Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 From: "Aicha Malik" <> Subject: From Aicha To: (inexplicably, the U.S. Indian Health Service) Dearest One, Good a thing to write you.I apeal to you in the name of Almighty God to render your assistance.I have witness a sorrowful life and i need a change.May God turn your darkness to light.May the favour and success of God be in every of your endeavours.Your company,family and your staffs will not experience a set back in Jesus Name. Your plane will not crash and there will be more progress in your business. I have a proposal for you,this however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will. Your profile pushed me to send you this mail in trust as christian and believer of Christ. I am Aicha Malik ,21years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs.Sheik Malik.My father was a highly reputable businness magnate-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Feb. 2003.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time.But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old,and since then my father took me so special. Before his death on Febuary 12 2003 he called me and disclose to me that he had a sum of the Eight million,seven hundred thousand United State Dollars.(USD$8.700,000) deposited in a suspence account with one of the local banks here in Abidjan,Ivory Coast. He also said he used my name to Deposit the fund with the bank as his only daughter, as well as the next of kin to the fund. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business assocaites, That I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money to and use it for investment purposes. I want you to assist me in clearing this fund into your account overseas as a beneficiary of the fund,and also use it for an ivestment purpose. I am just 21 years old and a high school leaving certificate holder and really don't know what to do.Now I want an account overseas where I can transfer this funds. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast.The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. Dearest one,I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can you honestly help me as your daughter? 2. Can I completely trust you? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible, as well I will like you to forward your private telephone and fax number if you are willing to have the relevant documents to confirm the existence of the fund for verification from the bank and to confirm the authenticity of my proposal to you also for easy communication. Above all I'm corresponding with you from my country here in Cote D'Ivoire West Africa and moreso there is great political war going on here in my country, that is the main reason why I contacted you to help me in getting me and my only inheritance out of this country so that I may not loosed my life and the inheritance to war in this country, infact I'm facing hard difficulty at the moment in this country. Thank you so much. My sincere regards, Aicha Malik Lancelot is eager to help any damsel in distress Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 Aicha, My heart goes out to you. What is it that you would have me do? I consider myself a particularly gallant protector of young women, and would like to help you out of your nasty situation. Lance DuLac Normally at this point the scamee would be referred to the bank, who would in turn demand documents which would necessitate a lawyer's involvement. Aicha has already done some research at the bank in an attempt to shorten the scam, and wants to skip the bank going direct to the lawyer. Aicha Malik Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 Dear Lance DuLac , I am in the reciept of your email despert that we have never met before even to your reponce to me that alone showed me that you are the rightful person to assistme without any problem or betrayal of trust among each other and i want you to know that it is the spirit of the Almighty God that led me to you. This Transaction is100% risk free as you can see to it and in the Document covering the Existance of theFund it was Depositedinmy name Aicha Malik by my late father as his next of kin.I want you to indicate both your Home and Office Address with your personal Telephone Numbers in your next mail. WhenIwas at theBank to ask for their "Requirement" to Transfer the Funds out of this counntry to another oversea Accounts,Ihad ameeting with the Director OfOperationForeign Remittance Department andhe toldmethat whatI have to do is;Since theFund is going to be received byour partner in Oversea,that firstI will come up with a Legal Document called LETTER OF ADMINISTRATIONfrom the Ministry of Justice here in cote de,ivore to enable them Reactivate the Account which has lasted more than expected period of time and is now Lying Dormant.He also stated thatI have to open a new Account so that they can Transfer the Funds from the Suspence Account intothe new Account here in Abidjan and then Transfer the Funds fromthe new Account here in Abidjan into your Account Oversea.Theni asked him if my partner can perfect the Legal Document from Oversea? but he said "NO"because theFund isbeen Transfered from Cote Divoire toOverseaand not fromOversea to Cote Divoire,this is the reason why we must obtain the Legal Document here in Cote Divoire. Iasked the Director that since don't know any attorney,he should helpme in getting a reliable Attorney who will perform this Legal Document for me,then he introducedme toan Attorney,I had a discussion with him,the Attorney toldme that,my partner should contact him with his original name and address,and also ifI come up with his "Terms Of Job" that he will perform the Legal Document forme with out a moment delay. Here Is The Contact Of The Attorney : MOMO TRINITY CHAMBER Name: Barrister Luke Momo Tel: +225-07-12-58-91 Fax:+225-21-56-11-06 Email: Country / city: Cote Divoire,Abidjan postal address: 16 bp 1935 abidjan 16 cote divoire. Contact the lawyer by calling him(Barrister Luke Momo) and ask him what are the Requirementsand Condition he will need to obtainthe Legal Document,i want you tolet him know that you aremeTrustee,who is surpose to receive theFunds onmy behalf. Immediately you contacted and hear from the lawyer get intouch withme also through email. Ihave included the Contact Address of the Bank where the Fund was Deposited in a Suspence Account and is presently Lying Dormant. ( Here Is The Contact Address Of The Bank ) Name,REV.KELVIN.C. MARTHINS The Director of Operations Foreign Remittance Division B.O.A - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Bank Of Africa Tel,+225-0527-9673 Fax,+225-21360166 Email, Please i will like you to indicate your seriuosness to this Transaction because the Present Government are Planning to Disarm the Rebles and thishas lead to alot of killings of 9 French Armyand so many Innocent citizens,I don't want tobe a victim of civilwar,you can find out yourself at,so delayingwill be dangerous. My sincere regards, Aicha Malik. Lancelot is excited to help, but does not like lawyers. He'd rather use force. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 Aicha, Your situation sounds desperate.Who did you want me to call, the bankeror the barrister? All this rigmarole about the bank and Barristers seems like it is just designed to assuage the pockets of these cheaters. Perhaps I should come to where you are and give these brigands a sound thrashing. Just let me know when and where. Where is Cote D'Ivore, anyway? Not very good at geography, more a man of action. Call me - I am eager to talk with you and hear your voice. Though I do travel a bit, going from hamlet to hamlet, visiting the common folk. XXX-XXX-XXXX. I look forward to it. Lance Aicha wants Lance to go to the lawyer. Aicha Malik Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 Dear Lance, Compliment of the day and how are you?..I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.Writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. Regarding the content of your email,i want you to know who i want you to call is the attorney Barrister Luke Momo to ask him his chamber requirement including his terms and condition to obtain the relevant document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund in the suspenses account of the bank to any of your given account if possible you can write and send him an email message and later call him to confirm your email to his chamber. I need you to be strong in your faith and i want you to understand that you don't have anything to be worried about inview of my transaction with you,all i need from you is to be sincere and honest with me. Waiting to hear from you soon so that i will know your oral discussion with the attorney. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. Lancelot wants to just go whip somebody's butt. Thinks Aicha is in France. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 Aicha, Why don't I just come out there? I am sure I could whip things in to shape, and I have always wanted to go to France. My ancestors were French you know. As for the Barrister, I have no intention of having an oral discourse of any kind, that sounds disgusting. I don't lean that way, and I can make that very clear to you. And besides, don't we need a Solicitor, not a Barrister? We aren't going to court to argue a case are we? If so, I want nothing of this. I'll contact the bank to see what they say about this. Lance Lancelot contacts the bank, not the lawyer. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 Subject: Aicha Malik To: Dear Rev. Levin Matin I am contacting you on behalf of Aicha Malik. She referred me to you to assist in the transfer of some money she has there in an account. Will you please inform me of the steps we need to take in order to consummate this transfer? If it would be helpful for me to assist with my presence, I am certainly willing to visit France and speak with you directly. Lance DuLac Aicha wonders why Lance is so dense and encourages him to just follow directions and contact the lawyer. Aicha Malik Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 Subject: Consider my condition. Dear Lance, Compliment of the day and how are you?.I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.Writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. I want you to know that there is political war going on where i am right now so please my dear what i want you to do is to follow my instrustion and consider my situation over here if really God has put it in your mind to assist me and proceed and contact the attorney because i have ask the bank already for their bank requirement to transfer the fund out of africa to your account and they made me to know that i will require the service of attorney who will help me in obtain the relevant document letter of administration from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice to enable them to release and transfer the fund into your account. I assure you that you will never regret of helping me in your life and i will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible so that i will know if you have contacted the bank or the attorney. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. NB CONSIDER MY CONDITION AND ASSIST ME............... Lance asks for a picture. Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 Aicha, I understand your condition. War can be a terrible thing, especially for helpless women. I on the other hand, have waged battle many times, suffered many scars, and am dedicated to protecting women and children from the ravages of conflict. So, with reluctance I went ahead and contacted the bank concerning your situation. I have not heard back from them yet. Perhaps they were out yesterday. I may prompt them with another email. By the way, could you send me a picture of yourself? I have a real desire to help you in your situation, but you seem rather distant and amorphous to me. A picture would help me to focus the sense of chivalry that is motivating my activities. I yield to your superior knowledge of the situation there. Lance The bank responds to Lance, and tells him he needs to contact the lawyer. Salami Young Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 Subject: INFORMATION. From: "Bank of Africa Cte d'Ivoire" <> Attn:Rev. Levin Matin 26/03/2005 Sir, Following your mail to our dept asking for more information on the fund which was deposited in our bank by late Mr Kadar Malik and made Miss Aicha Malik the beneficiary incase of death or accident.Account N300-22100- 7366, Amount $8.700.000.00 American Dollars which is layinng dormant. According to my discussion with Miss Aicha Malik when she came to inform us of her intentions for the release and transfer of her fund into her Trustee account in Oveaseas.I explained our banking modalities to her and also let her know the documents she requires for the release and tranfer of the fund (LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION ) from the ministry of justice here in Cote D'ivoire. She is advised to get a service of an attorney here in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire who will obtain this Required Document from the Ministry. Our Irrevocable bank Guarantee hold our bank responsible for any delay in your transfer upon completion of our banking modalties. Thanks Mr Salami Young Aicha sends a picture (very pretty). Reminds Lance that all he really needs to do is CONTACT THE LAWYER. Aicha Malik Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 Subject: From Aicha !!!! Dear Lance, I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.Writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. I am very glad that you have contacted the bank to confirm the existence of the fund in suspenses account but what i want you to do is to contact the attorney Barrister Luke Momo as i have been telling you in my privous email that i have meet with the bank management already to ask for their bank requirement to transfer the fund out of africa to another oversea account,according to the foreign remmittance director he said i have to come up with legal document called LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice to enable them to reactivate the suspenses account and release the fund for wire transfer into any of your given account with 48 to 72 hours of them receiving their bank requirement. My dear i need you to indicate your serious in this transaction and consider my condition over here and proceed and contact the attorney aswell if really God has put it in your mind to assist me out of situation because this is the one of the main reason why i contacted you to assist me and stand as my trustee to contact the attorney and let him know that you are my trustee oversea who surpose to receive the fund on my behalf and you will like to know his chamber requirement to obtain the legal document from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice. Attached below is my picture i hope you will like it and please kindly send yours in return as i will axiously be waiting to hear from you soon so that i will know your oral discussion with the bank and the attorney. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. [ Attached: Nice-quality head shot of a pretty, smiling young African-looking woman, drawn back in a pony tail and wearing big hoop earrings. Looks like it was stolen from some kid's high school graduation, so not posted here. ] Lance finally agrees to contact the lawyer. Lancelot DuLac Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 Aicha, I have received your email, and the picture has motivated me to immediately take action. Your purity and beauty is almost as delightful as my most precious Guinevere. I will contact this lawyer and have him take immediate action to free you from your terrible situation. Tomorrow I will take a short trip to visit the Pendragon, but be assured; I will contact the lawyer and spur him to action before I leave. I shall also check on progress as frequently as possible. Lance Lance contacts the lawyer. Finally Lancelot DuLac Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 Subject: Request for assistance To: Mr. Momo, I have been requested to contact you on behalf of one AICHA MALIK, a maid of remarkable beauty and fortitude. She apparently has some money stuck in a bank, and needs someone to help her dislodge it. The bank has referred you to us to assist in this venture. Please act as quickly as possible. I travel extensively and should it be necessary to visit you in France, I can do so. Contact the bank at the address below, and inform me of the progress you make. Tomorrow I travel to visit my liege, but I will stay in contact and follow through, so do not be dissuaded or deterred from your mission. AICHA MALIK is depending on it. Lance DuLac NAME / ADDRESS of BANK: Name,REV.KELVIN.C. MARTHINS The Director of Operations Foreign Remittance Division B.O.A - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Bank Of Africa Tel,+225-0527-9673 Fax,+225-21360166 Email, The lawyer responds. Barrister Luke Momo From: "MOMO TRINITY" <> Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 Subject: WELCOME TO MOMO TRINITY CHAMBER MOMO TRINITY CHAMBER FROM : BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ATTN :REV LANCE DULAC 28/03/2005 SIR, THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT WE RECEIVED YOUR MAILASKING OUR CHAMBER TO OBTAIN THE AFFORMENTIONED "LETTER OF ADMISTRATION / AFFIDAVIT FOR CLAIM OF FUND" FROM THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE HERE IN COTE DIVOIRE INDICATING THE BANK TO RE-ACTIVATE THE ACCOUNT WHICH HAS BEEN IN SUSPENSE ACCOUNT AND TRANSFER THE MONEY INTO YOUR NOMINATED ACCOUNT. WE WILLEMAIL YOU OUR REQUIREMENTS AND TERMS OF JOB. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO (ESQ). + 225 0712 5891 Aicha urges Lance to do whatever the lawyer tells him to do. Aicha Malik Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 Subject: Thanks for your effort..... Dear Lance, Hope you are and in good condition of health.I got your mail and the content was well noted and understood. What i want you to do is to proceed and comply with the attorney as soon as you hear from him so that he can proceed and obtain the legal relevant document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account. I assure you that you will never regret of helping or knowing me in your life.and please i will like you to make arrangemnt for me an invitation letter to come over to meet with you as soon as the fund is transfer into any of your given account. Waiting to hear from you soon so that i will know your oral discussion with the attorney to obtain the legal document. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. Lance is in love with Guinevere, but wants another picture of Aicha. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 Aicha, I am currently in good condition, thanks for asking. I have corresponded with the lawyer, who appears to be dragging his feet, I have not got a response from them yet with any details. They must impress me as being on your side and willing to work for you and do what is necessary. I saw Guinevere today. My love is more beautiful than ever, and I would do anything for her. Mordred was seen skulking around. I andsome of the other fellows are bound to get him one of these days. He's the illegitimate son of my best friend Arthur and Morgana. Not a pretty situation and one that needs to be squelched as discreetly as possible. I sure hope this lawyer comes through quickly. Like I said I am a man of action and can't really abide by pencil pushers. Lance PS Can you send another picture? The lawyer wants $3400!! Barrister Luke Momo Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Subject: TERMS OF JOB MOMO TRINITY CHAMBER FROM : BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ATTN : REV LANCE DULAC 29/03/2005 SIR, I HAVE THE PREVILEDGE OF INFORMING YOU TODAY FOLLOWING MY INFORMATION FROM THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE REGARDING YOUR DEMAND TO OUR CHAMBER,I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT WE CAN BE AT YOUR LEGAL SERVICE AS SOON AS YOU COME UP WITH OUR LEGAL CHARGES FOR THE JOB. FURTHER MORE,TO OBTAIN THE AFFORMENTIONED LEGAL DOCUMENT FROM THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE YOU HAVE TO SEND US THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS : 1. YOUR FULL NAME 2.BANK NAME AND ADDRESS 3. FULL ACCOUNTINFORMATIONS 4. CONTACT ADDRESS 5. NATIONALTY / SEX 6. DIRECT TEL / FAX NOS FOR THE PERFECTION OF THE LEGAL DOCUMENT YOU REQUIRED FROM US, YOU WILL HAVE TO COME UP WITH OUR CHARGES FOR THE FOLLOWING; 1) CONSULTATION FEES: $700DOLLARS 2) AN AFFIDAVIT OF CLAIM : $500 DOLLARS , 3) THEN SWEARING OF AFFIDAVIT OF OATH SINCE YOU ARE NOT HERE TO ENDURSE YOUR SIGNATURE:$1200DOLLARS , 4.) LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION .$1000 DOLLARS, THE TOTAL IS $3400 DOLLARS. SO MR REV LANCE DULAC YOU ARE REQUIRE TO WIRE THE SUM OF $3,400.00 DOLLARS WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER( AT. BARRISTER LUKE MOMO 16 BP 1935 ABIDJAN 16 ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE. KINDLY CONFIRM THE RECEIPT OF THIS PROFORMA INVOICE AND GET BACK TO ME AS SOON AS YOU SEND THE WESTERN UNION INFORMATIONS. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ESQ Tel: +225-0712-5891 Lancelot is wondering why this lawyer is asking for information he already has and generally acting incompetent. Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Mr. Momo First of all, I am not a Reverend, so please do not address me as such. Second of all, I simply do not understand your requests below. They seem unnecessary. But, here goes. My name is Lance DuLac. But you knew that. The bank contact information is: REV.KELVIN.C. MARTHINS The Director of Operations Foreign Remittance Division B.O.A - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Bank Of Africa Tel,+225-0527-9673 Fax,+225-21360166 Email, But you knew that. Account information you can get from the bank, I do not have the information. This is why I am asking you for assistance. The contact address is above. The phone / fax number is above. I assume that Dr. Marthins Nationality is French, as is yours. But I also don't understand why you would need to know that. And I really can't understand why you folks seem to be obsessed with sex. It appears to be mentioned at the drop of a hat. Do call me if you have questions or issues. Lance DuLac 206-339-9187 Aicha wants Lance have an "oral discussion" with the lawyer. But, sends a new picture! Lovely! Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Subject: Call the Barrister...... Dear Lance, Compliment of the day and how are you doing?...Writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content was well noted and understood. What i want you to do is to call the attorney to have oral discussion with him +225-07-12-58-91 and also to confirm your email to his chamber,i believe it was because of the easther holiday that makethe barrister not to have get back to you but however i will like you to call him on telephone to let him know that you will like to know his chamber requirement to obtain the relevant document require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account. My dear i am really counting on you to get this transaction done as soon as possible so that i can leave this death zone country and come over to meet with you as soon as the fund is transfer into any of your nomininated account. Axiously waiting to read from you soon so that i will know your discussion with attorney. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. NB I HAVE ATTACHED ANOTHER OF MY PICTURE TO THIS EMAIL AND I WILL LIKE YOU TO SEND YOURS IN RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. [ Often scammers don't bother keeping their faces the same from photo to photo, but this looks like the same young woman, different pose, in front of a photographer's cloth. She doesn't look like she's languishing in a refugee camp.] Lance misunderstands, and refuses to have Oral Discourse with any man. Sends picture of himself to Aicha. Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Aicha, I told you before; I will not have Oral Discourse with any man, let alone a lawyer. I am not perverted, and I don't appreciate your suggesting that I engage in such immoral acts. You wanted a picture, so I attached one. Not the best but I don't normally keep pictures of myself. This picture was taken by one of the guys just before a raid. Thank you so much for the picture.Guinevere is the love of my life,but I know I can never have her completely (she is married to my best friendArthur, and I have to be discreet). You sure raise my interest in other women!I had been hoping to get a picture of you holding something personal to me. Can I have a picture of you holding the picture of me? That would be amazing! I got another email from this Momo guy (where did he get that name, anyway). He had better get moving, or I swear I will come to France and do this myself. You are in such dire need, I hate to sit by and let someone else take the credit for helping you. I will let you know about progress. Love, Lance ![]() Aicha wants Lance to obey the lawyer! Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Subject: Proceed and comply with the attorney.. Dear Lance, Thanks for your mail and i am very glad to hear from you and also to receive your picture,you really look handsome. My dear i understand the content of your email but i will like you to comply and proceed with the attorney since you have hear from him so that he can be at our legal service and obtain the legal document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account; you see the attorney is a God fearing someone so i will like you to proceed with him and follow any instrustion he may give you for the sucess of this transaction. Waiting axiously to hear from you so that i will know you conclusion with the attorney to obtain the relevant document.thanks God bless. Yours Forever, Aicha Malik. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 Aicha, You asked to stay informed. The lawyer had requested some further information. I sent this and he has not responded. I am awaiting his whim at this moment. Lance Aicha continues to wonder how this Lance guy could be so dense. Why doesn't he just send the money to the lawyer? Aicha Malik Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 Subject: Waiting to hear from you.... Dear Lance, Compliment of the day and how are you?...I hope all is well with you.Writing to know the update of this transaction with you and also to know if you have hear from the attorney. My dear I will like you to comply and proceed with any instrustion the attorney may give to you for the sucess of this transaction as soon as you hear from him, kindly get back to me so that i will know your conclussion with him to obtain the relevant document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice to enable the bank to reactivate the suspense account and transfer the fund into any of your given account. As i have been telling you that there is political war going on in this country and i don't want to loose my life to war,this is the reason why i need you to proceed with the attorney as soon as you hear from him so that he can proceed ontime and carry out his job on your behalf and obtain the legal document. I will be waiting axiously to hear from you soon.thanks God Bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. Lance is disgusted with lawyers and bankers and wants to come to France to confront the situation physically. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 My dearest Aicha, This whole thing us distasteful to me. I am not used to going through lawyers and paper pushers to get things done. If something needs to be done, then do it! is my philosophy! The lawyer has not responded, and I think he will not get things done for us. I sent Momo everything he wants, and he just asks for more.The last time he sent a message he asked for information, I sent it and he has not responded since. I beg of you, let me come to France and handle this thing. You say there is a war in your country, I had not heard of a war in France, but I am very familiar with war and am not afraid. I am in fact a warrior by trade, and find it easier to confront things than to use front men like Momo. Please, tell me more of where you are and let me come. I promise I will take care of you and have you out of the country and to safety in no time. Your beauty and elegance continues to overwhelm me. Can you send another picture? I carry a picture of you in a discreet place, where Guinevere will not see it. Your protector, Lance Aicha lets Lance know she is not in France, but West Africa. And please send the money to the lawyer! Aicha Malik Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 Dear Lance, Thanks for your email message and i am very glad to read from you;writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. My dear what i want to let you know is that i am not in FRANCE,but i am in cote d ivoire west africa and beside i will like you to comply and proceed with the attorney so that he can be at our legal service and obtain the relevant document require by bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account. If really you want to assit me;all i want you to do is to follow any instrustion the attorney may give you for the sucess of this transaction as you can see i am going through hard dificulties at the moment you can visit this web site of this country so that you will understand what i am telling you. If possible you can give the attorney a call as soon as you receive this email message in good health. Waiting axiously to read goodnews from you soon so that i will know your discussion with the attorney.thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. What? Not in France? Why did you lie? Lance would rather hack at somebody with a blade than pay a lawyer. Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 My dearest Aicha, You are not in France? Why did you lead me to believe you were in France if you were not? I am disappointed by your deception. But I understand your situation. Unfortunately, coming to Africa is quite a bit different than going to France. This whole thing makes my skin crawl; I am more comfortable with drawing blood in honorable combat than being sucked dry by solicitors and barristers. But, if this is what you need to become free, I will rise to the occasion and assist in the way of your land. Please, remember I told you I had already tried to deal with this lawyer, they sent me requests for information, and I responded. They did not respond. Below I send you the last message I sent to them with the information they requested. I thought that they might have begun work as requested and that was why they were taking some time. Do you want me to prod them in to action? Lance Aicha explains again that she wants Lance to work with the lawyer. Please hurry! French troops are attacking! Aicha Malik Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 Subject: Please made the payment to attorney now.... Dear Lance, Compliment of the day to you,hope all is well with you?;Writting to let you know that i got your mail including the forwarded email of the attorney stating his charges and conditions herequired before he can obtain the Letter Of Administration from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice for the bank to release and transfer the fund into any of your nominated account .v What i want you to do now is contact barrister Momo and discuss with him on how he wants to receive his charges and i want you to proceed and made the payment to him as soon as you receive this email message in good health so that he can proceed and obtain the relevant document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION on your behalf. Waiting before you proceed with Barrister Momo is delaying things and as i told you before things are very difficult here right now since the war between the french troops and the government troops which has kept everyone in suspence ( can go through it yourself.Morever it's better for the fund to be transfer out of here as soon as possible before thing get worst. I will be waiting to hear from you soon,so that i will know your conclussion with the attorneyto obtain the Letter Of Administration on your behalf,because this is the only document demanded by Bank Of Africa before the release and transfer of the fund. Anxiously waiting to hear good news from you soon,thanks and God bless. Aicha Malik. If you aren't in France, why are French troops attacking!? Lancelot DuLac Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 My dearest Aicha, I am very confused. You say you are not in France. But then you say the French troops are giving you problems. What is going on? Are you continuing to deceive me? I am committed to defending your honor. I have contacted the Barrister, and I don't understand why he is not acting. I simply don't like working with rodents like lawyers. I don't understand them. Direct force is usually so much more effective and immediate. Can you contact him and ask him what he is doing? Lance The lawyer clarifies that he wants his money before he will act. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 Subject: WAITING FOR THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES. ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 02/04/2005 SIR, THI IS TO INFORM YOU THAT WE RECEIVED YOUR MAIL AND THANKS FOR THE CORRECTION.WEWANT TO NOTIFY YOUTHAT WE ARE WAITING FOR THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES BEFORE WE CAN BE AT YOUR ASSISTANCE TO OBTAIN THE LEGAL DOCUMENTS LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION / AFFIDAVIT FOR CLAIM OF FUND FOR THE REACTIVATION OF THE SUSPENSE ACCOUNT NOS 300-22100-7366 WITH BANK OF AFRICA ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE.. LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ESQ Lance offers to pay with a check (yeah, right). Lancelot DuLac Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 Mr. Momo, Will you take a credit card or personal check? Lance Aicha explains (again) that Lance needs to pay the lawyer, that the French troops are in West Africa, and that Lance really needs to pay the lawyer! Aicha Malik Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Dear Lance, Comliment of the day and how are you?..I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.Writing to let you know that i call the attorney to know what is delaying him not to get back to you ,but he made me to understand that he has send you an email message with all the information you will need to send his charges to him so that he can proceed to the minitry of justice to obtain the legal document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account. Concerning the content of your email message, i have told you that i am not in france what i was trying to explain to you in previous email to you is that the french troops came to cote d ivoire for peace before the goverment troops attacked one of their air licuter so since then they have been planing to attack this capital city abidjan till date so that was what i was explaning to you in my email message ok. I want you to know also that i contact you to seek your assist to save my soul from this political war and to assist me to transfer my only hope out of this country so that i can come over to your country to continue my education and to stand as my trustee not to harm you,all i have been telling about myself is true and i will like you to trust me as i trust you that you will never betrayed me after the fund has arrived into any of your nominated account that you will provide so this why trust is very important between both of us because i am very pride with my honesty and i will like you to be sincere and honest with me also for the sucessfull of this transaction. If God has has really put it in your mind to assist me ,Kindly send the charges of the attorney to him as soon as you receive this mail in good health so that he can carry out his job for us and be at our legal service in this transaction and obtain the legal documents require by the bank of africa. I am counting on you to get this transaction done for me as soon as posible andam axiously waiting to hear the goodnews of the payment to attorney. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. Lance points out that Aicha has a one track mind about the lawyer getting paid. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Noble Aicha, You appear to have succumbed to the same disease as the lawyer, concerned of nothing but papers and pushing them about. I have never seen a situation such as yours resolved without some confrontation which shows who is superior once and for all. As I said in my previous email, I was trying to work with the crocodile barrister. He seemed to not be interested. I will contact him again and see what is wrong. Please, have faith in me; it is my job to protect the downtrodden and disadvantaged. I will not fail you in this. Lance Lance prompts the lawyer to answer his question. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Dear Paper Pusher, I have not heard from you for several days. What money do you need? I am not interested in the details, just tell me how much you need and where to send it. Lance DuLac Aicha wants Lancelot to pay the lawyer. (Jeeze, what a one track mind). Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 Subject: Waiting to hear good news from you... Dear Lance, Thanks for your mail and i am very glad to read from you.I got your mail and the content in it was well noted. What i want you to do is to send the attorney the require charges to obtain the legal document LETTER OF ADMINISTRATION require by the bank to him,so that he can proceed and obtain this documents since this is the only document require by the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given acoount. My dear i don't want you to delay in sending the payment to him any more and kindly get back to me as soon as you made the payment to him to give me the good news because this is the only thing that is delaying this transaction to take place. Waiting axiously to read good news from you soon.thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha Malik. The barrister still wants the money. This is beginning to get really repetitive. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 Subject: MODE OF PAYMENT ATTN:MR LANCE DULAC 05/04/2005 YOU ARE REQUIRE TO WIRE THE SUM $3400.00 DOLLARS WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER( AT. BARRISTER LUKE MOMO 16 BP 1935 ABIDJAN 16 ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE. KINDLY CONFIRM THE RECEIPT OF THIS PROFORMA INVOICE AND GET BACK TO ME AS SOON AS YOU SEND THE WESTERN UNION INFORMATIONS. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ESQ Lance sends the money through a service they do not have in Cote d'Ivoire. Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 Momo, As requested, I went to the bank today and sent the money via Xoom. DuLac Mr. Mom does not read carefully enough and thinks it was sent Western Union. Barrister Luke Momo From: "MOMO TRINITY" <> Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 Subject: SEND US THE CONTROL N° ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC RECEIVED YOUR MAIL ABOUT OUR PAYMENT,WE WANT YOU TO FORWARD US THE TRANSFER INFORMATIONS CONTROL NUMBER,TEST QUESTION AND ANSWER FOR EASY RETRIVAL HERE IN ABIDJAN. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, The tracking number is 8376225321-40958. No test question or answer. Best wishes Lancelot Barrister Luke Momo Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 Subject: TRANSFER INFORMATIONS ATTN : MR LANCELOT DULAC 06/04/2005 SIR, THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT THE TRANSFER CONTROL NUMBER YOU SENT TO US IS NOT VALID.PLEASE KINDLY CHECK AND SEND THE CORRECT NUMBERS FOR EASY RETRIEVAL. THANKS BARRISTER MOMO LUKE. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, No, that is the number that I was given by the person at the mail store. It is also on my Xoom receipt. I don't understand what you are saying that it is not correct. Lancelot DuLac Barrister Luke Momo Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 Subject: SCAN AND SEND THE TRANSFER INFORMATIONS ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 06/04/2005 SIR, THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT WE WERE AT THE WESTERN UNION OFFICE TO RETRIEVE OUR CHARGES YOU SENT TO US (MONEY $3400) THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER AND THEY TOLD US THAT THECONTROL NUMBERARE NOT VALID. PLEASE I WANT YOU TO SCAN AND SEND US THE RECEIPT ISSUED TO YOU WHEN YOU MADE THE PAYMENT THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO ( ESQ ). Lance tells Aisha that the Lawyer is no fun and wants to come out and use physical coercion. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 My dear Aicha, The gleeking ratsbane paper pusher can think of nothing but control numbers and papers. He is taking no action at all, in spite of the fact I have done everything he has asked, against my wishes. There is only one way I know how to handle a situation like this. A few well placed blows with the flat of the blade will work wonders. I have decided that coming to Africa is the best way to resolve this situation.Please tell me where you are, which city to fly to. Your protector, Lancelot DuLac
Lance is testy, perhaps because Guinevere has become a nun. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 Aicha my dearest. You know I have your best interests at heart. Do not try to blame me for the obstinate inadequacy of this paunchy malcontent. I sent the money, but Mr. Mom appears to not even read the emails I send to him with instructions as to how and when the money was sent. He simply complains. You will get nowhere with this trollop, I assure you. He is in business to collect fees and deliver nothing for it. I feel the need to go out and trounce some lackeys. I hope I can burn off some steam this way. Guinevere has entered a nunnery, and I must do something to get my mind off her. Lancelot Mr. Mom finally figures out it was sent using a service he can't get to. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 Subject: INFORMATION ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 07/04/2005 SIR, THANKS FOR THE MAIL AND THE SCANNED RECEIPT OF THE TRANSFER OF OUR CHARGES WHICH YOU SENT THROUGH ( XOOM MONEY TRANSFER ). IN REGARDS TO THIS I WANT TO INFORM YOU THAT XOOM MONEY TRANSFER DOES NOT OPERATE HERE IN ABIDJANCOTE D'IVOIRE WEST AFRICA. WE ONLY HAVE WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER WHICH YOU CAN ALSO MAKE THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES ONLINE OR YOU CHECK FOR THE NEAREST AGENCY TO WHERE YOU ARE RESIDING ON.( ). WE ARE SORRY FOR THE INCONVINIENCES THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO Aicha says "please send money to the lawyer". Aicha Malik Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 Subject: IMPORTANT ........ Dearest Lance, I receive your email message and i want you to know that i call the attorney barrister Luke Momo this morning to know the step he is taking to collect the money you send to him to obtain the relevant document,to my surprise he made me to know that the xoom you use in sending the money to him does not have office here in abidjan and also i want you to know that the attorney is a very good and honest lawyer in this country and he is a man of his word all is waiting for is to receive his payment and carry out his job for us. What i want you to do now is to follow the instrustion of the attorney by sending the money through western union money transfer so that he can receive the money easily and proceed to the cote d ivoire ministry of justice to be at our legal service and obtain the document. My dear i really want to thank you for your effort toward me and this transaction ,i pray God will reward you as you helping an ophan like me but the only issue now is for your to do as the attorney instrust you to do by sending the money via western union as you can see that is the only way we can receive money here in africa. I will be waiting to read goodnews from you soon.thanks and God bless. Yours Forever, Aicha Malik. Lance says "no", and calls the lawyer more interesting names. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 My dearest Aicha, Perhaps you just don't get it. Lawyers are all dishonest hucksters that suck blood from the innocent until there is no further left to suck and then go to their next victim. Thisweasel will never get you what you need because he is not capable of getting for you.I sent him the money and he insulted me. I was nothing but polite and straightforward, and he was deceptive and hostile. This lawyeris only capable of generating papers and charging fees. I have never heard of anyone charging fee for service BEFORE the service is rendered. This simply is not the normal way of doing things and exposes Mr. Mom for the feeble idle-headed mewling pernicious frid that he is. There has got to be a better way than shoveling money down a black hole of despair never to see anything from it. Forgive my somewhat forceful way of expressing myself but Guinevere's entry into a convent has made me very irritable. Lancelot Lance appeals directly to the bank. This message is of course ignored. Aicha answers it instead, leading one to believe she has been reading their email. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 Subject: Aicha Malik To: Mr. Matin or Mr. Salami, whichever it is. I appeal you to help protect Miss Aicha Malik. She desperately needs assistance and is calling upon me to help her and I in turn call upon you. She needs to transfer her money to an account in the United States which I will set up for her. She has been at the mercy of a transvestite lawyer who is milking her dry. Will you please assist me in transferring this money to a safe location in the US out of the reach of this haggard milkweed paper pusher? I will send the account information in the next day. Blessed are you for helping the poor and needy. Lancelot DuLac Aicha wants Lance to send money to the lawyer. When will this girl give up? Aicha Malik Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 Subject: IMPORTANT ........ DearestLancelot, I got your email message and all the content in it was well noted and understood.but what i want you to understand is that all you are doing is for my sake and i have assure you that you have nothing to be worried about inview of the attorney barrister Luke Momo he is a God fearing man and a reputable attorney of this country so please my dear don't have such thing in mind against the attorney, he will be at our legal service as soon as he have his require charges to obtain the relevant document from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice ok. What i want you to do is to comply with the attorney and send the money to him through western union money transfer as he requested since you are aware that is the only way he can recieve the money to enable him to carry our his job for us without any moment delay and also indicating the bank for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account that you will provide as soon as the relevant document is obtain from the cote d ivoire ministry of justice. My dear i beg you to get this transaction done for me today by using western union in sending the money to the attorney so that he can receive the money and obtain the legal document on your behalf as you can see i am going through hard dificulties over here. I am counting on you and axiously waiting to read good news from you today. Thanks and God bless. Yours Forever, Aicha Malik. Lance says, well OK if he debases himself by joining my organization and signing an oath. Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 Aicha, I am so disturbed by the actions of this lawyer I am not sure that I can work with him. But, I WILL GIVE IT ONE MORE TRY, based on a specific action he will take which is designed to show that he is a true man supportive of honesty, a god-fearing man that will uphold his duty to you and me. You should know that I am a significant leader in a religious order which has been long established. The Order of the Table, as we call it, is a very devout group which pledges allegiance first to the lord, and then to the other members of the order. The Order's dominant idea is the love of God, men, and noble deeds. We commit ourselves to the Eternity of God, the equality, unity, and comradeship of the Order, and singleness of purpose of all the members. If the lawyer agrees to join this order as an associate member, then I will work with him, as he will have shown himself to be honest, true and protective of the innocent. The oath requires all these things of him, and if he is willing, then I will believe he will act for your best benefit and not just as a fee splicer. I will contact him to see if he is willing to proceed along these lines. If he is not, then he will have shown himself as a common peasant not to be trusted and all hope for concluding assistance to you through him will have been lost. Your protector, Lance DuLac Lance tells the lawyer he won't do business unless he signs the oath and joins Lance's organization. Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 Mr. Momo, Our recent interactions have been less than successful. Your attitude implying that I have not been straightforward and honest, losing your temper and concentrating on nothing but money to the detriment of our poor Aicha have left me with a very bad impression. We may be able to work together and conclude this business if you will show me in a very clear manner that you are committed to the protection of the innocent and downtrodden. I am a member of a religious order which emphasizes truth, honesty and honor. If you would be willing to swear the oath and join this order as an associate member, I think we could proceed. Please take this step very carefully. This oath binds you not only to act honestly and protect the innocent, but also to support and come to the defense of other members of the order, as they will come to your defense in time of need. It is a reciprocal oath which has many benefits and many responsibilities. If you agree to this then I will ask you to print the attached oath and sign it. Please send a picture of yourself holding this oath, a scan of the signed oath, and a copy of your identification (such as your legal license or any other item with your name). I will have your membership ratified by another member of the executive committee, and then we will proceed as brothers. Without these three items, I can not proceed with you, as I will be convinced you are a brigand. Best wishes in your evaluation of this decision. The form of oath is attached. Lance DuLac [Lovely form! The signed version will appear later on.] The lawyer says "OK". Barrister Luke Momo Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 Subject: WE WILL WORK TOGETHER ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 08/04/2005 SIR, THANKS FOR YOUR MAIL TO ME,I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT THE CONTENT OF YOUR MAIL REALLY MOVES MY HEART,MEANWHILE I I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I AM A GOD FEARING MAN WHO BELIEVE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. REGARDING YOUR MAIL, IT IS WRITTEN IN THE HOLY BOOK IN ( MATT 5 - 5/12 ) AND FOR YOU TO HAVE THE CONFIDENCE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN ME; I WILL PRINT SIGN AND SCAN THE FORM OF OATH BACK TO YOU INCLUDING MY INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT. I WILL SEND IT TOMORROW. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO (ESQ) Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 Mr. Momo, I appreciate your response. I want to respectfully remind you of the requirement to also send a photo of yourself holding the document. After checking with the executive board, they confirmed that this is the only way they will ratify your membership. I know this is going the extra mile; I sincerely appreciate the cooperation that this gesture represents. Best regards, Lance The lawyer sends a random picture of a guy holding papers, fake ID and a copy of the signed oath.
Aicha prompts Lance now the lawyer thing seems to have been resolved. Aicha Malik Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 Subject: Waiting to hear from you... DearestLancelot, Compliment of the day and how are you?.I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.Writing to let you know that i got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. I will be waiting to read from you as soon as possible so that i will know your conclusion with the attorney to agree with your options. Axiously looking forward to hear from you soon.thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 Subject: WAITING ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 11/04/2005 SIR, THIS IS TO LET YOU KNOW THAT AM STILL WAITING FOR THE CONFIRMATION OF MY MEMBERSHIP. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO Lance confirms Mr. Mom's membership in the Knights Templar. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, The delay was in getting a hold of Arthur, the head of the order. Because the documents you were holding in the picture were not clearly visible Gawain did not agree to ratifying your membership. So I went to Arthur. He indicated that we could make an exception in the case of an associate member only, and ratified your membership based on this caveat. This actually means you are a member of the Knights Templar only, not of the Order of the Table. However, this is sufficient for our purposes. Congratulations again, and we will be sending some materials to you which will include the phone numbers of sponsor members and other contacts, as well as some basic rules and commitments. Lancelot DuLac Lance has success at a joust. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 Aicha, We may be making some headway with the paper pusher. He may not realize yet what he has signed up for, but we shall see as we proceed with the transaction. I unhorsed 6 in the last tournament. Very good, I am still the best! I hope that you will be able to come cheer in the stands when we are able to bring you here. Yours, Lance Aicha tries to refocus on paying the lawyer. Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 Subject: Proceed with the Attorney now.. Dear Lance, Thanks for your email message and i am very glad to hear from you.My dear what i want you to do nowsince the attorney has agree and sign for your option,i will like you to comply and proceed with him today by sending the require charges to obtain the relevant document to him through western union money transfer so that he can proceed to the cote d ivoire ministry of justice and obtain the relevant document on your behalf for the release and transfer of the fund into any of your given account that you will provide. My desire now is for the fund to be transfer into any of your given account so that i can leave this death zone countryand come over to join with you to stay the rest of my life with you in your country. I will be waiting to hear the goodnews of the payment to the atorney as soon as possible today as you can see that i counting on you to get this transaction done for me. Thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha. But wait! There is a fee for membership in the Knights Templar! Lance sends the lawyer a bill!! Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, Sorry it took a little while to get back to you. I have attached the invoice for the first year's membership in the Knight Templar. You're lucky that you only qualified for associate membership, as the full membership is $299. Please remit as quickly as possible so we can get your name on the roles. Thanks, Lance ![]() Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 Aicha, I am feeling so much better about this whole thing now that the lawyer has become a kindred spirit. I know you are waiting eagerly. We are just wrapping things up with the lawyer now; it should not be much longer. Lance The lawyer ignores the bill and asks for his money. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 Subject: WAITING ATTN:MR LANCE DULAC 12/04/2005 SIR, I RECEIVED YOUR MAIL AND THE INVOICE AND AM HAPPY THAT MY MEMBERSHIP IS ACCEPTED.IF YOU MAY KNOW IT IS A GOOD THING TO BE AMONG GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO BELEIVES IN THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD.I WANT TO THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERNS ,GESTURE FOR THE WELL BEIGN OF MY SOUL. PLEASE IN YOUR NEXT MAIL I WANT YOU TO INFORM ME OF THE ADVANTAGES AND OTHER INFORMATIONS I NEED TO KNOW REGARDING MY ROLE TO THE KNIGHT TEMPLAR. FURTHER MORE I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I RECEIVED A CALL FROM MISS AICHA MALIK ASKING HOW FAR WE HAVE GONE REGARDING THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS;ALTHOUGH I MADE HER UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE MOVING FORWARD,BUT WHAT IS DELAYING US IS THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES BEFORE WE CAN PROCEED TO THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE TO OBTAIN THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. I AWAIT THE INFORMATIONS AND ALSO TO LET YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE WAITING FOR THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES FOR US TO PROCEED. YOURS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO (ESQ) Lance gently reminds the lawyer he needs to pay his dues. Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, I am also appreciative to have a member such as you. Arthur requested that I let him know as soon as the dues are remitted so that your name can be entered in the roles of the KT. Once that happens, we can move forward. I am also looking for something short I can send you on the roles / duties / responsibilities of an associate member of the KT. We have a booklet and some other materials I will be sending to you, but it would be nice to send you something right away. Lance Lance hunts a loose Grail. Lancelot DuLac Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 My dearest Aicha, I think things are coming to a close with the lawyer, he has made a significant step that will allow us to continue by joining an organization that means very much to me. This step of faith is significant, for myself and others in the organization. He is almost complete, he just needs to send in the dues and we will be on our way. That shouldn't be too hard for him, in spite of the lawyer's education holding him back. I must run now, and go chase a grail. Perceval let it loose in Bors' back yard and it ran in to the woods. They are really hard to track down once they get lost. I just hope that Mordred doesn't get to it first, or we'll all be having roast grail for dinner! Lance The lawyer is willing to have the dues deducted from his fees. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 Subject: WAITING ATTN:MR LANCE DULAC 13/04/2005 SIR, THANKS ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR MAIL,I SHALL BE WAITING FOR THE INFORMANTIONS AND THE BOOKLETS FOR ME TO READ AND UNDERSTAND MORE ON THE KT. FURTHER MORE REGARDING THE DUES $30 I AM SURPOSE TO PAY TO KT , I WANT YOU TO DEDUCT IT FROM OUR CHARGES. MEANWHILE I WANT TO INFORM YOU THAT I WILL BE TRAVELLING TO FRANCE FOR A SEMINARON THE 20th OF THIS MONTHWHICH WILL LAST FOR TWO WEEKS AND MY DESIRE IS TO FINISH WITH THE CASE OF MISS AICHA MALIK BEFORE I TRAVEL.THEREFORE I WANT YOU TO INFORM ME WHEN YOU WILL MAKE THE PAYMENT OF OUR CHARGES FOR ME TO PROCEED TO THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE AND OBTAIN THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR THE RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF THE FUND. LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU. YOURS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO (ESQ) Lance says "nope!" Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, Thanks for your mail. I can't really deduct the dues from your charges, as the dues are supposed to go to the Order, and the charges are not being paid by the order. So that wouldn't really work. What kind of seminar are you attending? I was in France a while back (I am of French heritage, you know). It was for a Battle Royale, not really a seminar. They have some great castles there. I don't like the palaces though, too hard to defend. Lance DuLac Aicha Malik Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 Subject: Counting on you... Dear Lance, I am very glad to receive your mail and i want you to know that i contact the attorney concerning the fund transfer. Kindly get this transaction done for me by sending him the require payment to obtain the relevant document since this is only document that is delaying this transaction. Waiting to read good news from you soon.thanks and God bless.v Yours Truely, Aicha. Lance suggests Aicha go on a crusade. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 Aicha my dear, I think I pointed out to you earlier that you seem to have caught the same disease as the lawyer. You have a one track mind concerning money and paper pushing. You should try to concentrate on other things of more meaning. Perhaps a little crusade would do you well? A mission from God always spices my life up. I mentioned yesterday we are on a search for a grail, which is actually quite uplifting for me. That type of simple goal can give one a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Lance Barrister Luke Momo Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 Subject: WAITING ATTN : MR LANCE DULAC 13/04/2005 SIR, THANKS ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR MAIL.WRITTING TO KNOW IF YOU CAN'T DEDUCT THE DUES FROM OUR CHARGES ;HOW I CAN SEND THE DUES TO THE KT. THE THEME OF THE SEMINAR CONCERNS THE RECENT POLITICAL PROBLEM BETWEEN FRANCE AND COTE D'IVOIRE . THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO (ESQ) Lance says the lawyer can pay with check, credit card or western union. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 That's real simple. Three choices. Send a check or money orderto us. It can be made out either to Order of the Table, or Arthur Pendragon or Gawain Orkney (the treasurer). Send to the address on the invoice. (I assume you do not want to send cash). Credit Card. Simply send me your credit card number and the name on the card and we can charge the amount. Western Union. Send it payable to any of the people above, and at the Order's address. Is France at war with Cote d'Ivoire? I had not heard, but I need to know. It would change things, I think. I am a warrior by trade, as are most of the members of the Order. All the best, Lance Mr. Mom wants Lance to pay his dues. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 Subject: PAYMENT ATTN:MR LANCE DULAC 14/04/2005 SIR, THANKS FOR THE INFORMATIONS REGARDING HOW TO SEND THE DUES. I WANT TO KNOW THAT IT'S NOT EASY FOR SENDING OUT MONEY FROM WESTERN UNION BECAUSE THE CHARGES TO SEND $30 THROUGH W.U IS ALMOST $30. MORE EVER I DON'T HAVE A CREDIT CARD YOU CAN DEBIT IN OVERSEAS.SO I BELIEVE THE ONLY WAY IT WOULD BE EASY FOR ME IS FOR YOU TO PAY IT ON MY BEHALF TO THE KT; AM SORRY FOR THE INCONVINIENCES. THANKS BARRISTER LUKE MOMO Lance will not pay the fee for the lawyer, and questions his dedication to the Order. Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, Well, if I paid the fee, you would not really be joining the order, would you? I think you've missed the whole basis of the Order, of taking personal responsibility for your actions in faith and all that, etc. This leads me to believe you are not really serious about joining, when you actually ask me to pay the dues for you. I will speak with Arthur and have your name removed from the roles of the KT. Lance Aicha Malik Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 Subject: From Aicha......... Dear Lance, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ ,Good morning and how are you?....I hope you are fine and in good condition of health.I got your mail and the content in it was well noted and understood. I want you to know that i am going through hard dificult time over here with the political problem going on here and i don't to loose my life in this country that is the reason why i want you to get this transaction done for me so that i can leave this death zone to join you in the USA. I am really very worried over this delay,actually i understand you are trying to assist but it is the sitaution of this country that is making afraid. However i am very sorry if my worriednes over this transaction annoyed you and hope you will found it in your heart to forgive me. Waiting to hear from you soon.thanks and God bless. Yours Truely, Aicha. Lance must rescue Sir Robin from a band of deviant nuns. "Be back soon!" Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 Aicha, I have been called on an urgent mission from god through Arthurto liberate a group of novitiate nuns from the Castle Anthrax. Robin apparently has gotten in to some difficulty there, and is very near to falling from grace.It appears that the nuns may actually be responsible for his imminent demise.This is an urgent call from the Order, and I must heed it. Sorry I can not help you at this time, Please contact me in a few days if you are still alive. Lance The lawyer sends a credit card number. Note that this card number was verified to be invalid. Barrister Luke Momo Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 Subject: PAYMENT attn:Mr Lance Dulac 15/04/2005 Sir, Here is my Visa Credit Card Info where you can debit the amount 4159 2910 1435 9372 exp:06/06 Name on the card : Momo Luke Thanks Barrister Luke Momo Aicha threatens to kill herself. Aicha Malik Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 Subject: Have a nice weekend Hello Lance Thank you for your mail and may God be with you.I am very happy to read from you that you can no more help me because of the safety of my money when the bank transfer it to you. I really appreciate for your truth word now because i can kill myself if the bank transfer it to you and you refused to help me to come to you. I will go to the lawyers offie on monday and inform him.Always pray for me and my country.May the peace of God be with you. In faith and Love Aicha Lancelot calls the lawyer names and breaks off discussions with him. Lancelot DuLac Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 Mr. Mom, Well, that didn't work. You provided invalid information. This simply confirms my suspicions that you are a brigand and infidel. I invite you to stew in your own pot of evil and bile. You are not, and never have been, a member of the KT. DuLac Lance expresses concern over the threats of suicide, but Aisha knows best! Lancelot DuLac Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 My dearest, dearest, lovely Aicha, Thank you for your good wishes for my weekend. As I wrote, I was called on a mission from God, from which I have just returned. The raid on the Castle Anthrax was successful, though Bors was injured and will not be sitting down fora while. The nuns turned out to be rather salacious, and we got Robin out of there forthwith. I am surprised by your plans for suicide. Such action is against the laws of God and assures your rotting in Hell for eternity. Then again, you know more about the situation than I do,and if you feel such action is justified, then so be it. Don't bother informing the lawyer, I suspect he already knows. Lance Aicha reverts to childlike pleading and calls Lance "Daddy". Aicha Malik Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 Subject: Hello Hello Daddy Lance Thank a lot for your lovely word that i read from you.May the Lord Annoit your head and protect your family.What is the reason why you decide not to help me again?Is it because of the money that lawyer demand from us?Daddy let me assure one thing that you will not regret in your life that you help me. Why cant you tell the lawyer that you will pay him the half of the money and we shall balance him the remaining money when the bank transfer my money to your account.Please do not let the devil conque me here.I am not in good mood in Mission Camp Hostel Now. Sleep and let God speak to you about my situation today.If you are always listern to bbc news you will know what i am facing here right Now.Deliver ME AND MY MONEY NOW. Preach the Gospel Yourdaughter Aicha Lance says he can not work with the lawyer. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 My dearest, favorite of daughters, I never said I would not help you. I simply said that I had been called on a mission from God, and would be unable to help youwhile away. I am back now, and if you need assistance, I can try to help.I assume you did not actually kill yourself, as you are writing to me. That would be a particularly tragic end to events, though I suppose there is some honor in that way in some circumstances. We could always compose a ballad to sing about you. Dearest Aicha,you know that I have tried my best but I am just not a man that can work with these paper-pushers and idle bean counters that sit behind desks. This Mr. Mom that the bank asked for has lied to me and betrayed my trust. He even tried to pretend to join a very important organization in order to gain my confidence, but was shown to be a hooligan in the end. If it were not so far away, I would ask some of the other members of my Order to pay him a little visit. As it is, I can contact the bank and see if there is any alternative to get your money transferred here. Or if you like I will fly out there and physically take you out of the camp and bring you home with me. With the help of my fellows, we can do this. Papa Lance OK, then send the money directly to Aicha! Aicha Malik Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 Subject: What the Bank need from us. Hello Daddy Lance Goodmorning and May the lord be with you.Thank you for your mail and how is your Weekend.I am just comming from the bank right now to know if there is any other alternative to transfer my fund to your account.I met Mr salami Young the Director of the foreign remitance Department .According to him he makes me to understtand that the only way they can transfer the fund to your account is to obtain the letter of Administration from the cote divoire Ministry of Justice to enable them to reactivate the suspense account and transfer the funds into your end account. I visisted the Ministry of Justice to know the amount of the Legal document required by the bank.And i was make to understand that it will cost 3,400dollar to obtain the document.I want you to send me this money through this address by western union. Aicha Malik Assembly of God Church Rue 24 Mission Camp Block 2hostel 8 Koumassi Abidjan, Cotedivoire. May the Almighty God be with you and protect your family.I wish to be with you immediately the Bank transfer my money to your account.I will be happy if you can send me invitation for the processing of my visa. I am waiting to to read from you Now. Yourdaughter Aicha Lance asks the bank for help. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 To: Mr. Matin, I have been in discussion with Miss Malik concerning these funds. Discussions with a lawyer had an unsuccessful end. Can you please arrange for this letter of administration to be completed, and then send me a bill for the job. I will reimburse you upon receipt of this bill. Blessing and peace be upon you. Lance DuLac Aicha Malik Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 Hello Daddy Lance How are you this Morning.Please kindly let me hear from you today. In faith Aicha Lance wants Aicha to stop with the "Daddy" stuff. He has another kind of relationship in mind. Lancelot DuLac Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 Aicha, while I love you dearly, I may have to ask you to stop calling me Daddy. It sounds just a little bit incestuous, as I harbor other feelings for you other than paternal. Guinevere is the love of my life, but she entered a convent a while back and just hasn't been the same since. I think I am officially available, and believe that we should see each other in a more adult way when you get to the US. Arthur is gathering the Order to go fight Mordred and his gang. Mordred is actually Arthur's son... and nephew. I won't expose you to the details, but Arthur's (half) sister Morgana is not exactly the wholesome type, if you know what I mean.And of course Arthur's parentage is not exactly crystal pure, either.No wonder Mordred turned out this way. This may be one of the most dangerous and risky battles - Mordred's gang is large and well equipped. All my love, Lance OK, Aicha switches to "Honey" and "Darling" instead of "Daddy". Aicha Malik Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 Subject: i need to obtain the letter of administration... Honey,I got your mail this morning and all the content was very clear to me.Darling if you know what i am facing in the mission camp hostel right now you will qickly save my life by sending the money to me to obtain the letter of administration required by the bank. You write a letter by proverb, which i did not understand clearly.Please honey try your possible best to send 3,400dollar to me today so that i can go to the Ministry of Justice bymyself today to obtain the document.I am really tired of this Mission camp and what is happen in this country now.If you know that you are love to see me in States kindly help me so that i can obtain the document and the bank can transfer the money to your account. I will even love if you can send me the invitation letter so that i can be process my visa now.Anxiously to read from you. With love Aicha A quick history of King Arthur's parentage. And a letter of invitation! Lancelot DuLac Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 Aicha, Sorry to be obscure, but I didn't think it was appropriate that you hear all the details of Arthur's problems. But since you express an interest in all the gory details, here it goes. Years ago, Uther, Arthur's father, had an illicit relationship with Igraine, and later killed her husband. He married Igraine who gave birth to Arthur, as a result of the previously illicit affair. Igraine already had a daughter, Morgana, who was Arthur's older half sister. Well if that wasn't bad enough, Arthur had an affair with Morgana, his half sister. While very brief, it was enough for Morgana to bear a child, Mordred. It is this same Mordred that battles against Arthur and the Order of the Table. I believe it is because of the evil nature of the relationships which lead to his birth. We are constantly having to deal with the little pissant and his cohorts. He wants to take over leadership of the Order, but seems ready to destroy it in the process. Why didn't you say you wanted a letter of invitation! I can do this for you! I have attached a letter of invitation for you. It is for the conference that we have coming up, but once you are here, I know of lawyers that can get us fixed up so that your visa can be extended. We may even have more success working on your money transfer from here. Would you like me to arrange a flight for you? All my love, Lance ![]() Aicha has just about reached the end of her rope. Aicha Malik Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 Subject: Thanks for the invitation letter(Try to send the money today) Honey, Thank you for the invitation letter that i received from you today.I am very glad and grateful to print it out.Honey i am here to satisfy you and take care of your health when i visist you.What is delaying now is the money of the document that i need to collect from the Ministry of Justice.Honey if you are less busy today go to Western union and send it to me by Mission Camp address Aicha Malik Assembly of God Church Rue 24 Mission Camp Abidjan,Coted Ivoire. Try your possible best to send the money today so that i can collect the document.Immediately the bank transfer my money nto your account i will go to the embassy for proceesing my visa.If you always listern to Bbc News you we be hearing about what is happening Here.I pray that God will do a new thing and wonderful in your life. Always pray for Me and Cote divoire. Peace and Love Aicha Aicha, Lancelot DuLac Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 My dearest, I need more pictures of you. Can you send some? Why do you want to pursue this thing with the bank if I can get you out of Africa right away? You can come join me here! Lance Aicha sends another picture and pleads for money. Aicha Malik Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 Subject: Do not delay anymore to send the money Honey Why are you saying like this?You mean that i should leave my money here and meet you.I need to signa document with the bank.Why are you treting me like this?Send the money and let me obtain the document . Do not delay anymore,If you wish me Goodluck kindly help me out now.I attached my photo.I am waiting to received the money tomorrow. Have a nice weekend Aicha.. [ A variation on the second photo of "Aicha". ] Lance lusts and books a flight for Aicha to come to him.. Lancelot DuLac Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 My closest and most sexy Aicha. Your new picture gives me renewed lust and I am excited about being with you. I have booked a flight for you to come here, please tell me if you can make this as I only have 24 hours to cancel if you can not make the flight. Here is the itinerary, I will be at the airport to pick you up. Do not worry, we will take care of all financial problems as soon as you are here with me. Lance Outbound Flight Tue, Apr 26 1:25am Depart - Abidjan, Ivory Coast (ABJ) Royal Air Maroc 532 Adult Fare Rules 6:00amArrive - Casablanca, Morocco (CMN) Nonstop Total Travel Time: 4 hrs 35 min Connection Time: 0 hrs 55 min Tue, Apr 26 6:55am Depart - Casablanca, Morocco (CMN) Air France 1697 Adult Fare Rules 12:00noonArrive - Paris de Gaulle, France (CDG) Nonstop Flight time: 3 hrs 5 min Connection Time: 4 hrs 40 min Tue, Apr 26 4:40pm Depart - Paris de Gaulle, France (CDG) Delta Air Lines Adult Fare Rules 7:00pmArrive - Washington DC-Dulles (IAD) Nonstop Flight time: 8 hrs 20 min Total Travel Time: 21 hrs 35 min Aicha gives Lance the boot (finally!). Aicha Malik Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 Subject: Bye Hello Lance Is it possible for the person that dont have visa to travel?This show to me that you are tricking me since this days.I dont have visa to travel and you are telling me that you book a flight for me.I am not a little kid.Thanks for your triking me everyday. bye for now. Aicha Lance is depressed at his loss. Lancelot DuLac Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 Aicha my dearest, What the heck do you mean? I thought that is why I sent the letter of invitation for you to get your visa! That is what you told me! You said you needed the letter to process your visa, and now you say you have no visa! Do you no longer desire to be with me or come to America? Please do not conflict me in this manner, my dear. Lance |