"Frank Larzlo" works for a fruit and vegetables exporting company in Europe (really).
His modus operandi is simple and effective - when he receives obviously scam business offers, he replies!
His scambaiting career began with HOWDJA LIKE THEM APPLES?.
This latest masterpiece lasted three weeks and illustrates a number of masterfully applied classic scambaiting techniques: pedantic insistence on correct details, wasted time due to unreadable attachments, and a clandestine love affair. When "Frank" finally indulges in a flip-off, it is framed in an unusually creative way.
I just have finished another funny story here. Same thing, the scammer sending an email to our company and me replying with my Franz Larzlo account...
Enjoy it!
MR STEVE BARNES, fruit importer Lad
The "Bank" staff:
MBA U. MBA - auditor Lad
IJEOMA ORJI - secretary Lad
DAVID KALU - money order picker upper Lad
["Steve" and the various "Bank" Lads may be one person, and are color-coded the same.
Often, however, a team of Lads are cooperating remotely.]
FRANK LARZLO - honest fruit exporter
MELANIE GINUZS - his efficient assistant
Frank Larzlo
to : barnessteve64@yahoo.co.uk Dear Sir, I have received your contact details from one of our German partners. We are a young fruits and vegetables exporting company based in Budapest-Hungary. We are looking for international partners to market our products. As the Hungarian market is not large enough for us, we want to target international markets and we believe that with your expertise we can build up a win-win situation here. Our products are:
Leeks We have a new packing station and we need to enter into new markets. I hope you could have an interest to develop this business with us. Awaiting your soonest comments. Your sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
From: Steve Barnes barnessteve64@yahoo.co.uk Dear Franz, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.We wish to inform you that below are the quantities needed by our customers:-
Apples We want to let you know that your above products are very good and it will sell in our targeted markets which is Lagos and Cape Town respectively.As regards to the shipping and handling,we will be much happier if it will send to us through air cargo to the respective airports Murtala Mohammed Airport,Lagos,Nigeria and Cape Town International Airport respectively.If it is also possible to send the above products through UPS,we will also be glad to receive them. Kindly get back to us with the best CIF price of the above products.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, Frank Larzlo
Date:Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:19 AM Dear Mr. Barnes, Many thanks for your prompt reply. We are very happy to learn that we can start a fruitful cooperation between our companies. As requested, we are sending you our offers:
Tomatoes Awaiting your soonest reply! Your sincerely.
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:07 AM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.We wish to inform you that below are the quantities needed by our customers:-
JONAGOLD EXTRA 65/75 - 10 KG WOOD - 150Tons- Murtala Mohammed Airport,Lagos,Nigeria
MARABEL 65+ - 25 KG BAGS - 550 150Tons - Murtala Mohammed Airport,Lagos,Nigeria
Tomatoes We want to let you know that your above products are very good and it will sell in our targeted markets which is Lagos and Cape Town respectively.Kindly get back to us with the proforma invoice of the above products to enable us submit to our bank in Africa for urgent 100% wire transfer in advance into your account asap.We will like to have your company's profile or website for our study.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, Frank Larzlo
Date:Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 2:33 PM Dear Steve, Before sending you any pro forma invoice, I would like to be sure that you do agree with my offered prices in my previous message. Be aware that your ordered volumes are not a problem for us. Goods can be shipped very soon. Kind regards,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 3:53 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.We have already accepted you price and we are waiting for the proforma invoice asap. Kindly send the proforma invoice to us with the company's profile and website to enable us know more about your company.Waiting for your urgent response. Sincerely, Steve WHAT A FUNNY MAN ... NO NEGOTIATION NEEDED, JUST ACCEPTED MY FAKE NON SENSE PRICES... Frank Larzlo
Date:Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:03 AM Dear Steve, My assistant is now working on the pro forma invoice, which we will sent in a few minutes. I have a couple of questions about your order:
1-Delivery period? Awaiting your soonest reply in order to finalize the order.
Best regards, Frank Larzlo
Date:Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:25 PM Dear Mr. Barnes, I am starting to get seriously concerned about you. I hope you are doing fine. I can't reach you on the phone and do not get more replies by email. Please contact me. The pro forma invoice is nearly ready and we nees to start the work organization in our packing stations. Please reply ASAP.Best regards, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:52 PM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.The delivery period should be within 3 months.As regards to the Requested documents/shipment/product it should be proforma invoice/Apapa Seaport,Lagos Nigeria and Cape Town Seaport,South Africa/Tomatoes,Potatoes and Apples. The Details of the buyers are below:
Olutayo Gbemi
John Wits Kindly get back to us with the proforma invoice through email attachment to enable us submit to our bank for urgent 100% wire transfer in advance into your account asap.As soon as you receive our order payment,kindly ship the goods accordingly to the respective buyers seaport or airport.We will like to have your company's website or profile to know more about your company. Waiting for your urgent response. Sincerely,
Mr Steve Barnes (C.E.O) Melanie Ginuzs
Nicely done! ---> Date:Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 1:15 PM Dear Mr. Barnes, My name is Melanie Ginuzs and I am the assistent of Mr. Larzlo. Mr. Larzlo is out of office today, but I am sending you the requested pro forma invoice. If you would have any questions, feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Melanie Ginuzs A PRO FORMA INVOICE OF 680.250,00 EURO WAS SENT TO MR STEVE...HERE WE GO... Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 1:29 PM Dear Melanie Ginuzs Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I want to inform you that we have received the proforma invoice and we will submit it to our bank for urgent 100% wire transfer in advance into your account asap. As soon as you receive the order payment,kindly ship the goods to us accordingly.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, Melanie Ginuzs
Date:Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:07 PM Dear Mr. Barnes, I just have got a phone call from Mr. Larzlo. He said that the first shipments will take place on Friday 01/07. I will send you both flight details later. Only one important point: Goods will be shipped once the funds are available at our bank account.Sincerely, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 8:29 PM Noted.MBA.U.MBA
From:afribankaba@accountant.com Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, You have an Incoming Payment lying under our network and ready for transfer and it was made by Steve Barnes of DLR INC UK. Details of this transaction is shown below.
Transfer Date and Time: 28:06:2011 at 12:15 p.m. You are requested to fill the attached and send back to us immediately to enable us proceed further with the online wire transfer within twenty four working hours and issue you with the telegraphic transfer (T/T) copy. Without filling the form,there can never be any wire transfer. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, THERE IS A RIDICULOUS FORM ATTACHED YES... ![]() Melanie Ginuzs
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Mr. Bank Director, I have transmitted the received form to our bank manager and he has the comments below:
-Our bannk account is a business account, on the name of our company. This means, what is the gender? Male? Female? Would it be possible to provide us a transfer form for companies? I also would like to remind you that Mr. Franz Larzlo will be back later today in office from his business trip, so I have to prepare all the papers for his signature. I thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.Your sincerely. Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Mr. Bank Director, My name is Fran Larzlo, the C.E.O of the company Larzlo & Larzlo Kft. Our bank account is registered on our company, so please send us the correct transfer order fund. This is urgent, once we need to prepare the goods for shipment. Please treat this request urgently. Kind regards,
Mr. Franz LARZLO Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:52 PM Dear Mr. Steve, My assistent, Mrs Melanie Ginuzs, has reeived a wrong transfer form from your bank. Please ask them to send us a corporative form, once our bank account is registred on our company name. This is very urgent. First shipments are planned for this weekend but we need the payment by tomorrow on our bank account. Thank you.
Mr. Franz LARZLO Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 5:06 PM Reminder...URGENT MBA.U.MBA
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, You are requested to fill the attached without filling your passport number and send back to us immediately to enable us proceed further with the online wire transfer within twenty four working hours and issue you with the telegraphic transfer (T/T) copy. For the gender you fill Male and send back to us.The form is for both company account and individual account.Without filling the form,there can never be any wire transfer. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 7:40 PM Dear Mrs. Melanie Ginuzs, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I wish to inform you that we put a call across to the bank and they made us to understand that they gave you the correct form.That you should go ahead and fill the form and send back to them without your passport number. As per the gender,you should fill male.Immediately the bank receives the form,they will wire transfer the order payment into your account asap so that you will ship the goods to us accordingly.Waiting for your urgent response.
Date:Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:00 PM Dear Mr. Barnes, Mrs.Melanie Ginuzs is out of office today. Her son is in hospital so it is a busy day for me. I am on the road, visiting the fields and packing stations to ensure the quality of your ordered goods. I will be back tonight and will do the necessary for the bank transfer. Yours sincerely; Franz Sent from my iPadMr Steve Barnes
Date:Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 9:27 PM Noted.Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Mr. Bank Director, Attached the requested transfer form. Please proceed URGENTLY with the payment. Awaiting for your confirmation.
Date:Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM Dear Mr. Steve, Please appologise for my late reply. Yestrday evening I have visited Mrs. Ginuzs at the Budapest Centrral Hospital. As I have told you in my previous letter, her son is there. The poor boy was victim of a raid and one of the gangsters (Illegal African Immigrant) had a knife with him. The man was arrested 1 hour later and is now in jail. The boy is doing better now and Mrs Ginuzs should be back at office very soon. Emigration problem is only increasing in Europe, don't you agree? Probably the same problems in London I assume? Immigration is in fact the act of passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence. Immigration is made for many reasons, including economic, political, family re-unification, or the wish to change one's surroundings voluntarily. I would like to focus here on the illegal economic migrant who has emigrated from one region to another region for the purposes of seeking employment or improved financial position. An economic migrant is distinct from someone who is a refugee fleeing persecution. An economic migrant can be someone from Africa immigrating illegally to the UK. The illegal immigrant is not allowed to work so they find their way into the criminal world. Many countries have now immigration and visa restrictions that prohibit a person entering the country for the purposes of gaining work without a valid work visa. Persons who are declared an economic migrant can be refused entry into a country but they come anyway! But I have hope that things will go better soon. The World Bank estimates that remittances totaled $420 billion in 2009, of which $317 billion went to developing countries. Soon they won't need to immigrate anymore, I hope. By us doing business together, and sending first class fruits to African counties, at very attractive prices is part of the long term changing process. Life quality will increase as well. I am sorry to bother you with this story, but it has shocked me a lot. Be also informed that all necessary paper work was done today so the bank should be ready to pay us. I will confirm you as soon the funds are on our bank account. Your sincerely,
Mr. Franz Lazlo Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:31 PM Dear Mr. Franz Lazlo. Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I am very sorry for Mrs Ginuzs and i wish the son a quick recovery.As regards to the illegal immigration,i strongly believe that we business men,will help out by accommodating all these illegal immigrant in our factories so that they will desist from illicit business and make there lives to be better. Thanks once again for informing us that all the necessary paper work has been done and as regards to the order payment and as soon as you receive it in your account,kindly ship the goods accordingly.I am assuring you that you will never regret doing business with us at all and you will make a lot of profit from this business.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, MBA.U.MBA
HERE THEY ARE... HERE IS WHAT THEY WANT... MONEY MONEY... LET'S TEST THEM NOW HE HE HE Date:Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:45 PM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, We hereby wish to notify you that before we will proceed with the transfer of the said USD$ 680,500.00 into your account,you are advised to make the payment of the V.A.T to the Federal Inland Revenue Services,for the online wire transfer of the fund which is 0.15%.(USD$ 1020.75) For the online wire transfer of USD$ 680,500.00 to be credited into your account within twenty four working hours, you are requested to pay up the V.A.T charge which is (USD$ 1020.75). We obliged you to proceed with the payment of the V.A.T charge to enable us go on with the online wire transfer and send you the wire transfer notification slip and code for online wire transfer tracking. No deductions will be made whatsoever due to the USD$ 680,500.00 has been bonded by the International Fund Transfer policy Act for security reasons until it is credited into your account. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Sir, As an European company exporting goods outside the EU, we have no VAT to pay, once the selling prices are without VAT included. Why are you now requesting me to pay it? I don't know the VAT regulations in Nigeria, but I assume that is it to be charged to the importer, not the exporter. In Europe the VAT (value added tax) is a form of consumption tax. From the perspective of the buyer,(importer) it is a tax on the purchase price. From that of the seller, it is a tax only on the "value added" to a product, material or service, from an accounting point of view, by this stage of its manufacture or distribution. The manufacturer remits to the government the difference between these two amounts, and retains the rest for themselves to offset the taxes they had previously paid on the inputs. Please open your books over there and revise this matter urgently. My goods are nearly ready to be shipped and I strongly need to receive the payment. These are perishable goods. If we don't ship next week, we will have a quality problem. Decomposition is the process by which organic material is broken down into simpler forms of matter. The process is essential for recycling the finite matter that occupies physical space in the biome. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Although no two organisms decompose in the same way, they all undergo the same sequential stages of decomposition. For the reasons clearly described above, I kindly request you to transfer me the money and to charge the VAT to the importer. Yours sincerely,
Date:Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 9:58 PM Dear Steve, Many thanks for your kind message and support to Mrs. Ginuzs. Her son is about to leave the hospital very soon. Regarding our business, I am supposed to receive the payment on Monday. Goods will be shipped on next week's airplanes. Flight data will be provided after the payment is confirmed. There was a small issue with your bank today but in the meantime it was solved out. Mr. Barnes, I am very positive over you and your services. I am sure that if we both will focus on long term cooperation, we will build up regular supplies to you, once you will be our exclusive agent for the African continent. We can supply you nearlly 10.000 ton per year! Think about this project. I am also planning to meet with you in London after we have conclude this first delivery. I will revert on Monday confirming payment receipt. Have a nice weekend.
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 5:32 PM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted. Iam glad to hear that Mrs.Ginuzs's son is about to leave the hospital very soon.I wish him all the best. I also want to let you know that I am ever ready to partner with your company and also promote your goods in African market and also make it number one in there market.I am reassuring you that you will never regret doing business with me and you will make more profit from us and we are ready to receive the goods inclusive the regular shipment which will be 10,000ton per year I wish the best in this business.Waiting for your urgent response.
Date:Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM Dear Steve, Thanks a lot for your nice words with regards to Mrs. Ginuzs's son. He is doing fine now and is safe at home. Regarding our business transaction, your bank is apparently not cooperating with us. They were trying to charge me some V.A.T costs, which is not correct. We both know very well that as an European company, exporting goods outside the EU, we have no VAT to pay once the selling prices are FREE FROM VAT. Why are they now requesting me to pay it? I don't know the VAT regulations in Nigeria, but I assume that is it to be charged to the importer, not the exporter. As we both know, in Europe the VAT (value added tax) is a form of consumption tax. From the perspective of the buyer,(importer) it is a tax on the purchase price. From that of the seller, it is a tax only on the "value added" to a product, material or service, from an accounting point of view, by this stage of its manufacture or distribution. The manufacturer remits to the government the difference between these two amounts, and retains the rest for themselves to offset the taxes they had previously paid on the inputs. My goods are nearly ready to be shipped and I strongly need to receive the payment. These are perishable goods. If we don't ship next week, we will have a quality problem. Decomposition is the process by which organic material is broken down into simpler forms of matter. The process is essential for recycling the finite matter that occupies physical space in the biome. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Although no two organisms decompose in the same way, they all undergo the same sequential stages of decomposition. For the reasons clearly descrided above, I kindly request you to contact the bank and requested them to transfer the money. Your fast action is strongly requested. Yours sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 5:58 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I got in contact with the bank and they made me to understand that the vat payment is for the exporter and not for the importer. They also made me to understand that this is a new banking policy introduced by the bankers bank and it must be duly respected by the exporter.In other words they also said that i have paid my own vat which is included in the wire transfer bank charges. I am urging you to kindly go ahead and make the payment of the vat to the bank to enable them proceed with the wire transfer of the order payment into your account asap to avid the goods perishing.Even if it entails paying for the vat payment and deducting it from the goods you will ship to us. As soon as you receive the order payment into your account,kindly ship the goods to us accordingly.I am still reassuring you that you will never regret doing business with us and you will make so much profit from this business.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, MBA.U.MBA
The Banker insists on the fee! Date:Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 6:22 PM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, We hereby wish to notify you that before we will proceed with the transfer of the said USD$ 680,500.00 into your account,you are advised to make the payment of the V.A.T to the Federal Inland Revenue Services,for the online wire transfer of the fund which is 0.15%.(USD$ 1020.75) This V.A.T is for the wire transfer to be made not on the goods and it is a new development as well as a new banking policy introduced by the authorities in charge of banking proceudres and it must be strictly followed by the expoter. Furthermore the emergence of V.A.T payment is been arranged to enable both the exporter and importer be assured that there transaction is very safe.Both the importer and exporter do pay up the V.A.T charges.The importer does that when he or she is paying for the wire transfer bank charges while the exporter pays the V.A.T when he or she is about to recieve the order wire transfer in his or her respective account. For the online wire transfer of USD$ 680,500.00 to be credited into your account within twenty four working hours,you are requested to pay up the V.A.T charge which is (USD$ 1020.75). We obliged you to proceed with the payment of the V.A.T charge to enable us go on with the online wire transfer and send you the wire transfer notification slip and code for online wire transfer tracking. No deductions will be made whatsoever due to the USD$ 680,500.00 has been bonded by the International Fund Transfer policy Act for security reasons until it is credited into your account. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Sir, Your content was noted. Another remark Mr. Bank Director. My Pro Forma Invoice was sent in currency EURO (ISO 4217 Code EUR - num. 978 ). You are calculating your V.A.T in USD (ISO 4217 Code USD ) which is nor correct. I also want to remind you that the sum due by the importer is 680.500,00 EURO, not 680.500,00 USD. Please double check all points. Also send me the bank details in order to proceed with the V.A.T tax payment. By the way, you banks are the lucky bastards. When you guys are in trouble, the government opens new funds for you, but the hardworking man like me, still has to pay taxes taxes taxes! Anyway, what can I do? I have to pay? I will pay! Send me the bank details ASAP.
Date:Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:58 AM Dear Steve, We are both busy businessmen and we have a lot of work to do here. To handle and move large volumes, you need good partners. Your bank for example. It is a shame how they work. You should consider finding a new and better banker. They look very unprofessional for me. They are making several mistakes in our transaction. How can you trust this people? For example: My Pro Forma Invoice was sent to you in currency EURO (ISO 4217 Code EUR - num. 978 ). They are calculating the V.A.T in USD (ISO 4217 Code USD ) which is nor correct. Another example: the sum due is 680.500,00 EURO, not 680.500,00 USD. Last point: They want me to pay V.A.T but they did not send me any bank details for paying. You see? How can they handle this transaction? You know, banks are the lucky bastards. When they are in trouble, the government opens new funds for them, but the hard working man like us, we still have to pay taxes taxes taxes! Mrs. Ginuzs is back at office and she has done some research for me about available banks in Nigeria. Below the list:
1.Access Bank Mr. Steve, I would urgently visit one of the above banks, once Afribank seems to be very unprofessional. Please consider the above. Awaiting your soonest reply.
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:12 AM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I send an email to the bank as regards to your observation and they made me to understand that it was just a typographical error made by the secretary as regards to the exact currency to be wire transferred. They also made me to understand that it will be corrected and they will wire transfer the order payment in Euros not in United States Dollars.As regards to the vat payment they also informed me that it should be done in euros not in dollars too and also they will get back to you through email and give you all the required details needed to pay for the vat. As regards to the banks research done by Mrs Ginuzs,she made a very big mistake.They are only 25 Consolidated Banks In Nigeria with 25 Billion Naira Capital base.They are as follows:
1. Access Bank As soon as you made the vat payment,kindly get back to me with the payment notification slip immediately to enable me verify with the bank.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, MBA.U.MBA
Date:Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:26 AM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, Taking cognizance with your last mail we are notifying you to inform we made a slight mistake in the currency to be wire transferred into your account.It should be in Euro and not in Dollars ($). For the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 to be credited into your account within twenty four working hours,you are requested to pay up the V.A.T charge which is (Euro 1020.75). We obliged you to proceed with the payment of the V.A.T charge to enable us go on with the online wire transfer and send you the wire transfer notification slip and code for online wire transfer tracking. Below is our Stock brokers/correspondence bankaccount details for the V.A.T charge:-
BANK: CITIBANK, NA,111 WALL STREET,NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1004 OR Through Western Union Money Transfer:
NAME OF RECIEVER: DAVID KALU Furtherance to the above,we are notifying you there was a change in policy from the clearing house here in our region,which states that transfer made in Euro will not be credited in a Dollar account, that is why the Euro 1020.75 will not be credited into the account above,and we are advised you to pay it in USD$1,477.61 Please note that immediately you make the V.A.T payment of USD$1,477.61 to the above account details or Western Union Money Transfer,we will wire transfer the said order payment of Euro 680,500.00 into your account within twenty four working hours through online wire transfer system.Send us through email attachment the wire transfer notification slip for confirmation (Swift Copy).
Date:Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:30 PM Dear Steve, Mrs. Ginuzs was just trying to help you, once the Afribank people were acting on a very unprofessional way. We cannot blame her for that mistake. You are free to choose your partners and to work with whom you want of course, but at least you should agree with me that there is a big difference between 1 Euro and 1 USD. Let us assume that if they had paid me in USD, the sum of 680.250,00 USD, that would be the equivalent to 470.000,00 Euro today. That is a difference of 210.000 Euro, or 303.000,00 USD!!! This is a huge mistake for a first class bank. You know, I kindly request you to send an alternative bank account, once I do not want to cooperate with the Afribank anymore. Awaiting your comments. Your sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 5:10 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I don't understand you at all.You told me that the order payment should be in Euro not in Dollar and the bank now reverted it,based on the currency that was in their network was Euro not Dollar just due to there was a typographical error by the secretary. In the light of the above,I want to let you know that this is a standard bank and we have been dealing with them for a very long time and they have been delivering.Stop insulting this financial institution due to it is a world class bank liable of mistake.If you are not ready to work with us as well with the bank by adhering to their directives,please tell us so that we will cancel this order with your company and look for another supplier.I don't understand this kind of business and this is my very first time of encountering such problem with any company. If you are not ready to proceed with the bank's directives tell us so that we will quit this business.Go ahead and send the vat payment to the below account details i got from the bank this afternoon,don't be down casted all will go well with us.I am still assuring you that you will make a lot of profit from this business and i will make your product number in this market:
OR Through Western Union Money Transfer: Sincerely, Steve Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:34 AM Dear Steve, I personally think that this secretary should send me an email with her apologies before I transfer the VAT money. Her mistake could have cost me A LOT OF MONEY. Mr. Steve, I am not insulting the bank, but please agree with me that there is a huge difference between USD and EURO exchange rate today. Once the secretary has sent me her apologize email, we go haead with the payment. This is in fact to help her, once she won't make same mistake again in future, do you agree? I hope you can understand my request. It is not personal Mr. Steve and has nothing to do with you. I have a lot of respect for you but this secretary has nearly broken our first business transaction! Be aware that the cargo is yet packed and stored at the airport cold stores now, under ventilation and temperature control. The quality is first class. Documents are ready to be shipped as well. My payment order is also ready. My bank manager is just waiting for my phone call so when the secretary send me an email with apologies for the typographical error , I will transfer the money. - Hide quoted text - Your sincerely,
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:13 AM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that i am very sorry for the inconvenience that i may have caused to you. Please accept my appology,this will never repeat itself again.I am able to assist you to make sure that your transaction will be done in a gentle manner. We are here to serve you better.
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:27 AM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents.I have email the bank about your email and i strongly believe that the secretary will get back to you through email with her apology letter for the typographical error. As soon as you receive the apology letter from her,kindly proceed with the payment of the vat and also send us the payment slip immediately as an evidence that the vat has been paid by you to the bank. I am still re-assuring you that you will never regret doing business with me and you will still make a lot of profit from this business.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:31 PM Dear Mrs. Ijeoma Orji, Thank you very much for your kind email. Do not get me wrong or blame, but I believe that if we all can avoid mistakes, it will make the business easier for all parties involved. Please inform the board of directors that I am about to transfer the requested funds today.
Kind regards, PS: This is a personal request, but would you have a picture of you for me? AND NOW FRANZ WANTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SECRETARY... IS SHE HOT?? WILL STEVE HELP HIM ON THAT ONE?? Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:44 PM Dear Mr. Steve, The kind lady Ijeoma Orji has sent me a message, yes. Very kind from her. This matter is closed now and I am on my way to the bank. Before leaving office, I have a personal request. You know, I am a busy person, 56 years old and due my hard working my ex wife has left me 2 years ago. Now I realise that I had to spend more time with her. In the meantime she is married again to another man so it is too late now. But maybe you could check if Ijeoma Orji is a single woman for me? Maybe she is! Maybe she is open to know someone. As I am planning to travel to Nigeria in a couple of months, maybe I could invite her for a dinner? But I won't do any move before knowing if she is married or not...so maybe you with your connexions, you could check that for me? The Human Resources Dept. from the bank will certainly have access to her file. I know it sounds strange and crazy, but I am a man looking for love, like every other man. My ex-wife was also from Africa, Senegal, so this is the kind of women I like. I used to have feeling for Mrs. Ginuzs too, but she is happy married, so I won't do any move with her. Your info regarding Ijeoma Orji will be very helpful for me. Please keep it between us and take it as a personal favor. Ok, let me go to the bank now. Sincerely
Franz LARZLO Melanie Ginuzs
To make things more complicated, Frank's assistant finds out about his feelings for her and flips out! Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:15 PM Dear Mr. Steve Barnes, Melanie Ginuzs here. Mr. Larzlo is at the bank right now taking care about some V.A.T payment to Afribank. In the meantime I was checking other incoming emails and I could not believe my eyes!! What were you both saying about me???? What does Franz means with "having feelings" for me???? I am a married woman! I have a son who just came out of hospital!! I can't believe this!!! MEN ARE ALL THE SAME OVER THE WORLD, NO?????? How could you even listen to him???? Look, I will leave this company, and it will be today!!!!! Melanie Ginuzs OHHH MY GOD...WHAT NOW?? WHAT WILL STEVE DO NOW?? Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:31 PM Dear Mr. Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I will be waiting for the information as regards to the vat payment.As soon as it is done,please send me the payment slip or notification for evidence. As for ijeoma,i got in contact with the bank,they made me to understand that she is a single lady.I hope and believe that it will work out well for you people,maybe when you are in nigeria,you get in contact with her for dinner. I will be waiting for your urgent and positive response.
Sincerely, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 3:33 PM Dear Melanie Ginuzs I don't really understand what you are saying.I don't discuss anything apart from business with my customer which is Mr Franz. I am a businessman and i don't need any form of distraction. Steve BAD BOY MR STEVE... Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:26 PM Dear Mr. Steve.... Man...what a day today... Sorry for my language...but I feel sad now in one way, and happy on another way.... Mrs. Ginuzs has seen the email which I have sent you...you know...the part where I had mentioned my feelings for her. She was so angry that she just left the company!!!! Unbelievable but true!! Ok, maybe she is angry now, and she may think about everything and come tomorrow at office. We will see. I really hope so but for safety reasons I will change my email passwords to avoid that she follows up my emails for now. You never know...she could even try to pass my business contacts to my competitors! That would be a disaster! I am also happy about the nice news regarding MISS Ijeoma Orji...Yes!! Now I can say Miss Ijeoma Orji, once she is single...I owe you a beer!!! Even more than that!!! Look, now we know that she is a single lady...now you need to help me again...please... I need to you to find out more information about her:
-age Nothing else...the rest you just leave it to me...I am a nice gentleman and I know how to treat a woman. Your help will be highly appreciated. By the way, I have been to the bank and the transfer was done! They could not print the swift today, once international payments are effected in the morning only. The payment order is in their system now and is booked for tomorrow morning. They will fax me the swift before lunch time. Once the copy is in my hands, I will pass it thru the scanner and send it to the bank. Mr. Steve, you are becoming a kind of friend for me, more than only another business partner. I hope one day we can have a nice beer together. Sincerely, Frans Larzlo FRANZ IS HOT...HE WANTS TO DATE THE SECRETARY OF THE BANK... Frank Larzlo
To:afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Miss. Ijeoma Orji, This message is to inform you that the transfer was done today. The bank could not print the swift today, once international payments are effected in the morning only. The payment order is computed in their system now and is booked for tomorrow morning. They will fax me the swift before lunch time. Once the copy is in my hands, I will pass it thru the scanner and send it to you by email ok? Please do not get me wrong calling you Miss, but I have a kind of feeling that you are a young single woman...aren't you? Sorry if this message is an incovinience for you. Sincerely, Franz Larzlo (single...) FRANZ...THE SINGLE BAD BOY HEHEHE Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 8:14 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I will try my best to get all the required from the bank as regards to Miss Ijeoma and send to you. As for the swift copy please try and send it to me and the bank tomorrow morning as an evidence that the payment has been done.Waiting for your urgent response.
Date:Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:06 AM Good morning Mr. Steve, I have just called the bank and we should have the swift copy in hands in 2-3 hours from now. I will send it to you and the bank of course. Regarding Miss Ijeoma Orji, I can't stop thinking about her. You see, first I was blaming the bank. Than it came out that it was a small typing mistake from one secretary...and now I am willing to meet her... Anyway, we will see what will happen. Mrs. Ginuzs is coming today for a meeting with me. I will try to keep her in the company. I will revert to you very soon.Frank Larzlo
To:Steve Barnes barnessteve64@yahoo.co.uk Dear Mr. Steve, As promissed, I am sending you attached the swift copy of my payment. I hope your bank will transfer my funds today. Another good news: Mrs. Ginuzs will stay at our company. We had a nice talk and she knows that my eyes are now pointed on Miss Ijeoma Orji ;-) By the way, I am waiting for her contact details as you promissed me. So the bad news is over, now let us finalize our delivery. Sincerely,
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Miss. Ijeoma Orji, I hope this message is reaching you, once I do not want to communicate with ANY other person in the Afribank from now. Is that ok for you? If needed, I will call your director, but I only want YOU to be in touch with me from today ok? Your colleague, Mba.U.Mba was a kind boring person anyway. Always sending those corporate emails, cold, without feelings....no...I prefer your way. You know, everyone can make mistakes. I have learned that you cannot blame people because of their mistakes. If I would criticize you for your mistake, you would not leran nothing out of that. This is why I want you to be my personal contact from now in Afribank, so no mistakes will ever happen again. What do you think about this idea? I hope you will like it. Attahed I am sending you the swif copy for the VAT payment. As you will see, it a genuine copy, so you can immediatly proceed with my payment of 680.250,00 Euro. Below I repeat my bank details:
Bank: HUNGARIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC Please confirm receipt of my swift and please make sure that my payment will be done today.
Thank you and Best regards, PS: If you need to know more about me, no worry, I am an open minded person...Single businessman... :-) feel free to write me... STOP IT FRANZ...HEHEHE...SAME FAKE SWIFT SENT TO "THE BANK" Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:14 PM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I received the swift copy with utmost pleasure and i strongly believe that the bank has equally received theirs and do we will proceed accordingly. As for Miss Ijeoma,i got in contact with her through email and she made me to understand that she will work with you but as it stands now,she said that she lost her mobile phone and as soon as she got another one she will give you her number.She also made me to understand that her manager has told her to take over the email correspondences between our companies.From now onwards she will be liable for all email in Afribank.Go on with her and please be a good man to her. Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, MBA.U.MBA
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:25 PM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that we are in receipt of the wire transfer notification slip.We will trace it out until it arives into our account and we will proceed with the transfer of the said USD$ 680,500.00 into your account immediately. You should note that it will take a period of three working days for the V.A.T payment to hit into our account.Furthermore immediately we are in reciept of the V.A.T payment into our account,we will proceed for the online wire transfer of USD$ 680,500.00 to be credited into your account within twenty four working hours. I am able to go into a relationship with you after my email conversation with Mr Steve.I am a 29 year old girl.I lost my mobile phone some couple of days back and will give you my direct phone line immediately i got the kind of phone i want,which should be a blackberry mobile phone.it is very scarce here in our market.Right now i am in charge of all correspondences with your company and DLR INC (UK) and I am able to assist you to make sure that your transaction will be done in a gentle manner. We are here to serve you better.
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Miss Ijeoma Orji, Are we making typing faults again my dear? USD?? EURO?? Check your last email... That is the second time now...make sure the payment will be in EURO ok? This will be our little secret ok? I won't mention it to your bank director ;-) Here in Hungary, someone making this kind of mistakes would be fired...But we don't want that happening to you, do we? So you lost your phone my dear? That is sad. But guess what??? I can send you a brand new blackberry tomorrow by DHL!!! DHL service is very fast so you would have your new phone by Monday. I will post it to the bank branch ok?
Afribank Or would you prefer me to send it to your home? Please accept this as a present from a satisfied customer. Let me know ASAP because tomorrow I will ship the phone to you my dear.
Franz LARZLO Frank Larzlo
Date:Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 5:29 PM Dear Steve, Be sure that if I come into a relation with Miss Ijeoma, I will be a very nice man for her. Guess what? Tomorrow I am sending her a brand new Blackberry mobile phone! She said it is her favorite phone! Will send it by DHL to the address of the Afribank branch ;-) It will make her day :-) Back to business now. They have the swift now. So what are they waiting for? They should transfer the funds, no? Please make sure the payment is on my account on Monday. Goods are at the cold store facilities of the airport, ready to go. Your sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 8:33 PM Dear Franz Larzlo. Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.It will be nice if you go into relationship with Miss Ijeoma she is a nice girl,but please be a good man to her she will also be a good lady to you. As regards to our business,the bank made me to understand that immediately they got the vat payment into the account,they will wire transfer the order payment into your account asap.You don't need to worry about the wire transfer,you will receive it by next week.If you got the wire transfer into your account,please kindly ship the goods accordingly I am still re assuring you that you will never regret doing business with us and you will make a lot of profit from us.Waiting for your urgent response.
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that I am very sorry for the mistake the second time.I am kind of confuse due to my phone i lost,but the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 to be credited into your account,will be done within twenty four working hours immediately we are in reciept of the V.A.T payment into our account. I thank you so much for assisting me,to get a new blackberry mobile phone.I will like you to send the phone with my house address not office address to avoid the Manager and staff knowing anything relating to us so that they will not think that we want to do some kind of funny things. Send the phone with the underlisted name through TNT courier so that they will not know anything:
Name: Ijeoma Orji If you send the phone to the above address,it will reach me and i will be using it to communcate with you.Please if you send the blackberry mobile phone through coureir tommorrow,give me the airway bill tracking number for me to locate when it arrives in Nigeria and direct someone to collect it on my behalf.I will also like to have the picture of the blackberry mobile phone for me to use it for identification with the courier company. I am able to assist you to make sure that your transaction will be done in a gentle manner. We are here to serve you better.
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dearest Miss Ijeoma Orji, I understand what sort of problems you have. Once I have lost my phone and it was a big problem...I have missed several sales and had to enter all my contacts again.... But anyway, I have your new phone my dear. I went to the shop this morning and it is packed to go. Look at pictures included in this message. I understand that it is better to send the phone to your house once your colleagues and directors could get it wrong. When you have it working, tell me the number ok? When you say "funny things", what kind of thing do you mean??? :-) I have a lot of fantasy you know.... By the way, any chance you could send me a picture of you? Ok...back to business now. Please effect my payment today ok? And I will send you the TNT nr later today when the box will be collected and on Monday you will have a brand new phone in your hands... Take care. Your Franz FAKE PICTURES OF A PHONE AND A BOX WERE SENT...SCAMMER PROBABLY THOUGHT THAT HE GOT ME TWICE...MONEY + PHONE...HE HE HE
Frank Larzlo
Date:Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:25 AM Dear Steve Barnes, I couldn't resist and have sent Miss Ijeoma a brand new blackberry this morning. That poor girl is confused since she has lost her phone and I think that her typing faults (USD x EURO) were because of that...don't you think so? But now I want to speak to you about happiness: Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy, right? So Miss is happy: she has her phone... Afribank is happy: they have the VAT money... You are happy: Your goods are ready to be shipped at very very competitive prices... But guess who is not happy? Franz Larzlo. I may be happy because having met Miss Ijeoma but where is my money???? It is now more than a week that the bank is ready to pay but they don't do it. I make people happy but now it is time that you will make me happy. Mr. Steve, make me happy too...make sure my payment arrives TODAY on my account. Call the bank now! They have the swift...they have my money. We have lost too much time now! Your action is requested. Thank you!
Mr. Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:40 PM Dear Mr. Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I want to inform you that you will be happy with Miss Ijeoma and she will also make you the best man in her life only if you will be good to her.She is a very nice girl. As regards to our business,i emailed the bank and they made me to understand that they have received the swift copy and they are waiting for the vat to arrive in their account ,and immediately it arrives into their account on Monday,they will wire transfer the order payment into your account within 24hours.I hope you understand me.You will be happy,i am re-assuring you and you will never regret doing business with us at all. Please don't panic all is well.You will receive the order payment latest on Monday next week.Waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely, IJEOMA ORJI
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 to be credited into your account,will be done within twenty four working hours immediately we are in reciept of the V.A.T payment into our account. That is to say you will recieve the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 by next week Monday not today. I thank you so much for assisting me,to get a new blackberry mobile phone,i really appreaciate your kindness and i am ready to go into a relationship with you which can equally go into marriage only if you are a good man.Why i said that the management of the bank will say that we are doing something funny is that,it is not good to date a customer,it against the banking policy and if they finds out i will be fired. I will be expecting the airway bill tracking number of the package today from you to enable me know when it arrives here.I want you to know that Integrity is telling myself the truth and honesty is telling the truth to other people and also Honesty is the best policy and if I lose mine honor, I lose myself.I will send you a good picture of myself by next week. I am able to assist you to make sure that your transaction will be done in a gentle manner. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com My sweet Ijeoma Orji, I have no words...you cannot imagine how happy I feel... Your words touched me as a butterfly touch a flower... Marriage is a serrious step in our lives. I will tell you my opinion about marriage. It is more than just a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found, but based on LOVE between 2 persons. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony. People marry for many reasons, including one or more of the following: legal, social, libido, emotional, economic, spiritual, and religious...but only LOVE counts. I don't know if I was clear enough, but it is really how I think about marriage. And you? what is uour opinion? This is so inspiting, that I have written a small poem for you my dear:
Our happiness will begin Did you like it? My dear...I am waiting for your picture so much... Ok, back to work now. I cannot understand why a bank needs to wait so long fo receicing just such a low amount of VAT. But of course this is not your fault. Take care. Your Franz WHAT A ROMANTIC MAN... Frank Larzlo
Date:Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:48 PM Dear Steve, My relation with Miss Ijeoma is my business now. I thank you for your help but from now I can handle her. We are going to meet very soon and if it would turn into a wedding, you will be invited. Now back to business. Who is in panic? I am not in panic. I am just getting pissed about the way this bank is handling our business. Why are they making such a big issue about 1.000 Euro VAT? They have the swift man! They should pay! Now you are saying that we need to wait for monday?? Mr. Steve, it will be the second time that I will be forced to delay the shipment. You should play harder with your banker, once you are the customer there, not me! Call them now and tell them to pay TODAY. Use your bank account as gurantee for the VAT payment if needed, but do not let them delay anymore. You are probably one of their best customers, moving millions of USD with your business. I am sure they will trust you for this small 1.000 Euro. Awaiting your action. Sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 7:47 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.I got in contact with the bank and they made me to understand that vat payment will take 3working days to hit into their account.You should exercise patience in this business by next week you will receive the order payment into your account definitely. All protocols must be followed by us.Relax all is well.I am very happy to invited in your wedding with Miss Ijeoma.Waiting for your urgent response.
From:Richard Kalu (?) afribankaba@accountant.com My Dear Larzo I am happy for what you sent to me and i am ready for you in any way you like it.I like all you sent to me,your opinion is also my opinion about marriage.I have this to tell you when you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. For the online wire transfer you don't need to bother yourself,it will reach you by next week.I will send you my good pictures by next week also will be happy to have yours.What of the airway bill tracking number,please provide it for me for tracking of the package so that i can get a mobile phone which i will be using to communicate with you.I will love to be hearing your sweet voice,my sweet darling Franz. Hope to hearing from you soonest.
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:54 PM My Dear Larzo I am happy for what you have done for me by getting the phone for me.The Manager released me to come to work on saturday because of your transaction due to Mr Steve had a discussion with him.It rained all through today.I do make sure that the online wire transfer have been done. The online wire transfer have been done and you will get the swift copy by next week.Please my darling,i am waiting for the TNT airway bill tracking number of the package for me to send the person to collect the phone on my behalf so that i will hear your lovely and sweet voice.I am ready for you and whenever you come to Nigeria,i will make myself available for you. You will get my pictures by next week.I will snap some pictures tomorrow and send them to you by next week. - Hide quoted text - Hope to hearing from you soonest. Yours Ijeoma NOW SHE'S IN LOVE WITH FRANZ HEHEHE IJEOMA ORJI
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:26 PM Afribank Account Transfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that the V.A.T payment has not refelcted in our account and we wish you to go back to your bank and ask them what happened. Due to the V.A.T payment has not reflected in our account,we can not wire transfer the order payment into your account this Monday.Go ahead and sort it out with your bank or you can use through Western Union Money Transfer medium and resend the V.A.T charges to us. As for my phone,i have not recieved any.Please what is the problem.I am able to assist you to make sure that your transaction will be done in a gentle manner. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:34 PM Dear Franz Larzlo I have not heard from you.Please update me. SteveFrank Larzlo
Date:Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:46 AM Steve, Sorry for not sending you any news from me yesterday but I had a few problems with some goods/documents that we have exported to Ukraine. I had to drive from here to the Ukranian border yesterday. Can you believe that the customs have blocked 15 trucks with fruits and vegetables? Since the E.coli problems in Germany, all those counties have increased the inspections on fresh products. It was har work but finally I have managed to pass the trucks over the border. E. Coli (Escherichia coli) is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms). Most E. coli strains are harmless, but some serotypes can cause serious food poisoning in humans, and are occasionally responsible for product recalls. The harmless strains are part of the normal flora of the gut, and can benefit their hosts by producing vitamin K2, and by preventing the establishment of pathogenic bacteria within the intestine. You know, we are very serious here about quality. We have full traceability systems and ALL NEEDED documents to prove that the goods are free from any pest. In fact those custom officers just are looking to get something. You open a bottle of Vodka with them and here we go...party party and problems are solved. Mrs. Ginuzs was also out of office yesterday....her son is not doing very well, so she could not check my emails. By the way, I had a few missed calls from my bank, so I think they were willing to give me the payment confirmation. Thanks in advance! I will call them within a few minutes, when their offices will be open. We have scheduled the shipment for tomorrow, Mrs. Ginuzs will send you the details later today. Your sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com My dear...I have missed you so much...sorry for leaving you alone yesterday...sorry sorry sorry.... Yesterday I had such a busy busy day...Driving for hours.... Anyway, glad to be back. Did the phone not reached you??? How is that possible? TNT is a good and serious company....I can't find the tracing nr back and my secretary is out of office. I will call them later today to check what is going on. I have to call my bank now and will revert to you today. Your FranzFrank Larzlo
Date:Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:22 PM Steve, Just back from the bank. Guess what? My transfer was not accepted by Citibank USA because it was in Euro and not in USD. What is going on here? Can they not just convert it into USD themselves? We are living in a global economy, with companies paying suppliers worlwide. The money just came back into my account and I had to pay 2 x transfer costs! I believe that we have no option than trying the western union thing, no? But if they take cash money at Afribank for this VAT payment, why can you not advance that for me? Why loosing more time again? If needed, I can decrease the price per kg, so the final invoice will be lower than the pro forma invoice. This credit will remain open for you for the next order. Awaiting your URGENT comments. Sincerely,
A master stroke - Frank reverses the scam - let the scammers pay the imaginary VAT!
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Hello my dear... I hope you have received your phone today. Listen, you will need to help me here. I need you to transfer the money today...so please advance this VAT payment for me and I will refund you. As proof of honesty, you have this blackberry from me... It is not a lot of money, 1.000 Euro +- only. You probably have that on your saving account, so give that money to the bank director and tell him that it is coming from me, sent thru Western Union ok? My dear, if you do that for me, I will come in person next week with a nice ring...an engagement ring my dear... Please help your Franz... Nobody will know this and we keep that as another secret between us. Please reply urgently and solve this today for me. FranzFrank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Hi my dear...any news for me? Did you managed to make my transfer? I urgently need this money as Mr. Steve needs his goods. So do all necessary and no worry, this 1.000 Euro will come back to you. Please confirm. Your sweet FranzIJEOMA ORJI
Suddenly Ijeoma's language becomes impersonal. From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:50 PM Afribank Account Tranfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that I and the management of the bank will never pay the V.A.T charges for you,you are advised to pay it yourself. I also wish to notify you that i don't have such amount of money to pay on your behalf,so if you are to receive the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 to be credited into your account within twenty four working hours,proceed and make the payment through Western Union Money Transfer with the below details:
NAME OF RECEIVER: DAVID KALU Proceed with the Western Union Money Transfer immediately for you to get the online wire transfer of Euro 680,500.00 into your account for you to ship the goods to our customer.As for my phone,i don't think you are serious and really you sent it to me.If you really sent it to me,give me the airway bill tracking number immediately. We are here to serve you better.
* This classic phrase indicates that the scambait is going well! It's the scammers' attempt to apply psychological pressure, and also hints at fraying tempers. Date:Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM Dear Franz Larzo, I am not happy the way this business is going on*.I called my bank and they said that they did not receive any vat payment.As it stands now to avoid wasting much time,why can't you go ahead and make the payment through USD not Euro for it to be more faster,transfer the vat through western union money transfer through the name the bank will give to you. I know that western union money transfer is more safer and reliable.Go ahead and pay the vat through western union money transfer immediately and send me the payment slip asap inclusive the bank.The bank do not accept the vat payment through cash money only through the medium they have told you.You are free to deduct the amount you will pay as vat to the bank from the total goods you will sent to me.Please go ahead and comply to the directives of the bank to avoid delay.Our customers are eager and patiently waiting for the goods. I am expecting your positive response immediately.
LET US GIVE HIM NEW HOPE... Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:47 AM Dear Steve, My secretary, Mrs. Melanie Ginuzs, is going today to the local western union office and she will transfer the money. I have no experience with that kind of money transfer but I was reading several things about the way it works on their own website. Why did you not told me that before??? It is fantastic! Very faster than bank transfers! In a few hours you have the money! Let us make sure that the payment will reach me today and that the goods can be shipped on time. Sincerely,
Franz LARZLO Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Dear Ijeoma Orji, I am so disappointed with your message. You sound more like your boring colleague Mr. Mba.U.Mba now... I thought that our relationship was more like only a banker x customer relation. I thought that our relationship was running into something nicer. I was counting on your help to assist me. But look, no problem. I understand you. It is a lot of money and you need to respect the directives of your bank. Regarding the phone I have good news. They could not find anyone at the address that you have given me so the phone is now available for pic up at the TNT warehouse. They told me you just need to go there and you can pick it up yourself. Here is the address:
TNT Express ABA Regarding the VAT payment, it will be done by Western Union today. Please go to this TNT warehouse and collect the phone. Franz I HOPE HE OR SHE REALLY GOES THERE... IJEOMA ORJI
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:28 AM Afribank Account Tranfer Receiver, I hereby wish to notify you that you should proceed with the Western Unione Money Transfer today and send us the payment notification slip immediately you have done the transfer. As for the phone,i will send someone to collect it on my behalf today and will inform you too.Please don't be annoyed on my attitude but I am working according to the bank's directives.The bank will like to have your phone number for confirmation immediately you make the payment. We are here to serve you better.
Best Regards, Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:34 AM Dear Franz Larzlo, Thanks for your mail and all contents well noted.We will be waiting for your update as regards to the payment to be make through western union money transfer.As soon as it is done please,kindly get back to us with the payment notification slip,please scan and send it to us.I hope it is safe and reliable and the bank will receive it immediately and transfer the order payment into your account so that you will ship the goods to us accordingly. Waiting for your urgent and positive response.
Sincerely, Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com Hello Ijeoma Orji, Please inform Mr. DAVID KALU that the money is available at the local Western Union agency. It was sent by my secretary, Mrs. Melanie Ginuzs, from Hungary. He just have to present his ID and he can collect the funds. After you have the VAT money in hands, please transfer my money. Thanks. FranzFrank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 2:38 PM Steve, This is to inform that the money is already available at the local Western Union agency. It was sent by my secretary, Mrs. Melanie Ginuzs, from Hungary. Now they have the VAT money in hands, so please make sure that they will transfer my money. Thanks.
Franz LARZLO Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:06 PM Dear Larzo, Give us a payment notification as an evidence that the money have been paid by Mrs Mrs. Melanie Ginuzs.Show us the copy of the payment slip now.Stop wasting our time and playing with us,we are not fools. Steve STOP WASTING OUR TIME HE SAID... HE HE HE BY THE WAY, YES, YOU ARE A FOOL MR STEVE... Frank Larzlo
Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:16 PM Dear Steve, Your words are surprising me. Below my comments: 1) I ask myself the same question, since your bank is charging this VAT and this has being causing all the delay. 2) How could I send you the payment slip earlier if it was not in my hands, since Mrs. Ginuzs was not back at office? Now, I apologize for my words, but I am getting nervous with this SLOW transaction. Attached the western union document and I hope now YOU will take FAST action to. Awaiting your return. Franz A FAKE WESTERN UNION PAPER ATTACHED, POOR COPY, JUST TO MAKE HIM GO NUTS... Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com My Dear, I hope you were able to collect your phone today at TNT store. Attached the VAT payment. Please proceed today with the money transfer. Thanks...still love you... YOUR FranzSAME BAD COPY OF WESTERN UNION TO "THE BANK"... IJEOMA ORJI
From :afribankaba@accountant.com Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:21 PM Afribank Account Tranfer Receiver, Give us the scan copy of the transfer slip immediately. Stop turning us around.You said that you have made the payment,no slip,you send you have send the phone to me also no airway bill tracking number.You are not real. If you are honest send us all the scan copies now.If you will not send it to us today,we will cancel all transaction with you and our customers,due to you are not a genuine businessman. Ijeoma Orji OK OK MR STEVE AND MISS ORJI GETTING ANGRY AT THE SAME TIME?? HEHE Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com My dear, I just have sent it 5 minutes ago. How funny it is to see that you and Mr. Steve are always emailing me nearly at the same time and now you both are getting angry on me... Take it easy...the scanned copy is attached...it is all so real as you, Steve and your bank are ;-) Awaiting your comments, YOUR FRANZ HEHE ALL SO REAL AS THEY ARE... Mr Steve Barnes
Date:Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:32 PM Dear Franz Larzlo Send to the bank the Money transfer control number immediately inclusive the text question and answer so that the bank will receive the vat and wire transfer the order payment into your account. We need to see an evidence to show that the vat has been paid by your secretary,not only sending us an email we need the clear scan copy of the payment slip now.The one you sent to us is photocopy we need original copy.If you don't show it to us,we will terminate our business with your company.Give us your direct phone number we really want to communicate with you. Steve OH DEAR...HE COULDN'T READ THE CODE...HEHEHE...WILL SEND HIM A BETTER COPY NOW... Frank Larzlo
If you click on no other link this year, click on this! Frank Larzlo
To :afribankaba@accountant.com My dear, I have forgotten to send you the color copy of the MTCN...here it is... And how is the phone? Nice blackberry, no? I love you so much... I will come to you next week. Franz