Here a piece of editorial meddling - the Count had not kept the original e-mail from the scammer. Not a problem! From the rest of the correspondence, we can guess that Ms. Nwanni opened with the Cancer letter, a generic version of which follows. JOY NWANNI From: The Scammer I am the above named person from SomeCountry. I am married to Dr.Franklyn Scammer who worked with Some Other Country's Embassy in nigeria for eleven years before he died in the year 2000.We were married for twenty seven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both born again christians. [Or Moslems. It depends on the day of the week.] When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of (Four Million six hundred thousand U.S.Dollars)with a commercial bank in the Netherlands. Presently, this money is still with the bank and the management just wrote me as the beneficiary to come forward to receive the money or rather issue a letter of authorisation to somebody to receive it on my behalf if I can not come over. Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer of the pick an organ, any organ. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only [some number] months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations. Because relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them. Please,I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the deposit and the interest accrued from the bank and distribute it accordingly. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will prove you as the new beneficiary of this fund. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my shephard. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for another person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hearing from you soon. EDMUND DANTES Subject: Your proposal Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 My dear woman, I received your email with some trepidation and delight. I am a church going man myself, and was struck by your plight. Is there really nothing the doctors can do? 3 months should be sufficient time to get your affairs in order, but it must be very hard. I went through a number of years (14 to be exact) of very difficult times, but came out all right in the end. What can I do to help? Yours in Christ, Edmund EDMUND DANTES Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 My dear, I had wanted to help you. I hope you have not become too ill to transact business. It would really be a shame for you not to be able to realize your dream. With all urgency, please let me know what I can do to help you. Edmund JOYCE NWANNI Subject: From Mrs Joy Nwanni Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 N/B: I tried to reply you from my old email address but the mails keep returning, However, this is a new yahoo address, always contact me through this new yahoo address. Dear Edmund, Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very happy to get your prompt response and I want to thank you for replying so fast. Before we go futher, I deemed it wise to let you know my situation; Like I said earlier, my protracted illness is getting worse which I am now living in the mercy of God. The main reason I want this money transferred out is mainly to take care of my son who I want to relocate to Europe or America and for God's work which I will let you know in due course. I want you to give me your full names, address, and contact numbers so that I can submit them to the bank as the guardian of my son for the bank to transfer the money to you. The said sum was doposited with my son's name as the next of kin. Afte r I receive your next mail, I will elaborate more on my dreams. Due to my status, I want everything concerning this transaction to be kept between me and your family. Reply to confirm that you received my message through this new email address. God bless you Mrs Joy Nwanni EDMUND DANTES Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 Mrs. Nwanni, Cavalry greeting to you also! Never give up, never surrender! I believe I can assist you, and I understand the necessity to complete this transaction in confidence. You mention you are having email problems, and I can see the evidence of this mercurial formist - I received two emails from you that were nearly identical. One, however, did not contain your name in the title, it appeared to be cut off. This may mean that someone is monitoring your communications, and somehow tampering with them. Perhaps we need to be very careful about how we proceed. What exactly is wrong with you? Have the doctors diagnost the implications of your disease through a modality that can be addressed? I certainly hope that you are cognizant of the implications that a shorter life span can have. My blessings go out to your family. My girlfriend, Mercedes (this is an ethnic name, her family is Catalan) also sends her best wishes and thoughts. Per your request, I am sending my name and contact information (though I presume you already have my name). By the way, I have not had much contact with banks, and am not sure how this whole thing should work. Can you assist me in this, or do you have an advisor? I have an advisor, Mr. Villefort, who may help us well. Here is my information: Edmund Dantes 33 Mallificent St. North Portland, Or. 97208 01 44 206-339-4395 JOYCE NWANNI Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 Dear Edmund, Thank you for your mail. I wll go to the bank to finalise everything on Monday. Like you asked, I do not know much about banks too but if we require help, the operations director of the bank is very friendly and I can alsways confide in him for advice. Have a nice weekend Mrs Nwanni EDMUND DANTES Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 Mrs. Nwanni, OK - I will wait for you to arrange things with your bank director on Monday. I have a checking and savings account at my local bank, please let me know if these will do, or if there is something else I need to do. I will be away from my email for some time this weekend, as I am planning to spend some time with my girlfriend (I mentioned Mercedes in my last email). There is some brigand, Ferdinand, that is trying to horn in and get her for himself, and I need to spend more time with her to fend off the bastard (pardon my rude words, but he is truly an evil person). I hope to ask Mercedes to marry me some day and the money that I may earn as part of this transaction may put me in a position of strength against this mans advances toward my love. Take care, I hope you can make it to the bank on Monday, as I understand you are very ill. Edmund JOYCE NWANNI Subject: Contact the Bank Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, Thank you for your mail, yes, you can call me joyce. How was were weekend? I respect LOVE alot and I pray that your dream will work out with your girl friend. However, I had concluded everything with the bank yesterday and your particulars has been submitted as the legal guardian to my son who will be receiving the money. The bank asked me to swear an affidvait to attest to that which I did. The said sum was doposited with my son's name as the next of kin. You should contact the back as my son's guardian for the transfer of the funds to your account in the US Below is the particulars of the deposit; The account ref Code is: BIAO-AN1197E266AAA Account N¡:026101001445 My son's name; John Akan Nawnni Amount;$5,000,000.00 I really want everything about this funds to leave this country because of the tensed political situation. After that, I will instruct you of what you are to ta ke for yourself and the manner of disbursement for the rest. I will also desire for my son to move over out immediately after the transfer. Below is the bank contact details; Rev. Dr. Paul Fofana Director of Foreign Operations / Remittance Banque International de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Abidjan C™te d'Ivoire(BIAO CI) PH:22507901733; FAX:22507933374 E-mail: Contact them, if there is any problem, inform me for carification Mrs Joy Nwanni EDMUND DANTES To: Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 Dear sirs, I have not heard back from you - as I mentioned in the earlier email, Mrs. Nwanni appears to be quite ill and we need to move forward quickly. Edumnd Dantes EDMUND DANTES Subject: A problem with the bank Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 Joyce, I have a terrible feeling. I just returned from my trip. Your bank has not been in contact with me. I hope you are not dead. Please respond if you are still healthy enough to receive emails. Edmund JOYCE NWANNI Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, Do you wish me dead?. I cried when I read your mail, I know that my days are numbered but must you remind me of it each time you write. I do not know why the bank has not contacted you yet, did you contact the bank as my son's guardian like I asked you? Well, will try to find out from the bank today. Joyce REV. DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> Subject: TRANSFER INSTRUCTION Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 OUR REF : BIAO/18624/ABJCI/05 YOUR REF: BIAO/XA/SDA0032/05 REV. DR. PAUL FOFANA DIRECTOR OF FOREIGN OPERATIONS/REMITTANCE PH :+22507901733 FAX :+22507933374 DATE: 7TH MARCH 2005 ATTN: EDMUND DANTES RE: TRANSFER INSTRUCTION FOR $3,500,000.00 WE HAVE BEEN MANDATED TO EFFECT A WIRE TRANSFER TO YOU AS APPEARED IN THE TEXT OF APPLICATION WE RECEIVED FROM MRS. JOYCE NWANNI. ACCOMPANIED WITH THIS TEXT IS A SCANNED COPY OF AN AUTHORISATION TO REMIT FORM. YOU ARE TO FILL THE AUTHORITY TO REMIT FORM AND RETURN IT BACK TO US IMMEDIATELY. DUE TO THE RECENT POLITICAL INSTABILITY HERE, IT IS OF THE NORMAL PROCESS THAT ALL WIRE TRANSFERS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY MUST CARRY A CERTIFIED JUDICIAL APPROVAL ENDORSED BY THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE HERE IN COTE D'IVOIRE. ON THIS NOTE, YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED FOR YOUR OWN INTEREST TO OBTAIN THE JUDICIAL APPROVAL TO PERMIT US TO TRANSFER YOUR FUNDS. YOU ARE TO COMPLY WITH THESE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER FOR US TO EFFECT THE TRANSFER OF YOUR FUNDS TO YOUR DESIGNATED ACCOUNT ACCORDINGLY. NOTE THAT THE NORMALISATION OF YOUR FILE PRIOR TO TRANSFER OF YOUR FUNDS HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY THE 14TH OF MARCH 2005, SO YOU ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE RETURNED THE FILLED COPY OF THE AUTHORITY TO REMIT FORM AND THE JUDICIAL APPROVAL PAPER ON OR BEFORE THAT DATE. YOUR URGENT RESPONSE TO THIS INSTRUCTION WILL HIGHLY BE APPRECIATED. REV. DR PAUL FOFANA EDMUND DANTES Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 My dear woman, Whatever could I have said that would make you think I wanted you dead? Surely, the opposite is true! I need you very much alive! I hope that my emails are not being tampered with, as you indicated might happen because of the political situation and interference. Trust me, you are valued more than you understand. Please do not die just yet! My confessor, the Abbe Farria, has consuled me to continue with this transaction as quickly as possible. The church is one of my favorite charities, and I would give a substantial sum of the money to them. I also have some major plans as to how these moneys can help me take revenge on my enemies. Ferdinand Mondego is the first to go. I will ruin him. Utterly. Don't worry about the bank. I know they are being something of a pain, but that is what banks are all about. Regulations and process. We will get our problems straightened out as soon as possible, and I am sure we will complete the transaction this week. Yours in faith, Edmund EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Subject: Re: TRANSFER INSTRUCTION Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 Dr. Fofana, I have attached the document you sent, filled out with the information provided. Please send me the money as soon as possible. Mrs. Nwanni appears to be failing fast. Her emotions have been, shall we say "unbridled". We must complete this before she becomes completely unhinged. She does not seem to be able to take any bad news at all, during these last weeks of her life. Best regards, Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 Dr. Fofana, Please stop everything! There seems to be a major problem. Mrs. Nwanni stated that the funds to be transferred were $5,000,000.00. But, in your email below, it appears that the amount is $3,500,000.00 which is $1.5M short! I filled in $5M on the form, as that is the amount referrenced by Mrs. Nwanni. Please clarify this immediately. I would not want Mrs. Nwanni to be bothered by this glitch. She is obviously on the edge and her health is not good. But, if someone has stolen $1.5M from her account, I don't see how I can keep this from her. Edmund Dantes REV. DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> To: "Edmund Dantes" Subject: CLARIFICATION Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 ATTN: EDMUND DANTES, PLEASE TELL MRS JOYCE NWANNI TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE EARLIER APPLICATION WE RECEIVED FROM HER READS TO TRANSFER $3,500,000.00 THOUGH THE TOTAL MONEY IN THE ACCOUNT IS $5,000,000.00. SHE SHOULD GET IN TOUCH WITH US FOR CLARIFICATION. SECONDLY, THE AUTHORITY TO REMIT FORM WAS NOT FILLED CORRECTLY, YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO STATE YOUR ACCOUNT PARTICULARS WHERE YOU WANT THE MONEY TO BE TRANSFERRED INTO INSTEAD YOU WENT AND FILLED THE NAME OF OUR BANK. REV DR PAUL FOFANA JOYCE NWANNI Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, I was at the bank today and they said that they had contacted you. Thank God I went to the bank they got confused about the amount to transfer which I have rectified, the will transfer all the money that is $5,000,000.00. You have to send them your bank account particulars where they will transfer the money into. They also said that we have to get a judicial approval to enable them transfer the money, as soon as they receive your account ifnroamtion, they will direct you to somebody that will help out with the approval Joyce EDMUND DANTES Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 Joyce, Thank god you were able to clear that up in time. I was terrified for a little while. In your poor health, I did not want to break the bad news that the bank had "lost" $1.5M. I am still worried about the wire tapping and monitoring that you mentioned earlier. Perhaps whatever government entity has been watching you has gotten in to this transaction. We must push to complete this transfer as soon as possible. Our only hope is to stay ahead of whomever is conspiring against us. And I must obtain my cut of the money as soon as possible in order for me to realize my plans. The forces that conspire against me WILL be destroyed, Ferdinand, Danglars, De Villefort. There is a form which the bank wishes me to fill out. I filled it out once, but their instructions were incomprehensible and they have requested that I fill the form out again. I will give it another try, and report back to you. I hope we get this done in the next day or two. Yours in failing health, Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Subject: Re: CLARIFICATION Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 Dr. Fofana, Mrs. Nwanni is in failing health and perhaps was confused. She contacted me and stated that she talked with you and fixed the misunderstanding. The amount is $5,000,000.00 US. If we are all agreed to this, we will proceed. I guess you have changed your mind on how the form should be filled out. Unfortunately, the one copy of the form I have has been written on, and I will need the form again to fill it out again. Will you please send? I need to get this done as quickly as possible, so if you can send right away, I will return immediately. Edmund Dantes JOYCE NWANNI Subject: Thanks Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, Thank you for your mail. About the form, the bank said that you were suppose to fill out your own bank account particulars where the will transfer the money into. Please sort the things out with them. Joyce MRS HELEN KANTE, BANK SECRETARY
EDMUND DANTES Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Joyce, Very good. The bank is obfuscating the whole process, and I am beginning to wonder if they are delaying this whole thing because they want to hang on to the money. If it is a small bank, this is a large deposit, and it may hurt them to lose the account. So we will pursue this and provide them every little thing they want to make sure they can not delay or divert us. I hope your health holds up long enough. Don't let these little glitches get you down. I saw my three enemies at the local coffee shop last night. They were discussing something closely, and and in secret. There is a conspiracy, I know it, but I will not allow them to prevail. I have the form, and will fill it out and send it again immediately. All the best in significance, Edmund EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Mr. Biao, Thanks for the form. I filled it out again, and hope that this meets your needs. I will contact this Mr. Richards. It might be best if you tell me all the various requirements in a clear, step by step manner so that we can get all items completed at once, and hurry this transaction along. It seems like whenever I meet one of your requirements, another one is raised. So, please tell me all your requirements and all elements of the procedure so we can get them all out of the way at once. Mrs. Nwanni appears to be hanging on for now, but I don't know how long she may last, so lets get moving. Regards and commiserations, Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: Subject: Judicial approval Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Mr. Richards, I have been requested to contact you by a Mr. Biao, concerning a transfer of money from the account of Mrs. Nwanni to myself. It appears there is some sort of Judicial approval which is required. I hope you know what it is that is required, as it is not clear to me. Please respond in the clearest possible terms with as much detail as possible, as I believe the bank is intentially attempting to slow this transaction in order to hang on the the money in the account as long as possible. I wish to make sure that I confirm their malpresence as accurately and quickly as possible. Thus, I require your assistance. I appologize for this unrequited intrusion. Thanks for your assistance. Edmund Dantes CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY From: "Clifford Richards" <> Subject: Info Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 Sir, I received your mail. I guess what you wanted to say is biao bank. You should furnish me with the following information. 1)Your full name and address 3)Amount to be transferred 4)Country of destination As soon as I get this information, I would calculate the cost and inform you Cliffrichards EDMUND DANTES To: "Clifford Richards" <> Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Yes, I guess that is what I meant, Biao bank. It has been rather confusing, the bank does not appear to be handling things the way I am used to. The bureaucracy seems to be more convoluted and disengaging. My address is 14 Raffles St. CoffeyVille, Kansas, 67337 USA The amount is $5,000,000.00 ($5 Million). EDMUND DANTES Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 Joyce, Never fear, virutally nothing is possible! The form has been filled out and sent to the bank (again). I hope they like it this time. They sent me to another person to get some sort of official approval for the transfer. This has got to be the most complicated transaction I have ever been involved with. Of course, I am a simple seafaring man that has not had much experience with banks, but it still seems convoluted to me. The Abbe Faria asked about you, and I said you are doing well. I hope this is true. I pray for you each night and for your health to sustain you until the transfer of money is complete. I will keep you informed, CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY Subject: Judicial approval fee Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 Sir, I received your mail. Below is the cost; Application/Registration fee : $260 JA declaration fee(0.05%) : $2,500 Stamp duty : $115 Legalisation fee : $200 TVA(20%) : $615 Procurement fee : $100 Total : $3,790 (2,900Euro) Due to the volume of the money and urgency, I will advice that you send the money to me through Western Union Money Transfer. If you send it today, I will receive the money today also. You should send the money directly with my name; Clifford Richards 01 Bp 439 Abidjan 01 Cote d'Ivoire Ph;22507345353. After you send it they will give you a transfer control number and secret question and anwser which you will forward to me for collection. As soon as I receive the money, it will take me 4hrs to conclude. Thereafter, you have to instruct me whether to forward the paper to the bank on your behalf or send you the paper. Call me if need be with the above telephone number Cliffrichards REV DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <>s To: "Edmund Dantes" Subject: Acknowledgement Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 Sir, We acknowledge the receipt of your form. My name is not Mr Biao, my Name is Rev Fofana, Biao is the name of our bank. Like you demanded, the only requirements we need from you is this judicial approval and nothing more. Once you submit it, we can transfer your funds. It is not our law it is the baking transfer order of Cote d'ivoire. Rev Dr Paul Fofana EDMUND DANTES Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 Mrs. Nwanni, The bank has now referred me to some shyster that wants 2,600 Euros to "approve" this transaction. It is for some Judicial Approval. If my plans for the undoing of my enemies were not so far along, I would refuse to pay this exorbitant amount. I suppose they have me over a barrel. How infamous. I must complete my plans, I must. My plans for Ferdinand are coming to fruition. Danglars is almost ruined, but I need to present a draw on his bank in order to put the last nail in the coffin. DeVillefort's family will soon feel the results of my machinations. There is no choice. I will pay this fee, I just hope it is worth it. Please stay alive a few more days. I want you to see this money transfer completed and you will also see the power it gives me to wield the righteous wrath of God. The formation of his avenging angel is almost complete. Don't worry, and do not contact the bank. I will take care of this. Edmund EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 Mr. Biao, I apologize for my mistake on your name. On the other hand, the Judicial Approval appears to cost almost 2,600 Euros. Can you please confirm that this fee is normal? Is it required? I will pay if necessary, but I would like you to confirm that it is a normal amount and that I am not being cheated. Is this a payoff to assure there are no problems in getting the money out of the country? If not, perhaps I can get a judge in this country to approve the transfer for a cheaper price. Thanks for your advice. In the meantime, I need to go to the bank and withdraw the money from my savings account, as the Wester Union place says they will only take cash. Regards, Edmund Dantes REV DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Mr Edmund, Whatever the gave you is the official rate. Yes, I confirm that the money is okay. I await the approval Rev Dr Fofana JOYCE NWANNI Subject: Thanks Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, Thank you for your mail. I appreciate everything you are doing as I cannot afford that much because the little money left with me are all gone for my medication. Please whatever you spent will be given back to you after the transfer. This judicial approval is very important because if we try to activate the account, we must surely quote the money with the police economy and that will warrant loosing 40% of the money to inheritance tax. I am aware that you are spending money with all the telephone calls and the rest, please take adquate records of your expenses. My Little advice, you seem to be too serious in getting back at your friends, you have to be careful because I can see that they outnumber you, you can opress them but do not take any physical confrontation with them. If they really did you bad, God must surely pay them back. Bear in mind that the transfer is scheduled for Monday next week and from what I gathered if the money is transferred by Monday, it will be in your account by Friday. Keep me posted Joyce EDMUND DANTES To: "Clifford Richards" <> Subject: Re: Judicial approval fee Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Mr. Richards, OK, I have sent the money to you at the address you list below. The Western Union fee at the local office supply store was very expesnive. There is a local mail station in the area and they have a new service called Xoom which they used. The price was much cheaper, and they said they would deliver the money directly to you at the address you listed below. Please confirm when you receive the money, and when the bank receives the approval to transfer the funds so that I can assure that they do not delay any longer. Best Wishes, Edmund EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Dr. Fofana, I sent the money to the Judicial Approver. Please do not delay longer in transfering the funds. I have big plans which are on a tight schedule, and must have the moneys in order to move forward. Bless you in peace and fortitude, Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Joyce, Never give up, never surrender! Thank you for your concern. However, these people are not my "friends" as you say. They have pretended to be my friends, but they are scheming and plotting behind my back to take my position, my liberty and my Woman. I would never confront these people physically, there is no need for that. Your contact with me and the money I will be able to obtain started the process by which I can destroy these people. Ferdinand's reputation will be destroyed by revelation of his treachery in a past time of war. Danglars, the banker, will be financially ruined. Villefort, the legal icon, will be exposed as a cad and murderer. The process of completing the money transfer is almost complete. The fee for the judicial approval has been sent, and the bank will have no more excuses to delay. Remember, I will act as your angel of mercy and goodness in making sure this money is put to good uses and in righting wrongs and injustice where ever I encounter it. Have faith and be lifted up by the knowledge that your money will be used for the good of all mankind. Your friend, Edmund CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY From: "Clifford Richards" <> Subject: What are you talking about Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, What are you talking about. I do not know any agency callled Xoom and it is not advisable to send money by post, I will advise that you take your money back. You should have confiurmed with me before sending the money, I would not be liable if you loose your money. What you did was very unwise. That is your business, If I get the money, I will let you know. Cliffrichards JOYCE NWANNI Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, I thank you for everything. The transfer will still hold on Monday. That means the money will get to you by next week. Joyce REV DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> To: "Edmund Dantes" Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Sir, You transfer is scheduled for Monday the 14th of March and up till this moement we have not received the approval. I assure you if I get the Approval that Monday, I will do my best to effect your transfer that same Monday. Thank you for your ccoperation Rev Dr Fofana CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY Subject: Stop the transfer Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Mr Edmund, Listen, I have check out for the Xoom agency. The problem is that it is not available here is Cote d'Ivoire, Please call your money back and resend it through Western union. There is another means called moneygram, ( find out from their website to know the nearest agent around you and send the money to me. Call your money back from the Xoom agent ans send it through Western union or Moneygram. You transfer is on Monday and I need to have the money inother to get the approval very early on monday morning. If you had sent the money through Western union, I would have collected it this morning. Make the corrections Cliffrichards EDMUND DANTES Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Mr. Richards, Oh my god. They took the money. It is a lot of money, almost everything I have, and they said they would send it. And you are saying that they can not deliver it in Africa? I called them as soon as I received your email, but they were closed, it is 7:30 in the evening here and the store is not open. It has already been a day or two and I am not sure if I can stop the transaction I am not sure what to do. I will go down to the place first thing in the morning and see if I can talk to them and stop the transfer but i am not sure it is too late. please let me know if you receive the money, right away. please. OK, I will do my best please let me know if you hear anything and I will tell you what I learn tomorrow. Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: BIAO CI <> Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 Rev Dr, There is a problem with the Judicial Approval, I tried to send the fee and it had been lost or something i will try to get this taken care of. please do not cancel the transfer, if i can get it done by monday you may receive it in time. Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 Dr. Fofana, I am sending the money for the Judicial approval today. If you do not get the approval by end of day today, please transfer the money anyway, and the approval will arrive in the next two days or so. Regards, Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES To: "Clifford Richards" <> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 Mr. Richards, I am sorry not to get back to you sooner. The mail station place was closed on sunday. I spent the entire day fretting and constipating about the money. But I got to the place first thing this morning, and they said the money had not been mailed yet. I couldn't understand what they were doing but they said that because they don't operate in your country they sent the money to the closest place which was in South Africa, and then they would mail the money to you. This did not make any sense to me, as the whole point of using their service is to move money without using the mails, but they said because the money had not been mailed they could stop it. So I got the money back from them, and I have it here in an envelope. What should I do now? I think maybe I should place it in a plain brown wrapper and send it to you directly at your address. That way there will be no confusion. I see no point in sending money through the wire to a different country where it will just be mailed, when I can mail it myself. The US postal service is probably better than any in south africa anyway, and it will get there faster if I just mail it. I can get down to the post office this afternoon. Best regards, Edmund CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY Subject: Western Union OR Moneygram Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 Mr Edmund, Thank God you recovered the money. Listen to me very carefully, I have used received money through western union over a thousand times, if you send it today I will send get today also I informed the bank of the delay. Africa is not like America were you can send money through mail, it will never get to me as there are corrupt officials. I told you two options, If the western union does not work, try the moneygram( Send it through either of these means. It do not want you to send money through post because it is not safe. The charge might be high but it s 100% reliable. When you go to send te mney, the will give you a secret question and anwser which I had already told you. Please follow my advice and do not mail money. I will expect the transfer control numbers as soon as you send the money. Cliffrichards JOYCE NWANNI Subject: Info from Bank Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 Dear Edmund, How are you today? I called the bank this afternoon to find out about the transfer but they said that they did not receive the Judicial approval. What is it that you are not telling me. Your last mail stated that everything has been taken care of. Are you sure that you can handle this transcation? Please keep me posted on the status. I will go for my check up tomorrow. I have a turmo and I want to see that this transfer is concluded before I go for mu operation. Please fine out from the man at the ministry why the Judicial approval did not get to the bank. Joyce EDMUND DANTES Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 Joyce, My heart goes out to you. You are obviously very, very sick. Is the tumor in your brain? It must be very painful. My dear is there anything I can do for you or send to you to help you in your last days? There must be some small kindness that I can do that would make your life more enjoyable. Would you mind sending me a picture? We have been conducting this business without my knowing what you look like, and it would be mightily encouraging to know more about you. I think I have things straightened out at the bank now. I have sent the fee to the judicial approver, and the money should be on its way to me very soon. I hope I can use some of this money to help ease your suffering in some way. Again, is there anything I can do to help you? Edmund REV DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> To: "Edmund Dantes" Subject: NEW TRANSFER DATE Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 SIR, SORRY, WE ARE NOT AUTHORISED TO TRANSFER MONEY IN FOREIGN CURRENCY WITHOUT THE APPROVAL. A NEW TRANSFER DATE HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY 18TH OF MARCH 2005. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE THE JA TILL THAT DATE WE WILL HAVE NO OPTION THAN TO QUOTE YOUR FUNDS WITH THE POLICE ECONOMIQUE. REV FOFANA EDMUND DANTES To: "BIAO CI" <> Subject: Re: NEW TRANSFER DATE Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 Rev Dr Fofana, Thank you so much for your understanding. I hope that the Judicial Transfer will be available by then and we can put this whole episode behind us. Edmund Dantes EDMUND DANTES Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 Cliff, God, what a horrible night. I had mailed the money to you in a plain brown wrapper, so that it would not attract attention. But your warning about the government struck home to me and I realized that such cash might be intercepted and stolen by the post office or corrupt officials. So I went to the postal box where I had mailed the envelope, and tried to get the package out. I think someone saw me, because the police came while I was trying to get the money back out. I explained what I was doing, and that the money was mine and I needed to get it, but they did not understand and kept arguing with me. They took me to the police station where I spent the whole night answering questions and defending myself. I have never been in a police station before and it was very frightening. In the end they let me go (at about 4:00 am) but they refused to give the money back to me, saying that it would be held until the district attorney reviewed the case and verified that I could have the money back or if they would hold it as evidence if they prosecute me for some offence. So I must check with them again today or tomorrow to see if they will give the money back to me. For now I will sleep. It is more important than ever for me to get the money from Mrs. Nwanni transfered, I need to move past this horrible time in my life. I will inform you immediately when (if) I get the money back. Edmund Dantes JOYCE (NOW JOHN) NWANNI Subject: Letter from John Nwanni Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 Dear Sir, My name is John Nwanni, I am the son of Mrs Joyce Nwanni. I want to inform you that my mother was rushed to the hospital yesterday night and was admitted. She aske me to inform you of the situation and she demand to know the status of the transfer. Yours sincerely, John EDMUND DANTES Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 John, I appreciate your email to let me know what has happened to your kind mother. It is terrible news that she is in the hospital. She is not dead yet, is she? I have just been through a terrible experience myself but I am sure that it is nothing compared to the agony Joyce must be experiencing. How old are you? I am so glad to finally hear from you. Your mother was talking about my becoming your guardian, but never gave me many details. Can you send a picture? Do you attend school? Are you planning to come to the US sometime soon? I would love to exchange emails with you - kind of like pen pals. Tell your Mom not to worry about the money transfer, it is proceeding very well and will be complete by Friday. There was a bit of a hickup that slowed things down, but it is being straightened out. Best regards, Edmund EDMUND DANTES Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 Cliff, I met with a lawyer this morning to discuss the case. He believes that the district attorney will not press charges as I can prove the money I was trying to get out of the mail box was mine. A bit of bad news, though. The lawyer says that in order to prove that the money was mine and get the police to release it, I will need to show some official document or identification for the addressee, which was you. Is there any way you can send some ID, or bill, or something to me which might be accepted by the court here showing that you are a real person and that the money was intended for you? I have an appointment with my lawyer and the police tomorrow, and if I had this documentation then, I believe I could get the money back right away. Thanks for your understanding. This situation has taken a severe toll on my health and I hope to get it behind me as quickly as possible. Edmund Dantes CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY Subject: My Id Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 Dear Sir, You do not need my particulars to claim your funds from whoever you claim that have it. You have acted like a fool from the onsett thingking that sending money through post was a wise idea. I hate sendning out my id for proof, you were directed to me by somebody so I believe that you can access my status from whomsoever that directed you. I will forward all your mails to the bank by tomorrow and let them know that you are not ready to transfer your funds. See attachment for my id. I will be sending you another mail with my licence Cliffrichards ![]() CLIFFORD RICHARDS, JUSTICE MINISTRY Subject: My licence Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 Good luck ![]() EDMUND DANTES To: Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 Mr. Fofana, As you can see, we can complete this transaction if I can retrieve the money from the police. My lawyer says this is possible but that to make sure we need to have some ID or affidavit from the receiver of the plain brown envelope. This was Mr. Richards, but he has stated in his message, which I forward, that he believes the identification should come from the person who referred me to him. That would be you. You can also see that the scan of his ID was incomplete, so I don't know if I can use it. Can you provide me with some sort of ID or certificate so that I can make my case before the police? I think that with this and my lawyer with me I can retrieve the money. I am very sorry to bother you, but as you see, it is at Mr. Richard's request. My meeting with the police is tomorrow, so I hope you can send this by first thing tomorrow morning. Best regards, Edmund Dantes REV DR PAUL FOFANA From: "BIAO CI" <> To: "Edmund Dantes" Subject: Contact Mrs Joyce Nwanni Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 Dear Sir, Mrs Joyce sent an instruction through her son that we should stop further dealing with you. Please contact her and rectify this Rev Fofana JOHN NWANNI To: "Edmund Dantes" Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 Dear Sir, I saw your mail of yesterday and I told my mother about it. Do not contact the bank anymore or the lawyer as we have seen that you are are only interested in this money any nothing more. You wish my mother dead. I am the person that will stay with you and I have gone through your mails and see that you are a selfish man, all you care about is your enemies that you want to avenge. Bye John EDMUND DANTES Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 Whoa. Bummer. This was really an interesting thread that I had hoped to keep going for a while. I thought the last bit about losing the money in a mail box was particularly fun. Better luck with your next victim. Edmund Dantes, The Count of Monte Cristo |