JULIEN MAKEZELA FROM:MRS.JULIEN MAKEZELA. 54 MANDELA AVENUE STANTON JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA EMAIL;juma2050@hotmail.com Dear,Director, You may be surprised to receive this letter since you do not know me personally, but for the introduction, I am Mrs, JULIEN MAKEZELA. the wife of ENG. WILLIAMS MAKEZELA , who was recently murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe. I got your contact through the South African Information Exchange (S.A.I.E) here in South Africa and I decided to write for your assistance. My late husband was among the few black Zimbabwean well-to-do farmers murdered in cold blood by supporters and agents of the ruling government of president Robert Mugabe for their alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition party controlled and sponsored by the whites minority. Before his death, he had took me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US$ 27.8 Million Dollars(TWENTY SEVEN MILLION EIGTH HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLARS)with a security and finance company as if he knew the looming Danger about to happen in Zimbabwe. The money was deposited in a box as treasures With security company to avoid the possibility of knowing that it was money and has an insured cover.This money was earmarked for the purchase of machinery?s and chemicals for his farms and the establishment of new farms in neighboring countries Malawi and Mozambique. The land problem arose when President Robert Mugabe introduced a new land Reform Act that wholly affects all the well-to-do farmers most of them whites.Some few blacks vehemently condemned the system adopted by the government that resulted to rampant killing and mob actions by the war veterans some political supporters which hundred of people been killed. However, heads of government from the westernworld especially the Britain and the United States of America have voiced their condemnation of mugabe,s plans.consequent upon this,the Southern African Development Community (S.A.D.C)has continuously supported Mugabe?s new land reforms Acts. It is against this back ground that I and my family who are currently residing in the Republic of South Africa have decided to transfer this amount out of South Africa into a foreign bank account. As a widow, I am confronted with the responsibility of seeking a reliable and honest person or persons with genuine foreign bank account where this money could be transferred into without much taxation and problem of being defrauded. I am faced with the problem of investing this amount of money in the South Africa because my country and South Africa have almost the same political history. Moreso, the South African foreign policy on political asylums does not allow such investment since I am residing under such status(asylumseeker.)As a businessman whom I am going to entrust my future and that of my family in his hands,I must let you know that this transaction is 100% riskfree. Therefore, if you accept to assist my family,and me, we are willing to offer you 30% of the total sum of your assistance, 65% will be for my family while 5% will be used for all expenses. If this proposal is accepted by you, please do reply by sending me with this my email address above as confidentiality of this transaction cannot be over emphasized .Kindly, send your phone number and fax number for easier communication and to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of this transaction.Thanks and God bless you. BEST REGARDS MRS.JULIEN MAKEZELA, [No improvement on the letter sent Lady Agatha. Julien, don't quit your day job.] SPENCER TUNICK Feb 3 Dear MRS.JULIEN MAKEZELA, I would like to help you but it does not sound like you are very fond of white people. How did you know I am a director? Spencer Tunick JULIEN MAKEZELA DEAR SPENCER TUNICK, I RECIEVED YOUR MAIL AND I THANK GOD VERY WELL THAT I CAN COUNT ON YOUR ASSISTANCE TOWARDS THIS TRANSACTION,INFACT I WAS DESPERATLEY IN DIFFICULT CONDITION BECAUSE OF MY POLITICAL STATUS AS A REFUGEE, BUT WITH YOUR PROMISE TO ASSIST ME, I AM NOW A BIT RELIEVED. SO ALL I WANT YOU TO DO FOR ME IS TO COME DOWN HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA AND HELP MY SON RECLAIM THIS FUND THAT WAS DEPOSITED BY HIS LATE FATHER IN ONE SECURITY COMPANY HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA BY CHANGING THE ORIGINAL NAME OF THE DEPOSITOR TO YOUR OWN NAME, AS THE BORN BENEFICIARY OF THE SAID FUND IN THE SECURITY COMPANY.AFTER THAT YOU WILL OPEN A NON-RESIDENT BANK ACCOUNT WITH YOUR NAME WHICH WILL SERVE AS A CHANNEL THROUGH WHICH THIS FUND CAN BE TRANSFER FROM INTO YOUR OWN NORMINATED BANK ACCOUNT.. THE ONLY WAY I KNEW THAT YOU ARE A DIRECTOR IS WHILE I WAS GOING THROUGH YOUR COMPANY PROFILE, IT OCCUR THAT THE ONLY PERSON WHO WILL HANDLE THIS FUND MORE REPECTEDLY IS YOU THE DIRECTOR AND THAT WAS THE REASON WHY I WAS SENDING THE MESSAGE AND DIRECT IT TO YOU BY PUTING DEAR DIRECTOR. AND AS FOR BEEN CLOSE TO WHITE PEOPLE, WHEN MY HUSBAND WAS ALIVE AS A BUSINESSMAN, HE HAVE MANY WHITE FRIENDS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS. SO I LOVE WHITE PEOPLE AND THAT WAS THE MAIN REASON WHY THEY KILLED MY HUSBAND BECAUSE HE WAS AGAINEST THE PRESIDENT ASKING WHITE PEOPLE TO VACAT THEIR FARMS AND THEY SAID MY HUSBAND IS A FOOL FOR SIDING WHITE AND KILLED HIM OVER NIGHT.AND WAS TRYING TO KILL ALL US AND I RAN TO SOUTH AFRICA WITH MY SON AND MY DAUGHTER IN THE SENSE BECAUSE MY HUSBAND TOOK ME WHILE HE WAS ALIVE TO DEPOSIT THIS FUND IN SOUTH AFRICA. BUT ON OUR ARRIVAL TO SOUTH AFRICA WE FIND OUT THAT THE GOVENMENT OF THIS COUNTRY DOESN`T PERMITT A REFUGEE TO OPERATE IN ANY BANK ACCOUNT. SO THIS WAS THE MAIN REASON WHY I CONTACTED YOU. SO MY DEAR AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE WHOLE STORY THAT I TOLD YOU WILL BRING TO YOUR UNDERSTANDING THAT THIS FUND IS MY LIFE AND THE FUTURE OF MY FAMILY DEPENDS ON IT, SO I WILL APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH IF YOU WILL HANDLE THIS TRANSACTION WITH TRUST,CONFIDENTIALITY,GOD FEARING AND FAITH .WITH ALL THSES ATTRIBUTE TO OUR SUCCESS WE ARE GOING TO ACHIEVE OUR GOAL. SO PLEASE WHEN REPLYING THIS MAIL REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR PRIVATE TELEPOHNE AND FAX NUMBER FOR MORE EASIER COMMUNICATION TOWARDS THE BETTERMENT OF THIS TRASACTION OR YOU MAY CALL OUR FAMILY NUMBER +27-83-550-5429, FOR INFORMATION OR CLEARIFICATION ON THE AREA YOU DON`T UNDERSTAND VERY WELL. I WILL BE HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANKS MY REGARDS TO YOUR BELOVED FAMILY. MRS JULIEN MAKEZELA (FOR THE FAMILY.) SPENCER TUNICK Feb 4 (Of course the real Spencer Tunick www.spencertunick.com would want a photo) Dear MRS JULIEN MAKEZELA, I feel so much better now. It is very important in my business that white people and black people can work together cheek to cheek. I did try calling the telephone number you gave me more than once. Each time a man picked up and groaned, and in the background it sounded as if he were frying sausage links. Please call me at +34 XXX XXX XXX, I really must speak to you. Fondly, Spencer Tunick [The other Tunick's work is not as risqué as our Kindly Contributor makes it sound. But if the Lads want to take it that way, oh well!] JULIEN MAKEZELA Dear Spencer Tunick, I am writing to let you know that I have giving your phone number to my son, for him to contact you as soon as possible.But he have been trying to reach you since yesterday and your phone number was totally off. Do let me know when he will get you, to dicuss the modelities on how to bring this transaction to a successful conclusion. I will appreciate it so much. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, Oh I am terribly sorry. Are you sure you are dialing the correct and appropriate corresponding numerificational codification sequence? It's +34 XXX XXX XXX. I suspect that I shall be localizeable as of Monday during business-like hours. Bestest, Spencer Tunick JULIEN MAKEZELA Dear Spencer Tunick, I really appreciate your full response and understanding towards this transaction, you see because of this I call you a brother indeed.one edge says that (A BROTHER INNEED IS A BROTHER INDEED) MY GOD WILL BE WITH YOU, BLESS YOU AND SHOWER HIS PROSPERITY UPON YOUR BUSINESS IN JESUS AMEN. My son have tried the new number you gave to us and it is going through. So definitely he will call you by tomorrow as God pleases. So my dear the name of my son is MILLER MAKEZELA, Do listen to him very well and ask him some question which might came up along the dicussion. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 08 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, It's amazing that right as I received this note I had just sneezed! It was so nice speaking to your fine boy. He was so sympathetic to my cellular phone difficulties, I can't wait to speak to you! Fondly, Spencer Tunick EL HOMBRE From my mugu tag team buddy on location in Spain My buddy reports: Date: 08 Feb 2005 i got a call from the mugu lady's son today. his voice was the typical soporific mugu voice, it could have been the same guy I speak to all the time. My voice was a nasally fast-talking somewhat obsessive.-compulsive new yorker. The first call I was just sitting down to a nice macrobiotic lunch and told him to call me back in a half an hour, after that i picked up and made it sound like i had to pull the car over soi i left him waiting a while.the i got on it "hello" "hello, mistah spensaaah" "oh hi hi hii" then i went on and on and on about how i had a HANDSFREE, you know so I can TALK AND DRIVE get it? Oh man, you know, what a PAAAAAAIN "uhhh" and IT WENT AND BROKE, and I took it the guy right? and he told me it wasn't under guarantee anymore and I wemt "well, okay can you fix it" and he said "okay but you're gonna hafta leave it with me" and i said "okayyyyyyyy" you know what I'm saying? "ahh...well..I am Mr. Blaboodoo calling on BEHAFF OF MY MOTHER" "now just a minute, i have been dealing with you mother for several mails and i feel very close to her, I believe that we will have a strong personal relationship and we can make a lot of money, now I want to speak to your mom, put her on..." "ahhh..you wanna speak to my muddah" "That's right, look, hurry up, I was just on my way to Western Union NOW so hurry up ok? "ahhhh" "OK, now get back to me ok, sweetheart?" Let's see who he can bribe into this scam over by his web cafe, calling card joint in downtown Lagos. El Hombre EL HOMBRE (Another) Note from my Spanish mugu tag-team correspondent: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The muguess called me: sweet voice, young, typical, reminded me of a nigerian girlfriend i ended up wishing i had strangled...the sound of a srteam roller or construction in the background, children yammering far off... first i told her to invoice me for 5 days in south africa plus plane fare so that i could doctor the accounting stuff at my job. then i asked her for a photgraph. then i asked her for a photograph with no clothes on. i had to repeat that a few times... she said that it was against her culture, i said bahhhhh then she said she would be ashamed in front of her children i told her i would reduce my fee if she were to do it for me, that' i'm eccentric which i spelled EGG-CENTRIC she said like porno? i said no no nooooooooooo, if i wanted porno i could go out on the net, i just wanted a picture like that "nekkid" because it's a sign of good faith...besides I have so much money i should just throw it out the window, so i'm doing this because it's a sign of trust ... you know, as a goodwill thing for the justness of the cause, righting a wrong... what a field day...besides money is money and i'm ready to come by immediately "like when? " "like what's today?, wednesday, well i get the picture tomorrow, i book the flight off the web, then i fly out on sunday and we can spend the week together doing stuff. " "are you really coming?" "oh yeah, all i need is the picture and i'm there", "will you publish this picture...?" "no no no, you don't even have to show your face, just with no clothes on...like the day you were born...well, you could wear some heels if you felt like it" strategy: send a very friendly letter apologizing for such a strange request and assure her that you will maintain the confidentiality, it's just that i am so EGG-CENTRIC and this is a sign of good faith. oh, I threw in a lot of God stuff, too. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 09 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to you, I am in rapture from the sound of your soothing voice. I must apologize if you were taken aback regarding the photo I requested. You see... I am a very well known photographer, not really egg-centric as I told you. My specialty is to travel around the globe, and assemble large groups of people to pose naked in celebration of the human body. It is a natural state of being, not pornographic in any sense, rather something beautiful. It does not matter what type of physique you have, all of the lord's creations are beautiful. However I understand that your culture may view the human body somewhat differently and that you have cultural inhibitions. Your offer to sleep with me is not what I had in mind, but as you have raised the possibility perhaps you could forward me a photo of yourself fully clothed, with the exception of the top button of you blouse undone wih you pointing at it. I hope this will put this matter to rest for the time being, I would like to be of service to you and your family. Please call me if you are more comfortable with this, and by all means please do not write to me using all capital letters. Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA DEAR BROTHER SPENCER TUNICK, YES ACCORDING OUR TELEPHONE CONSERVATION THIS AFTERNOON, I AM REALLY GLAD SPEAKING WITH YOU OVER THE TELEPHONE AND I AM VERY MUCH HAPPY TO HEAR THE VOICE OF THE PERSON I AM ABOUT TO ENTER IN A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS DEAL WITH. I WAS HIGHLY SURPRISE AND DUMBFOUND TO HEAR FROM YOU THAT YOU WANT MY NAKED PICTURE, YOU SEE AS A MOTHER AND A MARRIED WOMAN I AM NOT IN TITLED TO SHOW MY NAKEDNESS TO ANY OTHER MAN OR INDIVIDUALS, EXPECT MY BOY FRIEND, WHICH I KNEW VERY WELL THAT SINCE THE DEATH OF MY HUSBAND I HAVE NEVER SLEEP WITH ANY MAN. SO I REALLY WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO WAY I WILL SCAN MY NAKED PICTURE AND SEND IT TO YOU THROUGH INTERNET, BEFORE YOU HELP ME IN A BUSINESS THAT YOU WILL GAIN A LOT WHEN THE WHOLE TRANSACTION IS COMPLETED. I AM TOTALLY READY EVEN TO SLEEP WITH YOU WHEN YOU CAN DOWN HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA IN RESPECT OF THIS TRANSACTION AND I AM READY TO BE NAKED IN FRONT YOU AS FAR AS YOU ARE WILLING TO DO THIS TRANSACTION, BUT AS FOR MY NAKED PICTURE BEFORE THE TRANSACTION, IT DOESN`T LOOK MATURED. MY HUBAND`S ENEMY IS MOVING AROUND AND SEEKING FOR OUR SOULS TO BE DESTORIED, WITH ANY ALLEGATION THEY MAY COME UP WITH, SO YOU SEE THIS IS SOUTH AFRICA AND WHERE WE ARE IS IN A HIDING PLACE, THE ONLY PERSON WHO USED TO GO OUT AND FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING IS MY SON, SO TELL ME HOW WILL IT BE POSSIBLE FOR ME TO DO THAT. PLEASE MY CHILDREN MUST NOT HEAR THIS, MY SON IS 28YEARS OF AGE AND MY DAUGHTER IS 25YEARS OLD, SO TELL ME HOW WILL THEY FEEL TO SEE THEIR OLD MOTHER GOT NAKED SIMPLE BECAUSE OF THIS FUND. PLEASE MY DEAR, I AM WILLING TO OFFER ANYTHING, BUT NOT THIS ONE. THIS IS TOTALLY OUT OF THE BUSINESS DICUSSION. ON THE ISSUE OF THE PHONY COMPANY INVOICE WITH THE AMOUNT, I DON`T REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION. THE REASON WHY I CONTACTED YOU IS BECAUSE I DON`T HAVE ANY ACCESS TO THIS FUND, BECAUSE OF MY STATUS AS AN ASYLUM SEEKER HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA. SO ALL I WANT YOU TO DO FOR ME IS TO COME DOWN HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA AND HELP MY SON TO RECLAIM THIS FUND FROM THE SECURITY COMPANY WHERE MY LATE HUSBAND DEPOSITED IT BEFORE HIS DEATH BY CHANGING THE ORIGINAL NAME OF THE DEPOSITOR TO YOUR OWN NAME AS THE BORN BENEFICIARY OF THE SAID CONSIGNMENT IN THE SECURITY COMPANY.AND AFTER THAT YOU WILL OPEN A NON-RESIDENT BANK ACCOUNT WITH YOUR NAME WHICH WILL SERVE AS A CHANNEL THROUGH WHICH THIS FUND CAN BE TRANSFER FROM INTO YOUR OWN COUNTRY ACCOUNT. SO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, BECAUSE ACCORDING OUR ADVISER HE PROMISED THAT HE WILL DO ANYTHING WITHIN HIS POWER TO SECURE A SMOOTH TRANSACTION. SO BE REST ASSURED THAT ONCE YOU COME DOWN HERE IN SOUTH AFRICA IN RESPECT OF THIS TRANSACTION WHAT SO EVER YOU DEMAND I WILL DEFINITELY DO THAT FOR YOU. SO LET ME HOPE FOR THE BEST WHERE YOU ARE,AND PROMISING, I WILL MAKE IT UPTO YOU NO MATTER WHAT SO EVER THE CASE MAY BE ONCE I SEE YOUR PRESENCE REGARDING THIS FUND TRANSFER. SO AS A WIDOM AND A HIDING PERSON I DON`T KNOW THE ACTUAL AMOUNT SOUTH AFRICA AIRWAYS WILL TAKE FROM YOU, SO ALL WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO CONTACT YOUR TREVALING AGENT AND THE PERSON WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT WILL COST YOU TO FLY DOWN HERE, BE INFORMED THAT THIS TRANSACTION WILL ONLY LAST TWO TO THREE WORKING DAYS ACCORDING TO OUR LEGAL ADVISER TO BE CONCLUDED. FINALLY I DON`T UNDERSTAND VERY WELL WHAT YOU MEAN BY ECCENTTRIC. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS TRANSACTION AS A WAY GOD WANT YOU TO HELP A WIDOW LIKE ME AND MY PROMISE IS THAT YOU WILL NEVER REGREAT ANYTHING YOU DO WITH ME AS FAR AS THIS TRANSACTION IS CONCERN. THANKS MY REGARDS TO YOUR UNDERSTANDING. MRS JULIEN MAKEZELA. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 10 Feb 2005 Dear MRS MAKEZELA, I am overjoyed at your words. As we speak, I am attempting to coordinate a group for my next photo shoot in South Africa, we shall make plans to meet then, which should take place in a week or so. You would be rather surprised how many people would love to pose for me. Most people feel very liberated from the experience, free from the shackles imposed upon them by a repressive society. Perhaps you may change your mind and join in with the group. As far as the photo you would be kind enough to send me, please stand up straight, wear a shirt with buttons. Undo the top button only, and pull back the lapel with your right hand. In your left hand please hold up a piece of paper that says "Hi Spencer, are you baiting for me?" Once I receive that my dear, I shall surely make arrangements to travel to meet you and your family. If you have any further questions, please call me. I am breathless in my anticipation! Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Dearest Spencer Tunick, It is my atmost desire hearng from you again and it puts delight in me with your explinations about the photo you are demanding from me. Before I proceed I will not forget to say I am totally sorry for writing to you with all capital letters, I was thinking so much and due to I wasn`t concentrating on what I was doing, So I end up writing all with capital letters, So please expect my appology, as we proceed. Yes, sending you my picture with my cloths on is well recieved and I will do my best to make sure that you will get my best pictures that will make you feel very happy. But on other hand can please explain to me in simple english what you mean by, with the exception of the top button of you blouse undone wih you pointing at it. My children send their greetings across to you and they said that I must tell you, that they are longing to meet you face to face as soon as possible. Again if you got the picture as you said, how long will it take from you to be here in south africa in respect of this transaction? I will be waiting to hear from you to enable me go ahead in sendng you the picture as demanded. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 11 Feb 2005 Dear MRS MAKEZELA, I am very very eager to proceed and I do not wish to have something so small delay us. As I have many years experience as a professional photographer, you can trust me unhesitantly that your photos will be kept in total confidentiality. Please just send the photos and tell me what will be our next step. The project I'm involved in would allow us to meet very soon, but your statement that the enemies of your husband may bring danger upon us causes me no small amount of concern. Perhaps we should delay a meeting until the danger passes, I am far too old to and too secure to bring unnecessary harm to myself, and I would not with to put your family's life in jeopardy as well. Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Dear Spencer Tunick, I recieved your mail and I am total happy some how now that you are understanding my position as a married woman and a mother of big boy and big girl. So I agreed to pose on the photograph on one condition, that you will not publish this picture and nobody will see it. if it is fine by you, then we have a deal. I will even attach a copy of my son`s picture to proof to you that we need your assistance towards the progress of this very transaction, So do not delay in getting back to us immediately you recieve this mail to enable me know my stand in this very transaction. Once again, You know we are hiding in South Africa in respect of the whole story that I told you early, so I will be more than happy if you will maintain the confidentiality of this transaction, Because once we are exposed, the enemies of my late husband will get hold of us and send us to the land of silent very quitely. Finally remember you are our only hope to move this fund out from south africa to your own country account in Spain. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: THANKS, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. Dear Spencer Tunick, I recieved your mail and I am very happy more than before that I am doing this transaction with a matured being like me.ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE WELCOME. Listen I was just telling you what life is all about and My attorney have assured me that he will make sure that this transaction will be concluded free and fair, So your safety once you come down here in South Africa is our concern, you have nothing to worry about. On the issue of the picture I will take it as soon as possible and Send it to you immediately, because I want everything about this transaction to be concluded before this months runs out. You knew what it is for a rich family to wake up one morning and find themselves as refugees in a country they knew nothing about. So relax your mind and hope for the best in life as we plan how to bring this transaction to a successful conclusion as soon as possible. Thanks My regards to your family Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 14 Feb 2005 Dear MRS MAKEZELA, It was so lovely of you to call, your voice is like the song of parakeets in springtime. I can't wait for your photo. Also, please send me suggestions for travel arrangements. I have my credit card ready so we can get the boring details behind us. Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA X-Originating-Ip: [] Subject: THE ATTACHED IS THE REQUESTED PICTURES AS DEMAND. Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 Dear Spencer Tunick, I recieved your mail of yesterday and all your wonderful words that made my day, Infact I can`t wait to meet this nice person like you. I sent my son yesterday to notify you that I will be sending the requested picture by today. And the attached is the requested picture as demand. According our arrangements pending your arrival in South Africa, I called our adviser to meet with the security company where my late husband deposited this fund to know from them if there is anything we will be coming along with the day we will claim the said fund, So i will update you by tomorrow the out-come of my adviser`s meeting with the security company. Once again, I want to use this opportunity to bring to your understanding that nobody is above mistake in life, So if you don`t like the pictures or they are not as you expected, Do bear with me and I promise I will take more beatiful ones in presently of you in your hotel room where none of my children will be. I beautify myself like a small girl, so that you will love it. Furthermore, Do let us know your taking-off date and your arrival date in Johannesburg South Africa, Because I want our adviser to do a HOTEL RESERVATION for you, I mean where you will be staying untill we concluded this transaction. which will only last two to three working days according to our adviser. Finally be rest assured that you will like those pictures, But if you don`t. I will take more in front of you to proof to you that I really appreciate your effort and help towards this transaction. Thanks My regards to your understanding Mrs Julien Makezela. ![]() SPENCER TUNICK Date: 15 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I must say, to use childish slang, I am going BONKERS over your photo! You are far lovelier than I pictured, I see no reason to delay my travel any longer. I have made the following arrangements with my travel agency, air, hotel, and chauffeur. Air: Sat, Feb 19 Outbound Flight - 1 Stop - Change planes in London, Great Britain (LHR) British Airways Flight 7078 operated by IBERIA / Flight 43 Barcelona, Spain (BCN) to Capetown, South Africa (CPT) 1:25pm to 6:15am Next day arrival Hotel: The Cape Milner in the suburb of Tamoerskloof My chauffeur may need directions to for the Table Mountain, would you please provide? I would like to bring you a gift, I will surprise you, but also if there's anything you wish for please let me know. I shall contact you as soon as I arrive!! Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: GOD WILL REWARD YOU FOR ALL YOUR KINDNESS TO MY FAMILY. Dear Spencer Tunick. I recieved your mail and I am very sorry over what you picture about myself and I promise I will make it upto once we see each other face to face.no matter what it takes I will make you happy. Like I told you yesterday that our legal adviser will be going to the security company to find out what we need to come along with, So according his meeting with the security company officials yesterday, they told him that this fund have accumulated a demurrage charge for some months now, which have not been paid and must be paid before this fund will leave their company. They stated charges as follows: Monthly charges :$2,775.00 United State Dollars X10=$27,750.00 United State Dollars Demurrage Charges: $225.00 United State Dollars X10=$2,250.00 United State Dollars Total outstanding charges : $30,000.00 United State Dollars. So my dear this how much we are owing to the security company for the safe keeping of this fund, But my adviser have promised to pay half of the money if he can be able to see his cars and some propertise between today and tomorrow that he will come out with half of the fees. So please this is where I need your help most and I promise to pay you back once we have access to this fund, Once again be rest assured that I will take the picture in front of you when you come down here in respect of this transaction and I want you to know that every arrangement concerning our meeting will be in Johannesburg where we are presently. I can`t come to cape town because of what I told you ealier. I will call you with my son, as soon as possible. As I am writing to you now, the adviser have left to the company where he bought his cars, so that they will refund him his money back pending your arrival in South Africa, to enable him help us in paying the security company fees. You are my only hope, to have access to this fund, I thank God you have see my picture, and the reason why I look like that is lack of maintance and money, Once I got hold of this fund. My dear brother my days of agony as a refugee in south africa have come to an end. I need gift like nokia cell phone and other things, But my must important problem now is how to get these requested fees by the security company in the next 72hrs. Dearest Spencer, you mean a lot to me and my family and we have no other person to turn to, than you and my adviser. Please help me and I will make it upto. MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD WHO CREATED HEAVEN,EARTH AND ALL THE BEATIFUL THINGS IN IT, GRANT YOU PEACE, JOY, BLESSING AND REWARD YOU FOR HELPING A WIDOM LIKE ME IN JESUS NAME AMEN. I will be waiting to hear from you. ONCE AGAIN YOU ARE WELCOME IN SOUTH AFRICA. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 16 Feb 2005 Dear Lovely Lady, I was delighted to speak with you just now; it was a pleasure to my ears. I understand your situation and I will hapilly pay the demurrage fees, since it is but a small token of my appreciation for you letting me in at the ground floor on this spectacular and once in a lifetime opportunity to make some cash and help you as well. I have booked a flight as per detailed below: London [LHR] 20 Feb 06:30 Johannesburg [JNB] 20 Feb 21:40 13h 10m 1 Stop / via Amsterdam [AMS] Economy Johannesburg [JNB] 24 Feb 23:35 London [LHR] 25 Feb 16:15 18h 40m 1 Stop / via Amsterdam [AMS] In-room printer/copier/fax I also decide to book a room the following hotel from the 20th to check out on the morning of the 24th The Westcliff 67 Jan Smuts Avenue, Westcliff Johannesburg 2193 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 646 2400 Here are your instructions, please be at the hotel on the morning of the 21st at 11:00 sharp. I will be waiting in the reception area wearing a white sports coat and a pink carnation. I have instructed the hotel concierge and reception not to disclose my whereabouts because since I will be carrying around an undisclosed high amount of CASH in DOLLARS, I don't want to draw attention to my exact whereabouts. Furthermore, I suspect it is a security risk for you to call, so save yourself the trouble. If you have any questions, don't ask the hotel staff; call me on the cell phone. We can do business in my executive suite as I will have my Laptop,Secretarial support via the business centre, plus we can order up room service for lunch and enjoy ourselves. In the evening we can visit a few of the entertainment areas like Hillbrow or Joubert Park. Please confirm that we can expect you and your son at the hotel on the 21st at 11:00 am. Thanks and let's see this deal take off! God bless you and your wonderful family. Warmest, most sincerest regards. Spencer SPENCER TUNICK Date: 16 Feb 2005 Subject: Gift for you Dear Lovely Lady, I was thinking about a nice present for you. We can always pick up a nokia cellphone in duty free at the airport, it will be a lot cheaper and I can get you one of the sexy new ones like in the attached photo. I was thinking of something a little bit more personal, like a nice bathing suit. Tell me which one you like better, the Hawaiian one or the Marilyn Monroe variety. I think you would look great in both. I could invite you to the hot tub at the hotel! (Bring your son of course.) Looking forward to hearing from you my dearest. Sincere, kind, heartfelt regards, Spencer [Encloses several pictures of bathing suits with interesting fabric designs, worn by a shapely woman with tattoos.] SPENCER TUNICK Date: 17 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, Have you selected a bathing suit? If it does not interest you I will not bring one, but either would look lovely on you. Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS WE PROCEED. Dearest Spencer Tunick, I am writing to know from you if you are taking-off by tomorrow to south africa as we agreed, I called your phone several times to speak with you and your phone was ringing no picking. So please do up dating me of your arrival in South Africa regarding this very transaction. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 21 Feb 2005 Dear MRS.MAKEZELA, What happened to you today, we were supposed to meat in the hotel lobby at 11:00 am? I am at the hotel, please call on my cell, I have been trying to reach you unsuccessfully. My internet service provider has informed me that an individual who claims to be a Lady Agatha Bristol, CBE has hacked my email account and has been sending messages to my contacts. Did you received one of these messages? I am very upset, please call. Fondly, Spencer SPENCER TUNICK Date: 21 Feb 2005 Subject: DID YOU FORGET THE INSTRUCTIONS? Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I can' t believe you could you forget out arrangement. Today I have been be visiting the areas I mentioned to you over the phone, please call my cellular phone. I have your gift and the balance so we can proceed. I am enjoying myself, but I am a bit concerned about your inattentiveness. Fondly, Spencer -------------------------------------------------------------- The Westcliff 67 Jan Smuts Avenue, Westcliff Johannesburg 2193 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 646 2400 Here are your instructions, please be at the hotel on the morning of the 21st at 11:00 sharp. I will be waiting in the reception area wearing a white sports coat and a pink carnation. JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: IF THIS IS A JOKE, GOD WILL NEVER FORGIVE. Dear Spencer Tunick, I don`t why people like you dosen`t maintain their words, I have been trying to call you since yesterday and today but to no avil, I asked my son to call you and he did call you and got hold of you to know you what is the meaning of this and you told him that you have been waiting in the hotel for a very long time. So please stop pulling my legs and let know whom you are. Because if I pray for you as a widow, you life will never be the same again. I respected you so much and I send you my private photograph and we agree to meet today and I have been trying to reach you since then to no avil.I called the hotel you told me that you reserved and the hotel management told me that there is nobody like you in that hotel. So do get back to me and let me know what is the meaning of all these rubbish and who is this lady you are talking about. Our adviser called me now that he have been trying to get hold of you and the phone is ringing no picking and the next thing you did was the switch it off. Thanks My regards to decisive. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 21 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, Please let's both of us not get upset. I apologize as I am new in this country. My phone has been behaving strangely, ringing and no one answers. There is something very peculiar going on with my email account, I suspect someone has gotten hold of my password and sending you odd emails that are made to appear as if I sent them. I registered at the hotel using my professional name, as I want to maintain security for reasons we already spoke about. This is not a joke, I am very anxious to meet you, please let me know when you will be able to meet me in the hotel lobby. In earnest, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: PLEASE CALL MY ADVISER IMMEDIATELY. Dear Spencer Tunick, I do recieved your mail and I don`t know what to believe or what to say right away, Please can you call our adviser Mr David with this direct mobile line 0837657771 immediately and once he heard from you he will instruct me to come and meet you in the hotel lobby. I will call him now to let him know that you will call him right away. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 22 Feb 2005 Dear MRS MAKEZELA, I would like to call you directly, or you call me. Your advisor somehow mixed up the arrangements and I would prefer to speak to your rather than him. I am only here for a very short time and do not want to have the opportunity wasted. The people at my hotel were uneasy about my licensed firearm, they recommended another place for me to stay so this is my new location. I chose it because it is close to the airport and far less formal than the first one. Imperial Hotel 224 Loop Street Pietermaritzburg Kwazulu Natal Yo-hannesburg We shall meet there, please call me as soon as possible, Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Subject: PLEASE CALL OUR FAMILY NUMBER IMMEDIATELY. Dear Spencer Tunick, I don`t really get this point stranght, as I earlier told you about this our advisor and he is a very serious businessman. Ok if you can not call him, why can`t you call our family number 0835505429 to have a full discussion with me and my son. I really want to do this transaction with you, but I can not afford to come that area where you locate a new hotel, I have money to come there, may be we can meet in fourways mall. But first call me immedaitely you recieve this mail, because I will not appreciate it that, you come down in south africa in respect of this transaction and we will not concluded it, it is very painful to me. Thanks My regards to your family. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 22 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I'm sorry, but I do not understand it when you wrote "can not afford to come that area where you locate a new hotel, I have money to come there". Does this mean you can afford it or you cannot? You are saying both in the same sentence. Anyway, I have traveled a long way to see you, so I expect you to at least provide the courtesy to meet me at this hotel and not argue over a car ride. I will try to call you. Fondly, Spencer JULIEN MAKEZELA Dearest Spencer Tunick, I recieved your mail and to tell you the truth I am in love with your name. You promised to call me and I am still waiting for your call. All I told you in my previous mail is that, hence my adviser will not know that I am coming to see you,then I can not afford to meet you that far . But call my phone so that we will agree where and how to meet each other. Do please take care of yourself for me, and I hope that God will be with you. Thanks My regards to your understanding Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 23 Feb 2005 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I have met a nice young lady here named Chata Sompani. I am attaching her photo. Do you recognize her? We have spent some time together, I showed her your photo and Chata thinks she knows you! Chata also spotted the bathing suit I bought for you. I did not think we would be able to get together so I gave the suit to Chata. She looks FANTASTIC in it, I hope you don't mind. Chata volunteered to bring the funds to you if you send me your location, you said you cannot come to pick them up. I tried calling your phone number several times and could not get through. Please call me on my cellular. Fondly, Spencer [encloses photo of pretty young woman in a bathing suit] JULIEN MAKEZELA I recieved your mail and I am very happy that you have giving what you bought for me for a little small girl, who is too small to be my grand-daughter. It is a disgrace to my very person that you can not trust me the way I do to you. According your plan to visit south africa you told me in your flight arrangement that you will be living south africa by 24th february which is today. So all I can say is that GOD WILL LEAD YOU HOME SAFELY. I will call you when you are at home in spain and we will arrange how my advisor will come to meet in you face to face in your own country. Do let me know your plans over this issue. Thanks My regards to your concern. Mrs Julien Makezela. SPENCER TUNICK Feb 24 Dear MRS. MAKEZELA, I'm sorry too that things did not work out romantically for us because I met Chata. I have decided to postpone my trip back home. Chata doesn't wish for me to leave, nor do I wish to leave her, I have been happier these past few days than I've been in a very long time. I have been able to legally extend my trip in order for me to arrange a group photo which involves extensive planning. I respect the fact that you would not wish to participate in such a photo. As far as business goes as time goes on I am spending more of the money I brought here with me. Please call me if you wish to act on this. Fondly, Spencer [ Spencer can't resist the urge to gloat - and he has illusions of grandeur - he thinks he's an agent of the Foreign Office! Why not Napoleon?] SPENCER TUNICK Of course you're sorry. I'm just a bored college kid sitting in a dorm room and I had you running around like my dog for the past three weeks. That's TWICE you made scamorama, http://www.scamorama.com/agatha_makezela.html and now http://www.scamorama.com/tunick_makezela.html and there's more to come. So get busy, we love reading about you. Why don't you call me or email me back so I can laugh at you some more. Throw in a bunch of insults so I can put them up on scamorama so you can make many people laugh. JULIEN MAKEZELA YES LISTEN, YOU WILL NEVER GO FREE. I SEND YOU WHAT YOU WANTED WHICH WILL SEND YOU TO THE LAND OF SILENT ONCE. SAY YOUR LAST PRAYER. FUCKING IDOT. BOTH OF YOU ARE STUPID, DO YOU THINK THAT I WILL SEND YOU MY ORIGINAL PICTURE, YOU ARE KIDING BOTH OF YOU. TO DIE IS WHAT YOU DESERVE. SEE YOU IN HELL. SPENCER TUNICK Date: 25 Feb 2005 Oh you can do better than that. Actually you will hear from us a lot sooner in the other scams you're trying to run against us. How much did you pay the internet cafe for all the time you spent emailing this crap? How much did you pay for your list that now everyone on it knows you're a fraud? Being a criminal though I don't think you don't pay for the cell phone calls, but maybe you do, that would be great. Of course you didn't send your picture. And Chata, she was just a photo that some other scamming mugu sent me, a fake lifted from a magazine probably. But the picture of the fat washer lady you sent me was real. There's probably a special place in hell for people like you that use god's name for criminal purposes, but that of course doesn't bother you at all because it doesn't stop you from doing it. But making a criminal like you dance like a fool, and then to even see how angry you get, well that's exactly why me other people are playing with you right now. more to come? |