Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Received: from [] <-- Omnium des Telecom et de l'internet, Cotonou, Benin Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 From: Reply-To: BELOVED, GOOD DAY, GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. I AM MRS FATI ZONGO FROM SWITZERLAND, A WIDOW TO LATE TOM C MATHINS I AM 55 YEARS OLD, I AM NOW A NEW CHRISTAIN CONVERT, SUFFERING FROM LONG TIME CANCER OF THE BREAST, FROM ALL INDICATION MY CONDITIONS IS REALLY DETERIORATING AN IT IS QUITE OBVIOUS THAT I WONÕT LIVE MORE THAN 2 MONTHS, ACCORDING TO MY DOCTORS, THIS IS BECAUSE THE CANCER STAGE HAS GOTTEN TO A VERY BAD STAGE.MY LATE HUSBAND DIED LAST FIVE YEARS,AND DURING THE PERIOD OF OUR MARRIAGE WE COULDÕNT PRODUCE ANY CHILD.MY LATE HUSBAND WAS VERY WEALTHY AND AFTER HIS DEATH, I INHERITED ALL HIS BUSINESS AND WEALTH. THE DOCTORS HAS ADVISED ME THAT I MAY NOT LIVE FOR MORE THAN 2 MONTHS, SO I NOW DECIDED TO DEVIDE THE PART OF THIS WEALTH, TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHURCH IN AFRICA, AMERICA ASIA,AND EUROPE. I SELECTED YOU AFTER VISITING THEWEBSITE AND I PRAYED OVER IT. I AM WILLING TO DONATE THE SUM OF $5,000.000.00U.USD(FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) TO THE LESS PRIVILEGED. PLEASE I WANT YOU TO NOTE THAT THE FUND IS LYING IN A SECURITY COMPANY IN(U.K) LONDON. ONCE I HEAR FROM YOU, I WILL FORWARD TO YOU ALL THE INFORMATIONS YOU WILL USE TO GET THIS FUND RELEASED FROM THE SECURITY COMPANY AND TO BE TRANSFERRED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. I HONESTLY PRAY THAT THIS MONEY WHEN TRANSFERRED TO YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE SURE FOR THE SAID PURPOSE, BECAUSE I HAVE COME TO FIND OUT THAT WEALTHAT ACQUISITION WITHOUT CHRIST IS VANITY. MAY THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE FELLOWSHIP OF GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I AWAIT YOUR URGENT REPLY, YOUR SISTER IN CHRIST, MRS FATI ZONGO. [This is your basic Cancer letter. But you knew that.] {Charity work - I can think of one charity that Pedro believes in...} Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: May 19, 2006 Dear Fatty: I was hoping that you could donate the following charity: The National League Pitchers Foundation. This is a very respectable charity that does a lot of great work for all the pitchers in the National League. I could help you get this money into their able hands if you need it. Sorry about the breast cancer. Guess we better hurry! Best regards, Pedro Martinez Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: May 20, 2006 Subject: thanks my dear. My Dear Pedro Martinez , Greetings and many thanks my dear for your urgent response to my proposal. I will also thank you for your concern. From my proposal you can understand what i am going through.I have been bed-ridden for a very logtime now. I only need someone whom i will trust this fund so that it will be used the way i want. If you can assist me to receive this fund , you should give me your full name and address, your telephone for easy communication so that i will send it to the security company to enable them change all the documentations to your name as the beneficiary of the fund. I will also send to you the Certificate of Deposit and Power of Attorney through my lawyer.The above documents will stand you as the beneficiary to the fund and will empower the security company to send the funds to you without any delay. I was ristricted by the doctors from using phone because of my health and i write mail through the help of a sister nurse who is always with me while on duty. But I will be communicating with you regularly through mail because i know that with your honesty and trust, the funds will get to you within two weeks from now. Thanks and my regards, Mrs. Fati. {Again, Shea Stadium's address and the phone number of the Mets personnel office.} Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: May 22, 2006 Dear Fatty: I would be honored to help you see your vast empire into the very worthy charity of the National League Pitchers Foundation. Here is my contact info: Pedro Martinez c/o Shea Stadium 123-01 Roosevelt Ave Flushing, NY 11368-1699 USA 718-507-8499 Best regards, Pedro 'K' Martinez P.S. You know what the K is for... {For my non-baseball watching friends from other countries, a 'K' is a strikeout. I have no idea if Pedro's real middle initial is K. But it should be.} Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: May 22, 2006 Subject: Thanks for the information. Dear Pedro Martinez, Thanks my dear. I am still praying that things will be better concerning my health. My worry is that i dont want to lose my money with the security company because of my ill health. You should please try and cliam the fund from the security company so that even if i die i will be happy in my grave that my money is well used by you for the good works. I have sent your information to the security company so that they will change all the documentaions to your as the beneficiary of the fund on my behalf. Meanwhile below is the contact information to the security company. Name of Company: Fortune Security Finance Bv Tell: +31-643-499-543, +31-20-6006898, Fax: +31-847-522-118 E-mail: Contact person: Mr. Anthony Duke. You should feel free and contact them for the release of the fund to you because i have instructed them to do so on my behalf. You should also relate to me whatever discussion you have with them for my advise. Thanks and Remain blessed. Mrs. Fati Zongo [Scamoramans will realize that "Mr. Anthony Duke" & Co. are the closers -- "Mrs. Fati Zongo" will not want to disappoint them.] Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: May 24, 2006 Dear Fatty: I will contact the security company. However, I was hoping to secure the money that will become available when you die as soon as possible. The National League Pitchers Association is a great charity, but we could always use more money and longer contracts. Much better than the American League (as you well know) for a pitcher who is getting on in years and doesn't quite have the 'fastball' anymore. The offense in the National League is pitiful. Remain Blessed- Love, Pedro Martinez Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company To: Cc: Date: May 24, 2006 Dear Anthony Duke: Please help me get Mrs. Fatty's money from her. She is dying and I need it for my charity work. Don't delay with me! Pedro Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: May 24, 2006 Subject: Thanks Pedro Martinez Dear Pedro Martinez, Thanks for contacting the security company on my behalf.I have alreadyinstructed to release the funds to you.You should be fast about it because the doctors keep telling me that my days are numbered. Thanks and remain blessed. Mrs.Fati Zongo. Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Dear Mrs. Fatty: Stay strong. The doctors told me that my rotator cuff was torn to shreds, and I am currently rocking the National League. Maybe those doctors don't always know what is best! Love, Pedro Martinez Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: May 25, 2006 Dear Mrs. Fatty: Some minor leaguer from the security force has contacted me. I need a Certificate of Deposit/Affidavit of Claim of this Consignment. Do you have this? I know your health is bad lady but there are a lot of underprivledged pitchers in the National League that could really use this charity. Please send me this document, and we can do a lot of good for a lot of young pitchers with substandard contracts. Love, Pedro Martinez [It seems that 'middle management' are stationed abroad, in The Netherlands.] Fortune Security Company to Pedro Martinez Received: from [] <-- EURONET-ADSL, Wanadoo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands From: Fortune Sec <> Date: Wed, May 24, 2006 FORTUNE SECURITY & FINANCE BV. HOOFDDORP 114 1104FC BY HARLEM, AMSTERDAM ZUID OOST-HOLLAND. TEL: +31-643-499-543. FAX: +31-847-522-118. DATE: 24/05/2006 ATTENTION: MR.PEDRO MARTINEZ. Dear Sir/Madam, NOTIFICATION OF THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT FROM AFRICAN. We wish to congratulate you on the final phase of instruction pass to this security firm for the immediate release of your Consignment to you without further delay to this effect on the memorandum of understanding reach with this firm by the Depositor toward the release of the Consignment to you. You have been advice to travel down to Amsterdam the Netherlands between 29/05/06 and 30/05/06 for the delivery of your consignment, which was deposited under a security reference code no: FSF/INDO90CC/ME0087. This Consignment was deposited in our office through a Diplomatic mean with the reference security code No (FSF/INDO90CC/ME0087, which is the exchange release control number of your Consignment from Mrs Fati Zongo in 2004. We request that you send to this office your full contact information. Please it's very important that you come along to this office with the following requirements. (1) A Copy of your International passport or Drivers License. (2) Two most recent passport photograph. (3) Certificate of Deposit/Affidavit of Claim of this Consignment. Note, all document/s has to be submitted to this office for verification and legalization of the entire document/s for the signing and collection of your Consignment which is presently in our security vault. Please endeavour to send to this office your flight schedule to enable us send our protocol officer to received you upon arrival in the airport and bring you to the venue of the meeting. Finally, you have been advised to contact Dr. ANTHONY DUKE, for more assistance. Yours truly, MRS.GRACE NODVAL. Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: May 24, 2006 You sent me this twice. I'll get back to you shortly. Stop sending me everything twice. Puta. {Translation: Puta = WHORE} Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: Tue, May 30, 2006 Dear Security: Here are the forms. Pedro ![]() ![]() {Typical Junior High School looking forms.} Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Thu, May 25, 2006 Dear Pedro Martinez, Thanks for your efforts to get the fund from the security company.I am also happy that the security company has contacted you. I have the documents with me here and i will ask the nurse that normally stay with me while on duty to scan the documents to you by tomorrow so that you will forward them to the security company for the release of the funds to you. I am really happy with your effort. Thanks and remain blessed. Mrs.Fati Zongo. Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: May 26, 2006 Subj: Please have the documents. Dear Pedro Martinez, How are you doing,hope fine? I have attached the certificate of deposit and a letter of authority to you so that you will forward same to the security company for the immediate release of the funds to you. Thanks and remain blessed. Mrs.Fati Zongo. Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Sat, May 27, 2006 Subj: My picture with the doctor. My dear Pedro Martinez, I have attached my picture with the doctor for your view so that you will know my condition. I am really in pains and i dont know my fate. Thanks, Mrs. Fati Zongo. {Hhaahhahahhaahaaaaaaaaa where the hell did they get this picture??/ HAHAHAHAHA. It's not funny for the real woman in the picture but the doctor is smiling like he has a really cold stethoscope...} [Picture of a frail woman in a hospital bed, attended by a doctor with a cheerful manner. It was probably taken off someone's web site, is sad to see, and not posted here out of consideration.] Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Tue, May 30, 2006 My Dear Mrs Fatty: Thanks for the picture. You look beautiful and your doctor looks very handsome and competent. I'm sure you two will be very happy together. I am sending the certificates today. By the way, did you see Randy Johnson this weekend? He looked like his old National League self. Love, Pedro Martinez {Randy Johnson happened to have a good performance for a change. I hate him and every Yankee. } Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Wed, May 31, 2006 Hello Dear, I want to know how far you have gone with the security company because I am passing through difficulties here because of my present condition and my debt here in the hospital. I dont know what is going to happen here by next week if I dont pay any money to the hospital authority for my treatment. Please brother, as I am writing to you now I am crying and shedding tears due to my present condition. I am a woman who helps the needy but now that I am in trouble , every body deserted me and nobody want to help me. If you help, God will reward you and your children will be blessed because I pray, I will survive, I will not die in this condition. thanks and God bless Mrs Fati. NB: It is me Grace , the nurse that is taking care of your sister here in the hospital. I want to inform you that madams condition is getting worse day by day. The doctors are no longer giving her attention due to her acummulated bills. Please, whatever you can assist her with, pleas dont hesitate to that because I wouldnt want her to die here , she is more than nice woman. Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Wed, May 31, 2006 Dear Mrs. Fatty and Grace: Rest assured that Pedro will deliver the high heat to the security company. From the little correspondence I have had with them, they seem like a roving pack of assholes (I wouldn't be surprised if they were all wearing Yankees hats and were all named Tony, Sal, Mario, and Frankie. All those Yankees fans are like that. At least they have 8th grade educations.) Don't worry Fatty because I will get your money into the hands of the National League Pitchers before you die. Or soon after. Love Always, Pedro Martinez. Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2006 Dr. Mrs Fat: How are you my dear woman? I haven't heard from you or the security company in a while - long weekend? I hope that you are not dead yet because I want nothing more than for you to see your money put to good use among the National League Pitchers. Please, give me a signal that you are still alive. Any sign! Love, Mr. Pedro Martinez Fortune Security Company to Pedro Martinez Date: Wed, May 31, 2006 Subj: NOTIFICATION OF THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT FROM AFRICAN. ATTENTION: MR. PEDRO MARTINEZ. NOTIFICATION OF THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT IN OUR OFFICE We wish to inform you that we are in receipt of the document/s sent to us as well as memo of understanding issue to this office on your behalf from the Depositor clearing you as the bonofide beneficiary of the Consignment. This signal was sent to us from Africa, clarifying you as the bonafide beneficiary of the said Consignment which is presently in our security vault. Presently all the document has been place under verification in the world court in Den-Haag, and all the document has proven authentic which clear you to come down to the Netherlands and claim your Consignment. We therefore advice you to come with the following requirement as stated in this mail to you, which are as follows. (1) A photo copy of your International passport or driverÕs license. (2) Two most recent passport photograph (3) You are to pay the sum of Eight thousand five hundred Euros only (€ 8,500=00) this fee represents our handling and administrative charges which have to be paid cash upon the signing of the release order of your Consignment. Subsequently an appointment date has been fixed for 2nd and 3rd June 2006 for you to be in our office and sign the entire relevant document for the release of your Consignment. For further clarification on this issue, do not hesitate to contact our Consignment manager Dr. Anthony Duke on this telephone number (+31-643-499-543. On behalf our office, we wish you a safe arrival to the Netherlands in advance. Best regards Mrs. Grace Nodval. Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: Wed, May 31, 2006 Dear Security: Here is a recent photograph of yours truly, Pedro K. Martinez. You know what the K stands for - if you don't then you're in for a rude awakening at the plate! I can come to the Netherlands in mid July at the All Star Break. Because although everyone knows I belong there, I never go. Let me know Pedro ![]() {An old photo of Pedro, back in his younger Red Sox days before the Gericurl.} [FYI, the now look - stylin', if a bit fleshier -- time and modalities wait for no man:] ![]() Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 Dear Security Company: Please ship me my money, as I have so many hungry mouths to feed in the National League. Also, poor Mr. Fat wants to see her money do some good before she finally goes to the great bullpen in the sky, if you catch my drift. If you want, I can send you a picture of her with her doctor and you will be so sad you will cry into your beer. Best regards, Pedro Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2006 Please respond to this email! I have asked you repeated times to release the money due to the National League. I have not only a very sick old woman who might die any day now, but the well being of over 200 pitchers in the National League who are suffering from substandard contracts. Best regards, Pedro Martinez Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 Subj: VERY URGENT. Dear Pedro Martinez, How are you, hope fine? My situation here is very bad and my bills with the hospital management is too much that they may throw me out any moment from now. You should please contact the security company for the release of the fund to you so that you will send me some money to clear my bills here and even arrange for my trip to meet with you in U.S for a better treatment. My brother i going through hell here and i am counting on you else i will die here. Thanks and remain blessed. Mrs. Fati. Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 My Dear Mr Fat: I have been in contact with the security company. I promise you that I will get the money to the National League Pitchers (or at least those on the Mets) before you die so you can see all your great work. Love always- Pedro Martinez Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Fri, Jun 9, 2006 My Dear Mr Fat: I hope your health is holding up. I have been in contact with the security company but they will no longer reply to my emails. I have told them that time is of the essence before you die. The National League is counting on you and your money making it safely to New York. Love, Mr. Pedro Martinez Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2006 Subj: HOW ARE YOU DOING PEDRO. My dear Pedro, Thanks for your efforts so far in getting the funds from the security company. I will like you to send me the mail you sent to the security company. My situation is getting worse here and i will like to clear up my hospital bills. I feel very bad and worried about the whole issue. Thanks and remain blessed. Mrs. Fati. Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2006 My Dear Fati I will copy you on the next email I send to the security company. I hope they are not trying to keep your money for themselves while the National League needs it. Oh yeah and you have medical bills that need paying! I was thinking that maybe after the transaction you could come to New York for continued treatement. You could see my team physician and he would fix you up so good you'd be off the disabled list in no time! Love, Pedro Fortune Security Company to Pedro Martinez Date: Tue, Jun 13, 2006 Subj: NOTIFICATION OF THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT. Attn: Mr. Pedro Martinez, We are in receipt of your mail and the content there in is quite noted. We wish to inform you that we are still waiting for the shipment cost of your Consignment so as to enable us transport your Consignment to you in your home country since you can not travel down to the Netherlands as previously requested by this office. We also want to make it clear to you that if we do not hear a positive answer from you within the next three official working days (3WKT) we will have to choice than to constuficate your Consignment or hand it over to the government of Netherlands as unclaimed Consignment. Note: this office will not be held responsible for any action it take, for we have given you enough time to claimed your Consignment but to no avail. We are very sorry for any inconvinience this might course you, but this is an office which has it rules and regulation which has to be strickly followed by all clients home or abroad. For further clarification to this mail do not hesitate call the office or email. Best regards Dr. Anthony Duke. Pedro Martinez to Fortune Security Company Date: Tue, Jun 13, 2006 Dear Security Company: I have looked it up in a dictionary as English is not my first language, and I can't for the life of me find what 'constuficate' means. As for me not being able to come to the Netherlands, I told you that I would be able to during the all star break. I also told you that even though I am always invited, I never go so I would be free at that time to fly. Way to pay attention. Regards, Pedro Martinez Mrs. Fati Zongo to Pedro Martinez Date: Mon, Jun 19, 2006 Subj: HOW ARE YOU? DEAR BROTHER PEDRO, I AM SUPRISE THAT YOU CANNOT ASSIST A SICK WOMAN LIKE ME TO RETRIEVE MY FUNDS FROM THE SECURITY COMPANY WHICH I KNOW YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE AT THE END OF THE DAY. ALL I NEED FROM YOU IS A LITTLE EFFORT SO THAT YOU CAN PAY UP THE DEMURRAGE HAVING GIVEN YOU ALL THE DOCUMENTS TO GO AND BRING THE FUND. YOU KNOW MY BILLS IS GOING EVERYDAY HERE AND THE DOCTOR ARE NO LONGER TAKING CEAR OF ME AS THEY ARE SUPPOSED. I NEED THIS LITTLE HELP FROM YOU PLEASE JUST SEND ME $300 TO $400 SO THAT I CAN BE ABLE TO BUY SOME DRUGS AND EAT FOOD BECAUSE HUNGER IS DEALING WITH ME HERE PLEASEEEEEEEEEE THANKS AND MY GOD WILL REWARD YOU BACK MRS FATI. {Whiner. I'm tired of old Fatty.} Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Tue, Jun 20, 2006 Dear Mr Fat I am trying my damndest to get the security company to respond to my emails. Unfortunately you picked a real boner of a security company. Nice work. I'm beginning to feel like the National League Pitchers will never get what they deserve. Also, right now, the National League is facing the American League, and they are far more powerful. We need that money now more than ever! Don't play on my guilt or my conscience lady, Pedro doesn't have one! I'm doing my best so stop your whining. Love, Pedro Martinez {No response. I think they have given up on me.} Pedro Martinez to Mrs. Fati Zongo Date: Jun 21, 2006 I only wish you really had cancer so you would rot away from the inside while you tried to steal money from people. Get a real job and stop feeling bad for yourself suckhole. Fulk you. Pedro {Every time I decide to give up Pedro, he inspires me to launch another series. Just like in real life. Pedro will be pitching in Fenway for the first time since his Red Sox days this weekend, and I can't wait to see him. Lose, that is, but see him anyway. GO SOX!} |