Received: from []
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:08:08 +0100
From: robert gunte <barr_robert_gunte@123.com>
Subject: Endeavour to call me immediately @ tele:234-8033123607
To: barr_robert_gunte@123.com
Reply-to: chris_ndic@yahoo.co.uk
Endeavour to call me immediately @ tele:234-8033123607
Dear lee,
I am Barrister ROBERT GUNTE. I am the personal Attorney To Mr. Eric Lee, national of your country, who lived in Nigeria, here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 21st of April 1999, my client was involved in a car accident long Sagbama express road. BLAH BLAH BLAH Particularly, the (MISSISSIPPI FINANCE COMPANY) where the deceased had an Account valued at about 9.8 million dollars BLAH I now seek Your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since You have the same last name HE SCAMS ME YEAH YEAH YEAH
Awaiting Your response.
Best regards,
MY REPLY 1 (Sent: 10/31/03 8:39 PM):
I'm sorry to hear of that tragedy, but I don't think I'm really related to the person you mention, at least that I know. However, that is a lot of money, and so long as it is legal I feel thankful that you have found me. Please let me know what you would like me to do.
Received: from []
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 07:53:26 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: URGENT
Thanks very much for your well research for your
family tree link. I will not like us to loss out in
this transaction while searching for the
linkage. we can start the claim while we still look
for your family link. I am sure that if we start with
understanding we can have the money.
I will like you to send me you telephone number so
that i can call to discuss well with you.
You can call me on my phone no;234-8033123607.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
[NOTE: He still hasn't asked my name, just refers to me as "Dear ---" which shows this is a form letter.]
MY REPLY 2 (Sent: 11/1/03 3:41 PM):
Hello, who are you? Are you related to the man that wrote me about the missing money? His email address was barr_robert_gunte@123.com
[NOTE: His email address changed, I guess he got the old one shut down.]
Received: from []
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 17:51:16 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
This is my personal email. I am Barrister Robert
I am awaiting your earliest reply in regards to my
last mail to you for the claim.
Robert Gunte
[NOTE: He still hasn't asked for my first name.]
MY REPLY 3 (Sent: 11/2/03 2:51 PM):
OK. I don't have a phone at the moment, though I am planning to get one soon. I was thinking of one of those GSM phones. Do you know if they are any good?
What else will we need to do to process the claim?
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:41:37 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Follow Up Guidelines
Follow Up Guidelines
Dear Wolter,
You can get any telephone line, so far as you can be
reached on it when needed. I am sending to you a
follow up instruction immediately. Please Read
Carefully and act accordingly.If I work together with
you in deep understanding Putting resources together
to archive this claim which Of course is obvious, I
will be prepared to offer you
50% of this $9.8million, if this is acceptable to you,
Please let me know so that we can proceed. You are
Free to make your comments and suggestion.
Bellow is our roles in the transaction.
My Roles
(1)It will be my duty to direct you on the
Various stages of the process of this claim
(2)I will stand as your nominator attorney, appearing
On all physical representation of you in all the
Dealings requiring your presence in any court, office
Etc in Nigeria
(3) I will help to obtain any certificate required for
Any sort of clearance here in Nigeria.
Your Roles
(1) You will start the transaction/ claim.
(2) You will require forwarding a letter of
Application for the payment of your inheritance from
your status as the Next-of-kin of the deceased. In
This wise, I will send to you a draft copy of the
Application for you to complete and send to the
Finance Company by fax
(3) You will re-direct or forward all
correspondence Communicated to you by the various
offices/ Departments concerned during the entire
process of Claim.
(4) you Will assist me to settle all fees to be
As tax or bank charge, but on the otherwise, we can
Agree to take care of such jointly if I am in disposed
Of resource.
Finally, feel free to ask me questions
Where you require to be guided we will work as a team
With great understanding to actualize this transfer of
Heritage deceased.
Below is the drafted copy of the application for
Claim. Copy and complete the necessary details and
Send directly to the
Finance Company fax
Below is the draft copy of the application for the
Claim of the fund.
The Executive Director,
Office of the Director,
$9.8MILLION, BILL NO.MFC/1/7289/98.
Dear Sir,
First of all, we do hereby request to maintain that
You know about me/us, who we are the next of kin
following our close business relationship with Late
MR. ERIC EAGER with whom we have jointly enjoyed
Abroad business conglomerate. Who had a permanent?
Resident permit in Nigeria since 1978, and who died in
A motor accident? Following the deposit / lodgment
Holder in the domiciliary account of your late
Customer, ERIC EAGER and bill NO.MFC/I/7289/98. Our
Firm has realized the mentioned bill according to
The deed of will being interpreted for and in our
Favor by his attorney and at the date of this letter;
we have Not received any payment from you yet.
We trust you Understand that in these circumstances
therefore, We Will be pleased to received as soon as
possible this Payment in accordance with the below
referred account As follows:
Name of Bank:.
Tel & fax of bank:
Account No
Address of Bank: ..
Swift Code:.
Office Tel:
Kindly note the above account and change all your
Record accordingly to our favor and swift wire
Transfer the principal amount of the face value (100%)
Plus the percentage interest according to the normal
Bank amount.
Awaiting by return your payment
Yours faithfully
Wolter Eager.
NB: Please address your letter to
Head Of Foreign Operations,
I will forward to you my personal
Credentials and you should also forward to me yours
for identifications.
Brr. Robert Gunte.
[NOTE: I guess he is getting me mixed up with someone else because he now calls me 'Wolter.' Also note that the dead person has changed from Eric lee to Eric Eager! So now I'm "Wolter Eager" I suppose...]
My Reply 4 (Sent: 11/3/03 8:10 PM):
Hi, I have read this and probably can assist you. However, you mention "helping you with fees" but it doesn't say enough. What sort of fees are you going to require?
My Reply 4.1 (Sent: 11/3/03 8:10 PM):
P.S. I have bought a phone, and as soon as I can agree on a service plan I will send you the number once I have the phone activated.
[NOTE: I intended to buy one of those prepaid phones but I haven't got off my butt and done it yet.]
Received: from []
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 08:26:15 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Urgent
Dear Wolter,
Little fees like stamp and deem fees and the court
affidavit and oath fees. So try to contact the finance
company today unfailingly please. You can also send
the application through their customer's service email
Waiting on your earliest reply.
[NOTE: Yep, I guess I'm "Wolter" for sure now.]
My Reply 5 (Sent: 11/4/03 5:25 PM):
OK, so long as they are little fees, sure.
Where can I find a list of each of these fees and what they cover?
[NOTE: I then wrote to the "finance house"]
(Sent: 11/4/03 10:03 PM)
Hello, see below. I am supposed to contact you about an application?
Subj: Urgent
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2003 12:26:35 AM
From: brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk
Dear Wolter,
Little fees like stamp and deem fees and the court
affidavit and oath fees. So try to contact the finance
company today unfailingly please. You can also send
the application through their customer's service email
Waiting on your earliest reply.
[NOTE: I did not hear from them for awhile, so I wrote Robert.]
My Reply 5.1 (Sent: 11/7/03 3:24 PM)
Hello Robert,
I have not heard back from you, and I also wrote for an application but I have heard nothing. I do hope all is well on your end?
Received: from []
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 13:02:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Thanks very much for your concern over this
transaction. I was at the bank yesterday and i was
informed by the bank officials that you sent through
their email a letter that the never understood but you
where asked to send an application which up-to date
have not being received. They also informed me of the
necessary requirement for the claim. They request that
we send our application with this documents to back it
up before they can pay us this fund. The documents are
as follows:(1) Sworn court Affidavit in any Federal
high court of Nigeria.
(2) Letter of Administration. duly stamped,signed and
Registered in the High court of Nigeria.
(3) Formal application for Change of account.
All these documents can be secured immediately. i will
like us to forward this application unfailingly
Tuesday coming week because my insider in the bank
told me that the have now known of our claim and they
are ready to release it upon receipt of our
application on Tuesday. so we have to act fast.
For the sworn court affidavit the or th fee is about
$700.00 and the letter of administration stamping at
the court is $250.00, so that total is $1,050.00, s
let me know how much you can be able to come up with
if not all. Try to inform before Monday pls. so that i
know where to seek assistance and how much to search
for from here.
Any amount that you can get send it to me via western
union money transfer in my sectary's's name: Lucy
James. so that she can collect it. it will be fast
through western union money transfer to get to me on
send to: Lucy James
Address: Lagos Nigeria
Test Question: Robert
Answer: Gunte
Pls. i will like us to fasten whatever we need to do
before Tuesday, Because i have promised to send the
application to the finance company latest Tuesday.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
Robert Gunte
[NOTE: Apparently he's forgotten my name as now I'm "Dear " again. Sigh. Also note the math error, which I point out in my reply.]
My Reply 6 (Sent: 11/8/03 2:48 PM):
$750.00 plus $250.00 is $950.00, not $1050.00. I'll be happy to pay the fee once I get a copy of the documents and an invoice. You can just attach them to the email and send them to me.
Received: from []
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 17:31:42 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Thanks very for the correction in the figures.I will
like you to understand that without us for for the
documents, it can not be prepared from the court.
There in the court they will prepare the affidavit and
stamp it before it is issued to you.It is being paid
for before it is issued like everywhere in the globe.
I will appreciate if you can send the money and i get
the documents and send to you by attachment with the
invoice of payment. Everything has been set in motion
fine and the only delay is coming from our side for
the release of this inheritance to us.
I will await your earliest reply to my mail and the
money for the affidavit sent to me to secure this
document for our claim.
Robert Gunte.
My Reply 7 (Sent: 11/10/03 1:08 PM):
OK, that's fine. Just send me copies of the documents and the invoice for the fee so I can examine them and we'll see about getting you payment.
Received: from []
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 20:36:05 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
First try and send the this complete application to
the finance company tomorrow unfailingly, try to have
contact with thewm to show our willingness for our
fund with them. you can send it through their fax
line:234-1-7900817 or email : cbowas@accountant.com,
this is their account adminstration dept.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
The Executive Director,
Office of the Director,
Dear Sir,
First of all, we do hereby request to maintain that
You know about me/us, who we are the next of kin
following our close business relationship with Late
MR. ERIC EAGER LEE with whom we have jointly
Abroad business conglomerate. Who had a permanent?
Resident permit in Nigeria since 1978, and who died in
A motor accident? Following the deposit / lodgment
Holder in the domiciliary account of your late
Customer, ERIC EAGER LEE and bill NO.MFC/I/7289/98.
Our Firm has realized the mentioned bill according to
The deed of will being interpreted for and in our
Favor by his attorney and at the date of this letter;
we have Not received any payment from you yet.
We trust you Understand that in these circumstances
therefore, We Will be pleased to received as soon as
possible this Payment in accordance with the below
referred account As follows:
Name of Bank:.
Tel & fax of bank:
Account No
Address of Bank: ..
Swift Code:.
Office Tel:
Kindly note the above account and change all your
Record accordingly to our favor and swift wire
Transfer the principal amount of the face value (100%)
Plus the percentage interest according to the normal
Bank amount.
Awaiting by return your payment
Yours faithfully
NB: Please address your letter to
Head Of Foreign Operations,
I will forward to you my personal
Credentials and you should also forward to me yours
for identifications.
Brr. Robert Gunte.
[NOTE: Apparently he's either realized his mistake or is just sloppy because now the deceased is "Eric Eager Leeee" and I'm no longer "Wolter Eager," I'm just "lee." It's so disheartening to lose one's identity like that. I hope he's not equating me to the lee of "The Goon Show" fame!]
My Reply 8 (Sent: 11/10/03 1:10 PM):
In a message dated 11/9/03 12:44:08 PM, brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk writes:
Hello, I am forwarding this to you as instructed. Please let me know what to do next. Thanks.
[NOTE: This isn't a reply but a straight forward of the email from "Robert" to the "finance house." As if they're different entities...]
In his next email he sent me his credentials. I'll forward that to you separately.
From: Robert Gunte <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Sun Nov 9, 2003 12:46:40 PM US/Pacific
Subject: My Credentials( Keep Secret Pls)
I am sending you my credentials for you to know who
you are transacting with. pls. send your information
Sent: 11/10/03 1:16 PM
Wow, those are impressive credentials. What credentials of mine would you like?
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 17:09:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Hello Sir,
I have expected that you will reply my mail earlier
before now. Please send your reply to understand what
next to do. Try to send the money to me to prepare the
documents for the claim.
Waiting on your reply.
[NOTE: Again he's forgotten all my names, so he's resorted to calling me "Sir."]
My Reply 10 (Sent: 11/10/03 1:17 PM):
Yes, I am just waiting for a copy of the documents and the invoice to send you payment. When do you think you can get those to me?
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 21:48:41 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Hello Sir,
I will send to you copy of the documents by tomorrow.
And i will appreciate if you can send your contact
information to prepare the documents.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
Robert Gunte.
My Reply 11 (Sent: 11/10/03 4:29 PM):
Sure. What sort of information would you like?
[NOTE: I actually ended up sending this to him inadvertently six times in a row because AOL was having problems that day. He never comments on this for some reason.]
Received: from []
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 15:46:04 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: The documents as Requested
The documents as Requested
Hello Sir,
Please i will like you to send to me your personal
information like your contact information. I was able
to manage to secure the documents and i have attached
them to you, All that is required now is for us to pay
for the Oath fee and Stamp Dee fees for the documents
to be authenticated by the federal high court of
Nigeria. So try to send the money with the information
i gave to you.
I have also attached a copy of the Deposit Slip for
the fund in Question, so that you will be cleared.
Please the documents is as good as cash, so don't pass
it over to a third party.
I will expect your earliest reply and try to send the
money to authenticate the documents.
Barrister Robert
My Reply 12 (Sent: 11/15/03 6:01 PM)
Okay, let me give these a look-see and I should be able to get the money right out to you.
[NOTE: The next three emails all contained JPEGs of phony documents so I will forward each one to you separately and then one with my reply.]
From: Robert Gunte <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:19:24 AM US/Pacific
Subject: The documents as Requested
same letter as above
N/B: Try to send the money via western union money
in this name: Lucy James
Address: lagos Nigeria
TesT Question: Robert
Answer : Gunte
And now, through the magic of inkjet printers...

There were more figures - we hope our Kindly Contributor will not mind that they are omitted. They were all spiffy - lots of seals, logos and impressive legalese.
From: "Mississippi Finance Company admin account dept." <cbowas@accountant.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 11:33:48 -0500
Subject: Application Acknowledged
Application Acknowledged
Attn: lee
Your application for the claim of your cousin's estate is hereby acknowledged. Please open the attached letter and swiftly come up for this claim.
Joseph Rotimi
Account legal services dept. --
[NOTE: Attached was a Microsoft Word document called "Mfccondolence.doc" which I won't attach, but here is the text. They are still just calling me "Lee" for some reason.]
ATTN: lee
My Reply 13 (Sent: 11/15/03 6:09 PM):
Ok, let me look at the doc and see what I see.
Received: from []
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:49:19 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Hello sir,
i have not heard from you, What is the prblem. reply
My Reply 14 (Sent: 11/15/03 6:13 PM):
Hello, I am examining the documents you sent. Once I find they are all in order I will arrange payment.
Received: from []
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 17:56:01 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Why the delay?Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Why the delay?Waiting on your Urgent Reply.
Thanks very much your delayed reply. I will like us to
speed up our arrangement. The finance company is
worried at our application that is being delayed. Pls.
if you can send the money tomorrow i will appreciate
it because i do not want a situation whereby i will
loss this fund.
Waiting on your earliest reply today.
[NOTE: Does he feel his fish slipping away? He doesn't even bother to put his fake name at the bottom anymore.]
My Reply 15 (Sent: 11/16/03 3:40 PM):
The finance company hasn't said anything about being worried about the delay, or about any sort of deadline at all. I will ask them about it.
[NOTE: So I did...]
My Reply 15.1 (Sent: 11/16/03 3:41 PM):
[to the "finance house"]
Dear Sir,
Mr. Gunte says you are worried about a delay. Why is this? This has never been mentioned before.
ROUND SIXTEEN (from the "finance house")
From: "Mississippi Finance Company admin account dept." <cbowas@accountant.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 13:14:12 -0500
Subject: Your application Deserves Urgent Processing
Your application Deserves Urgent Processing
We have expected that by now your application for your Cousin's Estate inheritance claim should have been properly addressed in your favour and we requested that you forward the necessary documents to effect the payment into your nominated account but till date you have not shown co-operation, we have also serially contacted the attorney to your Late Cousin Mr. R. Gunte requesting for seriousness in the processing of the legal documents required from you but all effort proved abortive.
This account have not been service for the pasted three years in this order we have do advise that you hasten up for your claim before our final auditing of the last quarter account balance coming up 25th of November 2003 to help us remit your payment this final Quarter of the year.
Help us to serve you better.
Joseph Rotimi
Account legal services dept. --
My Reply 17 (Sent: 11/17/03 3:27 PM):
OK, I'll see what I can do about that. However, I do have a question: what about it not being serviced for three years makes this year any different? If the account's been sitting dormant so long, why is there some problem now?
[NOTE: And then, to "Robert" a little bait...]
My Reply 17.1 (Sent: 11/17/03 3:32 PM)
The finance company seems to be chomping at the bit to get this done fast, though they don't say why. Anyway, I am going to try to get some more information from them so I can get the money thing taken care of for you. I believe you said Western Union, correct?
From: "Mississippi Finance Company admin account dept." <cbowas@accountant.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 11:23:51 -0500
Subject: This is stated in the Financial policy Agreement
This is stated in the Financial policy Agreement
Attn: lee,
In our financial act degree 23 of our financial policy warrant this finance house to confiscate any account that has been dormant for more than 5years as the policy demand for such huge fund to be returned to federal Treasury of the Central Bank of Nigeria, our monetary governing bank.
We have maintained that you come forward for your payment as we have tried to protect our customers against their fund confiscation by the federal Treasury.
Joseph Rotimi
Account legal services dept
My Reply 18 (Sent: 11/18/03 7:47 PM)
Well, part of the problem is that something doesn't add up. According to the facts the lawyer sent me, his client died on April 21 of 1998, which would mean five years was up in April of this year and thus the fund should already have been confiscated.
However, you use the word "dormant," which means no activity. But a fixed deposit is not considered dormant by banking laws until a time period after the expiration date, which you tell me is five years. The Fixed Deposit Slip states that it is a four year contract starting from 31 August 1998 (which was four months after Mr. lee died, apparently). Assuming his ghost came in and signed the contract, the dormancy would not expire until 5 years after the end of the contract (31 August 2002) and that is August 31, 2007. So we still have four years before confiscation. Plenty of time to make sure everything is in order.
In any event, I'm working with the lawyer now on the payment scheme and once we've hashed that out I'll get back to you. So don't worry your mind and have a nice day.
Received: from []
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 16:00:16 +0000 (GMT)
From: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Yes please send the money today.
Yes please send the money today.
If you can send this money today so that we can
finalise with the finance company today and have this
fund paid to your account immediately. the information
to send this money is:
Western Union money Transfer to
Name: Lucy James
Address: Lagos Nigeria.
Test Question: Robert
Answer : Gunte
I will like this to be taken care of today pls.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
Robert Gunte
My Reply 19 (11/18/03 8:04 PM):
I have some more questions for the finance house, so don't worry about the time. It seems they made a mistake on when the fund is set to expire, so I corrected them. We actually have another four years before the money is in danger of being confiscated. No rush at all, and it's better to make sure everything is in order first. After all, I don't want to have to pay the fees more than once if something is wrong the first time. And speaking of wrong...
You told me Mr. Lee died on April 21, 1999 but you filed papers with the court saying he had died on April 21, 1998. However, according to the deposit slip from the finance house the account was opened on 31 August 1998, about 4 months after he died. Unless his ghost put that money in the bank, there are only two explanations:
1. When you told me he died in 1999, that was a typo and he died in 1998. However, that means his spirit rose from the grave to make a bank deposit. Somehow, I have a hard time believing that.
2. He really died in 1999 and all the papers you've filed with the courts are wrong.
Please let me know which is the real case so we can move ahead accordingly. If you found you made mistakes on the court documents, please amend them and send me the amended copies so we can move ahead with getting you the payment.
Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to hearing from you.
[NOTE: And now I am going on vacation for nine days--for real--and I won't be back until the 28th. I will have no access to email so I have no idea what will be waiting for me when I get back, but whatever it is I will send it on to you. Keep up the good work, Scamorama!]
P.S. I just sent this to both of them:
I am going on vacation and will be back on Friday November 28th. I won't have access to email until then. Please go ahead and write if you need to; I'll answer all queries when I return.
...here's what may be the last salvo:
Return-Path: <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Received: from []
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 08:24:22 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Sir,
I don't understand your program about this
transaction. I have given you the necessary
information your required of me. about the mistake on
the documents i sent to you we can still authenticate
it when we are going for the stamping.
Honestly you have delayed in a manner that i am
becoming worried over your position in this
transaction,if you are not worried about this fund,
please do not make me to loss this money because it
will be the worst thing that will happen to my life
because i have hoped on this fund. I will suggest you
let me know your stand.
I will await your earliest reply.
My Reply
Sent: 11/28/03 9:57 PM
Hello Robert,
As I wrote you before, I went on vacation and am now back. Let me see if I can answer your question.
I don't see how you can authenticate documents that are wrong. Someone is bound to notice, either immediately or in the future. If they are wrong, legal action could ensue. I think it's much better to prevent that by getting one's ducks in a row before even going to court. Trust me on this.
The finance house hasn't written back, so I presume that they realized there is a bad error somewhere, and that there really isn't a time pressure at all. Otherwise they'd have responded to the message I sent them. I trust they haven't contacted you, because if they had, surely you'd have let me know.
So did you ever find out which was the real case: Did Mr. Lee's ghost sign the deposit papers (I doubt that) or did you make several mistakes on the court documents? As I said, there's a pretty noticible discrepancy in the dates.
NOTE: I have not heard from him again, but I have received this message from Yahoo every time I try to resend the message:
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 554 delivery error: dd Sorry, your message to brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk cannot be delivered. This account is over quota. - mta116.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 00:57:37 -0500 (EST)
So it may be he's gone. Ah well, if he ever does write back I'll let you know.
But wait! Don't touch that checkbook! Because you also get...
Date: Tue Dec 2, 2003 9:11:19 PM US/Pacific
Guess what? My mugu unblocked his mailbox, and apparently hasn't seen Scamorama yet. I'm going to string him along as much as I can. I came up with a nifty idea to bait him, let's see if he bites...
I'll combine all responses in one email like I did before instead of sending you them one at a time.
From: Robert Gunte <brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue Dec 2, 2003 3:39:07 PM US/Pacific
To: Our Kindly Contributor
Hello Sir,
I don't understand your program about this
transaction. I have given you the necessary
information your required of me. about the mistake on
the documents i sent to you we can still authenticate
it when we are going for the stamping.
Honestly you have delayed in a manner that i am
becoming worried over your position in this
transaction,if you are not worried about this fund,
please do not make me to loss this money because it
will be the worst thing that will happen to my life
because i have hoped on this fund. I will suggest you
let me know your stand.The finance company can not be
wrong because the information i gathered from them is
that once a beneficiary to an account is dead the
fixed deposit contract is also considered inactive
immediately. So i need your urgent assistant in this
regards, Because time is no longer on our side. I have
ratified my mail box problem as i decovered that
series of mails sent to my box returned to the
I will await your earliest reply.
My reply
Sent: 12/2/03 9:41 PM
Hi Robert,
First of all, what happened to your mailbox? I had to send you my response four times and I got error messages from Yahoo each time. Here's what I wrote you on Friday, if you didn't see it:
[snip repeat of last letter]
Second of all, I don't understand what you mean when you say you don't understand my program. Which program is that?
Third, how in the world are you going to correct a mistaken document when you get it stamped? Why not just correct it now? All you have to do is roll a new blank into your typewriter, re-type it with the correct info, and re-file it as an addendum. It happens all the time and shouldn't be unusual.
(BTW, does this mean that you are saying that option 2 was true and you in fact filed false papers with the courts? Or was this a case of a ghost making a deposit?)
Fourth, why would you think you are going to lose this money? As your documents show, you've already been granted possession of the assets. You already told the court in your affadavit that the next of kin (me) has been found. The deposit is no longer in danger of being lost. By virture of filing those documents, you've already halted any possible attempts to seize the account. I want you to relax your mind and not worry about any of this. It's your worry that caused you to make the mistakes on the document that you already have.
Fifth, you say the finance company can't be wrong, but that's not what they told me. In fact, once I pointed out to them the error, I haven't heard word one from them since. If I were wrong I'm sure they would have piped back right away. Most people who get corrected will get their backs up if they think they don't deserve it.
Sixth, as I said above, a fixed deposit does NOT become inactive on the death of the bearer. It becomes inactive when there is no response after a certain amount of time (in this case, 5 years) after the end of the contract. It can't become inactive on the death of the bearer because the bank has no way of knowing when the bearer has died. Even if it were, it would have already been forfeited since it's been more than 5 years since April of 1998. The fact that it hasn't been confiscated shows that that's not true.
Lastly, the deposit slip says it's for $9.8 million with an interest rate of 12.5% per annum. Yet both you and the finance company claim the total is $9.8 million. Where did the interest go? By my calculations, 9.8 million generates $1,215,200 per year. Over four years that is $4,860, 800 on top of the original 9.8 million, which should make a grand total of $14, 660, 800 in the account.
As you can see, there are many unanswered questions here. If you want me to send Lucy Jones over a thousand dollars by Western Union I'd like to be assured that all the potential problems have been dealt with before they arise.
I'm more than happy to send you all the money you want once these questions are answered. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
Here's the scammer's response to that:
Received: from []
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 09:02:08 +0000 (GMT)
From: brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk
Body: Hello Sir,
I quiet understood all you are trying to explain in
your mail. First let me start with the documents which
you discovered the mistake, Well i am happy that we
have not passed it over to the finance company, we
have the chances to ratify it. I did not even notice
it to be honestly speaking. Eric died on the 21st
April 1999 but the fund was deposited on the 31st
august 1998, so you can see that the mistake is from
The finance company informed me of your last contact
with them and their respond to your mail that why they
did not write to you again was because they feel that
as your attorney that i am supposed to be briefing you
on their financial policy, the said that they are in
line with you with your last communication because you
told them that you will be going on vacation, that
coming to your Question to them that it is their
financial policy on any monetary deposit more than
US$1,000,000.00 in their custody will always be
answered for by the bearer at any time and point as
requested by Their Governing bank(central Bank Of
Nigeria) as such that can not be in position of a
secret coded account or Ghost Account with huge
amount, because i know it is prohibited by law and not
allowed by the financial Policy of Government of the
federal republic Nigeria, so you have to bear with us.
What i meant about your program in this transaction is
your arrangement towards the realisation of this fund
or do you want me to forfeit it and loss out. Your
banking system over there and ours here is not almost
the same, our level of banking policy is some how
different from yours because we are not all that
I did not make false documents but it was a mistake
which can amended and Observation made at the same
time when I am going for the stamping.
with the type of government we ran anything is
possible, They can make arrangement from anywhere and
by the time you what that is going on ,the fund will
not be answered for by the finance company as they
have noticed that the beneficiary for such account is
no longer and no serious effect to claim the fund the
top management of the finance company can arrange with
some top government officials to have the money to
themselves, you can not do them anything as
individual. That is my fear because i have seen it
happen serially. You can only be sure of anything in
your position, we have every bad system of Government
because they are very corrupt. We have democratic
system of Government been governed via Military power
and faces.
The way you and I reason is not the way things are
done in my country. The finance company has their
terms, condition and mode of operation ,the feel the
have got nothing to loss if you loss your fund to them
in this kind of situation because they will have some
percentage if your money is returned to federal
account as unclaimed fund, so that is why they are
relaxed, so they can confiscate the fund only to say
that they did not see the rightful beneficiary after
series of their notice.
the fact that the fund has not been confiscated is
because of my pressure on them which i know it will
reach to an extent, if i do not receive your full back
up ,if they notice that I am alone, if not your
support because you have contacted them and they
discovered that we are solidly together, they would
have confiscated.
About the interest of this fund, The initial
application I filed for the payment of our claim, i
requested that they pay us with the interest but I was
advised by their legal department to claim the initial
deposit first or else I will loss the case because so
long as I have informed about the death of my client
Eric before the invested contract period elapsed
,Because he deposited the fund on the 31st August 1998
and he died April 21st 1999, so they explained that
due to the financial policy, They have to cancel the
agreement because the law says that no coded account
or ghost account should be maintained in the federal
republic of Nigeria because the top government
officials used this means of coded and ghost account
to keep money in many finance companies in the
country, so the president wants to check on it well.
I believe your questions have been cleared and
answered, so we need to work as brothers to achieve
this great goal. Let us save time and move ahead as a
team with understanding in us. you can send the money,
I will take care of everything, I assure of this.
Send to: Lucy James
Address; Lagos Nigeria
test question: Robert
Answer : Gunte
Thanking you while Anticipating your earliest reply
[NOTE: Why, after a month of all this, has he STILL not asked for my name? You'd think if he were a smart scammer he'd be trying for a patina of verisimilitude. Ah well, at least he's wasting time with me so that's one fewer innocent person being scammed.]
Sent: 12/5/03 4:15 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for writing back to me. I know you must be a busy man what with all the legal work you do, so I'll try to make this brief.
1. You say "Well i am happy that we have not passed it over to the finance company, we have the chances to ratify it. I did not even notice it to be honestly speaking. Eric died on the 21st April 1999 but the fund was deposited on the 31st august 1998, so you can see that the mistake is from me." According to your affadavit, the finance company already has given you a certificate of ownership, so they already know about his death and the date of it. How can you correct it now that they know?
2. You say "The finance company informed me of your last contact with them and their respond to your mail that why they did not write to you again was because they feel that as your attorney that i am supposed to be briefing you on their financial policy..." I don't follow this at all. If I ask a bank here why they do things a certain way they don't tell me to go talk to my lawyer. Is this the way things are done in your country? It makes no sense to me. Why can't the finance house tell me what their policies are? I will write them and ask them why they can't answer my question.
3. You say "any monetary deposit more than US$1,000,000.00 in their custody will always be answered for by the bearer at any time and point as requested by Their Governing bank(central Bank Of Nigeria) as such that can not be in position of a secret coded account or Ghost Account with huge amount, because i know it is prohibited by law..." OK, but what does that have to do with this? This isn't a secret or ghost account, and you've told me everything is legal and above-board, so why does anything about ghost accounts matter? Now, if the *ghost* of your client made a deposit, I can see why having a ghost account would be hard for them--I suppose the ghost could just walk through walls and make its own deposits and withdrawals. However, since you are telling me you goofed on the documents, that's not the case. Still, this *is* a legal account, right? I told you up front I don't want to be involved in anything illegal.
4. You say "I did not make false documents but it was a mistake which can amended and Observation made at the same time when I am going for the stamping." Are we talking about the same documents you sent me? Because they've already been stamped, and the wrong date is on them. If you've filed these, you have indeed filed false documents with the court.
5. You say "the fund will not be answered for by the finance company as they have noticed that the beneficiary for such account is no longer and no serious effect to claim the fund the top management of the finance company can arrange with some top government officials to have the money to themselves..." But you've already notified them that there IS a beneficiary and that an effort IS being made to claim it. That will stand up in a court of law, and if it won't, there's nothing else that can be done. In fact, since your client died in April 1999, even if you're right about the death date being the start of the time of inactivity, there's still at least four months before anything has to happen, and I don't think you're right about that because this is a fixed deposit, and fixed deposits by their very nature sit in the bank for the term, which was four years as stated in the receipt. Once the term has ended, if the money is unclaimed, then the dormancy period starts, and since that was 31 August 2002, the five years won't be up until August 2007.
6. You say "the feel the have got nothing to loss if you loss your fund to them in this kind of situation because they will have some percentage if your money is returned to federal account as unclaimed fund, so that is why they are relaxed, so they can confiscate the fund only to say that they did not see the rightful beneficiary after series of their notice." But you've already notified them and you've filed documents with the court. Surely your government is not so corrupt that they can ignore that. But I can easily take out a full-page ad in the main newspaper in your country and alert the whole world that I'm claiming the fund, if it comes to that. After all, thieves (like cockroaches) prefer to do their dirty business in the dark; turn over the stone, shine a little light on them, and they flee from justice like the vermin they are.
7. You say "the fact that the fund has not been confiscated is because of my pressure on them which i know it will reach to an extent, if i do not receive your full back up ,if they notice that I am alone, if not your support because you have contacted them and they discovered that we are solidly together, they would have confiscated." OK, we've done this; you've filed papers, I've let them know I am the nominated next of kin. Now they are powerless to seize it, so there's no worry on that front.
8. You say " i requested that they pay us with the interest but I was advised by their legal department to claim the initial deposit first or else I will loss the case..." What kind of lawyer in their legal department would say such a thing? I think you may be right; they are criminals, and it's only right we make sure they get what they deserve. Their lawyer is clearly not a banker or he'd realize that there is no way in Heaven or on Earth that a bank can keep the interest on an account. None. If you talk to one of the bankers, rather than one of the lawyers, you'll see that that is the case. You don't keep *your* money with this corrupt bank, do you Robert? Because after all this you might wa to move it elsewhere, like Ecobank or the CBN.
9. You say "They have to cancel the agreement because the law says that no coded account or ghost account should be maintained in the federal republic of Nigeria because the top government officials used this means of coded and ghost account to keep money in many finance companies in the country..." Why do you bring this up? This isn't a ghost account, is it? I told you I want nothing to do with anything illegal. Have you been honest with me Robert? You haven't been keeping anything from me all this time, I hope.
10. You say "you can send the money, I will take care of everything, I assure of this.
Send to: Lucy James
Address; Lagos Nigeria
test question: Robert
Answer : Gunte"
I will try to send you something on Monday, but I've never been to Western Union before, so I don't know what to do or how long it would take. But please, PLEASE, Robert, if you've been concealing something from me, tell me now before I get involved any deeper in this.
I just fired this off to the "Finance Company." Assuming they haven't had that email account yanked, watch the fireworks now!
Sent: 12/5/03 4:31 PM
My lawyer in Nigeria tells me you're trying to steal my money and split it with corrupt government officials due to some strange policy you have about expired deposits or some such nonsense. You'd better think twice about that, because my lawyer is ROBERT GUNTE, yes, that's right, the very *same* Robert Gunte. He's been practicing law in Nigera for almost 30 years now and he's an old hand at scams. He knows every single one, and if you're trying to do that, you'd better well drop any ideas from your head. NOTICE below how I've already told you that I'm filling out the paperwork now to claim this fund. This is recorded on the Internet so you can't try to pretend you didn't know.
And what the heck is going on with the interest? My lawyer tells me that you told him he could only get the principal, not the interest. You do know, don't you, that that is grounds to sue you for everything you and your family owns, right down to the last pencil and paperclip.
So don't give me this "you're trying to protect my deposit" crap. You're trying to steal it and split it with the government. Robert Gunte is an honest man, a good lawyer, and if you try to mess with him he'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do outside of a poor house.
Finally, he says you told him you can't answer any of my questions about your "policies." You have to go through him. That's nonsense. If you went to buy a car and wanted to know what interest ratet the dealership was offering, would they say "Go talk to your lawyer?" NO, they wouldn't. They'd tell you what their interest rate was. It sounds to me like I caught you in an attempt at petty, back-handed thievery. Well, if you were trying that, you picked the WRONG person.
Don't even bother writing me back--I don't care now what sputterings you can drool up. You had better go through Robert Gunte from now on, and you'd better go in on your knees begging for an apology.
Once more, don't try to steal my money or you'll regret it.
[snip forwarded letter]
Here's a continuation of the Robert Gunte saga. The real kicker will probably come tomorrow when I drop the boom on him about the payment.
Received: from []
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 14:16:17 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Sir,
thanks very much for your understanding in this
transaction. I will make some points clear to you.
In the affidavit column,Quote, i have a certificate of
ownership issued to me by the finance company( it
refers to the certificate of deposit or receipt for
the fund.
My country is a third world country and not too
advanced like your country and the top that is the
people in power, oppresses the poor and can get away
with it.
They assume that every money in the country is gotten
from their the ill gotten worth and will like to have
benefit from such money if not all when there is no
beneficiary because, some top government officials
deposit fund with coded or ghost account but in this
case they can not because i have a strong hand and
will back it up legally because i know the source of
the fund and with my prove of my client's dealings
with the contract board of the federal republic of
Nigeria and they know that this is a legal account but
they are just trying their best to see if they can
frustrate us to leave some percentage behind for them
but the can not succeed because after collecting the
principal amount first i will now relax and file a
suit in the federal high count against them and
publish their motive by that time they will answer for
their deeds, just allow this fund paid to us first.
Yes the documents will go for amendment and
observation stamp in the high court, there they will
observe and correct the dates only and stamp it.
You know that in my country one can have a case with
any top government officer but if you are not careful
they can go to the length of destroying your file with
the court and make you suit baseless.That is to tell
you their level of corruptness. They steal but they do
not cover their face even the president and his
colleagues moving out our treasures abroad for their
personal interest.
I have decided to invest my share in with you in a
joint partnership venture, so you don't need to return
my share to Nigeria but i will only travel to meet
with you once this money is confirmed by you in your
account because anything can happen to any investment
in my country.The president wakes up and give sudden
decision and the cowards with him will implement it
immediately without considering the masses.
I have always being honest with you and will still
maintain what my stand that this does not have
anything to do with illegal, I am a man of the law
highly respected in the society because of this and i
will always uphold the law. I am giving you my word
which is my bond before God and man.
You can operate a western union transfer from any bank
anywhere even from the Internet if you have a credit
card you can send money through on line it does not
take time just 15minutes. just tell them the country
you are sending money to and the receiver information
and amount, after that the will immediately give you
confirmation slip with the country number which you
are going to send to the receiver then you send the
information to me to go and collect the money.This is
their web-site:www.westernunion.com
I will expect your soonect action immediately on
monday with the slip so that i can get the documents
amended with the high court.
Everything will be okay and we will meet soon.
Robert Gunte
MY REPLY Sent: 12/7/03 3:20 PM
Take a look at the "Fixed Deposit Slip" you sent me which says the account was opened on 31 August 1998. I assume that is what you are referring to as the "Certificate of Ownership" since you also call it the receipt. It's unsigned by the depositor. Why did the account officer and branch manager sign it, but your client not sign it? Is this a sign that your client doesn't exist and that this is, in fact, what yyou refer to as a ghost account? This would in fact be the case if the ghost of your client rose from the grave after his tragic accident and deposited his money. However, you now tell me your client died in 1999 so I suppose that's not the case. But that WOULD be spooky, wouldn't it?
Now look at the "Document For Claim" which you filed with the High Court. It is dated November 11, 2003. In it, you tell the court that your client died on 21 April, 1998. This is in contradiction to the email you sent me which says your client died on 21 April, 1999. Therefore you filed a false document with the court. Even if they granted your application, that's grounds to have the transaction declared void later if this discrepancy is noted, in which case I would be liable for the ensuing prosecution. That's why I'm so concerned about making sure everything is in order BEFORE I commit money to this. At best I'll have to pay for a new, correct set of document filings and at worst I could be prosecuted for fraud (which YOU would also be on the hook for, by the way) and neither of us wants that, do we?
Third, look at the "Affadavit" you sent me, also dated Novemeber 11th, 2003. It has been stamped and signed. That also means it has already been filed. It looks like a fee of "$750.00" has been written on it twice. Is this the stamp and oath fees you are talking about? Who charges that--the court or you? If the court, have you already paid this? If the latter is true, please send me a copy of the receipt. Also, why does the Federal High Court of Nigeria charge fees in dollars? Shouldn't this be in Nigerian naira? According to my currency converter, the fee should be say "107, 310 NGN" and not "$750.00."
Fourth, look at the "Letter of Administrator" that you sent me, also dated November 11, 2003. (Wow! They approved your application the *same day* you filed papers? That's fast--so fast as to be unheard of! You must be very-well connected to get such express service on your requests!) It also has been stamped by the registrar. Once again, it also lists a fee of $250 in USD. Why is this the case? Note also that it says ALL assets are to be transferred to you.
So let's put all this together:
1. The finance company wants to steal this money for themself, which they can do if there is no beneficiary. They want to steal both the principal and the interest.
2. They are corrupt and so is the government, whom you say they are in cahoots with.
3. Yet, even though they are corrupt they notified you about a deposit your client had with them, and they did so close to the expiration period of the deposit. Why didn't they just let time pass and then claim it themselves if they wanted to do that all along?
4. Did you know about this when your client died in 1999? If so, why did you wait so long to act on it. I've had this email address since 1995, so you could easily have found me in 1999 right after your client passed on. Why wait all this time?
5. Apparently, when you found out that they were going to get this money for themselves, you decided you wanted part of it for yourself. Since you were his business partner as you stated in the "Document for Claim" why not just claim it as business proceeds, especially since you told the court it was? After all, it's not like he's around to contradict you anymore. You already have a letter from the court stating that the assets now belong to you.
6. For whatever reason, you want me to help you, and you want me to file false papers with the finance company saying I am the next of kin, even though I don't think there's any way that that is possible unless someone in my mother's familiy lied to me. Then you want to file these papers with the court (which will be false documents) in addition to the false documents you've already filed. This implicates me in your efforts to get ahold of these funds and makes me an accomplice. Yet you say you are a man of God and will always uphold the law.
7. Even if somehow all this went through without a hitch, you claim that the government is so corrupt that they can just take the money if they want and that's why we have to stop them. If that were so, nothing you filed would make a difference--they would just destroy your file, as you say. But you say you have a strong hand and that you will put pressure on them to recover all the money, not just the principal--even though you never mentioned the interest to me in any of your letters until I brought it up, and the application specifically mentions the interest--and apparently you're right, since you're the only lawyer I ever head of that got his applications approved the same day they were submitted. If you're such a strong lawyer, then why are you acting like this company has any chance in Hell of getting away with their scheme?
You see, Robert, something here just doesn't add up. I want to believe you--God knows I could use the money right now--but it seems obvious there is something here you're not telling me. If you're as honest as you say, now is the time to come clean.
I think what I will do is send you the money by Western Union but NOT give you the control number or text question/answer until I get assurances from you that everything is on the up & up.
[NOTE: I will see if dangling the money in front of him gets him to slaver some more.]
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 19:20:49 +0000 (GMT)v
Hello sir,
It takes much of my time to read and reply your mails
because it is always in full Questions all the time, i
understand why you are being careful. in the deposit
slip you said is not signed by my client, yes he made
the deposit by payment made to him by the contract
tender board as such that he fixed the payment direct
if i can still remember. So it does not apply to as a
ghost account.
To secure documents like Affidavit and letter of
administration Quote with the high court is only a
question of providing the necessary information as
confirm-able by the high court as the did with just
communication with the authorities concerned
requesting for my status and relationship to my late
client Eric. so it was granted the same day even at
that my recognition alone is okay enough to grant me
whatever i want by law. There will be no how you will
be involved with any illegal act in this transaction
because the documentation bears my name but only on
the payment will have to pass through you. I do not
know if you do understand the word (OBSERVATION) When
you discover an abnormal mistake that can not be
cancelled or toothpastes by law because of the level
of the document It now warrants you to take it to the
appropriate authority for Observation and having it
signed by the authority to clear the mistake, so this
issue of the deposit date and date of death is cleared
how it can be amended.
In the affidavit issue you mentioned, there are rules
of law under recognition, the fact that the document
was issued to because i stated my fact as urgent and
why there was no receipt issued to me was because it
has not been officially paid for and courtesy demands
that it can only be active when the official
applicable fees is paid and a receipt issued and a
paid stamp appears on it. Fees applicable to the
nature of the transaction in question and what it is
meant for, If the fact is stated in any currency, the
fees comes in that currency that is what that is
applicable by law here in Nigeria.
The finance company knows or believed that without
them passing a notice to the people concerned that the
can not be free if they should claim such fund, if in
case their should be an counter action from anywhere
which is certain because they know that my contact is
with them in Eric's File of course. I am happy that
you noticed that in the application for the claim
initially i mentioned the interest not only the
principal sum.
Honestly i have tried my best to let you understand
and trust me but your only problem i believe is Fear
and doubt, if only you can remove this things by now
should have been investing the fund. I even went to
the extent of giving you the account details for the
deposit which is also as good as having the money
because if not that you have been sincere to me, it
might be a different case where you can go ahead and
claim this fund without my notice because you stand a
better chance of having this benefit paid to you.
I know that we have come a long way for us to settle
as one with the strength of law to finalise this claim
and have the payment to ourself. I really need your
full support and assistance. I assure and guarantee
you of the legitimacy of this transaction.
Waiting on your earliest reply.
[NOTE: "Toothpastes?" How do you "toothpastes" a document?]
MY REPLY (Sent: 12/8/03 4:18 PM)
Hello Robert,
I appreciate your taking the time to answer my questions. As a lawyer yourself, you know how important it is to make sure all the details are correct. Once these details are taken care of, I will feel much better.
1. You say "in the deposit slip you said is not signed by my client, yes he made the deposit by payment made to him by the contract tender board as such that he fixed the payment direct if i can still remember. So it does not apply to as a ghost account." I don't understand this. Why in any case, for any reason, would the client not sign the desposit slip? He's basically relinquishing his ability to claim the deposit. Also, why did you mention ghost accounts again? Is this or is this not a ghost account, and what type of ghost account? I need to know if you're trying to use me to gain access to an illegal account, because I don't want any part of that!
2. You say "so it was granted the same day even at that my recognition alone is okay enough to grant me
whatever i want by law." If that's the case, why are you worried about the finance company stealing the money? If your can get whatever you want by your recognition, there is no way they can steal it from you. By the way, I wrote the finance company and they still haven't responded. Have you spoken to them lately?
3. You wrote "I do not know if you do understand the word (OBSERVATION) When you discover an abnormal mistake that can not be cancelled or toothpastes by law because of the level of the document It now warrants you to take it to the appropriate authority for Observation and having it signed by the authority to clear the mistake, so this issue of the deposit date and date of death is cleared
how it can be amended." I understand that. It's called an amendment. My concern here is that the mistake be corrected *before* filing the papers, so that no one can challenge the claim later. If it is corrected first, we are on unshakeable ground. Once you have filed the amendment, please send me a copy so I can relax my mind.
4. You say "In the affidavit issue you mentioned, there are rules of law under recognition, the fact that the document was issued to because i stated my fact as urgent and why there was no receipt issued to me was because it has not been officially paid for and courtesy demands that it can only be active when the official applicable fees is paid and a receipt issued and a paid stamp appears on it. Fees applicable to the
nature of the transaction in question and what it is meant for, If the fact is stated in any currency, the
fees comes in that currency that is what that is applicable by law here in Nigeria." Are you saying that you went to the court and filed the papers but didn't pay the fee, and they let you do that because you said it was urgent? I thought you said that Africa is like anywhere else in the world, that you have to pay your money first and then get the documents. So, if that is the case, why not just file the claim papers first and then pay for them later out of the twelve million dollars? (I assume you are going to get the interest as well as the principal.) You've already done that now; just do it again. Heck, if they want a bribe, tell them that you'll DOUBLE their fees and they can keep the rest if they'll just approve your papers now like they did with the letter of administrator. That to me seems like the logical way to go. Also, are you saying that the fees have to be paid in dollars if the account is in dollars? Why would the government not want money in their own currency? Over here if you want to claim an account in Swiss francs, you don't have to produce Swiss francs to pay the fees on the account. That seems strange to me.
5. You say "Honestly i have tried my best to let you understand and trust me but your only problem i believe is Fear and doubt, if only you can remove this things by now should have been investing the fund. I even went to the extent of giving you the account details for the deposit which is also as good as having the money because if not that you have been sincere to me, it might be a different case where you can go ahead and claim this fund without my notice because you stand a better chance of having this benefit paid to you." Since you've been a lawyer for almost 30 years you should know how important it is to make sure that all the possible problems are dealt with beforehand. You should be just as worried as I am about making things as smooth as possible. But you're wrong in thinking that you giving me the account details would make me able to claim the fund. There's no way I can do that since I'm not really the next of kin.
OK, like I said yesterday I'm going to go today and find out about doing a money transfer, but I need you to make sure you've covered every possibility before I commit money. I do NOT want to have to pay more fees for more documents if the first ones are ruled invalid.
[NOTE: He STILL has not asked my name! He has no idea what my name is, a fact I'm going to taunt him with as soon as he sets his foot in my little trap...]
Note how I'm working the "finance house" against the "barrister," and how they are trying to get me to hurry up and send them the money...
Received: from []
From: "Mississippi Finance Company admin account dept." <cbowas@accountant.com>
Attn: Mr. Eccles.
Wedo not understand why you have preferred not to have your payment for the claim of your cousin's estates in our custody, We have only requested that you come forward with the relevant documents as required by law of which you have not produced.
Giving the fact that your attorney Robert Gunte is a highly honoured and well Known government recognised attorney does not make us what you said he told you about us. We maintain our customer's good relationship with them, at lest Your cousin never complained about our services that he decided to bank with us. We are aware that your attorney is capable of assisting you secure the necessary documents if you say you are in good rapour with him.
Sir, we are giving a mandate to your claim if you are not able to come up with the necessary documents before the next 7 bank official days to prove the fact that we have your fund in our custody a nd we are ready to pass it over to you immediately we receive the required documents,we will sue your attorney for character assassination.
We remain yours in service
Joseph Rotimi
Account legal services --
MY REPLY (Sent: 12/9/03 1:45 PM)
I TOLD YOU NOT TO WRITE ME, YOU DIRTY BUNCH OF UNDER-HANDED THIEVES! You have already been told to go through my lawyer from now on, yet you wrote me again in your desperate attempt to steal what's rightfully mine.
You think you're SOOOOO clever, but you're not. Robert Gunte *has already received* all the documents needed to protect this fund. You're not fooling anyone, and your weak attempts at lying are just going to redound to your futher detriment. Go ahead--ask him if you don't believe me. I've got copies of the documents already, and I can send them to you.
Just because you fooled someone into putting money into your bank doesn't mean you can fool everyone. You had better learn that a lot of people are smarter than you are--in fact, 99% of everyone on the planet, including forest pygmies that haven't seen the light of the sun in years, are smarter than you are.
Here's just ONE example of how stupid, blitheringly stupid, you are: you wrote "if you are not able to come up with the necessary documents before the next 7 bank official days to prove the fact that we have your fund in our custody and we are ready to pass it over to you" when you know dang well that I already have the documents because YOU SENT THEM TO ME!! Honestly, what do you do with paperwork after you send it to someone--drop it down the outhouse after a good long bowel movement?
Finally, you haven't yet said a WORD about the missing interest, you dirt-eating jackal. YOU'RE TRYING TO STEAL THE INTEREST for yourself, and we know about it. Robert Gunte is such a great lawyer he gets his request approved *the same day* he files them, and he doesn't even have to pay the fees up front--if it's urgent, he just gets the documents delivered and he can pay the fees later.
I'm giving him every authority for him to use his strong hand and treat you criminals as you well deserve. So don't go threatening him with character assassination because everything he said about you is true. Otherwise, where's the interest, huh? WHERE DID THE INTEREST GO, THIEVES?
[NOTE: Then I got this from "Robert," who apparently has the same ISP [] as the finance house--what a coincidence...]
Received: from []
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 20:46:30 +0000 (GMT)
Hello Sir,
I have expected that by now you should have replied
to my mail. Please try and send the money so that i
can get the documents done.
I seriously expect your earliest reply.
[NOTE: He just glosses over all the concerns I had for him in my last email. Notice how I "good cop" him while I "bad cop" the finance company. Let's see if he rises to their defence after he's already told me they are trying to steal the money...]
MY REPLY (Sent: 12/9/03 1:54 PM)
I have great news for you. The finance company wrote me back, and you're right--they are a bunch of lily-livered, spider-sucking, hairless dogs!! They actually tried to accuse ME of underhandedness and I let them have it but GOOD! I told them you're going to sue them blind if they try to steal the money. You should have seen their letter, Robert. When I told them you were my lawyer they were quaking in their stolen boots. Imagine their temerity.
OK Robert, we have all the evidence we need now to rope these goats and skin them within an inch of their miserable lives. Go ahead and start a suit against them for defamity, breach of fiduciary responsibility, attempted theft, fraud, and anything else you can think of. We'll either get them to settle out of court or we'll end up owning their miserable piece-of-hippo-dung company, and in both cases we will win big.
I have to go to a convention tomorrow that will last through the weekend, so I won't be back for a week or so. I will try to get email access at the business center of the hotel, to keep up on events, but if I don't get back online right away, don't worry. I will be in touch once I return.
Robert, I'm so glad you came into my life. Where would I be without you--you've elevated my spirits no end, and for that I owe you a deep debt of gratitude. Go get 'em, tiger--eat 'em alive!!!
[NOTE:Ê I "tried" (not really) to send a money transfer, which of course did not work.Ê However, it gave me an error email from WU with some official sounding legalese to send to my mugu.Ê If you look at it, you'll notice a couple of things:Ê first, I snipped my real name from the header part and left it as "Dear ," in imitation of the form letters he is sending me.Ê Do you think he'll catch on to the fact that he STILL doesn't know and hasn't asked for my name?Ê Second, observe how I snipped the MCTN from the text I sent to him so he won't have that.Ê This should drive him up the wall, particularly as I'm off on vacation for over a week!]
To the scammer (Sent:Ê 12/9/03 8:33 PM)
Hi Robert,
I tried to send you the money but there is some problem.Ê See below.
I'll see about sending it when I get back, if they fix it then.
Dear ,
Thank you for using the Western Union Money Transfer ¨ service.
In order to provide final approval for your transaction, we need additional information. Please call 1-877-989-3268 to speak with a Customer Service Representative and complete your order.
If we do not hear from you by 12:00 Midnight eastern time today, we will cancel your money transfer and you will not be billed. You may re-activate your money transfer by calling us at 1-877-989-3268
Your Money Transfer Control Number [MTCN] is
Boy, this ought to make him jump around (as Lester Bangs once said) like he's got water beetles in his jock.Ê Of course I did not send him the MCTN, and as an additional safety I changed the text question to one that there is abolutely no way he'll find out, particularly since you have to know the sender's name in order to pick it up, and I've made sure he doesn't!
I'll clue you in on the details when I get back from my vacation on the 19th!
Date: Tue Dec 9, 2003 8:46:35 PM US/Pacific
To: brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Great News!
The money transfer went through!Ê Now, all you have to do is get everything in order--get all the documents corrected, sue the finance company, you know--and I'll release the funds to you!
Like I said I'll be gone for about a week so I will not be available unless I can get net access at the hotel.Ê I'll be eager to find out about the progress when I get back.Ê Cheers, Robert, and thanks for being a standup, honest guy!
Western Union Money Transfer¨ Confirmation
Dear ,
Thank you for using the Western Union Money Transfer ¨ service.
Your money transfer has been authorized, and is now available for pick up by the receiver. Following is a summary of your transaction.
Your Money Transfer Control Number [MTCN] is
Date of Order:
DEC. onwards
I'm back from my trip, and I think Robert might be onto me via Scamorama.Ê He's sent me about 5 emails so far and I've yet to respond to any of them, but in two of them he very, very persistently and pointedly starts calling me by my real name after blowing me off for so long.Ê I think he stumbled onto our exchange; or else, he's so hungy for the money he found my name by snooping around online (not real hard to do).Ê I'll write him tomorrow and then let you know what happened from there.
My mugu is acting suspiciously like someone who's seen Scamorama, yet is still longing for the bait I left on the hook.Ê Here's what happened since I last wrote you, before my vacation:
ROBERT GUNTE 12/10/2003
Received: from []
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 16:02:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Everything is Okay, We are progressing.
Hello Sir,
I will try my best to make sure that everything is
okay, I promise you this. I am happy that i have your
back-up. I am giving you my final word which is my
bond, If only you trust me and have confidence in me
and do not disappoint me at the end, I guarantee you
of this money legally because i stand 100% chances of
having this benefit by law with your full support and
co-operation. So let us put all this to an end, i
believe everything is okay. I seriously await your
earliest reply and the information for the money sent,
so that i can go ahead for the amendment, because i do
not have much time now because when the judiciary asks
you of your documents you will stand well to let them
know that all is right and okay not that you will have
to go for stamping. believe me i will eat from the
finance company after we have collected our money from
them, I will now put them to a mess, this is the type
of case that i like practising and I'm too good on
I just wanted to be safe first and sure that the money
is with you then i can fire them. The only thing that
the can do is to try to assassinate me like they did
to my best friend Barrister Bola Igeh because he was
trying to put some top government officers to a mess.
When this money is paid i will move my family out of
my country than face the battle, i know they will like
to settle out of court, if they do not plan evil for
I will put in my best but i will to solve the problem
of the documents once and for all, So i need you send
the money to me immediately, If you trust me the way i
trust you.
ROBERT GUNTE 12/15/2003
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 18:50:31 +0000 (GMT)
From: brr_robert@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Latest Situation (URGENT)
Hello Sir,
Thanks very much for your full assistance and
cooperation. Today i was able to put up the amendment
for the document and it has been granted. I did file a
petition to the federal High Court of Nigeria against
Mississippi Finance Company, I believe by now they
should be thinking of how to beg us to settle out of
court with them because the order will have to come
from the commissioner for justice of the federal
Republic of Nigeria. I h ave attached copy of the
document to this mail.
I am sure that before Friday they will have to appear
before the magistrate of the federal high if the do
not agree to settle our full payment they will be
exposed and put to mess.i will be ready for them which
ever way they want it.
Before anything lets get ourself prepared against
anything so we have to settle all about the documents.
I will require to pay for the documents Oath fee and
for that of the letter of administration. Send the
information for the money sent by western union
urgently today.
I will expect your earliest reply immediately.
Robert Gunte
[NOTE:Ê Attached were a couple more fake documents, one of which is hilarious as he, a lawyer of 30 years allegedly, makes numerous spelling errors and asks the court to "save our soul."Ê I'll forward them separately now.]
[the standard "stationery" stuff - lovely]
[NOTE:Ê At this point, all of a sudden, he starts calling me by my real name before I had a chance to taunt him.Ê That's what makes me suspicious.Ê Also, it may be his attempt to find out the sender name at WU since he can't pick up the name without it.Ê It goes without mentioning that I did NOT send it under the name he's looking for, so there's even more impediments to him trying to claim it.Ê Note that I've removed my real name and substituted "Lee" below.]
ROBERT GUNTE 12/16/2003
Received: from []
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 17:30:50 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: What to do [Lee] (URGENT)
Hello Lee,
Thanks very much for your full assistance and
cooperation. I was able to put up the amendment
for the document and it has been granted. I did file a
petition to the federal High Court of Nigeria against
Mississippi Finance Company, I believe by now they
should be thinking of how to beg us to settle out of
court with them because the order will have to come
from the commissioner for justice of the federal
Republic of Nigeria. I have attached copy of the
document to this mail.
I am sure that before Friday they will have to appear
before the magistrate of the federal high if the do
not agree to settle our full payment they will be
exposed and put to mess.i will be ready for them which
ever way they want it.
Before anything lets get ourself prepared against
anything so we have to settle all about the documents.
I will require to pay for the documents Oath fee and
for that of the letter of administration. Send the
information for the money sent by western union
urgently today If Not I will Have to Be off from You.
I will expect your earliest reply immediately.
Robert Gunte
ROBERT GUNTE 12/20/2003
Received: from []
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 20:28:51 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: What is Your Next Step
Dear Lee,
ÊÊ I have just noticed that you are not a serious man.
And from the way i see things you you have just tried
to trick yourself with this transaction. If really you
sent the western union transfer, did you send it to
yourself or your family.
Ê Ê I am Waiting on your next step please.
[NOTE:Ê Here are my responses, in order.]
ME 12/21/2002 (Sent:Ê 12/21/03 7:29 PM)
I'm not sure what you mean by this email.Ê Who cares whether you get the money from them first or not?Ê All you have to do is sue them for everything they're worth.Ê Then you'll have my money and yours and everything else in addition.Ê Those theives are ours, Robert, all ours.Ê Go ahead and rip them a new one.
It confuses me when you say you will move your family out of the country rather than fight them.Ê You're not afraid of them, are you Robert?Ê You're Robert Gunte, the barrister that's been practicing law for almost 30 years.Ê I'm sure you've seen everything a man can see in your day and none of it should surprise you now.
Aren't you fierce like a lion, Robert?Ê Fierce enough to face them man to man and take them to the cleaners in court?Ê We have got them dead to rights, Robert.Ê By their own admission now they're trying to steal the interest.Ê That alone should get them willing to make a deal.Ê But don't worry, if you're afraid for your safety I'll send them an email that will straighten them out for good.Ê In particular, I'll make sure everyone in Nigeria knows about what they are planning so they can't get away with it.Ê The newspapers will have a field day with this!
[NOTE:Ê I then sent this to the "Finance Company."]
ME 12/21/2003 (Sent:Ê 12/21/03 7:38 PM)
So, thieves among thieves and dogs among dogs, my lawyer tells me now that you're thinking of having him assassinated.Ê My, my, you must have something to hide, mustn't you?Ê I've got you dead to rights in your little rip-off scheme, you know that, don't you?Ê You're nicked, as they say.
Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Rototom or whatever the hell your name is.Ê You won't stand a little chance in heck, and do you know why?Ê I'll tell you why:
First, I intend to take out ads in every paper in Nigeria announcing your perfidy so you will have NO more walk-in clients.Ê NONE.Ê Once the average Joe in Nigeria realizes that you're in the business to steal people's interest, you'll have a run on your offices of people demanding their deposits back that'll make the US Great Depression look like a picnic!
Second, I intend to alert the Nigeria police that you have actually made a MURDER THREAT against my lawyer.Ê Once they come and make a visit to you, you'll wish you had kept a civil tongue in your head.
Third, if need be I will come there myself and testify against you in court until I watch you get dragged off in chains to go clean turds out of blocked sewer pipes or whatever else it is they do to criminals like you.
Lastly, once your business has been sold and Robert & I split up all the money, I intend to send you pictures of the piles of cash and of me spending it on the high life I intend to live from now on.Ê So long as you rot in your filthy, fly-infested chamber you'll know exactly what you gave up when you threatened the great and powerful Robert Gunte.
Count your days, eater of maggots, count your days.Ê Justice is coming, and it will not be easy for you to escape paying for your crimes.
[snip forward of Gunte's first letter]
ME 12/21/2003 (Sent:Ê 12/21/03 7:46 PM)
Thanks for getting these documents to me.Ê I'll give them the same looking-over that I gave the other ones to make sure all is correct before I proceed to release the payment to you.
One thing is for sure, they will be on their knees begging you to cut a deal, particularly after the email I just sent them.Ê They'll be pouring your wine for you and hiring girls to fan you all day long to keep their slimy, rotten theiving carcasses out of jail.
So, it's Sunday now.Ê Did they go to court on Friday like you thought?Ê If so, what happened?
ME 12/21/2003 (Sent:Ê 12/21/03 7:47 PM)
What do you mean by "Be Off From You?"
ME 12/21/2003 (Sent:Ê 12/21/03 7:49 PM)
What in the world do you mean I'm not a serious man?Ê I'm very serious.Ê How do you think I am trying to trick myself in this transaction?Ê How is that even possible?
I sent the WU transfer to Lucy Jones, as you instructed.Ê Did you send her to check on it?Ê You should.
But I am growing concerned by your tone in this.Ê Tell me, has there been some new development, an unpleasant one, in this case?
ROBERT GUNTE 12/22/2003
Received: from []
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 08:22:47 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: What is Your Next Step
Dear Lee,
I am putting my situation clear to you now. I have
tried my best to secure whatever you need to see in
this transaction to know my effort, If you will like
to know what happened on Friend, let me have the
details of the money sent,If not i believe you are
playing on yourself because i have always put in my
effort without you contributing your Quota.You have
always failed on your promises and i am sorry i can
not work for such untrusted person.
You ask if i did send Lacy Jones to go to western
union? For what reason if i may ask when you sent
money to your family and gave them the information to
collect the money.You never sent any money and you are
not honest and reliable at all.
If you need me i will be there for you any time if
only you state yourself clear and not with this your
recent attitude to life.
ME 12/22/2003 (Sent:Ê 12/22/03 3:06 PM)
Your strange change of tone disturbs me.Ê I'm still going over the document you sent me, making sure they are OK, so I was surprised to even hear from you.
Are you saying you won't tell me what happened on Friday?Ê Why not?
I'm thunderstruck that you would say I have sent money to my family.Ê I don't know why in the world you would say that.Ê I sent money to Lucy Jones in Lagos, Nigeria, just as you asked.Ê I didn't send you the MCTN or the text question/answer because I want to make sure everything is in order first.Ê All you have to do is have Lucy go to the WU office and ask if there is money for her.Ê They will tell her yes.Ê Call them if you don't believe me.
[NOTE:Ê I really did send money, but without the real sender's name, MCTN, and text question/answer they can't get it]
More to come?