A new round of abuse from Lonslo Tossov, world's rudest investment advisor. He is unrelentingly abrasive when he is not being downright rude, and we are surprised that John Kangiwa stuck it out as long as he did (he snapped in the end). Tossov has always been kind to us in his grudging way, but then we present no intellectual or financial competition. In any event we can't refuse his postings - his powerful connections include and are not limited to Lady Agatha Bristol of the Foreign Office. Herewith follows another Dead Bank Customer tale.
JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: LETTER OF OFFERDate: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 18:42:27 +0530 PROFITABLE TRANSACTION Mr John Kangiwa{Manager} johnkangiwa@skali.com Dear Sir, First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. We have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, as we have been reliably informed of your discreetness and ability in transaction of this nature. Let me start by introducing myself properly to you. I am Mr.john kangiwa the manager with the First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Lagos.I came to know you in my Private Search for a Reliable and Reputable Person to handle this Confidential Transaction, which involves the transfer of Huge sum of Money to a Foreign Account requiring Maximum Confidence. THE PROPOSITION: A Foreigner an Australia, Late Engr. Steve Moore (Snr.) an Oil Merchant with the Federal Government of Nigeria, until his death months ago in Kenya Air Bus (A310-! 301) Flight KQ431, Banked with us at First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Lagos and had a closing balance as at the end of September, 2000 worth US$30,000,000.00 (THIRTY Million United State Dollars), the bank now expects a next of kin as beneficiary. Valuable efforts are being made by the First Bank of Nigeria to get in touch with any of the Moore's family or relatives but to no success. It is because of the perceived possibility of not being able to locate any of Late Engr. Steve Moore (Snr.)' s next kin (He had no wife or children that is know to us). The Management under the influence of our Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, that arrange has been made for the fund to be declared "Unclaimed" and subsequently be donated to the trust fund for arms and ammunition to further enhance the course of War in Africa and the World in General. In order to avert this negative development some of my trusted colleagues and I now seek your permission to have you stand as next of kin to! Late Engr. Steve Moore (Snr.) so that the fund US$30 Million will be released and paid into your account as the beneficiary's next of kin. All documents and proves to enable you get his fund will be carefully worked out. We have secure from the probate an order of madamus to locate any of deceased beneficiaries, and more so we are assuring you that this business is 100% Risk Free involvement. Your share stays while the rest be for myself and my colleagues for investment purpose. According to agreement within both parties. As soon as we receive an acknowledgement of receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business proposal, we would furnish you with the necessary modalities and disbursement ratio to suite both parties with out any conflict. While replying furnish me with your private fax and phone numbers for easy communication,Bank Name,Bank Account Number,Companies Name and Address. The sharing of the fund are thus: 20% for you the account owner,70% for i and my ! trusted colleagues and the remainning 10% for expenses for both parties. If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not make undue advantage of the trust we have bestowed in you. Best regards, Mr. John Kangiwa(Manager). You can send your reply to the email address bellow johnkangiwa@skali.com [It's not our fault he didn't like paragraphs at that stage.] LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 07 Apr 2003, 05:45:50 AMSubject: to kangiwank KANGIWANK JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A REPUTATION FOR KIND AND CHARITABLE BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN SEVERAL COUNTRIES AND MONEY TO INVEST DOESNT MEAN EVERY TOM DICK AND NATIVE HARRY CAN COME TO ME WITH A BEGGING BOWL_ FOR GODS SAKE MAN THIS WHOLE CLAIM OF YOURS SEEMS RISIBLE AND ENTIRELY COCKEYED_ WHAT DOCUMENTS CAN YOU COURIER ME TO PROVE THE ACCURACY OF THESE CLAIMS??_ENSURE THAT I HAVE MORE TO LOOK AT THAN THIS OPPORTUNISTIC AND ILLITERATE FLIM FLAM AND I WILL SEE WHAT CAN BE DONE IF ANYTHING ON THE BASIS OF A PROPER PROPOSAL_IF YOU VALUE MY CONTINUED INTEREST I SUGGEST THAT THIS IS DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE NOT IN THE USUAL DILATORY MANNER SO FAVOURED BY MANY OF YOUR COUNTRYMEN_SEND ME A FULL OUTLINE OF WHAT IS TO BE DONE_WHEN_BY WHOM_AND TO WHAT EFFECT_NOW LETS HAVE IT MAN AND AT ONCE IS THAT CLEAR? T Lonslo Tossov Tossov Investments SA 1 Yanker Ave, Mbalongawank 123 Via Costeira - Natal Phone/Fax: +55 (84) 202.1300 [It's not our fault he doesn't know how to release the CAPS key.] JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION.Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 17:51:43 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Thank you for your mail of the 7th of April 2003. For your information,this transaction will be arranged to appear that you are the only surviving relative of Mr Steve Moore(the original/bonafide owner of the deposited fund) domeciled with the bank(First Bank Nigeria Plc)I will therefore present you as the next of kin to Mr Steve More as he Mr Steve and family lost their lives in a ghastly auto accident as already explained to you in my letter of offer. To commence this transaction i will have to employ the services of a legal solicitor that will execute and obtain the necessary payment approvals and other vital inernational certificates/documents that will ensure the smooth transfer of the inheritance fu nd into your expected nominated account that would connveniently accomodate the fund. With your full committment and unalloyed co-operation it is envisage that this transaction will be successfully concluded within fourteen (14) working banking days. Meanwhile, my telephone number where you can conveniently reach me at any time is 234-1-77649. You are also requested to send me your private telephone number and fax number where i can also conveniently reach you anytime i want to update you with the progress of the transaction. You are hereby expected to act with despatch. Yours truly, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 09 Apr 2003, 01:29:31 AMKANGIWAG YOU HAVE MY DETAILS AS GIVEN BELOW SO WHY THIS DELAY IN GETTING INFORMATION TO ME???? I HAVE TRIED YOUR NUMBER AND IT IS A DEAD LINE MAN_SO WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? EITHER YOU ARE SERIOUS OR NOT_COURIER ME THE PAPERWORK AT ONCE AND WHAT I CAN DO WILL BE DONE BUT I HAVE TO LEAVE FOR AMERICA SHORTLY SO SUGGEST YOU PULL YOUR FINGER OUR AND MOVE MORE SHARPLY THAN HITHERTO YOU GINGAW GALOOT_NOW GET ON WITH IT MAN AND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION.Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 17:51:55 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Thank you for your mail of the 7th of April 2003. For your information,this transaction will be arranged to appear that you are the only surviving relative of Mr Steve Moore(the original/bonafide owner of the deposited fund) domeciled with the bank(First Bank Nigeria Plc)I will therefore present you as the next of kin to Mr Steve More as he Mr Steve and family lost their lives in a ghastly auto accident as already explained to you in my letter of offer. To commence this transaction i will have to employ the services of a legal solicitor that will execute and obtain the necessary payment approvals and other vital inernational certificates/documents that will ensure the smooth transfer of the inheritance fu nd into your expected nominated account that would connveniently accomodate the fund. With your full committment and unalloyed co-operation it is envisage that this transaction will be successfully concluded within fourteen (14) working banking days. Meanwhile, my telephone number where you can conveniently reach me at any time is 234-1-77649. You are also requested to send me your private telephone number and fax number where i can also conveniently reach you anytime i want to update you with the progress of the transaction. You are hereby expected to act with despatch. Yours truly, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 09 Apr 2003, 01:32:23 AMSubject: Re: DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION. KANGIWAG FOR GODS SAKE THERE IS NO NEED TO SEND EVERYTHING TO ME TWICE MAN I AM NOT STUPID YOU NAUSEOUS NATIVE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: PLEASE SEND YOUR BANK DETAILS.Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 19:48:00 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Thanks for your response to my message. Please be informed that my telephone number is 234-1-7764995, the first one i sent to you was incorrect and incomplete. You are urgently expected to send your bank information to me as this will help me to get the payment approvals that will enable me to send the required papers to your bank for the transfer of the fund. I hereby want you to send the information of your bank immediately. My sincere regards, i am waiting to receive your call on phone number 234-1-7764995 as soon as you can. John Kangiwa. JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: WHAT IS UP TOSSOV.Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 17:37:19 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov MY FRIEND WHY ARE YOU WAISTING MY TIME, I AM STILL WAITING FOR THE BANKING INFORMATION. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS UP AND STOP DELAYING THIS PROJECT OKAY. CALL ME RIGHT NOW ON MY PHONE NUMBER 234-1-7764995. THANK YOU. john kangiwa. JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: SEND ME THE FUCKING BANKING DETAILS.Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 17:38:19 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov MY FRIEND WHY ARE YOU WAISTING MY TIME, I AM STILL WAITING FOR THE BANKING INFORMATION. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS UP AND STOP DELAYING THIS PROJECT OKAY. CALL ME RIGHT NOW ON MY PHONE NUMBER 234-1-7764995. THANK YOU. john kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 10 Apr 2003, 05:30:41 AMSubject: Re: SEND ME THE FUCKING BANKING DETAILS. KANGIWANKS WHAT THE DEVIL IS THIS RUDENESS DURING MY ENFORCED ABSENCE AT A MEETING OF THE SAFARI SOCIETY?? MY MAILS HAVE BEEN OPENED BY MRS QUIMS WHO ACTS AS MY PRIVATE ASSISTANT AND SHE WAS IN TEARS AFTER THE PROFANITIES AND ABRUPT MANNER YOU HAVE SO UNWISELY ADOPTED_I AM NOT USED TO HAVE SUCH LANGUAGE USED MY MAN_IF YOU WISH TO CONDUCT BUSINESS IN SUCH A OBSCENE MANNER I SUGGEST THAT YOU AND YOUR MANNERS ARE BEST SUITED TO THE WHOREHOUSE WHERE NO DOUBT YOU FOUND YOUR UNDER AGE WIFE AND SOME EXOTIC DISEASES WHICH YOU SHARE_EITHER DESIST WITH THIS BAD MOUTHING OR YOU CAN KISS GOODBYE TO THE INTEREST SHOWN SO FAR BY TOSSOV INVESTMENTS IN YOUR SCHEME AND TAKE A RUNNING JUMP_I TRUST THAT THIS IS PERFECTLY CLEAR???????? GET YOUR PHONE IN ORDER BEFORE YOU CRITICISE OTHERS I SUGGEST AT THE VERY LEAST AS IT IS PATENTLY AS DEAD AS A DODO AND ADOPT A CIVIL TONE BEFORE YOUR BETTERS IN FUTURE_ BANK DETAILS_ Levy Bank Newmanstrasse 13 Mamite-Twiglitz Bonking GERMANY ac 696969 00 Account manager Toby Lerone NOW GET ON WITH THIS AND AT ONCE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: CALL ME FOR UPDATE ON THE TTRANSATION.Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 18:47:32 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, I hereby acknowledge the receipt of your bank co-ordinates,and i have also on receipt of your banking information apply for the immediate payment approvals of the inheritance fund through the assistance of an attorney employed to execute this transaction on your behalf for our mutual benefits. Please find as per attached the information about myself in my International passport and my staff identification card.My residential address is 60 Adeola Hopewell street, Ikoyi Lagos state. This trandaction will be arranged to appear that you are the only surviving relative of Mr Steve Moore(the original/bonafide owner of the deposited fund) and therefore the next of Kin to his entitlement domeciled with the bank(First Bank Nigeria Plc) To commence this transaction ,the legal solicitor will execute and obtain the necessary payment approvals and other vital inernational certificates/documents that will ensure the smooth transfer of the inheritance fund into your nominated bank account that would connveniently accomodate the fund. With your full committment and unalloyed co-operation it is envisage that this transaction will be successfully concluded within fourteen (14) working banking days. Meanwhile, my telephone number where you can conveniently reach me at any time is 234-1-7764995. I want you to call me so that i can update you with the progress of the transaction. You are hereby expected to act with despatch. Yours truly, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 14 Apr 2003, 01:27:41 AMSubject: TO KANGIWAD KANGIWAD I AM GLAD THAT YOU HAVE MANAGED TO GET SOME DOCUMENTATION TO ME AFTER ALL THIS DILLY DALLY AND DETRIMENTAL DELAY MAN BUT SEE TO IT THAT YOUR PHONE IS WORKING FOR GODS SAKE I HAVE HAD MRS QUIMS DIAL IT REPEATEDLY AND IT IS MORE DEAD THAN THE IRAQI WAR EFFORT_ WHAT ARE PLAYING AT IS THIS A GAME??_ MAKE IT AND YOURSELF AVAILABLE TO ME ASAP AND WE CAN PROCEED_AS I REALLY HAVENT TIME FOR ALL THIS SHAMBOLIC SHILLY SHALLYING AT YOUR END I HAVE OTHER DEMANDS ON MY TIME THAN THIS_AT ONCE MAN AT ONCE THIS IS URGENT JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: PLEASE ACT ASAPDate: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 19:20:03 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Please, forgive me for the problem you have been going through trying to get accross to me, it was as a result of some telecommunication break down during our countrys general elction. However everything is ok now,you are therefore very free to get intouch with me. Meanwhile, find as per attach the original certificate of the fund deposit as given to the late MR. STEVE MOORE and also the certificate of RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES as obtained today in your favour at the FEDERAL HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE by the attorney contracted to execute this project for our mutual benefits. Please you are kindly requested to send a copy of your passport photograph by scan attachment, this passport photo is needed to enable me apply for the CERTIFICATE OF FUND OWNERSHIP as it will be attached to the certificate on receipt by the bank management. At this stage ,i will want to implore you to send the sum of ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED UNITED STATES DOLLARS( $1,300.00) through western union to the bank management in the name of the officer incharge of transfer of funds: NAME: ..... MR. PHILIP C. UDOGWU ADDRESS LAGOS------- NIGERIA The reason for asking you to send this money direct to the bank is in accordance with the banks official proceedure, as this will enable the bank issue you the CERTIFICATE OF FUND OWNERSHIP because you have been recognised as the next of kin of the depositor it is therefore madatory that the above stipulated payment must come direct from you thereby legitimising the authenticity of our claim. Please note, that immediately the above stated payment is made by you the bank management will raise the foreign exchange allocation of the inheritance fund in the sum of $30,000,000,00 in your favour for onward transfer into your nominated bank account for our benefits. I hereby expect you to act with despacth. Yours Truly, John Kangiwa. N.B. PLEASE CALL ME AT ONCE AND SEND THE PAYMENT INFORMATION SO THAT THE ATTORNEY COULD SUBMIT IT TO THE OFFICER INCHARGE IN THE BANK. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 16 Apr 2003, 05:32:09 AMSubject: Re: PLEASE ACT ASAP KANGIROO I HAVE SENT THE DOCUMENTATION THAT YOU REQUIRE_ WHY HAVE YOU LAPSED INTO SILENCE MAN IS THIS SOME KIND OF GHASTLY JOKE?? I CAN SEND THE MONEY TOO BUT CURRENCY EXCHANGE IS BETTER FOR ME IF I PAY IN SOUTH AFRICAN DORKS_ I TRUST THAT THIS IS SUFFICIENT FOR THIS DUBIOUS SCHEME AND THAT NOW THINGS WILL AT LAST BEGIN TO RUN SMOOTHLY WITH NO MORE HICCUPS_BUT WHY IN GODS GOOD NAME IS YOUR PHONE NOT WORKING ??? THIS IS A RIGHT RUN ROUND THE HOUSES FOR BUSY EXECUTIVE LIKE MYSELF_ AND NOT WHAT I EXPECT GET IT FIXED MAN AT ONCE [ScamO Note: Our Not So Kindly Contributor says a Dork is a whale penis.] LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 16 Apr 2003, 05:43:52 AMSubject: Attachments from Kangiwa ANOTHER CERTIFICATE FOR YOUR COLLECTION LET US HOPE THIS CHUMP MAKES ME A RICHER MAN AS I HAVE BEEN SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED BEFORE ![]() ![]() JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: PLEASE MAKE THE PAYMENT AS YOU DEEM FIT.Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 15:26:35 +0530 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Thank you for message of the 16th instant, you are to go ahead and pay the $1,300.00 in south Africa rand equivalent as you have suggested in the name of the officer incharge of funds transfer in my bank. NAME; MR. PHILIP C. UDOGWU ADDRESS; LAGOS-NIGERIA. Please,send the payment information to me as soon as possible, so that the attorney can present it to the officer for onward proccessing of the EXCHANGE CONTROL APPROVAL AND issuing of FUND OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE in your favour for our mutual benefits. Meanwhile, i do hope that you are in receipt of the two documents i sent to you. My phone number remains 234-1-7764995, I have also called on several occasions but one of your staff told me that you are not available. I am looking forward to your prompt payment to the bank ASAP. Yours Truly, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 17 Apr 2003, 03:56:39 AMSubject: TO KANGIWANK KANGIWANK HAVE YOU HAD THE DORKS YET MAN?? I HAVE AUTHORISED THE PAYMENT AND I AM GETTING IMPATIENT WITH THIS WHOLE AFFAIR WHILE THE REPEATED MESSAGES FROM YOURSELF CONTAINING BLADDERY DUPLICATION ADDS NOTHING TO MY GOOD HUMOUR SIR_AS FOR CALLING AND NOT BEING PUT THROUGH I HAVE TOLD MRS QUIMS EXPLICITLY WHAT AND WHO YOU ARE AND SHE KNOWS JUST WHAT IS IN HAND HERE _ I SUGGEST YOU REDIAL AND NOT JUST WHINE LIKE A SCHOOLBOY ABOUT YOUR OWN INEPTITUDE_AT ONCE MAN JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@skali.com)Subject: PLEASE SEND THE PAYMENT DETAILSDate: 17 Apr 2003 13:38:41 -0700 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Thank you for your prompt response to my message of today, the 17th instant. Please,if you have made the payment kindly send the payment iformation ASAP, this is to enable the Attorney executing this project present the details of the payment to the officer incharge of transfer of funds in my bank to acknowledge it and issue the CERTIFICATE OF FUND OWNERSHIP in your name and also for onward remmittance of the INHERITANCE FUND into your nominated account. Please, make sure the payment is made through WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. Thank you and God bless. Yours Truly, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 21 Apr 2003, 04:07:09 PMKANGIWANK DO YOU HAVE THE DORK IN HAND?_WHAT IS HAPPENING MAN???? JOHN KANGIWA (john_kangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: RELEASE OF FUNDDate: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:39:31 -0400 ATTN: Lonslo Tossov, Greetings from me John and i sincerely hope and believe all is well with you, if so splendid. I hereby wish to inform you that the bank has finally resolve and taken decission on your inheritance payment as i have successfully pay the $1300,on your behalf, i will want to believe that by now you must have been notified by our clearing house in london for the arrival of your fund, you are required to present the necessary documents to the clearing house as soon as you are contacted,that is if you have not be contacted already. Please,do not hesitate to reach me as soon as you are contacted by the banks clearing house in london. Yours Faithfully, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 27 Apr 2003, 10:33:11 AMKANGIWANK I HAVE HEARD NOTHING FROM THESE FELLOWS I SUGGEST THAT YOU HURRY THEM ALONG AS A MATTER OF URGENCY INSTEAD OF SENDING ME REPETITIOUS E-MAILS OF ALARMING INEPTITUDE AND INACCURACIES_FOR GODS SAKE MAN STOP KEY TWIDDLING PICK UP THE PHONE AND MAKE SOME EFFORT THIS IS NOT A JOKE_I HAVE A FEW DAYS LEFT IN THE OFFICE BEFORE I AM OFF TO SMEGAROON FOR THE TWIGLETS CONFERENCE_SO AT ONCE MAN AT ONCE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: DELAY IS NOT GOOD IN THIS BUSINESSDate: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 15:46:57 +0530 Attention: Lonslo Tossov, Hello, Tossov what is up.i have not heard any news from you. Please,let me know your mind on this project immediately. You have also not informed me with the payment you said you have authorised, please,note that i have not received any dorks yet. I want you to respond to me quickly as time is running out. Faithfully yours, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 27 Apr 2003, 10:34:43 AMKANGIWAK CHECK YOUR PAPERWORK MAN_DO YOU HAVE THE DORK IN YOUR HANDS YET? JOHN KANGIWA (john_kangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: Re: RELEASE OF FUNDDate: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 09:15:42 -0400 ATTN; Mr. Lonslo .Tossov, I will want to believe that you have been in contact with the officers incharge for the release of the inheritance fund as earlier informed you. If, however you have collected the fund remember to inform me so that i can starting to make arrangement for my travelling to the destination of the account as to meet with you for sharing accordingly. Furthermore, you should not hesitate to get back to me if you needed any assistance, or better still you may call me on my phone number 234-1-7764995. Yours Truly John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 02 May 2003, 07:30:34 AMKANGIWANK WHAT IS GOING ON MAN IT IS QUIETER THAN THE GRAVE AT THEIR END AND YOU OWN PERFORMANCE IS NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT MAN_I THOUGHT THIS HAD AN ELEMENT OF URGENCY LETS SEE SOME SIGN OF IT FOR ONCE NOT THIS DAMNABLE DITHERING AND DELAY_PHONE ME AT ONCE MAN IS THAT CLEAR JOHN KANGIWA (john_kangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: Waiting for your urgent reply.Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 08:21:14 -0400 ATTN: Mr. Lonslo Tossov Tanks for your mail,Please understand that you are delaying the sucessful comclusion of this project. The officers in Holland have sent a message to our bank over here in Nigeria that they could not reach you on your phone number 55-84-202 1300 and they have equally sent an email to you but have still not heard from you. Could you please send me your direct PHONE NUMBER where you can be reached with ease. Note that the phone number you gave me is said to be a hotel each time i called . Meanwhile, if you know you cannot be reliable and trustworthy in this project,kindly let me know so that i can begin to make alternative arrangement. Please respond urgently as there is no much time to waste. My warmest regards, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 06 May 2003, 05:42:18 AMFOR GODS SAKE KANGIWANK WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHO CANNOT MAKE THE NECESSARY CALLS???_I HAVE A BUSY SWITCHBOARD HERE WITH BANKS OF SECRETARIES AND IT IS AMAZING THAT THESE DUTCH DIMWITS CANNOT GET THROUGH ON A SINGLE LINE WHEN MOST OF THE TIME IT IS LIT UP LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE DOWN THERE_ MY NUMBER IS AS BELOW_ AS IT HAS BEEN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THIS WHOLE SORRY PROTRACTED AFFAIR_ I SUGGEST THAT YOU MAKE FULL USE OF IT AT ONCE_ OR YOU CAN KISS GOODBYE TO THE WHOLE BUSINESS_ IS THAT UNDERSTOOD? I HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTINITY OFFERED TO ME OF LATE BY ANOTHER OF YOUR COUNTRYMEN A MR ABACHA AND HE SEEMS FAR MORE ON THE BALL THANK GOD JOHN KANGIWA (john_kangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: Lattest development.Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 07:29:47 -0400 Dear Lonslo Tossov, Your mail has been received and the contents well noted. Please be informed that the money has been sent back to Nigeria frm Holland as you are not responding to their call. Meanwhile, you have to start to prepare to arrive The Republic of Benin, a tourist country in west Africa, the reason for this arrangement is that i am making contact to have the money flown to this neighbouring West Africa country by a diplomatic courier service, you will then have to come to this country and open an account in a bank there for on onward transfer to your designated account in Germany and both of us would have to take a flight from there to the funds destination for sharing and future investment. Please note that the capital city of this country where you are expected to arrive is called 'COTONOU' note also that you did not require a visa to come to the above stated country as visa will be issued to you at the point of entry. I hereby implore you to co-operate with this arrangement for the success of this project and for our mutual benefits. Please do not delay this project any further as i am spending a lot of money towads this latest arrangement therefore i need your full support to make it a success. My warmest regards, John Kangiwa. I do [No we don't know what he meant by "I do".] LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 08 May 2003, 01:31:21 AMKANGIWANK THIS IS ALL WELL BUT WHEN I AM SUPPOSED TO ARRIVE IN BENIN??_WHERE WILL I STAY IN CONONOU??_ I TRUST YOU WILL HAVE SUGGESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS AS THIS IS ALL YOUR IDEA OF FUN_I IMAGINE TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE AND HAVE YET TO SEE ANY FIRM ARRANGEMENTS_SHUNTING THE MONEY AROUND FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER SEEMS THE ACT OF FINANCIAL FOOLISHNESS TO ME GIVEN INTEREST RATES IN THE THIRD WORLD BUT I WILL SEE IF THIS NEW DEAL MAKES ANY MORE SENSE THAN THE LAST NO DOUBT_LET ME HAVE ALL DETAILS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE MAN AND LETS HAVE NO MORE OF THIS PUSSY FOOTING AROUND IS THAT CLEAR?? TOSSOV JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: I await your urgent response.Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 10:07:06 -0400 ATTN: Lonslo Tossov, I have been expecting your flight arrangements to enable me know when you are to be in Cotonou as the FUND is already there waiting for you to come in. I have equally made arrangement for two officials form the bank to welcome you at the airport. Please indicate your date of your arriving Cotonou as all necessary arrangement has been finalized from my end. I await your urgent response. Best Regards, John kangiwa LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 13 May 2003, 05:53:15 AMKANGIWANK I CAN NOW CONFIRM THE ARRANGEMENTS NOW AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: MRS QUIMS AND MYSELF WILL MAKE ARRIVAL AT COTONOU AIRPORT THIS THURSDAY AT 2.45PM_WE WILL BE STAYING AT THE BENING SHERATON BLVD DE LA MARINA BP 1901_ FOR REASONS OF DISCRETION I WILL BE TRAVELLING UNDER THE NAME OF I P FREELY_I SUGGEST THAT YOUR GANG MEET ME AT THE AIRPORT AND CARRY 0UR BAGS OR LESS CONVENIENTLY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WHEN WE ARE REFRESHED LATER AT THE HOTEL_EITHER WAY LET US HOPE THAT THINGS RUN SMOOTHLY AS I WANT TO GET THIS MATTER CONCLUDED SENSIBLY AND WITH A MINIMUM OF FUSS_GIVE ME A LIST OF RESTAURANTS WHICH ARE MOST SAFE FROM FOOD POISONING AND I WILL MAKE A SELECTION IN ADVANCE OF ARRIVAL AS NO DOUBT ALL WILL BE GOBBLEDEGOOK AND JIBBER JABBER WHEN WE GET THERE_ALSO FIND ME A GOLF COURSE AND BRUSH UP YOUR CADDYING_REPLY AT ONCE MAN AND MAKE SURE IT IS GOOD NEWS FOR ONCE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: Waiting for your urgent reply.Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 06:41:53 -0400 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, I hereby acknowledge the receipt of your mail. Please indicate how you can be recognised at the Airport by the bank officials.As it will be more safe and convenient to welcome you and Mrs.Quims at Cotonou Airport. I will also want to inform you that Hotel Sheraton de BLVD la Marina has a good restaurant department and from my inquiries there is nothing like food poison. I want you to note that i am a serving staff with First bank Nig. Plc and i am not into any gang group so i demand an appology from you regarding your statement that i and my "gang" in yourlast mail. Meanwhile, remember to come along with the four passport photograph and also the documents i sent to you except my personalidentity card for security reasons. I pray for your safe flight to Cotonou. My warmest regards, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 14 May 2003, 04:02:45 AMKANGIWANK TO MAKE IT SIMPLE FOR YOU I WILL WEAR DISTINCTIVE CLOTHING I HAVE A PAIR OF LEMON PLUS FOURS A SUEDE CAP AND A STRIPED TANK TOP WHICH WILL BE SUFFICIENT FOR EVEN THE NEAREST SIGHTED NINCOMPOOP AROUND ON THE DAY_I AM RELIEVED ABOUT THE FOOD SITUATION AT THE SHERATON AND ONLY TRUST THAT YOUR INFORMATION IS RELIABLE_AS FOR THE REMARKS ABOUT THE GANG I SHALL WITHDRAW THEM ONLY WHEN I SEE WHAT SORT OF CROWD GREETS ME AT THE OTHER END WHETHER CLEAN AND BUSINESSLIKE OR JUST SCRUFFY AND DISORGANISED IS THAT CLEAR_ I HAVE MY RESERVATIONS ABOUT THE STANDARD OF PROFESSIONALISM OFFERED BY YOUR ILK AND REMAIN TO BE PERSUADED OTHERWISE LET US HOPE I AM IMPRESSED_PLEASE TELL YOUR MEN TO KEEP THEIR PAWS OFF QUIMS AS WELL_NOW LETS HOPE ALL GOES TO PLAN FOR GODS SAKE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: Send the name of the flightDate: Wed, 14 May 2003 09:57:17 -0400 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, Thanks for your mail.Could you please give me the name of the flight that you are boarding, it is important that you send in the name of the flight as they may be other flights comming to COTONOU. Thank you and have a safe and wonderful flight. Warmest regards, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 14 May 2003, 06:59:29 AMSubject: Re: Send the name of the flight KANGWANK IT IS FLIGHT 69 SO MAKE A NOTE AND DONT BE LATE MAN JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: INDICATE THE NAME OF THE AIRLINEDate: Wed, 14 May 2003 11:05:20 +0000 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, PLEASE CAN YOU GIVE ME THE NAME OF THE AIRLINE IT'S INPORTANT YOU GIVE ME THE NAME OF THE AILINE YOU ARE COMING WITH,SO THAT THE OFFCIALS WILL BE PROPERLY GUIDED. PLEASE KINDLY SEND IT,ARE YOU BOARDING TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? I AWAIT YOUR URGENT REPLY. THANKS, JOHN KANGIWA LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 15 May 2003, 03:07:42 AMSubject: Re: INDICATE THE NAME OF THE AIRLINE FOR GODS SAKE MAN DO YOU NEED YOUR HAND HELD AT EVERY TURN??_I AM TRAVELLING ON BRITISH AIRWAYS_WRITE IT ON YOUR SHIRT CUFF OR WHATEVER YOU HAVE ON BUT MAKE SURE I AM MET IN SUITABLE FASHION T JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: I HOPE ALL IS WELLDate: Fri, 16 May 2003 07:34:04 -0400 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, I do hope all is well with you and Mrs.Quims? I have waited for your arrival but did not see you, however i have returned back to Nigeria. Could you please tell me in clear categorical terms your position regarding this project as you have made me to commit a lot of my resources into this project.The officers of the security company where the fund is deposited for safe keeping has equally waited for you as to enable them finalised their assigned duties. Meanwhile, you are hereby requested to get in touch with either of this two officers of the security company. Name of the security company: AMICABLE SECURITY COMPANY COTONOU. Name of the officers are as follows: MR. PATRICK telephone no.00229-937819 MR. WILSON OSHOMA telephone no.00229-902062 Fax no.00229-335791 Kindly therefore ensure that you reach the above named gentlemen and inform them of your movement as regards your coming to Cotonou. Please respond urgently, John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 16 May 2003, 06:11:57 AMSubject: KANGWANK WHERE ARE YOU KANGIWANK WHAT IN GODS NAME IS GOING ON???_I ARRIVED WITH MRS QUIMS AS EXPECTED_ ONLY TO FIND NO ONE WAITING FOR US_NO MESSAGES_NOT SO MUCH AS WARM HANDSHAKE FROM A BEAD SELLER BY WAY OF GREETING_SINCE THEN WE HAVE BEEN AT THE SHERATON WITH A SIMILAR LACK OF INTEREST FROM YOU AND YOUR GRISLY GANG_ARE YOU ENTIRELY SERIOUS YOU MERCENARY MUPPET OR THIS IS SOME KIND OF NONSENSE AT MY TIME AND EXPENSE???_GET IN CONTACT WITH ME AT ONCE OR WE WILL BE OFF HOME ON THE FIRST AVAILABLE FLIGHT_NEITHER WILSON OR PATRICK SEEM CONTACTABLE WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY NO SURPRISE GIVEN THE PATH OF EVENTS SO FAR_MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN TO ME MAN BEFORE I TELL YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS WHAT TO DO WITH THIS WHOLE WRETCHED BUSINESS_MRS QUIMS IS VERY UPSET AND HAS DRUNK THE MINI BAR DRY I WILL WANT A FULL APOLOGY BEFORE THE DAY IS OUT_NOW RING THE HOTEL ASK FOR ME AND LETS HAVE SOME POSITIVE ACTION AT ONCE MAN AT ONCE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: I AM COMMING BACK TO COTONOU TOMORROWDate: Fri, 16 May 2003 12:36:11 +0000 ATTN Lonslo Tossov, Ihave recieved your mail and it is like you are not serious at all. What stops you from sending me a mail that you have arrived , the officials were at the Airport waiting endlessly to receive you to no avail. hOWEVER you will have to extend your stay till monday next week as i will have to arrive cotonou tomorrow. It is very important you stay because this project has cost me a lot man okay. See you then. John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 16 May 2003, 02:43:45 PMKANGIWANK I AM NOT MADE OF MONEY I ONLY HOPE THIS EXTENDED VACATION WILL PAY DIVIDENDS WHEN YOU SHOW YOUR FACE JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: Indicate your room number.Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 16:32:11 -0400 Dear Mr. Lonslo, I am still expecting your response to my mail. I will also want you to give me your room number in your reply. Please expedite action as soon as possible. John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 16 May 2003, 02:58:53 PMSubject: KANGIWANK HERE IS THE INFORMATION FOR GODS SAKE KANGIWANK I HAVE GIVEN YOU ADDRESS OF THE HOTEL ONCE MAN HAVE YOU MISLAID THE INFORMATION SO QUICKLY??? FOR GODS SAKE STAPLE IT TO YOUR STRAW HAT OR WRITE ON YOUR NO DOUBT UNIRONED T SHIRT SO I AM NOT ALWAYS REPEATING MYSELF I AM WITH QUIMS AT THE BENIN SHERATON HOTEL Tel: (2290200/3011256) AT THE BOULEVARD DE MARINA STAYING UNDER THE NAME OF IP FREELY ASK FOR THAT NAME AND LETS HAVE NO MORE DELAY YOU NATIVE NINCOMPOOPERY I AM STAYING UNTIL MONDAY AND SUGGEST WE MEET EITHER IN THE NEWMAN BAR OR BY THE CRAZY GOLF COURSE TO WHICH MRS QUIMS IS ADDICTED IT SEEMS_ IT IS UP TO YOU_I AM WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: INDICATE YOUR ROOM NUMBER.Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 03:07:04 -0400 Dear Mr.Lonslo, Thanks for the information. Please give me your room number urgently, and i will be on my way immediately. Thanks for your kind co operation so far. John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 18 May 2003, 03:31:59 AMMY ROOM IS 69 MAKE SURE I AM NOT KEPT WAITING ANY LONGER THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH TOURIST ATTRACTIONS IN THIS DISMAL PLACE TO OCCUPT MY TIME FURTHER JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@zwallet.com)Subject: INDICATE YOUR ROOM NUMBER.Date: Sat, 17 May 2003 03:07:04 -0400 Dear Mr.Lonslo, Thanks for the information. Please give me your room number urgently, and i will be on my way immediately. Thanks for your kind co operation so far. John Kangiwa. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 19 May 2003, 04:06:30 AMKANGIWANK I SHALL TAKE IT THAT YOU AND YOUR GORMLESS GANG ARE NOT GOING THROUGH WITH THIS BUSINESS AFTER SPENDING HOURS WAITING FOR CONTACT AND SHALL RETURN WITH QUIMS THIS EVENING. SHE HAS HAD A HAND IN ALL THIS AND IS EVEN MORE DISAPPOINTED THAN I AM ALTHOUGH I SHOULD HAVE GUESSED THAT YOU WERE JUST A BUNCH OF COCK EYED CARPETBAGGERS JOHN KANGIWA (johnkangiwa@indiatimes.com)Subject: Lonslo and quimsDate: Mon, 19 May 2003 08:59:13 -0400 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, I shall take it that you are playing with yourself and a mother fucker you are with your drunkard Mrss Quims. I shall also take it that you are a small Man with a small mind, so you better piss your penis off with the wine that is filled up in your smelling belly. I warn you to stop your expensive joke or i will blow your head off. I have been to sheraton hotel and your fucking idiot could not be found in all the bar and golf in the whole world of sheraton and its environs, you useless idle hand, you better find yourself a good fucker and stop parrading your prostitute mrs quims around the world with her drunken smelling body. Get lost with your crazy spirit and body. you fucking mother fucker. God help you out with your crazy mentality. BYE YOU STINKING FOOL, jOHN. LONSLO TOSSOVDate: 19 May 2003, 09:06:02 AMKANGIWANK THANK YOU FOR YOUR COLOURFUL IF DETERMINEDLY ILLITERATE SPLUTTERINGS AND I AM ONLY SORRY THAT YOUR PIGEON ENGLISH IS JUST AS SADLY DEFICIENT IN EXPRESSING OUTRAGE AS YOUR MENTAL FACILITIES HAVE PROVED IN SPOTTING A JOKE THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE OUTING_HOWEVER I HAVE ENJOYED WASTING YOUR TIME AND HAVE CONTRIBUTED YOUR FEEBLE EFFORTS TO A WEBSITE SET UP TO PARADE THE PERNICIOUS ANTICS OF CLUELESS ADVANCE FEE FRAUDSTERS LIKE YOURSELF_ HERE YOUR HALF BAKED CRIMINALITIES WILL AMUSE MANY AND EDUCATE ALL_I AM SURE THE 419 SQUAD WILL ALSO APPRECIATE YOUR DETAILS AND SO LOOK FORWARD TO MAKING SOME NEW FRIENDS SOON YOU MORON REGARDS 'TOSSOV' |