February 6, 2010: David meets Halima on The Interweb. Will she break his heart, just like Sonia?
2 hours of cut & paste chat....
yrazak50 (8:21 PM): <ding>
david (8:26 PM): hi yrazak50 (8:27 PM): I'm Halima and a 30year old single , no kids, 5- 6 ft tall, 128 lbs., black hair and fiar colour.I live in the capital city of United state - colorando. david (8:28 PM): cool yrazak50 (8:28 PM): My heritage is English..I dont have any kid .I'm always smilling and dont easily get irritated,I dont even remember the last time i frowned.Among my goal are raising a family, start a new life when i am able to relocate to my man david (8:28 PM): ok yrazak50 (8:29 PM): taking good care of my family so that we can live happily ever after ,grow old with my family and be with them till end of time!!. david (8:29 PM): wow yrazak50 (8:30 PM): I'm caring,faithful, loyal,truthful,l oving,generous,s incere,goals achiever,honest, spiritual oriented,Future driven,confident ial,understands the ups and downs of life,Commited to relationship,rea der,visionary,co nservative,passi onate,romantic,s exy and loving. david (8:30 PM): great
yrazak50 (8:31 PM): I'm a good cook,I can prepare delicious meals like fried rice with Chicken,Can prepare beef burger,Can prepare pizza,Italian sea food,Can prepare red red boiled beans with fried fish andfriend plantian,food,Ch inese,Taiwanese, Spanish,portagui se,rice david (8:32 PM): nice yrazak50 (8:33 PM): I am seeking to meet someone caring,faithful, communicative,lo yal,generous,und erstanding,futur e driven,honest,tr uthful to be with in a long term relationship,Cou rtship or marrige ,Some one with Good life principles to set an example to our children in the near future,God fearing person david (8:33 PM): yes yrazak50 (8:34 PM): .Some one who knows what to offer in life to a woman,Ready to share poverty,richness ,failure and victory together,is whom i have always beem dreaming to meet in my life david (8:34 PM): good
yrazak50 (8:34 PM): david (8:35 PM): u r serious woman! yrazak50 (8:36 PM): What is your profession? Do you mind sharing any thing about your spiritual belief? I don't mind to relocate to where I can have peace of mind,Will like to work with you as a business partner's,Soul partners,Smile and laugh together to our satisfaction and to live a great and My Grandmom and I have a shop of African clothes and I also do hair dressing with My Aunt in her dressing saloon..Thats the work I do for My Living.. david (8:37 PM): oh, im disappointed with you! yrazak50 (8:37 PM): Late Father passed away when I was only 18 years old .Well I would say My Father was the best man I have ever Loved He is so caring,loving,Go d fearing,respectf ul and responsible Father but I trusted and believe in God and I know God is doing His things In his Own way. david (8:38 PM): oh yrazak50 (8:38 PM): do u have a cam david (8:38 PM): no yrazak50 (8:38 PM): send me some of your foto ok david (8:39 PM): maybe later yrazak50 (8:39 PM): I have learn to be a Strong woman have hard working.I lost My late Father I was working and schooling at the same time that was how I grow. david (8:39 PM): ah
yrazak50 (8:40 PM): I have had Relationship which all ended Up about 5months ago because All My guys were very unfaithful it has cost me a lot of pain and i am now Looking for a Loving God fearing and Responsible man to settle down with that is why I am here david (8:40 PM): u love me? yrazak50 (8:41 PM): My desire is to meet a Handsome, sensitive, sensuous, warm, assertive single man who wants a friend. My interpretation of a friend is one to whom you can pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentleness of hands will take it all, sift it, keep that which is worth keeping and, david (8:42 PM): ok yrazak50 (8:42 PM): with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away. I thank you in advance for allowing me to be that kind of friend to you. david (8:42 PM): of coourse yrazak50 (8:43 PM): I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, Handsome, with a shapely figure, sincere, easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine...someone who wants a meaningful, serious, long- term relationship...n ot just a few dates. Are you that special Man? david (8:43 PM): perhaps yrazak50 (8:44 PM): I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new things that would like to share new experiences or old habits.Looking for a serious long term relationship with someone who possesses strong character and is goal- oriented. He must love the Lord with all of his heart,then I know he will love me with all his heart david (8:44 PM): i see yrazak50 (8:45 PM): I am looking for someone who believes that a true intimate partner looks out for the other and vice versa. While navigating life together, we are caring and concerned for each other's well- being because we make each other so happy and we love each other very much. david (8:45 PM): yes! yrazak50 (8:46 PM): But I would n,t wish all that on one person ever ,I know what it is to do all those things its alot to do and would drive any one person to either loose their mind or run away.I am the kind of person that is affectionate!! love to cuddle ,and get lost in kiss!!!! intimacy and foreplay is important along with romance!!!!!!!! david (8:46 PM): ohhh yrazak50 (8:47 PM): I also am very ,very much into giving and receiving oral ,from the one I love and live with.I am a giver the more I make the one I love feel loved and explosive the more turned on I get the man love is like a rare fruit that I just chain,t get enough david (8:48 PM): delightful yrazak50 (8:48 PM): He should enjoy good humor, love to laugh, and be a hopeless romantic.So that would make him a God- loving romantic guy......and God will approve.loll. My ideal partner must love to take long walks...holding hands....when I am not giving him a "walk for his money"....His yes must be yes, and his no, no. david (8:48 PM): with pleasure yrazak50 (8:49 PM): If you enjoy a good book, walks , watch what you put into your "temple"....just love praising God, can dance even a little.....But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working... david (8:49 PM): certainly yrazak50 (8:51 PM): As far as an ideal partner, i don't have a type....charisma , humor and charm come in many packages.....I care about honesty, integrity & sincerity u know the basics....Those who know its impossible to walk a righteous path and do right by everybody,.....b ut at least still try(emphasis on strong effort)....i am attracted to overtly passionate mature people who are totally comfortable in their own skin,..who know who they are(the good and the bad)and recognize their flaws, david (8:51 PM): ok yrazak50 (8:52 PM): yet are unashamed (and not afraid to show) of the quirky, sometimes contradictory, eccentric aspects of their personality that define their individuality... ..When u are genuine and sincere, david (8:52 PM): sincere
yrazak50 (8:52 PM): people may not always love you....but they usually respect u (at least thats been my experience)..... I am interested in forming a positive, david (8:53 PM): quality yrazak50 (8:54 PM): With regards to a relationships, i now want more from life than family and friends can offer. Meaning i would like to meet the type of MAN that really would enjoy sensually charged chemistry, david (8:54 PM): sensual yrazak50 (8:55 PM): laughter and uncomplicated real time meet and greets....Someon e who is highly affectionate, passionate, loving, considerate and is happy with his self just the way he is today right now. While i too am highly passionate i am not interested in just mere sex alone, Additionally, I believe in and would like to continue learning to create and savor the simple pleasures in life, david (8:55 PM): pleasures yrazak50 (8:55 PM): such as womanhood and learning more about myself as an individual...app reciating those often brief and fleeting moments of beauty & perfection (and not so perfect) for what they are...nothing more nothing less. david (8:56 PM): beauty yrazak50 (8:56 PM): I love poetry, books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners. I enjoy movies, television, music, traveling, the desert, the quietness of the mountains, the ocean, sunrises and sunsets.I am comfortable in jeans or a nice English suit. A nonsmoker/drinke r, david (8:57 PM): poetry yrazak50 (8:57 PM): not into drugs (don't need them; I live in a natural high). I believe in enjoying the good life and am high on it. I have a healthy attitude about God and the Bible. david (8:58 PM): God
yrazak50 (8:59 PM): I like to chill out with a good book or watch and movie and its even more fun when you have a special someone to do this with. I'm very easy to get a long with and a very good listener..I love To share My Time with People I Love and care eg,friends and Family.well about my family i come from a very small unit Of Family My Granny,Bro and I david (8:59 PM): good listener yrazak50 (9:00 PM): I am an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. I understand it is important to lay down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship. I am an active person who enjoys cycling and running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama. david (9:00 PM): drama yrazak50 (9:01 PM): I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little black dress.I love to dance: All styles, disco, house, or swing. david (9:02 PM): wine
yrazak50 (9:02 PM): david (9:02 PM): delightful! yrazak50 (9:03 PM): I generally try to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of jogging, 3- 4 days a week and eating healthy, (trust me, I love sweets and pastries, but try not to over do it).I would also like to find a like- minded male where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well. david (9:03 PM): healthy eating yrazak50 (9:04 PM): I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as swimming, playing computer, dancing reading,sports, walking at the beach shores,playing with kids and listening to soul music and more,and would like someone to share that with, as well as their sharing their interests with me... david (9:04 PM): hobbies yrazak50 (9:05 PM): I'm Halima and a 30year old single , no kids, 5- 6 ft tall, 128 lbs., black hair and fiar colour.I live in the capital city of United state - colorando.
david (9:06 PM): Halima!
yrazak50 (9:10 PM): david (9:10 PM): laundry
yrazak50 (9:10 PM): I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me. david (9:13 PM): honest yrazak50 (9:13 PM): I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy- going, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work. david (9:15 PM): optimistic
yrazak50 (9:15 PM): As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also encourage him to go out and spend time with friends and pursue his own interests and hobbies as well. david (9:16 PM): things yrazak50 (9:16 PM): I will always have the little kid in me ,even though I am very responsible !! love to play,I am on the computer getting into it more and more!!! dancing is important to me I want so badly to get better at it !!! david (9:17 PM): dancing! yrazak50 (9:18 PM): It is such a positive way of having fun and expressing yourself,and you get to show your woman to the world on the dance floor like a beautiful flower equal partnership takes to to tango ,compromise ,communication is sooooo important!!!! david (9:18 PM): tango yrazak50 (9:19 PM): I will always be who I am at the core my soul my being who I am and what makes me ,But!!! I am chuck full of potential I actually can be taught !!!!! LOLL!!! woman need to be like a guiding light for men we sometimes have a tendency to miss the little things ,not on purpose.man and a woman should work as a team together ,I cook ,clean,dust ,and do laundry david (9:19 PM): chuck full yrazak50 (9:20 PM): Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."The Holy Spirit reminded me of that as it applies to marriage. Only God can so meld two hearts together so that only the love He can give may be experienced by both toward each other. david (9:20 PM): the Lord
yrazak50 (9:21 PM): somy love canu do some tin for
david (9:21 PM): dude yrazak50 (9:22 PM): u tell me ok
david (9:22 PM): no yrazak50 (9:22 PM): my love tell me ok david (9:22 PM): u found me on Lavaplace ok
yrazak50 (9:23 PM): ok my neven my ok david (9:23 PM): what is your "neven"? yrazak50 (9:24 PM): neven my ok about the age that i ask u ok david (9:24 PM): what does "neven" mean? yrazak50 (9:24 PM): four gut ok david (9:25 PM): sorry, I don't know "four gut" either. yrazak50 (9:26 PM): ok can u help me to do somtin david (9:26 PM): what means "somtin"? yrazak50 (9:26 PM): ok i will tell u now ok david (9:27 PM): if you can't write in English language, then I can't understand you ok? yrazak50 (9:27 PM): ok david (9:27 PM): ok yrazak50 (9:28 PM): my love my food stuff is fues and i hope ucan help me to some david (9:29 PM): you love your food stuff? yrazak50 (9:29 PM): i hope u can send me some money for that david (9:31 PM): you just told me that you would write in English, and then you wrote nonsense yrazak50 (9:31 PM): willu help me david (9:32 PM): what does "willu" mean? yrazak50 (9:32 PM): i have tobye some ok\ david (9:33 PM): ? yrazak50 (9:33 PM): and i need your help me pl david (9:33 PM): can you please write one complete English sentence for me ok? yrazak50 (9:33 PM): ok david (9:34 PM): good luck yrazak50 (9:34 PM): so can u send the money for my food \ david (9:34 PM): when are you going to write a complete English sentence? yrazak50 (9:35 PM): why what am write david (9:35 PM): huh? yrazak50 (9:36 PM): can u send the money david (9:37 PM): your English was excellent when you sent lovely paragraphs to me, and now its bad. It almost seems like someone else is now writing to me!
yrazak50 (9:37 PM): ok david (9:38 PM): go where?
yrazak50 (9:38 PM): tomorow i will be here for u ok
david (9:38 PM): I thought you liked me
yrazak50 (9:38 PM): yes
david (9:38 PM): if ur serious than it is now yrazak50 (9:38 PM): yes david (9:38 PM): I do not play games!
yrazak50 (9:38 PM): me to ok
david (9:39 PM): ok yrazak50 (9:39 PM): why david (9:39 PM): you will never see me again yrazak50 (9:39 PM): tell me
david (9:39 PM): because I have a business meeting in England yrazak50 (9:39 PM): when david (9:39 PM): tomorrow yrazak50 (9:39 PM): really david (9:40 PM): of course yrazak50 (9:40 PM): ok so when willu come david (9:40 PM): what does "willu" mean? If you cannot write proper English I cannot understand you!
yrazak50 (9:41 PM): ok david (9:41 PM): this is the second time that you have promised to write proper English.
yrazak50 (9:41 PM): it is tolate hre ok
david (9:41 PM): I just told you that I leave in the early morning for England. yrazak50 (9:41 PM): this is abibalove29 david (9:42 PM): you are not listening to me yrazak50 (9:42 PM): tell me ok
david (9:42 PM): if you leave me now, then its over. I do not have time to play games. yrazak50 (9:42 PM): can u send me money for my food david (9:43 PM): how do you pay for Internet?
yrazak50 (9:43 PM): i have my loptop ok david (9:44 PM): u have laptop ok
yrazak50 (9:44 PM): yes i have but i dont have cam ok david (9:45 PM): Now you are writing very good English again! yrazak50 (9:45 PM): thanks david (9:45 PM): you're welcome yrazak50 (9:45 PM): u to david (9:46 PM): of course yrazak50 (9:46 PM): To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your heart.Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you hold on to. david (9:46 PM): wow, and you write very quickly too! yrazak50 (9:46 PM): yes david (9:47 PM): I trust that your English will continue to be proper and complete for the remainder of our conversation. yrazak50 (9:47 PM): Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they need some help. Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that you are always there for her, to be with her, to make her realize how much you really love her. david (9:47 PM): love yrazak50 (9:48 PM): Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable.Love is a wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you to give again and again. david (9:48 PM): trust
yrazak50 (9:48 PM): tuyes david (9:49 PM): tuyes? yrazak50 (9:49 PM): am so sorrey ok
david (9:49 PM): sorrey? yrazak50 (9:49 PM): You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes from your heart; it never lies trust it.There may be many people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. david (9:50 PM): ah, much better! yrazak50 (9:50 PM): For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot,they are on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world.Love is patient. david (9:50 PM): patient yrazak50 (9:51 PM): Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud........ It is not rude. It is not self- seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. david (9:51 PM): truth yrazak50 (9:51 PM): It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people... david (9:52 PM): hopes yrazak50 (9:52 PM): It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people... david (9:53 PM): you already sent this paragraph.
yrazak50 (9:53 PM): yes i no that ok david (9:53 PM): then why did you do it?
yrazak50 (9:54 PM): this is my id u can ad me so that we will chet ok abibalove29@yaho o.com david (9:54 PM): why is your English suddenly terrible again? I cannot understand you! yrazak50 (9:54 PM): Remember loving relationships grow and only become better, eliminate those who do not meet your needs when they continually fail to support you, will not compromise, and will not be honest. These three qualities alone will help you nurture and develop a deeper relationship with your partner.Take Care. david (9:55 PM): yes yrazak50 (9:55 PM): There are many qualities that make relationships good support, compromise, and open and honest communication is just a few of these qualities that you may desire in a relationship. Engage only in relationships where both partners can openly discuss their wants and needs, this can take practice. david (9:55 PM): you are writing quickly again! yrazak50 (9:55 PM): amgoing to selp now ok david (9:55 PM): how long have we been talking? yrazak50 (9:56 PM): it is here late here ok david (9:56 PM): we have been talking for only 1.5 hours. yrazak50 (9:56 PM): so tellme what do u do for aliving? ?
david (9:57 PM): you make me sad! It is in my profile. You forgot already!
yrazak50 (9:58 PM): oh okay yes i am\ david (9:58 PM): then why did you forget what I do for a living? yrazak50 (9:58 PM): i wnna know for sure that u not lying
david (9:58 PM): I will tell you the same thing that is written.
yrazak50 (10:00 PM): okay
david (10:00 PM): you disappoint me! yrazak50 (10:02 PM): no
david (10:02 PM): no what? yrazak50 (10:05 PM): When the union is for His Glory...and not our own, then it will flourish and be the example that God intended it to be.I am a Spirit- filled believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is the source and strength of my life. david (10:06 PM): God yrazak50 (10:06 PM): The desire of my heart is that I meet and grow to love the man with whom I hope to spend the rest of my life.He is also a GOOD and faithful friend who is AVAILABLE (physically and emotionally), is able to be a prayer warrior, and is an encourager and supporter. david (10:06 PM): yes yrazak50 (10:07 PM): tell me how long have u been searchhing for a lady? david (10:07 PM): six months yrazak50 (10:07 PM): and have u met anyone from Ghana before?
david (10:08 PM): no! I am excited. yrazak50 (10:08 PM): yes david (10:09 PM): but that is not true
yrazak50 (10:09 PM): <ding> david (10:09 PM): u told me you live in Ghana yrazak50 (10:09 PM): yes david (10:10 PM): so one statement is false
yrazak50 (10:10 PM): okay
david (10:11 PM): you also told me that you are honest. yrazak50 (10:11 PM): i am honest david (10:12 PM): I will ignore the lie that you live in two places and ask you again. Where do you live? yrazak50 (10:12 PM): i am from the us but right now am living in Ghana david (10:13 PM): from Capital City in Colorado, as you wrote to me? yrazak50 (10:13 PM): yeap david (10:14 PM): did you realize the Capital City is not in Colorado? yrazak50 (10:14 PM): i am leaving now
david (10:14 PM): why? yrazak50 (10:14 PM): be for now david (10:14 PM): I want to trust you.... yrazak50 (10:14 PM): bye for now
david (10:14 PM): and I have one more thing to tell you..... yrazak50 (10:15 PM): ok
david (10:15 PM): you spent 2 hours for nothing, you MUGU. Bad hustler! yrazak50 (10:16 PM): what that?
david (10:16 PM): that's you. yrazak50 (10:16 PM): u are scammer?
david (10:16 PM): lol, yes, I scammed 2 hours of your time! [Stay out of the chat rooms, kids!] |