Hi there, great site!
Here is my first victim, I gave up once I saw the only plan
they had in mind was to wave money wired to them in Africa.
I was hoping for a special encounter on the water off Amsterdam...
Oh well, next time... Enjoy!
The victim was given to me by Ira Toole/Stew de Baker Hawke. Many thanks.
Forwarded Message [ | Download File ] From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: soloudoka@mail.com Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 22:00:39 -0500 Subject: GREETINGS MR. SOLOMON UDOKA ZENITH BANK (NIG.) LTD. ADEOLA ODEKU BRANCH LAGOS - NIGERIA. EMAIL:soloudoka@mail.com I am Mr. Solomon Udoka, Bank Manager of Zenith Bank of Nigeria, Adeola Odeku Branch. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On June 6, 1997, a Foreign Oil consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Mr. Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$25,000,000.00 (Twenty- five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation that Mr. Barry Kelly died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, Ifound out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. blah blah blah Yeah, yeah, whatever... A very bad start indeed: I pasted a previous reply to Mrs. Sese-Seko, Dear Mrs. Seiko, Thank you for your kind proposal. My name is Dr. Koli, I am a biologist currently doing field research in the Shetland Islands, UK. It seems like a golden opportunity and would like to learn more. Please send me more information. Funding for my reseach on the arctic crocs is in dire straits, as it is a very elusive animal and it is difficult to have any findings to publish at all, hence funders are becoming wary. Hence the win-win situation I see in your offer. Please tell me more. Dr. Esher Koli, M.Sc., PhD President and Jayjee Fellow Crocs for Life Man! Association Enr. Damage control/figure skating. Dear Mr. Udoka, I must extend my utmost apologies to you. I believe I adressed my previous letter to you as if to Mrs. Sese-Seko. As fate would have it, I had had a few weeks ago an offer from Mrs. Sese-Seko that also involved the possibility of fabulous riches, but I suppose she managed to get out of trouble. I must confess sheepishly (these are the Shetlands after all) that I copied and pasted my reply to her in order to reply to you, as my predicament is essentially the same. So is my interest in this new affair. Eagerly awaiting further news, Dr. Esher Koli, M.Sc., PhD "Esther"? He thinks my character is a woman. I'll play along with it, more "vulnerable" I suppose... Received: from [] by ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Mon, 18 Nov 2002 19:33:53 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 19:33:53 -0500 Subject: RESPOND IMMEDIATELY. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com DEAR ESTHER, INFACT,I WAS PERPLEXED WHEN I GOT YOUR FIRST MAIL.ALL THE SAME, IF IT IS THE WILL OF GOD THAT YOU WILL RENDER HELP,IT MUST SURELY COME TO PAST. I RECEIVED YOUR MAIL AND I WISH TO THANK YOU IMMENSELY FOR YOUR KIND INTEREST TO CO-OPERATE WITH ME ON THIS TRANSACTION AND YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SUPPORT AND ASSIST ME IN THIS TRANSACTION. PLEASE, FIND HERE UNDER THE DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING: ACTUALLY THIS TRANSACTION IS REAL, AND ONE HUNDRED PERCENT RISK FREE AND DOES NOT RELATE TO ANY BREACH OF LAW OR PROCEED FROM DRUGS. IT IS A MATTER OF NECESSITY TO CONTACT YOU FOR THIS TRANSACTION WITHOUT FURTHER INVESTIGATION ABOUT YOUR PERSON, AS I VIEW YOU TO BE A MORE RESPONSIBLE PERSONALITY. IT IS THEREFORE NECESSARY THAT YOU TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF. I HOPE YOU WOULD NOT BETRAY ME. AS FOR TRUST, IT IS A GIVEN THING THAT TRUST IS EARNED, IT IS NOT GIVEN OUT LIGHTLY; HOWEVER, BECAUSE I NEED YOU IN THIS TRANSACTION, I MUST GIVE YOU MY TRUST; IT IS WORTH 40% OF THIS MONEY... I BELIEVE THAT THIS WILL KEEP YOU FROM REFUSING TO GIVE MY OWN SHARE OF THE MONEY IF THE TRANSACTION IS COMPLETED. LIKE I STATED IN MY PROPOSAL, I WILL LIKE YOU TO PROVIDE YOUR FULL NAMES AND ADDRESS SO THAT THE ATTORNEY WILL PREPARE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND AFFIDAVITS WHICH WILL PUT YOU IN PLACE AS THE NEXT OF KIN. WE SHALL HIRE TWO SEPARATE ATTORNEYS. THE FIRST ATTORNEY WILL DRAFT A WILL WHICH WILL NAME YOU AS THE BENEFICIARY/SOLE EXECUTOR OF THE WILL. THIS WILL WILL BE BACKDATED TO PURPORT THAT IT HAD BEEN WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY MR. BARRY KELLY HIMSELF. THE SECOND ATTORNEY WILL FILE IN THE FEDERAL HIGH COURT WITH AN APPROPRIATE AFFIDAVIT IN ORDER TO SECURE A LETTER OF PROBATE EMPOWERING YOU AS THE NEXT OF KIN/SOLE BENEFICIARY AND TRUSTEE/SOLE EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF MR. BARRY KELLY WHICH INCLUDES THE SUM OF US$25M LYING IN THE ACCOUNT NUMBER WHICH I SHALL GIVE YOU. THE ESSENCE OF HIRING TWO ATTORNEYS IS TO MAKE SURE THAT BOTH ATTORNEYS WILL NOT HAVE THE DETAILS OF THIS TRANSACTION AND THEREBY PREVENT THEM FROM KNOWING THAT THIS IS A DEAL. UPON PREPARATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS AND APPROVALS FROM THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, THE LETTER OF PROBATE WILL BE GRANTED IN YOUR FAVOUR WHICH WILL GIVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO REQUEST FOR THE TRANSFER OF THIS MONEY . THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND OUR CORRESPONDENCE BANK WILL NOW TRANSFER THE MONEY TO A SECURITY COMPANY IN EUROPE WHICH IS USED AS AN OFFSHORE CLEARING HOUSE OF THE BANK. THE ATTORNEY WILL HANDLE ALL THE PROCESSES OF OBTAINING THE APPROVALS ON YOUR BEHALF. ALL THESE PROCESSES WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS AND MONEY WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO EUROPE ( TO THE SECURITY COMPANY). THE VERY GOOD THING ABOUT THIS TRANSACTION IS THAT IT WILL BE DONE IN A VERY PROPER AND LEGAL MANNER. I REQUEST YOUR ASSISTANCE AS A FOREIGNER FOR YOU TO TRAVEL AND CLAIM THIS FUNDS IN EUROPE( WITH THE SECURITY COMPANY USED AS THE OFFSHORE CLEARING HOUSE OF MY BANK) WITH THE RELEVANT AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WHICH I SHALL SEND TO YOU AS THE TRANSACTION PROGRESSES AS THE SOLE BENEFACTOR/BENEFICIARY TO MR BARRY KELLY. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO HOLD THIS FUND WITH YOUR PERSON UNTIL I COME OVER TO YOUR COUNTRY FOR THE SHARING OF THE MONEY. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO MAKE AVAILABLE TO ME YOUR PRIVATE TELEPHONE A ND FAX NUMBER SO THAT WE CAN DISCUSS AND I CAN ALSO SEND YOU VIA FAX THE CERTIFICATE OF THE FIXED DEPOSIT FOR YOUR ASSURANCE THAT THIS IS A GENUINE TRANSACTION AND I WANT YOU TO TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR WILLINGNESS BY PROVIDING ALL THE REQUESTED INFORMATION ABOVE. ALL MODALITIES FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS TRANSACTION HAS BEEN MAPPED OUT PROVIDED THAT YOU MAINTAIN ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY AND KEEP TO THE INSTRUCTIONS I SHALL HAND OVER TO YOU FROM TIME TO TIME FOR A SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION. ONCE I CLARIFY YOUR WILLINGNESS TO PROCEED WITH THE TRANSACTION, THEN I SHALL HAVE THE WILL WRITTEN IN YOUR NAME AS THE NEXT OF KIN TO AND SOLE BENEFACTOR TO THE INHERITANCE OF MR BARRY KELLY AND AS WELL AS SEND YOU THE COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AND A DRAFT COPY OF THE WILL. PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR FURTHER EXPLANATION ON THE ANY PART YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND PROPERLY AND YOU MAY SEND ME A MAIL WITH FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF BEFORE WE PROCEED FURTHER. YOU CAN REACH ME ON MY MOBILE PHONE BECAUSE IT WILL BE MORE CONFIDENTIAL FOR US.I DO NOT WANT ANY OF MY COLLEAGUES TO KNOW I HAVE ANY TRANSACTION THAT IS NOT OFFICIAL. THE NUMBER IS:+234 8033 24 9494.YOU HAVE TO BE PERSISTENT IN CALLING BECAUSE GETTING AFRICA IS DIFFICULT AT TIMES. VERY TRULY YOURS, SOLOMON. Need excuse for not calling. You'll note my postal address... Dear Solmon, first, please forgive any delay in my response: as I am doing field work in a remote area of the Shetland Islands, my only means of communications is via e-mail trough a satellite uplink. In my line of work it is the only crucial means of communications, and I have so far done very well without fax or phone. I hope this will not prevent business with you. It shouldn't with e-mail attachments providing appropriate alternatives. About myself: I am a field biologist conducting research on the Arctic croc. Reptiles have always fascinated me, and I believe my work here might lead to the identification of a new species. Problem is, I am considered a bit of an oddball figure, and obtaining funding for this research has been difficult. I have been fortunate, in a sense, that my father has left me with a significant inheritance which will allow me to carry on for a few years, but after that the well will be dry. Hence my interest in your offer. My independence in my work also reflects in my lifestyle. As the creatures I study are amphibians, I need to work on land and at sea. I therefore chose to live in a boat, where I keep all my belongings, and which is my office, lab and residence when I am not in my land camp. It is fairly seaworthy, but could use some serious revamping, and until now the money for such an enterprise is non-existent. Which reminds me, where in Europe would you need me to go for the transfer? That is me in a nutshell. For document reference, as I suppose a boat makes a lousy postal adress, your attorney may indicate Dr. Esher Koli, P.O. Box 419, Lerwick, Shetland, UK, ZE1 0LU. I must call it a day now, it has been a long day in the field! Regards, Dr. Koli Received: from [] by ws1-10.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Thu, 21 Nov 2002 19:02:27 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 19:02:27 -0500 Subject: THANK YOU. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-10.us4.outblaze.com MY DEAR DR KOLI, I AM INDEED VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR RESPONSE. SEQUEL TO YOUR MAIL,I CAN SEE YOU ARE VERY OCCUPIED.LIKEWISE MYSELF.THAT IS IS THE MUCH REASON WE HAVE TO CONCLUDE THIS TRANSACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.I BELIEVE IF WE PUT HEADS TOGETHER THAT WE WILL CONCLUDE IT WITHING 10 WORKING DAYS IN AS MUCH AS YOU SHOW YOUR SERIOUSNESS. AS FOR YOUR QUESTION AS REGARDS WHERE IN EUROPE YOU ARE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL TO?SPECIFICALLY,ARMSTERDAM(THE NETHERLANDS) IS WHERE YOU ARE EXPECTED TO COLLECT THIS FUND FROM IN OUR OFFSHORE CLEARING HOUSE.AS YOU ARE AWARE,THIS TRANSACTION IS A DEAL.BUT YOU STAND NOT TO ENCOUNTER ANY RISK BECAUSE I HAVE PERFECTLY ARRANGED EVERY MODALITIES IN THIS TRANSACTION.THE REASON FOR YOUR TRAVELING TO ARMSTERDAM TO COLLECT THE FUND IN OUR OFFSHORE CLEARING HOUSE IS TO SAVE YOU THE STRESS OF COMING OVER TO MY COUNTRY.ALSO,TO AVOID ANY DIFFICULTIES IN THIS TRANSACTION. AS YOU ARE AWARE,THIS IS THE LAST QUOTA OF THE YEAR.FOR THIS REASON,WE HAVE TO CONCLUDE THIS TRANSACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. AT THIS JUNCTURE, I WOULD ADVISE YOU TO IMMEDIATELY GET IN TOUCH WITH THIS ATTORNEY: NAME:BARRISTER OBOH HARUNA. OBOH & OBOH CHAMBERS. EMAIL:o_haruna1@hotmail.com TELEPHINE:234 1 471 55 47. I CANNNOT HELP YOU CONTACT HIM AS YOU STATED IN YOUR LAST MAIL. IF IN DO,THERE MIGHT BE A SUSPICION.I HAVE PERFECTLY ARRANGED EVERY PROCEDURE THIS TRANSACTION WILL ENTAIL.FOR THIS REASON,YOU HAVE TO ABIDE BY MY INSTRUCTION.I WANT EVERYTHING TO BE LEGALLY DONE SO THAT AT THE END WE WILL HAVE COURSE TO CELEBRATE. YOU HAVE TO IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THIS ATTORNEY BOTH ON PHONE AND THROUGH HIS EMAIL.TELL HIM, THAT YOU ARE THE NEXT OF KIN TO THE LATE BARRY KELLY THAT YOU WANT HIM TO REPRESENT YOU AS YOUR ATTORNEY SO THAT YOU WILL BE PAID HIS MONEY WITH MY BANK SO THAT YOU WILL BE MADE THE BENEFICIARY TO LATE KELLYS MONEY. I AWAIT YOYR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE.THANK YOU.GOD BLESS YOU. RAGARDS, SOLOMON. Dear Mr. Udoka, thank you for your response. I appreciate and respect your concern for keeping this transaction legal. I have one question however before we proceed any further: in Amsterdam, do I need to go to a particular office, or can the signing of documents and the transaction happen anywhere? I will contact the person you mentionned, however, as I am currently in the field and I cannot possibly leave my crocs, as they will soon begin their northward migration, I will have to limit myseld to e-mail. Good to hear from you sir, I am confident we will conclude and celebrate this business in a merry ole way! Best regards, Dr. E. Koli A, ah, rather hasty copy-paste job to the attorney. Mr Haruna, My name is Dr. Escher Koli, I am biologist and NEXT OF KIN TO THE LATE BARRY KELLY THAT I WANT you TO REPRESENT me AS my ATTORNEY. The regretted Mr. Kelly had a substantial deposit in a bank in your country, but no Nigerian has any claim on it. Can you be of any assistance is this matter? Sincerely, Dr. E. Koli Received: from [] by ws1-11.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Fri, 22 Nov 2002 17:08:18 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 17:08:18 -0500 Subject: GOD BLESS YOU.. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-11.us4.outblaze.com DEAR DR KOLI, I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE.I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR CONCERN AS RAGARDS THIS TRANSACTION.I WOULD AT THIS JUNCTURE LET YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CONTINUE THIS WAY,WITHIN THIS MONTH OF NOVEMBER WE WILL DEFINITELY CONCLUDE THIS TRANSACTION AND WILL BE LOOKING FOWARD TO DOING OTHER BETTER THINGS TOGETHER GOD WILLING. I WILL ADVISE YOU TO IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE ATTORNEY I ASKED YOU TO CONTACT SO THAT BY NEXT WEEK WILL CONCLUDE EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO BE DONE HERE IN MY COUNTRY SO THAT BY UPPER WEEK YOU WILL BE TRAVELING TO ARMSTERDAM TO CASH THIS FUND IN OUR OFFSHORE CLEARING HOUSE THERE. YOU HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN DEALING WITH THE ATTORNEY.I DO NOT WANT HIM TO KNOW THAT WE ARE IN ANY WAY CONNECTED.DO NOT DISCUSS ME WITH HIM.AFTER CONTACTING HIM,LET ME KNOW SO THAT I WILL ADVISE YOU ON HOW YOU WILL DEAL WITH HIM. TRY AND SEND HIM A MAIL WITHIN THE WEEKEND.THEN, BY MONDAY,YOU WILL HAVE TO CALL HIM ON PHONE SO THAT HE WILL KNOW HOW SERIOUS YOU ARE.WHY I AM TELLING YOU THIS IS THAT HE IS A VERY BUSY FELLOW. PLEASE,I WOULD LIKE TO PLEAD WITH YOU THAT YOU SHOULD ALLOW ME GET MY SHARE OF THIS MONEY WHEN IT IS FINALLY IN YOUR ACCOUNT.AND YOU WILL ALSO HELP ME THINK OF PROFITABLE BUSINESS I CAN INVEST MY SHARE OF THIS MONEY IN YOUR COUNTRY. I AWAIT YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE.THANK YOU. GOD BLESS YOU. REGARDS, SOLOMON. Hello Solomon, good to hear from you at the end of this long and cold day. I only have time to let you know that I have already written to the attorney and await to hear from him. As I can be long-winded, you may have not noticed my question burried deep in my previous message: in Amsterdam, does the meeting need to be in a specific building (in a bank, an office or what not), or can it be at any given location. I am asking this because of certain travel restrictions I wll have. As for your fair share, Solomon, you may rest assured: I regognise and express gratitude towards god fortune when I see it, and believe me, this is certainly a mighty wollop of Good Fortune˛! As for business endeavours we could achieve together, I see it clearly already: I will be needing a new field asistant come the spring, and if you feel so inclined we could examine your possible involvement in researching the arctic croc ethology and predatory behaviour. But I am getting ahead of ourselves here... To our success, Solomon! Sincerely, Dr. Koli X-Originating-IP: [] From: "haruna oboh" Received: from [] by ws1-10.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Sat, 23 Nov 2002 17:37:54 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 17:37:54 -0500 Subject: THANK YOU. DEAR DR KOLI I AM INDEED VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR INFORMING ME THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY CONTACTED THE ATTORNEY.HOPE YOU DISCUSSED WELL WITH HIM? DID HE AGREE TO ASSIST YOU? I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU HOW FAR YOU HAVE GONE WITH HIM.PLEASE, SEND ME A MAIL AND TELL ME THE OUTCOME OF IT. AS FOR YOUR QUESTION,O AM VERY SORRY FOR OMMITING IT IN MY LAST MAIL TO YOU.THE MEETING IN ARMSTERDAM IS DEFINITELY GOING TO TAKE PLACE IN AN OFFICE.IT WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE IN A BANK.MY BANK DOES NOT HAVE A BRANCH OUTSIDE MY COUNTRY.BUT WE OPERATE CLEARING HOUSES IN EUROPE AND IN THE U S A. I REALISED THAT YOU ARE IN EUROPE THAT IS WHY I SAID YOU WILL GO TO ARMSTERDAM BECAUSE IT WILL BE MORE CONVINIENT FOR YOU. BUT IF YOU ARE WILLING TO GO TO U S A,THERE IS NO OBJECTION. THERE IS AN OPTION. IF YOU WANT THE TRASFER TO BE FROM TO BANK TRASFER,IT COULD BE ARRANGED. IT IS JUST THAT IT WILL INVOLVE MUCH MONEY.THE MONEY WILL BE TAXED HERE IN MY COUNTRY AND IT WILL RAISE SUSPICIPON IN YOUR BANK BECAUSE THEY WOULD WANT TO KNOW THE SOURCE OF THE FUND. AT THIS POINT,YOU HAVE TO DECIDE WHICH OF THE ABOVE YOU WOULD PREFER. I WOULD BE MORE GRATEFUL IF THIS TRANSACTION IS CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK.YOU SHOULD PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS MAIL IMMEDIATELY.THANK YOU.GOD BLESS YOU. REGARDS, SOLOMON. More phone-dodging...
Attn: Mr. Oboh Harunah My situation makes it difficult for me to reach a telelphone. I am actually conducting field research in a remote arrea, and my only means of communications is my satellite modem. So far it has filled all required purposes. I feel comfortable so far and am willing to sign the power of attorney if you can send it as an e-mail attachment. Regards,Dr. Esher Koli I want whoever I need to meet in Amsterdam to meet me on my boat. Hello Solomon, thank you for your prompt reply, you certainly seem a very diligent chap. I got a reply from the attorney. He is asking to talk over the telephone. As you will recall though, I am in the field in a fairly remote arrea, and my only means of communication is my satellite modem. However, I signified this to him and am confident we can resolve matters over e-mail. With today's technology, this should not be a problem, don't you think? Regarding my office question, here is the situation: you will discover that I am quite an oddball as I explian this... that is certainly what my colleagues think! I told you I live in my boat, which also serves as a headquarter from which to conduct my research. Being a boat, it also happens to be my prime means of transportation to and from the continent. Being a rather independent and self-sufficient person, I have no bank account - as of yet! Hence, all my savings and belongings are stowed safely away in my boat. Furthermore, as a biologist, I have with me certain animal parts that are from endagered species. As you might know, this is regulated by an international convention, and it could cause problems with the Amsterdam port customs officials. And I would be reluctant to leave my boat in a busy port given all the money hidden in it. Theft happens... What I am proposing is this: I take PanPan, my motor sailer, and head towards Amsterdam. Whomever I must meet could hire a launch and meet me on the water, just a few miles off the coast. I will have my satellite modem with me, so I could set up the rendez-vous point once I have arrived in Dutch waters.We could then sign the required paperwork aboard the launch or PanPan. There, such is my situation... Please let me know of the feasbility of such a rendez-vous. Take the time necessary to find a rental boat. It is the safest way I see pursuing this business without hassle and suspicion (not so much regarding our transaction, but what I have on board my motorsailer). Sincerely,Dr. Koli Received: from [] by ws1-11.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:21:18 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:21:18 -0500 Subject: PLEAD WITH THE ATTORNEY.. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-11.us4.outblaze.com DEAR DR KOLI, I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR CO OPERATION IN THIS TRANSACTION.BUT I DO NOT REALLY UNDERSTAND YOUR LAST MAIL.WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SAYING YOU WANT THE TRANSACTION TO HOLD IN YOUR BOAT.WILL YOU TAKE THE MONEY AWAY IN YOUR BOAT? THE OFFICIALS WILL NOT AGREE WITH THIS YOUR SUGGESTION.YOU WILL HAVE TO MEET THEM UP IN MY BANKS CLEARING HOUSE THERE IN ARMSTERDAM. WE HAVE TO FOLLOW EVERY LEGAL PROCEDURE SO THAT WE CAN ACHIEVE OUR GOAL. HOW FAR HAVE YOU GONE WITH THE ATTORNEY?SINCE YOU ARE INSISTING ON EMAIL COMMUNICATION,SEND HIM A MAIL AND ASK HIM TO SEND YOU A DETAILED EMAIL ON WHAT AND WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO SO THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO COLLECT YOUD LATE BROTHERS MONEY(KELLY) PLEAD WITH HIM THAT YOU WILL WANT THIS TRANSACTION TO BE CONCLUDED IN THIS LAST QUARTER OF THE YEAR. I AWAIT YOUR QUICK RESPONSE. REGARDS, SOLOMON. Well, wasn't that easy... X-Originating-IP: [] From: "haruna oboh" o_haruna1@hotmail.com To: cflmasse@someISP.com Subject: Re: updates Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:31:16 +0000 Attention:Dr. Esher Koli Re-Representation. Sequel to your last email. I have accordingly visisted the said bank with the view of confirming your claims. However, I am pleased to inform you that the claims are true and we are ready to represent you in filling the claims and as well as representing you in all necessary endorsement proceedures for the release of the money to your norminated bank account. You are therefore required to fulfil the following conditions; 1. Your should forward to me by email your complete banking cordinates where you wish the money to be transferred. 2. A copy of your international passport /driving license , by attachemnt email. 3. A mandatory processing fee of US$5,000 to make the necessary affidavit at the High court of Justice for the claims. At the receipt of this details, I shall prepare the power of attorney and forawrd to you via attachemnt email for neccesary endorsemnt to enable me proceed with the file. A wait your reply. Yours faithfully, Dr Oboh Haruna Esq. Dear Mr. Udoka, If you are implying that I would run away with all the cash with my boat, then there is something about this transaction which I have failed to understand: is the meeting in Amsterdam not to do paperwork, not hand over the actual money in cash? Of course I would not take off wit that much money in my boat anyways, for fear of it getting wet. The watertight compartment over the galley that secures the money I have cannot hold any more bills I'm affraid. And besides, I think I would be the one taking risks here: a lone woman against possibly several men. Please, Mr. Udoka, consider the odds a moment... My point is: if all that needs to be done is paperwork, with no physical transfer of money (which will go into an account, I presume), it is not much trouble bringing the forms over. Trust me, having lived aboard this boat for the past fifteen years, it is not much more complicated than hopping on a cab and meeting in a restaurant, once you have the boat. And it is precisely because I want to remain legal that I offer this avenue: I have aboard animal material that could fetch a hefty sum on the black market, and they are from endagered species. I do not want to get into any trouble with port officials in Amsterdam. Please try to convince your colleagues of considering the possibility. I am willing to pay for their boat service if necessary, as well as any other extra expenses this would lead to. The attorney has already provided me with further information on how to proceed, and I will be providing him with the info shortly. In the meantime, please do have the officials study the possibility of renting a launch. Best regards, Dr. E. Koli Attention: Dr. Harunah Oboh Mr. Oboh, Thank you for your succesful enquiry with the bank. I will shortly proceed in providing you with the requested information. However, please inform me on how I am to provide you with the requested payment. Sincerely, Dr. E. Koli Drat! No Amsterdam, wants the money right away... Received: from by sea2fd.sea2.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Tue, 26 Nov 2002 19:43:17 GMT X-Originating-IP: [] From: "haruna oboh" o_haruna1@hotmail.com To: cflmasse@someISP.com Subject: Re: updates Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 19:43:17 +0000 Attention: Dr. Esher Koli, Your response to my email refers; Be informed that I just returned to my chambers this evening as a result of work pressure for the end of year rush. I will prefer you send the Money via western union money transfer to the Name and address of my Accountant to aviod any delay in commencing work on your file. This will be easy and faster for us to commence work on the file as so you can to get paid before the year runs out. The name and address of my accountant are as thus; DIRISU SULEMAN 5 SONOLA STREET OGBA, LAGOS - NIGERIA. Make the payment in One instalment of US$5,000 and forward the Airway bill/control numbers to my email address as attachemnt. Please use a test question as; QUEATION: What is your occupation? Answer: Lawyer/assistant . I await to receive the whole details as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Dr Oboh Haruna Esq. Received: from [] by ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:41:38 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:41:38 -0500 Subject: THANKS FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com MY DEAR DR KOLI, HOPE YOU ARE OKAY? YOU SEEM NOT TO UNDERSTAND MY LAST MAIL. I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT THE MONEY SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO YOU IN YOUR BOAT.HENCE IT IS PAPER WORK(SIGNING OF DOCUMENTS)THAT WILL BE DONE THERE IS NO PROBLEM.I WILL USE MY OFFICE AS THE BANKS MANAGER AND GIVE THEM GOOD RECOMMENDATION ABOUT YOU. I AM INDEED SORRY.I DID NOT MEAN YOU WILL RUN AWAY WITH THE MONEY. HOW FAR HAVE YOU GONE WITH THE ATTORNEY? PLEASE, BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS SEEK MY ADVISE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH HIM.TELL HIM THAT YOU INTEND TO GIVE THIS MONEY TO CHARITY.THIS WILL MAKE HIM REALLY SOFT WITH YOU BECAUSE HE IS A GOD FEARING MAN.BUT MIND WHAT YOU DISCUSS WITH HIM.I DO NOT WANT HIM TO UNDERSTAND THERE IS ANY RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN US.YOU KNOW THAT LAWYERS ARE VERY INTELLIGENT . PLEASE,IMMEDIATELY SEND ME A MAIL ON YOUR DISCUSSION WITH THE ATTORNEY.I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU.THANK YOU.GOD BLESS YOU. REGARDS, SOLOMON. I'd rather go Dutch Dear Solomon, the attorney has asked me for some info which I will be able to provide, bust is also asking me to forward him some money for his fees. I do not have a problem with that per se, but it is impossible for me to do so because of my remote situation which I have already explained to you, but which he does not know of. Could we find an attorney in Amsterdam who could conduct our business? We could arrange a meeting as with your colleagues from your Amsterdam branch. Regards, Dr. E. Koli P.S (I will postpone replying to him until I hear from you) Received: from [] by ws1-9.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Thu, 28 Nov 2002 04:14:06 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 04:14:06 -0500 Subject: REACH HIM . X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-9.us4.outblaze.com DEAR DR KOLI, HOPE YOU FINE? I AM SORRY FOR NOT SENDING YOU A MAIL YESTERDAY. I WENT FOR A FRIENDS BURIAL. I GOT YOUR MAIL. HOW MUCH DID HE ASKED YOU FOR HIS FEE? THERE IS NO WAY THE ARMSTERDAM PEOPLE WILL HELP YOU AT THIS STAGE.THE DOCUMENTS THE ATTORNEY IS ASSISTING YOU WITH WILL ENTITLE YOU TO ARMSTERDAM.THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE IN MY COUNTRY.YOU CAN NOT HAVE ANY APPOINTMENT WITH THE ARMSTERDAM PEOPLE WITHOUT THESE THINGS THE ATTORNEY IS HELPING YOU WITH. ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS OF SENDING HIM THE MONEY? DR,YOU HAVE TO HASTEN UP PLEASE. WE SHOULD TRY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO SEE THIS TRANSACTION THROUGH THIS LAST QUARTER OF THE YEAR. WHAT YOU SHOULD PLEASE DO NOW IS TO IMMEDIATELY SEND HIM A MAIL AND ASK HIM TO ALLOW YOU KNOW THE MEANS WITH WHICH YOU WILL SEND HIM THE FEE HE ASKED FOR. YOU SHOULD SEND ME A MAIL IMMEDIATELY YOU HAVE GOTTEN IN TOUCH WITH HIM.THIS TRANSACTION IS NOW 40% COMPLETED.THE MOMENT YOU ARE THROUGH WITH HIM,YOU JUST HAVE TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT AND FIX AN APPOINTMENT WITH ARMSTERDAM, SIGN THE NECESSARY PAPERS AND ASK THEM TO PAY THE FUND INTO YOUR DESIGNATED BANK ACCOUNT. I AM ANXIOUSLY WAITING FOR YOU RESPONSE.THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. REGARDS, SOLOMON. No finesse in these folks. Plain tooth extractors. Yawn... Received: from by sea2fd.sea2.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:58:25 GMT X-Originating-IP: [] From: "haruna oboh" o_haruna1@hotmail.com To: cflmasse@someISP.com Subject: Re: updates Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:58:25 +0000 Attention: Dr. Esher Koli, RE -REPRESENTATION. Dear Client, Sequel to my last email to you. You should expedite action in forwarding all the details required to me as soon as possible. I have not heard from you to receive the required details to enable me commence work on your file, this delay may utter the work schedule to have te money released to you within this end of year rush. Kindly let me know what is delaying you and forward all the deatils to me as soon as possible. Your complete bankers details. A copy of you valid driving license/international passport. The control number/airway bill of the payment of the processing fee by attachment email Or You send all the payment instructions carefully written out as; Senders name and full address Country from where the money is sent Amount sent in full Receiver's Name Text question and Answer. Please do this as soon as possible to enable me start work on this file. Act swiftly. Yours faithfully, Dr OBOH HARUNA ESQ. Principal. Anoter vain attempt, hoping they indeed have an Amsterdam accomplice: Attention: Mr. "Oboh", Esq. Hello Mr. Oboh,As I am in a remote area, I cannot have access to Western Union services. Do you have any international offices, namely in Amsterdam? In this way I coud pay your firm and you could pursue the work in Nigeria. Regards, Dr. E. Koli Received: from [] by ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:28:36 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:28:36 -0500 Subject: SEND HIM HIS FEE.. X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com DEAR KOLI, GOOD DAY TO YOU.HOW IS YOUR DAY? HOPE FINE? I SENT YOU A MAIL EARLIER TODAY AND I HAVE BEEN EXPECTING YOUR MAIL.YOU SEE, IT SO PAINFUL WE CANNOT DISCUSS ON PHONE. I SAW THE ATTORNEY ENTERING MY BANK THIS AFTERNOON WHEN I WAS LEAVING FOR LUNCH.HAVE YOU RESOLVED WITH HIM? IF NOT YOU BETTER TRY HARDER AND DO IT TOMORROW FIRST THING.AND I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW HOW MUCH HE CHARGED FOR HIS FEE.I TOLD YOU TO ALWAYS SEEK MY ADVISE BEFORE TAKING ANY DECISION. MY FRIEND,WE COULD DO BETTER BUSINESS AFTER THIS TRANSACTION.AS THE YEAR IS RUNNING TO AN END,BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE LEAVING THE SHORES OF MY COUNTRY.POLITICIANS ARE REALLY LOOTING THE TREASURE OF MY COUNTRY.YOU SHOULD PLEASE SEND HIM HIS FEE SO THAT WE CAN FORGE AHEAD.CANT YOU JUST SPARE YOURSELF 2 HOURS AND GO TO TOWN AND SEND HIM THE FEE? I WOULD NOT WANT A SITUATION WHEN HE WILL BE ANGRY WITH YOU AND THEN HE MAY DECIDE TO HAVE A SPECIAL INTEREST IN THIS TRANSACTION.YOU ARE QUITE AWARE OF HOW MUCH IS INVOLVED IN THIS. AND YOU STAND TO BENEFIT ALOT FROM THIS. SO,JUST FOR THE SAKE OF GOD,PLEASE,SEND HIM HIS FEE FIRST THING TOMORROW SO THAT WITHIN THE WEEK YOU WILL LEAVE FOR ARMSTERDSAM TO ENDORSE THE FINAL PAPERS SO THAT AUTOMATICALLY, YOU WLL LEGALLY AND LAWFULLY BE THE BENEFICIARY TO LATE BARRY KELLYS MONEY. I AWAIT YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE.THANK YOU.GOD BLESS YOU. REGARDS, SOLOMON. No boat meeting in Amsterdam? Off to Lagos then! Hello Mr. Udoka, you do not seem to realise how geographically isolated I am. But listen, I have a workaround: you said that the government will not claim the money until 5 years from now, correct? So there is no need to rush, except perhaps for the Christmas shopping. I am about to wrap things up here in Shetland. The Arctic crocs are about to begin their migrations nothr for the long winter months, and it will be impossible to follow them underneath the ice pack. I need to sail south to Central Africa. Certain species of crocs,such as Crocodylus cataphractus, are seriously depressed, as demontrated in articles such as this one: http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/herpetology/newsletter/news152d.htm I could make a stoppover in Lagos, but it would be in three weeks time. Then I could pay your attorney the $6000 he requests, hand him a copy of the documents, and meet with you in person! Please let me now what you think. I need to close the camp tomorrow, then off to Scappa Flow for refueling and South I go. Regards, Dr. E. Koli Seems Udoka is also seriously depressed... crocodile tears perhaps? Received: from [] by ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Thu, 28 Nov 2002 17:35:34 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 17:35:34 -0500 Subject: SEND HIM HIS FEE PLEASE... X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com DEAR KOLI, YOU WANT TO MAKE ME HYPERTENSIVE.THIS YEAR WILL DEFINITELY MAKE IT 5 YEARS SINCE THE DEMISE OF KELLY. THAT IS THE REASON I CONTACTED YOU. PLEASE DO SOMETHING. SOLOMON. Chuck it! Enough of this pathetic begging, these guys are no fun... Dear Mr. Udoka, here is what I will do: I will transfer the money immediately via the African Ecobank. Please find their website at http://ecobank.port5.com Regards, Dr. Koli Dear Salmon, Here is you money: "$6,000.00" Happy now? perhaps you might want to take a look at this as well: http://ecobank.customerservice.inbox.as/openletter.html You are dumb as a donkey's ass, poor sod. And such an amateur... Is it the big boys at school who taunted you into doing this sort of stuff? Stop fuming, dear, you're going to soil the monitor. Arctic crocodiles, honestly... Did you really expect me to believe you and "the attorney" are two separate idiots? "SO THAT WE CAN FORGE AHEAD", you couldn't be closer from the truth (but I suppose you're to dumb to get your own puns...) Your insitance for me to pay you right away is causing me a definite ennui, and I will stop my sport here. Thank goodness there is plenty of game... Also, learn to take clues. "P.O. Box 419". Box *419*, hello? Although you seem blissfully unaware of your own country's criminal code. Perhaps you should go to a nearbly police station with a printout of our exchange and ask them what they think of it. So long Mugu, and thanks for all the fish. Dr. E Koli (never hear of E. coli have you? go drink some water in a nearby pond, you'll know all about it...) Oh, and by the way, WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THE BLOODY SCREAMING ALREADY?! thank you Here Udoka indulges in a series of "send again", Received: from [] by ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for soloudoka@mail.com; Thu, 28 Nov 2002 23:47:55 -0500 From: "solomon udoka" [soloudoka@mail.com] To: cflmasse@someISP.com Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 23:47:55 -0500 Subject: SEND HIM HIS FEE PLEASE... X-Originating-Ip: X-Originating-Server: ws1-2.us4.outblaze.com dear fool, infact you are greatest fool ive ever come across.you are going to be killed by crocodile. your ancestors are fools.and fools shall your generaion be. infact,the cia are already after you. you will die during dry season so that the grave diggers will not be able to dig your grave to 6 feet. i will search for your mother.I will like to feed my own crocodile with your mum for christmas. sloman Either he does have a partner, or he wants to show me I'm not that sharp and that they are indeed two of them. The message indeed come from a different IP. Received: from by sea2fd.sea2.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Fri, 29 Nov 2002 08:20:42 GMT X-Originating-IP: [] From: "haruna oboh" Farewell... I am currently at 45°34'21"N 016°46'57"W. Please find a brach of the Ecobank, http://ecobank.port5.com http://ecobank.customerservice.inbox.as/openletter.html Gosh, maybe I was wrong. Maybe there *are* two idiots involved... E. KoliDr. Koli's inbox: ![]() |