March 10, 2005
Dear Mr Ndu
Sorry for the delay in replying, but my fiance and I are busy with our
wedding arrangements at the moment. It's becoming frightfully complicated
and stressful.
Anyway dear, we're very interested in your proposition, so do please tell
us more. Please also tell us how to pronounce your name - as I was saying
to my fiance only last night, it's a bit of a mouthful isn't it!?
With kind regards
Phone 01344 773111
Fax 07092 151344
Email camilla.parker-bowles@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005
Subject: Detail Information
Hello Camilla,
Thanks for your positive response to my proposal. I want you to
understand the full details of this transaction and get back to me
before I introduce you to the next-step, which is why I am writting you
this mail. As you know we have not met before and for us to successfully
conclude this business there is to be trust among us because the volume
of money involve is quite large. So you must guarantee me not to betray
me immediately the fund is transfered to your account and to adhere to
my directives.
I am aware that you are not related to the late Adam A Williams but I
want you to stand as his beneficiary since I have all the information
and contacts required for us to achieve success. Just reassure me of
your trust then we can do this together. I strongly assure you that this
deal is safe as well as risk free.
I must assure you that this business is risk free and trouble free. I
contacted you for this important business as a total stranger due to the
great need to involve a foreigner who will act and receive this fund in
his account because the account belongs to a deseased foreigner who died
without a WILL and the account was operated coddedly by the deceased and
my extensive search for a foreigner led me to you because after the
transfer I look forward to a business partnership with you cause I want
to invest my own share in your country. The management of my bank is
ready to pay the money to any foreigner who has the correct information
about the account which I will give to you along with all the LEGAL
DOCUMENTS needed by the management of my bank.
Who I am: For an introduction, my name is MR. JOHNSON NDU, corporate
affairs manager in United Bank For African PLC ( UBA ). My residential
address is :Plot 5 Hillview Crescent, GRA, New Haven, Enugu, Nigeria. I
will attach my work I.D for proper identification when I hear from you.
The procedure: I will send you application which you will send to the
bank. I will give you all the information that the bank might require
from you in the application. All you have to do is to fill it and
include your bank account details and send it to the bank requesting
them to transfer the money into your account. I will see to every other
thing necessary for you to receive the money in your account.
Benefit: For your role to participate and assist me get the money
transferred into your bank account, I will give you 30% of the money.
Though nobody in my bank will know of it that you are not the real
beneficiary of late Adam A Williams I will receive my share by coming to
your country if you like after the transfer or you can send mine through
bank transfer.
Assurance: There is no risk involved at all. This deal is valid and
legal because we will get the money transferred to your bank account
through normal bank transfer process. You will have nothing to fear
because I will always be there for you. You must always copy me every
message you receive from the bank and where you receive mail you cannot
answer, I will provide the answers immediately. I will give you every
proof you might want as my guarantee and strongly hope that you will not
sit on this money when it is transferred to you. I also expect that the
mutual trust, which I have placed on you, will not be neglected, as it
is the only way for us to successfully conclude this deal and share our
Lastly, always write to me promptly.Please here is my mobile number
234-8046 111 487 Provide me with your, full name , your contact address,
age, your occupation, and marital status so as to know you better for us
to proceed. I waits for your mail.
Closing with thanks and anticipation.
Mr.Johnson Ndu
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005
Dear Johnson
How interesting that you should live in New Haven! I had an aunt who
lived in the other Newhaven. It's a lovely seaside town near Brighton.
Have you ever been there?
Yes, please do send me the application forms. I don't know if you can
scan them? If so, please email them to me here. Otherwise please fax
them to 07092 151344.
My full name is Ms Camilla Parker-Bowles, and I was born in London on
17th July 1947. However, after April 8th I will be Mrs Camilla Windsor.
There's no point in giving you my own address as Charles and I are
already co-habiting. Our marital address will be Clarence House, Stable
Yard Road, The Mall, London, SW1A 1BA
30% of the proceeds will be most acceptable. We will have to provide for
my future mother-in-law in her old age as her other sons are (to be
blunt) pretty useless, and she does have such extravagant tastes!
I have attached some pictures, and I hope you can do the same. I know
you can't come to England, and I can't come to Nigeria, but it's so much
better to do business face-to-face.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon, lots of love
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005
Subject: [SPAM?]: About myself And My Work ID
Hello Camilla,
I am writting you this mail to fullfil obligation of revealing my
information to you as promised due to the Trust which i have bestowed on
you.Also I want to inform you that we will make an arragement with the
Attorney who will help us secure the legal document, that will back-up
the fund into your account without any question that might ask you by
your bank or your country. I want you to understand that its due to my
continued interest to work with you that i am reavealing my full
identity to you .I would have invited you to My country for us to see
face to face so that I can be able to know the kind of person I am doing
business with and for us also to make a binding agreement that will bind
us together in this business stating that you will not make any
withdrawal immediately the money gets into your account untill my
arrival to country for the appropriate investment and sharing, but since
there is no time, I believe that you will never let me down now or in
the future. In my next mail which follows immediately, i will send you
an Application prepared for you to fill and forward to the Bank,inform
me once you send the Application for my pursual.
I am 54yrs old, Manager Co-operate affairs in United Bank For Africa
PLC,Enugu branch. I am married with children, 2 boys and 3 girls. Apart
from my position in the office as the Co-operate Affairs Manager, I am
from a reputable family in Anambra land here in my country and by virtue
of our tradition, I am from a royal family. Also i am a full fledged and
active member of Raman Catholic Church.
In my life I will never do anything that will tarnish your image or the
image of our great family Ndu Dynasty even for billions, I am doing this
business with you because it is safe not because of the large amount of
money involved.
You have nothing to worry about because all the paper work of this
transfer will be legally processed by the appropriate Ministries and
will also be endorsed by your embassy here to show to your country
government and your bank that the money going into your a/c is legal and
comes from genuine source. There will be complete documents to prove
that this fund is legal. Like i told you in my previous mails in due
course the legality of this transaction will manifest itself I assured
you that everything will work perfectly fine because once we secured the
legal documents the bank will approve this payment once all the
necessary requirements needed by the bank are gotten.
Most importantly, you have to keep this business at top secret ,cause on
my own part its water tight. I attach my Work I.D for proper
identification of my good self and hope to recieve yours. Please do
confirm me your full identiy. Am waiting to hear from you.
Mr Johnson Ndu

Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005
Hello Camilla,
Thank you very much for your interest to conclude this business deal
with me, I am assuring you that as long as you follow my good
directives/instructions we shall have no problem to complete this deal,
I have seen your information. I am negociating with an Attonery who will
help us to secure all the neccessary and legal document that will show
to your bank and government of your country that this fund is from legal
source. Please don't discuss this business with anybody or tell your
bank quite that this money is entering into your account untill after
which we most have secure all the legal documents that will back the
fund into your account.
Below this mail is the application, fill the important informations and
send it immediately to the bank through the bank email address ( ) and keep me inform immediately you recieve response
from them. Am waiting for your reply.
Johnson Ndu.
The Manager Foreign Payment Dept.
United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),
1-5 Okpara Avenue
P.M.B 1334, Enugu, Nigeria.
I am hereby writing for the release of the sum of US$22,000,000.00
(Twenty two million united states dollars) only held in account number
922-3312-1875 of late Mr. Adams A Williams and for this sum to be
transferred in favour of the account quoted below (You state your bank
account details here):
This request is predicted on the fact that since the death of late Mr.
Adam A. Williams the need for the transfer of the money in the account
becomes imperative. I will be grateful if this request meets with your
favourable consideration.
Yours faithfully,
(You will state your full name and your contact address including your
phone number).
Camilla obligingly follows through:
From: Camilla Parker-Bowles
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005
Subject: Reference Mr Adam A Williams, Account Number 92203312-1875
The Manager Foreign Payment Dept.
United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),
1-5 Okpara Avenue
P.M.B 1334, Enugu, Nigeria.
I am hereby writing for the release of the sum of US$22,000,000.00
(Twenty two million united states dollars) only held in account number
922-3312-1875 of late Mr. Adams A Williams and for this sum to be
transferred in favour of the account quoted below:
45-47 St James Square
London SW1A 4BZ
United Kingdom
Account Name: HRH Charles Windsor
Account Number: 42007755
Sort Code 40-47-44
This request is predicted on the fact that since the death of late Mr.
Adam A. Williams the need for the transfer of the money in the account
becomes imperative. I will be grateful if this request meets with your
favourable consideration.
Yours faithfully
Ms Camilla Parker-Bowles & Mr Charles Windsor
Clarence House
Stable Yard Road
The Mall
Phone 020 7930 4832
Fax 07092 151344
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005
Dear Johnson
Thank you for sending your ID Card. I had no idea you were so handsome.
Can you send me any more pictures of yourself?
Charles is away working in New Zealand at the moment, and I'm so lonely.
A larger photograph would really cheer me up.
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Hello Mrs Camilla,
I gone to the customers service in our bank regarding the application that
you forwarded to our bank, but I was informed that they have replied your
application. Please do check both your bulk mails and check whether the bank
have replied your application but if they have not I want you to send to the
bank your FAX NUMBER. And instruct them to fax it you through fax.
Am waiting urgently to hear from you.
Date: 15 Mar 2005
Dear Johnson
I've picked up your email though my webmail account here at the stables in
Cheltenham. As I told you yesterday morning, I will be here at the Cheltenham
Gold Cup all week.
Unfortunately I will not be able to get at my fax machine until Friday evening.
I haven't seen anything from the bank in my emails, so I'm sure the bank
document is there on the fax waiting for me, I just can't get to it. I did give
them the fax number, but here it is again - 07092 151344.
Please ask the bank to be patient - I'm sure they can wait until Friday. If
they need a more urgent response, please ask them to email it to me, as I can
collect my emails here at the stables every evening.
I'm going to have a rub-down now from that big hunk of a stable-boy!
Love and kisses
[slightly scam-o-censored]
Dear Johnson
Charles just phoned. He came home from New Zealand last night. I'm so looking
forward to seeing him tomorrow night!
Charles said that there was nothing from the bank on the fax machine. Can you
please ask them to send it again, and Charles will deal with it on my behalf.
The number is 07092 151344.
more to come?
yup! see below :)
keep going
keep on going
little farther
little farther
almost there
Here it is! Summoned by Joe Kucker (over at the right), Sherman Oaks steps in.
9 April 2005
Hi Johnson Ndu,
We have never corresponded so let me introduce myself - I am Sherman Oaks, a retired American stock market analyst based in Jersey [the largest of the British offshore Channel Islands] because of the island's availability as a tax haven.
My old friend Joseph Kucker of the Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank looks after my affairs in Euope and in the strictest confidence he has given me your e-mail address. He tells me that you have a large sum of money to invest and has asked me for my advice.
I do not wish to boast but my credentials are simple - I started with just US$1,000 dollars to my name in 1969 and now I am worth approximately $28 million.
Anyhow, I am willing to invest your cash in high risk minimal risk equities with appropriate tax avoidance for an initial fee of 3% of the opening amount plus a management fee of 2% per annum afterwards.
I am so certain of my ability to ensure that you get exactly what you deserve that if for any reason your investments drop in valuye below the opening total I will make up any difference from my personal funds.
Time is of the essance, Mr Ndu. I am sure that a businessman like yourself will appreciate that this is not child's play.
Let me hear from you as soon as possible if this letter is of interest - no obligation of course. Frankly I hardly need any extra money but I enjoy keeping my hand in as far as the markets are concerned.
Cordially yours,
Sherman Oaks
Subject: Investment
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005
Hello Sherman,
Thanks for your mail and assurance you gave me that you will assist me in area of investment once we transfer the money into my good friend account Mr Joseph. We are going to meet face to face in United Kingdom to discuss about the investment indetails.
Please I will like to know more about you. I need any of your identity or international passport for proper identification of you. Waiting to hear from you.
11 April 2005
Dear Johnson,
I have given you all the personal details about myself that you need to know. Joe Kucker will vouch for my credentials.
Here is some free advice: I would recommend putting 50% of your funds in Smegaroon Electronics whose shares will double in September when the company announces a huge new US government contract with 25% in Tossov Investments PLC and the final 25% in UK Government Bonds.
Now I have just returned from London where my wife and I were honoured to be one of the guests at Prince Charles' wedding to Camilla Parker-Bowles and we are now going to Count Morreno's Tuscany estate in Italy for a two week vacation. No need for you to contact me again till the cash is in your account at the Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank.
I am sending a copy of this note to Joe Kucker who has my personal mobile telephone number should either of you need to speak to me at short notice.
Yours truly,
March 15
can this truly be meant for me? If so it is a gift from heaven, as my congregation live hand to mouth. The Lox Fund is especially in need of replenishment at this time of year.
Do tell me more.
Rev. Cuthbert Ngoblah, MA
The Holy Bagel Community
Tiago House
11 Duff Street
London W2 UR1
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005
My Dear Reverend Cuthbert Ngoblah,
Thanks for your positive response to my proposal. I want you to understand the full details of this transaction and get back to me before I introduce you to the next-step, which is why I am writting you this mail. As you know we have not met before and for us to successfully conclude this business there is to be trust among us because the volume of money involve is quite large. So you must guarantee me not to betray me immediately the fund is transfered to your account and to adhere to my directives.
I am aware that you are not related to the late Adam A Williams but I want you to stand as his beneficiary since I have all the information and contacts required for us to achieve success. Just reassure me of your trust then we can do this together. I strongly assure you that this deal is safe as well as risk free.
I must assure you that this business is risk free and trouble free. I contacted you for this important business as a total stranger due to the great need to involve a foreigner who will act and receive this fund in his account because the account belongs to a deseased foreigner who died without a WILL and the account was operated coddedly by the deceased and my extensive search for a foreigner led me to you because after the transfer I look forward to a business partnership with you cause I want to invest my own share in your country. The management of my bank is ready to pay the money to any foreigner who has the correct information about the account which I will give to you along with all the LEGAL DOCUMENTS needed by the management of my bank.
Who I am: For an introduction, my name is MR. JOHNSON NDU, corporate affairs manager in United Bank For African PLC ( UBA ). My residential address is :Plot 5 Hillview Crescent, GRA, New Haven, Enugu, Nigeria. I will attach my work I.D for proper identification when I hear from you.
The procedure: I will send you application which you will send to the bank. I will give you all the information that the bank might require from you in the application. All you have to do is to fill it and include your bank account details and send it to the bank requesting them to transfer the money into your account. I will see to every other thing necessary for you to receive the money in your account.
Benefit: For your role to participate and assist me get the money transferred into your bank account, I will give you 30% of the money. Though nobody in my bank will know of it that you are not the real beneficiary of late Adam A Williams I will receive my share by coming to your country if you like after the transfer or you can send mine through bank transfer.
Assurance: There is no risk involved at all. This deal is valid and legal because we will get the money transferred to your bank account through normal bank transfer process. You will have nothing to fear because I will always be there for you. You must always copy me every message you receive from the bank and where you receive mail you cannot answer, I will provide the answers immediately. I will give you every proof you might want as my guarantee and strongly hope that you will not sit on this money when it is transferred to you. I also expect that the mutual trust, which I have placed on you, will not be neglected, as it is the only way for us to successfully conclude this deal and share our benefit.
Lastly, always write to me promptly.Please Provide me with your private phone number, full name , your contact address, age, your occupation, and marital status so as to know you better for us to proceed. I waits for your mail.
Closing with thanks and anticipation.
Mr.Johnson Ndu.
Date: 16 Mar 2005
Dear Ndu,
I am happy to participate in this business for as the Bible says: God helps those who help themselves.
For your information I was born in Ghana although I am a British citizen as my late father was Bishop Bowden Dunromin of the Reformed Presyterian Church in West Africa. I am now sixty nine years old and for the last twenty years I have worked with the Holy Bagel Community which ministers to African brothers and sisters - in London and in Edinburgh. Thanks to my father's wise investments in Tossov Investments - when you receive your cash I would strongly recommend you invest in this compary and you can find more information about Mr Lonslo Tossov at his company's website - we have a substantial sum of money in the bank but we desperately need more funds to purchase new properties for poor students in London.
I am married and have been blessed with three daughters and two sons and you already have my private address here in London. For the next three weeks I shall be in Edinburgh and if you wish to speak to me my telephone number is [0] 131 225 9986.
You rightly speak of trust and to show that I have every confidence that we will both receive what we deserve I am sending you my bank details. Hopefully this will enable us to speed up matters.
Kreplach Bank International
Account Number: 165300834
May God be With You,
Subject: Our Business
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005
Hello Rev Cuthbert,
Thanks for your mail. I am writting you this mail to fullfil obligation of revealing my information to you as promised due to the Trust which i have bestowed on you.Also I want to inform you that we will make an arragement with the Attorney who will help us secure the legal document, that will back-up the fund into your account without any question that might ask you by your bank or your country. I want you to understand that its due to my continued interest to work with you that i am reavealing my full identity to you .I would have invited you to My country for us to see face to face so that I can be able to know the kind of person I am doing business with and for us also to make a binding agreement that will bind us together in this business stating that you will not make any withdrawal immediately the money gets into your account untill my arrival to country for the appropriate investment and sharing, but since there is no time, I believe that you will never let me down now or in
the future. I want you send the Application which I prepared for you to fill and forward to the Bank,inform me once you send the Application for my pursual.
I am 54yrs old, Manager Co-operate affairs in United Bank For Africa PLC,Enugu branch. I am married with children, 2 boys and 3 girls. Apart from my position in the office as the Co-operate Affairs Manager, I am from a reputable family in Anambra land here in my country and by virtue of our tradition, I am from a royal family. Also i am a full fledged and active member of Raman Catholic Church.
In my life I will never do anything that will tarnish your image or the image of our great family Ndu Dynasty even for billions, I am doing this business with you because it is safe not because of the large amount of money involved.
You have nothing to worry about because all the paper work of this transfer will be legally processed by the appropriate Ministries and will also be endorsed by your embassy here to show to your country government and your bank that the money going into your a/c is legal and comes from genuine source. There will be complete documents to prove that this fund is legal. Like i told you in my previous mails in due course the legality of this transaction will manifest itself I assured you that everything will work perfectly fine because once we secured the legal documents the bank will approve this payment once all the necessary requirements needed by the bank are gotten.
Most importantly, you have to keep this business at top secret ,cause on my own part its water tight. So you can call me with this number 234-8046 111 487 . I attach my Work I.D for proper identification of my good self and hope to recieve yours. Please do confirm me your full identiy. Am waiting to hear from you.
Mr Johnson Ndu
16 March 2005
My Dear Johnson,
Thank you for your e-mail. Please read my e-mail again and you will see I have given you full details about myself. I also gave you details of The Holy Bagel Community's account at Kreplach Brothers Merchant Bank International to show my implicit trust in you for as the Bible says "In the place where the tree falleth, there shall it be" [Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 Verse 3]
At present I am in Edinburgh and will stay here until Monday but you can contact me there on the telephone number I gave you. Then I shall be at our head office:
The Holy Bagel Community
Tiago House
11 Duff Street
London W2 UR1
tel: [0] 208 445 7419
Remain Blessed,
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005
Hello Rev Cuthbert,
I acknowledge receipt of your full information, that prompted me to bestow my trust on you that you will never betray me now or in the future once the fund is transfered to your account.I know you are a man of God with the fear of God and this business will be a great benefit to us,so what i require from you is to adhere to my directives and instructions, surelly we will successfully transfer the fund to your account wthout any problem because I have every contact and means required for us to achieve the goal of transfering the fund to your account.I am still negociating with an attonery here who will secure all the legal documents that will prove to your bank that this money is legal money and you should not tell your bank now about this business untill after we must have secure all the legal and neccessary document regarding the transfer of this money into your account.
Below is an Application. Read it carefully and fill it appropriately before sending it to the Bank. Moreover, with your information which i have i will fill you in appropriately and also secure the legal documents which you will send to the Bank as a back-up to the fund release after you must have sent to the bank.I hope this mail clears you regarding this business and i guarantee you that in due course the legality of this business will manifest itself to you.
Now,I require you fill the Application below immediately and forward to the Bank through there contact email and once you recieve response from the Bank do not fail to revert back to me immediately.
Looking forward to hear from you .
Johnson Ndu.
The Manager Foreign Payment Dept.
United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),
1-5 Okpara Avenue
P.M.B 1334, Enugu, Nigeria.
Dear Sir,
I am hereby writing for the release of the sum of US$22,000,000 (twenty two million united states dollars) only held in account number 922-3312-1875 of late Mr. Adam A willams and for this sum to be transferred in favors of the account quoted below (You state your receiving bank account details here).
This request is predicted on the fact that since the death of late Mr. Adam A willams the need for the transfer of the money in the account becomes imperative. I will be grateful if this request meets with your favorable consideration.
Yours faithfully,
(You will state your full name and your contact address including your private fax number).
17 March
Dear Banker,
I am hereby writing for the release of the sum of US$22,000,000 (twenty two million united states dollars) only held in account number 922-3312-1875 of late Mr. Adam A willams and for this sum to be transferred in favors of the account quoted below (You state your receiving bank account details here).
This request is predicted on the fact that since the death of late Mr. Adam A willams the need for the transfer of the money in the account becomes imperative. I will be grateful if this request meets with your favorable consideration.
My full personal details are as follows:
Reverend Cuthbert Ngoblah MA
The Holy Bagel Community
11 Duff Street
London EC1 FU2
fax number [O] 1494 526140]
Yours faithfully,
Cuthbert Ngoblah
17 March
Dear Blessed Johnson,
I have sent off the application to the bank. When will the money come in ?
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005
Hello Rev,
I have not heard from you regarding the application. Update me am waiting urgently to hear from you.
Blessed Ndu
I e-mailed the bank with all details two or three days ago. I do hope it has not gone astray.
Whilst I am writing to you may I inform you that one of our most generous contributors, Lady Agatha Bristol, is most interested in your scheme. If anything similar occurs you shoud contact her. Her e-mail address She is the Treasurer of the Society for the Elimination of African Poverty and disburses funds of some 2,000,000 every year.
May God Give You All that You Deserve
April 7th 2005
My Dearest Brother Johnson,
I have not heard from you since I replied to your e-mail fifteen days ago.
I pray that nothing is amiss and send my love and best wishes,
Remain blessed
more to come?
joe kucker
March 21
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your interesting, if unusual proposal.
Can you provide further details please. I am interested but cautious. It is not entirely clear why you chose me for this matter. Ethical norms must be observed.
Chief Cashier
Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank International PLC
69 Blunkett Avenue
St Dunstans
London FU1 7TT
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005
Hello Joseph Kucker,
I acknowledge with thanks receipt of your mail which is in good respond to my email of proposal to you,thanks also for your interest and understanding, i am not trying to make any experiment,i mean every word stated in my email to you.
I got your contact when i was conducting a feasibility study on how to transfer this fund out of this country to a reliable foreigners account without having problem on getting my share when duely transferred. I chose you because the owner was a foreigner and the fund can only be approved to any foreigner like you who has correct information of the deceased account and who also has prove of relationship with the deceased,all i will give you at and when due.I am 47years of age. I am from a Royal Cethswayo family in Zulu South Africa with Children, I cannot do anything that will spoil the good name of my Great family or, tarnish your own image as value my family more than diamond,gold or dollars. My picture is in our web site
In the menu or content go to company profile,in the profile go to management,in the management go to BOARD OF DIRECTORS you will see my identity or picture to show you that i am for real and to build the trust on each other. Please do not contact me with the bank phone or fax numbers for security reasons.This fund has nothing to do with any illegal acts such as money laurdry, scam, terorist money, drug fund, amunation fund as such we are going to get a certificate that will cover,back and accompany the fund into your nominated bank account as not related to any such illegal acts. I am going to contract an attorney who is going to handle all legal acts of the transaction on your behalf here so you need not to worry yourself. The transfer business is legal, the genuiness, legality of the fund will be stated in the certificate as a legitimate fund. The success of this transaction is as sure as death if you will work according to my instruction/direction as all arrangements for a smooth transfer of the fund has been put in place waiting to hear from you. I would like to confirm the good receipt of your mail. In order to proceed in full confidence and complete trust would you be so kind to provide me with a brief information about you and to send me your full account detail where you would like the fund to be transferred, it can be an Empty account provided it is still active and you are the only signatory to the account. I will also like you to assure me that you will not let me down either now or in the future as I stongly hope to establish a strong long lasting business relationship with you. On this ground we can proceed in complete trust. From here I can then, on your instructions, process the transfer of the fund to any destination you requested. Further more I would like you to assist us in areas of investment. I would like to invest my own share of the fund on real estate or any viable project. I would also like to stress that in this kind of transaction one must possess the ability to start and close deal very fast. Hence you should give priority attention to this transaction. The fund for transfer is of non drug, terrorist or criminal related. As such this transaction is 100% free of risk and trouble. The deceased, Late Engr. ADAM A WILLIAM, Until his death was the Manager of GOLDRIDGE INVESTMENT [pty] SOUTH AFRICA. He held this account with a prime bank, FIRSTRAND BANK S. AFRICA. I work with this bank, FIRSTRAND BANK SOUTH AFRICA. My real name is KHEHLA CLEOPAS SHUBANE. I USED THE NAME IN MY FIRST LETTER( JOHNSON NDU ) AS A SECURITY MEASURE BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW YOU BEFORE, and you should address me with that name in my first letter of proposal through out our communication in this business. You can visit our bank website This information is highly confidential and you should keep it only to yourself. You do not have to tell your bank now that large amount is to be transferred into your account until after we must have secure all the legal transfer approvals in your name from the appropriate authorities here in South Africa. I would like to receive in return your acceptance to proceed as suggested. Urgency is indeed needed. So without further delay send to me the followings, Your full name...... Your contact address.... Your phone/fax number..... Your bank name and address..... Your account number............... Swift code......... ........................if any. On getting this information from you my contracted attorney will forward it on your behalf an application to the bank/ministry of finance for the release/ approval of the fund in your favor/name within 7days as the next of kin, inheritor/ beneficiary of the account of the deceased. I have been in the banking system for a long time now and i know what and what that is needed to make the transfer business a success, just follow my instrctions and directions as all arrangements for a smooth and successful transfer of the fund has been put in place waiting to hear from you.
Yours faithfully,
Johnson Ndu
22 March 2005
Dear Sir,
I am most interested in completing this transaction without delay. However, you will appreciate that before I mail you my personal details, as an international banker I must obtain your confirmation that this business will be conducted ad valorem and does not fall foul of the vas deferens paragraphs of the 1989 British Commonwealth Financial Regulations.
Once you send me such confirmation - an e-mail on the lines of:
I hereby confirm that that my business with Joseph Kucker will be conducted ad valorem and does not fall foul of the vas deferens paragraphs of the 1989 British Commonwealth Financial Regulations.
Johnson Ndu
When I receive this e-mail I will send you all necessary personal details.
Yours faithfully,
Joseph Kucker
Chief Cashier
Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank International PLC
69 Blunkett Avenue
St Dunstans
London FU1 7TT
I hereby confirm that thatmy business with Joseph Kucker will be conducted ad valorem and does not fall foul of the vas deferens paragraphs of the 1989 British Commonwealth Financial Regulations.
Johnson Ndu
23 March 2005
Dear Ndu,
Thank you for this e-mail which proves that you are - as we bankers grade clients - asa first class bona fide tushhole.
You need to know some personal details. I am 48 years old and married with two children and have been employed at this bank for seventeen years. My bank account number is 041969. When the time comes I will send you the password which will enable you to place the money in my account.
If there is anything else you need, please let me know.
Yours truly,
Joseph Kucker
Date: March 23, 2005
Dear Joe,
Greetings to you and to your family. I am delighted to work with you on this project.
Please, feel free to contact me on my direct phone number so we can talk. The number is ++873 761 976 875.
The above number is a satellite telephone and I decided to use it on our communication in this transaction to avoid interception of our discussions by either the South African Telecommunication body or any third party.
Please, call me now.
Thanks and remain blessed.
Hello Mr Joseph Kucker,
Please without further delay provide me with the following informations,
Your full name......
Your contact address....
Your phone/fax number.....
Your bank name and address.....
Your account number...............
Swift code......... ...............if any.
On getting this information from you my contracted attorney will forward it on your behalf an application to the bank/ministry of finance for the release/approval of the fund in your favor/name within 7days as the next of kin,inheritor/beneficiary of the account of the deceased.
I have been in the banking system for a long time now and i know what and what that is needed to make the transfer business a success,just follow my instrctions and directions as all arrangements for a smooth and successful transfer of the fund has been put in place waiting to hear from you.
Yours faithfully,
28 March 2005
Dear Ndu,
As you are aware I am a respected merchant banker. If you need any further information or wish to check my reference you may do so via the London Stock Exchange or Mr John Halliday Christie a Deputy Chief Cashier of the Bank of England.
Naturally this transaction will go through my own bank. My account number is 41969 and if you wish to speak to me personally you may do so on [0]207 215 8000.
Yours truly,
Joseph Kucker
Dear Mr. Joseph,
I dont like the way you handle this transaction. I have given you my direct telephone number to call me so we can discuss on the modalities of this transaction and up till this moment, I have not received your call.
Please, since I have noticed that you are unwilling to ring me, provide my with your direct mobile telephone so that I can reach you directly and at all times. We need to talk before I proceed with the attorney on the procurement of the paperwork of this transaction.
I wait for your phone call.
Thanks and remain blessed.
30 March 2005
Dear Johnson,
I don't understand the concern you express in your e-mail. Surely the transaction will be easy to go through very quickly so long as we both ensure that it is kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
Anyhow, should you wish to call me, my personal and private mobile telephone number is 07811320544.
Yours truly,
5 April
Hello Joe,
How are you doing. I have not heard from you regarding this business
transaction. What is the statues? If you cannot forward this business with me
you indicate. I need the following information from you.
Your contact address....
Your phone/fax number.....
Your account number...............
Swift code......... ........................if any.
On getting this information from you my contracted attorney will forward it on
your behalf an application to the bank/ministry of finance for the release/
approval of the fund in your favor/name within 7days as the next of kin,
inheritor/ beneficiary of the account of the deceased.
Am waiting urgently to hear from you
6 April
Dear Johnson,
I sent you all the details you asked for in my e-mails of 28 and 30 March. Have
these somehow gone astray ? I hopoe that you are keeping a careful eye on our
correspondence which for both our sakes must be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
If necessary I will mail you the information you require again but again I
cannot stress too highly the importance of keeping our business to ourselves. I
am sure you will agree with these sentiments.
Yours sincerely,
Hello Joe,
Thanks for your mail. I recieved your mail but the information you provided was
not complete so please I need the full information
your home address, phone and fax number, account numebr together with swift
code if any.
Once I get the information from you my contracted attonery will use it to
forward an application to the bank on your behalf, for immediately processing
of the transfer into your account without any delay.
Am waiting urgently to hear from you
7 April
Dear Johnson,
Thank you for your prompt response. However, I am concerned that you do not
appear to have seen my e-mails of 28 and 30 March in which the information you
require was given.
Naturally this transaction will go through my own bank the address of which is
as shown below. My account number is 41969 and if you wish to speak to me
personally you may do so on [0]207 215 8000 and the fax number is [0]207 215
1715. The Swift Code is 69CHAV40109300519392. I don't understand why you need
my home address - all correspondence should go through my office.
Again, I must insist that you take the greatest care to ensure that this
transaction is conducted in total confidence.
Picking up again on April 16:
April 7
Johnson Ndu <>
I am happy to inform you that our contracted /confidant attorney who is also the accreditted attorney to the bank has forwarded an application on your behalf to the bank/ministry of finance for the release/approval of the fund in your favour/names within 7days.
We are now waiting their respond and i will let you know immedaitely i hear from them but if you first hear from the bank please do not fail to inform me, meanwhile as it stands now you must be comunicating with me on daily bases to know the latest development. I need any of your identity for proper identification of you
Waiting to hear from you.
Best regards
Date: April 7, 2005
Hello Joe,
Attached below is the copy of the application which I prepared in your name and was forwarded to the manager of the bank through our confidant attorney who is the government accredited attorney to the bank. I am now waiting to have a response in respect of the applicattion.
Best regards,
The Manager
FIRSTRAND Bank Building
17th Floor, 1 Merchant Place,
Corner Fredman Drive and
Rivonia Road,
Sandton, 2196
PO Box 786273,
Sandton, 2146
South Africa.
Reference to the above quoted A/C No. 202-15689-1 of Late Engr. Adam A Williams, with credit balance of $22 Million USD Point Zero - Zero US Dollars Only. As the bonafide next of kin to the above named late Engr. Adam A Williams Holder of the dormant Ref A/C, we wish to apply for the release of the total said amount and initial part payment of $22,000.000.00 (Twenty two Million US Dollars only) in our favour representing first phase payment from the credit balance in the said a/c.
In accordance with National and International Laws of Inheritance kindly remit the stated amount in full to my a/c No quoted below:
Name: Joseph Kucker
Contact Address: Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank International PLC69Blunkett Avenue St Dunstans London FU1 7TT
Phone / Fax : [0]207 215 8000 / [0]207 215 1715
Bank name: Chavster, Manfred and Newman Merchant Bank International PLC.
Bank Address : 69 Blunkett Avenue St Dunstans London FU1 7TT
Account : # 41969
Swift Code : 69CHAV40109300519392
This request is predicated on the fact that since the death of our Manager Engr. Adam A williams who was entrusted with The Management of GOLDRIGDE INVESTMENT [PTY] SA. The need for the transfer of the money in the account becomes imperative.
We shall therefore be very grateful if this request meets with your favourable consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Joseph Kucker
April 8
Dear Ndu,
Matters seem to be progessing satisfactorily. You have my telephone and fax numbers as well as my address in case you need to speak to me.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to expedite our transaction.
Yours truly,
Hello Joseph,
Thanks for your mail and all the content is well noted. Am really happy as you promise to work with me to make this transaction success. I will call you when the need arise.
I will like you toadvice me in areas of investment becuase I will like to investment in you country when you confirm to me that the money is in your country. I suggest to invest in any profitable business like real estate. what do you think?
Have you gotten any response from the bank? Please keep me informed incase if the bank contact you direct. I need to have any of your identity for proper identification of your good self.
What am assuring you in this business deal is that once you follow my instruction and directive we are going to have this money transfered into your account within 7 working banking days starting from the day we have respond from the bank.
Let pray hard untill we have a response from the bank.
9 April 2005
Dear Johnson,
Fine - I look forward to hearing from you.
As to investment advice I have taken the liberty of forwarding your name and address to a friend of colleague of many years standing who I believe will be able to assist you. His name is Sherman Oaks and he is a retired American investor who now lives in the British Channel Islandsfor tax reasons.
You have my word that he is as entirely trustworthy as myself.
Best wishes,
[It looks like Camilla is out of the running, so Mr. Oaks gets her slot, over at the left. Good luck Sherm!]
Hello Joseph,
Thanks for your mail and your effort toward the investment of my share in this business deal. I have written to your friend email. I still need to have any of your identity or international passport.
12 April
Dear Johnson,
I am a little puzzled by your e-mail. Do you need personal references ? If so I give you three personal referees who you can contact to establish my bona fides.
1. His Excellency the Thane of Cawdor MC, Macbeth Palace, InvernessTT2 UR1Scotland [telephone 01656 4169] e-mail: thaneof_cawdor@xxxxxxx
2. Professor Dr Muswell Hill, 69 Lampard Avenue, London SW6 FU2 [telephone 0207 873 6000] e-mail address available on request.
3. Lady Agatha Bristol, 33 Chelsea Drive, London SW1 9UU [telephone: 0207 444 6662] e-mail: xxxxxxxx
Let us have no more shilly-shallying, my dear Johnson, and complete this business before the end of the Chavster, Manfred and Newman Bank's financial year on 30 April.
Kindest regards,
more to come?
charles farnes-barnes
Mar. 24
Dear Johnson Ndu,
I resume you obtained my e-mail address through the Lonslo Tossov Charitable Foundation.
How may I be of assistance ?
Sir Charles Farnes-Barnes VC
Tossov Charitable Foundation
From: Johnson Ndu <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005
Hello Sir Charles,
I acknowledge with thanks receipt of your mail which is in good respond to my email of proposal to you,thanks also for your interest and understanding, i am not trying to make any experiment,i mean every word stated in my email to you.
I got your contact when i was conducting a feasibility study on how to transfer this fund out of this country to a reliable foreigners account without having problem on getting my share when duely transferred. I chose you because the owner was a foreigner and the fund can only be approved to any foreigner like you who has correct information of the deceased account and who also has prove of relationship with the deceased,all i will give you at and when due.
I am 47years of age. I am from a Royal Cethswayo family in Zulu South Africa with Children, I cannot do anything that will spoil the good name of my Great family or, tarnish your own image as value my family more than diamond,gold or dollars.
My picture is in our web site
In the menu or content go to company profile,in the profile go to management,in the management go to BOARD OF DIRECTORS you will see my identity or picture to show you that i am for real and to build the trust on each other. Please do not contact me with the bank phone or fax numbers for security reasons.
This fund has nothing to do with any illegal acts such as money laurdry, scam, terorist money, drug fund, amunation fund as such we are going to get a certificate that will cover,back and accompany the fund into your nominated bank account as not related to any such illegal acts. I am going to contract an attorney who is going to handle all legal acts of the transaction on your behalf here so you need not to worry yourself. The transfer business is legal, the genuiness, legality of the fund will be stated in the certificate as a legitimate fund. The success of this transaction is as sure as death if you will work according to my instruction/direction as all arrangements for a smooth transfer of the fund has been put in place waiting to hear from you. I would like to confirm the good receipt of your mail. In order to proceed in full confidence and complete trust would you be so kind to provide me with a brief information about you and to send me your full account detail where you would like the fund to be transferred, it can be an Empty account provided it is still active and you are the only signatory to the account. I will also like you to assure me that you will not let me down either now or in the future as I stongly hope to establish a strong long lasting business relationship with you. On this ground we can proceed in complete trust. From here I can then, on your instructions, process the transfer of the fund to any destination you requested. Further more I would like you to assist us in areas of investment. I would like to invest my own share of the fund on real estate or any viable project. I would also like to stress that in this kind of transaction one must possess the ability to start and close deal very fast. Hence you should give priority attention to this transaction. The fund for transfer is of non drug, terrorist or criminal related. As such this transaction is 100% free of risk and trouble. The deceased, Late Engr. ADAM A WILLIAM, Until his death was the Manager of GOLDRIDGE INVESTMENT [pty] SOUTH AFRICA. He held this account with a prime bank, FIRSTRAND BANK S. AFRICA. I work with this bank, FIRSTRAND BANK SOUTH AFRICA. My real name is KHEHLA CLEOPAS SHUBANE. I USED THE NAME IN MY FIRST LETTER( JOHNSON NDU ) AS A SECURITY MEASURE BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW YOU BEFORE, and you should address me with that name in my first letter of proposal through out our communication in this business. You can visit our bank website This information is highly confidential and you should keep it only to yourself. You do not have to tell your bank now that large amount is to be transferred into your account until after we must have secure all the legal transfer approvals in your name from the appropriate authorities here in South Africa. I would like to receive in return your acceptance to proceed as suggested. Urgency is indeed needed. So without further delay send to me the followings, Your full name...... Your contact address.... Your phone/fax number..... Your bank name and address..... Your account number............... Swift code......... ........................if any.
On getting this information from you my contracted attorney will forward it on your behalf an application to the bank/ministry of finance for the release/ approval of the fund in your favor/name within 7days as the next of kin, inheritor/ beneficiary of the account of the deceased. I have been in the banking system for a long time now and i know what and what that is needed to make the transfer business a success, just follow my instrctions and directions as all arrangements for a smooth and successful transfer of the fund has been put in place waiting to hear from you. Yours faithfully, Johnson Ndu NOTE: I ATTACHED MY INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT FOR PROPER IDENTIFIACTION OF MY GOOD SELF
Mar 24
Dear Mr Ndu,
Sir Charles Farnes-Barnes is now out of the office until Tuesday 29 March as he is attending the annual general meeting of the European Bankers Association in Switzerland.
However, he has asked me to pass on his kindest regards and to tell you that he will reply to your e-mail when he returns to the office next week.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs TushieMeshuganah
Personal Assistant to Sir Charles Farnes-Barnes
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005
Hello, Please provide me with direct phone number of Mr Charles Farnes Barnes in Switzerland. Am waiting urgently to hear from you. Regards Johnson.
25 March 2005
Dear Mr Ndu,
Sir Charles is staying at the Baur au Lac Hotel in Zurich. The telephone number is +41 [0] 220 5020 although the dialling code may be different from your country.
Yours truly,
Mel Brooks
[Secretary to Sir Charles Farnes-Barnes]
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005
Dear Brooks,
Thanks for your email. I will call charles soonest, but before I could do that, I need his room number and everyother information. > >Secondly, I wish also to talk with you on phone. You can as well forward your direct telephone number.
Thanks and remain blessed.
Dear Ndu,
Sir Charles is staying in the Bristol Suite. It would be helpfuil if you could speak to him at the hotel. If not you could speak to him here in London on Wednesday on[0] 207 350 1122. However he will be tied up in meetings most of the day so do try and reach him at the hotel before then.
Yours sincerely,
Mel Brooks
[Secretary to Sir Charles Farnes-Barnes]
more to come?