BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: from Wed, 27 Aug 2003 23:08:39 +0100 (BST) Subject: NEXT OF KIN NEEDED Dear sir/Madam, I am Barrister Edward Smith a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr. Mark lee, a national of your country, who use to work with Shell Development Company in Nigeria and as well as one time secret agent in transferring of money overseas for the later head of state of Nigeria (Late Gen. Sani Abacha). Before his death on the 29th of August 1999 (my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagbama express road in which all occupants of the motor died). [Scam-o-Note: this letter falls squarely within the Dead Bank Customer genre. But you knew that.] My client (Mark) deposited as family belongings in a CONSIGNMENT that contain the sum of $10 million in a Union Bank Plc here in Nigeria for himself, with the hope of transferring it to his country as soon as he is on leave. Since his death, I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives and this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name over the internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposits were lodged about 10 million Dollars (Ten Million US Dollars Only) has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confisicated within the next ten official working days. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kind of the deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at 10 million dollars can be paid to you and then you and myself can share the money 60% to me and 40% to you. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me with your data which includes: your full name and address, telephone and fax numbers and your bank account informations by my alternative email: to enable us discuss further. I anticipate your urgent response to enable us meet the required date. Best regards. Barr.Edward Smith (Smith Chambers) WOW!!! More Nigerian bank money! Another dead engineer, more bodies litter the infamous Sagbama expressway... NAZ (the one, the only)Dear Sir,This did not sound like Uncle Mark at all, in fact, he was always so precise, so methodical! He surely would have made a will, and since I am his only living relative (his brother was my dear Dad, who died 2 years ago.) When Dad and I learnt of Uncle's death, we were so saddened, and there is a terrible feeling of loss, as we never got to know the children. I was prompted by your mail, to investigate my late father's storage chest, and there I found a metal box which I opened, and LO and BEHOLD! there was among the papers, a key to a bank safety-deposit box, in Uncle's hometown, just 50 miles from here. I discovered a business card for Uncle Mark's American lawyer, a Mr. Hugh Jardon, and I was informed that there WAS, INDEED, a will made by Uncle Mark. Imagine my shock, when I found that totalling up his insurance policies, principal and interest on his CD's, and some prudent investments on Uncle Mark's part, his total estate amounts to just over $42 MILLION DOLLARS!!! I can't believe it! I stand to inherit everything! My money troubles are OVER FOREVER!!! Fortunately, I have a valid passport, and the available funds to purchase an airline ticket to Nigeria, and I will be traveling to your country to sort out all the details, so that I may claim this little account, too! I want you to know, Barrister Smith, that I will forever be in your debt for bringing this matter to my attention. When I finalize the transfer of the money from the African Bank, it will be my very great pleasure to present you a "finder's fee", for your participation in this wonderful thing! You are truly my hero! With my deepest gratitude, and warmest regards, I am Ramona (née Lee) Nazzer Will Barrister Smith write again? Stay tuned... BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: ( [])Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:34:59 -0700 (PDT) From: edward smith Subject: Re: Mark Lee's death in Nigeria dear, you are to contact your father for assistance if you know that you can not handle this situiation. smith edward NAZBarrister Smith,I wrote this letter, and sent the SAME LETTER three times to you yesterday, I am surprised that you did not read and understand this phrase: "...I am his only living relative (his brother was my dear Dad, who died 2 years ago ..." so it is impossible for me to contact my father. I should think that a BARRISTER could figure this out, but I will make this into LARGE letters so that you can read it easily. MY FATHER, MARK LEE'S BROTHER, DIED. IS DEAD. IS A 'LATE FATHER'--DECEASED. MUERTE. MORDE. GONE. PASSED AWAY. DEAD. Now I ask you, HOW do you expect me to contact my father? I will contact YOU, when I have completed all the necessary paperwork to claim my Uncle Mark's small fortune in Africa. Will you send me your telephone number so that I may arrange a meeting with you, to deliver a "finder's fee" into your hands, for generously apprising me of this money? Again, I thank you for prompting me to look through my late father's belongings. If not for you, I would now know of the $42 Millions of dollars, and now, this $10 Millions in Africa! My heartfelt gratitude, I am so thrilled! Ramona (Lee) Nazzer This comes at almost noon... BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHDear ,I now understand your petition.Well in that case, have in mind that all the legal work as to this regards have to be discussed with me before commecement.You are to contact me by this number +234 8033529296 or 8023649293.please contact immediately on recieving this . I await your immediate call. Regards Smith NAZSir:Barrister Smith, there is nothing to discuss! The money in the African Bank, about which you so generously called to my attention BELONGS TO ME! I appreciate you telling me about it, but you have NO legal right to it, and for you to try to cheat me out of what is rightfull MINE, will gain you nothing but a lot of trouble, and a lengthy jail sentence. However, I am the ONLY living relative of Mr. Mark Lee, and I have already made my arrangements to travel to Nigeria to claim my rightful inheritance. I will arrive on Monday evening to Murtala airport, and will seek appointments with the Union Bank and the Petroleum company, so as to finalize all the pertinent details to conclude my business in Africa. I will, of course, wish to lay a wreath of flowers on the location of Uncle's death. Will you be kind enough to accompany me there, since you seem to have more details of the sad situation? Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Ramona (Lee) Nazzer BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: ([])Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 03:59:18 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Understand Ramona, Thank you for your hasty and insensitive decissions.I must have you understand that these funds have been transfered to a security company in South Africa.You will not do your self any good by having to insult me .Remember also that you are to pass through me at the verification and also i am in charge of this transaction. Do your self a favour and contact me , so i will guide you on all the necessary procedure you are to follow.You are not to waste your time comming to Nigeria as these funds have been transfered last 3wks and is under the management and supervision of a correspondant /official and consultant of Union bank in S Africa. Contact me as i have told you and let me have your personal details including your phone number and Fax number so that i can inform all responsible including the sercurity company of your arrival.I will in know now contact the consultant and sercurity company and inform them of your arrival in South Africa on monday. Wiating for your call and fit back. Edward Smith NAZThis is the 2nd paragraph of your original mail to me:"...My client (Mark) deposited as family belongings in a CONSIGNMENT that contain the sum of $10 million in a Union Bank Plc here in Nigeria for himself, with the hope of transferring it to his country as soon as he is on leave..." which PLAINLY states that the goods are in Nigeria! Barrister Smith, in your mail I receiver this morning, you tell me that the consignment has now mysteriously been transferred to SOUTH AFRICA??? What kind business will do this, just take goods entrusted to them, and just fling them all over the land? It isn't as if this consignment is some crate of basketballs, that is taking up room here, so it must be moved "over there", and can just be transferred willy-nilly, on a whim of this one, or that! This is MONEY we're speaking of, and it is MINE. I have a bona fide will, notarized and in my possession, and I will be in Nigeria on Monday, and you have until Tuesday to make this situation whole. Barrister Smith, you are well-advised to contact the Security company, and put all of this mess in order. As my Uncle Mark's representative, it is up to you to take care of his affairs, and our attorney, Mr. Hugh Jardon, will see to it that you are afforded all assistance at our disposal. In fact, I have just now been on phone with him, and he will accompany me to Nigeria to oversee the matter. Will you meet the flight, arriving KLM at 6:05PM Monday evening? I am sure we can get all this straightened out before Mr. Jardon and I are scheduled to leave for home, on Thursday. I will wait for your reply. Thank you, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: [])Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 07:57:46 -0700 (PDT) Subject: situiation Dear Ramona, I understand your situiation.Please have in mind that i only mean good by contacting you.I am a responsible man and will not like any thing to dent my image. In order that i clear my self and also resolve issues, i have contacted the consultant in charge of your consilgment and he has requested that you contact him via this e mail address His name is Mr Frank Obeya.Please contact him and copy me the sitiuation.He is responsible for this transaction and he is the one to lead you through this wole process. I want you also to understand that your funds have been placed in his charge and he is a consultant of the bank currently under official duty in a currespondant bank in South Africa.Please find time to mail him immediatly as i will also have him give you his phone number. Also let me have your phone number so we can cummunicate better. Regards Smith NAZBarrister Smith,First, you may address me as Mrs. Nazzer. Second, it is not necessary to attach my mail, and send it back to me. I know what I wrote, unlike yourself, you seem to think you are in charge, then you fob the goods off to some flunky in South Africa! What kind of outfit do you run, anyway? I am reading your mail of this morning, and I am most distressed that now you tell me that a Mr. Frank Obeya is in charge of my "consilgment" (you MUST have meant, "consignment"), and is responsible for this transaction. In the previous mail, you say YOU are the one in charge, and I must pass through you at this verification, I ask you, WHAT DO YOU WISH ME TO BELIEVE? Are you in charge, or is Frank Obeya the one in charge? I do not think I need either one of you to "lead me through this wole (do you mean, "whole") process! I have Hugh Jardon to advocate for me, and he is a big, BIG man in his expertise of the legal process, unlike yourself when you keep writing one thing, then writing something else. Maybe you think you will just tell me so many things, so that I will become a confused young woman, and eventually give up, and you could claim this small fortune, to split with your co-hort, Frank Obeya! If this is your plan, Barrister Smith, I would disabuse you of that misguided notion RIGHT NOW!!! I am not some stupid little girl, who you can push around and tell me lies, thinking they are truths just because they come from some guy who SAYS he is a "Barrister", but could be just anyone! I will tell you this, Sir, before my marriage to Mr. Nazzer, I was a carpenter, and I certainly know my way around a hammer! I also drove a truck, and I never took any nonsense from any of THOSE men, and they are much more intimidating than you! I will contact this Frank Obeya, and copy to you, and in the meantime, I suggest you get busy and GET MY MONEY BACK TO NIGERIA, WHERE IT BELONGS, AND WHERE I WILL COLLECT IT ON TUESDAY NEXT! I mean business, Barrister, and I will not stand for any more of your pussy-footing around. Get on the stick, man, you are wasting my time with all this nonsense! I will remind you once again, THAT MONEY IS MINE, AND I WANT IT! Ramona (Lee) Nazzar BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: [])Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 02:49:40 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: situiation Dear Mrs Nazzer, Read and read very carefully,I am a man of repute, of which you will understand soon.I do not wish to claim your is best that you write Mr Obeya who you mostly need.As for now, I have not much to say as he will direct you. What you agree on , you let me know so i can prepare for your arrival. Edward Smith BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: [])Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 04:23:30 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Mr Obeya's phone number Dear Mrs Nazzer, I have contacted Mr Obeya and he has confirmed his Phone number as +27731677772.He has requested that you call him immediately for your funds. please contact him so that you can see i am must sincere about this. Regards Edward Smith NAZMr. Obeya, and Barrister Smith,You are both well advised to work together (through this week-end, if necessary), to see to it that my inheritance of $10 Millions of dollars, formerly lodged in a Union Bank in Nigeria, and presently secreted in a Security office in South Africa, is returned IMMEDIATELY to Union Bank in Nigeria. In this mail, I am including the several paragraphs of Barrister Smith's original mail to me, herewith: "... I am Barrister Edward Smith a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr. Mark lee, a national of your country, who use to work with Shell Development Company in Nigeria and as well as one time secret agent in transferring of money overseas for the later head of state of Nigeria (Late Gen. Sani Abacha). Before his death on the 29th of August 1999 (my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a car accident along Sagbama express road in which all occupants of the motor died). My client (Mark) deposited as family belongings in a CONSIGNMENT that contain the sum of $10 million in a Union Bank Plc here in Nigeria for himself, with the hope of transferring it to his country as soon as he is on leave. Since his death, I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives and this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name over the internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposits were lodged about 10 million Dollars (Ten Million US Dollars Only) has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confisicated within the next ten official working days. ..." Now, Barrister Smith informs me that: "... Remember also that you are to pass through me at the verification and also i am in charge of this transaction. Do your self a favour and contact me , so i will guide you on all the necessary procedure you are to follow.You are not to waste your time comming to Nigeria as these funds have been transfered last 3wks and is under the management and supervision of a correspondant /official and consultant of Union bank in South Africa..." My attorney maintains that you did not have the privilege, or the right, to transfer ANYthing to ANY other country! Then Barrister passes me off to you, Mr. Obeya, as the official in charge of the situation. Furthermore, he states that I must contact you, Mr. Obeya, to arrange the procedures to claim this money, which I would remind you, IS RIGHTFULLY MINE! I have a valid will, signed and witnessed, notarized and attested to by Uncle's (now MY) attorney, Mr. Hugh Jardon, who will accompany me to Nigeria. We will arrive KLM 587 from Amsterdam, at 6:05 PM, MONDAY evening. This is well within the time-frame stated by Barrister Smith, 10 working days, so there should be no problem rectifying this problem, you have created. Barrister Smith stated that he did extensive internet search for relatives of my Uncle, Mark Lee, and when he found me, I was prompted to search through my deceased father's (Mark Lee's only brother, a sister died a few years ago) belongings, and I found a metal strongbox, containing a key to a bank safety-deposit box, and a business card of Uncle's lawyer, a Mr. Hugh Jardon, who informed me that I am beneficiary to over $42 Millions of Dollars from Uncle Mark Lee! Lest you forget, Barrister Smith found me, and apprised me of this small inheritance. (I add, he is entitled to a "finder's fee"--though CERTAINLY NOT the 60% he had intended to keep, according to his first mail to me!) This is where we stand at present. You both are to work diligently to restore these funds to Union Bank of Nigeria, where Tuesday morning, I will present myself with my attorney, Hugh Jardon, and we will finalize the transfer of these monies to my account here in USA. Your very immediate response will be much appreciated. Thankyou, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTAttn : Nazzer,Ireceived you mail, we cannot be able to send this consignment back Nigeria unless you will pay for the handling charges, or you should proceed to south africa for the signing and release of your consignment. Thanks, Frank Obeya. NAZMr. Frank Obeya,First, kindly refrain from addressing me by my surname. It is insulting to me, and a fellow in your position should be the very last person on Earth who will insult me! You are, in essence, my employee, and as such, you will be advised to address me as MRS. Nazzer. Second, I do not see any reason for ME to be responsible for the transfer of MY money, since it reposed perfectly well in Nigeria for several years (and, I assume, earning interest as well) until "somebody" got the brilliant idea to "transfer" it to South Africa! Was this person you? Do you wish to dip your fingers into my fortune, and line your own pockets, to my detriment? Is this the kind of "Security man"/"bank official" you are? Are you a thief, trying to pick my pocket, and Barrister Smith's, into the bargain? Third, it is not too late for me and my attorney, Hugh Jardon, to change our flight to South Africa instead of Nigeria. We are prepared to travel, and what is the difference, one airport and Security company, or another--as long as MY MONEY waits at the destination? I have just contacted Mr. Jardon, and he suggests to me that we make you an "offer you cannot refuse", i.e. that YOU, and you only be party to my securing this money, in exchange for a handsome "commission", say, $150,000.00 American dollars, in cash? This would necessitate you informing Barrister Smith that I have backed out of the deal, and am staying in USA, to count my $42,000,000.00 inheritance. Then you will change the consignment into US currency, and wire-transfer it to my US bank (I would provide you the details of the account number(s) etc.) I am sure that you can find someone at your bank who will aid you to accomplish this, tell him (or her) that I will, for assisting us I will give that person the sum of $25,000.00 CASH. This way, Barrister Smith will be none the wiser, you will be rich, and I will be a LOT richer! If the cost (to exchange the consignment to American dollars) is even as much as 5% or $500,000.00, it will be worth it to have this transaction done at your end. Let me know what you think of this idea, will you please? Just between you and me, I think it is quite innovative, and inventive, not to mention lucrative! And finally, don't even consider double-crossing me, I have your name and phone number, and I can and will find you. Don't forget, I am rich, and I can hire detectives to find ANYone! Thankyou, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 05:37:04 -0700 (PDT) From: frank obeya Subject: Re: Fund Transfer. Attn : Mrs. Nazeer, I received your mail very fine, i am sorry on how i address you but note that you have not told me something like, I want you to withdrew evry other of your stetment, like say that i am your employee, i am not working for instead i am doing my official work, i am only trying to help because of my discussion with Smith. Finally, i am not a liar and i cannot liar to anyone in this transaction, before i will continue with you in this transaction, you to appologise, you are dealing with a top government personal. Yours, Frank Obeya Well, I just HAVE to test the Lad's "integrity" (if those two words can rightly stand next to each other)... NAZMr. Obeya,I will admit, when I first learnt that my money had been re-located to South Africa, I was quite annoyed, so I contacted Mr. Jardon, who suggested this "test" to see whether you are a man of integrity and honor: "... I have just contacted Mr. Jardon, and he suggests to me that we make you an "offer you cannot refuse", i.e. that YOU, and you only be party to my securing this money, in exchange for a handsome "commission", say, $150,000.00 American dollars, in cash? This would necessitate you informing Barrister Smith that I have backed out of the deal, and am staying in USA, to count my $42,000,000.00 inheritance. Then you will change the consignment into US currency, and wire-transfer it to my US bank (I would provide you the details of the account number(s) etc.) I am sure that you can find someone at your bank who will aid you to accomplish this, tell him (or her) that I will, for assisting us I will give that person the sum of $25,000.00 CASH. This way, Barrister Smith will be none the wiser, you will be rich, and ...etc" I am very pleased to say that you have passed this "test" with flying colors (this commission is a fairly large amount of money, and would have made your life a little easier) but by refusing to lie to Smith, and totally ignoring my "suggestion"--which would have been highly unethical and illegal to the extreme, you have impressed me with your integrity. This speaks highly of you and your up-bringing. Your mother and father must be very proud to have such an honest son. It will be my great pleasure to be able to trust you in this endeavor. Last, please do accept my apology for treating you in such a manner, I had to assure myself that you are a man with whom I can conduct business on a professional and honorable level. Kindly state in detail, the procedure involved in securing my money. I am still at liberty to travel to South Africa, at whatever point in time is necessary, and at your convenience. Again, I offer apologies to you for the poor treatment I heaped upon you. Ramona (Lee) Nazzer FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:06:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Fund Transfer. Attn : Mrs Nazzer, I received your mail, i accepted your appology and for sue will work with you for a normal release and transfer of your money. Therefore, you are requested to arrange your flight to south africa for the conclussion of this transaction at the end of the transaction and if you are well pleased with my assistance you can compansate with anything from your mind. Finally, you are requested to come with the followings: 1. Your two passport pictures 2. Your identification document like, copy of your international passport or driver's lincence. 3. An amount of US$11,500.00 in cash this will be use to pay the hands off fee and US$5,290.00 for stamp duty fee. I wait to hear from you with your flight details as to book your hotel reservation and pick you from the air-port. Yours, Frank Obeya. NAZDear Mr. Obeya,I am so relieved that you have accepted my humble apology, and bear me no ill will. I must admit, the thought of all my new-found wealth has "gone to my head", and I fear that I have become rather full of myself, and arrogant. Thank you for your kind words. I do have some questions, however. 1) Which airport in South Africa? I must know the destination before my attorney Mr. Jardon and I can make our arrangements. Will you reply quickly, so the travel plans can be affirmed? 2) What day will be the most convenient for your schedule? Do keep in mind that airlines may be busy at this time of year. 3) We are speaking of the ENTIRE $10, 000,000.00 ($10 Million Dollars) being released to me. If you will recall, Barrister Smith had originally written of 60% to him, and 40% to me. This is, of course, my inherited money. Smith does deserve a "finder's fee", but certainly not 60% ($6,000,000.00!) I am a reasonable and generous woman but I am not about to give the lion's share of MY MONEY to someone who has done little. 4) Am I to pay you a commission for your work in this transfer? If so, what is the proper fee? Additionally, there must be some item that you have been desiring, and it would be my very great pleasure to bring it for you. You do realize that money is not an obstacle. 5) My attorney, Mr. Jardon, and I will bring the designated funding to secure the release of the money, along with a few thousand extra dollars, in case of an unforseen circumstance (they do have a way of "popping up", don't they?) 6) Will you secure a pair of reservations in a fine hotel for us? We will require 2 suites of rooms, perhaps on the same floor, but certainly not adjoining, (Mr. Nazzer will not be accompanying me). Mr. Jardon (who is widowed) will require his own suite for his accommodation. The hotel should also be equipped with an excellent restaurant, of course. 7) Please, when you meet our flight, have a limosine at our disposal. I do not wish to get into some tiny, and dirty taxicab with several other people. This is an absolute requirement, I MUST insist on this!!! Please be so kind to reply as soon as possible. Time passes quickly, and time is money. Warmest regards, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 08:01:19 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Fund Transfer. Attn : Mrs Nazzer, I received your mail, i accepted your apology and fully out to work with you, acctually, we are talking about large sum of money but note that everything is not money, i might need your help tomorrow. 1. You are to come to Johannesburg as all the transaction will take place right here in Johannesburg, you have to book your ticket to Johannesburg air-port. 2. If you cannot be here on or before this weekend, then arrange it for early next week. 3. All you said in question No. 3. is true and will remain like that. 4. Like i said on my first paragraph to, that money is not everything, all i need from you is what ever that comes out from you heart not a must, Note, that i am a man of God. 5. It is not important to come with extra money, there will be know other expenses. 6. I will book a very nice hotel for you and Mr. Jordan, i have a very good test and you will be happy with the hotel. 7. You will have a nice carb to pick you never mind. Finally, i am waiting for your flight details. I am looking forward to see you soon. Yours, Frank Obeya. NAZDear Mr. Obeya,I have just heard from my attorney, Mr. Jardon, (not 'Jordan', as you spelled it, his name is spelled, "J-A-R-D-O-N". He is quite sensitive about this, please do not make this mistake again.) who has informed me that we will leave USA on Friday evening, arriving late Friday night in New York City, the "BIG APPLE", the "City That Never Sleeps!" It has been several years since I've visited New York, and I am always amazed by this awesome city! It is so BIG, and NOISY!! But it is exciting, nonetheless. Mr. Jardon and I will stay here until Sunday, then fly to Amsterdam, leaving Schipol airport at around 11 PM. We will arrive Johannesburg on Monday morning. The confirmed flight: KLM flight KL593 at 7:40 AM, Monday,8 September. When you send your representative to meet this flight, we will appreciate if he will hold a sign with my attorney's name ( HUGH JARDON) in LARGE letters, so we will see him. I am sure that there will be many people milling about the airport, so you must assure me that he will carry a sign large enough for us to see it. We will not like to ruin this transaction at this critical point, as you are the person who knows the location of these monies, and we must connect. I am trusting you to secure adequate transportation for us, a limosine is the preferred mode of carrier for rich people, and you must assure me that you have made these arrangements. Also, you MUST reserve two suites of rooms with Grace at Rosebank, or Park Hyatt Johannesburg. (Of course, Mr. Jardon and I could not occupy the same rooms, that would not be right--the suites can certainly be on the same floor, however.) I do not mind telling you, Mr. Obeya, that I find airlines' charges for flights to be quite outrageous. Do you know that the fare for ONE PERSON from Amsterdam to Johannesburg, is almost $2,600.00--for both of us, will be nearly $5,200.00? It IS first-class, but still it is a grand sum. Listen to me, still thinking like a poor woman, and here I am with all these millions of dollars! I must adjust my mind to wealth. Additionally, I will scan a photo of myself, so that your representative can recognize me in the airport on Monday morning. We should have some sort of a code word, to use, just in case of a possible slip-up. Please mail me as soon as possible, with your agreement to all this. Regards, Ramona Nazzer A little later Thursday, this comes, but I'm going to sit on it for a while... FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 10:56:37 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Fund Transfer. Attn : Mrs. Nazzer, I confirm receive of your flight and my representative will be at the air-port with a placard written WELCOME HUGH JARDON, please bear with me about the mistake on Jardon. Note that upon your arrival, you are going to open what is called non-resident escrow account with one of our local bank called Standard Bank Johannesburg it is in this account that the large sum will be deposited for onward transfer to your account oversea, remember to come along with your oversea banking particulars. Know that when an account is opened, you should activate it before a large sum will go inside, maybe like with US$5000.00 and you know it is still your money. I am looking forward to see you and have a safe flight. Yours, Frank Obeya NAZDear Mr. Obeya,I am in receipt of your mail, and as I understand the situation, we will proceed thus: 1) You (or your representative) will meet our flight on Monday morning KL593, arriving at 7:40 AM Johannesburg International. Your man will carry a sign with Mr. Jardon's name on it--there is no need to write WELCOME, only HUGH JARDON. Your man should hold his sign high, so that we can see it easily. We will travel first-class, but will probably not de-plane until most of the other passengers have jostled with their luggage, and trampled off the plane. We will then make an unhurried and calm exit. 2) A limosine will be waiting for us, and we will go immediately to the hotel, where you have reserved suites for us. I would hope you will join us for an introductory breakfast, and a genial meeting. 3) We will proceed to the bank offices to open my new account and arrange to consummate the transfer of my money. Would it be out of line to suggest a worthy gift for the officials involved? Perhaps you can inquire, and let me know, so that I could purchase these items while in New York tomorrow. I understand that 5th Avenue has a number of prestigious shops and stores, I am sure I can find just the right gift items, with your good suggestions. I will be carrying my laptop device with me, and will link to my primary device by satellite, so as to keep in contact with you, except for plane travel, of course. Regards, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer I send Mr. Obeya a picture of Ramona Nazzer--remember "Nazzie"? YUP! (still as lovely as ever, I might add!) NAZDear Mr. Obeya,I am sending this recent photo, so that your man will recognize me at Johannesburg airport. Note that I will not be wearing this fancy party dress, of course... I will wear a simple blue skirt and light-blue blouse, and carry a white sweater. One will like to be comfortable on a long airplane trip. My attorney and I will be looking for your man bearing "HUGH JARDON" in large letters, on his placard, which he will hold high so we can see it easily. We will probably be one of the last to depart the aircraft, so your man should remain patient until we are at his side. Please keep in mind my thoughts about bringing some gifts for the officials involved in this transaction, I have already purchased a fine gift for you, Mr. Obeya, to express my appreciation to you for all your work and assistance to me in recovering my monies. I am most grateful to you. Warmest personal regards to you. Ramona (Lee) Nazzer ![]() FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 05:47:28 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: I confirm your photo and have a safe flight. Attn : Mrs. Nazzer, This is to confirm that i received your mails, i am looking forward to see you in Johannesburg, have a safe flight. Regarding your presents (gift) to the bank officials, it will be better to buy them here, maybe after receving your fund, since i will be with you to confirm what will be good and presented to them, there are top bank officials. Yours, Frank Obeya. NAZDear Mr. Obeya,I am relieved you got my picture in time so your man can recognize me. We (Mr. Jardon and I) are in New York now, and have just finished a lovely breakfast, and will do a bit of sight-seeing today. It is a fine, late summer day, not too warm, not too cool. I love New York!!! Our flight for Amsterdam leaves tomorrow morning, to arrive Schiphol late evening. A brief time to change planes and "stretch our legs", then fly overnight to Johannesburg , arriving 7:40 AM. I don't wish to contradict you, but are you sure the banking officials wouldn't rather have gifts from New York, USA? They can get something from their city any time, but a gift from a fine New York store is rather impressive, don't you think? Of course, I will submit to your suggestions, and if you can assure me that there are VERY prestigious stores in Johannesburg, that will be the end of my objections. It wil necessitate me carrying more "travelling money", and/or my credit cards, whichever will be the most convenient. I will rely on your guidance. Mr. Obeya, I look forward to meeting you Monday morning, but do try to advise me on the gifts idea. Warmest regards, Ramona (Lee) Nazzer FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 01:37:04 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Fund Transfer Attn : Mrs. Nazzer, It is 10:30am, my man has been standing in the airport, he did not see you, if you get this mail before you check into any hotel note that there is a reservation for you at the MONTE PALAZA, with reservation No 890A0 and 890A1, their Telephone No. is 011 5103000 or call me 2773 224 1008. I wait to hear from you. Yours, Frank FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 01:44:42 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Call me. Attn : Mrs. Nazzer, It is 10:40am, my man is in the airport and have not seen you, i have a reservation for you with montepallazo hotel, telephone No. 011 5103000. Call me once you receive this mail, 2773 224 1008. I wait to hear from you. Yours, Frank BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: ([])Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 03:46:12 -0700 (PDT) From: edward smith Subject: Up date dear Mr nazzer, i understand that you have finalized all arrangements with mr Obeya and you are due for travell or will i say arrival today in South Africa. i want to assure you and also have you know that i do not ask for the 60%. I will be glad to let you have your full money. What ever you have for me at the end, i will accept.please feel free to discuss all issues with me to ensure that your transfer is positive. you may contact me at this number as well+234 8033529296 or 8023649293. I wish you a nice trip and a comfortable stay in south africa. Edward smith FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 04:01:18 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: I am still waiting for your call. Attn : Mrs. Nazzer, I am still waiting for your call, if you are in Johannesburg call me on 073 224 1008 outsaid Johannesburg call on + 2773 224 1008, i need to know where are you. I am waiting. Yours, Frank. FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTReceived: from []Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 04:08:52 -0700 (PDT) I am still waiting for your call, if you are in Johannesburg call me on 073 224 1008 outside Johannesburg call on +2773 224 1008. I am waiting to hear from you. Yours, Frank. NAZMr. Obeya,While on the flight from Netherlands, Mr. Jardon spoke with a man, Mr. Jacques LeBaux, who could not keep his mouth quiet, and he told us that he had been contacted by a man in South Africa, who claimed to represent a Madame Abacha. We start talking about why we are all going to Johannesburg, and it happens that we are going for same reasons, to transfer funds at a Security company. He even showed me copy of Power of Attorney, and shipment bill, and confided that he carried several expensive "gifts" for bank officers, and many thousands of dollars. Representatives of Mme. Abacha would greet him on his arrival, and would escort him to a hotel and then to a Security Company. This was sounding very familiar, and I was very upset about this. The flight attendant overheard us speaking, and informed us of the 419-schemes that some thugs in African countries use to rob Americans. I was astounded to learn about this, and I asked the man, "How can they rob YOU, another black man, a brother?" The flight attendant said, "They don't care if you are white, or black, or pink, or blue, all they can see is GREEN money!!!" Several other passengers in the First-class on the plane joined in to the conversation, and many said that they, too, had been contacted over the years, and this schemes are fraud of the first order! To say Mr. Jardon and I were terribly embarrassed by this situation, is indeed the understatement!! To make the story short, I will say that this other man, Mr. Jardon and I did not depart the aircraft immediately, but were taken by attendant to another exit of the plane, where the cargo is carried, and there we effected the escape. We all stayed in the Executive Lounge until things were sorted out. KLM airlines were kind enough to return us directly to Amsterdam, and we have made a connecting flight to New York, which will depart Amsterdam in a few hours. I am linking my laptop to my primary machine, so as to retrieve mail, and write to you. Furthermore, why did you not follow my suggestion to book us suites in a fine Johannesburg hotel?? I tried to investigate this "Monte Palaza" and found NOTHING about it! There are many 5-star hotels in Johannesburg, and you slide us to some fleabag flophouse? I'll wager that you did not have a limosine for us, either! What kind of "official" ARE you? I believe you are nothing more than a peasant, who tried to scam us, and rob us, and who knows? perhaps even kill us. I curse you with all my breath. Ramona (Lee) Nazzer I sent the same letter to "Barrister Smith Edwards". Will I hear from either one again? Will HUGH JARDON surface in another saga? Will Ramona retire with her inherited Million$? Stay tuned... HOORAY!!! Barrister Smiths Edwards is a bit put out by the whole thing, and he still hangs on the idea of the imaginary fortune. Will I hear from Obeya, too? BARRISTER EDWARD SMITHReceived: ([])Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:33:38 -0700 (PDT) From: edward smith Subject: Re: Explanation Mr Nazzer, I too hate you soo much!!!. How could you ever call me a peasant?.I believe that you are the one that also informed us that you indeed have a will, partaning to Mr lee, so what sort or insensitive embarasment can this be. I can see that you are now runing away from your fortune you soo much talked about or maybe as well it could be one of your numerous plans to lay me off.I will discuss this as well with Mr Obeya and will make sure that you find it really really very hard to come across or claim your funds again. Also i was informed by Obeya that you also offered to bring with you gifts of which he declined that of course you ; now dont you think that you, your self is total a misery . if i am your husband, i will hate and dispise you for your stupid and naive nature. i pray that i have all of Mr Lee's to my self one day. Edward smith Always the one who has the last word, I sent this to each participant, changing the name of course... NAZ"Barrister" Smith Edwards,Thank you so much for your mail. I really enjoyed reading it, just as I have enjoyed reading ALL your mails! A FEW POINTS FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT: 1) There never was any money left by Mark Lee. You know it, I know it. I've known it all along. I wanted to see how long I could scam YOU and your buddy, Frank Obeya, who is just another con-man, sitting at another Internet Cafe, typing silly letters, and appearing to be stupid beyond belief--you can't even spell easy little words! Admit it, you're both con-men, aren't you? 2) There isn't any $42,000,000.00 inheritance here in America, either. I made it up. 3) There isn't any attorney, "HUGH JARDON". In America, those words are spoken aloud, and laughed about, by teen-age boys. I made him up. 4) I didn't travel to New York, or Amsterdam, or Johannesburg. I made that up, too. 5) There is NO Ramona Nazzer. I made her up, too. (The only similarity to me, is that I am a woman, too!) 6) Did you two fraudsters REALLY think that I would travel with thousands of dollars in cash, and get into a car with you (a stranger to me) to go to a rundown "hotel", and get robbed by you? How stupid are you? 7) Take a few minutes, to look at, and see if our correspondence looks familiar to you. Who knows? maybe it will be published there (I'm real proud of it. I'm sure everybody who reads it will get a few laughs from it, and a lot of laughs AT YOU!!!) I have one last word for YOU, "Barrister Smith Edwards" ...................................... mugu................................. Regards, raynaz ("Ramona") This came late last evening, I had been wondering if I'd hear from Frank Obeya... FRANK OBEYA, CONSULTANTAttn : Mrs. Nazzer,Thanks for all you time and mail, i am very sorry that you never know the type of human you are dealing with, note this " In every fake there is original" . Since you said that there is no existance $42m, i will do my very best to get the fund confiscate and forward to the charity organisation. Finally, my only regrate is to deal with a poor woman like you, if you have told me that you don't have money for the expenses i will help you. Have a good time. Yours, Frank. I think I will send him one more note: NAZFrank, Are you telling me, "In every lie, there is a kernel of truth"?Give it up, already! THERE IS NO MONEY! I KNOW IT, AND YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW IT. There never was any money. Don't keep talking about "FUNDS", there are no funds. I've known about African scams for many years, and I always respond to them, and try to get the mugus to dance to whatever tune I decide. And they do, just like YOU did. I played you like the chump that you are... You are just a sad little man with a tired little scam. YOU were going to help ME? I laugh out loud at that! Do you think I am as stupid as you are? Regards, "Ramona" Nazzer (which is NOT my real name, you mugu!) This was a lot of fun, Frank, but I really do have to say GOOD-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |