From a first-time Kindly Contributor:
Background for those not from the U.S., or are too young to know who
Gene Rayburn was.
Gene Rayburn was best known as the host of the TV game show Match Game. Match Game was a celebrity panel show, where Gene would ask the contestants a "fill in the blank" question where the answer would be humorous. The idea was to match as many of the celebrities as possible (more than the other contestant). Perpetually on the celebrity panel were Charles Nelson Reilly, a flamboyantly gay stage star, and Brett Somers, a TV star. You will see an example of the type of "fill in the blank" question in the bait below.
Note: I did not know that Mr. Rayburn was deceased when I started this bait. I hope nobody takes offense. I was a big fan.
Second Note: No flames that I actually sent the mugu a few pennies, please. This argument has been hashed out in the forums, and I won't do it again.
James Campbell From: james campbell <> Reply To: Date: Jan 9, 2006 Subject: CAN YOU BE TRUSTED? Sent: Monday, January 9, 2006 From The Desk of:MR. James Campbell Head of Trustee and Depository Institutional Fund ServiceS. HSBC Bank Plc 24th Floor 8 Canada Square London E14 5hq. Reply To Dear Prospective Partner, Good day. I need your services in a confidential matter regarding money that was deposited by Late Mr Morris Thompson in a security firm.The next of kin to claim the funds is needed and I will want you to claim this fund as the next of kin.Kindly Visit this site: This requires a confidential arrangement. Could you perhaps receive these funds under legal claims?. I am willing to assist you in this transaction as well as making sure all the legal proofs of next kin are changed in your favour so that you will genuinely and legally receive this fund under the capacity to file for an affidavite of claim. I have all the details you will use for that.The funds in question are quite large US$9.6 Million. All correspondences will be via email for now.I will expect a straight answer from you.If yes,Please email back and include your telephone and fax number to put the modalities in place . Thank you Mr. James Campbell [Scam-o-note: Morris Thompson was a Real Person. He died in an Real Airplane crash. Many many Lads use his name in their letters. His family are probably Not Amused.] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 9, 2006 Hello old chap (that's what they say in London, right?): I am intrigued by your offer. I have recently been successful in raising some money for my new company which endeavors into the up and coming realm of teleportation. We feel that this will be a growth industry over the next few millenia. Although I have raised several million dollars, we could always use some more, and I take it from your e-mail that there may be some cash that arises out of this modality? I think we can help each other out here. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho James Campbell Sent : Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Subject : More Details Date: Jan 10, 2006 Dear Gene, Thank you very much for your prompt response to my email, I really appreciate your kind gesture. Let me use this opportunity to re-affirm to you that my decision to carry out this transaction with you is with all sincerity of purpose. What I simply require from you is for you to assure me that the money will be safe in your hands and that you will maintain a high level of confidentiality which this transaction demands. Your role on this transaction is basically to front as the next of kin to the deceased, so as to put in a claim for the said fund by an attorney which I will introduce to you and the money will be transferred to you by normal banking via a security company to be on a safer side.But before we commence this transaction I will require from you to send me some information, that is your complete address including your office and home address, your personal phone and fax numbers including mobile phone if any to enable me make a change in my bank making you the next of kin and have better communication. I will also need you to send me any valid identification e.g. your drivers license or a copy of your international passport. You can scan and send to me through email attachment one of these ID's for me to have recognition of whom I am dealing with. These informations are very important for us to begin.As soon as I get these informations and make the changes on the next of kin I will direct you on the attorney to help us for the claim. Please, be rest assured that all modalities has been put in place to ensure the completion of this transaction within ten working days from the date we file in your letter of claim to the bank. Also this transaction requires utmost confidentiality, trust and commitment on both sides. As we have not had any personal contact we should try and show true transparency and honesty in the cause of this transaction as we shall have cause to celebrate at the end. As soon as the transfer is effected I shall join you in your country for my share. I would also want to invest some on a viable business which you may propose to me.Our mode of sharing is 30% for you,60% for me and 10% for expences incured in the cause of this transaction. I await your soonest reply. Best Regards, Mr. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 10, 2006 Dearest James, I'm very pleased that you got back to me so quickly. I want you to be assured that I will definitely take very good care of the money, and you have absolutely no need to worry about the care I will take with it. Can you tell me, would it be possible to wire the money into two separate accounts? I have reasons for doing this that I will get into at a later time--but for now I want to make sure there would be no technical problems with doing that. I hope it's okay that I only give you my work address, and not my home address. I do not want my companion, Charles N. Reilly to have any knowledge about this, as I believe it is best we keep all of the details confidential. [The Coeur D'Alene police dept. address] Gene Rayburn Gene Rayburn 3818 Schreiber Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 My cell phone is (206) XXX-XXXX I will work on getting the documents you requested scanned in, but I do not know how to do it. Maybe I could go to Kinky's and have them scan it for me? But I still don't know how to get it on my computer. Perhaps when I am done with my research here, I would be able to get them to you physically over the air, but right now our apparatus is the size of a small building. My inability to scan my driver's license quickly should not deter you from wanting to complete this transaction with me. You should know that I am very careful with money. This business I've started is everything I have, and if I were to lose even a couple of thousand of dollars, it would really cause me and my companion great stresses. I am encouraged by the fact that you say this will be completed within 10 days. The business could really use the money. But I don't understand why expenses will be $960,000!? That is 10% of 9.6 million, right? (My math isn't that great). What sort of expenses are you talking about. If there is any room in there, I suggest we split that part 50/50. So if you can get away with only $500,000 of expeses, I could get another half of the difference (whatever that is). Deal? How is the weather in England right now? Thanks again for your quickly response. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho James Campbell Sent : Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Subject : More Details Dear Gene, Thanks you for your response and assurance that you will take care of the money and I will also want you to keep these transaction confidential not only from your companion but from any other person,till this transaction is completed it should be between me and you only.As regard paying into two accounts I have no problem with that,I need these transaction to be successfull and anything that will make sucessfull will go well with me. And as regard your address,I will still like to have your home address,work and home phone number not for anything but for the record,if you don't want me to call them I will not.Regarding your ID,when you get to any computer center tell them you want to scan your iD and send it by email and they will tell you how to do it,I will start work immediately based on your promise that you will send your ID.I will make the changes in my bank and the security firm making you the next of kin to Late Mr Morris Thompson. I will make the changes today and I will also give you the contact info of the attorney who will help us in the processing of claiming the money,the attorney will help us in getting some of the documents needed for the claim.The 10 working days am talking of is from the day the attorney files the application of claim to the bank and security company and depends on how quickly both of you respond or act to their response.The 10% I talked about for expences will be shared according to what you have spent in the cause of this transaction so this is why you have to keep record of what ever expences you did both phone calls and any fees that you paid,all these will be refunded from the 10% at the sucessfull conclusion of this transaction.One very important thing,the bank do not have to know of my invovlment in this transaction and also the lawyer should not know too because am the accounting officer to Late Mr Morris Thompson,this is for the safety of this transaction.So you will make it look as if you are on your own.Please this is VERY IMPORTANT MY CONFIDENTIALITY IN ALL LEVEL. This is how to write to the attoney,tell him that you want him to represent you at HSBC Bank Plc 24th Floor,8 Canada Square,London E14 5hq in claiming your late uncles estate Late Mr Morris Thompson at the tone $9.6 million,that you are unable to come for it because of work pressure, that you will be greatfull to have his assistance in this.Below are the Late Mr Morris Thompson info: Name: Mr Morris Thompson Bank:HSBC Bank Plc 24th Floor, 8 Canada Square,London E14 5hq Account number: 11/00896372297 Account officer: Mr. James Campbell. The attorney's contact info are: Name: David Cole Email: Phone Number:+447040111675 Please reach him immediately and let me know when you do this.Please remember my confidentiality and that of the transaction this is very immportant.I will be waiting for your ID as promised. Thank you and God bless you as I wait for your response. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 11, 2006 Dearest Mr. Campbell, Thanks again for continuing to work on this for me. I was very excited to perform this task for you, but I am a bit concerned about your disinvolvement from this point. If I am to call the lawyer myself, and keep you out of it, I feel like I'm taking on all of the risk myself. There I'll be, talking to someone of stature in the United Kingdom of all places, with my pecker hanging out in the wind for all to see. I assume I'll be giving him similar details to the ones I've given you, and I have serious concerns about this. What if he asks me questions that any next of kin would know? I will not know any of the answers. Will "Inter Poles" be knocking on my door here in Idaho? Perhaps it would help if you told me more about yourself? What part of London do you live in? Are you from there originally? How old are you? What is your shoe size? Sorry for the third degree. I'm glad things are progressing so rapidly, but I feel that suddenly I am taking on more risk than what was originally my intention. Please reassure me about the risk. On the brighter side, we have achieved some success with our apparatus. Several photons were successfully duplicated on two sides of our lab. Our experiements here are progressing almost as quickly as our little arrangement! If this continues, soon we can begin testing on certain multi-cell organisms, followed by a rodent, then there is a certain vagrant who has been living in a box outside of our building. It would certainly be history-making. We could really use our percentage in order to gain access to the amount of dilithium we need to get this going. I think I just need some more assurances from you, and I need to get to know you better. Sincerely, Gene Rayburn P.S. On another matter, why is it that most of the e-mail you send me ends up in the "junky" folder? Clearly our correspondence is not commercial in nature? James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Wednesday, January 11, 2006 To : Gene Rayburn Subject : 100% Risk Free Dear Gene, Thanks for your prompt response,I will like to assure you that this transaction is 100% risk free,what the attorney need to know is not from you but the bank,he will only come to the bank to make enquiry if you are the next of kin and that is why I told you to get me your info first before we could go further,I have done the change in our system and it reads that you are the next of kin of Late Mr Morris Thompson.You don't need to know anything about the Late Mr Morris Thompson and if he asks you anything let me know first and I will tell you what to tell him,I will advice you make most of your communication via email only.When I say am off dose not mean am not with you,is just that for the safety of this transaction both the bank and the attorney should not know of my involvment but in the real sence am with you all along.You already know my office address and my house is 16 Albemarle Street, London.I have a happy family of two my wife and my son,have no fear because if there is risk I will not go into it because I have a family to protect. Please contact the attorney as I told you so that we can move fast in concluding this transaction.If you can't call him send him an email as regard his services.I hope I have been able to remove the fear from you. I will be waiting to hear from you. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 11, 2006 Dearest James, Thanks for the note of assurances. It makes me feel better enough that I will be writing to Mr. Cole right after I'm done with this note to you. I must admit I'm a bit disappointed that you haven't answered some other of my questions about you. I did give you all of the information about me, my companion, and my business. By the way, please do not discuss anything about my scientific apparatus. There are several parties in Russia and Burkina Faso who are trying to replicate their own version. Clearly, the first party to successfully achieve what we are trying to achieve will be billionaires. That is why this deal we are discussing is so very important to me. Please, let me know the answers to the other questions I asked: Are you from London originally? If not, where, and how long have you been there? How old are you? Please tell me more about your wife and son. I would love to see pictures, if you have them already online! Unfortunately, due to my lifestyle choice, I have none to show you, but I'll sneak a picture of Charles to Kinky's when I bring my Driver's License to be scanned (as well as one of myself). I do enjoy a British accent, so I look forward to us speaking on the telephone. You also didn't answer my question about the "Junk" folder, and why all of your e-mail to me goes there? Tally ho, and all that! Gene [To the lawyer now] Gene Rayburn To: Subject: Next of Kin Date: January 11, 2006 Dear Mr. Cole (or do they call you Solicitor over there?): I am the next of kin for my late uncle, Mr. Morris Thompson. His estate of $9.6 million must be put to good use, and I must insist that you represent me at HSBC Bank Plc 24th Floor,8 Canada Square,London E14 5hq in claiming this estate. Due to the work pressure, and great sadness at the loss of my Uncle, I shall be unable to collect it in person. Here are Morris's particulars: Name: Mr Morris Thompson Bank:HSBC Bank Plc 24th Floor, 8 Canada Square,London E14 5hq Account number: 11/00896372297 Account officer: Mr. James Campbell. I've had absolutely no contact with the Account officer, in case you were wondering. I've never spoken with him, or even exchanged e-mail. It is very important that you understand this. Thank you for your time. I hope you understand that time is of the essence in this matter and that we should conclude this transaction presently. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho [Note that nothing was attached to the below] Gene Rayburn To: Subject: Timing Date: January 12, 2006 Hello James, I wrote to the lawyer and I have not gotten any response from either him or you in a full day. We really need to move on this, because I've blown out the flux capacitor on the receiving side of the teleporter. And, as you might expect, this happened right in the middle of the rodent test. So, poor little Mickey's bits are scrambled somewhere between the transmitter and receiver. If we can aquire the funds to replace this device, we believe we can still save him. You said it would be 10 days from when you changed me to next of kin, and the clock is ticking. I'm hoping things are moving along. I went to Kinky's and they scanned my driver's license, and also actually captured video frames of Charles and me from my surprise birthday party. I think I've attached all three to this e-mail. There are two "gifs" and one "jaypeg", whatever that means. Please let me know if these are suitable for your purposes. Also, please answer my other questions! I want to make sure we know who we are. Thanks, Gene James Campbell Sent : Thursday, January 12, 2006 Subject : Thank you Dear Gene, How are you,I thought I have answered the relivent questions but all the same I will give you what you want,I am 40 years old I have lived in London for 12 years now but am from South Africa,my wife's name is Christiana a british and my son is 17 years old and he is Cyril,I don't have any of our pictures online.I don't know why my mails go to your "junk" folder.Hope I have anwsered your questions properly. Have you contacted the attorney and what was his response.Please brief me immediately. James Campbell. [A reply from the lawyer. Same IP Address, what a surprise! But is his name Chambers or Cole???] David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Thursday, January 12, 2006 To : "Gene Rayburn" Subject : ATTENTION Attn:Gene Rayburn, This is to acknowledge the reciept of your mail.Yes they call us solicitors over here.Thank you for choosing me to be your solicitor.But first of all before I start anything with you,I have to go over to the bank and confirm all the informations you gave me.When I come back from the bank I will now be in a very good position to tell you what next to do.Thank you. David Cole (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 12, 2006 Dearest James, Thank you for your response. I thought I had lossed you. I suppose since you are not from Europe originally, you don't have that accent I've been longing to hear. That's a shame. I'm also saddened to hear that you don't have any pictures on your computer. Oh well, we will be seeing each other soon enough, right? Speaking of which, I have not seen the vagrant in the box from downstairs in quite some time. When you come here, I might have an additional money-making opportunity for you. Is it possible you might want to help us test our apparatus? If not, I might be able to use you for your muscle abilities (if you have any). Although people might be resistant to help test the apparatus, if they were simply "prodded" in the right direction history could be made. They would ultimately become rich from the notoriety. I'm sure they would appreciate it at the end. Are you well-built? In any case, back to business. I did send a message to the solicitor (although you called him attorney, he was very clear that they are called solicitors in your neck of the woods). He should be coming down to your bank at any time. You should definitely address him as such to avoid blowing the whole deal if he should take offense! Also, make sure you don't mention that we have spoken. I think we are close to realizing our dream here! Thanks for answering my additional questions...once again, though *how is the weather there??? * Perhaps I might come visit you? I know it is a problem to enter this country with more than $10,000. Are there similar rules there? Maybe after the money is transferred I could bring you your share instead of you coming here. It gets complicated if you come here due to Charles. I could explain to him that there is a rich source of dilithium in Northern England or something like that. Also, you didn't comment on my ID. I have no idea if the image transfer worked. I have attached it here again, along with the two pictures of Charles and me from my surprise birthday party. Ah..what a time that was. Wine and Amyl Nitrate for all... Looking forward to the next step. I'm counting on you to continue to make this 100% risk free for me. My best to you, Gene
[2 days, no contact...has he caught on?] Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 13, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, Have you had the opportunity to speak with the bank officer on this matter? Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 13, 2006 Dearest James, Has the solicitor been to the bank to see you? I am very eager to get this thing moving again. Thanks. Gene James Campbell Sent : Saturday, January 14, 2006 Dear Gene, How are you,I don't know if he has come to the bank to make inquiry,if he is making inquiry he will not come to me,there is an office and people incharge of that.Anyway if he has done it he will reach you on it and I don't want to start asking question about it.I could not understand the pictures you sent to me they do not make sence to me.An what you called your Id was blank.What type of stuff did you send me. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 14, 2006 Dearest James, I sent you three pictures. One was my ID and that one was a jpig. The other two were gifs that were from a video of my surprise birthday party. The handsome fellow with his tongue sticking out is Charles...what a goof, eh? Obviously, the other picture is me. Will we need to wait until the weekend is over to get this going again? What about Martin Luther King day? Do you celebrate that there? I do have some good news, though. I was able to raise more money for the business, and spent a couple of hundred thousand fixing the apparatus, and it is working again (I had to rotate the shield harmonics). But Mickey didn't make it. The receiving end was just a worthless pile of protoplasm. Oh well, such is the cost of scientific research, yes? Have you thought about the idea of me coming there to deliver your share? How is the weather there? Do you eat that horrid English food, like bangers and mish-mosh? What about those calves brains or whatever? I don't understand why the English can't have good food. What's your opinion of Tony Blair, and how does it differ from your wife's, since she is British? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Sunday, January 15, 2006 Dear Gene, How are you,your ID did not appear well,I couldn't see anything in it,it is just blank and have the attorney responded to you and what did he say. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 15, 2006 Dearest James, How are you today? I assume you had a pleasant weekend? How are Christiana and Cyril? No, the solicitor has not gotten in touch with me! You really shouldn't call him attorney, he seems to get very upset about it. Do you have any idea what the hold up is? Is the 10 business day conclusion to this transaction in jeopardy? If so, I will have to start charging you a premium for my services, to the tune of 2% per day past the 10 business days. I trust this is okay with you? I have looked into flights from here to London. It should be a simple matter to get there. There are not many flights from Coeur D'Alene, so I'm looking at a connection in Minneapolis, then to Sweden, Los Angeles, then finally London. It ends up costing almost $10,000 each way, but with our new financing and the money that will come from this modality, that should not be a problem. In an earlier e-mail you said that after this venture you might be interested in investing in a company I designate? With all of the successes with the teleporter, I believe you should consider MatchGame. Have you given that any thought? Hopefully, the tragic loss of Mickey won't sway your opinion of us. We recently commissioned some genuine Rolex watches with the company logo on them. I can engrave one for you, Christiana and Cyril if you are interested? Please let me know, and please get this solicitor off his tight butt and get this moving again! Sincerely, Gene Rayburn [The lawyer is back - Same IP address again] David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 To : "Gene Rayburn" Subject : My Terms Attn: Gene Rayburn, I have gone to HSBC Bank Plc to make enquiry as regard your next of kin status of Late Mr Morris Thompson and found out you are really the next of kin,at this stage I will now give you my terms: I will want you to write me a letter by email which I will print requesting me to get a power of attorney on your behalf.With this latter I can get a stamp duty on the power of attorney empowering me to represent you. My fees are $40,000 for my services and $10,000 will be paid upfront and the balance will be paid at the end of my services,you will have to pay first a mandetory non refundable consultation fee of $1,200 immediately.Once I get the consultation fee I will then go back to request for there requirment and file an application for cliam.These fees are payable to my accounting officer via western union money transfer with this details below. Name: Dennis Conraud Address: London, Uinted Kingdom. Once the fees are payed,you are to send me the payment instruction immediately via this email only.As I told you I will go bank to get there requirments immediately I get the consultation fee. Thank you for choosing me to serve you. David Cole (Solicitor) [First I reply to the lawyer] Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, Thanks for finally getting back to me! What on earth took so long? I imagine you are very busy with all of the Lords, Knights, and Queens over there (especially the latter). About this fee, I'm hoping we can work something out. As you know, it is a sizeable estate we are talking about here. I'm hopeful that you can bear with me and I can assure you that your fees will be taken care of. Let us just sign a letter of retainer and get on with it. What do you say? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho [Then the bank officer] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dearest James, I have now heard from the Solicitor. He has visited the bank, and it appears that all is well. He is charging a lot of money, but it shouldn't be a problem considering what we're about to come in to, right? The only issue is that he is looking for some mulah in *advance*. You had promised me that this whole endeavor would be 100% risk free. It now appears that there is some risk. Luckily, he is only looking for $3,600 up front. I suggest we split that fee. What do you think? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 Subject : My Fees Attn: Gene Rayburn, I don't understand the first paragraph of your latter, anyway i don't deal with Lords, Knights, and Queens.I will be waiting for the payment once it is done send me the payment instruction and I will start work on your file. David Cole (Solicitor) [First back to the lawyer] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dear Solicitor Cole, I apologize for the reference to the people of statue in my last message. It obvious struct accord {}; with you. But that's not the point. Let's talk about the payment arraignments. Like I said, there is a lot of money at steak here. Almost like a giant Delmonico you would find at Bern's in Tampa. Can we work something out? Assuming you do your job right, I'll have millions coming out of my various orifices. There should be no need for advancement. Let's do this on contiguously? What do you say? By the way, do you need to wear that long wig when you go to court? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho [Then back to the bank officer] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dearest James, I've been thinking about the fee for the solicitor. Why don't you pay only $1,200 and I'll pay him the rest of the $3,600? You can bring it right to his office, or you can use Western Union and send it to his accounting officer with the details below: Name: Dennis Conraud Address: London, Uinted Kingdom. I'll Western Union or wire transfer the rest to him. What do you think? Please let me know if you have any problem at all with this, as I don't want to delay things. Hey, I just remembered something really funny about my surprise party (from which I sent the pictures). Right after the surprise, I sat everyone down in their proper seats. I opened up the "A" card, and read from it, "Dumb Debbie is *SO* dumb!" And everyone in the audience yelled back, "How dumb is she!?". I continued, "She's so dumb that she can't even remember how to open her BLANK!" Then the crazy, almost porno-sounding music began to play. The contestant at the party gave a really lame answer, but she matched Brett Sommers and ended up winning the party. It was something. What would you have answered? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn James Campbell Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 Dear Gene, You know I told you I don't have to be involve in any kind because I will not want to put this transaction at risk and another thing is that I wish I had will be another issue but right now am financially in a tight corner.Please try and see how you can upset this bill.Thank you and God bless you. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dearest James, I have received your message. I'm really sorry to hear about your financial trouble. How does a prestigious bank officer like yourself get yourself into so much trouble that you can't even come up with $1,200 even when you know you'll get it back in 2 days? Please, I really want to hear your story...maybe I can help. Also, in order to get to know you better, I would really like to hear how you would fill in the blank from my party game. Please send your one or two word answer as quickly as possible. Gene Rayburn David Cole Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 Attn: Gene, We don't work that way,if you read my email very well,the total fees is $40,000 and am telling you to pay $10,000 upfront ,this is so because I will need to pay some fees,like the stamp duty and some other fees for some documents I need to work with.The $10,000 will cover any expences in the cause of representing you,you can then pay the balance immediately you get your claim,this is outside the $1200 consultation fee,assuming you came in person you could have paid the $1,200 before I will go and make the inquiry for you but since it is your first time am using it to welcome you so you will first pay the $1200 or pay all together. David Cole (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dear Solicitor Coles, I'm still a bit confused. If I send you the $1.200, will you begin working for me? I can probably work that out, but if you need all $11,200 before you can start, I might have a problem. Please advise at once. Sincerely, Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 Subject : Account Officer Changed Attn: Gene, With the consultation fee of $1200 I will start work immediately but you will have to pay the $10000,you might decide to pay instalmentally all you pay all at a go it all depends on you but the one that will make me start work immediately is the consultation fee. Please there is a little change, my account officer Dennis Conraud will be out from office from tomorrow for an assignment so you can pay to his assistance with name: Aboudramane Sanogo. Once the payment is done I will start work immediately. David Cole (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Subject: RE: Account Officer Changed Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I am still confused. Let's say I send you the US$1.200 today. I understand that you will begin work. I was also made to understand that this whole process will only take a matter of a couple of days, is that correct? If so, there should be no problem in giving you the rest of your fee at the same time as I am wired the funds, is that correct? I recevied your change of account officer and I've noted the new name. It's all very bizarre that Western Union is the way to complete this transaction. Wouldn't it be better to use a wire transfer? Please get back to me as soon as possible. I have the cash in hand, and am ready to go to Western Union immediately, but I want to be sure that I won't have to come up with the other $8800 before my inheritance is in hand. Otherwise, I will need to convene a meeting of the board of directors, and I do not want to share with them the particulars of this matter. Please don't assume by this that I know the banking officer, because I don't. Sincerely, Gene Rayburn [Now to the bank officer] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dearest James, I've been in contact with the Solicitor, and we are just working out all of the details. Before I send him the fees he's asking for, I really want you to answer my questions. Specifically, in order to get a feel for your psyche, please fill in the blank, as I asked you for before: Dumb Debbie is *SO* dumb! She's so dumb that she can't even remember how to open her :BLANK:. Different people respond to this request in different ways, and depending upon how you answer, I can get an idea about what sort of person you are, and I assume it will make me more comfortable, now that the 100% risk free aspect of this transaction is gone. Thanks! Sincerely, Gene Rayburn [Holy crap! He answered the question. Note also that he is now calling the lawyer solicitor, as I've been demanding] James Campbell Sent : Monday, January 16, 2006 Dear Gene, How are you,why ask me such,it has nothing to do with our transaction,if you have finalise with the solicitor why not send him the money and let us complete this transaction once and for all. I can't understand the phrase you said I should fill if I have to fill anything can go there for example,her bag,brief case,car etc. Hope you are okey. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 16, 2006 Dearest James, I want to assure you that I am not wasting time with these questions that you believe have nothing to do with our transaction for the following reasons: 1) I am awaiting a response from the Solicitor, as I said in my e-mail. We are working out some details surrounding his fee. I believe we will come to an agreement. b) The question has to do with establishing trust. When you first contacted me what seems like 8 days ago, you said that this transaction would be 100% risk free. Now the solicitor you recommended is requiring money up front, and I don't know you from a bobsled on a horse carriage. III: Since we will be meeting soon, it is wise for us to become well-acquainted. However, even with all of your complaining, you did answer my question, and I must tell you that you answered it quite well. I now have trust in you, and do not feel bad about sending the Solicitor the money. I'm hoping he contacts me soon with an agreement to my terms, as I had cash ready in hand to bring to Western Union today, but now I am in my unmentionables, so it will need to be tomorrow (if he answers me ever!) Fare well...Charles is coming in here now, so I must run off! Sincerely, Gene David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Subject : Actual Amount Attn: Gene, You are always getting me wrong,the total amount is $11200,if you can pay all at once the better for both of us or first pay the consultation fee of $1200 so that I can start and you pay the rest before I finish your work.This is how I explained it to you,I will prefer a westner union but if you want to make a wire I will give you an account in which you can pay to.I am still expecting the payment. David Cole. (Solicitor) [Uh oh, Charles thinks he caught Gene in something untoward] Charles Nelson Reilly From: Charles Reilly To: Date: Jan 17, 2006 Subject: Who are you, talking to Gene? Who are you? I caught Gene e-mailing you last night in the middle of the night. Are you that guy I saw him talking to at the club? Gene and I have been companions for 10 years. Are you prepared to take me on? Gene Rayburn To: Subject: RE: Actual Amount Date: Jan 17, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I may have to do the bank transfer. It is snowing like a staple remover here, and I don't know if I can get to Progressive Forestry, which is the Western Union agent nearest my office. Please send me the bank particulars. I'm still confused about why I would possibly send you the whole $11.200 now when I could just send you the $1.200. It's all quite confusing. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Subject : Thank you Dear Gene, Am not complaining as you may think but the issue is that am not understanding your project when you talk about it,what its all about and the rest of it and I don't know how confidential you want to keep it so I don't want to ask much so that you will not feel uncomfortable with my questions. In the issue of trust it should be a 50-50 thing and I thank you for believing in me and this transaction and I bet you you will have nothing to regreat about it.The 10 days I was talking about is from the day the solicitor files in an application to claim the funds.I don't really know how far the you and the solicitor have gone so I don't know what to say but work with him he is striaght. Charles got in touch with me asking me who I am,below is the email he sent to me,that he caught you talking to me.I did not respond and I will not or what do you want me to do. James Campbell. This is chales email Who are you? I caught Gene e-mailing you last night in the middle of the night. Are you that guy I saw him talking to at the club? Gene and I have been companions for 10 years. Are you prepared to take me on? [I received this one 3 times - note that it ended mid-parenthesis] David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Attn: Gene Rayburn, I will advice you make the $1200 via westner union and the others via wire,everything now lies on your hand.We have wasted time on these fees,Am surprise on how you get confused on this issue.Please sorry for the question,am I dealing with a man or woman,please clearify me. David Cole ( Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 17, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I received this message 3 times, but did not see the banking details in any of them. Please, I beg you, send me the banking details so that I can do this all at once. Thank you. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 17, 2006 Dearest James, Oh my God! I just read your e-mail, and the included message from Charles! I'm not sure what to do at this point. Is it okay if I tell him about this transaction? If not, he will assume that I am up to some indiscretion. It is very important that you don't tell anyone this, but I must confess that Charles has a bit of a temper. I am afraid he might strike me when I get home. Should I go home? Please, I need your advice. Sincerely, Gene James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Tuesday, January 17, 2006 Dear Gene, I will advice you don't tell him just tell him we are just some friends and nothing more or you don't tell him at all or tell him am a guy you met online far away from you.Just look for something to tell him,have you finalise with the solicitor.Brief me. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 17, 2006 Dearest James, You do not understand Charles. I cannot just tell him these things. I trust you that I should keep our arrangement confidential. But Charles is going to be fit to be tied. I am hiding out at my sister's house at the moment. I will still be able to make this transaction happen from here, although things are a bit more difficult. In terms of the solicitor, I am just waiting for him to send me wire transfer details. I will be sending him part of his fees via Western Union, and the rest of it via bank wire. As soon as I get the bank details, I should be able to send him everything at once. It is not safe for me to leave this house, so I only want to do it once. Sincerely, Gene Charles Nelson Reilly From: Charles Reilly To: Date: Jan 17, 2006 Subject: Re: Who are you, talking to Gene? Where is Gene? Is he with you? Please ask him why he took $1.200 from our bank account, and please tell him I'm not mad. David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene Rayburn, How are you,pay the consultation fee via westner union and I will send you the account details for the others before the day runs out. David Cola (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I can only leave the place where I'm staying once today. Please send me the banking details, and I'll do it all at once. I need to visit the bank first. Thanks. Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 Please send the banking details at once! The snow has let up, and I can get out if you send it now. Otherwise, it may have to wait. David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Subject : Account Details Attn: Gene, How are you,below is the account information you can make the payment immediately and send me the payment instruction to me via email.Have you paid the consultation fee? Account name:Ita and co. Sort code:401516 Account number:71610066 Bank name:HSBC Address:196 oxford street, london W1d 1nt Swift code:midlgb22 David Cole. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, Thanks for finally sending the info. I will now run out to the bank first (before it closes), followed by the Western Union. Sincerely, Gene Rayburn
Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dearest Solicitor Chambers, It is done. I sent you both the wire transfer, as well as the Western Union. I trust you will start working on the project first thing in the morning? You may pick up the Western Union money at any time. I'm not sure how long the wire transfer will take. Sincerely, Gene Rayburn Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dearest James, I have not heard from you in a while. I am here, holed up in my sister's cabin. Have you heard anything more from Charles? I am very worried about the situation with him. I suppose once I get the money, he will feel better and probably won't hit me. I have sent the solicitor his fees. I had to sneak out to both the bank, and then Western Union. What a hassle. But I'm glad this business is moving along. I feel like we've known each other for a long time, and I really appreciate your advice on my problems. I hope that soon I can offer you some advice in return. I have some ideas along those lines. Sincerely, Gene David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 To : "Gene Rayburn" Subject : Payment Instruction Attn: Gene, I need the complete info of the westner union,mtcn number,text question and anwser,senders name and address,recievers name.Also send me the payment instruction for the wire transfer. Thank. David Cole(Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Subject: RE: Payment Instruction Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, Good morning. The Western Union MTCN is XXX-XXX-XXXX. The sender's name is Gene Rayburn, address is 3818 Schreiber Way, Coeur D'alene, ID 83815. Receiver's name is Aboudramare Sanogo. I tried to give them a text question and answer, but they told me that this is not allowed in the UK. The account details for the wire transfer you gave me were: Account name:Ita and co. Sort code:401516 Account number:71610066 Bank name:HSBC Address:196 oxford street, london W1d 1nt Swift code:midlgb22 Please advise of the next step. Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene Rayburn, Please send me the payment instruction from the bank and as soon as I collect your fees from westner union I will go to the bank for requirments and go to court to get a letter of authority on your behalf which I will use to file in the application for claim.As I work I will brief you. David Cole.(Solicitor) David Cole From : David chambers <> Subject: RE: Payment Instruction Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene Rayburn, How much did you send via western union. David Cole.(Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 I do not know what "payment instruction" means. I just did a wire transfer. They didn't give me anything except a receipt. I sent US$1.200. I'm not sure what it translates into pounds. David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene Rayburn, Tell the bank to give you the payment instruction or slip,scan it and send it to me and how much did you pay to the account. David Cole( Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 Okay, I'll go to the bank tomorrow. It was Ten thousand. David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn:Gene Rayburn Send the reciept to me,thats what I need. David Cole( Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I do not have any means of sending that to you. I can go to Kinky's tomorrow afternoon and get them to scan it for me into a jpig. It is late at night here. I know your day is just beginning. I assume you will get the Western Union and go to the bank to get things started soon? Do you have everything you need to do that? Sincerely, Gene Rayburn Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 18, 2006 I am very concerned that I have not heard from you. I have sent money to the Solicitor, but I can cancel it, and am thinking about doing so. Where are you? I'm starting to get worried? Sincerely, Gene James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Dear Gene, Sorry for the long absence,I went outside london for an official duty,this is great news you just gave me,so I will be watching out for him in the bank so that I can help speedy things up.When is he fileing an application to the bank,please reach him and tell him to do it immediately. James Campbell. James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Dear Gene, Why the worry it is just for a day we did not talk,by the way Charles reach me again asking after you.Just stay where you are and go back when the money comes,that's one good way we can make him happy,what do you think? James Campbell. David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene, For now am okey I will let you know if I need anything.Later today i will be in the bank before i go to the court. David Cole.(Solicitor) David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Attn: Gene, Please send me the following informations,your sex and age. David Cole(Solicitor) David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Thursday, January 19, 2006 Subject : Reconfirm payment with agent Attn: Gene Rayburn My accounting officer went to collect the money and he said they told him that the amount sent is not upto $1200 so they did not give him so go back to where you sent it from and confirm with them how much they sent.Please do that immediately and get back to me. David Cole(Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 19, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, Are you sure that the person in Longon was looking in US$ and not pounds? Sincerely, Gene David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Thursday, January 19, 2006 Dear Gene, My account officer went there and they told him the money is not upto $1200 so just go there a make the correction and let me know you have done so.Than send me the payment instruction and bank reciept.Do this immediately. David Cole( Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 19, 2006 Now listen here, Lord Solicitor, Nobody addresses me in this manner. You don't tell me what to do "immediately". I run a business here in Idaho. We are on the verge of scientific breakthrough. Remember, you work for me, not the reverse. I've already sent you all of the money you have requested, and now you are asking me to run around town getting confirmations, and slips, and scans of jpigs. I have half a mind to indeed go to Western Union and the bank and cancel everything. You need to start treating me like your employer, since you are under my employ. Otherwise, I will find an alternate solicitor, and call whatever organization is in charge of solicitors in London and report your behavior. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 19, 2006 Dearest James, I think we may have a problem with the Solicitor. His behavior is unacceptable for someone under my employ. Later today I am going to start looking for my own Solicitor in London. I have some connections over there. I believe I can probably find one that won't even charge me in advance. You tell me that this guy is a good man, but I'm not seeing that so far. I'm very busy with a new experiment today, so I won't be able to get to any of this until nighttime. Please respond. Sincerely, Gene [5 hours later] Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 19, 2006 Dearest James, Great news! I have received an e-mail message from a Barrister in western Africa. He had a similar situation to yours, but since he's a Barrister, I am going to send him a message and see if he can represent me as a lawyer in our ongoing transaction instead. I'm going to write him a little later with the details, and I'll stop the fees to your solicitor when I can get over to my bank and Western Union, tomorrow morning. In the meantime, how are things? Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, ID [Time to ask for a trophy picture. Seems unlikely to work...] Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 19, 2006 I think the prospect of meeting someone of your heritage when you come here will make Charles more happy than money. Can you please send me a picture of yourself? Make sure you are doing something so that I know it's you. Maybe you can make an advertisement for my company. Take a picture of yourself holding up a sign that says, "Beam me up, Scotty!". That would be great! (It's a reference to Star Trek). David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Thursday, January 19, 2006 Dear Gene, How did I wrong you or how did I treat you bad,you sent me a payment and I could't collect it and told you that there is a problem and you are telling me that am treating you as my employe,Mr.Gene, you are the one who made those payment and it is only you that can correct them if there is anything wrong with it please correct me if am wrong that I told you that there is a problem and that you should try and rectify it and that is where I went wrong.Once this is rectify I will start you work.Please if I have wrong you is just that am doing the right thing and not comanding you.Please rectify the western union so that I can start you work immediately. David Cole (Solicitor) James Campbell From : James Campbell <> Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 Dear Gene, How are you,I could't respond yesterday because I had fever yesterday so I left work in time yesterday.I don't know the type of problems you are haveing with the solicitor and to be frank with you this is not the type of period you should be haveing problems with such people and as regard you getting another solicitor it is not good for this transaction because if you start changing your solicitor the bank will have to tighting up and do deep investigation and this is someone that have contacts with our bank and who can pull some string if need be and who the bank listen to,so please try and work it out with him,with him we will not have any problem,he is a nice man if you get to meet him.Forget the other one you are thinking about,is just for him to file in the application the money is as good as been in your account,you have done it while want to delay it yourself again so please work it out with him.I will like to know details of your communication with him so that I can advice where need be. Please I will like to have evidence of any payment you made so that I can keep the record for refund at the end of this transaction so if you can send me all reciept of payment I will highly appriciate it,Please lets try and complete this transaction as quickly as possible.Please I beg you continue with the solicitor I beg you and forget the other one from west Africa he has nothing to offer and don't stop the payment.I will send you the picture as soon as I get better. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 20, 2006 Dearest James, In terms of the expenses, I will try to go to Kinky's tomorrow to scan the receipt from Western Union. The solicitor is a real problem. He is giving me orders. Here is a part of his e-mail from yesterday: "Than send me the payment instruction and bank reciept.Do this immediately." Who is he to tell me to do something immediately? I think you are a bit too eager for me to use this solicitor. It is making me question our whole transaction. I will need to see this picture more quickly than expected, and I'm afraid waiting for you to get better will not be an option. I understand you will not look up to your normal self, but I really must insist that you do it immediately. I'm sorry for being so forceful, but I've just spent a lot of money on this transaction, and it seems like it is starting to fall apart. I really just have to see you, and we also want to start running advertisements for our apparatus, and it will really help me. I've already told Charles about you as a potential "friend" for him, and I think I can calm him down with the picture. If you have a nice physique, make sure it is apparent in the picture, but don't forget the advertisement ("Beam me up scotty"). By the way, the solicitor did send me an e-mail this evening, but it was not apologetic at all. I don't think he understands what is right. Please feel better soon, but get me that picture at once. Only then will I cease contact with the other lawyer (Barrister). Sincerely, Gene David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 Attn: Gene, I have already collect the form from the bank and the court to tell you I have started you work so this was why I was agitating for you to go and rectify those payment so that I can finish you work,Please let work as a team,I don't like having problem with my client's so please rectify and let me know. David Cole (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 20, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, I appreciate your e-mail. I'm going to think about it for a day. I am awaiting certain correspondence from an acquaintance that includes a certain photo. You wouldn't understand, but trust me, it's important. In the meantime, I've stopped the wire, but the Western Union is still out there. I don't know what the problem was. I'm thinking it's perhaps that I told the agent I wanted to spend exactly $1.200US, and she might have subtracted the fees from that. If you can figure out what that amount is, you can subtract it, and it might be the exact amount? That should cover you for the work you've already done. If you don't end up continuing under my employ, you can keep that, and I'll send the wire to my new solicitor. Please hold tight. There is no need for you to e-mail me until I work this photo stuff out with my acquaintance. Sincerely, Gene James Campbell Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 Dear Gene, How are you,I am not trying to press you on the solicitor but I was the one that recommender him to you but I know the quality he posess and his authority and respect in my bank.You said he is giving you orders by telling you to send an infomation immediately,you know everybody sees things from his or her angle,have you told him you are angry because of the "immediately" he used and let him explane to you why he has to use it.I am saying this because I don't want everything to move smoothly in this transaction,I am on ground here and will tell you how things work here.As regard the picture I will send it to you but I can't do it immediately,one because of my health and my work on my spare time I will do it but think of yours I told you your ID wasn't clear you have not boarder to resend it to me again and all the pictures you sent my were funny,"do to other what you want them to do to you" like in a part of your email you were giving me orders "and I'm afraid waiting for you to get better will not be an option." and you don't want someone to do same for you,look at what you said there,you were not bother about my state of health what you want is that that you wanted. All am saying is that when dealing with people you have to be petient,you decision lies in your hand,just hold on and be patient and we will conclude this in less than no time. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 20, 2006 Dearest James, I understand your message. I agree that my message was a bit demanding. However, please understand that your continuing to push this solicitor leads me to believe you have something going with him. That is why it is of utmost importance that you send the picture. I did not disregard your health. You can notice that I wished you a speedy improvement at the end of my message. I suggest you get Christiana to take the picture of you so that you do not have to exert yourself. I would be fine if you held up the sign from your bed. Charles would probably like that best. Regarding my pictures, I sent you a funny one because I thought you would like that. I did scan a more normal (but older) picture of myself at Kinky's when I was there, and I have attached it to this e-mail. Please do your part today and send me my advertisement. I would really appreciate it. I did get an e-mail back from the Barrister, and I will forward it to you in 2 hours. Please send me the picture, and I'll drop him. Thanks a lot, Gene ![]() [The idea here was to get two scammers to talk to each other while I watch. I started replying to other scam e-mail messages, asking them to represent me as solicitor in this transaction instead of their own. I got someone to take me up on it. So then I planned to forward his message to James. I changed the new Barrister's e-mail address to a GMail account I've set up. This way, if James had written to him directly, I would have seen it. I then gave the new Barrister yet another GMail address and told him it's James's. I would pass their e-mails back and forth to each other, editing them as I see fit, so hopefully, we would get an insight into how these guys talk to each other. Here is the e-mail I sent to the new Barrister] Gene Rayburn To: Subject: RE: ATTN:Friend Date: Jan 19, 2006 Dear Barrister Omoo, I am currently involved in another, similar transaction, but I am very unhappy with the Solicitor who is handling my transaction in London. I have sent him money via Western Union, but he is having trouble picking it up, I assume because he is an idiot. He has also been rude to me. Would you be interested in representing me in London regarding this transaction? It is only $9.6 million dollars, which is less than yours, but I am well involved in it already, and would like to get the transaction closed. I could put you in touch with the banker with whom I am dealing, and maybe you could work something out. I already have sent some Western Union money to the existing lawyer. What do you think? Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho [Here is his response] John Omoo From : BARRRISTER JOHN IRVIN OMOO <> Reply-To : Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 Subject : CONFIRMATION: IS ME ESQ JOHN IRVIN OMOO Attn:Brother, I will help in representing you to this and you have to send me the bank contact and the and your formal lawyer so that i can contact all of them and forward all the mail they have sent to you in both side i mean from the lawyer and the bank along with the any document you might have given before so that i can work on them as fast as possible. Moreover, You have to pay $200 before i can start doing having contact with anybody because this money is real and is huge sum of money. So you are advised to send the money to my name Receiver's name: John Irvin Omoo Address: 18, Adeyemi close State:Lagos Country:Nigeria text question: what is the money for Answer:thanksgiven Am waiting on you as fast as you can with the western union information such as sender's name sender's address mtcn. And all the informations i mentioned at the beginning. You can send your full detail like your FULL NMAE: FULL CONTACT ADDRESS: MARITAL STAUTUS: PHONE/FAX NUMBER: OCCUPATION: SEX: AGE: All i need from you is maximum co-operation and make sure you always listen to my advise to avoid error or mistakes and assure me that you won't deny me when the bank transfer the money to your nominated bank account. Regards Yours-In-Service John Irvin Omoo Esq. Attached under is my international passport for my self identificaton and for you to know who you want to transact with and certificate of CALL-TO-BAR as a registered lawyer.
Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 20, 2006 Dearest James, Here is the e-mail I got from the Barrister: From : BARRRISTER JOHN IRVIN OMOO <> To: Gene Rayburn Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 Subject : CONFIRMATION: IS ME ESQ JOHN IRVIN OMOO Attn:Brother, I will help in representing you to this and you have to send me the bank contact and the and your formal lawyer so that i can contact all of them and forward all the mail they have sent to you in both side i mean from the lawyer and the bank along with the any document you might have given before so that i can work on them as fast as possible. Regards Yours-In-Service John Irvin Omoo Esq. Attached under is my international passport for my self identificaton and for you to know who you want to transact with and certificate of CALL-TO-BAR as a registered lawyer. Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 20, 2006 Dear Barrister Omoo, Thank you for your letter. I am glad you will help me finally get this sorted out. Hold your horses, though, as I want to make sure that you and my banker can get along well. You see, he was very particular that he wanted me to use his solicitor in London. Please send him an e-mail and make sure that he is okay with you taking over my case. I believe he's already recorded me as next of kin, so he doesn't really have much choice. Let me know that you've been in contact, and I'll check with him as well. Then we can talk about money, okay? His name is James Campbell, and his e-mail address is Sincerely, Gene Gene Rayburn MatchGame Quantum Industries Coeur D'alene, Idaho P.S. I noted your picture on your passport. You look a lot like your prime minister. You must get mistaken for him all the time. [Well, it appears that phase 1 of my plan will not work! Barrister Omoo decided not to write to James, but instead he decided to pose as James! He sends an e-mail from pretending to be James, and telling me to only talk to him at the new address, and that anything from the old address is just spies. There's also a bunch of stuff I don't understand at all, along with some other attempts at getting me paranoid. Note the subject! It is just like the Barrister's other one, and nothing like James's!] James Campbell From : JAMES CAMPBELL <> Sent : Friday, January 20, 2006 9:37 PM To : Gene Rayburn Subject : IS ME CAMPBELL Hello, I got a mail from the lawyer you said he should continue with the transaction. i agreed and accept because spies are disturbing because of your informations and that is the reason why i mailed you with my security box. Please don't entertain any mail from my formal mail, if you contacted through this box please don't through them they are spies from the chamber so that you and your lawyer shall achieve the goals and i have reply him that i will have a share of 20% out of the money when the bank tranfer it to you and he agreed with this. And if anybody call you and mention my name ignore them they are spies from the chamber. Please reply me back soon as possible for me to know that you received my mail. campbell. [I ended up abandoning the idea of getting them to talk to each other.] David Cole From : David chambers <> Sent : Saturday, January 21, 2006 Dear Gene, You own me my fees,the consultation fee for the work I have already done for you,try and rectify the western union so that I can collect that one and when you are ready for my services you can than come back but for now let us clearufy the one I have done for you.Let me know when you have done it. David Cole (Solicitor) Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 21, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, The money in the Western Union system is your consultation fees. Once I hear back from my associate regarding the photo, I will go over there again. I did call them, and confirm that the transfer is there, ready for your collection. They want to know exactly what your agent said. The exact words. Thank you. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 21, 2006 Dearest James, I hope you are feeling better. The new Barrister is asking for money too, and I need to figure out what I'm doing. I am going to go to Western Union today. If we can get our trust back, I will fix up your solicitor's transfer (I don't actually know what's wrong with it, because I paid the money already). But you really must get me the picture today. Will you do it? Is there something you're not telling me here? I don't even want to tell you what the Barrister said about you. Sincerely, Gene David Cole Sent : Saturday, January 21, 2006 Gene, They said the $1200 is far far far far below what you sent. David Cole Gene Rayburn To: Date: Jan 21, 2006 Dear Solicitor Chambers, That's very, very, very, very odd. Can you get them to tell you the exact amount? I will go to Western Union later, after I hear from Jame^H^H^H^Hmy associate, regarding the photo. Sincerely, Gene James Campbell Sent : Saturday, January 21, 2006 Dear Gene, I just had a very deep thought about the whole transaction and your altitude towards everything,I asked you for your Id your sent me a blank picture and you sent me a funny picture of both you and your friend,I over looked it so that we can make way.You have not even sent me any of your correspondance with the solicitor,I don't know what the two of you have discussed,who is worng or right,that is not my problem,my case is your altitude,when I thought about the picture you said I should send to you,that I should hold a sign and send to you,for what,who do you think you are and do you think am a kid.I think I have taken it lightly with you,if you don't know,this transaction is so sensitive that if anything should go wrong it can put both of us in jail for a very long time,I have planned everything to go well and you are trying to jopadise all my effort and plan.I have decide to let you know you will have to follow my instruction in this transaction or you back out because I can not compromise with you and jopadise my life so right now if you still want to go ahead with me you will have to follow my instruction and they are,You will have to continue with the solicitor,You will have to keep to the confidentiality of this transaction as previously agreed,if you don't agree with me please back out now I will think of how to take care of the mess you have caused already.You can tell the solicitor to refund you what ever you have paid him,that is if you are telling me the truth that you have sent him his money because you don't sound strieght to me any more.You can go ahead with the lawyer from africa and see where it will take you.I gave you a very geniune deal and you want to mess it up.Don't you know if you try to change the solicitor the bank will investigate your claim to the end and this will mean doom for us.So please I have planned this transaction to go smoothly so all it to run that way.The option lies with you. James Campbell Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 21, 2006 Dearest James, If that's the way you feel about it, I am willing to allow for you to choose another person for this transaction. However, I should let you know that I have finally figured out what went wrong with the Western Union. I found the form that I originally filled out, and since I tried to send him $1.200, I used a decimal point like you do in the UK. Unfortunately, here in Idaho, they prefer to see a comma. So they actually sent one dollar and twenty cents, instead of twelve hundred dollars! So, that has been the problem all along. I have dismissed the Nigerian Barrister. I didn't like what he was saying about you. So, let me know what you want to do. You can send me the picture, and we can continue on and I'll fix the Western Union problem. Or you can go ahead and find someone else. Just please let me know today. Sincerely, Gene James Campbell Sent : Saturday, January 21, 2006 Dear Gene, With me I have no problem am ready to work with you,I have invested alot of trust in you without seeing anything of you and i expect such from you,I have thought about your request and said I can't go through such de-humanising thing,I will never feel comfortable if I do it so I will like to do what will give me peace.i have put all behind me,am ready to work with you but I cannot take such picture.That is my own side of the story,am sorry but I have to do what will give me peace and I spoke to my wife about it and she refused out right. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 21, 2006 Dearest James, I don't understand why it would be "de-humanising" to send me a picture of yourself. I have already sent two of myself to you. I asked you to hold up a sign so that I can know it is actually you. If it is the contents of the sign that you find de-humanising, please suggest something else. It doesn't matter to me, as long as it relates to me in some way. If you still aren't willing to do this, that's fine. Just please help me to get my $1.200 back from the solicitor. Thanks. Sincerely, Gene James Campbell Sent : Sunday, January 22, 2006 Dear Gene In as much we have agreed to work together,I will advice we try and make things work fast.I promised 10 working days from the day the application is filed so please try and rectify the solicitors fee so that we can conclude this as soon as possible so that you can have money for your project.Clear this up with the solicitor. James Campbell. Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 22, 2006 James: It seems you didn't read my last e-mail at all. I'm planning to move on to my next investment, unless you are willing to follow through with the picture. I gave you some options so that you don't feel it to be "de-naturizing". After all, that's not the intent. The intent is to get to know each other better. If you decide not to do it, I understand. But I'm afraid we won't be doing business together. It's been nice talking to you, and please give my best to Christiana and Cyril. I hope you find someone else to take on the project so that you can get what you deserve. Gene James Campbell Sent : Wednesday, January 25, 2006 Subject : Reconsider Dear Gene, I have looked at all possiblities in this transaction alot of things will go bad if there is any changes so I have to talk to Christiana and I have to do this picture so that we can continue on this transaction,I hope you will put the past behind you and lets go on as before so that we can conclude this transaction.Attached is the picture you requested.Hope you will go on and conclude with the solicitor.Let me know your reaction.What of charly. James Campbell. ![]() [At least he sent something, even if it's just some guys he stopped on the street. Notice: Photoshop blurring of something on the guy's face, blurring of the sign behind him (probably identified the location as being a bit outside of London), no explanation for the dude next to him, and the date stamp on the file would seem to indicate January 21, which would have been before his most recent e-mail refusing to take the picture. [It probably was some guys he stopped on the street. Hence the editing of the face here at Scam-o-central. If anyone cares to identify the sign, drop a line!] ![]() Gene Rayburn Date: Jan 25, 2006 Dearest James, I am really glad that you are feeling better. However, I must say that I'm deeply disappointed in the picture I just received. I wanted a picture of you for my advertisement, not someone else. And why did you smudge parts of the picture? Unsmudging brings up the following questions: 1) Who are the people in the picture? b) Why are they not in the UK? (Not even on the same continent) iii) What are you trying to pull? And even if I wanted to use your friends for my advertisement, you stamped a huge date and time right over the ad! How can I print this??? Please take a real picture of yourself, holding up a sign and send it to me. Then we can talk business. In the meantime, please answer my questions. Sincerely, Gene More to come? |