Date Thursday, 16. September 2004 - 23:21:51
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is important,and requires your immediate
attention. First ,I must solicit your strictest
confidence in the transaction.To intimate you further,we
are top officials 0f the new civilian administration
committee on foreign and local contract payment,who
are intrested in the importation of goods into our
country with funds which are presently trapped in
[If only! The Nigerian government would really like some of its embezzled funds back.]
In order to actualized this dream ,we seek your
assisttance to transfer the said fund into an intrest
bearing account which you have absolute control over
in your country or a third country other than nigeria.
The new civilian adimistration of general Olushegun
Obasanjo(rtd)set-up this committee specifically to
review all contracts/iol licenses to determine their
propriety and relevance in the light of the country ,s
current economic and political realities.we have
identified a lot of inflated contract fund which are
currently floating in our Apex Bank. at this moment
we have worked out modalities within ourselves and
some acquaitances at the Apex Bank to divert the sum
of ($33.7m)U.S. Dollars only , for our own personal use.
However ,by virture of our positions as civil servants
and members of the contract review panel ,we cannot
acquire this money in our names ,consequently ,I was
deligated by my colleagues as a matter of trust to
look for an oversaes partner into whose account we can
transfer this money ,hence this letter to you.
Furthermore my colleagues and I are willing to tranfer
the total sum of ($33.7m)u.s.dollas into your account
for disbursement. your areas of specailization is not
a hindrance to the succesful execution of this
transaction and the account required for this project
can either be PERSONAL,COMPANY or an OFFSHORE account
you have total control over needless,to say,the trust
reposed on you at this junture is enormous.In return,
we have agreed to offer you 20% of the total sum
while 10% shall be set as ideal for incidental
expenses between the parties in the course of this
transaction .you must however note that this
transaction is subject to the following terms and
(a) Our conviction of your transperent honesty and
(b)That the funds would be transfered to an account
where you have absolute control over .
(c)That you will treat this transaction with utmost
secrecy and confidenciality.
(d)That one of our representatives will be there with
you to represent our interest.
This however depends on your responce to the conditions
A and C above.Modalities have been worked out to the
highest level for the immediate transfer of this funds
withing 14 working days ,subject to your satisfaction
of the above stated terms .our assurance is that your
role is RISK FREE . To accord this transaction the
legality it deserves and for the mutual security of
the funds,the whole approval procedures will be
officially and legally processed with your names or
the name of any company you may nominate as the
bonerfide beneficiary.
Once more ,I want you to understand that having put 23
years in the civil service of my country ,I am averse
to having my image and career dented.This matter
should be treated with utmost secrecy and ugency.
Kindly expidiate actions as we are behind schedule to
enable us include this transfer in this batche as
payents to foreign contractors is usually carried out
on quarterly basis.
contact me on my e-mail box
Date: 19 Sep 2004, 05:16:20 PM
Hiya Mr Kyari
Hey i thnk u hav sent this 2 the wrong person k? as i havent spk to u before?
Candy x
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
221B Baker Street
Royal Butlins Palace
Subject: Transaction Details
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 05:29:43 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Cya,
Thank you for your email which has been recieved with the contents noted..
I want to clearify to you that this transaction is risk free but requires maximun confidence and confidentiality and arrangement has been concluded for it to be executed under a legitimate arrangement so that we can not go contrary to the law.
As i did explained in my first letter, this funds were realized from an over invoice payment during a contract that was awarded and executed by a foreigner and the original contractor that executed the contract has been fully paid his full contractual amount and remaning this over invoice sums which i will like us to work together so as to actualize the dream.
All the conditionalities of this transaction has been previously explained in my first letter and you will be geting the total of %30 of the total sum while %10 will be reserved to refund all expences that may be incured in this transaction during the process and you will be required to document whatever expence you may incure in this transaction so that it will be refunded from the percentage set aside for the refunds of expences upon conclusion of this transaction.
To enable us proceed, you will be required to forward to me your account information were you will like this funds to be remmitted and also your confidential postal address including your direct telephone and fax numbers for easy communication.
My direct telephone number is 234-8037193931, i will appreciate you give me a call for more breifings and better clearifications.
I look forward to hear from you.
Mr Abba Kyari.
Date: 23 Sep 2004, 06:51:51 AM
hey this sounds relly neat, k!
i have my bank account with hippobank down the road in london so is that stil cool? i will hav look an see if i can find all the stuf out as normally i just get my allowance from my uncle marmite.
u can ring me on 44 906 174 3615 an this is fax too k
hey do u like ABBA then? cos that is just like ur name, lol i bet u do an that y u changed it!! Super Trooper is cool but they dont pla it mch wn i go clubbin.
cya x
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
221B Baker Street
Royal Butlins Palace
Date: 24 Sep 2004, 02:23:09 AM
Subject: Abba - HRH C - bank details?/Candy: cool here they r k?
Hiya Abba
Yes cool here they r k?
13 Rillington Place
acount 6941900
sort 06 08 98
acount manager
Red Ebrek
Hey how u then? r u goin clubbin this weekend?
Cya x
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Subject: Transaction Update
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 03:02:39 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Candice Windsor,
Thank you for your email with your banking cordinates and address noted.
I have contracted an attorney today who will work with in filling and securing the relevant approvals of this fund in your favoure and the attornmey requested for the sum of $18,500 as his professional fees out of which i advanced him $9000 and promised to give him the balance as soon as he secures the approvals in your favoure.
However, he has already commenced the filling of the application process and will give update as soon as i hear from the atorney.
Meanwhile, it is important i let you know that this transaction will involve money as an expences and this is the reason why i have decided to set aside the %10 for the refunds of all expences that may be incured in this transaction upon conclusion and you will be required to document whatever expences you may incure so that it will be refunded accordingly.
My direct telephone number remains 234-8037193931, and i will appreciate you give me a call for more breifings and better understanding.
I look forward to hear from you.
Subject: Attached Passport and Agreement.
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 11:12:13 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Princess
How are you today.
I have just attached to you a copy of my passport and an agreement which you are expected to sign and return the agreement with a copy of your passport.
The attorney confirmed that he will be going to the fedral high court on monday to get an affidavitts of claims in your favoure in accordance with the regulations of the bank with regards to securing the approvals.
I will get back to you on monday with a copy of the affidavitts as soon as the attorney secures it.
Have a nice weekend.
Also your basic Lad "Legal" Agreement! |
Date: 29 Sep 2004, 07:30:24 AM
Subject: Kyari - here are the pic/Candy - cool hey i bin skiing!
Helo Mr Kyari
Hey this is kool as now we r relly getting things sorted eh? Sos i havent bin about to chat of late but i was skiing with my uncle marmite, an had real kool time yea! u eva done that then? i met nice guy calld matt an we did all sorts of stuff lol we went to a club an had gt time then we all went for ski an he fel ova which was no prob as it was a laff.
N eway I hav red what u hav sed and all seem k wat shall i do now then?
also i hav not had the otha stuff what u say abt?
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
i hav writ to this guy k an all is hapning now kool
Subject: What to do now!!
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 06:13:51 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Princess,
I have recieved your email with the contents noted.
I have been very worried regarding the delay in your responce to me untill i recieve your email .
However, what you are required to do now is to print out the agreement and sign it at the space provided and return it back to me with your passport or drivers licence immediately.
I am waiting to hear from you.
Date: 01 Oct 2004, 02:59:40 AM
Subject: abba - Candy - can u send ur docs/candy - sory no but wil this do k?
hiya Mr Kyari
i hav checked with my uncle marmite an he is nt sure than i am allowd to send my passport stuf cos of terrorist guys and threts he sez. we hav big wores here u no bout them. sory bout this is it stil k tho?
Hey i am going clubbin this weekend it wil be relly kool. i hav new pair jeans and top so the boyz beta look out ho ho lol!!!!! wen i tried them no i thot OMG! is that me cos it is bit sexy u kno ;-) wat u doin then an do u like hip hop were u r? i bet u hav a lot of kool places 2 go an hav good times yeh.
can i send the rest of the stuf next week wen i hav more time? also i dont hav licence yet cos i am stil lerning an stuf.
bfn now
C xxx
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 03:25:31 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Pincess,
I have recieved your email with the contents noted.
I have taken note of your coments with regards to your passport and wish to informe and assure you once aain that this tansation is not of any terrorist relation.
I will advise that since you do not have a passport, you ca sign the agreement and retur it back to me immediately so that we can furge ahaed with the applications for the approvals process of this funds in your favoure.
I look forward to hear from you.
Date: 04 Oct 2004, 02:48:26 AM
Subject: Kyari - send your details/Candy - pls send again k
Hiya Mr Kyari
Its kool k but culd u send again as i hav lost it I gess when I savd a lot of Robbie Williams stuff from of the net & it got messed up or something sory bout that.
Pls do it an i will do it asap k?
Cya xxx
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Enter Sir Marmite Luny-Binns. It's a good thing that someone is watching out for Princess Candy.
Date: 04 Oct 2004, 03:03:28 AM
Subject: what is going on between you and Candice Windsor??
Dear Sir
I am disturbed that you appear to be proposing some sort of business deal with my niece Candice. She is of a somewhat impressionable age, and while she has considerable finances at her disposal, I remain her guardian and advisor. We really can't have any native tom dick or harry exploiting her innocence in this way. Only last year I had to see off an ill-advised suitor from a vulgar publishing magazine. Explain yourself sir!
Sir Marmite Luny-Binns DFC
Regis Court Chamberlain
The Court of St James
London FU2 GIT
Date: 06 Oct 2004, 02:24:58 AM
Subject: Candy - Abba : hey r u a crook then?
Hello Mr Abba
Hey wat u up 2 today then? I hav not herd back from u r u ok??
My uncle M wrote u I gess an he seemd plenty mad but once i showed him ur stuff he sed it culd be ok afta all which is KOOL.
But u gotta show him is alright an not sum sort of scam k?
Also he seys u and ur gang culd be big bunch of banana boys on the mak that not case is it?? :-(
Aneway u let me no k
Cya xxx
Subject: Urgent
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 13:19:24 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Princess,
Sorry for my late responce. I have been out of staion for the few days on an official duty.
I really got the email from your uncle and will respond to him accordingly, but bear in mind that this transaction is absolutely confidential and your uncle shouldnt have known about it for security reasons.
Date: 07 Oct 2004, 01:28:33 AM
Subject: Kyari - Why you tell Marmite?/Candy - he stops me clubbin :-(
Hiya Mr Kyari
hey i am sory bout tellin k but uncle is my guardian k and so he wuld have to get to kno eventuly. it shuld be ok i gess cos he seems quite interestd but u neva no wiv him as somtimes he cn b so miserble. for instnce somtimes he stop me goin clubbin :-( an that relly freks me out k.
aneway let me no wat to do then k?
cya XXX
Subject: Re: Candice Windsor
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 13:38:13 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Marmite Luny,
Thank you for your email which has been recieved with the contents noted.
I am sorry for my late responce , i was away for past few days on an official assingment.
However, i want to clearify that i am having a bussiness dealing with your niece which i am hoping to materialize any moment from now based on her corperation and i do not have any intension to harm her or whatsoever.
I will appreciate you accord us the needed corperation to enable us finalize this transaction successfully.
Dr Abba
Date: 07 Oct 2004, 03:12:27 AM
I have seen the messages sent to my niece and the business you propose is intriguing, to say the least. Has she explained to you that, as her legal guarantor, I need to authorise any commercial aspirations or financial release from her estate, until she is 21?
As far as my co operation is concerned I will need more details from you. Some of what you say seems too good to be true, although I must admit the involvement is tempting.
By the way are you related to Daktari Kyari, the lion tamer? I remember catching a jolly good show of his at the London Palladium some years back, and visited him backstage to give him some golden dorks by way of Our appreciation. Splendid fellow, and he bore his wounds very well I thought.
Date: Fri Oct 8, 2004 1:52:27 AM US/Pacific
Hiya Mr Kiyara
How r u today then? i got ur note kool and askd uncle M. wot he thoght an he said that it was up to me if i thoght u were ok an honest cos it culd be fun 2 do k. but b4 i trust u k i need to see ur pic and stuff, cos u culd be anyone!!!! k can u send it asap then
also wat sort of music do u like? hiphop is cool & hav u herd of koolguyz they r my favs.
this wekend i am goin clubin in london with darren. wot u up to then do u hav stuf like that were u r?
Cya xxx
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Date: Fri Oct 8, 2004 2:26:37 AM US/Pacific
My Dear Mr Kyari
I have read this proposition carefully and it is very intriguing. My compliments on being such a shrewd and professional businessman. You will understand that I am coming very fresh to this enterprise and therefore have some natural hesitations.
I have the following questions which ought to be asked, purely to reassure me that Candy and I fully understand the situation:
1. Will I be expected to provide any capital at this end? I have a few golden dorks in the petty cash which can be utilised at a pinch I imagine, but would do this reluctantly;
2. Do you have any proof of who you are? Perhaps a passport picture?
3. Is this arrangement to be understood as tacitus flagrente delecto?
4. Can we arrange to meet up face to face - I would find this very reassuring, discussing such arrangements gentleman to gentleman.
5. Am I reassured that your intentions towards Princess Candy are strictly honourable. (She is a very eligible young lady with a fortune of her own). I am assuming that you have not asked to any pictures of herself?
Looking forward to hearing from you
Sir Marmite Luny-Binns DFC
Regis Court Chamberlain
The Court of St James
London FU2 GIT
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:51:52 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Marmite
Thank you for your email.
I must express my greater appreciation for the points and questions raised in your email.
First of all , i want to clearify that this transaction is legal and every aspect of it is being executed under a legitimate arrangement so that we can not go contrary to the law. I have at the initial stage requested for the picture of candy which she gave an excuse that you did not authorize her to send to me.
I am attaching for your perusals copies of my passport and an agreement been sent to her earlier for her signature and return back to me accordingly.
I do undserstand your comments and sckeptsims regarding her age but i am only considering her based on the fact that you are her guidian and will eventaully manage this funds for her provided she is capable of financing the transaction from her end with your assistance when ever the need arise.
In responce to your questions, i wish to comment as follows.
(1) This transaction will require expences and that has been the reason why we set aside the total of %10 to refund whatever expences that may be incured in this transaction upon conclusion of this transaction and you will be required to document whatever expence you may incure from your end for the purpose of refunds upon conclusion of this transaction. You will agree with me that you must be expected to provide a capital base from your end during the process of this transaction and that has to be whenever the need arises because most of the expences will be done here by ourself and we shall only require your assistance financially when ever we exhaust our budget from this end.
(2) I have already attached in this mail my passport for your persuals and wish to clearify that a meeting will be neccessary in london upon conclusion of this transaction because i can not be able to leave the country at the moment without concluding this transaction ,laying credence to my job and the sensitive position i am being placed at my place of work and i am only considering the option of traveling to meet you as soon as we conclude this transaction.
As i have already explained, i do not have any evil intension on Candy and do not see anything to gain if i have such intensions. My intension for her is honourable and can not be in doubt and that is my assurance.
I thereafore appreciate your coperation and assistance to see this transaction through.
Feel free to reach on my direct line, 234-803-719-3931.
I look forward to hear from you.
Date: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:10:35 AM US/Pacific
My Dear Mr Kyari
Many thanks for your frank and detailed disclosure of matters pertaining to this business. You will appreciate just how great is my concern is for my niece. A young and impressionable flower, trembling on the edge of womanhood, needs the utmost care and attention. At the same time however, we need to press on quickly with such business that will provide results suitable for all our interests, without making of it childs play.
I am sorry that Candy did not send your her picture. I am attaching an informal snap made of the Princess recently at Butlins Palace by the royal photographer Sir Paul Raymond, in the hope that you find it of interest.
Thank you for your documents which I have found to be very reassuring as so far as your honesty is concerned with regards to this business. Once all the modalities are in place I am sure that we will remain in contact, perhaps as business partners?
I do not see any real problem about providing a capital base. We have some golden dorks left over in the petty cash after the recent Buckingham jumble sale which might be called upon.
Please attend to your direct line, as it appears to reach a convenience food outlet?
By the way, if you would like any little gifts to cement our business relationship, just let me know. Yellow tweed plus fours from the Royal Tailor Tatt & Moore are a very good choice, but I would need to know your inside leg and waist measurements. (Large fittings are their speciality).
As far as meeting up this will be delightful. Do you ever get to Her Majesty's resort Wormwood Scrubs? You would feel right at home there.
Kind regards
Sir Marmite Luny-Binns DFC
Subject: Urgent
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:55:13 -0700 (PDT)
Hello princess,
I have just responded to an email sent to me by your uncle and look forward to his corperation to see this transaction through.
Date: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:25:46 AM US/Pacific
Hey Mr Kyari
He ses u r messing about now is that rite?? :-(
r u serous?
Hey I had gt time this wknd clubbin btw!
cya xx
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
From: ABBA KYARI <akyari01@yahoo.com>
Subject: Agreeent
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 09:31:40 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Marmite,
Thank you for your emal
I really appreciate your concern regarding the success of this transacton and i want to assure you that yo will never regrate any efforts you put to ensure success of this transaction.
However, i have seen the picture of candy and will agree with your thoughts about her and will appreciate if the agreement i sent to you can be endorsed and send back to me accordingly to enable us proceed without further delay
I look forward to hear fro you
[the 'agreement', kindly forwarded by Sir Marmite, was your standard Lad fare, and there was a sort of a kind of a passport too]
Date: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:47:53 AM US/Pacific
Dear Mr Kyari
Have you not had the endorsed agreement already? My butler Miracsky says he has sent it already, but I could not but notice that he was a little the worse for wear after the very poignant inauguration of the Archbishop of Smegaroon last night, and so it may bear checking.
I am pleased that you undertand the sensitivity of the Princess Candy matter. We have her best interests, and naturally of the Princes Wayne and Darren too, at heart.
Subject: Agreeent
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 03:40:11 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Marmite,
Your email has been recieved and wish to let you know the i have not yet recieved the signed agreement up till now.
I want to bring to your notice and to solicite your corperation in handling this transaction with candy, laying credence to her age.
I am of the opinion that you will process and execute all aspects of this transaction for her.
I look forward to hear from you.
Date: 15 Oct 2004, 06:58:24 AM
Dear Mr Kyari
What is happening? We are eager to proceed with this. Candice has been pestering me to progress things and the young lady can be rather vivacious.
picking up in early november... the Lads are still trying to scam a clueless teenager with a protective guardian...
From: ABBA KYARI <akyari0011@yahoo.com>
Subject: Change in my address/New email address
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 03:09:27 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Princess,
How are you today.
I just want to notify you of the change in my email address.
My former address was afectected by virus and i can no longer access my email from there hence i decided to give you my new email address so that you can give it to your uncle to write me.
All correspondence henceforth should be with this address(akyari0011@yahoo.com)
I look forward to hear from you.
Date: Wed Nov 3, 2004 8:49:28 AM US/Pacific
Hey My Kurare
How u then I havnt herd mch back from u?
I hope u are well. I have bin clubbin.
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 23:16:59 -0800 (PST)
Dear Princess,
How are you today.
Could you please forward me with address of your uncle so that i can contat him accordingly or you can better still give him this address so that he can write me immediately.
Nov 4
Hiya Mr Kyari
k thats kool u can write him at his office
Sir Marmite Luny Bins
Suite 101
St Loyes House
20 St Loyes Street
or call him on his mobile 0790 6634313. If he is not ther k u can ask for his butler, Usa Wanker.
Hey u neva said if u like clubbin?
Cya xx
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 08:13:19 -0800 (PST)
Hi Princess,
Could you please let me have his email address so that i can write him immediately.
Hi Mr Kyari
k cool u can rite him on sirmarmite@hotmail.com or call an text him on 0790 6634313.
Hey at u up to this weekend then? I am goin clubbin.
Cya xx
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
To: Sir Marmite
Subject: My New Address
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 09:17:19 -0800 (PST)
Dear Sir,
I am writing to notify you of the change in my email address.
Kindly channel all correspondence to this current address henceforth.
I look forward to hear from you.
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 10:44:33 -0800 (PST)
Hi Princess,
How are you today.
I have written to your uncle and waiting for his responce .
Nov. 6
k kool i will ask him n see wat he want 2 do k
HRH Princess Candice Mercedes Windsor
Dear Mr Kyari
What is happening with this business? I am still waiting to proceed. Please tell your colleagues that this is an important matter and modalities are pressing. I know that Candy is very excited about everything.
Sir Marmite Luny-Binns DFC
Regis Court Chamberlain
The Court of St James
London FU2 GIT
more 2 kome?