Mary Taiwo Hello Sales This is Mary Taiwo from Balibungy Store Nig Ltd I will like to place an order because i am intrested in your product but first i will like to know if you do ship to Nigeria and if you accept both credit card Visa\Mc so i will like you let me know if you are Ok with the enquiry also i will like you to get back to me with your websit so that i can send you the item am intrested,look froward to read from you today Asap, Thanks Warm Regard Mary [ Goodness knows how Mary found Marion as he has no store to begin with. But let's not quibble, the game is afoot! ] Marion Morrison Dear Mary Howdy and thanks for the interest! We do indeed take Visa and ship out to your parts. Why, I sent a sheriff's hat and star out to a Mrs Abacha only last week. Which of our products are you looking at? We now have sale offer on leather chaps and hand tooled holsters at the moment, while most of our Rawhide range is also on special for the frontier woman who likes a good hard ride. Glad to be of service M'am. If you write to me personally, quoting the ref ISA-CNT1, I will see you get what is coming to you, and as soon as possible! MARION Marion Morrison Sales Department Western Warehouse Austin TX 41969 USA (405) 478-2250 Mary Taiwo Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 HELLO, THANKS FOR THE RESPONSE, AND THIS IS THE ITEMS NEEDED BELOW: Item #: 2180446 qty.......5 Item #: 2179547 qty.......5 Item #: 2180404 qty.......5 Item #: 2188167 qty.......5 Item #: 2170256 qty.......5 Item #: 2066108 qty.......5 Item #: 1965581 qty.......5 Item #: 2068526 qty.......5 Item #: 1866128 qty.......15 ALSO , HERE IS MY SHIPPING ADDRESS BELOW: ATENN TO:::::;;;BALA LOMO ADDRESS;NO 3 CHURCH STREET OFF ALAFIA CITY; MUSHIN STATE; LAGOS NIGERIA ZIP CODE 23401 I WILL LIKE YOU TO GET BACK TO ME WITH THE TOTAL COST INCLUDING THE SHIPPING FREIGHT VIA TNT OR UPS SO THAT I CAN FORWARD YOU MY CREDITCARD FOR THE PAYMENT WATING TO READ FROM YOU THE TOTAL COST TODAY ASAP. THANKS BEST REGARD MARY Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary! Sure is a pleasure dealing with you! The overall cost is $4196.90 I await your details so that we can expedite this here order. Order within 48 hours and we will throw in a flanellette teepee at no extra charge. MARION Mary Taiwo Wed, 12 Oct 2005 Hi Marion, Thanks for the mail.Here is my credit card to charge for the whole bill below: Name On Card: Mary Taiwo Card Type: Visa Card Number: 4311967584003418 [probably made up or stolen] Exp Date: 03-08 Name On Card: Mary Taiwo Card Type: Visa Card Number: 4311967584003129 [ ditto ] Exp Date: 04-09 So i want you to charge the redit card now and get back to me with the charging confirmation today Asap.also i want you to kindly let me know when the order is going to ship out to me Asap. Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary! Boy you sure get along and do things pronto when you have a mind set on it! Anyhow, I am rather confused though that you have evidentally supplied the details of two cards. Are you twins? Or is it that I am to put the saddles and feeders on one card and the barn dance outfits on the other? Shipping would be easier that way. Apart from that, all I need of course is a confirmation of the delivery address. Is it the same as the cardholder address? I have your goods all ready to go once these small details are cleared up. Hear from you soon, MARION Mary Taiwo Thu, 13 Oct 200 Hi Marion Thanks for the mail,Yes the address for the shipping is the same as billing i want you to get back to me with the shipment confirmation of my order.Looking forward to read from you today Asap Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Date: Thu Oct 13, 2005 Howdy Mary! We're on the case with your order, but are still awaiting your final details as requested to process the sale. I have the lads in despatch on standby and will be using Miracsky Worldwide to get the items to you. MARION Marion Morrison Howdy Mary What I just need to know is that lil' ol address of yours, you know the one you get on your billing? Otherwise I don't know where to send your stuff. I'm afraid the buffalo hide-effect wigwam material is out of stock. Can we replace it with buckskin taffita? Please advise and I'll process the sale and get the boys right on it. Marion Mary Taiwo Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 0 ATENN TO:::::;;;BOLAJI TAIWO ADDRESS;NO 14 CHURCH STREET OFF ALAFIA CITY; MUSHIN STATE; LAGOS NIGERIA ZIP CODE 23401 Marion Morrison Date: Thu Oct 13, 2005 Howdy Mary Much obliged for the information and everything is proceeding right bang to clockwork. I've got the boys in the warehouse hard at it right now,going all out with the packaging and labelling your gear. I can tell you that its been a right long while since we've had an order this size from your parts! However I'm aware now that one of your selections, the Calamity Jane Hillybilly frock is out of stock. Shall we substitute the Annie Oakley or Ma Kettle? Also we'd need a dress size confirmation on that, as 16 given seems rather large? Regards Mary Taiwo Fri, 14 Oct 2005 Ok Marion I want you to ship that like and when the remianing is in stock you can ship with the second order i want to order from you i want you to get back to me with the tracking number the order you ship out. Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy Mary Sure thing toots, will do. What second order do you want to place? We are at your service. Have you seen our range of tribal merkins? They provide excellent cover as well as keeping off the flies if you sleep outside on balmy nights. MARION Mary Taiwo Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 Hi Marion Ok first i want you to let me have the tracking number of the fist order.and then i can let you know the second item i needed from you again.Looking forward to read from you today Asap, Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary My despatch department man says the number is 41969CNT and the items are coming by Tossov Worldwide, hope that is a help. Incidentally will there be anyone at the other end to help unload? It might be advisable, especially if you or your family are undernourished. We expect a 14 day delivery schedule, will you be in between 8 and 1pm most days? Mary Taiwo Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 Hi Marion Sorry about this.i want you to let me know if the shipping company is airport to airport or airport to airpart cargo.Kindly let me know.also i want you help get some eletronic from any walmart store nearby your store.KIndly let me know if you can help me get it and i want you reward you $$ for that.Looking forward to read from you today Asap Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary Despatch tell me that the container delivery will be going straight to the address you have given. You will of course have to look after the regular customs charges & etc if any are liable. If you'd like me to get something from Walmart then I reckon I could do it, are you on the level? although it would have to be during my lunch break and would mean a bit of a drive (our business park is stuck out in the prairie here). MARION Mary Taiwo Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 Hi Marion. Thanks for the shipment of my order.and Marion pls i want you to help get the cost of the (Toshiba Laptop Pentum 4 17 inches screen 2pcs) including the shipping cost via UPS or DHL and also price on Mobile phones Nokia 8800 gsm(4pcs) also i will be conpesate you sunm of ($500) and get back to me with the total cost so that i can advice you back with my cc info to charge for the order.also which Pictures do have in stock at this monent ?Looking forward to read from you today Asap. Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Wow Mary thats some order you have in mind there, and it will cost a pretty dollar, but I guess I can help you out you being a lady and all. What sort of cut would I get in the deal? Cut me some sugar baby! I managed to get over to Walmart at lunch and can pick up some stuff there I guess but will have to check on the delivery costs, as I imagine you will want it all insured. (Does it have to be Toshiba by the way? They do their own brand of PC, name of Vas Deferens Pentium, which seems just as good..) I'd be obliged to know quick on this one toots, and how soon you can get the money to me. It might have to come Wells Fargo. Mary Taiwo Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 Hi Marion. I try to call you on phone but the peason told me that wrong number why ? pls verify and also get back to me with the status of the phones and the laptops.Looking forward to read from you today. Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy Mary! Sorry not to have writ before, but to get all your supplies you need I had to take the morning off. I went down to the Walmart and my friend Ben Cartwright there was mighty pleased to have such a sales bonanza, I can tell you! Anyhow he and his sons helped load up my Chevvy with most things you wanted, most obligin' like and the price comes to: Vas Deferens Laptop Pentum 4 17 inches screen 2pcs $5,256 incl sales tax Nokia 8800 gsm(4pcs) $644 incl tax I had to drive them back here right away and I just hope the canyon road didnt shake them up too bad. Anyhows I took a peek just now and they seem largely intact. I hope I did alright m'am, but not sure what you mean about the 'pictures'? Do you mean of me?! Anyhows, what is the next step. You want I should send them out to you when I charge the cards? Can I have my $500 reward in cash wired to me? I need a new saddle. regards Marion Morrison Mary Taiwo Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 Hi Marion Thanks for the mail,yes i want you to go ahead and charge my credit cards for the payment of the phones and the laptops and the shipping cost also with your commission because i can only make my payment with credit cards so am very sorry i can not wire your $500 so i want you to charge the cards now and get back to me when you make the shipment out to me today.Looking forward to read from you today also i will call you again when you charge my credit cards for the payment. Thanks Mary Mary Taiwo Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 i have try to call you again and nobody by that name and your name also i don't know why you giving me a wrong number i dont also belive on you.also first order you say you have ship i dont seen any order in my local post office so why are you taking me jokeing ? Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary! Which number did you ring? The one below is the main switchboard. If you cannot get through direct, then please ask for my boss Mr Gabby Hayes, and he will answer for me. kind regards Marion Marion Morrison Howdy Mary! I understand all this toots but am bit confused how I can get cash back covering my end off your credit card. Surely I need a merchant number? That's the way it is usually done in these here parts. I can't just get cash separate to the main transaction without some sort of complication like that set in. I know as I have had a quiet word with our cashier, Wes Hardin. Have you any other suggestions? Hey you got a picture? You sure sound purty! Marion Mary Taiwo Mon, 17 Oct 2005 Marion i don't understand all what you saying Pls clearify and also pls i want you to get the credit cards procced and get the order ship out today.also i don't have pictures Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy again Mary! I was just asking about this 500 bucks kickback thing, I don't think I can take it off the top of a credit card deal for the main business, I was saying, as I don't have a merchant retail number. All credit card transactions have this (our business here does) which identifies the sale. They sure don't apply to individuals. Maybe there is another way? I have double checked with our Financial Marshall Mr Earp and he says too that it wouldl not be OK. Coral, the secretary here says so too, and to honest I asked so much I almost thought it would end in a gunfight! so what shall we do as an alternative? Please let me know quick as I have your stuff heaped in the back of chevvy outside and there are some real ornery critters round here at night. Marion Mary Taiwo Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 i have try to call you again and nobody by that name and your name also i don't know why you giving me a wrong number i dont also belive on you.also first order you say you have ship i dont seen any order in my local post office so why are you taking me jokeing ? Marion Morrison Howdy Again Mary What is your number? Let me know and I will call you, there must be a mix up I kinda guess. Sure is a shame you dont have a picture I bet you are a sweety, just like Jane Calamitee my best girl. Let me know toots, dont you worry and I will call and will soon get this fixed up. Marion Marion Morrison Lucky Lad Bar Q Ranch Mary Taiwo Tue, 18 Oct 2005 Hi Marion OK i want you to just do the help for me without $500 if am your wife i hope you can do that now and i will send you my pictures as you saying be like you want to marrid me and am also intrested if you want to marri e i want you to send me your pictures also when you ship my stuff out today i will introdus my self to you very well.but for now i leave only with my two chidreen . Looking forward to read from you today Asap. Thanks Mary you can give a call when you ship out today 234-01-8530979 Marion Morrison Howdy Mary! Shucks woman, you're mighty sweet saying all this, but its just that I am so dang curious about you as we get to talking some. Why heck, knew an asian gal in San Francisco a ways back and we got along real swell together. She was called Annabel Chong and had a great laugh when out as she had lots of friends who knew her very well. We had some real good times back then, walking arm in arm through the saloon bars, or riding on Coney Island. Anyhows if you can see your way clear and get a mite bit friendlier, as I see you are considering, maybe I can sure enough over look the $500 or take it down a spot? I could sure do with some sugar, toots.. MARION Marion Morrison Wed, 19 Oct 2005 Hi Marion Thanks for mail,I just out my office.Ok now i want you to add me your yahoo messanger to chat together about love here is my chating ID also i want you to overlook the $500 for me and let the order ship out via DHL or Ups and get back to me with the tracking number today so all the stuff is urgent needed at this moment as am in cafe emailling you Thanks Mary Marion Morrison Howdy, my little prairie oyster!! I'm right glad you feel like getting more sociable and all. After all it seems like we done near know each other right well. Do you not have a picture? It will make everything just that bit more exciting. By way of encouragement, I attach mine. It will sure encourage me to expedite things if I can see my gal. MARION ![]() Mary Taiwo Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 thanks for that you looking so nice and cool guy. i will attached my pictures for you when you ship my order out today. and when you get my order ship out to me pls ? Marion Morrison Howdy my little cattle cake! Can you not send my your picture and some real loving words right off the bat? I'm sure it will make me work just lil' bit harder to fulfill your order, I might even add in something extra as well. x Marion Mary Taiwo Thu, 20 Oct 2005 Hey, Thank you so much for your e mail infact you are making have more felling for you and you are making me fell love for you but i need to tell you that we really have to sort the goods thing out firt so i wnat you to kindly help me shipp the product and later we can talk about how am going to meet you in person cos i personly i dont beleive in internet rromance so i will like to meet you in person. Missing you!!!! Marion Morrison Aw Mary, dont go giving a fella the cold shoulder like this! You know I have a soft spot for you, and you sound real purty. Tell you what, toots, send me your picture, something sexy to keep me warm under the stars at night and I will expedite your cargo. I'd love to meet you sometime sure enough, what the hell, hey I aint thought of that before. You ever get to the States? We could take a Chevvy drive to the Grand Canyon, get to know each other a little bit friendly like, make honey music and smooch in the moonlight. OOOOooo Weeeee! xxx Marion Morrison Howdy Mary I have all you goods now ready to go. Don't you love me anymore, my little wampum pudding? I slept out on the prairie last night and got cold under the stars, but then I thought of you an how we chat an all, felt that little bit warmer. MARION Mary Taiwo Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 Yes i still love you but i have already told you that i dont lie internet love and i have already tell to add me with your yahoo chating so that will talk i want you to ship my order out via ups or dhl today since you have them ready to go out to me and get back to me with the tracking number today Asap Your Love Mary Marion Morrison Howdy Mary Well I am might disappointed, girl that you ain't writing me no more. If you ain't being so sweet with me then I guess I will pop all your stuff back in to storage and refund the whole deal. It seems a real shame as I reckon you was a purty one too. MARION Mary Taiwo Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 yes i dont need the stuff anymore bye dont email me again Marion Morrison Nov. 2 Aaaaww Mary Does this mean we ain't kissin' cousins no more? Gee, I hope I haven't wasted your time and money less than I meant to. I'd sure hate for some online crook like you to get all riled up an' that, just because she can't work a stupid con. Maybe you should try something a little less taxing, like store work? But don't worry, all your messages have been posted online, so everyone can see just how stupid you are and have a good laugh. Adios! Marion Morrison Mugu Baiter Warehouse Austin TX 41969 USA (405) 478-2250 |