Introducing "Randy Rimmer", who opens with the "adopt-a-scammer" gambit.
Bridget is such a trusting soul, I didn't receive the original email from her, but she was glad to reply to my fishing expedition. Here fishy, fishy...
Bridget Manu - First-tier Lad (
Randy Rimmer - Another foot-soldier in the struggle against you know what
Salif Mehata - DG, Utilities security and finance CI (yeah right)
Randy Rimmer
interesting story
Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 12:36 AM
To: Im so sorry to have been this long in replying to your email, but at first I wasn't sure if I could help you in any way. But as a Christian i believe I should do all I can. What please, can i do to you? Randolph. (but call me Randy)
[This works more often than you'd think. Bridget Manu
A google on:
Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 7:40 PM Dear Sir, Thank you for your mail.this is to thank you for your update response regarding my request to you. i pray that almighy God will bless you and your family for your decision in helping me to realise this my inheritance into your account. I thank you and i can understand your feelings for me and my family may God almighty never allow death to reach you and your family because it is a very bad thing to ever happen to someone. I am okay except for family pressures but by God infinite mercy i have been praying as you may know financially i am very poor now because of my fathers relations who are surpressing me from all that is liable to me that is why i need you to help me get the money my father deposited in the security company out so that we can use it to help our self and maybe come over to your country and stay there and start up business if you would want me to come. As a matter of fact,i am going to maintain a forever relationship with you for helping me in this matter.i decided to transfer this money outside the country based on the kind of opperession we have been coming across in the hands of my uncles and aunts since my father died.They have been squandering every properties of my father simply because i am a female as stated by our culture . And because they do not know anything about this money,i decided to transfer it outside this country so that i will make wiser use of the money because even if i can realise the money here in this country they will still find out and rise up against me. So, that is why i contacted you to help me out so that this money will be transfered into your account. You do not have any risk to bear in this transaction because my late father's lawyer will be meeting the security company on your behalf.he will also supply them with the whole papers that cover the money. Therefore, all i need from you is your account informations and your personal details where this money will be transfered,and your residence address which will help me to locate you as soon this money is transfered into your account. Meanwhile,i will need an invitation letter from you to enable me secure my visa easily from the embassy here and fly in to your country just as soon as this money reaches your account for the sharing of the money and investing of the money.To be frankly speaking,i have made up my mind to invest almost my own share of the money in your country though that shall be based on your advice to me. NB/You do not have any risk to bear in this transaction hence, all the the relevant documents involved is at hand as it was inherited from my late father.Therefore,to enable me write a letter of authorisation and introduction to the security company formaly recoginse and register your file,kindly send your profiles as follows:- 1)Your complete name........................ 2)Your age........................... 3)Your residence address............ 4)Your correct phone numbers................. 5)Your nationality............................. Upon the receipt,i will send you a text of application to apply for the claim,while i would be here feeding you with all the official papers involved as it was inherited from my late father. And immediately the money is cleared ,you will quickly arrange for all my travelling documents so,i can meet with you in person. Once again,send me the complete profiles as it states above to enable us exceed. May God bless you as you help out and in this matter. I will send you my contact no as soon as i hear from you. I,am in Burkinafaso right now and i can travel out if you wish. I am waiting to hearing from you. Regards Bridget Manu. Randy Rimmer
Hello my dearest Bridget,
My heart is gladden to read your message. I understand fully what you have said. My full name is Randolph Alexander Rimmer, I am 31 years of age, divorced ( and very eager to meet a gentle loving person!! Maybe that is you????. Please, is it possible for you to send a photograph of yourself. It doesn't have to be nude photo or anything like that, but I would like to see what you look like and how you are made. If you want to send a nude photo I do not mind but really we should wait until we are certain if we want to become intimate, and then get married maybe. I will attach a photo of me so you know who you are sending messages to and who wants to see you get what you deserve. This is me when I began work in my new office. My desk is a little bit messier now. LOL. My address is 1010 Elm Drive, Bangor, Coos Bay, Oregon in the United States of America. I can't wait for you to be here with me, it would be much nicer for you than Burkinafasso. Is it hot and smelly where you are? I am very eager to advise you what to do with your investments. I shall tell you what I think you should do later. I will check what is best for both of us. You can call me on 541 023 9991. I have been having some trouble with the phone and the company have promised to repair it very soon so if there's any trouble getting through let me know my darling and I will tell them to hurry up and stop interrupting true love!!!! As I said I am American. My mother's ancestors were Sioux Indians and my father's were cowboys who settled here 100 years ago. What about you Bridget, please tell me everything about you. What is your favourite colour, what is your favourite animal. Do you have elephants where you live, or lions? Please, write back to me and do include your photo. I imagine you have a lovely smile, don't you. You will have reasons to smile very soon. Your facial will be dripping with joyfulness. I know that I can trust you. You have such a beautiful name. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yours sincerely Randy. THE GUY IN THE PHOTO IS OFF A PORNO SITE. THE PHONE NUMBER WAS MEANT TO BE FOR A PUBLIC PHONE BOX AT AN AIRPORT IN OREGON BUT I GOOFED ON ONE NUMBER, AH WELL, AS LONG AS 'BRIDGET' WASTED TIME TRYING TO CALL IT. Bridget Manu
thanks for your mail
Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 7:54 PM
lovely photo
12:22 am
My beautiful ebony girl. Bridget you are so different than i pictured you. You do have a beautiful smile, and your skin is so smoooth and dark, like hot sweet chocolate. I did not realise you were a black girl, I thought you were Irish because your name was Bridget. Thank you also for the beautiful pictures of your parents. Your father had a nice cofffin to be buried in. He was so lucky to have such a respectful daughter. Some children would just stick their dead father in a chipboard box and leave it on a street corner to be stolen. You can call me on the number I sent you. It was such a pleasure after a hard day at work to find your messages waiting for me. I was having trouble with my stapler today. Very troublesome and the other people in the office were no help. One silly fool even told me to shove it my bum. It's alright for him, his stapler works okay. And I had lots of documents to staple. I will see about the papers we need to provide to the embassy so that you may travel here to USA, and get a green card for you. Your everloving Randy. Bridget Manu
Dear Randy Rimmer
send to me your direct number to enable me call you the number you gave me was not going through Randy Rimmer
8:23 pm 23 nov 07
I have been waiting for you to call, but you say you have trouble with the number? I have informed the telephone company and they say they could do nothing until after Thanksgiving. Perhaps if you try again it might work? I ache to hear your sweet voice. How wonderul that we have the internet to stay in touch. When will you be able to travel from Burkinoassof? The immigration department tell me that Homeland Security are very careful nowadays with so many terrorists, illegal immigrants, scammers and kidnappers trying to get into the USA. They told me that they suspected 419 criminals tried to sneak in last month alone. So they are making checks on people's backgrounds before issuing visas. I said my African flower is a good person, she is an orphan being cruelly used by untrustworthy people, and they said that would be okay. I did not mention anything about your financial affairs. How are things with you? If you need anything just ask and I can send it to help you until the day your are here by my side. Bye for now Bridgie, from your Randy man. Randy Rimmer
8:55 pm 23 nov 2007
Dearest Bridget. Do you have your passport up to date? That is required to be issued with a visa for travel into USA. Also any references you can supply from responsible persons such as bankers, lawyers, librarians, tribal chiefs or doctors will be great. As you have sent a photo of your father to me I am sending one of mine to you. It was taken at our local State Fair a couple of weeks ago. My father was entered in the hog-calling contest, and actually came 4th overall. He won a cuddly toy monkey wearing a bowler hat. Have you ever seen a bowler-monkey? I will take a photo of it if you wish. It is very cute, but not as cute as you. SWALK. Randy Rimmer
12:33 am
Bridget my dearest where are you? I hope you haven't fallen foul of your devious family. I couldn't bear to think about you tied up and put in a dark cellar with the root vegetables, or beaten or forced to work as a prostitute or whatever evil your uncles could plan for you. Is it that you need money? Tell me what is wrong. You haven't phoned me yet. What is your number? You said you were in Barkin'frasso. I think maybe I should find out how to get there and fly out to see you and protect you. Please tell me where this place is, I can't find it on a map. Is it near Rwanda? I remember terrible things wre done in a hotel there. Please let me know you are okay. First my stapler malfunctions and now this. What a week it has been. Loving you and very concerned, Randy. Bridget Manu
Nov 25
am here in burkina faso +22678161909 Randy Rimmer
12:05 am
Oh what a relief to know that you are safe and well. Or are you? why don't yo write more than a few words to me? If that isn't Bridget may a 1000 scorpions sting you in the cybercafe before lunchtime. If that really is you bridget why are you being so remote? You know that I have pledged to assist you in claiming your rightful inheritance, and help you to come to oregon to be with me and start a wonderful new life. I don't understand what is wrong. If you think I have a girl here you arre wrong. I am single. Alright, I admit I was in love with another African girl. But that is over. she was just a cheap tramp who didn't really love me. I sent her gifts, i gave her money, a watch, aDVD camera, and an iPod. She kept making promises but she broke my heart. I have attached a picture of the vile woman. May voodoo strike her barren. She means nothing to me now. Nothing I tell you. I got no respect. My friend Rodney warned me about her but i didn't listen. Please PLEASE, tell me that I can trust you Bridget. I want to believe in you but you don't seem to care.... I have asked about getting time off from work. If I swap my Christmas holidays I can come to Burkina Faso and see you. Would you like that? I have found it on the map now that I know the proper spelling. It's coloured yellow on my map. Is it a nice country or do hippos pose a danger to ferry passengers on the river? BRIDGET GETS SASSY. WELL SHE IS UPRIGHT AND RESPECTABLE YOU SEE, A SCAMMER WITH HIGH MORAL PRINCIPALS. I'LL USE THE LURE OF GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF ME TO GET HER BACK ON SIDE.
Bridget Manu
7:03 pm
i have been an upright and respectful person. i do not really really like the way you talk in your email. please be a little bit more polite and respectful. money or your gift is irrelevant Randy Rimmer
11:17 pm
To Miss. Bridget Manu. I am so very sorry to have upset such a honest, trustworthy, woman with very high moral and ethical principals. One becomes so used to addressing common thieves these days, -we have a large beggar problem here, that it affects one's ability to address one's social betters. Please let the business you mentioned in your earlier message begin so that I can prove my faithfulness to you. Hope everything in Burkina Faso is alright. As I said I was happy to come out to visit you, but you say you are not intersted. I had contacted the Mercure Slimande Hotel in Ougadougou about room prices and found them to be very good value.I had even bought you a present. I have taken a photo of the necklace and earrings. If you don't want it it's okay, i will return it to the jewellry store and get my money back. As everything is strictly decent business dealings please send me the necessary information promptly. I remain, yours in service, Mr. R. Rimmer. Bridget Manu
6:04 pm
Manu re: Jeremiah's Stash.
12:17 am To the esteemed Mr. Alhija Abu Traore Goodly day and goodly greetings of all magnificent wonders upon you. Please allow me to introduce my humble person to you. I hope that all is well with you and that your Utilities is experiencing great business. Please be advised that I am known as Mr. Randolph Alexander Rimmer, and I am a friend of Bridget Manu who has asked me to deliver this epistle to you for your sagacious perusement. Her father, a Mr. Jeremiah Manu died of death last year leaving a sizeable amount of money in your company,which is needed most desperately by young Bridget. Poor dear Bridget is an unfortuante orphan whom I am rather fond of. She is, if I may speak to you as a fellow man of the world, hot stuff. I have her photo and believe she would be a good woman to bear lots of children. I hope to prove myself as a man to her by successfully undertaking this venture to it's climax to reach our mutual satisfaction. To achieve this enterprise I am sending you the pertinent details including the release application order. Please act promptly upon this as it is a matter of some urgency. Sir, RELEASE ORDER APPLICATION. ============================================= I wish to bring to your notice the sudden death of my foreign partner" MR JEREMIAH MANU" etc. etc. NAME......Randolph Alexander Rimmer TEL....503-283-9073..(work number) EMAIL RESIDENCE......Coos Bay, Oregon USA COUNTRY.......God's own country...-see above AGE.................31 PROFESSION...Paraphimosis Consultant NATIONALITY.......AMERICAN ( and damn proud of it!) ACCOUNT NO.........69-0-00-420-1 BANK NAME....First National Bank of Atresia BANK ADDRESS....2 Labia Parting, Medford, Oregon BANK TELEPHONE..541-482-9058 SWIFT CODE........what the hell? ask the bank Now if I may speak frankly with you? As you have been introduced to me by Bridget that is okay. But!!!! I looked online for details of your company and Google had no listing for it at all. Do you have a homepage? Maybe I spelt it wrongly. Most credible companies these days have a homepage. SAome are very cheap and tacky I will acknowledge but if you have one please send me the URL. You see I am trusting in you by giving you all these details about myself and my bank account, so all I am asking for is a little intimacy from you. As a distinguished businessman you must have a business card. Could you scan me a copy into your PC and send it so I know who I am dealing with. Also do you have a diploma or somet hing similar so that I am assured you are top notch in your field. Please do not take this as an affront to your dignity. Bridget can get a little uppity at times, but that is probably because she is a silly girl. She needs a man to make her act like a woman. Love is not enough without discipline is it , do you agree? Do you have a wife and famliy? If so you will know there are times when wives need to be slapped a little to remind them of their place. My wife left me a year ago. If only I had been more of a man and slapped her sometimes she would have respected my authority. My good friend Eric tells me that once people respect your authority everything is sweet. Well I hope everything is in order and that you will commence the necessary proceedings to free up the money for me. Please do get in contact with me again should you need any further services. I anticipate your reply anon. Yours in the Lord Jesus Christ, Randy Rimmer. Randy Rimmer
Dearest Bridget
This is to acknowledge receipt of your message and to let you be aware that it was understood and acted upon. I have emailed Mr. Alhaji with the informastion he needs. I anxiously await a reply from him. As his company has your father's money I suppose we must trust him, but I think he may be a Muslim? We in America have been very cautious about Muslims since sept 11 2001. He is probably a good man and I hope for both our sakes he is. However I couldn't find any mention of the company on the internet. Maybe he is too cheap to have a homepage, or maybe it's in Arabic and doesn't show up on American search engines. I will be reassured to hear from him. Please don't think I am one of those rednecks who hate Muslim people. I have a very good friend who is Muslim, Sam Abdul. He is involved in the entertainment industry and we are very close buddies. p.s. I haven't returned the necklace and ear-rings. Yours courteously, Randy Rimmer. Bridget Manu
where are you?
Dear Randy Rimmer
I will be wiling to recieve you in burkina faso. my point of anger was the way you email me especially with your words come to burkina faso and you will be my guest.we need to meet to get the relationship rolling whats your direct phone number again????????????? THANKS Bridget Bridget Manu
WHAT IS YOUR DIRECT PHONE NUMBER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??????????????????????????????????????? Dear Randy RimmerThanks for your mail I am hopefull that the security company will contact you today. I do not belive all muslims are bad.we have neighbours that are muslims and God fearing. dO YOU WANT TO SENT THE NECKLACE AND EAR RINGS TO ME????????????????? SO I CAN GIVE YOU MY ADDRESS GOR DHL COURIER YOURS BRIDGET WHAT IS YOUR DIRECT PHONE NUMBER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,??????????????????????????????????????? [Bridget may or may not be Muslim. She is almost certainly not 'Bridget'. And probably not a 'she'.] Randy Rimmer
you are a good woman
10:34 pm
Hello Bridget, I have received two messages from you and understand you. I guess that you being in Africa and myself in America some words and ways of saying things will sound not like they are supposed to be heard to the other person. I am so happy we are still friends. I have not heard from the Utilities company as yet but will be watching my inbox. You said you were having difficulty in reaching my number and I told the phone company. They investigated and told me that some drug dealers in a forest area nearby had been connected up to the poer supply to grow their hashish. This had damaged the phone circuit, some semihemiconductor capacitor or something. I don't know the technical jargon they used. So anyway the company are having to replace this and said they may have to change the numbers because of the interference. Why are there so many criminals in the world making life unpleasant for honest folks? Please, you are still young and could be lead astray by bad men. Never ever smoke pot, please, it is bad for your health and makes you hallucinate and have stupid thoughts and do stupid acts.You said you were uptight, please remain that way and you will be much happier for it. Sorry, don't mean to lecture you but there are evils in this world and you are an orphan. I feel protective of you. So when the phone company give me my new home number I will let you know. I would like you to have the jewelry, it will look very good on you. If you tell me where to send it I will do so. Do you know how much it would cost to send? I have not mailed any articles to Africa before. That way you can be wearing it when you meet me at the airport. that would be very nice. Bye for now, Randy. Randy Rimmer
reminder to mr. Alhija
to utilities_sec_.
11:07 pm Dear sir, Please expedite this matter. I assume you arer scanning photographs which i need to satisfy myself that your are legit. I am exceedingly grateful to you. Yours as one with calvary god, Randy. Bridget Manu
Hello Randy Rimmer
good morning and greetings from my own side. thanks for your mail. I am hopefull that the security comapny will contact you you can send the jewelries by Dhl courier to me when you have sent it do send to me the airway bill number and if possible do scan the dhl courier invoice to me. my address is BRIDGET MANU 152 RUE ZONE D BOAR OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASO Salif Mehata
1 Dec 3:54 am For the Attention of: Randolph Alexander Rimmer We are contacting you regarding the transaction you have with Ms Bridget Manu. Find attached,The vital documents testifying to this. Do confirm to us your arrival date and time as to enable us book an appointment for you. Feel free to contact us if you need any clarification Thanks for having interest in our service. Sincerely, Salif Mehata, DG Utilities security and finance CI
Randy Rimmer
Documents Received A-OK
Randy Rimmer
Hello Selift Mehata
I was expecting to hear from that fine gentlemen Mr. Alhaji Abu Traore.Greetings to you, I trust you are having a wonderful day there in Burkina Faso. Please what do the DG after your name mean? Are you Mr. Alhaji's manager or his secretary. Or has he gone on holiday and you have taken over this vital dealing? Mr. Alhaji was going to send me his business card so i could see what this fine man looked like. Can you send it to me instead or your if you are handling the transaction now. please. I have not yet confirmed my airline booking but I have been in contact with a hotel in your capital city. They say that they will be able to accomodate me anytime between the 6th dec and 23rd Dec if I book rapidly. So I will be pursuing all these tasks today. PRONTO!! I must send my dear friend Bridget a litle gift. I wish her to receive it before she meets me. I was thinking that I should buy some token of my esteem for Mr. Alhija too. I really want him to know exactly how I feel about him and his dealings. I was thinking maybe a mobile phone. I myself got a new mobile only recently and use it frequently in business, upskirting, recereationally and so forth. It is very handy tool. I could buy 2 phones and maybe get a good deal, one for you and one for Mr. Alhaij if he is available. As sson as all the flight and hotel details are arranged for definite I will send you the itenarary. Could you please send me a photo of whomsoever will be meeting me at the airport. I have heard that many ragamuffins congregate at such places trying to sell beads and get tourists to pay for expensive taxi rides and other devious acts. Please send me a photo of the staff member who will meet me, holding the sign they will be bearing, the usual thing "I want a Randy Rimmer" so i can be sure of certain identification. (Although I am sending the jewlery to Bridget, I will be carrying the gifts for you and I have been advised to take adequate currency in case my credit card will not be acceptable in yyour country. So I will be fearful of thieves until I am in your safe hands). I know you will understand. Okay, well I have a client who is hanging out to see me, so I will deal with the documents asap and inform you of progress. Thank you very much for all your reach-around and handjobbing this matter. Yours Truly Randy A. Rimmer. Randy Rimmer
1 DEC 8:13 pm
Dear Bridget I ahve bad news but I also have good news so do not despair. Bad news is I cannot send you the jewelry via DHL. This is on their website: Burkina Faso Information on sending a shipment to Burkina Faso Prohibited Commodities Standard DHL prohibitions plus: Airline tickets, blank stock (NI) Antiques Furs Gambling devices Ivory Liquids, non-hazardous Precious metals & stones Probably there are foul people waiting to steal all these objects. I hate criminals! They ruin everything. Never mind, I shall bring the necklace personally with me. I am between clients at the moment so must hurry. I will arrange flight details etc later. Please, I was intending to arrive in Burkina Faso, but from the documents sent by the utilities company i see they are in Ivory Coast. Will we be driving down there or what arrangement is best? Now here is the GOOD NEWS! Please, don't say anything to the company, because they have made a stupid mistake. The silly fools. They have sent me a storage bill for $14,000 - which at first I thought was rather a lot just for having a shed to stick a box in and leave it there. BUT!!!!!!! Then I noticed they were only charging for 1269 days demurrage whereas the demurrage should be for 2063 days demurrage. We are getting your father's property back at a cheap demurrage. It makes paying the $14,000 demurrage seem like a bargain when it could have been so much more. It truly seems as though luck and your father's benevolent ghost is smiling on us. This is a good sign for our prosperity. Can't chat anymore, other than to say I hope you are all the best until I see you soon. Yours fondly Randy. Bridget Manu
news is good and bad
2 DEC 9:19 pm
Dear Randy Rimmer Thanks for your mail and your efforts. Maybe i have to buy the jewelry here locally if you can to me the mony to buy it however the utilities will be expecting you to arrive to enable the deal to be consumated. I am not familier with the calculations of the concern is for us to get the deal consumated with you thanks Bridget Randy Rimmer
everything is coming together nicely.
2 DEC 10:19 pm
Dearest Bridget, Thank you for being so understanding of the difficulty and I too cant wait for this to be consumated.. Of course I will bring the necklace with me, but that is a sterling idea of yours to receive money and buy something you like to wear when we meet face to face. I was thinking perhaps pearls.They would go well with your face. Or do you like diamonds? If I sent you $1,500 US, would you be able to buy something appropriate? I have to send the Utilities company $14,230 (and they will probably want some bribe so may as well save $14,500. So I can withdraw $20,000 from the bank and still have $4,000 spending money for my trip. Oh minus the money for a new stapler of course. It's a real bother. Will $4000 be enough? I think that's all I can afford. We can have a good time. Do you like to eat oysters? Drink champagne? Do they have reach-around restaurants in Burkina Faso or do they have 4 star type restaurants? I always like to eat out my girlfriends on dates first time, get to know each other well. I am eagerly awaiting news from the Utilities company. Mr. Alhaji is on holiday or something, if I don't hear from him soon I'll give him a hurry up. Some other folk at the office sent the professional documents to me. It won't be long now Yours excitedly, Randy. Bridget Manu
3 DEC 7:17 pm
Dear Randy Rimmer Greetings and thanks for your mail. yes would like to buy something to wear by myself.I WOULD LIKE TO BUT IT TODAY OR TOMMORROW i am hopefull utilities will revert back to has been a long weekend when are you coming???????????????. thanks Bridget Salif Mehata
3 DEC 8:17 pm Attn Randy Rimmer We are in receipt of your mail. You are to make a payment of $14,230.00usd as the storage bill for your funds and do advise us with your arrival specifics to our office for claiming of your funds. it might interest you to know this payment will be made to our head office in burkina faso to the below name. NAME MRS BATOU ILBOUDOU ADRESS OUAGADOUGOU COUNTRY BURKINA FASO When you have done the western union payment,do send to me 1.THE MTCN NUMBER 2.THE QUESTION AND ANSWER 3.THE SENDER'S NAME AND ADDRESS. THANKS S. MEHATA Randy Rimmer
3 DEC 11:00 pm
Hello Selif, Mr. Alhaji still away? I hope he isn't ill or anything? Maybe he is still looking for that business card he was going to scan and send to me?? Well, whatever. As I have advised my beloved Bridget I will be drawing out the money from the bank soon. Probably the same day I receive the pictures I have asked for as confirmation of your good intentions in this delicate issue. Then I shall have Western Union send the money to dear old Mrs. Batioou Ilboodou. Thank you for reassuring me of which office I would need to contact. I can now plan the airline flight and confirm with the hotel. Once I send you the flight times and arrival times you can advise me who is meeting me at the airport. Will it be Mr. Alhaji if he's available? Or. Mrs. Ilbouodou, unless she doesn't get out of the ofice much? I don't mind so long as I know who I am expecting to meet. Cheerio my dear. I hope to meet you in person when the deal is done. Until then, go with the flow and peace out. Salif Mehata
<> Tue, Dec 4, 2007 at 10:19 PM Randy Rimmer
REPLY: 5th Dec, 2007.
Felicitous greetings to all you ofutilities company. Thanks indeed for the splendid image of Mr. Alhaji. I can see the business cards and diploma in his hand, so that is okay. I did mean to send them so I could actually see the damn things, but at least i know that they are available. And what a distinguished gentleman Mr. Alhaji is. I hope my Bridget doesn't meet him and fall in love with him. He is very handsome. And he has a nice leather chair! My office chair is only cloth covered. I bet he has nicer stapler than mine too. It has been a bane to me these past few weeks. But enough tittle-tattle. I am intending to visit the Western Union office today and send the money owing. I should arrive according to the airline in Burkina Faso on Monday 10th Dec, and will be very pleased to meet Mr. Alhaji, providing of course Bridget doesn't swoon in his presence. I am also sending money to her today and she will look beautiful wearing the jewels she is going to buy with the money. I'm sure Mr. Alhaji will also be very interested in Bridget and maybe get a boner. It will all make for a wonderful meet and greet session in the airport lounge when it happens. I can't wait. Please expect the details of the number and the question and answer to be emailed forthwith. Yours ravenously, Randy Rimmer. Salif Mehata
5th dec 2007.
ATTN Randy Thanks for responding to our mail we will be expecting further informations from you reagrding the conclusion of the transaction thanks S.Mehata Randy Rimmer
attention mrs. Ilboudou
Thu, Dec 6, 2007 at 1:16 AM To: utilities security <> Hello Mrs. Ilboudou, allow me to introduce meself. I am Randy Rimmer, of the USA. I am graciously assisting an orphan called Brdiget Manu. I have ben in contact with Mr. Alhaji who seems to have disappeared or gone fishing, or is he a lazy sod? Anyway, I found his abruptness very rude so I will not speak well of him and his unprofessional ways. I have also communicated with Selif Mehata who is a much nicer person and very professional. Mrs. Ilboudou, may I call you Grandma? I assume you are an elderly lady to have such great responsibilty. I have sent the money to pay the dummerage fee by Western Union. I believe it is your duty to collect the loot. Here are the details you will need to provide at the office Grandma. MTCN 8973554289 the Question? Do you eat the yellow snow? the answer? Yes and I snowball. Sender's name address: Randy Rimmer 1205 Lappingminge Way Coos Bay, Oregon, 90210 United States of America. I have rounded the amount up to $14,500 even. Please keep the extra as a sign of my gratuity for your assistance in this matter. p.s. I shall be arriving at the airport on 9th Dec (Sunday) at 6.45am. I believe you are to greet me. Please be there on time with a sign."I WANT RANDY RIMMER" I did ask for a photo so I would know the person meeting me. Please send that when you confirm receipt of the money. Thank you dear Grandma. Respectfully Randy. money is on the way Randy Rimmer
Thu, Dec 6, 2007 at 1:30 AM
Greetings my dear Bridget. How are you today in the glory of the lord. I have been to the western union office and have sent the money to the utilities company. I am quite excited and happy. This is a wonderful day in my life. Thank you so much for entering my life and bringing such joy and promise of future happiness and security with you. I have sent you $1500. You must quote the number at the office. It is 9230076419. Then there is a question and answer. Q. Who is drongo? a. I am pretty drongo. (P.s. Drongo is the name of my cat. She got caught in snowblower last winter and lost part of her tail). Please enjoy yourself spending the money. Soon we will have all the money we need. I know there are many poor and suffering people in Africa. I would like to donate some of my share of the money to help them with hospitals and schools or what other charitable things you can advise me on, please. I shall be arriving at 6.45am sunday 9th dec. I cant wait to see you and hug you and fondle your cheeks. I expect to be met by an elderly lady from the utilities company called Mrs. Ilboudou. That lazy Mr. Alhaji should have greeted me but he is vanished. Too bad, I was going to give him a gift. But I will give mrs. Ilboudou some lovely Thai beads instead. Please confirm with me receipt of the money and let me know what you decide to buy. Do you like sausage with tartare sauce. That is a speciality of Oregon. Is it available in Burkina Faso? I would like to take you out to a fine restaurant and give you that to eat. Hershey pudding usually follows it up a treat. We will see what happens on the Blessed Lord's Day. Until then. Yours affectionately, Randy Rimmer. I WONDER IF BRIDGET TRIED USING THE DRONGO QUESTION AND ANSWER AT WESTERN UNION? I WONDER IF BRIDGET KNOWS IT IS AUSTRALIAN SLANG FOR AN IDIOT AND LOSER.MUCH LIKE MUGU? Bridget Manu
6 DEC 7:01 pm
DEAR RANDY RIMMER THANKS FOR YOUR MAIL what name did you send to ?????????????????? WHAT IS THE NAME AND ADRESS OF SENDER........?????????????????? WHERE WILL I GO TO COLLECT THE MONEY?????????????????????????? IF YOU ARRIVING ON SUNDAY THEN WITH WHICH AIRLINE,,,,,????????????? WHAT IS THE SPECIFIC FLIGHT SCHEDULE????????????????? THANKS BRIDGET Selif Mehata
6 DEC 7:18 pm
Dear Randy Rimmer I have gone to the western union and the money did not reflect. The information you gave me was wrong.there was no money you sent . thanks s.mehata Randy Rimmer
6 DEC 11:22 pm
Gracious! This is bad news. Western Union did not have any shiny banknotes to give you? Ah, could the problem be that I addressed the money to Mrs. Ilboudou, not to you Mr. Mehata. The number again was 8973544289. Question - Do you eat the yellow snow? Answer -Yes and I snowball. Please let me know if the problem is resolved. Else I will enquire at my end what has happened. Randy. let me know you have the money Randy Rimmer
6 DEC 11:34 pm
Hello Bridget. So many questions, so many question marks. You are as anxious to see me as I am to see you, I can tell. Please, has the money arrived okay? Perhaps i didn't explain clearly, I was rushed to see to another client. I sent the money via Western Union. Addressed to Bridget Manu. The utilities company has emailed me to say they didn't receive the money but I think something is fishy there. I don't mean to alarm you but I've been unable to contact Mr. Alhaji for some days. I was sent his photo, at least some person called Selif Mehata said it was Mr. Alhaji. I hope he hasn't been bumped off or something. Now this Selif joker claims they went to the western union and got no money- however I sent the money to Mrs. Ilboudou, not Selif. I think this Selif may be trying to trick us. That or Mrs. Ilboudou has taken the money and fled. Damn, I trusted Selif even though he or she, I don't even know what it is, has not sent me the business card or photo i asked for. I will be arriving on 9th Dec at 6.45am. and we can sort this out at the Utilities Company. We will get your rightful inheritance do not worry. Again don't worry. I am going to check with the Western union office here, and if the money has been received we will know we are dealing with filthy criminals at the utilities company. See you on sunday. Love, Randy. Selif Mehata
7 DEC 11:57 pm
I shall check my end. You check your end too. The money was sent to Mrs, Ilboudou - $14,500. I am praying to God almighty that I have not lost my money. I will be in big trouble if I lose all that cash. Please notify me if you receive it. Do not try to trick me. As your friend I am begging you not to let me down in this matter. I have scanned the invoice for you. I must rush. Please pray with me. OH DEAR, IT'S ALL BLURRY. IT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING I MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN OFF A SCAMBAITING SITE AND USED (THANKS GUYS :-) ) Randy Rimmer
don't despair. we will triumph over evil.
7 DEC 11:59 pm
Dear Bridget, how I wish I was already there with you to protect from the evil villains surrounding you! Are you okay??????????????? They may come after you???????????????? I have discovered that the money sent was collected by someone claiming to Mr. Alhaji. Apparently this person was an imposter. He was descirbed by the person in the office who paid the money as a homosexual. Is Alhaji a homosexual? What kind of people are they running that Utilities company. We should involve the Burkina Faso police in this matter do you think? Are they trustworthy??????????????? Please, I am devastated, I told them I was sending you money too. Have they also stolen that?????????? I will be in your country Sunday. Meet me at the airport and we will go to the address they gave me and we will catch these theiving scum. Don't worry my darling. We will get your father's money and I have a visa for you to come back to America with me. Please go down on your knees as you usually do but this time pray, pray, pray for salvation. Love, Randy. Randy Rimmer
so you didn't get the money?????
7th Dec 12:15 am
Salif Mehata. You are a damn liar! I have checked with Western Union and they inform me the money WAS collected in Burkina Faso by some homosexual looking man. You have the receipt I scanned as proof the money was sent and I have proof it was collected. Who could have known about this except yourself, that lazy Alhaji bastard and that decrepit old bag Mrs. Ilboudou.???????? I think you are a gang of crooks trying to take advantage of Bridget the sweet little orphan and me the dumb trusting Yankee??? EH???? Your demurrage fees are ghastly too. $30 f***ing dollars a day to keep a trunk in a shed. What a rip-off.Well you won't be ripping me off and getting away with it. I am flying into your country and meeting my darling Bridget and then we are going straight to the police and then to your office and demand some action. I will see to it that the cops beat you up a bit with their truncheons. If you wish to protest your innocence please respond promptly. I am on my way to the airport soon and will not be deterred by obviously fake stories. I am not stupid. I have only to do one last thing with my stapler and then i am leaving the office. I am shocked and disappointed that such a thing as this can have happened with such respectable people who sent me such impressive and not-at-all-fake looking documents. How can you do this to an orphan? Curse you!!! Randy Rimmer
no response?????
8 DEC 8:04 pm
As I suspected you bunch of coconuts! You have not responded as respectable business persons would do if you were blameless in this whole shitty affair. I always suspected that effeminate Mr. Alhaji of being a slippery eel. You had me fooled though, Salif Mehata. I expected better of you. Now I have lost $14,500 and Western Union say they cannot pay me back. They have told me it was my own fault for sending it to such a vague address. They say you are criminals who take advantage of suckers like me and Bridget. They say there is no way anyone but someone from your Utilities Company could have gotten the money. You seem to have even stolen the $1,500 I sent to Bridget. Well go to hell all of you. I can see now that you must have stolen mr. Jeremiah Manu's money and could not let it be discovered. BUT IT HAS BEEN. YOU WILL GO TO PRISON FOR THIS. Randy Rimmer
redemption is coming!!
8 DEC 8:13 pm
Bridget, I feel terrible about this. It appears that the heartless thieves at the Utilities Company have collected the money I sent to them as well as the money i sent to you. I fear they have stolen the millions your father so cunningly stashed in the trunk too. You have nothing, you poor little waif. Never fear, I am at a cybercafe enroute to Africa. I have just sent you some money, not much I'm afraid. $600 US by Moneygram so that those bastards don't find out about it. I suspect your fam,ily told them about our correspondence. Silly girl, I don't blame you, but you must be careful. You don't realise what liars and fraudsters there are in the world waiting to trick you. Go to the Moneygram office, not Western Union. The number is 10733796 question: Do monkeys bite? Answer They bite Salif. I wish a damn monkey would bite that damned thief! Meet me at the airport at 6.45 sunday morning your time. I will try to get what compensation we can, but I will get you out of that terrible nest of criminals and to safety in America. Never fear. Yours eternally, Randy. Randy Rimmer
where were you at the airport????
9 dec 10:10 pm
Bridget, my darling, sweet honeycheeks. Beloved. Kisses, kisses, kisses. Where were you? I waited to see you and you never greeted me. Did you go to MoneyGram and get your money????? I can't believe our romance has ended like this. Me left standing weeping, emerald necklace and earrings in my pocket. And my stapler so uncomfortable. Remember that workmate told me to stick it up my bum. Well I did! [see attached photo] [Snap of him sticking a stapler up his bum. Showing it would jeopardize our chances at a contract with the Department of Homeland Security.] What have those evil ruffians at the Utilities Company done with you?I was shocked to see that my suspicions about Mr. Alhaji were confirmed by this article[see attachment] in the newspaper. I tore out the article and scanned it on a friendly nut vendor's laptop for you. I am typing this on his laptop now. He says say hi to the beautiful girl. I showed him the photo of yourself, and your dear dead dad's coffin. He asked me if you have relatives in Liberia? He said the photo of your decomposin' daddy's coffin was the same one Martins and Mary Albert showed him In January 2004. When did your daddy drop dead again? I will be at the Mercure hotel until Monday if you want to contact me. Hope to see you. We can have some nooky, gorgeous. p.s. I'm glad Alhaji got his. I hope the same happens to Salif. It was a real surprise to learn Alhaji and Mrs, Illboudou were the same person. Thank God you are who you say you are. PROOF FOLLOWS THAT RANDY IS A GENEROUS FELLOW INDEED. Randy Rimmer
a gift for your efforts!
9 dec s 10:27 pm
Well Salif, The truth is out! That vile Alhaji/Illboudou gay cross dressing hippo molestor got what he deserved. I never trusted him at all. And you seemed like such a reputable firm, with your cheap email address [yahoo for God's sake!] and really pathetic fake documents. A child could cut and paste a better effort than that!! For curiosity sake are you and Bridget the same person? Do you ever manage to trick anyone with such lame rubbish? Are you still going to try to be 419 scam guymen? (advice - you stink at it) Do you think it was good fun, me wasting your time like I did? Do you think I'm pretty clever? Look, you did really really badly at scamming. I've added up the scores I've given you, and I'm afraid you only got 27%. (The fake documents really dragged your score down.) So you don't pass scam university i'm afraid, but my standards are even lower than your morals so have some fake documents of your own - some nice certificates for you to print out and frame and proudly display to your family and friends. Now you didn't get $14,500 out of me but don't say you didn't get nothing. Randy is nothing if not generous. Goodbye for now mugu, but you never know, we might meet again. I wonder what our names will be then????? Randy Rimmer
The end of a beautiful relationship.
10 Dec 11:50 pm
Hahaha Bridget You didn't really really like the way I wrote to you before.. I bet you hate this!!! As a scam criminal you are not very good. What's your real name? Are you really a girl, or a boy? Or are you not sure? If you send your REAL photo to me I can hazard a guess. How about that? Did you enjoy our little game? I derived great enjoyment from it, though you didn't play along that well. Did you go to the airport? That would have been a great hoot. I would like to have seen you frustrated at the western union counter. Do they know you're a 419 scammer now? I have attached your certificate. Print it and frame it and display it proudly. You earnt it honeybuns. Please feel free to stop annoying others with your pathetic attempts at fraud. Now piss off! Ha ha ha! Randy Rimmer
Dec 11
Ha ha ha. You lose dick brain. I win. Go to hell. Ha ha ha ha ha. Love, 'Randy'. Randy Rimmer
Dec 11
Ha ha ha ha. I'm still laughing at you suckers. You're not mad at me are you? Come on it was just a bit of fun. So you're a mugu. You're not upright and respectable, you're dirty thiefs and liars. If I f*** with you it is what God ordains for you as punishment. have you died of shame????? Randy Rimmer
14 dec 07 9:14 pm
Well Mugu you are afraid to reply so that tells me what a shitfaced arsehole you are. It took me a lot of time to fool you, I expected some appreciation but as you wouldn't give it to me I showed my emails to all my friends and co-workers to warn them what 419 scam letters look like so that they don't get caught by you and other lowlifes like you. It was really pleasing that one man i warned was actually corresponding with someone in Africa and was prepared to send them $6000 real dollars. He was stupid enough to fall for the story he was told. He didn't want to believe he's been fooled but when i showed him the fake documents you sent he admitted he was being duped. So now he is just fooling with his mgbada too. I am sending our email correspondence to a scambaiter website. when I have the URL for our page I will let you know so you can relive the good times we had together. Oh shit, I did have fun. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Muguuuuuuuuuuu. (ACTUALLY THERE WASN'T ANYONE I KNEW STUPID ENOUGH TO FALL FOR THIS SCAM CRUD, BUT I THOUGHT LET THEM THINK THAT. GET THEM REALLY PARANOID AND WONDER IF THEY HAD DAMAGED THEIR GAME WITH A GENUINE SUCKER.) |