MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 Subject: FROM MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Dear friennd, Compliment of the day and how is life in general with you? Of course it is my humble wish to solicit and crave your indulgence to make this project request for a joint business transaction which I hope will not come to you as a surprise, hence I plead for your pardon. I'm miss vivian Robert Guei, the first daughter of late Gen. Robert Guei the former military ruler of ( cote d' Ivoire/ivory coast,) who was killed on 19/9/2002 with some of his loyalist officers during a cross fire battle between them and government troops in his attempt to seize power through coup de eta in Abidjan on 19/9/2002 . In brief, I have the sum of Twenty Million Seven Hundred Thousand united states dollars(us$20,700,000)inherited from my late father only which I want to move out of here with most desperation. This money was deposited by my late father in a Holding Firm company here in dakar senegal for the purpose of using it to fine tune his administration in the invent that he succeeds in the failed coup attempt. So because of the present situation in my country cote d' ivoire ,I was forced to leave the country immediately for security reasons, and also to look for a trust worthy foreign partner who can assist me to transfer the money out of Dakar from Senegal(West africa)to his private or company's account for investment purpose. I highly need your unreserved assistance both in transferring the money to your country and also investing it in a profitable venture with your kind advice before my arrival to meet with you,as I confide in you since our father is no more. I and my family members have decided to give you 25% of the money as commission,while 5% of the money will be used to defray any expenses that might arise in the course of this project. Looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. please treat as urgent and confidential. Best regards. miss vivian Robert Guei, For the family. TED KOZINSKI Dear Ms. Vivian, What a tragic way to perish. How can I be of assistance to you and your family? Ted Kozinski MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Hello Mr Ted Kozinski, I received your mail replied to me and i'm highly grateful regarding your interest to assist me in the transfer of my funds to your position pending my arrival to meet with you for investing of the funds in any profitable business in your country. I feel now that God has finaly answered my prayers through you. Incase of wondering how i get to know you, i got your contact from the Dakar chamber of commerce and industry, and my reason for contacting you for this assistance is because of the below fact and coupled that i do not yet have a valid travelling international passport. I came into this country as a refugee from my country ( cote d' Ivoire/ivory coast,),and i did only six months computer engineering programme at the Chiekh Anta Diop UniversityDakar-Senegal. I have already applied for my international refugee relocation travelling document at the United Nations's headquaters here in Dakar, and i will have to undergo series of interviews to obtain the valid travelling documents to enable my travelling abroad. Due to my refugee status here in the country, the financial/business laws of Senegal forbids all refugees status individuals from engaging in any active business transaction in the country, hence my reason for contacting you for this assistance. Please bear in mind that i want to establish a long lasting family and business relationship with you if you will stick with me and help me with the transfer of this very funds to your position. I am still curious, and i will like to know more about you and your company's profile. I believe this will enable me to have more confidence about whom i am about to hand over my funds which is all my life to his care. What assurance are you giving me that you will not betray me at last after recieving my funds into your bank account. Please, do not be bothered much by my question and curiosity as this is to enable me shrev off my tension and have my confidence entrust in you. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. My regards to you, Miss Vivian Robert Guei. TED KOZINSKI Date: 08 Feb 2005 Dear Mrs. Guei, You sound like a very kind woman. I would like to get to know you better and help you improve your situation. As they say in France, la sauce m'etouffe, so I shall be looking forward to your next correspondence. Ted Kozinski [After Mr. Kozinski explained what la sauce m'etouffe means, it was decided to leave it untranslated! Holy moly! Scamorama's little ears were collectively shocked!] MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Hello Mr Ted Kozinski, I received your mail replied to me and i'm highly grateful regarding your interest to assist me in the transfer of my funds to your position pending my arrival to meet with you for investing of the funds in any profitable business in your country. I feel now that God has finaly answered my prayers through you. Incase of wondering how i get to know you, i got your contact from the Dakar chamber of commerce and industry, and my reason for contacting you for this assistance is because of the below fact and coupled that i do not yet have a valid travelling international passport. I came into this country as a refugee from my country ( cote d' Ivoire/ivory coast,),and i did only six months computer engineering programme at the Chiekh Anta Diop UniversityDakar-Senegal. I have already applied for my international refugee relocation travelling document at the United Nations's headquaters here in Dakar, and i will have to undergo series of interviews to obtain the valid travelling documents to enable my travelling abroad. Due to my refugee status here in the country, the financial/business laws of Senegal forbids all refugees status individuals from engaging in any active business transaction in the country, hence my reason for contacting you for this assistance. Please bear in mind that i want to establish a long lasting family and business relationship with you if you will stick with me and help me with the transfer of this very funds to your position. I am still curious, and i will like to know more about you and your company's profile. I believe this will enable me to have more confidence about whom i am about to hand over my funds which is all my life to his care. What assurance are you giving me that you will not betray me at last after recieving my funds into your bank account. Please, do not be bothered much by my question and curiosity as this is to enable me shrev off my tension and have my confidence entrust in you. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated. My regards to you, Miss Vivian Robert Guei. MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Fri Feb 11 Received: from [] Hi Ted, I have just recieved your reply and sorry for ly late reply to your mail. In rreagrds to your question about getting to know me well. I come from a very rigig and sincere christian family, and late father was the former head of states of the republic of Cote d' iviore before his untimely death at the hands of his enemies. May his soul rest in peace, Amen. Right now, i have finished my six months computer engineering programme at the Chiekh Anta Diop UniversityDakar-Senegal and the only that is bodering my peace of mind at the moment is to get this funds out from here to your banka ccount, and i need your ultimate assistance to achieve this objactive. I have already told you in my last e-mail the reason why i can not be able to do it all alone hence needing your kind and coperative assistance for my dream to come through. Like i asked you in my last e-mail. I have today discussed and agreed with the staff management and the operational director of the finance company towards my aim of appointing you to retrieve the trunk box from their company on my behalf for transfer of the funds to your bank account in your country. Also i have Submitted all my late father's depositional documents to the finance company's office for the retrieving of the trunk box, and they are waiting for the person that i have appointed to statrt making contact to them for the release of the trunk box. I really comfide in you as the person that i can lay my trust and confidence on in respect of securing my future hope which is this very fund, so i will appreciate your making an immediate contact to the finance house here for the retrieval of this trunk box that contains the funds from the finance company and to wire the funds back to your bank account in your country or elsewhere. During my discussions with the operational director of the finance company regarding to the arrangement of releasing the trunk box of the funds to you, i was adviced by the operational director to consult an attorney here in Senegal who will assist me in preparing the POWER OF ATTORNEY DOCUMENT required to be sent to their company directly from you before the release of the trunk box from their company to you can be effected. He said that the lawyer will prepare and issue a POWER OF ATTORNEY DOCUMENT in your name which will enable you to officially start your contact with the finance house because i have appointed you to act on my behalf. I have engaged an attorney as advice by the security and finance compnay, and the attorney have request from me your full name, phone and fax numbers to enable him proceed ahead with the security and finance company for the transfer of my funds to your bank account. I am attaching here the picture of the trunk box at the security company here waiting to be released for transfer of the funds to your bank account. This is just for you see exactely what i am telling you. Please reply as soon as posible with all the infomrations that i have requested from you. My regards to you. Miss Vivian Robert. ![]() [Outstanding, this is also being added to the Show Me The Money page.] TED KOZINSKI Date: 14 Feb 2005 Dear Mrs Guei, I am somewhat of a wholly man myself, so I understand that murder is very very bad, at least that is what they tell me. I must say that money is very neatly stacked, almost straight out of a James Bond or Rowan Atkinson movie. Please send me a photo of yourself and your family. I am also including my information here Name: Theodore John Kozinski Date of birth: May 22, 1942 Address: P.O. Box 8500 Florence, Colorado 81226 Telephone number: 719-784-9464 If this phone number is a problem I can give you my answering service. I am sorry for the brief note, my roommate is driving me insane. Like you, he is from the jungles of Africa, he keeps walking around saying "wan fi go rave", whatever on earth that means. MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Date: 14 Feb 2005, 11:29:38 AM Subject: From Vivian Robert Guei. (My Photo) Hi Ted, I have received your e-mail, and i am quite delighted with your response which included all the contact informations that i have requested from you. I have already handed your informations over to my lawyer this afternoon for him to proceed ahead with the transfer of my funds to your bank account. My lawyer has promised me that he will soon contact you by e-mail to work together with you to realise this objective. Frankly speaking, i did not come to Senegal with the photo of me and my family members which we took together when i was leaving home, but all i have here with me is my personal photo which i have attached here for you to see and know me better. I will request you to also send to me your photo in your next e-mail to me. Please keep me well informed about all your communications with my lawyer, and until then i still remain with my best regards to you. Yours ever. Vivian Robert Guei. [Photo of pretty young lady] TED KOZINSKI Date: 14 Feb 2005 Dear Mrs. Guei, I am quite a reserved individual but I must say you are far lovelier than I had imagined. And that is the most modern looking jungle I have ever seen. I am attaching my photo, please have your lawyer call me. Ted Kozinski (Ted attaches a photo of himself in orange prison jumpsuit) MISS VIVIAN ROBERT GUEI Hi Ted, Thank you for the compliments. I have received your e-mail with your attached photo, and i mustsay that you are attractive. I have forwarded your contact informations to my lawyer since yesterday, and he has promised to contact you to get along with the process of transfering the funds to your bank account. Please Ted, kindly coperate very well with my lawyer to achieve our dream. My regards. Yours ever. Miss Vivian Guei. TED KOZINSKI Dear Mrs. Guei, Althought the picture you sent is a fine and truly lovely depiction of you relaxing in a very short dress, I must say that I must and indeedee-do duly remit my most esteemedcongratulations on your most atheletic and fine, taughtbrown frame. My experience with African women is limited to a short but intense and illuminatingaffair that unfortunately and much to my dismay, nay, aghast..fell through when the afore mentioned party found a new supplier and left me holding my warehouse in one handand my trousers in the other. ( I deal in wearabletextiles.) Ijust wanted to mention that I am quite impressed with how you taake such good care of yourself. You must have joined a gymnasium. Excuse me for my brash and forward approach, and perhaps I shouldn't even mention these things.I hope I am not being a Boer! I wait word from the lawyergranting me power of attorney. Best and most sincere and kindliest regards, Ted Kozinski more to come? |