Seline Williams
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007
From: Miss Seline Williams <selinewm41@yahoo.es>
To: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
From Miss. Seline Muluzu Williams
Dearest one,
I know that this proposal will come to you as a big surprise considering the fact that we have not had any formal acquaintance before or met in person but all the same I want you for the sake of God to give this an immediate attention in view of the fact that the security of life and possession is at stake.
I am Miss. Seline Muluzu Williams a 24 years old girl from war ravaged SIERRA LEONE but presently leaving in Abidjan Ivory coast with my brother David who is 16 years old. My father Dr.John Muluzu Williams who before his untimely assassination by the rebels was the Director of SIERRA LEONE Diamond corporation (SLDC).He was killed in our government residential house along side two of my other brothers, two house maids and security aid, fortunately for me and my younger brother including our mother we were on a weekend visit to our home town. A as we got the news of the tragedy, we immediately managed to ran! into neighboring Ivory Coast for refuge.
In the same vain, as Faith would have it we lost our dear mother after a month we lost our father (may soul rest in peace) as a result of what the Doctor called cardiac arrest.
As we were coming into this country, we had some documents of a deposit of $ 28,500.000.00 USD (Twenty Eight million Five hundred thousand USD) made by my late father in a security and trust company, according to the note we found in our father's brief case, he intended to use this fund for his international business transaction after his tenure in office but was unfortunately murdered.
We have located the security company where the money is deposited with the help of an attorney and established ownership having been told that the consignment is been held at their head in Europe for security reasons. Though, our father did not declare the deposit as real cash rather as family treasures/valuables Worth US$28.5M. ! ; Please considering the bitter experiences we had in our country and the war still going on especially in diamond area which incidentally is where we came from plus the incessant political upheavals and hostilities in this country Ivory coast, we desire seriously to leave here and live the rest of our life into a more peaceful and politically stable country like yours hence this proposal and request is made to you.
I therefore on behalf on my only brother seek your kind assistance towards helping us to claim the money from where is deposited. My attorney will work out a change of ownership to your name so that you will be legally empowered to represent me claim the money from the company. After the conclusion of the transaction, you will help us to invest the money into a lucrative business and also assist my brother get a college admission to further his education.
Please I know that this letter may sound strange and incredible to you but the CNN and the BBC African bulletin normally have it as their major news features. Therefore for the sake of God and humanity kindly give an immediate and positive consideration.
I will willingly agree to any suitable percentage of the money you will propose as your compensation for your assistance with regards to the above .please in view of our sensitive refugee status and as we are still conscious of our father's enemies, I would like you to give this a highly confidential approach.
I await your response.
Miss. Seline Muluzu Williams
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
Yes, indeed the story of your country is a sad and tragic one. Coincidentally, I recently viewed a fine BBC documentary on the plight of African nations such as Sierra Leone as they try to deal with the legacy of colonial rule.
I would be happy to assist you, although please be aware that I would be acting as an agent of my employer, Little Boys' Hospital, in this matter.
Sweeney H. Todd, M.D.
Seline Williams
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007
Dearest Dr. Sweeney,
I truly appreciate your response to my proposal which I'm seeking your assistance to claim the money my late father deposited with a security company.
Note, because of my condition in the refugee camp, it will not be possible for me to guide you properly for the procedure to follow towards claiming the money, I have therefore contacted our attorney who knows all the requirements and processes to guide you through to secure the money from the company without any problem as long as you follow his instructions and guidelines. What I want is someone who is honest and committed not someone that is unreliable because it would only mess the transaction up if you decide halfway in the process to pull out. It would make it hard if not impossible for me to get someone else to do this with as the company may not accept continuous change of ownership.
The security company will throw out any second claim entered and will regard the consignment/deposit to be in dispute because the application will reflect your name as the new beneficiary with your information after it has been perfected by my lawyer and the custodian company means that you will then be recognized as the legal next of kin to my deceased father.
To start the transaction as soon as possible, I need you to send your full details like names and address to my attorney Douglas Littler via: litler_chambers@yahoo.com to start the change of ownership process as soon as possible and to enable him obtain affidavit of trust to give you legal right over the deposited consignment as my authorized beneficiary/trustee because my father used me as his next of kin so there will be no problem for me to appoint you.
Upon your final confirmation to proceed by contacting my attorney, he will make the necessary changes and further direct you on how to contact the security company and further travel to Europe to claim the money. For my own guarantee, I want you to arrange an agreement/promissory note assuring me that you will not seat on the money when it finally gets into your hands. I want you to know that as soon as this consignment gets to your country, I and my younger brother are planning to continue our education in your country with you as our guardian.
Please I will like you to indicate your seriousness to this transaction because the present Government are planning to disarm the rebels and this will lead to a lot of killings and we don't want to be a victim of war, so delaying will be dangerous. Currently we cannot go out from where we are now here in Abidjan West Africa until situation is calm. Be assured that the transaction will be well executed without any kind of security risk. With the full acceptance of my brother, we agreed to give you 30% of the total sum while any expenses you made as a matter of trip to Europe to claim the money will be given back to you from 5% set aside and 65% remain for me and my brother to take care of our lawyer from our end.
Finally, pardon me for now as I will not be able to call you on phone because of the restriction here in the camp which prohibits the use of cell phone as part of security measures to stop people from giving information to militants who come here to rape and kill.
Let me know if you can travel to Europe.
I will be waiting for your quick response to my mail as soon as possible confirming that you have reached my attorney.
Attached are some important pictures of my family that will interest you.
Yours with love,
Miss Seline Williams
The gallery of stolen images (for those in the know it might be political satire - some of these have shown up before)
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M.D.
To: Douglas Litler <litler_chambers@yahoo.com>
Subject: Miss Seline Williams
Dear Mr. Littler,
I am writing on behalf of Miss Seline Williams, who I believe is a client of yours. Miss Williams has a consignment for which I am to become the new beneficiary. Please note that I am acting as an agent of Little Boys' Hospital in this matter. My contact details are:
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Chair of Pediatric Genitourinary and Abdominal Surgery
Little Boys' Hospital
600 Micturation Way
MT 59230
Telephone: +1 406 xxx xxxx
Fax : +1 406 xxx xxxx
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Seline Williams
Date: Fri 12 Oct, 2007
Dearest Dr. Sweeney.
Thanks for your kindly noted details you sent to my lawyer, I therefore urge you to remain faithful and follow my lawyer's instruction because he is the one to guide you properly to present my interest to the Security Company there in Europe.
In regards to your message stated about your fellow doctors to travel on your behalf or knowing about this project I adhere you shouldn't disclose this project to anybody for security reasons, though the company may not recognize any other person to present my interest accept you as well as i've choosen you as my appointed/trustee beneficiary to claim the deposit in their custodian. Because your name will refrect in application letter of authorization and affidavit of claims which my lawyer is going secure in your name.
However, I have taken due of your caring about us with further plans to the orphanage home your'e making I really want to be part of the charity organization because I have terribly experienced same here in the camp and I would like if you can take good care of the total funds as well as I and my younger brother David are furthering our education with you. I really appreciate your coming into our life as our guardian/aid, especially at this very time of our need.
I await your kindheartedly response as soon as you received response from my lawyer.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline M. Williams.
Douglas Litler
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney H.Todd,M.D,
I received your noted detials and its well understood.
I am Barrister Douglas Littler the legal representative to Miss Seline Williams, who contacted you recently for partnership to claim her family inheritance.
First, I salute your resolve to assist the young Miss Seline who is currently facing difficulties in Africa to claim her family deposit after the death of her parents but I will like to confirm from you if you are among the international NGO's that visited their camp, why I am asking you this question is that I do not want to change the ownership of her father's fund to somebody who will run away with the fund,but as you know she is a young girl as such do not really know much , I will like to know you more please so that I can proceed accordingly to her directives without any fear.
However, I want to inform you briefly that I have already establish communication recently with the deposit firm in London after been advised by Miss Seline Williams that she is currently looking for an overseas partner to work with towards pulling the deposit out, therefore I informed them of the change of ownership and further claiming of the consignment by the person whom my late client's next of kin (Miss Seline Williams) will be appointing. Please be further informed that the money is with a security/deposit house as a high family treasures/valuables.
During my enquiry with the custodian company on how the claim will be made, they only asked me to obtain a certified court affidavit confirming your agreement with the next of kin then after that you should be issued with an authentic letter of authorization to their company and copy to you so that you will use same plus the consignment deposit certificate to contact them requesting for the consignment to be released to you on request as the appointed trustee/beneficiary.
As you maybe aware, the money was not declared as real cash on deposit rather it was presented to the company as high profile family treasures and valuables as consignment contents for security reasons and to avoid much publicity. I will send you the documents required by the company to authenticate your claim including a text letter of application to approach them so that you will further comply as the company directed immediately I'm through with the change of ownership process.
Note, being the trustee/ partner to Miss Seline, I want to bring to your kind attention that I was not paid even a cent to start this arrangement and will not ask now rather I'm doing it for the sake of humility after taken note of Miss Seline's present condition there in Africa. I accept that after the successful complete of the project both of you can then pay me.
Please I urge you to remain faithful to her as she have told me her much she appreciate your acceptance to partner with him at this very time of her need.
For benefit of doubt, I will want you to write a promissory note/letter of assurance that you will remain faithful to me and my client till this transaction ends and that Miss Seline, will not have any problem with you after you have claimed the funds.
Finally, be assured that you will not be under any kind of security risk for being part of this legitimate project hence I am concerned too.
Note I urge you to give me from now till tomorrow to work on the papers and documentation such as LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION AND AFFIDAVID OF CLAIMS from royal court here in London to legalize you as the rightful beneficiary to my client Miss Seline, I assured you that this project is 100% legitimate/legal and risk free. I will send you the documents as soon as I secure them from court tomorrow.
Your prompt confirmation of this mail will be highly appreciated.
Barr. Douglas littler
Solicitor & Barrister at Law
Tel: +447024019470 or +44-702-406-7563
Douglas Litler
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
How are you doing today? I hope this message will find you in an excellent condition of health?
Please I write in regards to my previous email message to you yesterday that I forgotten that we are in weekend, which will not permit me to attend to royal court till Monday before I can do that and I will get back to you as soon as that is done with further direct you to contact the company for onward shipment of the consignment/funds to you.
However like I've told you in my previous email that I have established communication with the Security Company before, so feel free immediately I secure all relevant document and you contact the company everything will be done in good faith.
Kindly bear with me.
Thank you.
Barr. Douglas littler
Solicitor & Barrister at Law
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007
Dear Mr. Littler,
Yes, I am in fine health, thank you for asking. It is at this time of year that there is a morning chill in the air, the leaves are brown and falling from the trees, and the flies around the biohazard bins are much less bothersome.
I received your message, and I await earnestly the necessary documents.
Best Regards,
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007
To: Miss Seline Williams
Dear Miss Williams,
Thank you for your message. As you will see from the Cc:, I received and replied to a message from your lawyer - he is apparently in the process of preparing the necessary documentation.
I understand your trepidation about my discussing this project with anyone else. I note that your lawyer is working pro bono, which is admirable. As I mentioned originally, I am acting as an employee and partner of Little Boys' Hospital in this matter - as long as there is no expenditure required from my end, I see no need to inform anyone else, but obviously if there will be costs incurred ( e.g. shipping charges), I would have to seek the approval of the hospital Board of Directors to release the funds. Rest assured that even in this case, the Board is made up entirely of altruistic and sensitive individuals, and I guarantee you that they would be sensitive to your predicament and would maintain the utmost discretion.
Thank you for your kind words about Little Boys' Hospital. Giving medical care to the needy is of course its own reward, but it's always heartwarming to hear from people like yourself that really understand the value of projects like ours.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
I'm informing you about my outcome from royal court today that I have successfully obtained the documents today and further make others arrangement with the Security Company.
Note I am extremely tired now and will not be able to scan and send the documents to you now as I promised, but I will be sending them to you first thing tomorrow morning and further direct you to contact the company through their information's I will be providing to you in my next email message which will also includes the document for you to contact them as soon as you receive my message tomorrow.
I adhere as well as you contact them tomorrow, note they will be contacting you as soon as possible because I have communicated with them today as I've further informed them of your appointment with them tomorrow, so please make sure you stay closer to your computer after you must have contacted them tomorrow as they would not hesitate to commence the shipment delivery to you as soon as possible.
Finally, I implore you should follow my guidelines and instructions to avoid any mistake from your side, also be informed you should forward to me whatever responds you may be receiving from the company so that I can advise you on what to do for legal purposes.
Kindly bear with me as I will be sending you all the necessary information's and application letter to contact the company tomorrow.
I re-call to your urgent attention to kindly provide me your direct telephone number as I had serious problem in reaching you through the telephone number you indicated to me in your earlier email message as I was spoken with one of the female staff or agent in the hospital today; she was un-able to situate with your names stated to me; even she requested I should mention your position in the hospital; so please I think that is very much important that I have your direct contact number in-case of any urgent information I might need to pass across to you.
Confirm the recipient of this message.
Barr. Douglas Littler.
[Note: at this point I feel a twinge of guilt that some hospital in
Montana has this bozo calling them and asking for Sweeney Todd. Yes, I
used a number gleaned from a quick Web search on Montana hospitals.]
Seline Williams
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney,
Thanks very much for your email and update regarding my lawyer's efforts in this project, yes my has promised to work positive just to make sure that this transaction is successful.
Based on disclosing this transaction to the hospital board of directors in case of any expenditure requirement which might come up or not in the future of this project, I believed disclosing this project with them will bring us impediment and attractions to others staffs in your hospital or board of directors as well dulling the delivery of the consignment to you, because I would never want any forth party in this transaction because the consignment has been our only future hope.
However I implore there wouldn't be high charges or more cost if at all to claim the consignment, so I urge you to know that the Security has made consignment open for release to whomever I chose to receive the deposit on my behalf.
More ever, I'm sure there wouldn't be much charge regarding the release of the consignment; again I want to know if you have informed Barr. Douglas, about this development because I whish he must have communicated with company regarding the charges or not.
Kindly confirm my advised to Barr. Douglas as I believed he knows better about this deposit and that is why I have him ready in this project. Please consider the fact that we have no time to waste on this project and my advised is because of my predicament here in camp as I have hope than these funds unclaimed.
Finally, I hope and strongly believed that you will not invest much in this project.
I await your confirmation to this message.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline Williams.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007
Dear Mr Littler,
Thank you for the update on your progress. I look forward to receiving the documents from you soon.
Regarding the direct phone number, as I'm sure you can understand with someone in my position, it is impossible to reach me directly for large portions of the day, because I am in surgery. In the case of an absolute emergency, it would be possible for the administrative staff to page me to come to the phone, but it would be potentially very dangerous to interrupt an operation in this way - this is why they stated to you that I was not available to take your call. Hence I must insist that e-mail is the only practical form of communication between us: all the PCs in the hospital have direct Internet access, so it is easy for me to access e-mail whenever I have a free moment.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
Thank you for your message. It is reassuring to hear that you believe the investment needed from this end to be minimal. I think the best approach is to wait and see what the necessary expenses turn out to be. If they are within my signing power, I can act by myself as an agent of the hospital; otherwise, as I mentioned, hospital rules necessitate my involving the Board of Directors so that they can approve the capital outlay. Please be reassured that Little Boys ' is a charity hospital - all of the Board would be quite able to find much greater compensation elsewhere, e.g. working at for-profit medical institutions, so their continued service with Little Boys' is testament to their integrity.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
As promised, below is the information of the security company including their mail address to contact them requesting for the deposited consignment in their position to be released to you hence I have already notified them.
I attached here also are documents that legally empowered you to represent the late Dr, John Muluzu Williams whom used Miss Seline Williams as his next of kin to make the deposit with the security company my client Miss Seline thereby appointing you as his legal trustee to represent her interest. I arranged an authorization letter and affidavit of claims with your name as the company demanded.
You will remember that the money was not deposited with the company as real cash rather it was deposited as family treasures/valuables for security reasons I hope you understand the arrangement here very well.
You will also find below a drafted letter, which I want you to use to contact directly with the company through email address below.
I urge you to try and send the letter to them today via e-mail attaching all the documents I sent you here upon receipt of this message so that they can confirm your application and further commenced shipment processing of the deposit as requested.
Just copy the below drafted Application/message out and then send to them by e-mail only attaching all the documents I sent you herewith.
For your information, the company has been notified about your authorization and appointment to represent my client Miss Seline Williams whose name was used as next of kin, they are only awaiting your formal request/application. Note, the letter should be sent by e-mail only for quick receipt.
Confirm receipt of this mail and also feel free to ask me any question or seek my clarification on the areas you are not cleared.
Barrister. Douglas Littler
Pacific Security CO. & Deposit House
Terminal Clearing House London.
12 St. Davids Square E14 3WA.
Service E-mail: info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info
ATTN: MR. Craig G. Wieslaw
Seline Williams
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney,
I really appreciate your message, let us wait till the Security Company confirm their final approval of the deposit and am strongly believed that the charges will not be that much as you think, however I humbly grateful to you and Barr. Douglas assistance towards this inheritance claim, and I cannot thank both of you enough for your kindly deeds.
First and foremost I am truly pleased to offer all I have to any charity organization as well as little boy's Hospital is currently concerns I will have no regret by giving all I have to keep strengthen their progress because my experienced is my evidence to orphans.
Thank you very much for your kindly assistance and efforts to bring us out of this critical condition.
I'm hopefully to be hearing from as soon as you have reached the
Security Company.
Seline Williams
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007
Subject: Re: Extremely Urgent
Dearest Sweeney,
Have you heard from Barr. Douglas Littler? and What is the development with both of you? Please I await your urgent response to this email.
Have a very nice time.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline Williams.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
To: Douglas Litler <litler_chambers@yahoo.com>
Dear Mr. Littler,
Thank you for the documents. I have forwarded them on to the security company. I also received the template letter. I paraphrased this in my message to the company, but the quality of English in the letter was so poor that I felt it would be an embarrassment to me if I sent it verbatim, and hence I had to spend a considerable amount of time editing it. I will assume that a member of your staff composed this letter, and you were too busy to proofread it. I might add that if I had the misfortune to find someone in my employ with writing skills that poor, I would terminate him/her forthwith. I expect that you will deal with the matter in an appropriate manner, and I shall say no more on the subject.
I await notification from the security company advising me how they wish to proceed.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
I have received the necessary documents from Mr Littler, and have forwarded them on to the security company holding the consignment. I will alert you as soon as further developments occur.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Subject: Miss Seline Williams
Pacific Security CO. & Deposit House
Terminal Clearing House London.
12 St. Davids Square E14 3WA.
Service E-mail: info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info
ATTN: MR. Craig G. Wieslaw
I am Sweeney H. Todd, M.D., of 600 Micturation Way, Glasgow, MT 59230, USA. I am the appointed legal beneficiary to deposited family valuables/treasures with security code number CD: 000127050001XX, belonging to Miss Seline Williams of Grace Refugee Camp, 18 BP 2963 Abidjan, Ivory Coast, West Africa.
Having confirmed from Miss Seline Williams that the change of ownership of the said family treasures had been made to my name, as we agreed, and having received notification from Barr. Douglas Littler sent to your company, I request that you process my application on the consignment. The value of the consignment is US$28,500, 000.00; please confirm the data that you wish to commence shipment processing for delivery to my address, or in person through your diplomatic shipment services.
I appreciate your immediate attention to this application, given the current condition of my partner in a refugee camp. Please also inform me of the official requirements for the type of identification that I must present in order to claim the shipment. I attach here the authorization letter and affidavit of claims from Miss Seline Williams' lawyer.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
On behalf of Seline Williams
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
From: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
To: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
Pacific Security CO. & Deposit House
Terminal Clearing House London .
12 St. Davids Square E14 3WA.
From the Desk of Director of Operations: Craig G. Wieslaw
Attn: Sweeney H. Todd, M.D,
Our, Ref, 0140606/File Code No: is DPS/HH/1208/06
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby confirms receipt of your application requesting for the immediate release and shipment of high profile family deposit in our custody as the appointee of Dr. John Muluzu Williams.
Be informed that we did receive the letter of authorization, court affidavit as indicated by you through attachment.
With reference to your e-mail request and in accordance with the authentic facilitation of documents by your representing solicitor Barr. Douglas Littler, which empowered your claim of the trunk boxes deposited in our custody by Dr. John Muluzu Williams. Marked family treasure/valuables with tracking No: IS/P718GMZ and security code number: CD 000127050001XX is now open for release on the basis that the following charges cleared for the release and further shipment of the consignment will made via our diplomatic courier shipment to your doorstep.
(a) Storage/Demurrage £ 1,100
(b) Service/Dandling Charge £ 250
© Shipment immunity Coverage Tag £ 850
(d) Diplomatic Fright Cost £500
(f) Total Charge: £2,700.00
It is hereby expected of you to apply formally for our agent bank account coordinates to wire the said £ 4,100.00 GBP. (Two Thousand Seven Hundred British Pound Sterling) to enable our commencement of your delivery as applied via diplomatic means.
Meanwhile, prior to our shipment of the deposited consignment to your address, we advised that you re-confirm your home/office address for delivery to avoid any error, you are also required to send to us any form of your identification or passport number code which will be specially marked on your consignment for easy identification during delivering to you as part of our security procedures.
Further more, you are requested to provide to us one of the airport names closest to you for our onward delivering to your address:
The moment we receive these requested information's we shall be updating you on our agents' departure delivering date.
See attached claim form and fill it very carefully and return it back via e-mail attachment.
Your urgent response to this message will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for your message. I attach herewith the completed claim form, and a copy of my passport. I hope these documents will suffice to determine my identity and the veracity of my claim. I find it curious that you ask me for the location of a nearby airport: surely, given that your company also performs international deliveries, you have some sort of route-mapping mechanism? In any case, I would suggest that Chicago's O'Hare Airport and Minneapolis/St.Paul are the nearest major air hubs.
I have two additional questions that I would like to have resolved before proceeding:
(1) In your message, you added up the total to be 2,700 GBP, but immediately thereafter you asked for 4,100 GBP. Which is the correct amount?
(2) Is it correct to assume that you are able to transport goods between the US and Europe without customs inspection at either the departure or entry point? If this is the case, I would like to enter into further discussion with you about some ongoing shipping needs of the Hospital.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.

Douglas Litler
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
To: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
Attn: Sweeney,
Thanks for your update and kind absorption towards this project.
Conversely you are advice to forward to me whatever responds you receive from the Security Company for my advice and guidelines to avoid any mistake from you because they might try to heave questions across you.
Note I urge you to be more rapidly to your computer especially at this very point of time; for the reason to facilitate the success of this claim, I must pronounce we have no time to waste or delay. Please ensure you check your email daily.
I await your vital response as soon as you hear from Pacific Security Company.
Barr. Douglas Littler
Solicitor & Barrister at law.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007
Attn: Mr. Sweeney Todd, M.D,
Our, Ref, 0140606/File Code No: is DPS/HH/1208/06
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby confirms and suits with receipt of your identification with information's as requested.
Thanks for your immense rectification upon the mistake regarding the amount stated to you in the previous note; the precise amount is £2,700.00 GBP.
Sequel to your question on customs inspection; we clarified and noted to you in our preceding email message, with the Shipment 100% immunity Coverage Tag will insured of customs inspection/clearance; and all kind of Security assessment of your delivering.
Be informed that the claim form you attached to us through email attachment couldn't be access on our system here as its was shown PDF error, also you're advised to re-attach the said filled form with jpeg file or in any way of possible to be access.
We remain hopefulness upon the payment confirmation through our agent bank account coordinates that you have wire the said £2,700.00 GBP to enable our commencement of your delivery as applied via diplomatic means.
Thank you very much as you take out your time to complete the form. To enable us achieve the desired objective of serving you better.
Your response to this message will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
[Note: That fragment "with the Shipment 100% immunity Coverage Tag will insured of customs/inspection clearance; and all kind of Security assessment of your delivering." is pure genius. I'm thinking about making it my tag line.]
Seline Williams
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney,
I really appreciate your email and update; please do keep me posted upon any development just as you promised.
My brother David is here with me whishing you every good luck, and I also whish that God will surely see us through till end of the success of this project as our hope only depends on you.
I am looking forward to be hearing from you.
Miss Seline Williams.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
To: Douglas Litler <litler_chambers@yahoo.com>
Dear Mr. Littler,
I am currently in regular contact with the Security Company. They had trouble reading the PDF I sent them of the claim form, and I am about to re-send it in JPEG form to ensure that they can process it. I have also clarified with them the fees required for the transfer, and I will initiate the process of trying to secure the necessary funds.
Before urging me to take more rapid action in future, might I suggest that you consider for a moment my position and occupation? I am Chief of Surgery at a busy hospital, and although helping Miss Williams is a worthy and important cause, the welfare of my patients obviously must come first. I devote resources to this project as much as possible given the demands of my surgical schedule. If my response time is unsatisfactory, I suggest you find someone with more free time to help you.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for your message. I have re-attached the claim form in JPEG format, so hopefully you will be able to read it without problems this time.
Thanks also for the clarification of the total amount due for shipment. I still do not have the bank details to which the transfer should take place. I will bring up with the Board of Directors the subject of releasing the necessary funds in order to pay these charges. Be aware that as a charity hospital, we have to account for our expenses quite carefully, therefore it may be necessary to fold these charges into another project that would be considered normal business of the hospital. Hence, let me ask you a hypothetical question: would it be possible for you, under diplomatic seal, to ship packages between the US and the former Soviet Union, said packages remaining at a temperature of 0-5C for the entire course of transit?
I await your reply earnestly,
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney.
Thanks for your update and efforts towards claiming this consignment/funds. After I have studied the Company message I confirmed it to be right and understood, please I Sincerely implore you to try within your side to raise the money considering the situation of my client Seline and the younger brother David in the refugee camp, who first contacted you for help.
As you know already, I did not charge even a cent to assist in procuring the documentation even my service/handling charges; but I know after you have received the consignment/funds both of you can then pay me. As you can note, I have perfected legal documents, which automatically legalized your claim of the deposited consignment of my client who appointed you as her trustee.
Note; make sure you keep our project very confidential considering the fact that a high amount of money will be delivered to you by the security company through their diplomatic means because I must say, for you making this consignment/funds known to the LITTLE BOY'S HOSPITAL; BOARD OF DIRECTORS can bring us hitches or delays. Yet I truly urge you to try within your side, as per the earlier agreed percentage ratio my client has already informed me that she would make her own share of money with you to the orphanage/charity organization with little boy's hospital just same way she appreciated your coming into her life as their guardians.
Please kindly try your best to raise the funds and do make sure you update me with every progress between you and the security company so that I will know when the shipment is to leave to your destination for delivery. Whatever you invested will be taken out by you first as soon as the money is delivered to you via diplomatic means as per our request to the security company.
Above all, the security company has confirmed you as the new owner of the deposited consignment following the facilitation of documents by me.
In addition to your question regarding my last email to you by urging you to take more rapid action! I hereby clarify my meant is for you to make sure you kindly check your email at least once daily in accordance to this shipment delivering to you, to enable you know when the Company comply to you.
Please do keep to your promise to remain faithful.
Your timely update when the company responded to you upon their delivering date to you will be highly expected.
Barr. Douglas Littler
Solicitor & Barrister at law.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Attn: Mr. Sweeney Todd, M.D,
Our, Ref, 0140606/File Code No: is DPS/HH/1208/06
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby confirms receipt of the filled form as well as acknowledged the receipt of your email.
Sequel to your appliance for our agent bank account, we shall get back to you shortly.
Thank you,
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby confirms the account details to you bellow:
Account details as follows:
SORT CODE: 20 65 78
ACCOUNT NO: 76894822
IBAN NUMBER: GB85 BARC 2065 7876 894822
Please Ensure you advice us with the reference payment slip details as soon as the payment is been made, to enable us commenced the shipment delivering of your consignment without any further delay under 48 hours to you.
Your urgent confirmation to this message will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby confirms the account details to you bellow:
Account details as follows:
SORT CODE: 20 65 78
ACCOUNT NO: 76894822
IBAN NUMBER: GB85 BARC 2065 7876 894822
Please Ensure you advice us with the reference payment slip details as soon as the payment is been made, to enable us commenced the shipment delivering of your consignment without any further delay under 48 hours to you.
Your urgent confirmation to this message will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
[Note: They were expecting a nice juicy transfer into their
account. Instead, they got their account details forwarded to the
Metropolitan Police Fraud Dept. Oh well, nice try.]
Seline Williams
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007
From: Miss Seline Williams <seline_williamss@yahoo.com>
To: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot.
Dearest Sweeney,
I really appreciate your kindly efforts toward this claim. I hoped the charges are not as that much? Kindly ensure you try and resolved everything with the company hence they have approved the claims in your name as the rightful beneficiary to receive the consignment money.
Please I hoped you know that the Pacific Security Company doesn't know the contents of the trunk boxes? I'm grateful to you and Barr. Douglas whom devoted his time, efforts by procured all the paper works from court and worked out the legitimate of this claim in your favour. I know I cannot thank both of you enough especially at this very point of my needs.
More ever, I plead, you start getting prepared for my younger brother David and I to be coming to your place as soon as you received the consignment, and making plans for us to further our education with you as our guardians and then you advice on how you whished to invest the funds as we has earlier discussed, because I would be extremely happy you established with Littler Boy's Hospital And orphanages as well as charity organization too, as that is my promised to God Almighty.
Have a very wonderful day and remain bless.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline..
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for providing the bank details. I will bring this matter up with our Board of Directors promptly in order to have the necessary funds released. I still await an answer to my second question, however, and this answer will presumably be material to the matter of whether the Board will agree to release the money. To repeat my question, would you be able to ship items from the US to the former Soviet Union without customs inspection, with said items being kept between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius for the entire duration of transit?
Thank you in advance for your prompt answer,
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007
To: Miss Seline Williams
Dear Miss Williams,
I now have an estimate of charges from the security company, and bank details to which to wire the money. As far as I know, Pacific Security is still ignorant as to the contents of the trunks - in any case, I declared them as family valuables on the claim form. Regarding the nature of the charges, they're not ruinous, but they do exceed my signing power, so I will have to raise this issue at the next Board meeting in order to have the funds released. I don't anticipate too much difficulty in this regard.
As you mentioned, it would be my pleasure to begin making arrangements for the transit of you and your brother David over here. I am glad that you approve of the work we're doing here. In fact, if you have a digital camera and printer available, you could contribute already. The fund-raising body of the Hospital, the Non-Affiliated Monetary Board and Lending Association (NAMBLA), likes to collect pictures of people from all around the world holding a poster (attached) showing support for Little Boys'. In this way, we can show people that our message is being spread far and wide, and it encourages folks here in the US to donate to this most worthy cause. Please, if you have a minute, take the time for you, your brother, or both of you to have a picture taken holding the poster, send it back to me, and it will be placed on the wall of honor in the hospital lobby.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.

Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007
Dear Mr. Littler,
Thank you for your message. As you see from my copy of the reply to the security company, I now have an itemization of charges and bank details to which to send the money. As I have stated from the beginning, I am acting as an agent of Little Boys' Hospital in this matter, and thus I remain in good faith whether or not the rest of the hospital Board is involved. I don't quite understand your trepidation in involving the rest of the Board: given that apparently you trust me completely, why is your feeling towards the rest of the Board any different? In any case, because the charges exceed my signing power, Hospital rules dictate that the Board must approve the expenditure. If this is unacceptable to you, my counter-proposal is that you pay the shipping charges, and when the consignment is received this end I will wire you the balance of the charges plus an interest fee which we will negotiate. Obviously, once the consignment is received here, it will be much easier for me to act without Board supervision, because the budget constraints will then be much looser.
Best Regards
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007
Subject: Re: Not with thanks.
Attn: Sweeney,
I just received your email with full of astounded, meanwhile after taken due noted of your message to the company I initiate that you are not of any serious to received the consignment/funds.
I can see you are un-serious to this transaction, sorry to used this words of un-serious. I think you most be out of your mind, did I at any discussion, discuss need for you to responds to the company without my consent or advise? You can fool yourself and not me by imperative the company with stupid questions just for a token. How could you be such stupid as instructing them on what they should do before you can make the payment to receive your deposit and you called yourself the beneficiary of the consignment?
I regret knowing you or dealing with you. Good day.
Barrister Douglas littler.
Seline Williams
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney.
I received a message from my lawyer today with sadness.
I'm surprised that you are handling a project of this kind with
Incompetence, you find it hard to know our condition here in the camp, as we have no revenue to get a scanner or printer.
But I can trust this money into your hand without holding something to prove your person.
I trusted this deal to you without holding anything to officially identify you should you choose to play game after you have claimed the money, I think I've told you time without numbers not to disclosed this project to your board of directors? If not can't you ask my lawyer to see if he could do something about the payment, so that I would know he is the one taking care of everything, hence you cannot be responsible for the payment. Now I began to suspect your person dealing with you.
Note finally if you cannot specify your sincerity towards the claiming of this consignment let me know for ones.
I'm still waiting your reply.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007
Attn: Mr. Sweeney H. Todd, M.D,
Our, Ref, 0140606/File Code No: is DPS/HH/1208/06
Respected Sir,
Subject: Re: UPDATES.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby acknowledged your message.
In addition to your question, sorry I am not in position to your answer. Con our enquiry department through this email. customers24hrsservicedelivery@hotmail.com so they can put you through with your questions. Be informed that this is Operations & delivery department.
We look forward upon the confirmation of your payment.
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007
Dear Mr. Littler,
I must confess that your message is a source of fascination to me. You are a barrister based in London, yet your English skills would indicate that you are a basic level foreign language student. You are quite correct to be sorry to use the word "un-serious", because this is not in fact a word at all. It costs me considerable extra time (which I do not have to spare) mentally translating your pidgin English into a message which is intelligible.
In any case, I recommend that you have a native English speaker proofread your e-mails, and enough said on the matter. As I have made perfectly clear to you on several occasions since the beginning of our exchange, I am acting as an agent of my employer, Little Boys' Hospital, and as such I am bound by hospital rules in terms of spending their money. If, for whatever reason, you earnestly do not wish me to involve the Board, the only option is for you to pay the shipping charges, and I will refund them to you after the fact. I have not yet informed the Board of this matter, because I was still awaiting your reply to my proposal. I thought I had made the terms and conditions crystal clear, but apparently that was not the case.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
Yes, I received a message from your lawyer today also, with a mixture of sadness,
irritation, and incredulity. Of course it's your choice whom to retain as counsel, but I would be very suspicious of someone with such limited reasoning and writing skills representing himself as a London barrister. If you insist on retaining him, I will continue to deal with him, but I hope my protest is noted.
Regarding your condition in the camp, obviously you have Internet access, so I didn't think it out of the question that you would also have access to a scanner and/or printer. Apparently you have neither, so I understand that you're unable to help us out with a picture.
I did in fact ask your lawyer to pay the shipping charges, as you mentioned, to avoid involving the Board of Directors. If he is able to do this, I will refund him the money as soon as I receive the consignment, and the Board will not need to be involved. However, despite the lengthy tirade he directed at me regarding my "un-seriousness" (his words) towards the project, he neglected to give an answer to this question. In my reply I suggested that he might wish to address this point, as it would appear that it's crucial in deciding whether or not we can continue to do business.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for the reply. I will pass my inquiry on to your Operations department as you suggested. I am having bureaucratic issues arranging payment - I will spare you the full details. Apologies for the delay, and I will update you as soon as an arrangement has been reached on my end.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
To: customers24hrsservicedelivery@hotmail.com
Subject: Inquiry regarding shipping services
Dear Sir/Madam,
I was referred to this e-mail address by Mr. Craig Wieslaw, your Director of Operations. I have a question regarding your shipping capabilities: would it be possible for you to ship packages between the continental United States and the former Soviet Union (Kazakhstan and/or Ukraine), without customs inspection at either port of exit or entry, and with said packages kept between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius for the entire duration of transit?
I earnestly await your reply,
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney.
I received your message with thanks for the issues spectators by you and after reading your message its amazed me to still continue this project with you. However I believed if you are really acting as an agent to Miss Seline and same time as the beneficiary to receive this consignment; you must have be helpful and sincere with this project. Likewise your utterance to the company is reprehensible.
Now let me know how much you can come up with from your end in other to pay the shipping charges to the company not by conducting the hospital board of directors in this project, which I wasn't in reinforcement with. Upon your responds in regards to the payment, then I will let you know how much I can afford because I've spent lots of money dulling the procuring of the documents and paper work regards to this claims.
Note I hoped you are aware that I was not paid a cent to start this project despite all the documentation I've procured in accordance to legalize you as the trustees/beneficiary to receive this consignment/funds.
I adhere you should let know your capability to raise money from your end, while I will be awaiting your responds in addition with the balance to be complete.
Let me hear from you, as I have no time to waste with this same matter.
Barr. Douglas littler.
[Note: "Likewise your utterance to the company is reprehensible."
Another gem. This guy should write for a living.]
Seline Williams
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney,
Thanks for your email and understanding. But I'm still finding it difficult to be explaining to you concerning the restriction here in the camp, yes I know I have little access to internet but that doesn't assured of my having access to scanner and printer because I do make used of one of the officer's/staff laptop here in the camp to check my emails; which he always took along to his home whenever he is going home and he has no scanner or printer here with it.
Having taken the decisions to this effect, I cannot go outside here, as we are security monitored, so I meant that's the reason I cannot make move to get access to the scanner and printer, especially because of the restriction here in the camp, If it is possible for me to walk outside the camp I would have been opportune to give you telephone call since you started this project with us, but that could be my reference to this result. I hoped you would find reason with my point?
Again concerning Barr. Douglas meant, I think he doesn't meant to disapprove your appointment with me or to the company, because I am still the person who contacted you for help in this matter so I think he has no intention of disqualifying your appointments with the company hence i'm still concerned.
Though what you have to do now is to contact him let him know your concerns with this project and ask him if he could be of assistant with the shipping charges payment despite he has tried in this matter by, almost getting this project through without complaining of not been chance to attend to various offices he has attended or been complained of any charges to be paid to him, so I still appreciates his kindness to us.
Like he complained you were too forward, although I don't understand what he meant by that. Meanwhile like I told you earlier, please make sure you're following his guidelines/instructions to avoid mistakes or misunderstanding such as this. Please I also appreciate your sympathy for assisting us.
Finally, kindly try and get resolve with the shipping charges payment with the company, as it is just the on offer delaying the delivering progress.
God be our helper.
Yours truly,
Miss Seline Williams.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
To: Douglas Litler <litler_chambers@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: I AM WAITING
Mr. Littler,
I see your mood has apparently improved somewhat since yesterday's missive, although your English skills have not. I am in the process of discussing some unrelated business with the shipping company: assuming a successful conclusion there, and taking into account my signing power, the money that I am able to contribute without involvement of the Board would appear to be 488 British pounds (converting my $1000 limit using the current exchange rate).
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
Thank you for your message. I am still in contact with Mr. Littler, and we are at present trying to come to an arrangement by which we would split the shipping charges. I find it interesting that he described me as "too forward". I would, in turn, describe him as "a semi-literate buffoon". Given that he takes every opportunity to point out that he's working for you pro bono, I suppose the old adage applies as much to legal help as to everything else: you get what you pay for.
In any case, let's hope that Mr. Littler and I manage to negotiate a deal in the near future.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney.
Good, I received your message and it's well understood. Although I don't think I have up to the remaining balance with me right now, but I must be making move from tomorrow to see what I could do about the remaining balance before Saturday to make sure I concluded with the company regarding the payment to enable them commenced the shipment delivery process at least by Monday next week.
Go ahead and make the payment to me via western union money transfer immediately you receive this message so that by next tomorrow I will be in contact with the company regarding the payment.
Here is the payment information to use:
Then provide to me the ten control digit numbers as well as the full payment information's.
I adhere you should make the payment today as soon as you receive this message, because we have no time to waste, though let me see what I can do tomorrow.
I await your urgent confirmation with the payment details.
Seline Williams
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007
Dearest Sweeney,
Thanks for your kindly message, after reading your message I feel much exciting by having resolving things with Barrister Douglas, I think we are now making the progress at hand.
I whish you remain faithful to him so that we can achieve the success of this project, just like I said earlier that dealing with Barr. Douglas is as good as dealing with me hence he is in position to direct and guide you upon this claim.
Please I am looking forward to be hearing from you in positive.
Thanks and God be our helper.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007
Mr. Littler,
I received your message: it doesn't make any sense to me. Why are you asking me to send you the money? I will pay my share of the shipping charges to the shipping company, and I expect that you will do likewise. If you don't have the remaining balance, then there is no point in sending any money to anyone at this point in time, because presumably the shipping company will not take any action until the balance is paid in full. Incidentally, I am still awaiting a reply from Mr. Wieslaw and his colleagues regarding a business proposal I wished to discuss with them.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007
Dear Miss Williams,
Mr. Littler and I have apparently agreed in principle to split the shipping charges. He has asked me to send him my share of the charges: I declined, and I am insisting that I send my share of the charges directly to the shipping company, as we originally planned. My hope is that as soon as Mr. Littler raises his share of the money, we can proceed with the shipment. I understand that, for whatever reason, you have faith in Mr. Littler. Personally, I wouldn't trust him to put the stamp in the right place on an envelope, and that's why I'm insisting on dealing directly with the shipping company.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
I'm sorry if I have proved anything wrong by that point. I was unable to check my message yesterday because I was tired by the time I got home.
However I am trying to complete the said balance today as I told you and I will be further proceed to the Security firm tomorrow with the said balance and I will copy you with the same payment receipt of the payment to them.
Now you are advised to contact the company immediately regarding your own payment to them so that I can further conclude with them tomorrow upon the remaining balance.
I will keep you posted upon my outcome today regarding the payment
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007
Mr. Littler,
Thank you for the update. I will work with the security company regarding payment of my share of the balance. I am still waiting for a reply from Mr. Wieslaw, their Director of Operations, regarding an important question I posed.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
I have made my own part payment the sum 2,215 Pounds stealing to the company today.
I hope the company will contact you regarding my part payment today. Now I have also requested them to redirect you on how you are going to send the remaining balance to them for quick receiving, then I was informed to send their information to you, you are advised to send the money through western union money transfer with this information's bellow:
Also provide them with the payment details.
We need not to waste any time regarding this and send the balance to the company today so that by Monday the shipment process would commence.
Let me hear from you as soon as you done this.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007
Attn: Mr. Sweeney Todd, M.D,
Our, Ref, 0140606/File Code No: is DPS/HH/1208/06
Respected Sir,
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London hereby received part payment of £2,215 from your representative Barrister Douglas Littler today been 27th Oct, 2007 on your behalf. We whish to inform you as requested by your supposed representative Barr. Douglas to redirect you on making the payment faster to this reputable office through Western Union.
Here is the details needed for the payment. Name Craig G. Wieslaw, area of receiving London UK.
Kindly educate us with the payment code/control number or with payment slip of the payment.
We awaiting your response to this regards.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007
Mr. Littler,
Thank you for the update on payment. I will discuss the payment of my share of the balance with Mr. Wieslaw. I am about to attend a surgical conference, leaving this evening and returning Thursday this week, so I will be out of contact during that time.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for confirming Mr. Littler's payment of his share of the balance. I would draw your attention to the fact that I have still received no response to the question I posed to your operations department regarding shipping packages between the US and the former Soviet Union. I have a freezer full of items that are due for transport: of course I could find another shipping service, but I would then have to deal with tiresome customs inspections and bureaucratic red tape. It is for this reason that it is vital for me to have an answer. For tax reasons, it is necessary for me to pay my share of the balance in a way that it reflects normal hospital business, so I would include it as an addition to the payment for shipping our items to the Ukraine. I am about to leave for a surgical conference, leaving this evening and returning on Thursday this week: I hope to have a detailed reply from you or your colleagues on my return.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007
Attn: Mr. Sweeney Todd, M.D,
We have received your email and the contents well noted.
Please be informed that our company which is based here in the United Kingdom does not have any annex company in the United States. If you will write a formal letter to this company stating exactly what and how you want us to assist in you in making the delivery to Ukraine, then we can seek the help of any of the affiliate companies in the United States.
Your shipment can only by pass custom bureaucracy only if the shipment is tagged as a diplomatic shipment. We will assist you in that regards if that is what you want. We will work out the modalities with one of our affiliate company in the United States and forward the coordinates to you for approval.
Your current shipment from this company to your address in the United States is still pending and we are waiting for the balance payment of ?485 to enable us ship your consignment to your address in United States.
We awaiting your response to this regards.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for the reply. I have just had my administrator draft and send a letter by express courier to the address you gave in your e-mail, asking essentially the same question as I ask here. Given my somewhat vague description of the contents, the country of destination, and my profession, I think you can imagine why I am loath to be more specific, either in e-mail or by letter. Suffice it to say that our hospital is always direly in need of funding and explores all sorts of possibilities for revenue, even some that would be considered unusual. In any case, I look forward to your confirmation that the letter has been received and for a reply from one of your affiliates on this matter. Regarding the matter of the ?485, I understand that this balance is still outstanding. As I mentioned in my previous message, for tax reasons it is necessary for me to pay this in a way that it appears to reflect normal hospital business, hence the importance of a speedy conclusion to the matter discussed above.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
Note, I'm still not to believe you are serious with this project. Meanwhile, for whatever inedible business you have with the company, why can't you contact the company with the shipping charges balance before your vacation last week? I guess you are delaying the whole progress of this project for non-reason.
More ever, if I may ask you this, do you think I have nothing else doing in my office except this transaction? Because I considered of making the whole thing faster for quick delivering to you; that was why I used my last savings to made the payment which you was about to be delaying by having some arrangement with your Hospital board of directors. I absolutely find it difficult to believe that you are fully committed and support with this transaction.
Like I said earlier to you; I was not even paid a cent to start this project, It's just for the sake of God and humanity I am doing all these not for any reward from any body as the security life of those children is at stake.
However, I adhere you contact the company as soon as you are back from your trip with the said balance of the shipping charges to enable them commence the delivery of the consignment/funds to you immediately.
I await your positive response to this message.
Barr Douglas littler.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007
Mr. Littler,
First, my trip this week was not a vacation. As I recall, I clearly stated to you that I was at a surgical conference. Now it may seem to you that we physicians treat these conferences as vacations, but the reality of it is very different. The program consists of an intensive and exhausting schedule of talks and panel discussions, and the whole point is for us to improve the way we treat our patients. Should you in future need surgical attention, you will be reaping the benefit of the "vacations" your surgeon has made time in his/her busy schedule to attend.
Second, I am in discussion with the shipping company regarding payment. As soon as we have reached an arrangement that allows my share of the balance to be remitted in a way that conforms with US tax laws regarding charitable institutions, I will send the balance due. In any case, my arrangements with the shipping company are between me and them - if I needed additional legal advice, I would have retained an attorney: presumably one with language skills that extend beyond a second grade level.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Douglas Litler
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007
Attn: Sweeney,
I repeat again, whatever business you're having with the Security Company aside of this project should be considered away from this project first.
Know you that with the time delaying upon the shipping balance from you; be notify that I would never be part of any upfront demurrage that may be occurring in regards to your delayed.
Now could you concentrate and show concerns to pay the shipping balance to receive this consignment/funds or you want to jeopardize this project? I need this answer from you; because you are making something funny in this matter. Just listen to yourself; telling me that the arrangement is between you and the company, I'm not saying you shouldn't have another business with the company but let it be aside of this project basic.
Your wise-ness or education can never give you all you want in life, I am telling you of this because this is my profession and you must follow my instructions; for I am not the one to follow your instruction and order wise. I need your answer to this regards if you are sending the balance immediately to company or not, that's all I need from you now basic and I don't need further excuses from you again. Just let me have your Yes or No.
Good day.
Craig G. Wieslaw
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007
Respected Sir,
We are in recipient of your noted email. More ever, we are waiting for your formal letter to us on that regards and further keep you posted upon our confirmation with our affiliate company in United State as soon as the details are confirmed.
Note, we shall start by counting the demurrages upon your consignment if we don't receive the shipping charges balance from you started this day November 2nd, 2007 till 5th November, 2007 and failure to this effect; your shipment will be canceled and return back to the storage room as that would be occurring more charges as the case may be, because your consignment has been open for release.
We look forward to your immediate comply upon the shipping balance before the above given date.
Yours in Service,
Craig G. Wieslaw
Director of Operations.
Pacific Security Company & Deposit House London.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007
Mr. Littler,
I see that you have branched out from legal advice to the realm of philosophy. "Your wise-ness (sic) or education can never give you all you want in life": Socrates, Plato, or Nietzsche couldn't have said it better. At any rate, you have asked me a direct question, so I suppose that I shall give you a direct answer. Will I send the balance immediately to the company? No. Will I send the balance to the company as soon as I am able to do it in a way that conforms, at least to outwards appearance, to US federal tax laws? Yes.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007
From: Sweeney Todd, M. D.
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
Thank you for your message. The letter was sent by express courier with the Saturday delivery option checked, so it will be delivered to your office tomorrow if anyone is there to receive it, and Monday morning otherwise. I understand that charges will accrue because of the delay; this is unfortunate, so let me specify ahead of time what I'll need from your affiliate company:
An invoice for shipping thirty seven (37) items from Glasgow, Montana, USA to Kiev, Ukraine. The items will be packaged as one shipment, weighing approximately 35 pounds (16 Kg). They are to be marked as "biohazard" and kept between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius for the entire transit. Please add the payable balance for the package you're holding to the invoice - for tax reasons I have to do it this way. As we have discussed, there must be an absolute guarantee that there will be no customs inspection at the ports of exit and entry. For reasons that should be obvious, I ask you to delete this message immediately after you have read it.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007
To: Douglas Litler <litler_chambers@yahoo.com>
I received your supposed answer, NO!
Yet, I believed I'm the one guarding you upon this claim and same time as your representative to the company! Know you, hence you couldn't go after my legality and instructions on winning to receive this consignment as I had earlier requested for your good faith/harmony to work on behalf of my client Miss Seline, as her trustees. I hereby request you should write a letter of withdrawer to the company.
It's now I become aware that you are as irresponsible type dealing with after all I had perfected to make this project to your favour as a trusted type.
Barr Douglas littler.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007
Mr. Littler,
Thank you for yet another incoherent screed. I am in the middle of resolving this matter with the shipping company, so I count myself fortunate that I am not in need of your "guarding" or any other assistance. To paraphrase the words of the great philosopher Edmund Blackadder - it is said that intelligent dialog with learned people enriches both the mind and the soul, but personally I prefer talking to complete idiots because it reminds me that I'm best.
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
Sweeney Todd, M.D.
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007
To: PACIFIC SECURITY DEPOSIT CO. LONDON <info_pacific24hrsdelivery@oued.info>
Dear Mr. Wieslaw,
My administrator just received a phone call from the courier company. The courier said that the address given in your header (12 St. David's Square, London) was in a residential area - a complex of docklands apartments, I believe he said. He did attempt to deliver to the address but could find no-one who knew anything about Pacific Security Deposit Company. Please could you recheck the address and advise?
Sweeney H. Todd, M. D.
[Note: I called their bluff here, and given the lack of response it
looks like it was a good call. A Google search on their address shows
docklands apartments for rent in St. David's Square. At any rate, I
was pretty certain there wouldn't be a Pacific Security Deposit Co. at
that location.]