Stew de Baker Hawke ( pre-eminent anti-scammer well known to
readers of these pages) returns to help the poor orphaned son of yet another
ill-fated gold and cocoa dealer.
While "Richard Diuf" languishes in a refugee camp (fortunately outfitted
with an internet connection), Stew wrangles with Diuf's unhelpful "bankers".
Another mysterious "Citibank" account makes its appearance.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters. Stew de Baker Hawke played by "Old Car" RICHARD DIUF (catcher) played by a "Lad from Cotonou" Barrister Ahmed Salim played by the same lad. (trust me it's him) SOCIETE AFRICAINE (fake security company at the same IP addy) And in supporting roles, these fine e-mail accounts: Headers manicured for readability but certainly available to qualified individuals or agencies, you know who you are :)
X-Apparently-To: Stew DeBaker Hawke via; 10 Mar 2003 02:23:05 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: [] Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; 10 Mar 2003 02:21:42 -0800 (PST) From: "RICHARD DIUF" [] Reply-to: To: Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:28:20 +0100 RICHARD DIUF [] wrote: DEAR SIR I PRAY THAT YOU WILL NOT BE EMBARRASED BECAUSE OF THIS MY MAIL.I GOT YOUR ADDRESS THROUGH THE INTERNATE AND DECIDED TO PLEAD FOR A HELPING HAND FROM YOU. I AM DIUF RICHARD,THE ONLY SON OF CHIEF DIUF OF DAKAR IN SENEGAL.MY FATHER WAS A MAJOR COCOA AND GOLD DEALER BEFORE HIS UNTIMELY DEATH.HE DIED AFTER A FATAL MOTOR ACCIDENT WITH MY MOTHER WHEN THEY WERE RETURNING FROM COTONOU-BENIN REPUBLIC ON A BUSINESS TRIP BECAUSE HE HAD WANTED TO OPEN A COCOA COMPANY IN COTONOU. THOUGH MY MOTHER DIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ACCIDENT BUT MY FATHER DIED AFTER FOUR DAYS OF THE ACCIDENT. ON THE THIRD DAY AFTER THE ACCIDENT,AS IF HE KNEW THAT HE WILL DIE, MY FATHER TOLD ME TO GO AND BRING A KEY FROM A PARTICULAR SPOT IN OUR HOUSE.HE NOW TOLD ME THAT THE KEY IS FOR A PARTICULAR DRAWER IN HIS ROOM WHERE HE KEPT ALL HIS NECESSARY DOCUMENTS.AMONG THE DOCUMENTS I SAW THERE WERE HIS DOCUMENTS OF BUSINESS INCOPERATION,HIS MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE WITH MY MOTHER,BUSINESS COMPLIMENTARY CARDS AND A DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE OF EIGHTEEN MILLION ONE THOUSAND FIFE HUNDRED US DOLLARS($18,001,500) MADE AT A PARTICULAR SECURITY COMPANY IN COTONOU-BENIN REP.THIS DEPOSITE HE LATTER TOLD ME WAS MENT FOR HIS INTENDED NEW COMPANY IN COTONOU. NOW AFTER HIS DEATH,HIS TWO BROTHERS INSISTED THAT I MUST SURRINDER ALL MY FATHER,S ASSETS TO THEM SINCE I AM STILL AN UNDER AGE CHILD.I REFUSED AND THIS MADE THEM TO DRIVE ME OUT OF MY FATHERS HOUSE. WITH THE LITTLE MONEY THAT I HAD ON ME I DECIDED TO RUN TO COTONOU-BENIN REPUBLIC FOR THAT DEPOSIT THAT MY FATHER MADE.ON REACHING COTONOU,I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LOCATE THE LAWYER THAT ASSISTED MY FATHER WHEN HE WAS DEPOSITING THE MONEY THROUGH ONE OF THOSE COMPLIMENTARY CARDS AND THE LAWYER HAS HELPED ME TO LOCATE THE SECURITY COMPANY WHERE MY FATHER MADE THE DEPOSITE. I WANTED TO WITHDRAW THE MONEY BUT THE SECURITY COMPANY REFUSED SAYING THAT I AM UNDER AGED AS I AM 20YRS OLD AND THEY ALSO REFUSED CHANGING THE OWNERSHIP OF THE MONEY TO THE LAWYER BECAUSE THE LAWYER IS NOT A FOREIGNER AS THE CERTIFICATE STATED THAT THE OWNER OF THE MONEY IS A FOREIGNER. PLEASE I NOW BEG YOU TO ASSIST ME ON TRANSFERING THIS MONEY TO YOUR COUNTRY THROUGH YOUR BANK ACCOUNT.I AM WILLING TO GIVE YOU 10% OF THE MONEY AS YOUR COMMISSION AND 5% FOR ANY EXPENSES THAT YOU MIGHT INCURE ON THE PROCESS OF THIS TRANSFER. SIR I AM SERIOUSLY BANKING ON YOU AS I DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER PERSON THAT CAN HELP ME OUT OF THIS PROBLEM.SO PLEASE DO NOT DISSAPPOINT OR BETRAY ME. ON YOUR ACCEPTANCE TO HELP ME,I WILL THEN INTRODUCE YOU TO THE SECURITY COMPANY SO THAT THE NECESSARY ARRANGMENTS CAN BE MADE AND THE MONEY TRANSFERED.NOTE THAT AS MY LIFE IS IN GREAT DANGER,I WOULD LIKE THIS TRANSACTION TO BE DONE SECRETLY SO THAT I DON'T GET EXPOSED TO MY ENEMIES. BEST REGARDS. DIUF RICHAR ....................................................... Dear Sir I don't know why you are mailing me about this but for a share of $18 million I am at your service sir. Stuart de Baker Hawke ....................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear Mr Baker Hawke , I thank you for the reply you gave to me demanding for further explaination of what i wrote to you firstly. I believe that with your reply,we succeed on the objectives of retrieving the money which has being withheld for my under aged issue. Sir,i absolutel rely on you for the retrieving of this money which has being seized by the firm where my dad got it deposited,for the seek of this i have lost my university addmission because my uncles has demanded for the immediate submission of my father;s assets to the family due to the nature of their death,while the one deposited for establishment of his company got seized. Actually i do not know what to do to retrieve this money for if i should travell home to seek for my uncles help,the will seize the money and get me destroyed.I rather die myself than to be killed by someone. I would like you to send your personal profile for subsequent transfere of the money into your account by making firstly change of ownership of the money.In the profile,you must include: °Your full name and address °Your cordinate for the transfere of the money into your personal account °Your international passport number °Your telephone and fax numbers for easier communication I will like both of us to achieve our aim of this transaction with confidentiality and adherence to instructions which must be maintained so that we can retrieve the money from the firm. Thanks Diuf Richard. ........................................................... {I was a bit lazy in replying.} ........................................................... sorry about the delay in replying are we still ok to go ahead? stew ....................................................... {Hmm, no reply. What's wrong with this guy? Try again.} ....................................................... Hello Richard Is it now to late to help get the money? Sorry but the wife and I have been away. If you don't reply I will assume it is to late. Stuart de Baker Hawke ........................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawk, I thank you to the reply you showing your concern over the mail i wrote to you about the money which has being seized by the security firm where my daddy lodged this money before death with my mother sometime ago. Sir i will like you to kindly send your personal profile to the mediator to my father before he died on car accident with my mother,Barrister Ahmed Salim with , according to the lawyer's information as he told me while applying for the request,you will include: °Your full name and address °Your bank cordinate,for subsequent transfere of the money to your account °Your telephone and fax numbers for easier communication °Your international passport number. I will like you to send him all this for the change of beneficial ownership of the money for the transfere of the money. Yours faithfully, D.Richard. ....................................................... Hello Richard Thank you for your reply. I can assume then we are not to late? Is that right? I am sorry but it seems that English is not your best languge, no problem with that. However before I start talking to the barrister I will need to clarify a few things. First why do we need a barrister? Is this thing going to go to court? That is a very important point for me. I will need to know all about that. If we have to go to court I am not so sure about the whole thing. Please inform me. Then, I don't have an "international passport" just an American one. Will that be OK? Also I don't have a FAX at home would we need to FAX things? Also what is a "bank cordinate" I am sorry but I don't understand that at all. If the money has been seized by the security company is that why we have to go to court? Why did they seize it? I will contact the barrister for you but first I think it would be best if you answered the questions I have listed above. After all we don't want to seem like complete idiots when I mail him do we. Do you have a postal address for him. Sometimes these things are better done in writing. Perhaps I should have my lawyer contact him? It might seem more proffessional. I know legal types like that sort of thing. It makes them more money. They always work better when they are making more money you know. Lawyers like to talk to other lawyers, it's their way. Anyway tell me what you think. You could always have the lawyer mail me you know, if you like. Or I could send you my lawyers details and you could forward them on. Actually I think that might be a good idea. What do you think? Yours faithfully Stuart de Baker Hawke .......................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear sir, I know you must have seen my letter concerning the problem i am into since my father died of car accident with my mother but you understood in another form. The lawyer your talking about has been good to me since i came to this place,he has being my mother and also my father visiting me in the refugee camp every week,he has been the mediator to my father until his death and i saw his complimentary card in my father's personal drawer after his death which instigated me to seek for him,we are not going to any court for the money. Why i am here for this money is because my father's brothers wanted to kill me as the only son due to the tradition demands that a death person inheritance is the brothers instead of the children,and my daddy has being contracting it till his death because he thought of how the brothers will inherit his assets while the only son will be suffering. Sir,if you want to help me to claim this money,no need of inviting a third party because we are not going to any court for the money but the i am talking about has being taken as my father due to the care he has being offering me and he is the lawyer to my daddybefore his death. If you want to help me,you can see the percentage stated for the transaction and i will leave this country with you when the money must has being claimed to your account so that my uncles will not discover of my where about for my security reason. Please i will not like it to keep it secretly for my security purpose,and please send those thing to the lawyer i am tlking about with his email address:,and the bank cordinate is your bank name and number for subsequent transfereof the money. Yours, D.Ricard. .......................................................... Richard Thank you for the explanation. I am now getting the picture (idea). Here is what I propose. On Monday I will register three (3) new company names. I will then open three (3) new bank accounts in those names. In different banks and if I can manage it in time different countries. I will then comunicate with you all three account details. But I will only tell the lawyer about one of them at that stage. You may tell him more if you wish. I leave that to you. One of the accounts will have you as a co-signtory. That means you will be able to withdraw the money. The initial deposit will go into one account and then I will quickly tranfer 90% of the money into the second account. Your share will appear in the third account soon after. This is to avoid suspicion regarding the funds. As soon as the first account is ready (Monday) I will communicate with your lawyer. Is there anything in particular I should tell him? What exactly does he know about this deal? Thank you for this marvelous opertunity. You can rely on me to do my best for you. Yours in trust Stuart Hawke ....................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: From: "richard diuf" To: Stew DeBaker Hawke Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 03:13:14 -0500 Subject: Re: know Dear mr Hawke, I thank you for the mail you have sent to me concerning the issue of the money retrieval and the effort you are making to open new account on my behalf to withdraw money when i settle with you after the money must has been collected. I am sincerely grateful to your proposal effort towards this issue and our almighty God must keep on blessing you and your family. I am highly fustrating in this refugee camp and i hope to leave here too soon when the money must has been claimed through your effort to your place with you for my education continuity,sir i really tiered of this fustrating camp,i want to leave this hell. I will like you to send the information as you said to my father's lawyer athis and he knows the next step to take but i believe contacting third party to this issue is to get me unsecured from the camp because if my uncles should hear of my staying here, they will try to get me eliminated. The lawyer as i told you before has being caring for me as father since i came to him for the help to claim the money from the security company. Yours, D.Richard. ........................................................... {O.K. time to e-mail the "lawyer"} ........................................................... Sir I don't know your name and you dont know me. But Mr Richard Duif has asked me to contact you. I will be opening a bank account on Monday to help Richard with his problem. Please assist me with any required information. Stuart Hawke ........................................................... Richard I have made initial contact with your lawyer. Patience. Stew ........................................................... X-Apparently-To: Stew DeBaker Hawke via; 15 Mar 2003 05:32:15 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: [] Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; 15 Mar 2003 05:32:15 -0800 (PST) Received: (cpmta 24050 invoked from network); 15 Mar 2003 05:32:14 -0800 Received: from (HELO by ( with SMTP; 15 Mar 2003 05:32:14 -0800 X-Sent: 15 Mar 2003 13:32:14 GMT Received: from [] by with HTTP; Sat, 15 Mar 2003 05:32:13 -0800 (PST) To: Stew DeBaker Hawke From: "ahmed salim" [] Return-Path: Subject: Re:send X-Sent-From: Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 05:32:13 -0800 (PST) ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, I thank you for the mail you have written concerning the only son of my late client who died on car accident with his wife while prospecting to open a company in this country Republic of Benin. I am Barrister Ahmed Salim,the mediator to my late client Chief Diuf of Dakar before his death on car accident,i met him while on the process to invest for the company but as a foreigner he required an indigeneous lawyer which he contacted me as the mediator here in my country as he is a foreigner. His son came to my office with all the proof as the son of the late chief and we have claime the money but he is underaged and to myself,the firm demand for a foreigner of this continent as the late father intructed if anything happenes,the foreigner will take him to his country for his education continuity because he is the only child and the uncles may try to destroy him as the only child for the claim of the father's assets. The young man has being in the camp since he came to this place in search of this,telling me that thier custom proofed that any death person's asset will be inherited by the brothers to the decease instead of the children but the father has been contradicting this till his death considering how his assets will be shared by the brothers while his only son suffers. Unfortunately,his dead and the brothers seek for the wealth of his man to share and to keep the son in suffering but this young man escaped them to search for the fathers foreign deposited money. I will like you to send me your profile with my email address: for submission for the change of beneficial ownership of the money in your favour and this money will be claimed while you go with the young man to your country. In the profile,you will include: °Your full name and address °Your Bank cordinate for subsequent transfere of the money °Your tlephone and fax numbers for easy communication °Your international passport number. I am expecting your reply when ou must have opened the account as you said earlier in your mail. Yours faithfully, Bar.A.Salim. ..................................................... {All bank accounts belong to various Abachas etc who kindly donate the information to me from time to time.} ..................................................... Below are the bank account details CITI BANK N.A WALL STREET, NEW YORK NY 10048-0001 CHIPS NO: 0008 ABA NO: 021000089 SWIFT CODE: CITI US33 A/C NO: 36003318 A/C NAME: AL-ASHEERA TRADING CO. LCC Don't worry about phoning me. E-mail will do. My full name is Stuart de Baker Hawke. What do you need my passport number for? Stew .................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, I thank you for the courage you have given to me for patience,i agree with you on patience but i am highly afraid if my uncles should know that i am in this camp, they will try to eliminate me for the success they are looking for. I wait until you open the account,but i will like you to send the information required to the lawyer Barrister Ahmed Salim who has being my father's mediator before his death. I wait on you for my freedom from this fear,and from this hell called refugee camp. Yours sonly, Richard. ................................................ This is the account I sent to your lawyer CITI BANK N.A WALL STREET, NEW YORK NY 10048-0001 CHIPS NO: 0008 ABA NO: 021000089 SWIFT CODE: CITI US33 A/C NO: 36003318 A/C NAME: AL-ASHEERA TRADING CO. LCC This is the final account the money will be transfered to. CHANG HWA COMMERCIAL BANK LTD NAN KANG BRANCH, TAIWAN TAIPEI TELEX:11232 CHBANKED SWIFT CODE:CCBCTWTB-980 A/C NO:98010108212600 A/C NAME:GOOSE CO.LTD This is the intermediate bank. Bank of America Swift Code: BOFA US 3 N Fur. Cr. To Swift Code: CAGLL ESMM A/C No: 20910628643940000063 A/C Name: UNIGLOBE CONTRACTS. Stew ................................................ ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear mr Baker, I thank you for the profile you have sent to me for the money concerning my late client son who is in the refugge camp since he came to this place in search for this money. You have really shown to me that I can count on you for this transaction because of how you promised to send it after you must have opened the account as you told me on your last mail and now you have done as you stated. I will take the profile to the firm for change of beneficial ownership of the money on your behalf so that this money will be claimed and the young boy will travell with you to continue his studies under your roof. If the firm should contact you,i will like you to be updating me concerning the transaction so that oi will be guiding you on what to do to claim the money from them. And i will like you to get this transaction confidential to accertain the securituy of this young man in the refugee camp against the paternal uncles that are after his life to eliminate him. The passport is included in the demand of the firm but since you did not include it ,i will still submit those that you brought and explain to tjhem about it but you should be in alert if they should demand it from you again. Yours faithfully, Bar.A.salim. ....................................................... I will try to find my passport. I haven't used it for a long time. It may even have expired. Stew ....................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, I am sincerely grateful of this information about your profile you send to me,I thank you very much and believe that very soon I will be leaving this hell so called refugee camp. But sir,I don't know if you have contacted the lawyer to my daddy before he died so that he will submit it to the firm for the claims,I must tell you that I am really tiered of this camp but I know I have gotten you as my father to help for the claim of this money. I know that in short period i will leave this hell through your help as my father.Please sir contact the lawyer so that he will get the profile submitted because i cannot go out from here due to the restriction in this camp and the fear of seeing my uncles that are after my life because inheritance. Thanks and I look forward to your response. Yours sonly, D.Richard.! ......................................................... {What do you mean you don't know if I have contacted the lawyer? You are the lawyer Richard. Did you forget? Read the mail.} ......................................................... Yes I have contacted the lawyer. Do you know who these people are? "SOCIETE AFRICAINE" Stew ......................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, I thank you for the mail you send to me and asking if i know of the Societe Africain,the firm is the security company where the money was deposited by my father before his death. THat is the firm where we will claim the money so that I can travell with you to your country for my education continuity under your roof. Please sir I will like you to move ahead with the firm to claim the money and I will like you to be in contact with the lawyer to my daddy before his death so that both of you will work jointly to claim this money from the firm. Sir,I really rely on you for the claim of this money,if I can do it I would have claimed it but the got me underaged.Sir please I am tiered of this hell called refuge camp. Yours sonly, D.Richard. ......................................................... {Live under my roof? That's a new twist.} ......................................................... Ah I see. The company just mailed me out of the blue. With no warning from you or the lawyer. The lawyer on the other hand has been fully informed by myself but seems a bit slow on the uptake. Perhaps he is just busy, lawyers often claim that they are. Life at the bar can sometimes be a little difficult. I assume you are in close contact with the legal eagle. Tell him to get on with it. Time is a wasting. What should I do? Should I mail the company or should I tell the lawyer they mailed me. This is getting quite difficult to keep up with. However I suppose that means things are happening at a good pace. You know it is a good job that the refugee camp has such good internet access or we would be in real trouble wouldn't we. Getting busy, money soon. Stew .......................................................... Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 15:53:40 -0800 (PST) From: "Stuart Hawke" Subject: Fwd: Apply To: Mr Salim The security company has contacted me This is what they sent me (below). I have no idea what they want or mean. What is the status of the deposit? Shouldn't you deal with them and I deal with you? Stew Hawke SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:22:24 -0800 (PST) From: SOCIETE AFRICAINE Subject: Apply To: Stew DeBaker Hawke Attn:Stuart Hawke, From:Societe Inter Africaine Date:18/03/2003 Sir, We have recieved an application tendered on your behalf seeking for the change of the beneficial ownership of the deposit made by Chief Diuf Kalund We humbly want you to confirm that you are in agreement with this development and also you should advise this office on the status of your deposit with us. We have deposits for immediate collection,short term collection and long time collection. We await your reply. Yours sincerely, Henry Soroh. ................................................... ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, I thank you on the mail you sent to,I have gone through the mail and Understood what the firm mean by the Immediate,Short term and Long term collection of the deposited money. The Immediate tells that you should apply Immediately for the collection of the deposit. The Short term is a mutuall processing for the collection. The Long term is also mutuall but its duration is longer to the short term collection of the deposit. But for the fastness in the collection of this deposit from the firm,I will like you to apply for the immediate collection of the money so that this young man in the refuge camp will leave with you as the late father demands. I anticipate on your corresponding when you have applied to the firm,and you know youi have being taken as the sole beneficiary of the money immediately I submitted your profile to the firm,there is know how I can deal with them as you demanded. Yours sincerely, Bar.A.Salim. ........................................................ Mr Salim How do I apply? Stew ........................................................ richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, Please I will like to know from you if the processing for the deposited money has started. Sir,please I am really tiered of staying in the refuge camp and we have being in restriction of going out and the intrernet system in the camp has being restricted to us for some hours. Sir please I am tiered of this place,I will like you to contact the lawyer or the security firm and confirm for the next step so that this money will be claimed and I will leave this hell called camp. I will be checking tomorrow to confirm if you have contacted the lawyer or the firm for the next step,this is the email address of the lawyer and with telephone number 00229-957-726 for immediate communication with the lawyer. Yoursn sincerely, D.Ricahard. ........................................................ I am sorry Richard but I don't know. Is your lawyer a complete fool or what? I fear that if we go on as we have begun your money will be forfit. I propose that I find you a better lawyer. That shouldn't be difficult. The one you have now seems completely useless. Obviously he is telling you nothing. I suspect he is planning to steal your money. I would be careful if I was you. Just say the word and send me the information about the money and I will deal with it for you. You can trust me. I am an honest man. I will not cheat you out of your money. I wish I could say the same for that lawyer of yours. Stuart de Baker Hawke ....................................................... ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear Mr Baker, It seem like you do not under stand the mail I wrote to you,explaining the three systems in which the security firm operate on. I will like you to confirm from the security firm on how you will apply,your profile has being issued to them and all you need to do is to seek for the immediate collection of the fund from the firm. Try to apply from the firm for immediate collection,so that this young man in the camp will leave from there and stay with you in your place as the late father demanded. I will like you to update me on the information between you and the security firm. Yours sincerely, Bar.A.Salim. ...................................................... Yes but HOW do I apply? Wake up Ahmed. Try telling me something here. Not just crapping on about "you need to apply" What exactly do you want me to do? I have suggested to Richard that we get another lawyer. This stuff from you only helps me think that is a good idea. Are you trying to have him fail in getting his money? Details, man, details. Tell me what to do or go away. Stuart de Baker Hawke ...................................................... X-Apparently-To: Stew DeBaker Hawke via; 18 Mar 2003 07:22:25 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: [] Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; 18 Mar 2003 07:22:25 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: Received: from [] by via HTTP; Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:22:24 PST Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:22:24 -0800 (PST) From: "SOCIETE AFRICAINE" [] Subject: Apply To: Stew DeBaker Hawke SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN:Mr Hawke, You have been requested to apply for immediate collection, short term or long term collection of the deposit,but you have not turn up for the application. Yours sincerely, Henry Soroh. ...................................................... Mr Soroh I have no idea what you want me to do. I have asked a lawyer for advice. He knows about the consignment, perhaps he will contact you. His names is Ahmed Salim. Stuart Hawke ...................................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn:Mr Hawke, You have applied via a lawyer Barrister Ahmed Salim and has being approved but you are still referring to the lawyer who submitted the profile for your application. There are three system terminologies of claim and you have to choose one for necessary proceeding of the transfere into your account which are stated below: °IMMEDIATE COLLECTION: This is the system of collection inwhich the collection is made quickly depending on your application. °SHORT TERM COLLECTION: This is the collection based on short specific period of time. °LONG TERM COLLECTION: This is the last for long period of time depending on your demand for the collection. With this brief explainations,you have being required to apply for the collection based on your choice for the necessary proceeding for the claim. Thanks and I anticipate for your response, Henry SOROH. Director of Operation. .................................................... Henry I don't know. Probably immediate I would assume but I am waiting for the lawyer to tell me what to do. He hasn't answered my e-mails. I assume he is not working at the weekend. Sorry but I am in a foriegn country. I am relying on people over there to advise me. Stuart ........................................................ Bar. Salim The security company keeps mailing me to "apply" But I don't know how to apply and it seems you won't tell me. I shall communicate this to Richard. Stew ........................................................ Richard That stupid idiot lawyer of yours is causing us problems. I knew he would. He is so thick. The security company keeps mailing me wanting me to apply. I ask the lawyer what to do but he won't tell me. He just goes on and on about my "profile" that he sent them and the 3 systems they use to store stuff. Totaly useless. The guy seems to be a complete moron. All I ask him is HOW do I apply. He won't tell me. This is very frustrating. I think we need a new lawyer. I can organize that. What do you think. It is your money after all. Stew ........................................................ richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, Please I will like to rely on you for the claim of this money, but actually I do not know what to do to the lawyer for his slownes in pursuit of this fund in the security company. I wish you can transact this alone with the security firm and myself I will say you should do it but the lawyer is needed even if his not competent to you liking,I believe on your suggestion for the transaction of the business with the firm. Please I will like you to seek the consent of the security firm on this issue if the will allow you to go for the claim excludiung the mediator . Thanks, Yours sonly, D.Richard. .................................................... Now that's a good idea. The lawyer won't tell me how to apply to the security company so I will ask them directly. Why didn't I think of that? Well thought out Richard you are obviously the clever one in this deal. Stew .................................................... {I was on line late at night and got a mail from Richard "live". Then suddenly they were "all" mailing me. The next batch of mails were done back and forth over about 2 hours.} .................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:04:36 -0800 (PST) richard diuf [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, Please I hope on you for the claim of this money from the firm,and if you still insist for change of the lawyer,I would want to know your mind,I will like you to assist me quickly so that I will come out from this hell called camp. You know this lawyer has asstes to this fund being my daddy's mediator for the deposited money. Please sie duely apply to the company if your status has being submitted by the lawyer for yhe application. Yours sonly, .................................................... Perfect timing I was just about to mail you stay on line. Stew .................................................... Dear Richard I fear we are doomed in the hands of these fools. All I want them to tell me is how to apply to the company for your "consignment". Can we call it that? They will NOT tell me. I have asked Mr Salim twice "how do I apply? This is his answer to me. As you can see it contains NO information as to what to do. .................................................... ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear Mr Hawke, Am sorry for keeping you waiting on the information,the profile has being submitted to the Holding Firm and approval has to sent to you for confirmation. I would have wriiten to you for long but I have not been arround for some while. I will like you to choose on the demand of the firm and please don't forget to update me when you have contacted the firm. Yours sincerely, A.Salim. ....................................... Here is my reply to him (I was a bit angry I am sorry). ....................................... How many times do I have to ask you? HOW DO I APPLY TO THEM? Do you get it? You keep sending me nonsense and I keep asking the same question. WHY WON"T YOU ANSWER ME? Are you a complete idiot? Don't you understand? TELL ME WHAT TO DO TO APPLY TO THE SECURITY COMPANY YOU TOTAL BLOODY MORON. ..................................... This is the latest communication from the security company. ...................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: MR:Hawke, Please I will advice you to contact the lawyer on the short list of the firm and seek for his support and choose any of the three of your choice depending on the proposal you made. yours, Henry SOROH ...................................... Not much use you have to agree. I was a BIT nicer (but not much) in my reply to them. Do you think they could find us a better lawyer from their "short list"? ..................................... You guys are about as usefull as the lawyer. First what short list? Second what three? I am trying to help a Mr Duif collect his possessions from you. I am told I need to "apply" but no one will tell me in what form that application should be. What do I have to do to help Mr Duif get what belongs to him as soon a possible? The lawyer is a total idiot. Mr Duif is only a very young man stuck in a refugee camp and relies on me to help him. Can you explain to me in normal language exaclty what is required to "apply" for a consignment held by your company? And don't give me all that crap about the "three ways" you hold the consignments. Be aware that information like that in no way informs how to APPLY. ........................................ So you see I am doing my best but it is very hard to get those idiots to make any sense at all. Try to mail me straight back I will wait for your reply if you are still on line. Your friend Stew .................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:28:46 -0800 (PST) ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear mr Hawke, Enough of that insult if you cannot contact the security firm and ask them on your demand on how to apply. You can negotiate with richard,I think I am tiered of all this your insult and nastic words used on me just to help this young man in the camp. thanks for all your insult. Barrister Salim. ................................................... No need to thank me old chap. It's a pleasure I assure you. ................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:52:51 -0800 (PST) Dear DICK HEAD. I have asked the security company how to apply. I have asked you. Neither of you seem to know. I have communicated all this to Mr Duif only minutes ago along with copies of your pitifull attempts at communication. Are you really a lawyer? Or are you a con man trying to steal Mr Duif's money? Perhaps in league with his evil brothers. I have asked Mr Duif to think about getting another lawyer. I await his instructions in the matter. I am sure he or I can find a MUCH better one that you. Probably the security company might even be able to help with that they said they had a short list of them. I will ask them now. Help Richard all you like. I am not him so don't let my distaste and distrust of you taint your feelings toward the poor boy. It is not his fault that you are a complete fool. Stew ................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:55:48 -0800 (PST) Dearest Richard. I am working on our problem now. Let's just hope I get it right. It might be wise of you to be nice to Mr Salim for now just in case I am not. But I seriously think he is a complete idiot. I am going to ask the security company to suggest another lawyer. Stew .................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 05:03:30 -0800 (PST) Dear Sir You seem to be saying you have a short list of lawyers that may be able to help my friend Richard Duif and myself claim his property. If you could reccomend one that I could contact by e-mail quickly I would be very appreciative. This need not be company policy Henry if you know what I mean. If you know of one personally I will personally make it VERY worth your while. If you can help us out personally here $5000.00 yes five THOUSAND US DOLLARS will be yours if it all works out. See what you can do. Stew ................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 05:17:17 -0800 (PST) Richard. I have offered a small bribe to the officer (Henry) at the security company to help us find a better lawyer. Don't worry it can come out of the share you offered me. Actually I think that my share is a bit to big really. I am an honest man and it is your money after all. Never mind when you come to live with me we can work all that out. Perhaps we can buy a BIG house and you can go to school. Perhaps you would like a nice car (BMW?) to drive to school. Pick up some nice girls, make some powerful friends, have pool parties? I am to old to do that sort of thing without you. But if I could have say a Mercedes and live in a big house with maybe a million in the bank. I don't know yet but I am sure we can work it all out. It seems that it all could go quite quickly if we had a better lawyer. Stew ................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 05:14:09 -0800 (PST) SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn:Hawke, You has been requested to choose from the three system of collections that we have in our firm and you are here asking me on how you will choose. Listen, we cannot change our system of transaction for any cause,if you are interested on the deposited money you can choose from the systems listed or you forget about it. Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. ................................................... Blimey cobber it's just a scam for gawds sake. Be a bit flexible can't you? ................................................... Mon, 24 Mar 2003 05:43:00 -0800 (PST) You haven't told me anything about "collections" you have only told me about storeage. NOBODY tells me anything about collections. My Friend Mr Duif (Richard) want's to claim his property as soon as possible. I have been asked to "apply". NOBODY will tell me how to apply. How's this? (probably no good I am just making it up) I Stuart de Baker Hawke wish to apply for the immedeate release of of my friend's (Richard Duif's) property. You are in possesion of my legal profile forwarded to you by Mr Duif's legal representative. He want's his property now and has empowered me to help him gain possesion of it. Now get on with it and tell me what else I need to do. I will be looking for another lawyer from your country to help if I don't get no satisfaction. I am a man of wealth and taste. I'm pleased to meet you, I hope you guessed my name But what's troubling me is the nature of your game. Use all your well learned polities to help this boy get his rightfull property. Stuart de Baker Hawke .................................................. That was the end of the one nights mailing. Phew! .................................................. Mon, 24 Mar 2003 09:36:24 -0800 (PST) ahmed salim [] wrote: mr Hawke, You are becoming so much complicative in this issue,you have decided to destroy my status on this transaction by mailing the security firm of being delaying for the claim.And instructing Richard to seek for another lawyer. I must tell you that I am deleting your address from my mail box because you seem to be destrotive,I will be ready to organise another lawyer who could help you and Richard if you feel that you are tiered of my being the mediator to this claim. Do you realy think that if not for the instruction given to the firm on who to claim the money,that you be contacted for this claim.I would have done it myself and forgeyt about all this nastic words you have being striking on me since Richard contacted you to me. I think it is enough,and if you want another lawyer I give you authority to seek for that,I can even help you if you need my aid because I am realy tiered in you and Richard either. If you are interested you can at your convinent time then I can contact the lawyer for you. Sincerely, Bar.A.Salim. .................................................. Why on earth don't you cut out all the crap and JUST TELL ME HOW TO APPLY. If you could just DO THAT then I would apply. We could get the money and all would be well. If you don't know how to apply then just tell me that. If you had just said you didn't know in the first place we could have avoided all this. As long as you won't tell me what to send to the security company and they won't tell me either I have to assume you are either a complete idiot or that you have some other cunning plan regarding Richard's property. Which is it. Stew Hawke ................................................... Thu, 27 Mar 2003 17:36:56 -0800 (PST) I am sorry Richard but I can't get anyone to tell me how to apply to the security company. I have asked and asked but they just will not. I guess there is nothing more I can do. Stuart .................................................. Time to throw a cat aboung the pidgeons. .................................................. Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:45:32 -0800 (PST) Hi Richard I did a bit of a search for lawyers how about I contact this guy and see if he can help us? Fidel Swalim Stuart ................................................... This would "seem" a fairly innocent thing to send the lad. However Fidel Swalim is a name Richard would know. In fact "Richard" IS Fidel Swalim, another fake lawyers name he uses. How do I know? Stew deBaker Hawke knows all, sees all :o) ................................................... Fri, 28 Mar 2003 05:01:23 -0800 (PST) SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn:Mr Stew, Do you know why your mail has not being replied since you wrote to my desk,I must tell you that you have insulted our status by offering me the lumpsome amount of 5000 Dollars.Our firm prohibit any financial offer from any of our depositors' for unquestionable service. Please I will advice you to contact the lawyer on the short list of the firm and seek for his support and choose any of the three of your choice depending on the proposal you made. But If you insist on the lawyer I will like you to contact this firm for an accredited lawyer registered in Republic of Benin and attached in our firm. to assist you with your mediatetor. I wait for your response, Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. ........................................... Dear sir I have no intention to insult your status. I am just trying to assist a friend of mine, a young boy, to get what is rightfully his. I have been asked to apply, as an adult, to your company by the boy's lawyer. The lawyer seems not to want to explain to me what is required for the application. I have also asked your company about those requirements. Nobody seems willing to tell me what to do. My friend, Richard Duif has some family papers that may be of use to him stored with your company. As he is so young and at present living in a difficult situation Richard has seen fit to ask for my help to get his family papers. I have sent you my profile and have been asked many times to "apply" to get Richard's property for him. But nobody seems to want to tell me in what form this application should be. I will try again. Please inform me if this is the wrong way to do it. Dear Sir I Stuart de Baker Hawke wish to apply for the the imedeate release of the property of my friend Richard Duif into my custody. I promise that I am acting on Mr Duif's behalf in this matter. I believe you have already been sent information to confirm that. Please reply if something else is required to apply for Richard's property and please tell me what those requirements would be. You talk to me about a "short list" of lawyers that may be able to help in this matter but you don't send me the list. If I need to have a lawyer in your country and the one we have been using is not doing any good. Please send me your short list. My friend Richard is is in urgent need at the moment and your company is vital to help in his future. Please answer my questions clearly. Stuart Hawke ................................................. Sat, 29 Mar 2003 01:16:14 -0800 (PST) SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn: Stuart Hawke. From: Societe Inter Africaine. Date: 29/03/2003 Sir, We acknowledge the receipt of your email. Actually We felt insulted by your earlier comment but as one of our customers, giving you the best service is our utmost concern. In fact you have done what we have been expecting you to do all this while. You have chosen and as well applied for the immediate collection of your fund with our Firm. I used "your" because the application tendered for the change of the beneficial ownership of this deposit to your favour has already been approved. We shall be forwarding all the relevant documents concerning this deposit to you. We shall as well arrange for the payment of this fund to your nominated account. Once more congratulations. Thanks, Henry SOROH. ......................................................... Ah ha! Now they accept my "application". I wonder what he thought about me sending him his own fake mail address as a new lawyer? Who knows? Who cares? Not me :o) ......................................................... Thank you. At last. I will forward the good news to my friend Mr Duif. I await your documents. Stuart ......................................................... Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 07:11:45 -0800 (PST) From: "Stuart Hawke" Subject: Thunderbirds are go To: "richard diuf" [] Richard we have success, see below. Stuart ......................................................... Obviously I sent him a copy of the mail he sent me as the "security company". They still haven't asked for any money. One suspects the fees will come soon. ......................................................... PART THE TWOthDate: 23 Apr 2003, 06:48:39 PM richard diuf [] wrote: Dear Mr stuart, Sir I am very happy of the three mails you send to me when I opened my box, I have not being able to access my box for some days now to reply you,due to the restriction we has being having in the camp.I am very grateful for the effort you have being making to see me out from the refuge camp,and I will join you in your country for my education continuity. I am very grateful of the good message you brought to me concerning the Holding firm approval for the claim of the fund by you from thier office, with this I know that very soon I will leave this place to join you in your country. You suggested for the change of the mediating lawyer to my daddy,for the past few days now,I have not seen him in the camp to visit me for his fatherly care,I do not know if you will contact him for change and I cannot look for a lawyer because I am still in the camp and I do not have money to contract a lawyer for this issue. But as you demanded from me if you should Bar.Fidel,I would like you to contact him or the firm,and enquire if they have any legal practioner working with them to assist for the achievement of our aim.Sir,please just do anrthing you know that will help us to achieve this money from thre Firm. I wait for your good messages, Yours sonly, D.Richard. ...................................................... The security company is going to send me some documents. Let's wait and see what they want. Stew ...................................................... ATTN:Mr Hawke, I would like you to send us your personal profile the processing of document for you,the profile submitted in our office is not updated and we ought to know your full address for the preparation of the change of the ownership certificate your documents. Your telephone and fax number with international code for easier communication. Your international passport number if available. We wait on your reply for the required profile. Your sincerely, Henry SOROH, Director of Operation. ..................................................... Updated? It is only two weeks since you got it. Why does it need to be updated? Send me the documents. Stuart ..................................................... Attn:Mr.Salim, I HAVE SEEKED FOR THE FULL ADDRESS OF MY HAWKE BUT HE HE SAID THAT HE HAS SENT IT TO YOU SOME WEEKS . I HAVE SEARCHED ALL THE FILE BUT SAW NON OF HIS ADDRESS EXCEPT THE BANK CORDINATE WHICH YOU SENT TO THIS FIRM . I HEREBY ASK YOU TO CONFIRM IF YOU HAVE THE COMPLETE PROFILE WITH YOU. SINCERELY, HENRY SOROH. ..................................................... Dear Mr.Hawke, I have just being informed by the Holding firm of their demand from you but you never responded to them concerning the issue of your full address. I must assure you that the profile you brought was only your bank account numbers and your full name which you sent on Monday 17 of march as you promised . I will like you check below in the next mail forwarded with your Bannk Account for submission. Yours faithfully, Bar.A.Salim. ..................................................... Hello sorry it seems that I thought I had sent my address but hadn't My address is 1229 Clifford Terrace, Ashbury Heights, San Fransico CA. Stew Hawke ..................................................... X-Apparently-To: HAWKE via; 02 Apr 2003 02:22:51 -0800 (PST) Return-Path: [] Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; 02 Apr 2003 02:22:49 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: Received: from [] by via HTTP; Wed, 02 Apr 2003 02:22:48 PST Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 02:22:48 -0800 (PST) From: "SOCIETE AFRICAINE" [] Subject: APPROVAL To: HAWKE ATTN:Mr Hawke, Below this mail,you will see the Certificate of Dep™sit and the Change of Beneficial ownership of the money depositted in our firm by Chief Diuf Kalunda of Dakar Senegal. All the legal trust has being ordained to you with the sent document attached in this mail. you are required to view it for your confirmation and forward it to your mediator to this Firm for confirmation to your profile submitted in this Holding Firm. Yours Sincerely, Henry SOROH Director of Operation. .............................................................. Hello Mr Soroh Thank you for the documents. However I do wonder why you made such a fuss over getting my address and then got it wrong on the certificate? I live in Ashbury Heights not Ashburg Heights which is not a real place here anyway. Also can you tell me what on earth this is suposed to mean? "you are required to view it for your confirmation and forward it to your mediator to this Firm for confirmation to your profile submitted in this Holding Firm." Stuart .............................................................. SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Dear Mr Hawke, We have seen your complain on the typological error committed by our Holding Firm's Secretary in your Document sent to you yesterday ,We sincerely apologise to that incident and demand that she has to bear the penalty on this mistake made as stipulated in our Holding firmÕs policy. I have gone through your submitted address and confirmed the mistake as you stated in the mail, and has being noted but I could not understand why she made such an expensive mistake on your documents. On the issue of confirmation to your documents and forwarding to the lawyer as I said, I mean the lawyer who brought your profile to this office for an application Barrister Ahmed Salim. But now I believe it is not necessary to forward it to the lawyer since you have seen mistake done on the document as I propose in the accompanied mail with your attached documents for him to confirm on the profile you sent to him. And I use this opportunity to inform you once more on your Change of Beneficial Ownership that you should arrange yourself and come for the claim of this money deposited in our Firm on before the date stipulated in the document. Yours faithfully, Henry SOROH Director of Operation. ............................................................. I am sorry to complain but you made such a fuss to get my address I figured it had to be correct. Anyway, why do I have to come to your country? That was never mentioned before. Where is it anyway? Stew Hawke ............................................................. Oh yeah if it turns out I do have to come to your country. Keep the documents there for me. They are BIG. They fill up my mail box. Stew .............................................................. SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn :Mr Hawke, I believe you must have gone through the documents sent to you yesterday, in the Change of Beneficial ownership document sent , you will see the date stated below in the document of your coming for the retrieval of your deposited money from our Firm. All the necessary arrangement has to be made for your invitation but if you do not want to come to this Firm for your collection ,a cogent reason with proof has to be made to this firm and you will be attached to legal practioners accredited to this firm with well recognition in our country. There is some recognised practioners attached to this firm which you have to negotiate on for the Power of Attorney but you have to inform to this Firm if you are coming or not coming for the collection of the deposited money before their contact shall be given to you for your Power of Attorney. I expect your swift response, Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. Director of Operation ............................................................... It's not that I don't want to come to your company it's just that it wasn't mentioned before. I don't even know where you are. Somewhere in Africa? That's a long way. If we could do something different that might be good. But if it is easier for me to just come and make the collection personally I suppose I might be able to do that. Where is your company located? Stew ............................................................... Richard The company wants me to go to them or give them a power of attourney. Are they in the same country as you? Benin wasn't it? Where is that? I have never really heard of it before. Sorry. Can you pretend to be me and pick up the money your self? Should I get on a plane? What do you think? Stew ............................................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn: Mr Hawke, Sir, Sequence to your latest email to us, we wish to inform you that our company is located in Cotonou - Benin republic in Africa. If you had gone through the documents we sent you, you would have seen the full address of our company. It will be far better for you to come so that you will see everything by your self.And you should know that your deposit has been scheduled for payment on or before 09/04/2003. So there is every need for you to fasten your arrangement so that you can arrive here before the expiration of this date to sign off and collect your deposit. You shall also inform us about your arrival schedule so that everything can be put in place for your reception and accomodation. We await to hear from you. Henry SOROH, Director of Operation .................................................................... Sorry I knew my friend for whom I was acting for was in Benin and he has mailed me with the intention of meeting me there. But there have been so many mails and when I am at work I don't have a lot of time to load them up and sort them out. That's why I asked you to confirm your location. Thank you for doing so. Now, I know that Benin is is the capital city of Cotonou of course. I am not stupid you know. My friend says I should go to Benin, you say I should go to Benin, the property of my friend is in Benin. In Africa. I know where it is. I will go there. Easy. How about at Easter. I have type quickly here because I am at work so I don't have time to go back and look at the dates you said. If you get back to me VERY QUICKLY. I could leave today. There would be no shortage of cheap flights to Africa today I tell you. With the war and all. Would it take long? Could we do the deal on Sunday? Monday? As long as I was back by Wednesday I would be O.K. with the wife. The job is less important. Are you sure? If just came NOW I could help Richard get his property straight away? If it would take more time I would prefer to wait until we are all ready and would prefer the easter holiday. A quick reply might help us all. Stuart de Baker Hawke ................................................................ SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: Attn:Mr Hawke, I have gone through your mail and seen your proposal of the transaction if it can be held on sunday,our working weekdays are from monday through fridays with working hours of 8:30Am through 6:30Pm and saturdays is always mid working day which we vacate at 2:00pm. I will like you to prepare all the necessary travelling documents for your coming on or before the stipulated date in your beneficial document and inform this firm on your flight schedule while, for your reception and accomodation reservation. I wait on your response, Henry SOROH, Director of Operation ................................................................ I see. I wish you would just remind me what the date is when you mail. then I could reply to you more easily. You still don't tell me where you are. I could go through lots of e-mail and find out I suppose. But why don't you just tell me. Like you could say ( I am guessing here but it should be close to reality). Stuart, you must come to Cotonou, Benin by the 10th of April. Something like that. Don't any of you guys ever tell things like they are? Is the date of the month a secret to you or what? Just TELL me PLAINLY what TO DO. Stew de Baker Hawke ................................................................. richard diuf [] wrote: Dear Sir, I have been waiting to hear from you on your progress with the Firm but I have not heard anything from you ,please I would like you to tell me what is going on with the withdrawal from the Firm. I wait to hear from you when I come to access my mail account if you have got them contacted on the issue of your coming to this place, Republic of Benin for the withdrawal of the money at thier office. Yours sonly, D.Richard. .................................................................. I told them I could go to Benin if required and I thought they would get back to me with more information. Do you know where they are? Stew .................................................................. SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN :Mr Hawke Sir, Date :07 /04/03. I were required to go through the documents sent to you for the date which is 9th day of April on your coming for your withdrawal . With the request you made on the re-schedulement for your withdrawal on the previous mail you wrote to this office on the 4th day of April, has being considered and demand you to organise yourself and come for the withdrawal within the next fourteen working days. Commencing after the expiration of the first date offered to you being 9th of April, the expiration of the new date shall be on the 24th day of April and you have being informed on this development. You are require to prepare your necessary travelling document and apply for visa in our countryÕs Republic of Benin embassy for your coming before the elapsement of the re-scheduled date. Yours Sincerely, Henry SOROH. ............................................................. Well what about telling me the address of your office and booking me an appointment time so I know when and where to go. I mean that would be normal buiness practice. You can demand all you like about "14 days". But if you won't give me a time, date and address. With say 5 to 6 days notice (to suit your time table of course). Then there isn't much I can do is there? I have already applied for the visa etc. It is all up to you. It's no wonder you guys are a third world country. When and where, and I will be there. Stew ............................................................. SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN: Mr Hawke, DATE:08/04/03 Sir, With the receipt of your mail dated 7th of April requesting for the mandate of your withdrawal from our Firm, and the address of the Firm in particular. You seem not to have gone through the document sent to you for your sole benefiting and the Certificate of Deposit, we have told you about our address but you kept on asking of this address which is too obvious. We are located in the heart of Republic of Benin, in Avenue de Jean Paul II With the re-schedulement made yesterday on your withdrawal of the fund,the final date which has being mandated is 24th of April for you to come and collect your money .We argue you to prepare all your travelling documents and come for the withdrawal on 21st through 24th of April for the withdrawal. We want you to update our department on your flight schedule before your arrival for your hotel reservation in our country. Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. ........................................................... Is that a long street? What number are you at or how can I find your office? I mean should I just leave my country, fly thousands of miles stand in the middle of Avenue de Jean Paul II and yell out your name? I can leave on a days notice but I would like to know where I am going. An appointment would be good. Say this Friday or next Monday at your office? Or perhaps I should just walk up the Avenue, cos' I havn't got a bike, I will walk up the Avenue 'till I'm where? Do a bit better please or I am not going anywhere. Stew de Baker Hawke .......................................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN:Mr Hawke, You are becoming much complicative again,you has been given the address of the firm and yet you are still writing on this issue. The Avenue the paul 11 is the number and I would not like you to ask about this address again. You made mention of your not coming if not well explained to you,I have explained this to you and if you feel that you do not want to come for the withdrawal,it is for your on detriment and interest. Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. Director of Operation. ........................................................ Oh sorry it was the font and the fact your addsses are backwards compared to ours here. The font made it look like Jean Paul "the second" not "11 The Avenue de Jean Paul". O.K. all we have to sort out now is the appointment time. You know one of these days one of you guys is just going to send me ONE e-mail that explains clearly what's going on. Probably the same day hell freezes over. How about next Tuesday at about 2.00pm?? Just in case it is too hard for you to figure out a time. If you are expecting to be doing something else at that time then suggest a different LATER time. Thanks ........................................................ SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN:Mr Hawke, I have rfecieved your mail on the confirmation of the address which you have being demanding. I will like you to get prepared and inform top our office on your flight schedule for accomodation reservation. The date has being fixed on your coming for the withdrawal which can not be changed and it must be on the 21st of April 2003. Yours sincerely Henry SOROH. ........................................................ O.K. the 21st is fime. I will see you then Stew ........................................................ SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN:Mr Hawke, Sir, I have seen that the date scheduled for your withdrawal has being noted,which is on the 21st day of 2003,you have to get prepared for the date we have scheduled for your withdrawal from this office. And get all your required travelling documents for this withdrawal and try to get this office informed on your flight schedule for your recieveing and hotel reservation . Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH. ....................................................... Keep your shirt on Henry. That's nearly two weeks away yet. Plenty of time. Lex ....................................................... (Oop's got my fake name wrong, oh well if he mentions it Lex is probably Latin for something or other.) ....................................................... richard diuf [] wrote: Dear Sir, Please I have not being able to access my mail box due to the limit the made in the refuge camp concerning the our moving out from the camp. They gave me three day in every week to move out except on thye days I could escape from the camp. Please I do not know what is going on since I wrote to you last time,I would like you to tell me what is going on. Yours sonly, D.Richard. ........................................................ All is under control. I will be coming to Benin in 10 days time. Lex! Stew Hawke ........................................................ richard diuf [] wrote: Dear sir, I thank you for the information you have brought to me that the date of the withdrawal is on the 10th day of April 2003. Sir, this date is not too far for the Withdrawal, I am really tiered of staying in this refuge camp. Please Sir, try to confirm from them if the date can be changed so that it will be too close to our likeness, I believe this date is too far. Sir please bear with me the restriction in this refuge camp is too limited. Yours sonly, D.Richard ...................................................... No today is the 10th. I come to Benin on the 21st about 10 days from now. They set the date not me. I suggested an earlier date. Actually now that I think about it that will be Easter Monday. That's no good for me. I can't leave the states until the following day. I will have to change the date to the 24th or there abouts, probably. It is too late now to get there and back before Easter. You can blame the delay on that idiot lawyer and the company. You know when it comes to doing simple business I have never seen more stupid and incompetent people than them. Total morons the lot of them. Stew ...................................................... .Attn:Mr.Hawke, Date:12/04/03 Sir, With refer to your request for immediate release of your deposit,to notify you that the Credit Control Department has scheduled your release manifest , this first qaurter ofv the financial year. You are therefore advised to come and sign your fund release order documents as earlier informed. Should you require our official letter of invitation to enable you secure a genuine and faster visa, do not hesitate to inform us. Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH Director of operation .................................................. I can't come until after Easter so please change the appointment to the 24th or the 25th. That's the best I can do. If you were not such a pack of idiots over there all would be concluded by now. But you are a pack of idiots so you will have to wait won't you? Stew .................................................. SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: .Attn:Mr.Hawke, Date:12/04/03 Sir, With refer to your request for immediate release of your deposit, to notify you that the Credit Control Department has scheduled your release manifest , this first qaurter ofv the financial year. You are therefore advised to come and sign your fund release order documents as earlier informed. Should you require our official letter of invitation to enable you secure a genuine and faster visa, do not hesitate to inform us. Yours sincerely, Henry SOROH Director of operation ................................................ What's with the big letters (large font)? It only slows things down. You guys are forever slowing things down. Easter is looming. I can't be away over Easter. That means the 25th, 26th as the earliest time I can come. Your fault and the stupid lawyer's. We could have had all this worked out by now but no. endless mailing back and forth about the simplest things. Poor Richard who's propery is being held by such fools. Don't blame him for my frustration. He is just suffering in his camp. I hope to save him soon. Please do your best to help him. You will be well rewarded later. I will come to Benin aroud the 24th to meet you at your office on the 25th or 26th as suits you. Please reply to confirm the dates. Stuart de Baker Hawke ............................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN :Mr.Hawke, DATE :14/04/03 Sir, You are becoming so complicative,you requested for the change of schedule which we did and gave you the day of our short work day being 21st of Aril d now you are complaining of being easter Monday. If your interested on this withdrawal,it is left to you for your coming and you can inform us on your coming. Regards, Henry SOROH ............................................... Yes well it is Easter Monday. I have comitments over Easter. I can't just fly off to Africa. Stew ............................................... SOCIETE AFRICAINE [] wrote: ATTN:Mr Hawke, DATE:15/04/03 Sir, I thank you for the email you have sent to this firm informing us that you cannot come on the fixed date scheduled for your withdrawal. Since you cannot come on this date,you can forget about the withdrawal at this first quarter of the year. And come to collect it at the second quarter which is in August of this year. Regards, Henry SOROH. Director of operation. .................................................. (August? O.K. I give up) .................................................. Oh well l guess that's the way it goes then. Pretty lousy sort of scam though. I mean you have a victim on the hook and you let him go because he won't go to Africa at Easter. Don't know there are heaps of 419 scammers in Africa who would be quite happy if the victim was just one day late. But not you, nooo. To hard. How long have you been doing this scam? You may very well think that this is the last you will hear of me :o) Bad luck. You see all this time you have been mailing the famous Stuart de Baker Hawke. Well known crusader against dumb 419 scammers. That was a bad move as you shall see. Ta Ta for now, but worry not (or perhaps you should) I will not be far way. .................................................... (That SHOULD be about the end of that. Perhaps a final exchange of insults? About a week later. .................................................... ahmed salim [] wrote: Att: Mr.Hawke, I thank your response and happy Easter,I have not being around to access my email account . Actually you are very much in order with your request. That alone points at you gentle nature. I wish to let you know one thing, you should understand the ethics of legal profession, it is very much quite unethical for me to issue classified documents and informations concerning the deposit at this stage of the transaction without having recieved a convincing confirmation of your willingness to assist. You should understand my involvement and trust in this transaction. I am an indeginouse attorney here with a very firm grip of the law and the ethics here. I think I stand to face much more risk if I should be involved in any transaction that is at cross with the law. My request for your contact coordinates is to have a good knowledge as well as information concerning the person I am entrusting the fund to. You will be completely involved in the transaction and and will have every liberty and access to the fund as soon as we are given the approvals to withdraw . We are very much aware of the scam as the government and non governmental agencies are spending so much money to unvail this ugly developement. I once more thank you for your understanding. Yours sincerely, Ahmed Salim esq. ..................................................... (Hm! It seems he isn't giving up that easily.) ..................................................... Sir What are you saying? You are aware of the scam yet you still mail me back? Can it be true about Richard's money? Have I been a fool and thrown millions of dollars away? Too late now though the security company won't meet with me because I couldn't come at Easter. They say next August. I fear that will be to late for poor young Richard. Look, your command of the English language may not be that good and that may have lead to some missunderstandings. However I am worried about the security company. They seem very antagonistic towards me. I have heard of these African scams but they seem to come from Nigeria not Benin but that's close isn't it? Could the crooks be trying to get at Richards money? Is there any chance we can still help him? How can I tell you are not a crook too. I mean I don't want to insult you but how can I tell just from an e-mail? Could it be his Father's brothers that sent that e-mail about the 419 scam? I just don't know who to trust anymore. It is true that no one has asked me to pay any money, so I guess you might be real. But what should I do? If it is true I would like to help Richard if I can. I don't care about the money for myself. But if Richard is really in a refugee camp I would like to help him. How can I tell it is not a scam? I suppose because nobody has asked me for any money? Is that right? Is that how I can tell the difference? Please try your best to help Richard if you can. I will be here for him and can travel soon if that is all that is required. But I will not send any money in advance. I hope you can understand why. Should I come to Benin, say next week? Will you meet me there? can I meet Richard ? Sorry, so many questions. Yours Stuart de Baker Hawke ............................................................ (Then our lad makes a mistake and sends me a mail intended for someone else.) ............................................................ Dear Mr. Tafyla, Thank you for your persistence and meticulousness . That alone points at the accuracy of our guess of your kind of person. A principled gentleman. Now we can go into this trust oriented transaction. Is not as if I was being too inquisitive to have your particulars, but you should understand my position and bear with me in this regard. A lot of things can happen in this world. You do not expect an attorney like me with all my wealth of experience to entrust such a huge amount of money which does not even belong to me, into the hand of a "foreigner" without a concrete particulars of such a person. I do not know you before now, but with what I have now, I think I can rest and establish my trust in this transaction to a reasonable extent. Having received the required scanned passport, I shall be proceeding for the affidavit of claim in your favour. If by God grace the affidavit is sworn by tomorrow, it has to be submitted with a letter of administration to the finance house for their approvals. I shall be sending a copy of the affidavit as soon as it is ready for your record. Sincere regards, Ahmed Salim. esq. ............................................................ (Now then, Mr. Tafyla is Tafyla Sveittipungur, and to quote the man himself, "which is icelandic for Toe smell Swettyballs". He has a a radio morning show in Reykjavik, Iceland. I quote the man again. "I read my letters on the air. Sometimes they call me and I broadcast it. It«s very popular". So I forwarded the mail to him and we hatched a cunning plan to make fun of the lads on the radio, more on that later.) ............................................................ Attn: Mr. Stuart de Baker Hawke. Sir, I wish to draw your attention to an erroneous mail sent you . The mail was not intended for your perusal kindly delete it. It is for another client whom the partner gave me a power of attorney to oversee the transfer of a fund from a contract he executed here in Benin Republic to his foreign partners account. On your trip to Benin Republic by next week , it is my humble opinion, that you write the finance house to notify them of your arrival as well addressing the issue on the last email you sent to them . You have to maintain an authoritative statement over the fund as beneficial ownership has been transferred to you. If you continue keeping doubts, it will question your credibility as the owner of the fund and our consent with you. As you may know , since the changed of the beneficial ownership of the deposit in your favour, they have ceased divulging official information concerning the deposit to me. They argued that I am not the beneficial owner nor do I have the power of attorney of the owner. This situation has been an irritating one for some time now. You should understand my position please. I thank God for giving you the wisdom to reason along side with me in this transaction. I am putting my effort in this transaction human and material for God and humanity sake because as a humanist, I strongly believe as you do that this life is of no meaningful use except it is channelled towards the benefit of mankind as we are doing in this case. Upon your arrival I shall be right there at the airport to receive you. I promise your safety and a good hospitality all through your stay here in Benin. I wish to equally like to disabuse your mind of most on the negative publications against most African states on the internet . Most of them are deliberately purported by the developed countries and their agents to undue the fast growing nations of Africa. I shall be willing to have your telephone number so that we can have discussions. You are equally at liberty to call me. Sincere regards, Ahmed Salim. esq. + 229 68 26 87. ........................................................... Dear Mr Salim It seems you finally understand me. I am sorry for doubting your abilty earlier. I will mail the security company after the holidays. I will try to exercise my authority as the owner of the fund as you suggest. Don't worry about the other e-mail you sent me, mistakes like that are easy to make. It did remind me however to go looking for my passport. I hope to see you soon. Stuart de Baker Hawke ............................................................. ahmed salim [] wrote: Attn : Mr. Stuart de Baker Hawke Sir, In view of the need for you to secure a genuine and fast visa, it is my humble opinion that you request for an official letter of invitation from the finance house . I will advise that you write them immediate to request for the letter. You should request them to issue you with a commerce or investment invitation . As you may know , the newly constituted democratic government of the country is encouraging investors to come into the country and explore investment and tourist opportunities in the country. You know as Benin Republic is a well know tourist country in Africa it easier to secure a tourist visa to Benin Republic. Recently, the government has issued order to its consulate to encourage investors and tourist. Moreover you may face much official protocol and delay , if you have to let the embassy issuing you visa to know that you are coming to claim inheritance. To secure a fast visa , you have to request for a tourist visa. I should expect you to follow my advise religiously so that we conclude this immediately and perfectly as planned. Shall be expecting your feed back on the response from the finance house. Please let me have your phone number for swift contact. Regards Ahmed Salim + 229 68 26 87 ........................................................ Sometimes I just wish your English was easier to understand. However I will do as you say even though I think it makes things more complicated. Perhaps you can help. I will apply for a tourist visa and explain that I am going to collect my inheritence as you suggest. I hope that is what you meant. It is a bit hard to understand. There is time if I have got it wrong. Stew Hawke ........................................................ ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear Mr. Stuart Hawke, Thank you so much for your swift response. It tells me how committed you are in this transaction. You really got me wrong ok. You have to apply for a tourist visa. Do not let the embassy know that you are coming to claim inheritance so that you do not face much official protocol. Write the finance house to assist you with a commerce or investment letter of invitation so that you will present it to the embassy and tell the embassy that you are travelling for tourism as well as using the opportunity to explore investment opportunities in Benin Republic. If you still did not understand me well, please do not hesitate in write me back so that I can give you a draft of what you will write to the finance house ok. Sincere regards, Ahmed Salim. ........................................................ That's fine, I understand perfectly now. DON'T mention the money. I will get on to it straight away. Stew ........................................................ ahmed salim [] wrote: Dear Mr. Stuart Hawke, Thank you so much for understanding me. I wish to know your correspondence with the finance house as I can not get information from them. Have you written them and did the accept issuing the letter as we expected ? Please keep me posted immediately. Sinc¸re regards, Ahmed Salim. ........................................................ Sorry I haven't had a chance. I am having a slight difficuty and don't want to promise again a date I can't keep. Don't worry all will be well soon. Before the weekend plans will be assured. Stew ........................................................ (Yes by the weekend plans will be in place but not the plans he expects. Tafyla and I have decided to change the passwords on a couple of the lads accounts. The Richard Duif one and one of the lesser used lawyer's. Tafyla will then broadcast that information to several thousand Icelanders on Friday morning. So by the weekend? Who knows? His mail to me. ........................................................ Tafyla Sveittipungur wrote: Hi You are 9 hours ahead of me so now it must be 6 am. your place. It«s 9 pm. here. So if you change the password tonight before you go to sleep it should be ready when I wake up on friday. I will let people in to the mailbox at 10 am. my time whitch should be around 7-8 your end in the evening (suppertime). So what if we (or you) change it back to the original at 10 pm. your place. (Put the old password up again!) Then the lads will see what has happened when they check it. Maby I can change the password when my radio show ends. What do you think? You can talk about me on Scanorama. It's ok. Maby I will send my letters there. I bet they would enjoy my poems. Take care ......................................................... O.K. The passwords on And Are now wate***** See how many people you can get in them. Go to Put in the whole mail address including the bit. There is no point changing the passwords back. Then the crook will be able to take over the account again. He can be mailed on these accounts that I don't know the passwords to. These next accounts have also been changed, we can see about resetting the password to wate***** for the radio later. There isn't much in them however. This one We can leave alone for now for us to keep baiting the crook on. That's it for now. Stew .......................................................... (What was the name of that hotel that got Nixon into so much trouble?) Just in case the crook reads this before we have finished with him :o) Anyone out there feel like dropping him a line? Perhaps a bit of spam?) .......................................................... Dear Mr. Stuart Hawke Thank you for your email and sincere explaination. All is ok, I hope to give you a nice reception on your arrival. Keep me posted of developments as soon as you contacted the finance house on your visa schedules. Yours sincerely, Ahmed Salim. ......................................................... (Well that's probably about the end of him. Perhaps?) ......................................................... |