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010
How are you today,I hope all is well with you and your family.I have been praying for the success of this project and I believe that God will lead it safely.
I made known to my doctor about my plans of visiting your country because of what is happening in this world we are now,and he told me that my health is not fit enough to travel far, so unfortunately my health situation could not allow me make any trip out side Tokyo Japan.
I have a very trusted financial consultant that Specializes on fund transfer and who is presently in Malaysia now and his name is Mr.Morris Moore he is a perfect gentle man, who helped me to move this fund from Tokyo here to Malaysia because of my late husband relatives who are making every effort to see that they lay their hand on this fund and useless it on hard drugs and prostitutes etc. so the fund is in Malaysia and I will like you to visit Malaysia and secure the fund in your safe custody because I will like to see the fund secured in your safe custody before undergoing my surgery.
I have discussed with Mr.Morris Moore and he has agreed to Welcome you also, as to meet with you face to face and to assist you transfer the fund successfully to your safe custody.Mr.Morris Moore assured me that he will proceed with you as soon as he confirms your readiness of visiting Malaysia for the conclusion of the fund transfer to your custody.But if you can not go to Malaysia you can as well forward all your banking detail to him where you want the fund to be transferred.Mr.Morris Moore further instructed that you should contact him with the below information,
Contact Person:Mr.Morris Moore
Independent Financial Consultant
Mobile: +601-0240-0849 24hrs DirectLine
You should contact him as soon as you receive this letter, I want to fulfill this donation before undergoing my surgery.I trust Mr.Morris Moore 100% and I know that he will never fail me, so you can trust him and always follow his instructions and directives.please let me know once u contact him.
Be Blessed!
Mrs.Mrs: Sherry Buoy
Tushie Meshuganah
Oct. 30
Dear Sherry,
You say that Mr Morris Moore is now in Malaysia. But if he is coming back to Tokyo we can meet him with you when we
go to Japan next month.
Would this not be more convenient?
I hope you are feeling better and as we say in Smegaroon Zolst ligen in drert
Kindest regards,
Subject: God bless you
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010
Dear Meshuganah,
Greetings of love and peace!
Thanks for your honest desire to accomplish my wishes.
I hope you are at your best today and in the coming days.
Since we started this email correspondence, prayer has been my only tool and guide in discerning what is going on and what is best. God has always been so good that he has given me this opportunity to serve him and his people more. I told God in my prayer that I know it is His will that things happen this way. I believe that by God's grace every good work given and shared shall reap a greater harvest for the glory of God and for the well being of His people.
My dear, I am a woman of peace and love and I am bound with God to respect his word, so you can trust me that only God knows of everything that we are dealing with. It is God whom I serve and it is God whom I offer my life and it is the will of God that we shall serve Him through those who are in need.
I want you to pray over this project, seek God's grace. I want you to seek wisdom from God because only God that can encourage your heart to understand his purpose for bringing both of us together through this gracious work. Why I am telling you this is because of the agreement I have with God, you should ask God to prepare you spiritually, mentally for this work. Ask God to give you his grace to follow. I don't want people to discourage you along the line and put evil in your heart because I would not want anything that will jeopardize the accomplishment of my wish.
With the agreement I have with God over this project, you should also promise God to keep any information related to this fund transfer strictly confidential to yourself. The reason why I mentioned confidentiality is because of what is written in the bible, the word of God says in Mathew 6:1-4 that when you do good to the poor and to the needy, don't try to blow trumpet as show offs do, so that your reward will come from the Lord who sees our heart. I am not doing this donation for people to praise me, rather I am doing it that our father in Heaven who sees in secret will reward me according to His promises.
I have discussed with my financial consultant and he instructed that you should call him or email him, so that both of you will arrange a face to face meeting in Malaysia towards completiing the transfer. His name is Morris Moore and his telephone number is +60 102 400 849. Call him as soon as you receive this letter because I want to see this fund transferred to you before undergoing my surgery soon.
My doctor informed me that I need to undergo my surgery as soon as possible, but the spirit of God in me directed me firmly to fulfill this transfer before undergoing the surgery, so I want you to contact Mr. Morris as soon as you can.
Attached copy is my Photo and also Agreement from our family lawyer in Malaysia which you have to sign and send back to me as soon as possible.
Write me after speaking with him.
Praying always for our good works and praying always for your good health.
God bless you.
Mrs: Sherry Buoy
Morris Moore
Subject: Fund Release (Sister Tushie Meshuganah )
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010
Attn:Sister Tushie Meshuganah ,
Re:Fund Release
Please be informed that we have received a notification for the release and transfer of the sum of TWO MILLION,FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY to your designated account.
We are the Financial consultants/Brokers of Mrs.Jaunther Sherry Buoy. This Bank which we represent has directed us to process the release and transfer of this fund to your designated account. Hence, your payment file has been dispatched to our office to enable us process the release and transfer of your fund to your designated account. All arrangements for the release and transfer of this fund are being made presently.
However,in line with the international standard practice of banking(treasure management support directives) i have the pleasure to formally confirm the final credit control approval in favor of the above named beneficiary through our wire/telegraphic transfer services.
However for coreectness and effectiveness of the pending credit ,the risk control office have proceeded with the manadatory reconciliation ,re-routing and prompt revalidation of the pending credit records as in-putted in the system database to ensure appropriateness.
Upon conclusion on the foregoing,i shall immediately forward the payment confirmation code to our accredited foreign correspondence bank abroad to wire the fund to your bank account.
Below are the requirements needed from you to facilitate release of your funds.
Your account details where the payment will be wired into through our correspondence bank abroad via your corresponding bank.
- Your personal profile(Profession,age etc)
- The Name of the Bank
- The account details will comprise the full address of the bank.
- The Routining number/Swift code/ABA number of your bank
- Account name
- Account number.
Please confirm your bank account details as stated above. This will enable us to conclude with the processing of your fund in your favour.
Your identification, drivers license or International passport, preferable International passport.
We can assure you that we shall do our best to ensure that this fund is released to you soonest if you are able to follow our instructions promptly. Please note that we can finalize with the release and transfer of your fund soonest if you are able to follow our instructions carefully.
Your urgent response is required soonest.
Thank you for the understanding.
Best Regards
Morris Moore
Tushie Meshuganah
... now it's time for some procrastination.....
Nov. 1
(cc Tossov)
Dear Mr Moore,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Mrs Sherry Buoy has already explained to me that you handle her financial affairs although perhaps she did not inform you that the Director of the Holy Bagel Community, Pastor Lonslo Tossov, and myself will be travelling throughout Asia this month.
We plan to be in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday November 16th and Wednesday November 17th and Pastor Tossov and myself are staying at the Radius Hotel, 51a Changhat Bukit Bintang [te: 03-2074-3901.
Let us arrange an appointment as soon as possible to meet at our hotel. Would 4.00pm on Tuesday November 16th be convenient? If not, would 3..30pm on Wednesday November 17th suit you better?
Yours sincerely,
The Holy Bagel Community
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Subject: Be Blessed
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010
Dear Sister Meshuganah,
I sincerely thank you for your forwarded message, it is truly another convincing fact that we will have a good correspondence with all your dealings with my financial consultant, and as well with your handling of the fund.
Sometimes I really wonder why honest people like you were never around me all through my healthy life time, and that is the same reason why I will never let you skip away from me now that I found you, and even though I do not know much about my fate in life, I still wish to continue being in bound with you even after death.
Sister Tushie, it is really sad for me to remember how so many Christians who I trusted in the past betrayed me, but then I said to myself, why will the bible tell us that GodÕs judgment will start in his household? And so I figured out that many are called but few are chosen.
I go through the contents of your past emails to me, and the feelings that I get makes me to be so sure that what I am doing right now is only through the direction of God, my trust and contact with you was not accidental, and I will like you to promise me that you will always tell others about the experiences you had with me.
Sister Tushie, I would like you to know that I am always touched by the way you speak to me reassuringly in your emails, and sometimes I feel that what I am doing now are things that I should have done in the past to save lives and to relief the needy, but I still believe that God knows our weaknesses and will never condemn us over our transgressions.
The story about the young African student who donated much part of his life fortune is another considerable fact that what I am doing now should be extended, and I honestly assure you that I will spend the rest of my life and inheritance towards changing the life of the needy and less privileged positively.
I have just sent an email to my financial adviser before writing to you, and I made him to understand that my project with you should be the most paramount thing in his life at the moment, thoughtfully of him; he promised me that he will work round the clock to make sure that the release of the fund to the Bagel community will be finalized upon the arrival of you and your director at Malaysia.
My surgery will be coming up by next week, and I want you to be in constant communication with me until the exact date is confirmed, as well as keeping me informed about all your dealings with my financial consultant and the fund.
Please do let me know if the MOU drafted by my attorney is suitable for you, sincerely I never asked him to prepare any binding document for my donations to the world, it was his own idea due to so many times that I have been betrayed by those that I trusted, but the truth is that my heart has never had any doubt about you nor your Godly community, and I will only hope that you will remain active in the service of our God almighty who by his grace we see the light of each day.
My financial adviser promised me that he will contact you today or by tomorrow at most for subsequent directions on how the release of the fund will be finalized during your stay in Malaysia, and I will like you to follow his instruction closely because he is also a man with absolute fear of God.
Thank You sister Tushie Meshuganah for all your support and for being there to help me carry out this one last wish I have in life, I pray that God will continue to strengthen both you and the entire congregation.
I look forward to your next email.
Be Blessed!
Mrs. Sherry Buoy.
Tushie Meshuganah
Nov. 2
Dear Sister Sherry,
Thank you for your kind e-mail.
Of course I will keep you informed about any dealings with your financial advisor.
Remain blessed,
Morris Moore
Subject: Fund release process in progress.
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I have been in receipt of your email dated 1st of November 2010 and I do sincerely apologize for the delay made before sending you this email.
However, I will like you to understand that the duty that was given to me by your partner is that of high magnitude, so you should please endeavor to understand that there are other things involved with this project which I must carefully take care of.
After the receipt of your email, I immediately informed Mrs. Sherry about the contents of your email and she instructed me to make sure that I handle your issue with much caution, and as well as making sure that the fund is released to you in no distant time.
I explained to her that it will be my privilege for her to allow me to handle this project with my own expert knowledge, and I can assure you that she obliged to that.
At the moment, I have commenced with the collection of all the necessary documents which I need to present to the Financial security Institution where the fund is deposited for the release of the fund to you, and that was the reason why it took me some time before replying to your first email, because right now there is a serious holiday going on in this country and I had to make sure that I acquired some documents from the attorney of your partner before today.
I will like you to know that I have had a very personal and long term relationship with Mrs. Sherry, and I can confess that I have never seen her trust any person the way she trusts you now, so I will like to personally advise you not to abuse such trust nor to take advantage of her interest to give you the assignment of changing other peoples lives.
The contents of your email are well noted and I am making all necessary arrangement to see that we finalize with the release of the fund to you upon your arrival here in Malaysia, so kindly bear in mind that your visit here will need more time and concentration more than the way you explained it in your email.
I have also explained to her attorney that he will be providing me with some legal certificates which I will present to various financial ministries on your behalf, and he assured me that he will be providing me these documents by early next week.
I am promising you that I will do everything within my power to see that I keep the promise that I made to Mrs. Sherry by making sure that the fund is handed over to you within the next couple of weeks.
I will like you to be patient until next week so that I can inform you about other procedure that will be involved during your visit here, and I will like you to understand that this project is that of high magnitude, so we all need to pay much attention and put in more time in order to see that we successfully come to its finalization.
Do kindly try to update your partner about all our discussions so that she can also make her own contribution towards the progress of this project.
I will be hoping to get your acknowledgment while I wait to get a positive signal from the officiating attorney by early next week as mandated by the nature of this project.
Once more I thank you for your understanding and corporation.
Best regards,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Tushie Meshuganah
Nov. 5
cc: Sherry
Dear Mr Moore,
Thank you for your e-mail.
If you obtain all the necessary financial documents by early next week there should be no problem in finalising matters when Pastor Tossov and I arrive in Kuala Lumpur. As I said in my last e-mail, we will be at the Radius Hotel on November 16 and 17 and we look forward to meeting you there either on November 16 at 4.00pm or November 17 at 3.30pm.
Our financial consultant - Dr Aspis Fuk Yu of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International's Hong Kong office -
will also be with us to ensure a speedy conclusion of this transaction.
Pastor Tossov and I leave London on Monday night to begin our Asian tour. However, you can still contact
me by e-mail.
Yours sincerely,
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Subject: I pray for journey mercy and God's protection.
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010
Dear Sister Tushie,
How are you and the entire community of God? I hope that God in his infinite mercy is taking care of you all.
I thank you for updating me about your discussion and plans with Mr. Morris, I am honestly pleased that things are really working out fine and will hope that it will be finalized in a good manner.
My dear Tushie, like I told you from the beginning, the dedication of my entire wealth to the household of God is not accidental, I am being directed by God and I am making sure that I follow his direction closely.
The reason why I am saying this is because I do not know how to continue doing this alone, I need the help of other God fearing people like you, but the truth is that many true Christians are difficult to find; maybe because they are not always famous or maybe because they dedicate most time of their lives in seeking first the Kingdom of God.
I clearly remember that the bible says Ōbroad is the road that leads to destruction, but narrow is the road that leads to eternal lifeĶ; and after reasoning from that verse, I could only conclude that the narrow road calls for no fame or wealth.
Why am I saying this? The reason is because I will continue to remain calm and anonymous in any of the donations which I will directly make to your community and also to those that I will donate to others through your wonderful help.
The involvement of your financial consultant would have been better after you have rounded up with the clearance of the fund in Malaysia, at least my name would be off the records by then; but inviting him now will make him to know the in and out of the fund, which will really not allow me to remain anonymous.
I have decided that the project I have in mind to set off for the congregation of God will be handled by you under the guidance and supervision of God, and I will like you to always seek for GodÕs wisdom and to be prayerful at all times so that you can scale through in this life saving work.
I will write to Mr. Morris after sending you this email, and I will remind him about your date of arrival and meeting in Malaysia so that he can endeavor to see that things are settled on your arrival, and I will also send an email to my attorney so that he can provide him with the related certificates that are needed for the clearance.
Please Tushie, I am begging you to allow this donation and those to be made through you in the future to remain as a secret known only to the both of us and few others who you trust in GodÕs name, then after my name is off the record, you can make it official and then start involving those that are working for the community on contract basis.
Anyway, however it goes, all that should be important to us is GodÕs approval, we will successfully achieve our aim once God is on our side, and that is the reason why we need to be more prayerful at this point.
I sincerely pray that God should continue to take care of you and the entire congregation of God, and to guide and protect you and Pastor Tossov in this divine tour that both of you are embarking at Asia, I strongly believe that you people will return back to your station as GodÕs happy people.
Do continue to update me so that I will know if there is any way that I can assist you in your dealings with Mr. Morris, and always send my warm greetings to all GodÕs children in the entire Asian cities that you people will visit.
May the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever.
Best regards,
Sister Sherry.
Yuliq Madiq
7 November 2010
Dear Mrs Sherry,
Sister Tushie is now out of her office and will not return until the end of the month.
She is currently on retreat with Pastor Tossov at the Holy Bagel Seminary in Smegaroon but she will be reading all her correspondence when they leave for Hong Kong tomorrow [November 8] and will no doubt reply to you as soon as possible.
With kindest regards,
Yuliq Madiq
Personal Secretary to
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Subject: I hope you are safe.
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010
Dear Sister Tushie,
I do hope that you and pastor Tossov got to your first destination safely.
I was opportune to write you an email on Sunday but unfortunately you were already out of station, but in any case, I was so grateful to get an explanatory email from your secretary.
Honestly I will really wish for you to give me a response on the subject that I raised in my last email, and at least tell me what you feel about my suggestion.
I have not also heard from Mr. Morris and I will hope that you can inform me about any recent conversation that you have had with him.
I am very optimistic that you will conclude with him during your visit to Malaysia, and I will appreciate if I will be immediately informed once this is done.
Do get back to me so that I will know that you are safe.
May the good Lord grant you mercy and peace.
Sister Sherry.
Yuliq Madiq
Dear Mrs Sherry,
Sister Tushie has asked me to reply to your kind e-mail as she is extremely busy at this time.
She says that there are no problems and that she is waiting to hear from Mr Moore who said that he will be able to finalise all the necessary modalities this week - well in time before Sister Tushie and Pastor Tossov arrive in Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Aspis Fuk Yu of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International will also be there in case there are any legal fees that need to be paid before the transaction is completed.
Both Sister Tushie and Pastor Tossov send their kindest thoughts to you,
Yours sincerely,
Yuliq Madiq
Personal Secretary to
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Fund release process in progress.
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I wish to bring to your notice that the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY has responded to our application; I was indisposed to send this email yesterday due to so many inquiries that I was making in various ministries.
However, the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY requested for us to provide certain supporting certificates that will clear your beneficiary eligibility as demanded by the Malaysian Finance system.
As an urgent matter, I did notify Mrs. Sherry Buoy about this development around 11:00AM today and she gave me the approval to go ahead and negotiate with the relevant authorities concerned - in order to know what it will take to obtain the entire requirements needed for the release of the fund.
Thus, I did as Mrs. Sherry Buoy instructed me to do and I have as well given her the estimated cost as follows:-
[1] The Letter of Administration (Without Will), which will be approved and issued by the Malaysian Legal Aid Board (under the Ministry of Justice), and it will cost about RM14,300.00.
[2] The Beneficiary International Monetary Fund Clearance which is to be obtained from the Federal Ministry of Finance and Foreign Affairs, and we must pay the Inland Inheritance Stamp Duty and VAT which amounts to RM28,346.00.
[3] The United Nations Anti Terrorist Clearance Certificate and the I.M.F Clearance Certificate; this two {2} certificates will be paid for in United States Dollars - amounting to USD7,990 which is an equivalent to RM24,729.21. - Inclusive of other under table settlement so that the approval will be granted immediately.
As regards to the above requirements, I have also explained the urgency of this matter to Mrs. Sherry Buoy and made it known to her that this charges must be handed over to me by mid - day tomorrow at most, but she pleaded to me to proceed with these payments with my own initiative.
I have applied for a soft loan and I am very hopeful that I will be in the position to get the money from my bank by tomorrow so that I can make the necessary payments that will enable me to acquire the certificates that the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY are requesting from us.
In other hands, our officiating attorney is working round the clock to make sure that he obtains all the necessary documents which will be needed from his own side, and he gave me copies of some of the certificates which he has already collected; I am hereby attaching them to this email for your own record.
I was also able to get some certificates which was possible for me to get from the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY with my influence, and you will also find them attached to this email for your own perusal.
You will do a lot of good to me if you can understand that I am not being slow about executing my duties, especially since I believe that we all know that this project is a project of high magnitude and it requires a lot of caution and intelligence to successfully carry it out until its finalization.
I will be up again in the morning to start from where I stopped, and I am very optimistic that I will get the money from my bank by tomorrow so that I can proceed with the necessary payments that I am required to pay for the granting of other relevant documents that will enable the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY to release the fund to you upon your arrival here in Malaysia.
I will hope to get your acknowledgment once you get this email, and I will like to know the number that I can use to get you directly in case there is an urgent matter that needs your attention.
Thank you and best regards,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Nov. 9
Dear Mr Moore,
Sister Tushie has asked me to convey her thanks for your work.
She looks forward to meeting you at the Radius Hotel in Kuala Lumpur
next week. If there are any matters that need to be sorted out beforehand please contact
Pleased be advised that as the London Office of The Holy Bagel Community is holding its Annual General Meeting tomorrow, I will not be able to reply to any queries before Thursday November 11th.
Yours sincerely,
Yuliq Madiq
Personal Secretary to
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Fund release process in progress.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
This is to inform you that I have acquired all the necessary documents which will enable the release of Mrs. Sherry BuoyÕs fund to you.
I could not write to update you yesterday because I concluded with my bank during mid day, and that set back made it possible for me to acquire only one certificate out of the three that are required from the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY, so I decided to wait and give you the whole details today.
Fortunately I was able to obtain the remaining two certificates today and I have also taking care of the Malaysian Legal Aid Board; they have officially approved the letter of administration and they will be sending a copy of it directly to the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY by tomorrow morning.
On my own part, I personally presented the acquired certificates to the Albro LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY, and they fixed an appointment with me by 11:00AM tomorrow morning.
I believe that they would have received the approval from the Malaysian Legal Aid Board before my arrival to their office tomorrow, and they will also have to issue me the change of beneficiary certificate in your name; this certificate happens to be the last document that will put you in place as the legal recipient of the fund.
The Auditing & Accounts department of the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY will also present their own clearance charges by that same tomorrow; this clearance charges are the estimated cost of their legal and technical fees for securing the fund throughout its stay in their vault, I am hoping that we can get your assistance in that aspect due to your partnerÕs present situation.
I am attaching to this email; copies of the certificates that I presented to the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY today, these certificates are classified documents and I do not expect you to make it public.
I will revert to you after getting the Change of Beneficiary Certificate from the ALBRO LEGEND FINANCE AND SECURITY COMPANY by tomorrow, and we will absolutely have no further troubles once it will be reissued in your name.
I will like you to confirm the receipt of this email, while you wait for my subsequent report and advice by tomorrow.
Thank you and best regards,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Nov. 11
Dear Mr Moore,
I have sent a copy of your e-mail to Mrs Meshuganah who looks forward to meeting you next week.
However, she has asked if you could confirm which time is convenient for you to meet at the Radius Hotel.
Yours sincerely,
Yuliq Madiq
Personal Secretary to
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Fund release process finalized.
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I am in receipt of the email sent to me by your secretary, and IÕm glad that you received a copy of it.
Sequel to my last email, I will like to confirm that I have finalized with the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company for the release of the fund to you.
My appointment with them today was so simple due to the fact that the Malaysian Legal Aid Board has already sent a copy of the Letter of Administration to them before I got to their office, so my meeting with them was only to receive the Change of Beneficiary Certificate in your name, including the estimated cost of clearance that was released by their Auditing & Accounts department.
According to the calculation from their Auditing & Accounts department, we will be expected to pay a total of US$18,830 as the clearance charges for the fund, and this has to be before their vault unit will be authorized to release the metal crate that is containing the fund.
Once the payment is made, I will be issued a receipt which I will present to the vault unit in order to allow them release the fund and transport it to the venue where I will be meeting with you people.
Like I said yesterday, I am hoping that you people will assist us with this clearance charges because I do not have any means to raise more money from my bank, and Mrs. Sherry Buoy is presently hoping for me to remit some money to her after finalizing with another of her project in Dubai, so she herself is out of the question, and the only hope we have now is from you.
I discussed with her on the msn chat about 2 hours ago and she asked me to plead with you to help out with this charges so that her soul will be rest assured that one of her wishes is actually going to be materialized; she also instructed me to make sure that I refund you of any expenses you make for the clearance of this fund once I conclude with her other project in Dubai.
I do not have any problem with meeting you on the date and time that you have given in your previous emails, but the truth is that time is not a stable thing and none of us can be so sure about tomorrow, so for that reason I will suggest that you should allow me to verify a better and safer venue where we can fix for the delivery of the fund; this should be after you arrive and contact me.
You will find attached to this email, a copy of the Change of Beneficiary Certificate which was issued to me in your name by the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company today, this certificate guarantees your identity as the beneficiary and legal recipient of Mrs. Sherry BuoyÕs fund that is deposited in their security vault.
At this point I will be relieved to say that I have finalized with my own aspect of this project, any further progress will depend on your acceptance to assist with the clearance charges, and we have no doubt that you will oblige to that request.
I will be hoping to get your confirmatory email on this matter.
Best regards,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Tushie Meshuganah
Nov. 13
Dear Mr Moore,
I am currently in South Korea and look forward to meeting you next week - 3.30pm on November 17 at the Radius Hotel.
However there is a slight problem with regard to the clearance charges mentioned in your last e-mail. We have no objection to paying these charges in principle but our Asian financial director Dr Aspis Fuk Yu has informed me that the maximum amount we can pay at this time is US$14,000. Of course once the funds have been transferred we will reimburse you for the remainder.
Perhaps you would confirm that this will be in order.
As we say in my native country of Smagaroon, gai kuckn oif der yam
Yours sincerely,
The Holy Bagel Community
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Subject: RE: I hope you are safe.
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010
Dear Sister Tushie,
How are you coping with the mission work? I hope that God in his infinite mercies will continue being your source of Joy.
I must say that it has really taking a while since you have not written me, but all the same I was delighted to receive an update from Morris who informed me that the response to his last email came directly from you.
My heart was full of sadness when Morris informed me about the fees which needs to be paid before my donation will be handed over to you, but I had no choice than to tell him to ask you for help since he has already gone through some rough time in raising the initial money that was required for all the documents.
Presently I have a property in the united arab emirate which is worth about 24 million usd, but presently I am being offered 21 million usd for a 100 year lease, I do not have any choice than to sell it and make sure that the fund is dedicated in changing lives, and Morris will commence with that assignment once he is concluded with you.
I have already told Morris to make sure that he reimburses you for the fees that you are going to pay as soon as he picks the payment from dubai, and IÕm sure that he will inform you about it once he concludes the handing over of the donation to you.
In addition, I will also like you to continue the good work of charity that you are doing for GodÕs children all over around the world, and for that reason I have also instructed my attorney to prepare an authorization letter that will allow you to receive 2.1 million usd out of the 21 million that IÕm being offered for the property; I believe that 2.1 million usd will also help you in continuing the life saving work that you and your community of Christian brothers and sisters are doing.
Morris told me in his email today that you will only be in the position to raise 14,000 usd for the clearing, and I have pleaded with him once again to try and find a means of raising the balance because he knows he cannot get anything from me; maybe when you meet with him he will explain to you that most of my wealth are safeguarded in different locations around the world.
Sister Tushie before I conclude this email, I will like to know if you have ever organized any form of crusade or convention in India, I am asking this because I read so many bad news about the Christians there, and I believe that they are highly in need of help from fellow Christians in other parts of the world, so please try and write me regarding this particular issue.
My surgery has been postponed again until next week due to my insulin level and my unstable blood pressure. I am not worried about this because I know that GodÕs time is the best and I know that God will definitely see me through the operation so that I can leave longer and see the work of God established to his children all over around the world.
I have to stop writing here; I am convinced that you will personally write an email to me very soon.
May the undeserved kindness of our Lord be with you and to other servants of God.
Remain blessed.
Sister Sherry.
Tushie Meshuganah
Nov. 14
Dear Sister Sherry,
Thank you for your nice e-mail. Unfortunately Pastor Tossov has been laid low with Vimto fever here in South Korea and I am writing from the
Bareh Nisht Private Hospital in Seoul.
I will write again as soon as possible.
Remain blessed,
Could Reverend Dr Gezunt now take over? ... Vimto Fever can be quite debilitating...
However the Holy Bagel Community's Asian financial advisor Sir Aspis Fuk Yu from Hong Kong [knighted by the Queen in 2004] will certainly make time to attend any meeting you arrange. He can arrange payment preferably in Smegaroonian
golden dorks [one dork = 2.5 US dollars]
Morris Moore
Subject: Confirmatory email.
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah / Yuliq Madiq.
I am in receipt of your email and the information you provided is quite valid.
I have commenced with the arrangement to raise the remaining US$4,830.00, and I am very sure that I will pick it up on Thursday morning.
Regarding your inquiries about the possibility of meeting at the Radius hotel for the delivery of the fund, I will like to inform you that the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm has their own special intelligence unit that will be going to inspect the environment by tomorrow, and the result of their surveillance will determine if the appointment will hold there or not.
However, any changes that might be made will not affect the time, rather it can change the venue, but I will like to assure you that I am with you and I will make sure that any other delivery location that they choose will be also very suitable for all of us, and the Security Firm will still be the ones to be responsible for our security.
I will be traveling to another city called Penang by Thursday; this city is where the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm has their Security Vault, and I have to be there so that I can present a copy of the Change of Beneficiary Certificate and then sign the VAULT RELEASE ORDER, but this has to be after their Accounts & Auditing departments confirms that the clearance charges have been paid; so this means that we will arrange on how you will make the payment once you arrive Kuala Lumpur.
My duty in Penang will not take long because I will be returning with the delivery officer of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company for the delivery of the fund on the same day, and I am sure that both of us will be in constant communication by then.
Because of the sensitivity and importance of this project, I have acquired a new mobile number which will keep my line safe and free at all times, this mobile number is the one that both of us will use throughout the process of releasing and delivering the fund to you, and you should as well endeavor to see that you get a Malaysian local number once you arrive Kuala Lumpur.
I will instruct you on how to make the payment once you arrive and contact me on the below mobile number: +60103633134; after that - I will immediately commence with the presentation of the Change of Beneficiary Certificate and the signing of the VAULT RELEASE OREDR.
Let me know when you and Mr. Tossov arrives Kuala Lumpur so that I can inform you about my location and the situation of things through a verbal communication, and kindly make sure that the clearance charges will be ready for payment at the time of your arrival here in Kuala Lumpur; this will allow us to have a smooth and fair release of the fund to us.
I will be expecting to receive your confirmatory email in no distant time.
Yours in Service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Jaunther Sherry Buoy
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010
Dear Sister Tushie,
How are you and Pastor Tossov coping with the tour so far? I hope that God's Angels are guiding you two.
I am reall sorry that I did not write earlier to ask about Pastor Tossov's health condition, but I did put him in my prayers and I believe that God healed him of all his illness.
I just received an email from Morris and he explained to me that he has not yet confirmed if both of you have reached Kuala Lumpur, and he complained that he doesnt have any number which he can use in contacting either you or your secretary, so kindly try and give him a call or you can as well send him an email.
He also said that he is in another city where he needs to finalize the release of my donation to you, and because of that he needs to hear from you before taking any other decision.
Please try and make sure that you contact him because he has put so much effort in this project and I know that he will be worried about your safety if he doesnt hear from you.
I will be praying for God's protection to cover all of you.
Take care,
Sister Sherry.
Yuliq Madiq
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
Thank you for your e-mail which is well noted and understood. Incidentally, our Asian Financial Director, Dr Aspis Fuk Yu, will also be at the Radius Hotel.
Yuliq Madiq
Personal Secretary to
Morris Moore
Subject: Do confirm your arrival schedule.
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I am in receipt of your email and I thank you for your explanation.
However, I have earlier spoken to Mrs. Sherry and she asked me to make sure that I find a way to complete the clearance charges.
I have already made some arrangement but I will be sorry to tell you that I cannot do anything until Thursday the 18th day of November 2010 due to the Islamic holiday that will take place by tomorrow and Wednesday.
Like I mentioned in my last email, Mrs. Sherry has asked me to make sure that I return all your expenses to you once I settle another of her project in Dubai, and I promise to do as she said.
Please be informed that any arrangement that I am making for money will be on a short time balance, so I will like you to assure me that you can refund me the expenses of US$ 4,830 once the fund is handed over to you.
I will be happy to receive you here on the stipulated date as long as the holidays will not affect the schedule.
I have spoken with the chief operational manager of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company and he has assured me that the fund will be released to you on the same date as long as I conclude with their Accounts & Auditing department, so I encourage you to make sure that there will be no delay from your side.
I expect you to inform me about your departure and arrival date on time so that I can instruct members of my crew to give you any assistance that you will need from the airport.
I will be in expectation of your confirmatory email.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Nov. 16
Dear Mr Moore,
Sister Tushie and Pastor Tossov are literally in the air having left South Korea about forty minutes ago.
Would 11.30am on Thursday November 18 at the Radius Hotel be convenient? Please reply immediately.
Yuliq Madiq
Morris Moore
Subject: Current location.
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I am still in expectation to your call following the update which I got from your secretary regarding your arrival to Kuala Lumpur today.
I also sent my new mobile number in my last email, so I am sure that you will be able to contact me on that number upon your arrival here.
I left Kuala Lumpur around 7:20AM this morning in order to meet up with other endorsement procedures with the vault unit of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
I am currently at Penang and I have already presented the Change of Beneficiary Certificate to the vault unit so they are now waiting to get our payment confirmation from their Auditing & Accounts department before issuing me the Vault Release Order.
My friend who arranged to help me out with the remaining US$4,830 assured me that he will make it available today, so I made arrangement for my protocol officer to handle the payment session while IÕm here, and just now he confirmed to me that he has received a bank alert for a deposit of RM15,200 which is an equivalent of the balance US$4,830 required for the completion of the clearance charges.
I will be glad if you can call me on the number I provided so that I will know your present location and the time that the US$14,000 will be ready so that I can know if I will be returning to Kuala Lumpur with the delivery officer of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm today.
If I do not hear from you until 4:00PM today, that will mean that I will make arrangement for a place to sleep here in Penang because I cannot come back to Kuala Lumpur today and then journey back tomorrow - considering the distance.
The whole process now depends on the time you will arrive today and also the time that the payment will be ready; this will determine the time that I will return for the delivery of the fund.
I will be in expectation to your confirmation.
Mr. Morris Moore.
Cy Gezunt
Rev. Dr. Cy Gezunt steps in to help out.
Dear Mr. Morrismoore,
Sister Tushie Meshuganah asks that I make myself known to you in connection with some financial arrangement you and she have apparently set in motion.
It seems you were to meet on the 18th, but were delayed by the illness of Pastor Tossov, as well as some business you have in Penang, though I may have misunderstood the details.
I am a senior pastor in the Holy Bagel Community, currently seconded to Malaysia as part of our outreach efforts.
Sister Tushie and Pastov Tossov have arrived in Kuala Lumpur on what I had assumed was HBC business. However, Sister Tushie tells me she is also engaged in some separate business with you, involving the charitable disposition of assets belonging to a Mrs. Buoy.
That is admirable, but the details have not gone through our audit office.
Pastor Tossov normally keeps a rein on Tushie's charitable impulses, but he has been ill. He is still under the weather, but we will be meeting soonest, so that I can get an accounting of all this. Any details you can provide may smooth the way.
I'm sure everything will come right, and goodness knows we can use the money for our Community programs; but procedures must be followed.
I regret any inconvenience; if you need to stay on in Penang until this business is firmed up, I can suggest Hotel Annie, on Penang Road at Dickens Street. I stayed there as a young man, and found it delightful; friends tell me it has not changed much.
I look forward to a successful conclusion of this transfer, and the rejuvenation of our programs thanks to your generous client.
In pacquet cheerios,
Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt
Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
From Mr. Morris Moore.
Sunday, November 21, 2010 7:45 AM
From: "Morris Moore" <>
Cc: Tushie
Attention: Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt.
I am in receipt of your email and I do appreciate any effort that you are making to help my client in finalizing with her project with Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
However, I will say that your email is very strange because Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah or her secretary have never mentioned anything about your involvement with their Holy Bagel community both here in Malaysia and overseas.
To that regard, I will like to inform you that I will need further proof in order to ascertain that you are genuine and involved in this project, because I am a professional in this type of work and I know that there are scammers and hackers out there who are only determined to ruin other people financial matters and transactions.
If you are presently in Malaysia, then I do not see any problem for you to either give me a call or provide your own number so that we can have a verbal communication and then clarify some issues.
I am still in Penang because I was hoping that I will get a call from Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah or her secretary before Monday, and I am staying with a friend of mine who served with me in a financial institution back in Singapore, so do not worry about my stay here, I am very comfortable and do not need to go to your suggested hotel.
I will leave here by Tuesday if I do not get any positive response from Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah or her secretary, and will gladly suspend any activity that I have with them until I finalize with other important duties which I have to do for the benefits of my other clients.
Kindly get in touch with Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah or her secretary and tell them to contact me and give me a go ahead order to proceed with you, once I get this confirmation I will gladly commence with the release of the fund to you.
My personal number is 0103633134 and I expect you to also forward me your own person mobile number in your next email, this will give us more opportunity to talk and understand ourselves better.
I hope you understand my position in this matter, and hopefully we will meet soon to conclude all arrangements for the release of the fund.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Cy Gezunt
Dear Mr. Morrismoore,
Thank you for your reply.
>Kindly get in touch with Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah or her secretary and tell them to contact me and give me a go ahead order to proceed with you
This seems only fair.
I will contact Sister Tushie and cc: Mr. Madiq, who is usually au courant with her whereabouts.
> once I get this confirmation I will gladly commence with the release of the fund to you.
Dear sir, you misunderstand me. This is not a question of "mencantum".
As much as we need funds, it is not my job to collect them. In fact it may be inappropriate for me to intervene. However, the audit office must look this over. I'm sure it's aboveboard, but we must avoid any hint of impropriety.
The only reason I learned of this matter is because I am Sister Tushie's confessor. On her arrival, she did pop in once for the ritual round of canasta and schnapps, during which she informed me of a deal "of benefit to our poor youth programs". All well and good, but we do not want a repeat of the Bowlevyden affair, with the resulting government interference.
Sister Tushie knows this, and I am surprised she would cut corners.
She has been busy since our meeting, because of Pastor Tossov's illness, and like you, I look forward to hearing some news of them.
In pacquet cheerios,
Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt
Holy Bagel Community
Cy Gezunt
cc: Mr. Morris Moore
Dear Sister Tushie,
As you requested, I contacted Mr. Morris Moore.
He is uncertain about me, since you did not say I would be contacting him.
I could point out that, after all, Mrs. Buoy contacted YOU out of the blue, and apparently expects you to take all this on faith.
But let us not quibble. I do not like to meddle, but as your confessor, I cannot ignore what you told me over canasta.
I know you are uneasy about the settlement of Mrs. Buoy's estate (that is, when the poor woman passes on to her reward). You are right to be uneasy. There will be consequences if the transfer is seen as irregular.
I realize you only asked me to step in during your pre-occupation with the recovery of Pastor Tossov. [This, in itself, is cause for concern - while ours is not an abstinent order, when will you two emerge and resume your duties? Pardon me for speaking plainly.]
Meanwhile, at your convenience, please forward my affidavits to Mr. Morrismoore. He says he will leave (I suppose he means Penang) by Tuesday, but does not state where he is going.
Finally, have you informed him of the commission our audit office provides on transfers to our charitable foundation? I believe it's generous, and Mr. Morrismoore deserves something for his trouble.
Sister, I do not mean to be harsh. I know you have the HBC's interests at heart, and I'm sure Mr. Morrismoore will prove to be Bagel-sent.
I'm also sending this to Yuliq, who I do hope is keeping on top of things.
In pacquet cheerios,
Brother Cy
Tushie Meshuganah
Dear Mr Moore,
Yes, I can confirm that Reverend Gezunt is a highly valued member of the Holy Bagel Community.
I regret that I am unable to meet you in person as planned but Pastor Tossov is still recovering from a really dreadful bout of Vimto Fever and needs me at his side.
However, the good news is that our Financial Director [Asia], Dr Aspis Fuk Yu will be bringing the cash with him to Malaysia.
In haste and with kindest thoughts,
Cy Gezunt
cc: Tushie, Tossov
"What is going on?"
Dear Mr. Morrismoore,
What a way you have of expressing yourself.
I wondered why I had not heard from you.
Here is why you have not heard from me:
Failure Notice
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:21 AM
From: ""
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
It seems my email to you was not delivered for some reason, perhaps you should check your email account.
Also your emails keep winding up in my spam folder, I do not know why.
I believe Sister Tushie put in a good word for me, but I would be happy to hand this over to our auditors, I am a spiritual, not a financial person. You have not said if you agree to an audit. It is not necessarily onerous; it is simply a matter of documenting things. Sister Tushie did not tell me if you have provided documentation. I am certain our auditors will want some.
However, if you do not wish to collect the rather generous commission the HBC awards to agents of financial grantors, then I do not know what to say. Perhaps a commission is contrary to your ethics?
Sister Tushie is most certainly not in South Korea, have you not been reading the papers? We have withdrawn representatives from the Korean peninsula, and can only hope divine providence will prevent another outbreak of hostilities.
If Mrs. Buoy is still interested in supporting our youth programs, then please confirm your willingness to follow our procedures.
Please make her understand that the children of the HBC Educational Trust are depending on it. Our goal is to provide every child in our care with a university education. In these tough times, it seemed impossible. Mrs. Buoy's generosity will go a long way toward making that a reality.
May the holy bagel surround you with its calm and certainty.
In pacquet cheerios,
Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt
Holy Bagel Community
Tushie Meshuganah
Subject: MRS BUOY
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 12:05:42 +0000
Dear Mr Moore,
I have now returned to Britain but my dear colleague the Reverend Cy Gezunt informs me that he has been unable to contact
you. Here is his last message to you:
It seems my email to you was not delivered for some reason, perhaps you should check your email account.
Also your emails keep winding up in my spam folder, I do not know why.
I believe Sister Tushie put in a good word for me...
I regret that Sir Aspis Fuk Yu and myself never managed to meet in Malaysia. How can we resurrect the necessary modalities?
Sister Tushie Mashuganah
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: The way forward.
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 10:28:53 +0000
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
In response to your email, I will like to say that I am happy to hear that you had a safe trip throughout your recent visits to the Asian nations.
Regarding the email that you forwarded to me in respect to your colleague, I will like to say that it is confusing because both myself and Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt have had other communications since after he wrote me the same email that you referred to.
Anyways, to cut a long story short, I will like to inform you that the resurrection of the project now depends on you. If you wish for us to finalize with the release of Mrs. Sherry BuoyÕs fund to you, then you will have to transfer the clearance charges directly to the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
Once that is done, all I will need is the deposit slip so that I can proceed to their vault unit and make the clearance of the fund, and then transfer the fund directly into any account of your choice that you will provide to me.
I am a very busy man and I also believe that you are a busy woman, so let us respect each other by giving ourselves the benefit of spending less time on one particular issue.
I am presently working on other projects both for Mrs. Sherry Buoy and for other of my clients, so you will do both of us good if you can give me the opportunity of finalizing your own matter without wasting my valuable time.
I will send you the account details for the payment whenever you are ready to send the clearance charges, and will commence with the transfer within 48 hours after settling with the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
I will be in expectation to your confirmatory email.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Tushie Meshuganah
CC: Cy Gezunt, Lonslo Tossov
Subject: RE: The way forward.
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
Thank you for your e-mail. It is a great pity that we were unable to meet as planned although I am very pleased to inform you that
Pastor Tossov has fully recovered and is now on convalescent leave in Smegaroon.
So much has happened over the last three weeks that I have quite forgotten how much we need to send in order to release these funds.
Sir Aspis Fuk Yu, our Asian financial director, has returned to Hong Kong but he is keeping a large amount of British currency in
his bank in case this business can now proceed.
So please refresh my memory as to how much needs to be transferred and to whose account.
Yours sincerely,
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Refreshment of Memory.
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I am in receipt of your email and will like to inform you that a lot has also happened on my side but that will not make me to say that I forget anything regarding to this project because we both put much efforts to make it get to the stage that it is in right now.
I also believe that all the emails which I sent to your in the past did not disappear from your mailbox, meaning that I am stunned about your inability to recite on them and refresh your memory.
Anyways, the total amount to be paid for the clearance of your fund is US$18,830, and I will not be in the position to raise even $1 at this time because you people made me go for a loan which I have to pay with interest, and since then none of your crew has called me or written me to ask me how I am coping to reimburse that money to my bank.
Like I said in my previous email, you can ask your Asian Financial Director to transfer the amount to the Auditing & Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm through the below Bank Account details:
Bank Name: HSBC.
Account Name: Sanjen Anak Raii.
Account Number: 352128714025.
Swift Code: HBMBMYKL.
Branch: 352 Subang Jaya.
State: 12 Selangor Darul Eshan.
Postcode: 47630.
Once the amount is deposited, I will only need the deposit slip of the payment so that I can use it to go and retrieve your fund from the Vault unit of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm, after which you can direct me on how to transfer the fund to you, or to whom I can hand it over to here in Malaysia.
Please be informed that all the documents that was issued regarding this project was issued in your name, so do not expect me to start a fresh process with someone else, because I cannot go through all that stress anymore.
I hope to get your confirmation once the amount is sent, and I hope that we will not continue to delay the progress of this project so that I can have time to do other things.
Looking forward to your response.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Dec. 6
Attention: Morris Moore
Sister Tushie is out of the office until Wednesday December 8.
But she has asked me to inform you that she has instructed Sir Aspis Fuk Yu to make the payment of $18,830 as requested.
However Sir Aspis tells me that payment can only be made in pounds sterling. After bank fees etc have been deducted this
would amount to £12,419.00. Is this acceptable?
If so please let me know at your earliest convenience. Feel free to call me on my personal line 0906 661 1911.
Yours truly,
Personal Secretary to
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
"Morris Moore" is very quick to reply to my e-mail of this morning. Interestingly enough he seems to have set up a real bank account as he has not asked for a Western Union transfer.
Subject: Acknowledgement.
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010
Attention: Yuliq Madiq.
I am in receipt of your email and will like to confirm that the said amount of GBP12,419.00 will be acceptable as basic payment for the release of the fund; any other little fraction on top of it can be taking care of.
If you will be able to reach your Asian Financial Director: Mr. Aspis Fuk Yu, then kindly ask him to make sure that he instructs the paying bank to credit the amount on time so that I can commence with my own duties without any delay.
Like I said earlier, I will need to get a copy of the deposit slip once the payment is made so that I can use it to proceed to the Auditing & Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security company to obtain an official receipt that I will in turn present to their Vault unit for an immediate release of the fund.
Let me be informed once the fee is sent so that I will know how to rearrange my schedule as though your project seems to be the paramount thing in my present line of duties.
I will be in expectation to your confirmatory email.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Morris Moore
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Attention: Reverend Dr. Cyrus Gezunt.
I am in receipt of your email and I do sincerely apologize for the delay in this response, this is as a result of some official duties which I was involved in with other matters.
However, I wish to inform you that I got a confirmation from Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah about her acceptance for you to commence with the receipt of the fund, and I was hoping that she forwarded the same email to you.
I have finalized with all the paper works which will allow the receipt of the fund to you and I believe that Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah should have sent you all the documents since she wish for you to conclude this project.
Therefore, you will find attached to this email the last email which I received from Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah, and will like you to tell me when you will be ready for us to finalize this project so that I can make out chance and go back to Peneng to make the payment for the clearance charges.
You should also send me your telephone number for easy communication, or you can contact me on the below number for a verbal discussion 0103633134.
Kindly get back to me in no distant time because I will be traveling out of Malaysia by mid next week.
I will be in expectation to your response.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Cc: Lonslo Tossov, Joseph Kucker and
Dear Mr Moore,
Sister Tushie will not be in the office until tomorrow morning but Pastor Tossov has instructed me to complete
the necessary modalities today.
Sir Aspis Fuk Yu has deposited £12,419.00 in our bank - Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International -
and I am pleased to inform you that Mr Joseph Kucker, the KBMBI manager who deals with our account, will
transfer this amount to Albro Legend Finance on our behalf.
All we require from you is an invoice for the cash [an e-mail is acceptable] and we can proceed without further
Kindest regards,
Personal Secretary to
Ther Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Let us finalize with this project.
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010
Attention: Yuliq Madiq.
I am in receipt of your email dated 7th December 2010, but unfortunately I could not do anything that yesterday due to our time difference with your country.
Very early today I was in the office of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company to see if I could get a proforma invoice, but their reaction was expected by me because I knew I was not going to negotiate for the purchase of a vehicle.
At this stage I can only say that you people are frustrating this project because we all know that all previous financial involvement about this project was taking care by me, and I never asked for an invoice since I knew I was going to get positive results for my actions.
The only receipt that will be issued to us will be after making the payment, which I will in turn scan and send to you before proceeding with other formalities at the Vault Unit of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
I am giving you my word that I will be done with the release process of the fund by evening of tomorrow or by the early official hours of Friday the 10th day of December 2010 as long as the clearance charges is deposited in their bank today.
Another transparent truth you should always remember is that this payment was supposed to be made in cash directly by me, and there is no way we would have been asking them to issue us a proforma invoice had it been that I am paying cash and taking my payment receipt at once, so please try and reconsider your request.
I am guaranteeing that the payment of GBP12,419.00 which you are going to deposit today will be carefully utilized for the clearance of the fund, and that the payment receipt of this payment will be scanned and sent to you once I proceed to their Auditing & Accounts department with the deposit slip that I believe will also be scanned and sent to me after the deposit.
This is the only assurance that I can give at this time and I hope that we can either proceed with this promise or forget about putting me through the same ordeal that I went through today.
Waiting to get your confirmation on either decision.
Yours in service.
Mr. Morris Moore.
Tushie Meshuganah
cc: everyone
Dear Mr Moore,
I returned to the office this morning and have received your e-mail of December 8th
which is well understood.
However I must say that I don't understand your problem with regard to an invoice that is essential
to complete the necessary modalities. I must have this document to show Pastor Tossov, Sir Aspis Fuk Yu and
most importantly Mr Joseph Kucker of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International.
So Albro Finance - or indeed yourself - just need to send The Holy Bagel Community a simple
invoice [an e-mail will suffice] that lists the amount due.
The invoice should be addressed to me at the address below. When I receive this the cash will be
transferred by our bankers without further ado.
Feel free to call me on my personal line 0906 661 1911 if there is any further information you require.
Yours sincerely,
Sister Tushie Meshuganah
The Holy Bagel Community
Ngoglah House
Caleb Street
London WC1 FU2
United Kingdom
Morris Moore
Subject: Requested copy of Invoice.
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
I am happy to hear that you returned safely from your trip, and I do believe that you will remain in your sit until we finalize with this project in some couple of days.
Regarding the contents of your email, I will like you to know that I never had any problem with providing you an invoice, rather it didnÕt seem easy to convince the Auditing & Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company to engage in all that after promising them that I will make the payment directly to them.
In line with your request, I just came out from the Auditing and Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Company about two hours ago, and I made them to understand that my demand for a proforma invoice came as a result of my clientÕs request; so they had no other option than to present a certificate to me.
I am attaching this certificate to you for your perusal, and I will hope that it will duly satisfy your interest to keep record of the payment which you are making for the clearance of the fund.
You know how much time and effort that I have put in this project, so I believe that at this point you should be talking to me with some gratitude.
The payment receipt will be issued to me once the fee is sent to their bank account which I have already provided to you, and I will still like to know how you want me to proceed after making the clearance.
I hope to get the deposit slip as soon as the payment is made so that I can do the needful.
I have tried to contact both you and your secretary on the same number that both of you provided as your personal number; but the response I got shows that the number is out of reach.
You can therefore contact me on the same number which I have sent to you several times in case you have any urgent matter to discuss.
Waiting to get your confirmatory email.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Tushie Meshuganah
Dear Mr Moore,
I have copied the invoice to Mr Joseph Kucker of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International and Sir Aspis Fuk Yu
of our Hong Kong office. I am sure that these gentlemen will ensure that you receive what you richly deserve.
Yours sincerely,
The Holy Bagel Community
Joseph Kucker
Date: December 9, 2010
Cc: Tushie Meshuganah
Dear Mr Moore,
I have received an instruction from The Holy Bagel Community to transfer £12,419.00 to you.
However, the HSBC account nominated by you is not in your name. I am only permitted to transfer funds
directly to the person receiving the payment. Please let me have your own bank account details
and we can immediately proceed with the transfer.
Be advised that you will be responsible any charges made by your own bank.
Yours truly,
Joseph Kucker
Director of Overseas Operations
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
PO Box 666
Edelson House
69 Bowden Avenue
London FU1 7TT
Joseph Kucker
Date: December 11, 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
With regard to my previous e-mail I should perhaps have added that a bank account
of Albo Finance would of course be perfectly acceptable - or indeed of Mrs Buoy.
Yours sincerely,
Joseph Kucker
Tushie Meshuganah
Date: December 11, 2010
Cc: Lonslo Tossov, Joseph Kucker,
Dear Sister,
I am so sorry that there have been some last minute hitches to completing the necessary modalities to
finalise the money transfer. Unfortunately, Mr Kucker of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International
has to abide by the instructions set down thirty years ago by our founder Reverend Cecil Ngoblah.
However, I am pleased to inform you that Pastor Tossov has given permission for the £12,419.00 to be
transferred to your bank account.
I trust this will be helpful.
Gay tren zich as we say in Smegaroon,
The Holy Bagel Community
Morris Moore
Subject: Deposit slip.
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010
Attention: Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah.
Let me be notified as soon as the payment is effected, with a scanned copy of the deposit slip.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Yuliq Madiq
Date: December 15, 2010
Cc:, Joseph Kucker
Dear Mr Moore,
I have passed your e-mail through to Mr Joseph Kucker of Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International
who will contact you with regard to the deposit slip.
Yours truly,
Personal Secretary to
The Holy Bagel Community.
Joseph Kucker
Date: December 15, 2010
Attention: Morris Moore,
For security reasons please send me directly [as opposed to Mrs Meshuganah] the name
and full details of the bank account to which the Holy Bagel Community's £12,419.00 should be sent.
If this matches with the account details I already possess then the transfer will be made
within 24 hours of receipt.
Would you also confirm that this is a full and final payment.
Joseph Kucker
Director of Overseas Operations
PO Box 666
Edelson House
69 Bowden Avenue
London FU1 7TT
Morris Moore
Sent: Thu, 16 December, 2010
Subject: Account Details
Attention: Mr. Joseph Kucker.
In line with your request, Please find below; the account details for the transfer of the fee of £12,419.00.
Bank Name: HSBC.
Account Name: Sanjen Anak Raii.
Account Number: 352128714025.
Swift Code: HBMBMYKL.
Branch: 352 Subang Jaya.
State: 12 Selangor Darul Eshan.
Country: Malaysia
Postcode: 47630.
I also wish to confirm that this fee of £12,419.00 is the final payment that will be required to finalize this project with the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
I do hope that Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah will attest that the above given account details are the same with the one that I sent to her in one of my previous emails.
Like I have repeatedly said; I will also be in expectation to a scanned deposit slip once the transfer is made, this is my confirmatory request.
Keep me posted.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Joseph Kucker
Date: December 16, 2010
Attention: Mr Morris Moore
The transfer will be made tomorrow Friday December 16 at 12.00 Greenwich Mean Time. Either myself or my
assistant Mr Hugh Janus will confirm the transfer.
Joseph Kucker
Director of Overseas Operations
Hugh Janus
Subject: BANK TRANSFER dec 17
Date: December 17, 2010
Cc: Joseph Kucker
Dear Mr Moore,
As Mr Kucker has informed you, I have been charged with transferring £12,419 from
The Holy Bagel Community to your account.
This has now taken place - however, as it had to be routed via our Hong Kong office
so that it could be signed off by the HBC's Asia Director of Finance Sir Aspis Fuk Yu.
Sir Aspis only returned to his office from Smegaroon this afternoon and although he has
given the necessary permission for the modalities to be completed, the money will not
appear in your account until 00.01 on Monday December 20th.
Mr Kucker is now on leave until the New Year so please contact me if there is any problem.
Yours sincerely,
Hugh Janus
Deputy Chief Cashier
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
Well, as you see our friend Morris Moore is still hanging in there for the Holy Bagel's £12,419.
Hope Springs Eternal....
I think Hugh Janus will probably give him the Mugu Survey on Monday when he complains that the cash hasn't arrived - perhaps after suggesting that someone in Malaysia has stolen the money.
Keep the custard boiling!
Morris Moore
Sent: Mon, 20 December, 2010
Subject: Payment confirmation slip.
Attention: Mr. Hugh Janus.
I am in receipt of your email dated Friday 17th December 2010, and I will like to thank you for your update.
However, like I informed earlier to Mr. Joseph Kucker, I will also like to mention it to you that I cannot commence with my own duties with the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm unless I receive a scanned copy of the deposit slip or the transfer confirmation slip which I in turn need to present to the Auditing & Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm.
To that regard, I wish to notify you that I will be in expectation of the above mentioned once the payment is finally transferred to the given bank account; this will enable me to obtain an official receipt for the fee payment from the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm, and it will also help to speed up with the clearance process.
I do hope that you will understand that my request is in line with the due process and required protocol for executing my own end of this project.
I will be in expectation to the receipt of the scanned copy of the payment confirmation slip.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Elsie Tanner
Subject: Re: Payment confirmation slip.
Date: December 20, 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
As you may have heard, Britain is in the grip of a mini ice age. All transport - airports, rail stations and roads - have
been severely disrupted. Neither Mr Janus nor Mr Kucker have been unable to reach the office this morning.
However, I have e-mailed Sir Aspis Fuk Yu in Hong Kong who has informed me that the £12,419 will reach your account at 17.30 Malaysian time.
I have also asked Sir Aspis to forward you the deposit slip as requested.
Yours sincerely,
Elsie Tanner
Secretary to Hugh Janus
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank PLC
Morris Moore
Sent: Tue, 21 December, 2010
Subject: I need the deposit slip.
Attention: Elsie Tanner.
I am in receipt of your update and your explanations are well understood.
However, until now being 8:50am (Malaysian time), I have not yet received any confirmation from your Asian financial director regarding the said deposited amount, and I will like you to know that my hands will still be tied in executing my duties until the confirmation is decleared to me professionally.
Please bear in mind that I do not have any proof that I can present to the Audting & Accounts department of the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm in order for them to proceed with the issuance of their official receipt, and until this proof is made available to me, I cannot commence with the release process.
I understand that you people are following your official protocols, but I would like you to send a message across to Mr. Aspis Fuk Yu as soon as you receive this email so that you can ask him to immediately send me a scanned copy of the deposit slip that confirms that the payment has been made to the given bank account.
I have stressed on this issue several times and I do not think that I will continue to discuss it in the future since we all know what is involved here.
Today is still fresh and I believe that your Hong Kong correspondent can be reached before the end of today's official hours, so do the needful and let me take it up from there.
I will be in expectation to the receipt of the deposit slip.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Elsie Tanner
Subject: Re: I need the deposit slip.
Date: December 21, 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
I have just spoken to Sir Aspis Fuk Yu and asked him to send the deposit slip to you.
However, he assures me that the transfer was made yesterday without any hitch.
The staff at Kreplach Brothers along with Pastor Tossov and the Holy Bagel Community
send best seasonal greetings to you.
Yours sincerely,
Elsie Tanner
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
Morris Moore
Sent: Tue, 21 December, 2010
Subject: Send me the deposit slip.
Attention: Elsie Tanner.
I am in receipt of your update, but would rather say that the way that your Asian financial director is handling this issue is so unprofessional.
I have repeated several times that I cannot do anything without the deposit slip which is the only proof that I can present to the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm in order for them to issue me their official receipt for the payment.
I do not see any difficult reason why Mr. Aspis Fuk Yu cannot ask his secretary or any of his staff to scan the deposit slip and directly send it across to me, or to at least send it to you in order for you to forward it to me in turn.
Anyways, like I said earlier, I do not wish to repeat myself over and over again because of a simple matter, and I will like you to know that the delay to complete this transaction is now being caused by you people.
I am sorry to say that I cannot act on a mere written notification which the Holy Bagel community condemned during my own stage of effecting this project, so kindly do the needful and revert to me.
I also send my warmest seasonal greetings to all of you.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Elsie Tanner
Date: December 21, 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
Thank you for your e-mail which is well understood.
Sir Aspis Fuk Yu is now out of the office until the New Year but surely you can simply check
your own bank account to see that £12,419.00 was transferred into it yesterday. Please
confirm this transfer has been made.
Nevertheless I have asked Mr Kenneth Barlow of Sir Aspis' office to send you the deposit slip.
I am sending a copy of your message and this reply to Pastor Tossov and Sister Tushie Mashuganah
of the Holy Bagel Community as they are anxious that you receive all that you deserve for your sterling
work with regard to this business.
Yours sincerely,
Elsie Tanner
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
Morris Moore
Sent: Wed, 22 December, 2010
Subject: Irrelevant Updates.
Attention: Elsie Tanner.
I sincerely appreciate the time you are bringing out to give me the necessary updates but at this crucial time I will say that the are irrelevant.
The Bank account which I provided to you was given to me by the Albro Legend Finance and Security Firm for the transfer of their clearance charges, and I believe that you will agree with me that there is no way that I can prove to them that any payment which the receive in that same account was deposited by my client if I do not have any valuable proof.
Haven said that, I will assume that you should put more effort in making sure that the deposit slip is scanned and sent to me rather than for us to be wasting our valuable time in repeating the same issue that is delaying this project.
If you wish to send an update to Mrs. Tushie Meshuganah and Mr. Tossov, then I will advice you to make sure that it will be in line to the the progress that we are making in this project; but of which I think that we are not making.
Kindly focus on requesting Mr. Aspis Fuk Yu's cabinet to scan the deposit slip and send to me directly or to you so that you can forward it to me.
I believe that we are all learned and I will not expect you to write to me again until you are ready to provide the deposit slip.
I will in expectation to your compliance on this demand.
Yours in service,
Mr. Morris Moore.
Hugh Janus
Date: December 22, 2010
Dear Mr Moore,
On receipt of your e-mail I telephoned Mr Hugh Janus who has asked me to send
the following message to you:
"I appreciate your comments although who else could have transferred the specific sum of £12,419 to
this account - is the Albro Legend Finance & Security company not trustworthy?
"Nevertheless, by the time this e-mail reaches you, the deposit slip will have been sent to you by
our Hong Kong office."
"I can confirm that a copy of the deposit slip from Sir Aspis Fuk Yu's office has already
reached Sister Tushie Mashuganah and Pastor Lonslo Tossov. Sister Tushie is now on retreat in
Smegaroon but no doubt Pastor Tossov will forward his copy to you if required."
You may wish to contact Pastor Tossov directly by telephone at his private number which I would ask you
to treat as confidential: [+44] 0906 661 1911
Yours sincerely,
Elsie Tanner
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
Elsie Tanner
Date: December 24, 2010
Attention: Morris Moore
Here is the deposit slip you requested.
Elsie Tanner
Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International PLC
Please Note: This office is now closed until 9.00am on January 3rd 2010