Usually thwarted scammers just move on, but sometimes they crack.
Occasionally, people send in anti-black slurs (assuming we want them). (We don't.)
Insults from the Lads are too fascinating and relevant to pass up.
Note: They happily scam other Africans rich and poor (see earliest message)
and have special insults for African-Americans who prove unscammable.
Here are insults, curses, threats and geopolitical discourse from the Lads.
Some lead to complete pages posted on the site.
Are U NUTS!A most interesting insult delivered by "Mr Greg Idahor" of the "Ecowas Head Office" in Nigeria after being sent for the second time to a Western Union office with a fake Money Transfer Control Number...From: <> Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 Re: ECOWAS HEAD OFFICE - DELIVERY OF GRANT Are U NUTS. ??? Go Play withur dogs and suck their dicks and pour the spem in ur mama cunt. she will give birth to a dog. ATTENTION YOU FOOLISH AND JOBLESS BASTARD!I just got another load of insults. Maybe the same guy? At least the same style! What's weird is that I didn't even provoke him, I merely pointed out that he should learn how to spell before he attempts to scam anyone (He sent a lottery win notification from "Yahoo/MSN Lottery Incoperation")Now, breach yourself and read his impressive outburst of invectives... This is not for the faint of heart: From ROBERT LAKE <> Sun Apr 29 14:04:43 2007 Subject: AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION YOU FOOLISH AND JOBLESS BASTARD! BE WELL INFORMED THAT YOUR FATHER SLEPT WITH A COW TO PRODUCE U COMPOUND FOOL. YOU ARE PROBABLY A GAY HOMOSESUAL AND TAKE AMU IN YOUR ASS IN THE CAFE BATHROOM, WHEN YOU ARE NOT SENDING STUPID MAILS. WHY YOU PLAY AT GUYMAN, YOU SMALL BOY? SINCE YOU ARE A MUGU AND NEVER GET RICH MAY YOU REMAIN A CHURCH RAT THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE. YOUR MOTHER HAS BEEN FUCKED BY ALL OF ?????? STATE! UR MAMA OK. MY BOYS FUK HER PUSSY AND MAKE HER LEFT WITH YURUBA HIV SPERM . HER PUSSY SO BIG THAT COWS LIVE IN HER PUSSY AND GRAZE ON HER PUBIC HAIR! UR DAD BEGS ME TO SUCK MY DICK . YOUR FATHER IS DYING SLOLEY IN THE PRISON YARD. PLS TELL HIM NOT TO FUCK VILLAGE GOATS ANY MORE BCOS I DON WANT TO SEE MORE OF UR KIND! YOUR SISTER OOOH SHE WAS GOOD BUT HER PUSSY STINKS. IT WAS FOR HAVING SLEPT WITH ALOT OF MEN AT THOSE SHORT TIME JOINTS IN FEGE-ONITSHA SHE HUZLE IN. SHE IS SUFFERING FROM GHONORIA. I AM REALLY SORRY FOR YOU AND YOUR DECENDANTS. I JUST WISH U AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY HIV AND AIDS. U ALL WILL DIE IN PORVERTY, GO TO HELL AND BURN TO ASHISE YOU FUCKING MUGU. THE SNAKES WILL EAT YOUR PENIS --- PASS YOUSELF MUGU! TERRORISM AND SUICIDE BOMBING IS GOOD FOR YOU IDIOTS IN THE STATESFrom: "Central Bank Nigeria" <>Date: October 16, 2006 Subject: Re: Fwd: Diplomatic Courier Service. I GOT YOUR MAIL AND THE ONLY ANSWER I WILL GIVE TO YOU IS THIS: YOU REAP WHERE YOU DID NOT SOW YOU ARE A BIG FOOL YOU GOT TIME TO REPORT A LEGAL TRANSACTION THAT I AM ORDERED TO DO,THAT SHOWS THAT YOU ARE A COMPLETE "MUGU"SO I PLEAD YOU TO CONTINUE WITH YOUR USELESSNESS AND JOBLESSNESS. YOU WANT TO HAVE THE MONEY YOU DID NOT WORK,WHAT INTEREST DID AMERICA HAVE IN IRAQS OIL AND GAS? USELESS FELLOWS: TERRORISM AND SUICIDE BOMBING IS GOOD FOR YOU IDIOTS IN THE STATES AND SOON IT WILL GET TO YOU BASTERED. IDIOT,SON OF A BITCH,YOU WANT TO INSULT MY PERSONALITY,EVEN YOUR PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH CAN NEVER STOP ME. I STILL REMAIN PROF CHARLES SOLUDO GOVERNOR CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA [Which he isn't, but you knew that.] THE INTENSITY OF THE LADS CAN BE WITHERINGFrom a Kindly Contributor in the US:Subject: The intensity of the Lads can be withering Below is a reply I received a while ago. I'm not sure now the details of who and how I was to help, but I did mention they were "mugu" material and not to contact me again. The following was the only reply I have received (so far). I would like to say I stayed awake at night, wondering how I was to pay them but that is not the case. Received: from [] Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 08:56:06 +0000 (GMT) From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Mr=20Mveli=20James=20Maseko?= << Subject: RE: ATTN: MUGU You are a BIG MUGUUUUUUUUUUUU and a LARGE MAYEEEEEEEEEEEE and You will continue to pay. GOD WILL GEORGE YOU WITH YOUR WORDSI couldn't resist tweaking him once more. You'd think after 5 months of dealing Goofus N. Gallant's surprisingly high family mortality rate he'd be nicer. All I did was write "419" in response.As least he turned the caps lock off. Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 13:02:41 +0200 (CEST) From: frank obruth <> Subject: PLs,go away out of this business.i don't need you again??? your ganerration is 419 for ever you bastered man,foolish man , poor man,you will remain in eating shit in your life,you are calling me a 419 well God will george you with your words. i have nothing to tell you God will reward you with your selffishness mind.back to the sender not for me because i trust and believe in jesus christ and hie is with me for ever. Pls, i have told you to go away from this business i don't need you any more,you are a hopeless man i haven't see for life.get out from here. GO AWAY OUT OF THESEI finally decided to say "bye-bye" to this lad after 5 months, and about 4 different people getting killed in various ghastly accidents. I gave him a tinyurl link that was supposed to send him to a scan of a Western Union slip. Suffice to say it re-directed him to something that was not work-safe.Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 17:24:09 +0200 (CEST) From: frank obruth <> Subject: THANKS FOR THAT DEAR FOOLISH MAN, I AM VERY SORRY TO YOU, BECAUSE YOU DON'T WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND YOU WILL REMAIN IN POOR FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND ALSO REMAIN TAKING YOUR GIRLFRIEND TO THE ABORTION CLINIC FOREVER. YOU THINK I AM LYING TO YOU, WELL GOD WILL PAY YOU BACK SO SOON. THAT MEANS YOU ARE JOKEN WITH ME SINCE ALL THIS WHILE YOU POOR MAN. YOU ARE SO STUPID GO AWAY OUT OF THESE. GOD WILL RUIN YOUR FAMILYI got this after I had the mugu send his buddies to a gay hotel in Madrid asking to speak with Mike Hoksmal.From: "Drphilip Mo" <> Subject: THANK YOU SIR To: "Reo Speedwagon" GOD WILL PUNISH YOU AND YOUR FOLISH THINKING,I KNOW WHOM YOU ARE.I WILL KILL YOU ONE DAY,YOU ARE JUST COMFUSIONIST,IDIOT,FOUL LIKE YOU.I HAVE BEEN TRESING YOU,KNOW THAT I HAVE KNOW YOU,I WILL MAKE SURE I KILL YOU BEFORE THIS WEEK END. IDIOT LIKE YOU. GOD WILL RUIN YOUR FAMILY I WILL USE ANOTHER WAY TO GET YOUTo: xxxxSubject: Re: Hello From Grace !!! . Received: from [] ... Wed, 25 Feb 2004 07:08:25 EST From: "Grace Boateng" <> XXXX, YOU ARE COMPLETE MUGU,AND YOU WILL FALL IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER,YOU FEEL YOU ARE WISE THIS WAY,I WILL USE ANOTHER WAY TO GET YOU.YOU PEOPLE HAVE NOT FINISHED PAYING FOR WHAT YOU DID TO OUR FOUR FATHER'S,YOU WILL SURELY PAY YOUR OWN ONE DAY.I PROMISE YOU.FOOL AND MUGU IS WHAT YOU ARE. Grace, MY INSULT'S BIGGER THAN YOUR INSULTMusa Ibrahim wrote:FUCK YOU TILL YOU ARE FINNALY DEAD AND MAY YOU AND YOUR GENARATION NEVER HAVE PACE MAY YOUR BLOOD AND FLESH BE OFFERED TO THE BEAST OF THE AIR. YOU BASTARD. FUCK YOU AND YOUR CARWhat the f***? I found the address for "Winny Mandella" and just sent a response saying "hey, I got your information from a traveling friend. Please tell me more about the transaction." I thought I would get a laugh off another mugu. Boy, I had no clue how effective THAT would be.- "John Frost" X-Originating-IP: [] From: "wininy mandella" To: johnfrost Subject: HOW IS YOUR GIRL FREND ........... Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 09:07:04 +0000 ATT John Frost, FUCK YOU AND YOUR CAR YOU MUST GO AND EAT SHEIT HOW IS YOUR GIRL FREND I NEED HER I WILL GIVE YOU MY GIRL FREND AS WELL . LET US MAKE COMPETITION WITH OUR GIRL FREND , I HAVE GOT MONEY I DONT NEED MONEY AGAIN I NEED JESUS CHRIST IN MY LIFE THANK YOU . MAY GOD FORGIVE ME FOR THE BAD THINGS I HAVE DON ,I KNOW THAT GOD HAVE FORGIVE ME REASON WHAT WE ARE DOING TO DAY COME FROM THE WEKED WHITE PEOPLE SO GOD WE PORNISH ALL OF YOU WHITE PEOPLE THAT CHENGE THE GOOD WORLD THAT ALLMIGHTY GOD HAVE DON WELL SO GOD MUS PONISH YOU AND YOUR WEKED FELLOWS THANK YOU ..... MY NAME IS FRANK OR FRED IBOYE . GET A SAYS:Subject: Re: Re: YOU ARE THE MUGU I BET YOU DONNOT HAVE ANY JOB.MUGU USELESS ELEMENTFrom frank g geui Mon Oct 13 03:14:59 2003From: frank g geui Subject: DONT SEND ME THIS RUBISSH Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 06:14:59 -0400 MY FRIEND , I DONT THINK YOU HAVE WORK TO DO .ME MY WORK IS TO STAY IN THE COMPUTER AND FRAUD WHAT ABOUT YOU .USELESS ELEMENT . I WILL SHOOT YOU THROUGH THE NOSEMay? 2003From: Received: from [] you are a dead man already.Y ou know ho we are cos we are coming straight at you.I will shoot you through the nose. Beleive me. You can call the cops now,bitch-ass I WILL KILL YOU WITH BLACK MAGICFrom CHUKWUM NYEAKA Mon May 19 07:20:27 2003From: "CHUKWUM NYEAKA" Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 07:20:27 nzst Subject: IDIOT ,THATS WHAT YOU ARE FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUU. OK. IDIOT. TRY ME, AND I WILL KILL YOU WITH BLACK MAGIC. YOU WANNA TRY .BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHOT AND NEVER EVER WRITE BULL SHIT TO ME AGAIN,OTHERWISE I WILL USE BLACK POWDER ON YOU AND YOU WILL DROP DEAD. IDIOT. YOU WILL NEVER FINE YOUR ASSHOLEThis Contributor in Eastern Europe, frustrated by ceaseless spam, resorted to racial epithets, hoping the spam would stop. "Frank" responded as follows (and with many other similar e-mails).From Frank Adamawa Tue May 20 22:45:19 2003 From: Frank Adamawa Subject: fuck you Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 05:45:19 +0000 Bastard XXXX, You will never fine your asshole, i told you not to ever write me again, i am a don in Lagos, here is my home mother fucker, we are the lords in Lagos okay, you are just fooling your self, i told you i fuck your mama and your papa, i will make sure all your kids dont grow, and i will wipe your family out of existence if you fuck with me , you dont know me, dont ever thing of coming to lagos because that will be the end of your life mother fucker, i told you that you are like a small rat, in a tiny hole, all i need to do is to cover the fucking hole and let you die, dont play with me or else i will travel down to the state and look for you, listen you dont know anything about business, before you were born i have been doing business all over the world, okay, you are too small for me, i have kill more than 3 people this year so if you fuck with me you are going to be the forth so dont mess mother fucker VENGEANCE IS MINESaith "Winny Mandella" to Justin-Ginette-Mado, whom "she" apparently mistook for "ladbasher"De : Date : 14/10/2003 12h09 Objet : THIS IS FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY hello ladbasher you are a mugu only defrent is you dont have money if you have you get to paid twomuch of money just look act time you are use to write all this shit ,come to me so that i will make you rich i have a lot of money last week i came there in canada i look for your offices onfortunate the transaction that bring me was over i can buy you thank you . come let me make you a rich man in life my education stander is two much i loke to write you in this way if you can understan it ,i dont care who you are fuck you1000*end for remend fool for ever , every thing in this world come from africa but africa are sorfrin reason you white come to africa and still every thing dont worry we know how to bring them back to africa ,keep usen the stupid ones but as for me i am two much ..since GOD CRETED WHITE AND BRACK YOU PEOPLE KEEP CHITING BRACK BUT IS ALL OVER WE BLACK GOT OUR ONW SENCE FUCK YOU FOREVER THIS NOT THE WAY GOD ALLMIGHTY WANT US TO DO BUT YOU REMAIN POOR THIS IS HOW CAIN AND EBEL DID YOU PEOPLE WANT TO DO THIS WAY TO ME IS IN POSOBLE TO HELL WITH YOU AND YOU FAMILY FOREVER IN THIS WORLD FUCK YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOUY YOU YOU AND YOUR FAMILY YOU CAN DO ANY THING TO ME TELL WERE ALL YOU IN CANADA I WILL COME THERE 2PAC SAID IF YOU HAVE MONEY THE WORLD IS FOR YOU SO THIS WORLD IS FOR ME I HAVE 20 ARTHORNEY WHICH I AM PAIDYING TELL WERE YOU ARE STA IN CANADA I WILL COME THERE MY FAMILY ARE LAVEN IN CANADA TOROTO FUCK I CAN FIRNISH YOU ANY THINGS THAT YOU NEED TO LOOK FOR ME . and then Date : 14/10/2003 18h38 Objet : DONT WRITE ME AGAIN Dear :ladbasher Listing let me tell you i have a companey in London and all so in Canada USA and all so in my contry .iam a rich man i am not a woman ,any things you need to look for me let me know i will fornish you all reason 2pacK said that if you have money you have the world ,i will not tell you any thing,this work have defrent way to do it i like to write IN THIS WAY sombody who dont know any thing so that you people we fall in to it thank you dont reply me again because i am not goin to use this box agian if you need me just give you adress i we send my boys in canada there to see you thank you good bye . i have tell the hotmail to close this box that is for froud people. BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAUForwarded by Justin-Ginette-Mado (founder of the religious cult 'Scamomamma'): MR AYO PATRICK MBAGI Date : 09/10/2003 14h35 YOU MOTHEFUCKER YOU GO TO HELL. NO TIME LOOSE WITH YOUR KIND MOTHERFUCKER. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU NO GOOD MOTHERFUCKER Oct 2003 YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERDFrom the Mischievous Contributor of TELL US WHAT YOU REALLY THINK:From: maco pamakundor Subject: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERD. Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 21:02:43 +0200 (CEST) How ever, I AM INTRESTED IN ALL YOU HAVE BEEN DOING TO ME BUT YOU DAYS ARE NUMBERD I AM COMITING YOU TO A VERY SORROFULL CONDITION THAT YOU WILL DIE BY STROKE OR RATHER ACIDENT. MY FATHER IS THE SOUL SPRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVARSE I KNEW YOU WHERE THE SAME PERSON WHO DECIEVED ME ALL ALONG BUT MIND YOU, IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO CODE ABOUT JOB, OR TRATHER TO DECIEVE ME I WILL TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE A VICTIM OF A DEAD BODY IF YOU THINK I AM LIEING PLEASE a DEAD BODY THAT WILL BE KILLED BY OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. I AM GOING TO KILL YOUR BODY. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU HAVE TO LIVE ME ALONE BUT BECOS OF THIS ISSUE YOU HAVE GOT A SERIOUSE PROBLEM BECOS YOUR MATTER HAVE BEEN REGISTERD SPIRITUALY AND YOU ARE TO DIE BY STOKE, YOU WILL WAKE UP EALY IN THE MORNIG BUT YOU CANOT WALK JUST BECOS OF ANOTHER MANS PROBLEM THERE IS KNOW UBJECTION YOU ARE ALL READY DEAD. THIS IS FOR YOU TO DESIDE ON THE MANER OF YOU DEATH. GOD WHO CRETED ME AND YOU DOES NOT TELL YOU TO DECIEVE PEOPLE THIS WAY SO WE ARE READY FOR YOU.THE END OF YOU IS TO DIE ON STROKE BY THE POWER OF OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. 000.YOUR END HAS COME NOW AND FOR EVER MORE. EMEN. 000. I AM THE SOUL SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERS 000. Sept. 2003 YOU HAVE 250 HOURS TO BECOME A DEAD MANDR ALI GARUBASent: Monday, August 11, 2003 1:59 AM Subject: mr scam: dear count, thanks you very much for your last mail,i think i am dealing with a human being ,i did not know that you are big scam but i thank my god that you open in time let me tell you that i am a nigeria and a senator in Nigeria doing research about 419 artists and how they tric people in USA. I just want to enrich my self and other member of the house which i have promise about but we thank that you are a scam to the call so thank you very much bye for now dr ali and then To: The Count bastard are very stupid to say such a thing anyway you better wash your back because very soon they will do you 2pac. SAY YOUR LAST PRAYER.YOU HAVE 250 HOURS TO BECOME A DEAD MAN. I WILL TELL YOU THAT YOU DONT INSULT ANYBODY YOU SEE. MY FAMILY WILL TAKE YOU SOON. THEY ARE IN YOUR COUNTRY. THIS A MAFIA ASSYMENT. SEE YOU IN HELL. NB: I KNOW YOU,INFACT ALL YOUR INFORMATION. CHECK IF YOU OFFENDEN ANYBODY CLOSE TO YOU. REGARDS ED.CAPO.SOCIETY and then To: FRANK CHIGEME Subject : IDIOT OF THE YEAR Date : Fri, 5 Sep 2003 02:01:06 GMT HELLO FRANK, LET ME TELL YOU YOU ARE A POOR MAN TOO ANY MAN DEMANDING WHAT DOES NOT BELONG TO HIM DIE ALIFE EVERY ORGANSED TROUBLE AGAINST MY LIFE BACK TO THE SENDER YOU ARE A POST DATED IDIOT OF THE YEAR 2003 YOU ARE AN ENEMY TO GOOD NEWS LOOK MY FREIND YOU ARE TOO POOR TO DO THIS CAN OF BUSINESS SEAT DOWN THERE GOOD THING OF LIFE WILL PAST YOU IF YOU DID NOT TAKE YOU TIME I WILL SEND GOD OF IRON TO FIRE YOU TO DEATH BYE FOR NOW Aug 2003 WHY DON'T YOU TELL US WHAT YOU REALLY THINKYOU DUMB DICK HEAD, I GUESS I HAVE COLLECTED YOUR MONEY BEFORE AND THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE BEEN CRYING YOUR EYES AND SHIT FACE ABOUT "SIC", GUESS WHAT, I THINK YOU HAVE PAID ME HANDSOMELY BEFORE SOME COOL THOUSANDS OF BENJAMINS AND THAT IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN USING ALL THESE WHILE TO KEEP BODY AND SOUL TOGETHER.I LAUGH AT YOU CUZ YOU ARE THE MOST STUPID AND DUMBEST PERSON I HAVE EVER "KNOWN"(SORRY HEARD OFF). YOU ARE SUCH A DUMB FOOL THAT I CARRIED YOU ALL ALONG, YOU NOT KNOWING THAT I KNEW ALL ALONG THE GAME YOU WERE UP TO. I WANT TO LET YOU INTO A SECRET, I JUST COLLECTED SOME COOL US$9000 FROM ONE OF MY CLIENTS FROM THE U.S.A. TODAY AND ABOUT THIS TIME NEXT WEEK, HE WILL BE MAKING ANOTHER PAYMENT WORTH US$60,000. YOU SEE, WE ARE INTO A BIG TIME BUSINESS HERE AND THIS IS NOT FOR MINORS LIKE YOU WHO ARE HACKERS, I KEEP WONDERING IF YOU ARE THAT GOOD, WHY HAS BILL GATES NOT FOUND OUT MUCH ABOUT YOU AND PROBABLY SETTLE YOU OR OFFER YOU A JOB AT MICROSOFT. YOU SEE MY GOOD FRIEND HUGO, THIS BUSINESS IS LIKE A MAFIA GAME AND YOU CANNOT JUST STOP THE MAFIA FROM GETTING WHAT THEY WANT. THE US GOVERNMENT HAVE TRIED ALL THEY COULD AND NOTHING CAME OUT AND EVEN OUR GOVERNMENT TOO BUT YOU SEE THIS BUSINESS IS FOR REAL AND IT IS RATHER APPALLING TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO FIND A TINY CRYSTAL GRAIN OF SAND FROM THE BEACH, HELL NO YOU JUST CANNOT DO THAT MY FRIEND. YOU SEE MY FRINED, I WOULD RATHER ADVISE YOU TO PLEASE FIND SOME GOOD TO DO FOR YOURSELF RATHER THAN BOTHERING YOURSELF ABOUT ME CUZ YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MATCH ME IN ANY WAY. I LIVE LARGE IN MY COUNTRY AS I DRIVE " COME ON WHY DO I WANT TO JOIN ISSUES WITH YOU, YOU AIN'T WORTH IT". ALL I WANT TO SAY IS THAT I COULD OFFER U A DEAL WHERE WE COULD BE BUDDIES, IF YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU AND YOU MUST BE WILLING AND READY TO WORK WITH ME. YOU CAN GET ACROSS TO ME IF AND WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT. HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU MY FRIEND " YOU SEE, I AM MAGNANIMOUS ENOUGH TO OFFER YOU A DEAL AND ALSO CALL YOU MY FRIEND". NB: I WANT YOU TO BE THAT FOOLISH AND STUPID ENOUGH TO SEND THIS CORRESPONDENCE AROUND TO PEOPLE CUZ THAT IS MY AIM TO KNOW HOW SMART YOU ARE CUZ YOU GUYS ARE REALLY DUMB. ASTALAVISTA MY FRIEND AND CIAO!!! SMELLING PIG DOG FOOD JO-JO DEVILISH HARLOT BASTARDA tribute from Chief fredrick e nda, aka P. E. Nda, your basic scammerDate: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 14:09:03 -0700 (PDT) From: nda fredricks [] Subject: CHIEF.NDA YOU ARE A BUSH MAN I DONT HAVE FUCKING TIME FOR POOR GUYS LIKE YOU WHERE DID YOU THIEF 100 MILLION HOW CAN A MONKY DO BUSINESS AND MAKE SUCH AMOUNT.WELL YOU ARE ONE OF THE AFRICAN SLAVES IN AMERICA WE WILL SOON GET YOU PEOPLE BACK TO FATHER LAND. NOMATTER HOW MUCH THEY BUY YOU GUYS WE MUST PAY THEM BACK AND PICK OUR BROTHERS.BUT I DONT THINK FOOL LIKE YOU WILL LIKE TO COME BACK HOME BECAUSE OF OYIBO FOODS. DONT WORRY I WILL LET BUSH HEAR THIS SO YOU HAVE 100 MILLIONS AND YOU WILL BE ARRESTED YOU DONKY. YOU DONT EVEN GO TO SCHOOL .CANNOT EVEN SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH AMERICAN LATINS IS NOT ENGLISH GO BACK TO SCHOOL SLAVE. GO AND PAY FOR YOUR TELEPHONE BILL YOU CANNOT RECEIVE CALLS MILLION DOLLAR MAN. and then TO HELL WITH POOR PEOPLE LIVING IN AMERICA.SO SORRY YOU DONT KNOW YOUR FATHER LAND IN AFRICA MANY HAVE COME BACK AND WE GAVE THE LAND TO BUILD HOUSE YOU NOWAY ANY TIME I SEE YOU IN AFRICA I WILL JAIL YOU.YOU BETTER STAY THEREIN UNTIL YOU DIE OKAY. YOU MUST BE A SLAVE THERE OKAY IAM BETTER THAN YOU IAM IN MY FATHER LAND OKAY. RICH SLAVE. and then ya mama toto yamama toto----------toto----------toto ohhhhhhhhh fuck your mother animal your mother toto your mother toto------------------------toto---------------------your -------------mama totootototototototototototooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt tttttttttooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttooooo and then KAY NOW I REMEMBERED WHOM YOU ARE.THE SON OF HARLOT. IBEKWE IS BETTER THAN USELESS PIG LIKE YOU .STOP MENTIONING HIS NAME YOU STRANDED SLAVE .WHAT IS YOUR FATHERS NAME MONKEY. IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE A MAN CALL ME ON MY PHONE I WOULD HAVE CALL SMELLING PIG LIKE YOU AND REMIND YOU WHERE YOU COME FROM . YOU DONT KNOW WHERE YOU COME FROM AND YOU DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO SLAVE. YOU WANT TO HAVE 25% SEE MONKEY WAY DE MAKE MILLIONS INSTEAD OF ME TO TRANSFER THIS MONEY TO YOUR ACCOUNT I FULK YOUR MOTHER THROUGH BACK YOUR MAMA TOTO DE SMELL. DE SMELL DE SMELL DE SMELL OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I NO GO FULK AM AGAIN OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE WOMAN TOO SMELL JO JO. IF I SEE HER I WILL PAY MY DOG TO FULK AM OHHHHHHHHHHH. OR YOU WANT TO FULK YOUR MOTHER OKAY NA YOU SEF DE FULK AM I KNOW THAT IS YOUR LIFE NA YOU DE FULK YOUR MOTHER I KNOW I KNOW THAT GO AHEAD FULK HER WELL WELL AS NOBODY GREEE FULK AM FOR YOU. I BEG FULK YOUR THING YOUR MAMA TOTO DE SWEET YOU WELL WELL I KNOW YOU SLAVE PIG. May 2003 SEND ME THE F***ING BANK DETAILSJohn Kangiwa becomes annoyed at Lonslo Tossov (world's most abrasive legal counsel).JOHN KANGIWA ( Subject: Lonslo and quims Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 08:59:13 -0400 ATTN:Lonslo Tossov, I shall take it that you are playing with yourself and a mother fucker you are with your drunkard Mrss Quims. I shall also take it that you are a small Man with a small mind, so you better piss your penis off with the wine that is filled up in your smelling belly. I warn you to stop your expensive joke or i will blow your head off. I have been to sheraton hotel and your fucking idiot could not be found in all the bar and golf in the whole world of sheraton and its environs, you useless idle hand, you better find yourself a good fucker and stop parrading your prostitute mrs quims around the world with her drunken smelling body. Get lost with your crazy spirit and body. you fucking mother fucker. God help you out with your crazy mentality. BYE YOU STINKING FOOL, jOHN. I PITY A FLYENGR. PETER ESEMUSA becomes upset with a Kindly Contributor in FinlandI WILL LAUGH AT YOU AT LAST IF ONLY YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE LOST ALREADY YOU HAVE STARTED LOSING YOUR JOURNEY TO SWISS IS IN VAIN BELEIVE ME UNLESS I AM NOT LIVE AGAIN. I PITY A FLY THAT DOES NOT LISTEN WILL DIE IN THE GRAVE WITH THE CORPSE GOOD DAY PETER April 2003 FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!From the merciless Raynaz...From: "bello afolabi" To: "raynaz" Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 8:37 AM Subject:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 YOU ARE A FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHO DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TOY WITH.MAN I AM TOO MUCH FOR YOU.THAT NUMBER DOES NOT EXIST I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP TO.WELL NICE TRY.YOU CAN'T HOLD ME.YOU PEOPLE WILL CERTAINLY PAY BACK FOR ALL WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO BLACK RACE.DO YOU THINK I AM FOOL TO FALL WITH THAT YOUR NASTY WORDS.MAY BE YOU THINK I WAS THE PERSON AT THE AIRPORT TO RECIEVE YOU .I AM TOO BIG FOR THAT.WELL THE NUMBER YOU HAVE IS FOR A GUEST HOUSE YOU CAN GO AFTER IT IF YOU LIKE. DON'T EVERY WRITE ME.THIS IS THE LAST CORESPONDENCE WITH YOU.I WILL MEET YOU IN YOUR HOUSE.FOOL YOU THINK I AM IN NIGERIA.FOOL IDOT YOU THINK YOU ARE WISE THE BOX IS CLOSE FOREVER DON'T BOTHER YOURSELF WRITING IS FOR YOU FOOL STUPID ORCHINForwarded by a Kindly Contributor who chose not to pursue the Lotto opportunity:ATLANTICO GRUPO DE SEGURIDAD [] wrote: FUCK YOUR ASS SIR. GO TO HELL AND BURN TO ASHES. MOTHER FUCKER. LOOK AT THIS ORCHIN CALLING ME A SCAMMER WHEN I AM SURE TAHT I AM BETTER OFF THAN YOU, GAINFULLY EMPLOYED. ONCE AGAIN, GO TO HELL AND BURN TO ASHES. STUPID ORCHIN. FUCK YOU AND YOUR MAJESTYDr Frank Omu aka Chiwendu Nwokoro aka Douglas figured out he'd been wasting his time, and was shockingly disrespectful to the British Royal Family (Agent Ilichy Miracsky provoked him somewhat).--- credit commission [] wrote: fuck you and your majesty and your money ,and you all are bunch of fuck.for your insolence as you dont know who i am at least we have never met , therefore you should learn to be polite next time. so go get youy self some thing doing okey. and dare you not send mail to this box any more as you are waisting your precious time as i will all ways delete them unread . December 2002 WHAT A CROCAlso sent to E. Coli:Thu, 28 Nov 2002 23:47:55 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [] dear fool, infact you are greatest fool ive ever come are going to be killed by crocodile. your ancestors are fools.and fools shall your generaion be. infact,the cia are already after you. you will die during dry season so that the grave diggers will not be able to dig your grave to 6 feet. i will search for your mother.I will like to feed my own crocodile with your mum for christmas. sloman But wait, you also get the contents of E. Coli's INBOX afterwards: ![]() TALES FROM THE CRYPTFrom the files of the ubiquitous E. Coli:Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 09:54:53 +0100 (CET) From: Christian Bamba To: Vizier Imhotep Subject: I AM HONEST MAN.. HEY MR COLINS ALIAS VIZIER(IGBO MAN & ETE(MUGU), YES I KNEW VERY WELL IT WAS YOU AND THIS WAS WHY I REPLIED YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A WISE MAN,BASTARD. I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER,FATHER AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY YOU THIS BASTARD RABBIT.NO NO NO OK I WILL GIVE YOU FUCK YOUR MOTHER DOLLAR OK. OK NO NO NO,I WILL NOT FUCK YOUR FAMILIES AND PARENT. THE REASON IS THAT THEY HAVE AIDS OK.I DONT WANT TO BE CONTAMINATED BY YOURS BASTARD FAMILIES.I WILL FUCK YOUR ASSH-HOLE AND EVERY AFRICANS WILL FUCK ALSO AFTER ME ONE BY ONE OK.ALSO AFTER US ANIMALS WILL FUCK YOU ALL OK.I MEAN YOUR BASTARD HARLOT MOTHER,YOUR BASTARD PROSTITUTE MOTHER.THIEF,YOU WANT TO STEAL MONEY.UNH UNH COME AND COME QUICK AND STEAL IT.BASTARD. OK WHAT DID I TOLD YOU MR COLINS.I TOLD YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT A WISE MAN BUT A BASTARD MOTHER FUCKER.FUCK FUCK FUCK YOUR ASSH-HOLE.I LIVE IN TOGO WHERE YOU ARE. EVEN I SAW YOU YESTERDAY EATING RUBBISH WASTED FOOD.POOR MAN AND HUNGRY LION.COME AND CARRY MONEY AND GO TO HELL AND DIE BASTARD.SEE ME SEE TROUBLE.WASH WASH,COME AND CARRY,TRANSFER,TOPPERS,CONTRACTS DO YOU KNOW ANY OF THIS JOBS.OK I WILL TEACH YOU AND YOU WILL CARRY IT TO HELL AND DIE THERE.I PRAY IT FOR YOU BASTARD AND PRODIGAN SON.DONT YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE ALREADY REJECTED BY YOUR SO CALLED BASTARD FAMILIES. I ASSURE YOU THIS.WILL YOU FIGHT?.LET US WRESTLING AND SEE WHO WILL WON?.YOU ARE A SHORT ARROGAN BASTARD MAN.CAN YOU FUCK YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER AND SISTERS AND BROTHER?.I KNEW THAT YOU ARE A HUMANNIZER AND A HOMOSEXUAL.YOUR CURSE IS LIKE A CRIPPLE AND BLIND MAN CURSE THAT DONT WALK OR SEE THE PERSON IT WAS SENT TO. DO YOU KNOW GOLLIATH IN THE BIBLE?YES JOSEPH ONLY STONED HIM TO DEATH.A GIANT MAN WITHOUT ANY SINGLE POWER.YES HE WAS YOUR FATHER.INFACT GOLLIATH WAS YOUR FATHER?.DONT YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE A BASTARD SON?. PLEASE GO AND ASK YOUR MOTHER ABOUT YOUR REAL FATHER?. ASK YOUR FRIENDS THEY WILL TELL YOU OK.ALL OF THEM KNOWS IT.YOUR MOTHER IS HIDING VERY SECRET THINGS AWAY FROM YOU?.STONE YOUR PROSTITUTE AND BASTARD MOTHER TO DEATH AND BEFORE SHE WILL GO DOWN SHE WILL TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR FATHERS HISTORY.DONT YOU KNOW THAT I MYSELF FUCKED YOUR MOTHER BEFORE SHE GAVE BIRTH TO YOU?.ASK YOUR MOTHER ABOUT MR THOMAS OJUKWU?.AFTER THAT I WILL TELL YOU ONE STORY CONCERNING YOUR MOTHER IN NIGERIA. I FUCKED HER JUST BECAUSE OF 1 NAIRA TO BUY HERSELF FOOD.STORY STORY,STORY!.I AM A HAPPY MAN AND NOT A BASTARD OK.DONT TALK AND NEVER WRITE BACK YOU BASTARD MAN YOU.I DONT INITIATE MYSELF WITH BASTARDS AND PRODIGAN PEOPLES LIKE YOU MR COLINS ALIAMS VIZIER?. I ONLY TESTED YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR BAD HISTORY I HEARD. GOLLIATH IS NO MORE IN EXISTENCE.A DEAD CURPSE NOW. HUH! HUH! YOUR FATHER IS DEAD BASTARD.GO AND DIE IN HELL COLI COLI.IGBO MAN.GUY MAN.ETE MAN.419 MAN.I KNEW YOU ARE THE SAME PARTY WITH ME.WE ARE ALL THE SAME OK. YOUR ARE A 419 AND I AM A 419 IN TOGOOOOOOOOOO.ASK OF THOMAS AT BOULVARD STREET 145 LOME TOGOOOOOOOOOOO.I AM VERY POPULAR OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOK. HOLY GHOST FIRE.FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!.MR COLI COLI FIRE FIRE FIRE.GOODBYE POOR AND BASTARD MAN. MR THOMAS OJUKWU. STEER STRAIGHT ONNov 2002Forwarded by the wily and creative Stu deBaker Hawke Mr.Stuart Hawke, I have just placed your name on the search web this morning and came out with result that you are not a human being, you are an animal, a beast. You are a beast of no nation. Infact, you are an anti-christ. How I wish you are in the WORLD TRADE CENTRE on that September 11. I do wish toread from you again. Bye Fool. FROM POLAND WITH LOVEJune 2002. Courtesy of the patient, inspired and clever Dominatrix D.June 17 Od: "tom tutu" Data: 2002/06/16 20:22:09 Temat: Re: You are very stupid. Do: "Dori Tutu" Do you think that am a fool or what??? I know what your game is all about, you will be thinking you are very smat but you are not, the picture I send to you do you think is my picture, who on earth will send his picture to someone like you right from the on set I know where you are coming from that is the reason why am fooling you around Ok. You are just fooling your self by sending all my corespondence to ANGRY ANGRY LADWinter 2001-2002. Forwarded by the brilliant Arnold Fannerman.Dear Whatever your fucking name is, First, I want to say that I am not at any time convienced that you are not a criminal. Reasons being that I am a 419 guy and have riped the likes of you with the same technology that you stupid ashole evented to manipulate we african. What we do down here is nothing to make us ashame as we are only trying to get back what you fucking bastard took from us way back. I guess you people call it reparation. Just for one fucking moment, you probably would have thought that we Africans are set of crazy fool that are no way near your self belief intellegence but oh no, you white monkeys(Micky Mouse if you like) are even more stupid for all we care as we are really moer original than you lazy white cheap and greedy beings that would want to claim what you are not part of just about the same way you bastards riped our continent. Let me tel you this for once, have you ever sat your ass down to ask yourself what colour is the devil? Must probable you like and the likes of you would say that He was a black man. But today be it know to your sorry ass that the devil was an angel of God that was thrown down to earth. What colour does the angels have? White right? Then cann't you see how you maniacs out there tried to change what we believed in? A wolf in sheep clothing is simply a wolf and nothing more. Go fuck your mother fucking asshole that has being infected by the same atificiary beliefs that has beclouded your vision as a young man that is surpposed to be asking us how did we acquire our bank of knowledge. Be true to your self and give us a little tumbs up for our intelligence dommy. HOW WE FIRST HEARD THE TERM MUGUNov. 2001: Sent to a Kenyan who did not jump on their offer: "Below is a copy of what the fellow replied when he discovered that I knew he wanted to con me." MUGU IF YOU ARE NOT FOLISH YOU WILL NOT BE FIDING TIME TO WRITE ALL THESE STUPID MAILS.I WANT YOU TO CALCULATE HOW MANY OF THIS TYPE YOU HAVE SO FAR SENT TO YOUR MASTER LIKE ME. YOU SHOULD THANK YOUR GOD THAT YOU LATTER DISCOVERED,IF NOT MAYBE BY NOW YOUR SMALL EARNED SALARY WOULD HAVE BEEN IN MY BANK ACCOUNT.YOU ARE STILL A MUGU FOR WRITING AND LET ME ASSURE YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT YET FREE BECAUSE I HAVE MORE THAN 82 OTHER WAYS TO DEAL WITH FOOLS LIKE YOU. IDIOT. etc. etc. |