A Kindly Contributor (aka TARGET) playing dumb for amusement, had a long correspondence with a Lad. We are not suggesting you try this, but it's fascinating to see the result. 8/27/01Hi (says our helpful TARGET), ...I didn't personally look at the headers, but, one of my buddies did, and said it was actually coming from Nigeria. Whether or not that was a fake account set up on a Nigerian server, I'm not sure, but, you never know. One of the addresses I got from the header was, but, when I look that up at Network Solutions, it comes back with nothing. When you get it up on your site, let me know, I'd love to read how you put it, and see how other people deal with back and forth communication from these people. and now, jumping in the way back machine...8/10/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] It is with heart felt hope that I write to seek your assistance and co-operation in the context stated below. May I first introduce myself, I am Zainab Abacha, the daughter of late general Sani Abacha (former Military president of Nigeria) who died suddenly on 8 June 1998 .I came in contact with your particulars through a consultancy dairy in which your particulars was recommended to my late father for proposals which was disorganised by the sudden death of my father. Having noted the confidence reposed on you by the sponsor of the recommendation , I became convinced of your capability and goodwill to assist me in receiving the sum $42 million dollars secretly willed in my favour by my late father. This money is presently kept in a trust account with a West African Trust company in Africa. As it is equally required, the administration of my late father's property is under the authority of a cousin (Dr Isa Kaita). However the current civilian administration of retired General Olusegun Obasanjo (the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ) is seeking vengeance on the Abacha family because of the life prison jail sentence confirmed on him by my late father. In pursuit of this vendetta, the present government have resolved to freeze all known assets of General Sani Abacha, including properties at home and abroad and are presently embarking on to seize the various bank accounts of my father . In fact , the attack on our family is so devastated to an extent of seizing our travelling passports, family accounts and even trying some members of our family in courts for offences allegedly committed by my father. In view of this grevious threat to our economic survival , our family trustee have secretly protected the will, but seriously advised us to move the $42million dollars into an overseas account, hence the reason why I have chosen you and hope that you will come to my full assistance and unlimited co-operation. In the meantime there is a travelling embargo on us (the whole family members) and our local accounts are seized . We are presently living on goodwill of people who believe we cannot be held responsible for the sins of our father in view of this plight ,I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this distress call to save me and my family from a hopeless future. And if you agree , I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in this regard with 20% of the total amount of $42 million U.S dollars .In that case when the $42 million dollars is moved into your discrete account , you will only be allowed to withdraw 20% in your favour while the remaining 80% will be invested meaningfully for my family future. My cousin Isa Kaita has perfected arrangement with the trust company concerned on how to move the funds to you and has assured 100% risk free and safe operation. I look forward to your quick response while thanking you for your co-operation in view of all the above details, I request you to keep this operation highly confidential. Best RegardsZainab Abacha [A TARGET] wrote: Wow, that sounds like quite an offer, however, I do not do any business via e-mail unless it is from a trusted source that I have met before. If you would like to arrange a face to face meeting and have a written copy of all of the particulars, I would consider helping you along with covering your travel expenses to and from Ft. Lauderdale Int'l airport. So, please e-mail me your information, and we can arrange a meeting to proceed with this transaction. Thank you, and I look forward to your response. 8/11/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAY, I RECEIVED YOUR E-MAIL REPLY AND I WAS HIGHLY OVERWHELMED, INFACT, I BECAME THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON THAT DAY BECAUSE I FELT MY PROBLEM WILL SOON COME TO AN END. THE GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA IS REALLY SHOWING US HELL, WE HAVE OUR TRUST SOLELY IN GOD ALMIGHTY THAT IT WILL SOON BE OVER. THE WAY YOU SOUNDED ON YOUR E-MAIL, YOU SOUNDED LIKE A VERY HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY FELLOW, THAT IF YOU FINALLY HELP US, THE ENTIRE FAMILY OF ABACHA WILL FOREVER REGARD YOU AS OUR BROTHER , FRIEND, UNCLE AND INFACT EVERTHING. LIKE I MENTIONED INMY PROPOSAL TO YOU, I TOLD YOU THAT BECAUSE OF THE SURVEILANCE PLACED ON US AND TRAVEL EMBARGO I CANNOT BE ABLE TO DISCUSS MORE THAN I HAVE TOLD YOU NOW, THE ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION CONCERNING THIS TRANSACTION HAS BEEN MANDATED TO BE CARRIED OUT STRICTLY BY OUR COUSIN MR. ISA KAITAOF(isakaat@yahoo.com) I HAVE ALSO CONTACTED HIM CONCERNING YOUR INTEREST IN HELPING ME, AND HE SAID HE WOULD IMMEDIATELY START NEGOTIATIONS WITH YOU SO THAT THESE FUNDS SHALL BE PROTECTED IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY. I HAVE ALSO TOLD HIM ABOUT YOUR CONCERN OVER TAKING CARE OF THE TRAVEL EXPENSES FROM NIGERIA TO FT. LAUDERDALE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, AND WE HAVE EQUALLY AGREED THAT 10% OF THE TOTAL SUM HAS BEEN MAPPED OUT FOR ALL THE EXPENCES INQURED BY BOTH PARTIES DURING THE COURSE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SO NEVER MIND ABOUT WHAT YOU SPEND, YOU ARE GOING TO GET EVERY CENT YOU SPEND IN THE COURSE OF THIS TRANSACTION BEFORE YOU WILL BE GIVEN YOUR 20% OF THE TOTAL SUM. MR. ISA KAITA WILL BE THE ONE TO TRAVEL DOWN TO AMERICA TO TRANSACT THE BUSINESS WITH YOU IN MY FAVOUR IMMEDIATELY BOTH OF YOU AGREE. SO PLEASE RETURN THIS MY MAIL IMMEDIATELY, SO THAT I WILL OFFICIALLY INTRODUCE YOU TO MR. ISA KAITA. THANKS AS I AWAIT YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TODAY.ZAINAB ABACHA 8/11/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] GOOD EVENING, I SENT YOU E-MAIL EARLIER TODAY, PLEASE ALSO INCLUDE YOUR DIRECT TELEPHONE NO. FOR EASIER COMMUNICATION BY MR ISA KAITA. THE STAGE IS NOW FINALLY READY FOR THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE TRANSACTION. THANKS,ZAINAB 8/14/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAY, MR. ISA KAITA TOLD ME THAT HE HAS E-MAILED YOU AND REQUESTED YOU SHOULD CALL HIM ON TELEPHONE FOR MORE VIABLE DISCUSSION ABOUT THE TRANSACTION AND YOU HAVE NOT CALLED HIM. PLEASE YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPE. PLEASE ABIDE BY HIS INSTRUCTION SO THAT YOU CAN BAIL ME OUT OF THIS PREDICAMENT PLEASE. HE TOLD ME THAT AS SOON AS YOU CONCLUDE WITH HIM, HE WILL FLY STRAIGHT TO AMERICA TO MEET WITH YOU. PLEASE CALL HIM ON (234-1-4702898) FOR A SOLID DISCUSSION ABOUT THE WHOLE TRANSACTION. PLEASE LET HIM NOT SEE YOU AS SOMEBODY THAT WILL NOT BE CAPABLE OF HANDLING THIS TRANSACTION. I TRUST AND BANK ON YOU SO MUCH AND I HAVE EVEN SEEN YOU IN MY DREAM, WE SHALL TALK EXPLAIN OURSELVES BETTER WHEN WE MEETT SOMEDAY. THE ALMIGHTY GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THIS SITUATION AND I BELIEVE HE SHALL SEE US THROUGH IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!! THANKS AS WE ALL AWAIT YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TODAY AND MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD BE WITH YOU. ` `ZAINAB ABACHA8/13/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT YOU ARE MAKING IN ASSISTING US FINALIZE THIS PROJECT. FURTHER TO YOUR CORRESPONDECES WITH ZAINAB ,BE INFORMED THAT WE SHALL VERY MUCH APPRECIATE A SPEEDY CONCLUSION OF THIS PROJECT AND IN THAT REGARD WE WELCOME WHOLEHEARTEDLY YOUR SUGGESTION THAT YOU MEET WITH ME IN FT.LAUDERDALE FOR THE DISCUSSION OF THE MODALITIES FOR THE SPEEDY AND HITCH FREE CONCLUSSION OF THIS PROJECT. TO THIS END PLEASE CALL ME ON MY PRIVATE PHONE :234-1-4702898 FOR FURTHER BRIEFING.IT IS EASIER TO HAVE ACCESS TO NIGERIA FROM 2PM YOUR TIME UNTIL12 MIDNIGHT.I SHALL AWAIT YOUR CALL TODAY. WHILE THANKING YOU FOR ALL YOUR ASSISTANCE ,I LOOK FORWARD TO A VERY PROFITABLE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU . GOD BLESS YOU.KIND REGARDS, ISA KAITA. 8/17/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I discussed with my cousin Zainab today and she told me you e-mailed her and told her that you tried calling me but did not get through. Well the stage is set for the transaction to commence and immediately I conclude with you I shall fly down to America to meet with you. Please confirm if the telephone number you gave to Zainab is your house or office number. She also told me that you promised to take care of my flight ticket from Nigeria to Ft. Lauderdale,(please throw more light on this )so that I will start making arrangements towards meeting with you in America. My brother, this is not a Child's play, you are going to see this money physically before the transaction starts and after which I shall instruct Zainab to invest major part of her money in your company so that you serve as her mentor and business partner. Please keep this transaction as confidential as any matter that demands 100% confidentiality until the end of the transaction.Please do not even discuss with your wife until the whole transaction is over.All these are for security measures to safe guard the transaction. Best regards as I await your promt response. Isa Kaita From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I tried to call today but met your absence. I dropped my direct telephone line with your direc telephoe line since you said that the other line was not going through. Please call me on this my confidential line[234-17743299]immediately you retrieve this mail for avery important advise. Best RegardsIsa Kaita [A TARGET] wrote: Mr. Kaita, Please accept my apologies in my delay of returning your e-mails. I have been out of the office due to personal reasons, and will not return until tomorrow. I would like to receive your travel arrangements. Also, if you have a copy of your proposal that you can fax to me, I would like to look over it. My personal fax number is (XXXXX), this goes directly to me, and nobody else will be able to see the particulars of our arrangement. As I have stated in the past, I can not do business with someone that I have only had e-mail contact with. I look forward to hearing back from you, and going forward with this arrangement. Thank you. 8/21/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How is the day today? I hope everything is all right. I received your e-mail dated 20th August 2001(Monday). I called you on telephone the same day and got your answering machine where I dropped for you, my confidential number to call me (234-1-7743299), which you never did. As it is right now, the stage is very clear and I await your response concerning the entire arrangements towards meeting with you in Ft. Lauderdale. My travel arrangements shall be sent to you immediately I conclude with you, because my cousin Zainab made me to understand that you promised to take care of my flight ticket from Nigeria to Ft. Lauderdale, in one of my e-mails to you, I requested that you should throw more light on this so that I will know your stand point. The reason is to know if you are buying my flight ticket and how soon. Please we really need to put heads together and work tirelessly towards rescuing the entire Abacha family by making sure that we safeguard these funds. Also remember we no longer have time on our side, we seriously need to hasten up every arrangement to conclude this transaction as quickly as possible. I have also started arrangements towards the shipment of the consignment (cash), which will arrive New York, which is the venue of the transaction in America. I will await your immediate response of this e-mail so that I will know the next line of action. Best regards,Isa Kaita [A TARGET] wrote: Isa, I have not received a response from my last letter. Are we still forging ahead with the transaction? Please e-mail me a response from the earlier letter so I may be reassured. Thank you. 8/22/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How are you today. I received your e-mail and understood vividly the contents. Arrangements are in top gear towards a successful movement of the consignment to America. I will tommorrow book my flight and will communicate that to you. I will also send you my intenery.So wait. Thanks, Isa Kaita[A TARGET] wrote: Sounds good, I look forward to meeting with you. Are you going to fly to Ft. Lauderdale, or are we going to meet in New York? If it is to be New York, I definitely need your itinerary so I may make travel arrangements of my own. I do need to verify what I need to have available for the transaction so I can have it ready upon our meeting. If at all possible, I would still like a fax, or even an e-mail detailing what will be required upon closing of the transaction. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 8/23/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How are you today, I hope you are all right. I got your e-mail and was o.k. My brother, I came into Nigeria today Thursday from Ghana where I went to make sure that the consignment leaves Ghana without any problem. First I had to insure the consignment containing the cash, and finally I had to give out some tips to ensure that on no condition that the consignment is tampered with. I have also booked my flight reservation and my route is Lagos-Amsterdam-Chicago-Ft.Laurderdale.I chose to come through Ft. Lauderdale before New York so that I can brief you totally about the transaction and the things you are required to do. Please [TARGET], you really have to help me out with a little loan of $1500.00 for my basic travel allowance (B.T.A), Please send this money today so that I can ensure my movement to FT. Lauderdale on Sunday, Because I will be leaving Nigeria on Sunday night and will arrive Chicago and straight to Ft. Lauderdale Int. airport. I shall pay you back this loan as soon as we finish the transaction. God is really on our side and we really need to conclude this transaction by next week. I am asking you to really give me this loan because I have really ran short of money due to the fact that I have spent about $43 thousand dollars in the past two weeks concerning this transaction which involves the welfare of the entire Abacha family including Zainab (ii) Insurance cost of the entire funds (iii) My travel cost from Nigeria to Ghana on 3 different occasions. (iv) And some heavy tips given out to ensure prompt and untampered delivery (Diplomatic), and lastly, my flight ticket to Ft. Lauderdale. So please help, I have even communicated Zainab about this and she promised to send you an e-mail concerning this. Let us really join hands together to bring this transaction to a fruitful end. When I get this money from you today, I shall quickly assemble all the documents concerning this transaction for you and solidify every travel arrangement on Sunday night, so get ready to come and pick me up from Ft. Lauderdale Int. airport on Monday afternoon your time. I shall give you my exact time of arrival in Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. Please send this money (US$1500.00) through western union money transfer with the name of my travel agent Mr. U.I Santos. Best regards and God bless as I await your quick response.Isa Kaita [A TARGET] wrote: Isa, I apologize for my delay in responding to you. There have been other things going on around my company that have taken a higher priority. It may take me a couple of days to get the $1500 in cash to Western Union. Considering you will be here Monday, I can always write you a check upon your arrival. I would really like to see the paperwork that I must sign so I can go over it this weekend, and make sure everything is in order on my end. Please let me know of your final travel plans so I know where and when to meet you on Monday. I anxiously await your arrival, and look forward to helping the Abacha family. [TARGET]8/24/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I just received your email and was completly disorganised in the sense that everything concerning my traveling arrangment is ready except my B.T.A($1500) which I can not travel without. It means this will lead to a rescheduled time in my travel arrangments. I wonder how you are going to help since you can not understand that this our transaction would have been no.1 priority in matters concerning the both of us. if I am able to raise the B.T A between now and sunday I will still fly in according to our arrangments, but if not,I shall communicate you with the exact date of my arrival next week. If you can still help between now and sunday, FINE, but if not, I will rally round to sort this out. Thanks as I await your prompt response.Isa Kaita 8/24/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I sent you an e-mail earlier today and have not heard from you, I have even contacted Zainab about this and she promised to get across to you. try as much as you can to provide this B.T.A between now and sunday to avoid shift in my movement in order not to miss my presence for the arrival of the consignment. Isa8/24/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAY, MY COUSIN JUST CAME TO ME NOW FEELING VERY WORRIED, HE HAD EARLIER DISCUSSED WITH ME ABOUT THE LITTLE LOAN HE ASKED FROM YOU, PLEASE, ON MY HONOUR I ASK YOU TO JUST DO THIS TO ENABLE HIM STILL TRAVEL ON SUNDAY. THIS IS SO LITTLE($1500US)CERTAINLY HE WILL BE WITH YOU IN YOUR HOUSE ON MONDAY, REMEMBER YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY LATE FATHER AND EVERYTHING. PLEASE LET IT COME FIRST IN YOUR SCHEDULE OF PRIMARY MATTERS. THANKS AS I AWAIT YOUR POSSITIVE RESPONSE.ZAINAB 8/25/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How are you today? I received your e-mail and was highly overwhelmed. As you requested, I am yet to know the exact time of my arrival because I have been very busy trying to get things ready and I have not seen my travel agent yet. He will be coming to my house later today to furnish me with all my travel documents, which I shall send to you immediately I receive it today. But my telephone conversation with my travel agent made me to understand that I will be arriving Chicago on Monday afternoon your time and I shall pick up A connecting flight from Chicago straight to Ft Lauderdale. Immediately I arrive Chicago, I will quickly give you a telephone call and will give you my flight and exact arrival time in Ft. Lauderdale. Please send the B.T.A today so that I will be solidly sure of my movement tomorrow. Thanks as I await your prompt response today. I might even call you on telephone today, so ensure that you send me the B.T.A today. Isa Kaita8/27/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I am not happy with the way you are handling this transaction. You are making me loose trust and confidence in you. I thought we must have met in Ft. Lauderdale today to get things over with and get on with other things, but I see you are not a serious person. I feel a man should not make promises he cannot keep. The loan of $1500.00 for my B.T.A is not something I should be asking anyone to help me with if not for the huge expenses I have made to make sure things move smoothly, but you keep on making things more difficult for me and especially Zainab. The poor girl cried through out yesterday knowing that if not for her situation, the amount $1500.00 is something she could dash away to a begger on the streets, and what hurts her most is the trust and confidence she has in you. Now to cap it up, you made me loose $500.00 in rescheduling my flight to America. If you are not capable of doing this business, just say so, I see no reason why you should joke over $8.4m which is your share in this transaction, I personally would not joke with that kind of money. 10% of the total amount has also been mapped out for all expenses made during this transaction, this ensures that the both of us get all we spend back immediately the money is cleared, so what is your problem? I suggest you declare your final stand in this transaction, so I can make solid plans and get this over with. The consignment will be in New York on Thursday so I must be with you latest on Wednesday. Reply me today and make your stand clear once and for all so we can get things over with. Thanks, Isa[A TARGET] wrote: Isa, Good morning. I hope if all went well, you should be in the air right now. I did everything I could over the weekend, but, could only get so far since all the banks were closed. Could you let me know again where we stand, and let me know if you happen to check your e-mail what time you should be arriving today. I have cleared my schedule for this afternoon to meet with you, and get everything under way, I have also told my wife that I have an important business meeting tonight, just in case we run a little late. Could you give me the Western Union Information again, and, if your travel agent has an e-mail address, maybe I could speak with him to arrange for the payment of the expenses. Thanks. I hope to see you this afternoon. 8/27/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] well I have sent you the first mail earlier today, I dont know if you have received it or not so check your mail address to comfirm this. Please I have rescheduled my flight, I will be arriving on wednesday 5pm chicago time and I will immediately give you a call from Chicago airport to possibly be with you after one hour of my arrival in Chicago. Please the information regarding the western union are as follows Name of the travelling agent...Mr. U.I Santos. Address... 27 Ikeja way Lagos Nigeria, So please send this money unfailingly today so that I will be sure of arriving Ft. Lauderdale on wednesday since the consignment has already left to arrive New York on Thursday morning New York time. So my brother, further delay will be very dangerous, so please dont fail to send the B.T.A today. Thanks,Isa Kaita [TARGET] wrote: OK, I will leave for Western Union in the next hour or so. I need to wrap some things up at the office before I leave. Do you want me to fly up to Chicago to meet you? Should I make my own travel plans, because I thought the flight between Chicago and Ft. Lauderdale would be at least 3 hours, not to mention a lay over in Chicago. Please let me know so I may plan accordingly, since as I'm sure you are well aware of, getting plane tickets at the last minute may cost quite a bit. I know when you compare it to $8.4 million, it's nothing, but, I need to get it now before I get the additional money. I am looking forward to finally meeting with you. By the way, I was just thinking, do you happen to have the documents that I will be signing upon closing of the transaction. I know I have mentioned this before, but, I really need to look over them to give myself piece of mind. Please e-mail them to me so I may have a look before I leave here today. Thanks. [TARGET]8/27/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I am going to give you all the documents that are required for you as the beneficiary of the funds, at my arrival in Ft Lauderdale, so don't worry about anything, just do what you have to do and leave the rest for me. ThanksIsa 8/28/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How is the day today? I hope fine. Isa. 8/29/01 From [A TARGET] Wed Aug 29 00:06:33 2001 Isa, After requesting on multiple occasions the documents that need to be signed, and not seeing them. And, after having you request money from me when I told you and your "cousin" from the beginning that I do not do business with anyone I have not met face to face. Plus the fact that you are requesting $1500 when you had $42 million at your disposal, I started to get a little weary. I did a little research on my own, and what I found shocked and amazed me. Where you were rather up front and truthful about the means of the Abacha family obtaining the money, I was disappointed to find out that this is probably a scam, orchestrated to gain access to my bank accounts, and steal my money. I noticed that there were many instances where people received very similar letters, with either different dollar amounts, different names, or something to that effect, but, the outcome was always the same. These people lost money, and did not receive anything in return. I work hard for my money, and have people that rely on my business doing well, and rely on my income, but, when I feel like somebody is trying to steal from me, it disgusts me to no end. If this is a legitimate opportunity, you should have no problem doing as I requested from the beginning, and forwarding me all pertinent documents regarding the monies, where they are coming from, where they will be deposited to, how much I receive, and any other information that will be looked over by my legal council, and notarized upon my signing them. But, considering the research I have done, and feeling like this is a scam, I just need to ask you, how many people fall for this on a monthly basis? Do you really make a good living by stealing from unsuspecting victims? Do you sleep well at night knowing that you just took dinner off of a families table, or a child can not go to the doctor because someone sent you all of their money? If this is legitimate, then I apologize, and hope we can continue a relationship, but, if I do not hear from you, I will assume this was a scam, and forward all of our communications to the US Secret Service task force that handles scams like this, the FBI, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Nigerian Government. I do hope that I can still have faith in you, and continue this relationship, however, as I stated before, your silence will lead me to believe the worst. [A TARGET]8/29/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I wonder what I have done to merit such an insult. All I did was request for help to get my cousin out of a tight situation, but since you have decided to see it like this, you have the right to your point of view. The documents you requested for could not have been just given to you because that would give you TOTAL possesion of the funds since it is being sent in your name and it would also be a security risk to Zainab and myself. You are not the only one being cautious of being scamed,scams are every where even in the United States, while you were being careful of being scamed of $1500, I was being careful of being scamed of $42m, and for this reason I have found room in my heart to forgive you for calling me a fraudster, let the God we serve judge all of us. The funds you said I had access to and that you see no reason why I should ask for a loan is (as you should have known) sealed and cannot be opened untill cleared from the security company, if not I would have no reason to tansfer it abroad since I could bank them in tiny amounts in different banks with different names here in Nigeria, Ghana etc. For the cayse if clearifying you, these are the particulars and codes of the consignment which due to problems that arose in shipment had to be transfered to a security company in Canada instead of the United States. (1) The name of the finance company is. LONDONBERRY FINANCE(2) LocationTORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA (3) Telephone no.1-416-6287523 ext.4 for the account dept. (4) Officer in-charge of our funds (account officer) Mr. Steven Bentley, this is the person solely in-charge to handle our funds, so make sure you call him with the above telephone no. today for clarification. The particulars of the consignment are as follows, (The security codes of the consignment) (1) Security code. NGA/304/NLPSSFM/19364 (2) Transaction code.SLLCNG/66781/JKA/APZ (3) Certificate of deposit code.SSBBCBC/456/NG/66678 (4) Consignment code no..49981 (5) ItemCash/ Fund ($42m) (6) Ref no. CDCASAS/1144553NGA (7) Consignment Pin no.0049381759 (8) Name of depositor [A TARGET] (9) Nationality..American You can call the security company and confirm anything you want to. Because the consignment was sent in your name, you have left me with no choice than to find someone that will act as you to clear the consignment in Canada. This person will open an account with $20,000 ( to be able to accomodate the huge sum) in which the money will be lodged and will also be able to close the account as soon as the funds is put into the account and cleared without the $20,000 being touched by anyone. You can do all these comfirmations yourself from the security company. If you still want to help us after comfirmation and can meet me in Canada, please get back to me immediatly. I bear no grudges. ThanksIsa Kaita 8/30/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] I got your e-mail and somehow I felt
that I should forgive you, because I am a complete
born again Christian, we should always learn to
forgive our brothers who you feel that someone has
wronged you. What we started with trust and confidence
has turned out to be a thing of open windows, because
of the fact that you gave me promises twice and failed
I quickly decided that these funds shall be moved over
to Canada and in that process I had no other option
than to declare the contents of the consignment to an
insider who quickly contacted the Canadian office
notifying them of what the consignment has inside and
after which they agreed that they will help us make
sure that the consignment will not be opened at the
port of entry and we dont loose the funds,; in this
regard, they charged us with fee of $60,000 (sixty
thousand American dollars) which shall be given to
them at the end of the transaction (i.e. after helping
us to clear and lodge the funds in a ank in Canada).
The issue you raised about the finance firm being
reputable should be a thing of Do not worry at all
the finance company (London Berry) is highly reputable
and registered, since we are going to meet face to
face and the entire consignment shall be opened for
both of us to see and confirm the existence of these
funds, I do not think you should have anymore course
to doubt or believe that this is scam. My brother
believe in God and please stop further anxiety and
doubts and still remember that our watch word is
Confidentiality so that we do not expose this
transaction to anybody and any further other than the
little you have done. You also said that you tried to
call Mr. Bentley and you were getting answering
machine, No please when you call, the machine will ask
you which department do you want, what you will do is
to press the 4 button of your telephone to connect
to Mr. Steven Bentley who will now confirm to you the
arrival of the consignment and possibly some advise on
what to do next. The e-mail of the finance company is
(lbfinance@canada.com Isa, I can now see the error in my ways, how could I ever not trust a good born again Christian? You have obviously given a lot of time to Christ, and he is smiling down upon us. Since it is somewhat difficult for me to take time out of the day to make a personal phone call to Mr. Bentley, I have e-mailed him instead. If he is able to answer the questions I have posed to him, I will make my reservations post haste to meet with both of you in Toronto. I can't believe how excited I am to finally get this transaction behind us, help the Abacha family, and give my family the best surprise they could ever ask for. I am as giddy as a schoolgirl. Please let me know if there is anything further you need from me, or if you would just like to meet in Toronto. I look forward to wrapping this up as quickly as possible. 8/29/01 Wed Aug 29 21:38:39 2001 Isa, I have tried to get in contact with Mr. Bentley to verify all of the information, but, I only get a machine. Just to verify that I had the right number, I looked up the Londonberry Finance Company in Toronto, and couldn't find any information about this company. So, I was thinking of you, and covering your investment, and I have to ask. Are you sure the Londonberry finance company is reputable? If you could have Mr. Bentley e-mail me, and let me discuss things with him, I would appreciate it. I have contacts at the airlines, so, getting a ticket to meet you in Toronto would not be a problem. I just need to know when to be there, and the address of the Finance Company. After the transaction, I might take a trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame. I look forward to hearing from Mr. Bentley. Thank you for not letting me lose faith in you. 8/30/01 Thu Aug 30 TARGET notes: By the way, the phone number they gave me does go to a voice mail type system, but, when you look up Londonberry Finance Company, there is no such thing, and if you do a reverse lookup on the phone number, there is no listing. 8/30/01 From: zainab abacha [mailto:zanaba2000@yahoo.com] COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAY, I RECEIVED THE WORST NEWS OF MY LIFE TODAY FROM MY COUSIN AND REALLY THE THING REALLY PUT ME OFF COMPLETELY.THERE IS CRIME ALL OVER THE WORLD INCLUDING AMERICA,BUT YOU WOULD NOT SAY BECAUSE OF THIS THAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE GIVEN A BAD NAME,SO PLEASE IN THE NAME OF GOD I PLEAD THAT YOU SHOULD NOT AT THIS HOUR DISSAPOINT ME BECAUSE I INTRODUCED YOU TO MY COUSI N. PLEASE DO NOT IN ANYWAY THINK THAT THIS IS NOT GENUINE,I HAVE ALSO APOLOGISED TO MY COUSIN CONCERNING THIS SO REMOVE FEARS FROM YOUR MIND AND SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE END OF THE DAY. THANKSZAINAB 8/31/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How is the day today? I received your e-mail of yesterday and somehow felt uncomfortable where you said you couldnt find some time out to call Mr. Bentley, my good friend please in the interest of this transaction, please make sure that you make out time today to call him and explain to him the particular time it will always be very convenient for them to call you, remember that the e-mail (lbfinance@canada.com) is the companys e-mail address which does not go directly to Mr. Bentley. I suggest the contact of telephone call is better because this will enable you have direct access to Mr. Bentley because the use of e-mail contact will definitely take little time before the company will come across our particular file, my friend please make this a priority today because the consignment ought to have been there by now and more delays are critically dangerous for both of us, so please get Mr. Bentley on telephone unfailingly today to discuss things with him and quickly get back to me so that I can conclude my arrangements towards meeting with you in Canada since you are the person to give me the go ahead to travel. Please also be very careful with the kind of questions you said you are asking Mr. Bentley because he already, knows the content of the consignment and has volunteered to make sure that the consignment is not opened at the port of entry in Canada and to also assist us in lodging the funds with a prime bank in Canada before the final disbursement and sharing among the both of us, as you see, this is a great favour that he is about doing to us, so do not through your questions make him uncomfortable for him not to feel that there is a problem somewhere and possibly back out, so avoid this situation completely with the kind of questions you ask him. Please call him today as I have told you and get back to me. Thanks,Isa 8/31/01 To: "'ISA KAITA Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:32:15 -0400 ild 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0) Isa, I do not know what to say. I have tried on several occasions to contact Mr. Steven Bentley so we can conclude our arrangement to mutually benefit the both of us, but I have been unsuccessful. I have even gone so far as to send Mr. Bentley an email, and to also try to connect to one of the other departments at LondonBerry Finance, all to no avail. Are you certain Mr. Bentley can be trusted? I have had no contact from him, and frankly, this worries me. I have contacted my travel agent here in South Florida, and she assures me I can have a seat on just about any airline bound for Toronto at a moment's notice, so traveling to Canada will now not be a problem. Now, I just have to hear from Mr. Bentley so I can be assured through communication with him directly that everything is going smoothly. Please, if you have had any contact with Mr. Bentley, please ask him to e-mail me immediately as I am in and out of the office all day today, and will not be able to receive any phone calls. I have left several contact numbers and email addresses with the voicemail at LondonBerry Finance. Thank you, and Godspeed![TARGET] 9/1/01 From [TARGET to Scamorama] Here I am in the middle of dealing with the other scam, and I get this message. From: Barrister Ola James [mailto:olajames@spinfinder.com] BARRISTER OLA JAMES. Sir, RE:- URGENT BUSINESS PROPOSAL I have been mandated by some clients of mine who are top officials of the Nigeria Government to seek the services of reputable and trust worthy individual in your country who is willing and ready to assist us in a business transaction of immense magnitude after a satisfactory information this office has gathered from Nigeria Chamber of Commerce. My clients are interested in the transfer to and subsequent investment in your company, a huge amount of funds amounting to some millions US dollar. The above fund arose from over-inflated contracts sums which have been executed and concluded. The fund is therefore free for transfer oversea.so now, we need a foreign partner(you) to whom account the fund is to be transferred. If you are interested in this proposal we require you
to contact this office by e-mail immediately with the
following information. I implore you to treat this deal with utmost confidentiality. My clients are top civil servants and highly respected people in the society, and will not want any exposure whatsoever. You are free to e-mail to the above email address for more information regarding this transaction. I await your immediate response time essence. Yours faithfully,Barrister Ola James. meanwhile, back at the ranch... 8/31/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How are you, I just received your mail and decided to ask you not to worry because if you have left a message with the answering machine for Mr. Bentley, I am sure he will get back to you.This Bentley is to be trusted 100% so do not worry at all. If you have any contact with them, make sure you contact me before my departure. Thanks and God blessIsa 9/1/01 Sat Sep 1 08:07:27 2001 Isa, Thank you, and I will await Mr. Bentley to contact me. As I said, I am ready to leave for Toronto, and meet you there, I would just hate to have it held up because of Mr. Bentley. Please let me know when you are planning to go there, so I can make arrangements. If Mr. Bentley does not get back in touch with me, we can just meet there, and head to Mr. Bentley's office. I did ask him for an address to the office so I can make hotel arrangements close to there, so, if you have that, I would appreciate it. It would make my travel agent's life a lot easier, considering Toronto is a big city. I look forward to hearing back from you, and hearing from Mr. Bentley .9/3/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] The situation right now puts me in a very critical condition, these days I no longer sleep, I am more than worried because of situation in Canada, I don’t know what the problem is, but I am believing God that they will resume talks with you today. My wife’s ailment just got to a critical position, she has in the last couple of months been suffering from kidney problem, the latest crises on her problem seems more critical, the doctors are yet to come up with the latest result, So as you can see, I am in a very bad situation, we quickly need to get this transaction over so that my wife will undergo a comprehensive kidney transplant. Please try once more today to call on telephone and send an e-mail to Mr. Bentley, if you try and don’t get through I shall fly down to Canada on Wednesday so both of us can go to the finance firm to trace our funds. Thanks, I await your response.Isa Kaita 9/4/01 To:
"'ISA KAITA'" I am sorry to hear of your wife's ailments. I did not realize that things were of that critical a nature. I will try once again to get in touch with Mr. Bentley today. I hope everything is in order, because that is a lot of money to be floating around with no one at the financial firm answering the phone, and nobody returning e-mails. Have you been able to get in touch with him? Either way, I will continue to try today, and get in touch with my travel agent to meet with you in Canada later this week. Once again, I look forward to meeting with you and finishing our transaction. 9/4/01 To: "'ISA KAITA'" I have heard from Mr. Bentley, and am awaiting an e-mail. He said he would send me all the information I requested, so, that should be coming through soon. I think we are going to be right on schedule to close this before the end of next week, and possibly before the end of this week. My tickets for Toronto are ready, I just need to know what day to leave, and I figure, once I get the information from Mr. Bentley, I will be able to leave the next day. Please let me know what your schedule is so I may be able to plan accordingly. Thanks. 9/4/01 From [A TARGET] Tue Sep 04 21:32:12 2001 I received your voice mail. I have been in and out of the office all day. I will not be here tomorrow, but, will be checking my e-mail. You said there was good news, so, please e-mail me back to let me know what the news is. I'm sure judging by the tone of your voice that everything is going ahead as planned. Please let me know when to be there, and where Mr. Bentley's office is so I can make it to the correct location. I look forward to hearing back from you. 9/5/01 From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com] How are you today? I hope you are all right. My brother the stage is right now completely ready for the transaction to commence, on Monday after sending you the e-mail, I quickly arranged and moved straight to Ghana the annex of the security firm in Canada to actually ascertain what the problem could be since the consignment was dispatched from that particular station. What I discovered to me was a big surprise, because Mr. Bentley is becoming too greedy, and which was not too good for the both of us, since doing business with a greedy man would not be in the best interest of both of us. He was purposely not returning your e-mails because of the fact that he wanted to conclude arrangements towards charging a very high rate from $60,000 to$500,000, probably he initially thought that it was a child's play but on receiving the consignment he saw this was 100% real, he quickly deviated from helping into becoming part of the business, which I vehemently refused. I quickly because of this development, that same Monday, arranged with a very close confidant of Zainab's late father who is at the hirm of affairs in that security firm through a financial consultant in Canada to quickly proceed to the London Berry finance in Canada with all the documents dispatched to him, to quickly take over the consignment pending your arrival in Canada. This financial consultant is right now in possession of our consignment (cash) and has pledged to use his immunity to make sure that we don't lose a cent until the whole funds must have been lodged in a prime Canadian bank, So as you can see, that almighty God is really doing wonders for us. He still advised that we should still come forth with $20,000 to open up a non--residential/indigenous account that will be able to accommodate the huge sum of money. Remember that this account shall be opened in your name as the beneficiary and on no account should the money be tampered with until the transaction is completely over. He is charging us the fee of $100,000 for his assistance at the end of the transaction. I also called you telephone from Ghana yesterday and dropped a message with your answering machine. Please arrange immediately to fly into Canada by Friday with all account opening requirements . I have also concluded my own arrangements to be there on Friday, so please get in touch with your travel agent so that he can make reservations for you on Friday, because we must be in Canada on Friday. The following are the particulars of the consultant. Name.........Mr. Ibrahim LukemanTel. No........1-416-4096359 Please make sure that you contact this Mr. Lukeman today, he is presently with our consignment. Call him unfailingly today to confirm this and for necessary advise. I also learnt from your latest e-mail that Mr. Bentley contacted you, please in the best interest of the entire transaction, do not again accommodate his calls or respond to his mails, probably he might have noticed that the ball has been completely taken away from him, he now wants to act as the person to assist, please do not mind him again. You said it from the beginning , if I was sure this man Bentley was to be "TRUSTED", please I no longer trust him. So please quickly respond to this my e-mail, If Mr. Lukeman contacts you first, please give him every assistance he needs . Thanks as await your quick response.Isa Kaita From TARGET to Lad:
Isa, 9/8/01
From: ISA KAITA [mailto:isakaat@yahoo.com]
Attn: TARGET, 9/10/01
Isa, And that, we think, is that. Stay safe out there! |