Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: Greetings, Ellie Borden Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:02:02 PM EST From: MACAULEY MARK <> To: ebordenx@xxxxx MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY FORMALLY BARRISTER MACAULEY KOLA JONES NOW EVANGELIST BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEGAL ADVISER TO: MR AND MRS. SMITH SHAW. LAGOS NIGERIA. Dear Beloved in Christ Ellie Borden, It is by the grace of God that I received Christ, knowing the truth and the truth shall set me free. Having known the truth, I had no choice than to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of God's mercy and glory upon my life. I have the pleasure to share my testimony with you, having seen your contact from the Internet, and also prayed over it, God revealed to me that you are genuine hearted and can do is work. I was formerly BARRISTER MACAULEY KOLA JONES,but now EVANGELIST BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK the legal adviser to late Mr.and Mrs.Smith Shaw a British couple that lived in my Country Nigeria for 15 years,before they both died in a plane crash some years ago. These couples were good Christians, they so dedicated to God all they had because they had no child till they died. Throughout their stay in my country, they acquired a lot of properties like lands, houses, part of which was "WILLED" TO ME etc. As their legal adviser then, before their death, the husband Mr. Smith Shaw instructed me to write their WILL. Because they had no child, they dedicated their wealth to God. According to the WILL, the properties have to be sold and the money be given out to a ministry for the work of God, such as orphanage homes, charity homes, churches etc. As their legal adviser, all the documents for the properties were in my care. He gave me the authority to sell the properties and give out the fund to the Ministries for the work of God and to help the less privileged. In short, after their death, I sold all the properties as instructed and I was able to realized $15,000,000.00 (Fifteen million US dollars).But Instead of giving the fund out for the work of God as instructed by the owner before his death, I converted the fund to myself with the intention of investing the fund abroad for my personal use. (God forgive me) After selling all their property, to raise money, I then deposited the money in a bank for investment purpose, infact, the money is presently in the bank, Financial Trust Bank. I had encounter with Christ when Pastor Benny Hinn was preaching on television concerning Ananias and Saphira in Acts 5:1-11. After hearing the word of God, I gave my life to Christ and became a born again Christian. As a born again Christian, I started reading my bible and one day, the Lord opened my eyes to Ezekiel 33: 18 and 19 where the word of God says: "When the righteous truth from his righteousness, and committee iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby". From the scripture, I discovered that the only way I could have peace in my life is to do what is lawful and right by giving out the fund as instructed for the work of God by the owner before his death. I have asked God for forgiveness and I know that God has forgiven me. But I have to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God by giving out the fund to the chosen ministry for the purpose of God's work as instructed by the owner before his death,Shortly after this, the Asian Tsunami Disaster incident came up, and I felt bitter as I saw thousands die and flooded away by the terrible storm. I then decided t help by donating the money to the victims so as to fulfill the work of God and to have a rest of mind. But I do not want to be tempted any more, as I am okay with the little I have,and that which was given to me by the late Philanthropist for I may be tempted to keep this money for my personal self, in as much as it is still with me. But I want someone to help me accomplish this mission. After my fasting and prayers, I asked God to make his choice and direct me to an honest Christian or the chosen ministry that deserves this fund by his Grace. I then came across your address on the Internet as, and I prayed over it and so I contacted you I was browsing through a site, and as a matter of fact, it is not only you or your ministry that I picked on the site initially, but after my fervent prayer over it, then you were nominated to me through divine revelation from God, so these are how I received such a divine revelation from the Lord, how I got your contact information, and I then I decided to contact you for the fund to be used wisely for things that will glorify the name of God. I have notified the bank where I deposited the funds that any moment from now, the funds would be claimed. So if you know that you will really use this funds honestly for things that will glorify God's name, then do urgently contact me back through my alternate email address at ( and also and the details will be given to you on how you will be able to receive the fund in your country through the bank. You should also forward to me your telephone and fax number for easy communication and to send you the documents concerning the funds. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Yours in Christ. Barrister Macauley Mark also known as Evangelist. Macauley Mark For the word of God says that for many are called but few are chosen. You Have been chosen and God want to use you to do is work. NFORMATION ( and also ) YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN, AND HELP SAVE HUMAN SOULS. THOUGH, THE LORD DID NOT REVEAL TO ME, IF YOU ARE A CHRISTAIN OR A BORN AGAIN CHRISTAIN, BUT I HOPE YOU WILL HELP JUSTIFY THIS MISSION FOR MANY ARE CALLED BUT THE CHOSEN ARE FEW. Lizzie says she'd like to help out but is having a few legal problems at the moment. Lizzy Borden Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Mr. MacAuley, I would love to participate, but I am currently dealing with a small matter concerning the police and am not sure if I will have the freedom to complete what I start. Elizabeth Borden No matter! Barrister MacAuley doesn't mind! He might even be able to put his legal mind to work to help out! Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: VERY VERY URGENT. Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 4:00:24 PM EST MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY FORMALLY BARRISTER MACAULEY KOLA JONES NOW EVANGELIST BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEGAL ADVISER TO: MR AND MRS. SMITH SHAW. LAGOS NIGERIA. PERSONAL MOBILE - 234-8034894191. Dear Beloved Ellie Borden, It is with the Special Grace of the Almighty that I have contacted you to share my testimony with you. As I am a weak person when it comes to handling money matters and this is the reason why I have decided to involve you in this, to be the sole benefactor of this mission. First, I will like you to provide me with your full name(s) age, exact location marital status and also occupation. A proper identification of you would also be required. All this would enable me create a friendly relationship with you, and also have a proper understanding of who you are and also your background. I hope you will use this funds judiciously to help the less privileged especially the Asian Tsunami Victims, HIV Aids researches, orphanage homes, establishment of churches etc. The money is presently in the custody of Gulf Bank of Nigeria, and they are fully aware of the possibilities of claiming the funds anytime from now. I pray that the Almighty gives you the financial wisdom to help properly manage this fund, and also the spiritual strength and wisdom to overcome all obstacles that may come your way to hinder you from executing the proposed task. During the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Shaw, they respected God and trusted me, and this was why they kept me in charge of all their property and belongings, not only because I was their legal adviser, but also because I was their most beloved and closest family friend. This money would only be transferred to you under the strict law relations, so as to avoid all government anti-money laundry policies, which ranges from anti-terrorism, anti-drug, and also anti-money laundry etc. I must also make you know, that you should show 100% commitment towards this, and to keep this confidential as a result of the huge amount of money involved. It is also necessary I make you realize that there are some minor fees which may be incurred before the final release of the funds, such as documents cost, taxes, transfer cost etc, and I should make you know that all fees would be paid by you, as the bank would not deduct a penny from the $15m (fifteen million united stated dollars) for any upfront payment, as this is against my agreement with the bank. For formal introduction, my chambers letter of introduction would follow this email so that you my have a full understanding of my chambers legal services. Yours In Love, Barrister Macauley Mark Aku (Evangelist). Principal Attorney, Macauleymark Chambers. Legal Adviser to Mr. And Mrs. Smith Shaw. N.B. YOU MAY TELL ME WHAT EXACTLY THE KIND OF PROBLEM YOU ARE HAVING WITH THE POLICE IS, SO THAT I CAN HELP YOU PRAY OVER IT, ALSO ALSO TAKE A LEGAL LOOK AT IT, TO KNOW IF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HELP WITH THIS REGARDS Lizzie confesses that the legal problems concern the death of her parents. She is a suspect. Lizzy Borden Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 Mr. MacAuley, I appreciate your honesty. If we pursue this venture, would the money be transferred directly to me, or would I need to set up a trust or foundation? In addition, would I be able to be paid a stipend for administration of the funds? To answer your questions, I am Elizabeth Borden, of 92 Second St, Fall River, MA. I am unmarried (though I am not sure what that has to do with anything), and am unemployed. As to the police difficulties, my Mother and Father had a rather unfortunate incident which took their lives. It was clearly an accident, or perhaps an unknown intruder or something like that. Either way, I hope to be fully exonerated. I understand if you have some hesitancy to proceed given my current situation. Let me know if you have any other requirements before we proceed. Elizabeth Borden Barrister MacAuley introduces himself formally. Very impressive. Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: CHAMBER'S FORMAL LETTER OF INTRODUCTION. Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 CHAMBER'S FORMAL LETTER OF INTRODUCTION. MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS PRINCIPAL ATTORNEY FORMALLY BARRISTER MACAULEY KOLA JONES NOW EVANGELIST BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEGAL ADVISER TO: MR AND MRS. SMITH SHAW. LAGOS NIGERIA DEAR PROPOSED CLIENT. MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS is a well structured partnership with a broad range of competencies and expertise whose vision is to be a firm which leads the legal profession in Nigeria and the rest of the world in developing the practice of law and meeting the requirements of the client and cost effective manner to the most demanding clients. We pay close attention to the interplay between client's legal problems and their commercial objectives. MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS seeks to build long lasting professional and personal relationships based on satisfying clients' needs. OUR CORE PRACTICE AREAS. We are engaged in rendering advice on and acting in matters relating to: - Insurance - Intellectual Property - Banking and Corporate Finance - Real Estate - Commercial Litigation - Company Law - Employment Law - Shipping & Maritime - Administrative Law CORPORATE AND COMMERCIAL LAW FOCUS MACAULEYMARK CHAMBERS is engaged, among others, in the formation of companies, negotiation and drafting of shareholders agreements, joint venture agreements advising on share and asset acquisition and disposals, mergers and acquisition, general banking and insurance law advice, enforcement of intellectual property rights for holders. We are involved in the negotiation of licenses and leases of intellectual property rights as well as provision of advice on the Nigerian law of trademarks, copyright, patents, trade secrets, etc. Other areas of commercial law covered by us include advising on employment law, conveyance, property, development and private client services. Our clients range from major industrial conglomerates to family companies and individual entrepreneurs. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS PRACTICE A number of the partners in the firm have had extensive exposure and working experience in the public sector. This had provided them and the firm with insights and a deep understanding of the affairs of government and the intricacies of policy formulation and implementation. This rare experience is very critical to our work and to our ability to offer sound and value added-legal advice. With the return of democratic governance, the firm anticipates a further and substantial growth in this area. We look forward to being of service to you now and in future. Yours in Love, Barrister Macauley Mark Aku (Evangelist). Principal Attorney, Macauleymark Chambers. Legal Adviser to Mr. And Mrs. Smith Shaw Evangelist MacAuley expresses regret over the police problems and that Lizzie's parents are dead. Still wants to give Lizzie the money. Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: VERY VERY URGENT. Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 Dear Elizabeth, Greetings to you in the name of the lord. It is rather sad to hear of the problem you have with your law enforcement agents (Police). As for prayer, you are always in my thought, and the almighty lord, who has directed me to you, to make you a sole benefactor of this mission, will surely see you through all your problems. It is also rather sad to hear about the death of your parents, well, i want you to take heart and believe that there is a reason for all calamity trhat befalls man in this life. I also pray along with you and others for their eternal life and mercy from God, so that he may forgive them for all their wrong doings. As for the administration of the funds, i must express my sincere gratitude for your honesty, this has built so much confidence in me, that you are truly worthy of this mission, and i will leave no stone unthrown to ensure the funds get to you. Since there are some minor fees, that you definately will have to pay before the final release of the funds, which can not be deducted from the $15m, i have prayed over this and i am happy to tell you that you can have 20% of the whole funds to yourself while the remaining 80% goes out for the intended purpose.(charity mission) I must also once again show my sincere appreciation over your genuine concern about the administration of the funds. You honesty has indeed earned you the 20%. As for the means of transfer, it is left to you to decide that, you may choose to have the funds transfered into your personal account, or you may open a separete account for the transfer. But i suggest you have the money transfered to your personal account, you have no reason to worry yourself about the amount of money involved, as my legal experience of about 22 years will ensure success and a hitch free transfer. The most important thing right now, is confidentiality on your part, as any bridge of confidentiality would result into brigde in our agreement.BE INFORMED. The world of full of evil doers, and therefore, one needs to be careful in handling a huge project as this. You should only disclose this to anyone after the transfer of the funds into your bank account, which would be actualised within the next couple of days. I expect your response Yours in the Lord. Evan. Macauley Mark. Lizzie says "OK". Lizzy Borden Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 Mr. MacAuley, You message gives me heart. You are a good man. You are certainly correct that the calamity that befell my parents, (it befell a number of times, about 40 to be exact), had a very real reason. We shall just hope that the police don't narrow in on that in too much detail. 20% of such a large sum is certainly generous on your part. I will put it to good use, you can believe me. As for the remaining 80%, I am already looking in to some very worthy recipients, such as the Danvers State Hospital, a favorite of mine. Your concerns over secrecy should be allayed, I am the most introverted and secretive person you could find. None shall know of this transaction, under any circumstances. This is to both our benefits. Elizabeth Barrister MacAuley heads off the inevitable requests for documentation by sending it right away. He comes prepared! Very official. Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: VERY VEVRY URGENT. Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Dear Ellie, Thank you so much for your reply to my email and for alleviating my major fears. As for trust, you have my 100% trust. Just incase you are a lover of John pope 11. I sympathise with you over his death, and may the Almighty God make his legacy live long. I am sorry for not replying your email sooner than this time, the reason is because i do not check my email at home as i recently disconnected my private home internet as a result of the abuse my grand children placed on it. I have taken my time to send you a couple of documents to prove the extent of the legitimacy of this transaction also also to show you the level of its being risk free. I believe a picture represents a thousand of words, therefore, findherein my international passport. Besides, my internationalk passport, below are the other documents i have also attached to this email for your comprhensive understanding what you are involved in. 1. My international passport ( to serve as identity) 2. The Dual death certificate of the couples. (Mr. and Mrs. Smith Shaw. 3. The Last "WILL' the couples left beind. ( In the last will i was mandated to seel all their property and donate the mnoney for charity purpose. 4. The bank certificate of deposit. ( The Bank certificate of deposit shows the deposit of $15m. (fifteen Million USD) into financial trust Bank of Nigeria, in association with Gulf Bank of Nigeria on You are hereby requested to contact the international funds remmittance department of the bank, ( financial Trust bank. on and also ) When you contact the bank, simply tell the transfer manager that i Barrister Macauley Mark has instructed you to contact him for necessary instructions concerning how the said ( $15m) fifteen Million USD) would be transfered into your nominated bank account. Once you contact him, i expect you to let me know so that i can follow the situation of events from there. I remain yours. Evangelist Barrister Macauley Mark. NOTE. CONTACT THE PAYING MANAGER OF THE BANK ON. AND ALSO ![]() Lizzie is happy with paperwork. Wonders if he has ever heard of her' Lizzy Borden Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 Mr. MacAuley, Sorry about your internet access. Can't grandchildren be little pests, though? Thanks for all the documentation. This helps me understand that you are truly and admirable fellow. I just wanted to check something though - you don't know who I am, do you? Never heard of me before we started conversing? I will contact the bank as soon as possible. Elizabeth Lizzie contacts the bank. Lizzy Borden Subject: Shaw money Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 To: Dear Sirs, I have been referred to you by Mr. Mark MacAuley, who wants me to have some money that used to belong to Mr. and Mrs. Shaw Smith. He asked that I contact you to determine the correct method of transport. Elizabeth Borden The bank sends an automated response. Very businesslike! Financial Trust Bank Subject: AUTOMATIC RESPONSE. Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 From: "FINANCIAL TRUST BANK" <> DEAR SENDER, THIS IS AN EMAIL FROM THE FOREIGN OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL TRUST BANK OF NIGERIA. A BANK WITH THE MISSION AND VISION TO LEAD THE BUSINESS OF BANKING IN NIGERIA, AND WEST AFRICA. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU ARE RECEIVING THIS MESSAGE AS THIS SEEMS THE FIRST TIME YOU WILL BE EMAILING THE BANK. IF YOUR ENQUIRY TO THE BANK IS VERY URGENT AND REQUIRES URGENT CONSIDERATIONS, KINDLY QUOTE REF. "URGENT" AND RESEND THIS EMAIL, AND IF NOT, KINDLY WAIT TILL WE REPLY YOUR EMAIL. THANK . AUTOMATIC RESPONSE. The bank wants some documentation. Oh dear. Financial Trust Bank Subject: TRANSFER PROCEDURES. Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 FINANCIAL TRUST BANK AFFILIATED TO GULF BANK OF NIGERIA LAGOS - NIGERIA. COUNTRY CODE 23401. FILE NO.BURDEN/ SHAW/ $15M/04/05 RE; ELIZABETH BORDEN, PRIOR TO YOUR EMAIL, CONCERNING THE RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF THE DEPOSIT OF $15M WE HAVE IN OUR POSESSION, WE WISH TO FORMALLY WELCOME YOU TO OUR OFFICE. YOU ARE REQUIRED BY THE BANK'S POLICY TO SEND US EVIDENCE WITH WHICH TO BACK UP THE RELEASE OF YOUR FUNDS. NORMALLY, BEFORE A REQUEST SUCH AS YOUR CAN BE HONOURED, A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT WOULD BE REQUIRED FROM YOU AS THIS SHOULD PROVE YOUR GENUITY. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS DOCUMENT FROM YOU, OUR BANK WOULD NOT DELAY IN OUTLINING THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS OR THE RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS TO YOU. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS. MR. PETER JOHNSON. CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE DESK 4. But wait! Fortunately, Barrister MacAuley has already provided the paperwork! Lizzy Borden Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 To: Mr. Johnson, I have attached the Certificate of Deposit. Elizabeth Barrister MacAuley misunderstands Lizzie's query as to whether he knows anything about her. He lets her know he found her email at ST. HEDWIG'S CATHOLIC CHURCH (where have I heard that name before'). Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: EVANGELIST BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 Dear Elizabeth, Thank you so much for your email. The question you raised has given me so much confidence and so much hope in you. Truely speaking, i do not know you, as we have both not met before. But the urgent need for me to find an honest person to help me has necessitated my correspondence with you. Like i told you, and as i am sure that you must have read in the document, of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Shaw precisely their 'WILL' they clearly stated there that all their property should be sold, and the money realised be used for a charity mission, to help the needy of our lifetime. While browsing through a Christain website (ST. HEDWIG CATHOLIC CHURCH) i came accross your name and email. and i prayed over it before deciding to contact you. I was very careful of my correspondence with you, and wanted to know if you were going to jump at the offer, but thank God you didnt, but instead, you highlighted some problems you were presently facing with the Police, and you made me realise you would not like to get involved in what you may not finish. I felt touched, by the content of your email, and discussed it with my Wife, who told me you should truely be the God's chosen person. If you feel you need to call me, kindly speak to me on 234-8034894191, and you may also include your telephone number if you feel i need to call you. I will be so glad you continue with this humanly attitude of yours and i wish you all the best in life as the funds gets transfered to you. Yours in Love, Barrister (Evangelist) Macauley Mark. SCAM ALERT. BEWARE OF SOME RECENT CON MEN (SCAM ARTIST) WHO MIGHT SEND YOU A MAIL, CLAIMING TO BE BANK MANAGERS, OR MANAGERS OF OIL COMPANIES, TELLING YOU TO HELP ACT AS NEXT OF KIN TO SOME FOREIGNERS WHO DIED LEAVING SOME MONEY IN THEIR BANK. MY CHAMBERS RECENTLY RECEIVED SUCH A MAIL, AND IT IS NECESSARY I INFORM YOU OF SUCH Lizzie clarifies that she is worried because she has garnered a reputation because of the "unfortunate events". Lizzy Borden Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 Mr. MacAuley, My reason for asking if you knew of me has to do with the rather unfortunate events concerning my parents. They were shall we say, somewhat spectacular in nature. While I am certain to be exonerated, I did mention that I was having some difficulties with the police and that I might not be able to finish what I started. So far, there is no problem, but the incident has generated some public notoriety. The children in the neighborhood have even made a rhyme to taunt me. I do not want rumors and tales to disrupt these proceedings. Elizabeth The bank wants money for an anti-terrorism document! And, wants it split up between different people! (I guess the scammers didn't want to divide the money up themselves, and wanted Lizzie to do it for them). Financial Trust Bank Subject: VERY VERY URGENT.( WESTER UNION INFORMATION FOR PAYMENT) Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 1:45:09 PM EST From: FOREIGNS DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL TRUST BANK <> DEAR CLIENT ( ELIZABETH BORDEN) WE ARE PLEASED TO WRITE YOU TO BRING A GOOD NEWS TO YOU CONCERNING THE RELEASE AND TRANSFER OF THE $15M (FIFTEEN MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) WE HAVE IN OUR POSSESSION. A FAX MESSAGE WAS SENT TO THE CHAMBERS OF BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK, WHERE WE WERE ABLE TO CONFIRM YOUR GENUITY AS THE BENEFICIARY OF THE FUNDS. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO SEND US YOUR FULL BANKING DETAILS, TO ENABLE US COMMENCE WITH THE TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS WITHIN THE POSSIBLE WHILE. PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THE TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS TO ANY BANK ACCOUNT YOU NOMINATE WOULD BE THROUGH OUR AFFILIATED BANK. ( GULF BANK OF NIGERIA. ON SINCE SEPT. 11 INCIDENCE,( THE BOMBING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALSO CANADA, HAVE REQUESTED THAT THE TRANSFER OF ANY SUM OF MONEY EXCEEDING $500,000 BY AN INVIDUAL, OR COPERATE BODY OR FIRM, A TERRORIST TRANSFER DOCUMENT MUST BACK UP THE TRANSFER. WE WERE INFORMED THAT THE REASON FOR THIS IS TO PROVE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES STATES AND CANADA THAT SUCH MONEY WILL NOT BE TRANSFERED TO USA TO FINANCE ANY AL-QADAR NETWORK OR ANY TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. TO THIS REASON, WE ARE MANDATED BY LAW TO ISSUE OUT A TERRORIST FREE DOCUMENT TO BACK UP THE TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS TO YOU. THE COST OF THE DOCUMENT IS $17,500. (SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED UNITED STATED DOLLARS ONLY) THIS MONEY IS EXPECTED TO BE TRANSFERED TO US THROUGH WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER ONLY. THE MONEY CAN BE TRANSFERED TO THE CASH OFFICERS OF THE BANK IN FOUR (4) INSTALMENTAL PAYMENT AS WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RECEIVE THE WHOLE FUNDS AT ONCE. KINDLY MAKE THE PAYMENT TO THE BELOW NAME WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. ( TRANSFER SUM = $17,500) 1ST TRANSFER ( $5,000) NAME - OLALEKAN - AKIOLU ADDRESS - LAGOS - NIGERIA COUNTRY CODE - 23401 2ND TRANSFER ( $5000) NAME - RASHEED - BADEJO ADDRESS - LAGOS - NIGERIA COUNTRY CODE - 23401 3RD TRANSFER ( $5000) NAME - OLALEKAN - AKIOLU ADDRESS - LAGOS - NIGERIA COUNTRY CODE - 23401 4TH TRANSFER ($2,500) NAME - MR. OLU JOHN ADDRESS - LAGOS - NIGERIA COUNTRY CODE - 23401 FOR EACH OF THE TRANSFERS, THE TEST QUESTION SHOULD BE WHAT COLOR? WHILE THE TEST ANSWER SHOULD BE (GREEN) YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PROVIDE US WITH THE RECEIPT INFORMATION AFTER EACH PAYMENT. YOUR $15M. WOULD BE TRANSFERED TO YOU UPON YOUR PAYMENT AND PROCUREMENT OF THE DOCUMENT UNDER 12 WORKING HOURS, AFTER WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS. Lizzie informs the bank she will use her own lawyer. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/6/2005 To: Dear FTB, Due to personal legal issues, I have my own lawyer now. I will contact him to obtain this document. I should be able to obtain it within a couple of days. Elizabeth The "bank" freaks out. No, no, do not use your own lawyer! Must use us! Financial Trust Bank Subject: MORE EXPLANATIONS OF ABOUT THE DOCUMENT. Date: 4/6/2005 DEAR CLIENT ( ELIZABETH BORDEN) FOLLOWING OUR EARLIER CORRESPONDENCE WITH YOU OVER THE ISSUANCE OF AN ANTI-TERRORIST FREE DOCUMENT IN YOUR NAME WITH WHICH TO BACK UP THE TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS, WE ARE PLEASED AND WILLING TO BE OF FURTHER HELP TO ENLIGHTEN YOU OF THE SAID DOCUMENT AS TO WHY IT COSTS CO MUCH. WE QUITE UNDERSTAND THE FACT THAT A SIMILAR DOCUMENT CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE USA OR THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, BUT SUCH A DOCUMENT REPRESENT THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES ONLY, EXCLUSIVE OF FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS.NIGERIA, BEING AN INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY IN WESTERN AFRICAN, DO NOT PART-TAKE IN THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS INTO THE USA WITHOUT THE ISSUANCE OF THE SAID CERTIFICATE, AS THE SAME DOCUMENT WHICH IS USED WITHIN CANADA AND USA STATES CAN NOT BE USED FOR TRANSFERS FROM NIGERIA. THE COST OF THE DOCUMENT IS ALWAYS DETERMINED BY THE AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERED. IN YOUR CASE, OUR BANK IS TO TRANSFER $15M (FIFTEEN MILLION USD) IN YOUR NAME AND THE COST OF PROCURING THE DOCUMENT REPRESENT TWICE AS MUCH AS THE AMOUNT OF TRANSFER HALF OF THE SAID FUND WHICH IS $7.5M (SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND USD). IF OUR BANK IS TO TRANSFER $7.5M., THE COST OF OBTAINING THE DOCUMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN $8,750, BUT THE PAYMENT OF $17,500 IS COMPULSORY SINCE THE BANK WOULD HAVE TO BE TRANSFERING $15M TO YOU. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY REASON TO EXTORT YOU, AND YOU RESERVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST US IF WE FAIL TO TRANSFER THE SAID SUM OF MONEY TO YOU WITHIN 12 HOURS OF OUR PROCUREMENT OF THE DOCUMENT IN YOUR NAME. DO NOT ALSO FORGET TO SEND US YOUR FULL BANKING DETAILS TO ENABLE US PROCEED WITH THE TRANSFER AS SOON AS THE FEES HAVE BEEN SETTLED. IT ARE ALSO PROUD TO INFORM YOU THAT YOUR $15M (FIFTEEN MILLION USD) IS STILL VERY INTACT AND THE MONEY HAS NOT BEEN USED FOR INVESTMENT IN RECENT YEARS. ATTACHED TO THIS EMAIL IS A PICTURE OF THE FUND WHERE WE HAVE $10M (TEN MILLION USD) IN THE BIGGER TRUNK BOX AND ALSO $5M ($5M) IN THE OTHER SMALL TRUNK BOX, THE TWO REPRESENTS A TOTAL OF $15M ALL TOGETHER. & ;nbs WE WISH YOU LUCK AHEAD OF YOUR TRANSFER. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS. FOREIGN TRANSFER DEPT. FTB. NIGERIA. " financial trust bank,taking banking to the greatest hight" The 'bank' sends Lizzie a picture of a couple of trunks full of cash. Wow! Financial Trust Bank Subject: YOUR $15M IN PICTURES. Date: 4/6/2005 From: FOREIGNS DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL TRUST BANK HERE IS THE PICTURE OF YOUR MONEY. KINDLY CONFIRM RECEIPT. ![]() [This should look familiar to scam-o-readers; we already had the picture. You may have a copy yourself :) ] Evangelist MacAuley says Lizzie must go through the bank. Do not use your own lawyer! Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: VERY VERY URGENT. Date: 4/6/2005 From: MACAULEY MARK Dear Ellie, I wish to thank you for all you have done so far as regards the successful execution of this transaction in order for you to start the proposed project. I called the bank very early this morning, where i was able to know that a correspondence has been established with you concerning how the funds would be transfered into your bank account. I was also able to confirm that you needed to pay the sum of $17,500 representing the cost of a document. I argued with the bank manager as to why such a documents would cost so much regardless the fact that it was very necessary and compulsory, i was however made to realise that the huge sums of money involved has necessitated this. The circumnstances has therefore warranted my urgent consideration to help you with some amounts of money. If you can come up with a reasonable amount of money, i promise to help you with some amounts also. I am willing to help you towards this financial aspect of this transaction concerning the settlement of the bank fees.Any amount you are able to raise would be supported by me. I was also informed of your decision to negotiate with a third party ( an outside attorney) to help with the procurement of the document. I am surprised by this, as this tends contrary to our agreement and your promise to me. Which ever document you intend to get would not be useful here in Nigeria, has our LAW is quite different from that of USA and CANADA. Only a document that originates from the bank stating the sum of your transfer and place of origin would be effective to back up the transfer. I suggest you try and act by our previous agreement so bthat we may be able to proceed. Yours Truely, Evangelist Macauley Mark. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/6/2005 Mr. Mark, Does everyone in Nigeria title their emails with the words "VERY URGENT"? Both you and the bank appear to like this phrase very much. And don't call me Ellie, that's not my name, and the last person that called me by such a nickname isn't around to do it again. Please don't be insulted by my desire to go through my local attorney. Be assured I was simply trying to actually get this transaction completed in a timely manner, and had no intention to cut you out of the deal. My lawyer is a criminal attorney anyway, and doesn't know much about these matters (he is defending me in the upcoming trial concerning the axe murder of my parents). Your offer of help is sincerely appreciated. I have proposed an alternative to the bank, which was to transfer a smaller amount of money for a smaller fee which I could afford. We could then transfer the remaining money using funds from the first transfer. This will undoubtedly allow us to complete the transfer without my having to rely upon your excellent offer. By the way, why is the money in cash in two big chests? Don't banks usually accept deposits in to accounts which then pay interest? Best regards, Lizzie Lizzie proposes that the bank send some of the money, not all of it. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/6/2005 To: Dear sirs, Your trustworthiness and infidelity inspire me. I understand your explanation completely, and it makes perfect sense to me. However, as you can understand, $17,500 is a lot of money. Perhaps at this time it would be better to transfer just $100,000, and I could obtain a document which only cost (by my calculation) $117. Then, I would have sufficient funds to transfer the remaining amount. Please confirm that we may proceed in this manner. Lizzie Borden The bank attempts to convince Lizzie by explaining more about what this big fee is for. Financial Trust Bank Subject: FURTHER EXPLANATIONS AS DEMANDED. Date: 4/7/2005 DEAR CLIENT (ELIZABETH BORDEN) SEQUEL TO YOUR LAST EMAIL WHERE YOU DEMANDED FURTHER EXPLANATIONS AS TO HOW THE DOCUMENT SHOULD COST THAT MUCH, WE ARE PLEASED TO BE OF FURTHER HELP AS REGARDS WHY THE COST OF THE DOCUMENT COSTS SO MUCH. SHORTLY BEFORE THIS, WE RECEIVED A LETTER FROM BARRISTER MACAULEY MARK, WHERE HE INSTRUCTED THAT WE SHOULD PUT A STOP OVER IN THE TRANSFER OF THE FUNDS UNTILL WE ARE ABLE TO ESTABLISH A REASONABLE FACT CONCERNING THE HIGH COST OF THE DOCUMENT. YOU SEEM TO HAVE GOTTEN US WRONG RIGHT FROM OUR FIRST CORRESPONDENCE WITH YOU, PERHAPS WE FAILED TO ANALYSE THE DOCUMENT COST AND OTHER DOCUMENTS THAT ARE TO BE ISSUED TO PROTECT THE USA-CANADA MONEY LAUNDRY ACT, FOLLOWING THE SEPT. 11 INCIDENCE. UNDER THE MONEY LAUNDRY ACT, WE ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO ISSUE THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS AND BELOW ARE THE RESPECTIVE COST WHICH TOTAL EQUALS $17,500. 1. PROBATE REGISTRATION FEE $5000. FIVE THOUSAND $USD. (THIS INCLUDES COURT CLEARANCE SIGNATORY FEE, COST OF AFFIDAVITS ETC. 2. ANTI-DRUG, MONEY LAUNDRY DOCUMENTATIONS $500. FIVE HUNDED $USD. 3. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA TAX PAYMENT WHICH CONSTITUTE 0.1% OF THE TOTAL MONEY INVOLVED.THIS RESULTS INTO A PAYMENT OF $150,000 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND $USD). THIS SAID MONEY IS HOWEVER TO BE PAID AFTER THE CONFRMATION OF THE TRANSFER OF YOUR $15M INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. OUT OF THIS PAYMENT OF $150,000. 10% IS EXPECTED TO BE PAID UPFRONT. THIS 10% IS EXPECTED TO BE PAID BEFORE THE TRANSFER COMMENCES. 10% OF $150,000 IS $15,000. (FIFTEEN THOUSAND $USD. YOU ARE REQUIRED BY THE NIGERIAN LAW TO PAY $15,000 BEFORE TRANSFER COMMENCES. WE HAVE NO MORAL OR LEGAL JUSTIFICATION TO TAB YOU, AS THIS IS AGAINST THE NIGERIAN LAW. AND WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO FORFEIT OUR BANKING LICENSE. AFTER YOUR PAYMENT OF $17,500 WE WILL NOT FAIL TO DISCHARGE OUR BANKING RESPONSIBILITIES TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE A FORE MENTIONED DOCUMENTS FOR YOUR PERUSAL. A RECEIPT OF YOUR PAYMENT WOULD ALSO BE SENT TO YOU VIA EMAIL ATTACHMENT FOR YOUR CONFIRMATION. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS. FOREIGN OPERATIONS DEPARMENT, FINANCIAL TRUST BANK AFFILIATED WITH GULF BANK. WWW.GULFBANK.NET N.B. IT IS ALSO NECESSARY WE MAKE YOU REALISE THAT WE WILL NOT TRANSFER THE FUNDS TO YOU SEPARATELY, AS YOU DEMANDED THAT WE FIRST TRANSFER $100,000. THIS CAN NOT BE POSSIBLE BECAUSE BOTH OUR BANK AND GULF BANK SHARE THE POSSESSION OF THE FUNDS, AD THIS WOULD SURELY OBSTRUCT OUR END OF YEAR FISCAL BUDGET AND COULD RESULT INTO DEFICIT IN OUR BALANCE OF TRADE. Big mistake! Lizzie finds all sorts of inconsistencies and errors in their explanation. Accuses them of embezzling. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/7/2005 Dear FTB, Are you a real bank? Your explanations are getting stranger and more obscure as we go along. First, you told me that the fee was a "TERRORIST TRANSFER DOCUMENT" to prevent funding of "AL-QADAR NETWORK OR ANY TERRORIST ORGANIZATION". Now the fee is described as an "ANTI-DRUG MONEY LAUNDRY DOCUMENTATIONS". Which is it, drug money or terrorist money? So, we have a probate registration fee of $5,000; Anti-drug money laundering fee, $500; Pre-paid Nigerian tax of $15,000. This totals $20,500. But you are only asking for $17,500. Hmmmm... This doesn't add up. Then you say the tax is based on .1% of the total money. .1% of $15,000,000 is $15,000. But you say it is $150,000 and that I only have to pay the first 10%. If the tax is .1%, and I need to pay the first 10%, then the tax is $15,000 and I need to pay $1,500. I don't think your fee is real. I think you are making it up to get some extra money for your bank. I think you think that because I am a foreigner that I won't be able to figure out that you are trying to embezzle money from this account. Lizzie Borden Barrister MacAuley reassures Lizzie he likes the bank's explanation (he should since he wrote it). Promises to be Lizzie's "prayer buddy". How sweet! Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: Its great working with you. Date: 4/7/2005 hello Miss Borden, How are you doing today. I believe you should have heard back from the bank by now, as i emailed them to request why the document should cost so much. I received a copy of the email that was sent you you and i think the whole situation is well comprehensive. Well, from this present situarion, we have no choice than to pay the required fee. I fully also understand that you have no work at hand for now, and considering the death of your parents, everything seems not good enough. Like i told you, i have given my life to christ, and i have come to realise the fact that this life is full of many ups and downs and the only thing worth doing is to give ones life to Christ. I promise to be your prayer buddie, especially towards the upcoming trial you might have in court over the death of your parents.There is more to life than that. And God who sent me to you, will not back away from you. I pray i meet you in person in the nearest future. Elizabeth, if you would try to go extra miles to raise some money, i promise to help you with the required balance. THIS IS A PROMISE I AM MAKING TO YOU. You also asked why i most often use the Phrase "URGENT" in my replies to you. Well, i was able to capture about two of the headlines the bank sent to you when i demanded copies of their correspondence with you. I felt, i could go inline with them. If you are keen about ensuring the transfer of the funds to you so soon, then i expect to hear from you. It is even a big privilege on your side, as you will use your 20% entitlement to set your attorney's fees, towards your upcoming court trial. This could also enable you hire the best defence attorney in the USA. I see this as a big privilege to you. Be wise and take this lifetime opportunity. Its been great working with you. Evangelist Macauley Mark. Lizzie sorrowfully breaks the news to the Barrister that the bank is trying to embezzle his money and advises him to get the money out of their reach as quickly as possible. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/7/2005 Mr MacAuley, I truly, deeply regret to inform you that your bank is trying to defraud you and myself. I am not sure whether this is due to a single individual in the bank, or if it is a bank policy of encouraging its employees to embezzle funds from their account holders. You are a good man, with good intentions for this money, and I wish to help you. However, the current situation at your bank is completely unacceptable. They have falsified documentation requirements, inflated fees, absconded with interest payments and shown themselves to be incompetent accountants. At this point I think your only option is to get the money out of that bank in to another bank any way you can. Find an honest bank with people that are trustworthy, or at least people that are being watched by the government. Do not take no for an answer, and get that money moved! Again, I am very sorry to bring you this news. I can not even guarantee how much of your money is still there. Please act now to secure whatever may be left of the funds. Best regards, Elizabeth Barrister MacAuley is disappointed but has alternatives! Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: kindly reply soon. Date: 4/8/2005 Dearest Elizabeth, Well, people can sometimes be dangerous, especially when money is involved. I really thank you for the trust and honesty you gained in me. And i will not hesitate to take proper steps to safe guard our interest concerning the transfer of this said money. It is only bad and bitter that the bank officials who seems to be part of this recent corrupt practises that is wrecking the economy and the banking sector have chosen to play on my intelligence, well, i only regret to let them know that i was only transfering the funds to you because of my devotion to religion. During the last time i had a chat with one of the bank officials who asked why i wanted to transfer such large amount of money out of country, i told him the reason was to establish a charity project for which this funds would be used for. He cautioned me on this telling me this would really bring a negative turn around into their financial end of year accounting and profit realization.He also asked why such a mission can not be set up in this country,he also asked why i couldnt leave the money in the bank untill it yields so much interest, but i refused, telling him it is against my faith and religion. Who knows, if they have even invested with the money, and they are trying to make you pay so much for their misappropriation, but i promise i wont let this be. We however have some alternatives, we can choose to let gulf bank of Nigeria take over the transfer of the funds to you, or i can alternatively request for the money in cash and deposit it in a security company, without disclosing the contents to them. If i will have to do this, then the security company would need to ship it to you as consignments, and their believe would be that it contains some gold or iron bars. Kindly let me know which you prefer, if to let Gulf bank take over, or the shipment by the security company to you. We are running out of time in this venture, and i demand an immediate response to my suggestions. Sincerely yours in the lord, Evangelist Mark. Barrister MacAuley suddenly becomes perturbed with Lizzie, because he never got her phone number. Is she for real? Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: Establish other mediums Date: 4/8/2005 I have come to realise that you have been igoring my demand to have your telephone number. Why? I believe we need to establish other mediums of conversation besides emails. The transfer of this funds to you is not a small matter which should go beyond just emails. I expect to hear back from you within the shortest while. If you can not give me your telephone number, then i demand you call me, so that we can have a better and comprehesive conversation on the telephone in order for us to reach a solid conlussion. Yours. Lizzie provides her phone, expresses displeasure at his change in tone, and points out that the phone number he gave to her is not working. Also admits she is on trial for the axe murder of her parents, and makes veiled threats. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/8/2005 Mr. MacAuley, It was certainly not my intention to ignore your request concerning my phone number. I have been concentrating on the issues concerning the bank and missed your request, as it was embedded in the middle of longer messages. Please do not take offence, and I will take no offence at the rather overbearing tone in your last letter. My number is 501-xxx-xxxx. However, please be aware that I am on trial for my life, in the axe murder of my parents. I have been up front and honest about this fact from the beginning, and hope you understand that the situation surrounding the prosecution sometimes makes it difficult for me to receive phone calls. The police are heavily involved, my movements are restricted, and I have spent significant time with my attorney (whom I mentioned before). I should mention that when I received your "demanding" message, I immediately tried calling you direct several times. Each time I received the response "Your call did not go through. Please try again.". From this I might presume that you have not been completely forthright with me, giving me a false number (2348034894191). You contacted me. I did not contact you. I have been honest from the beginning concerning my situation and my limitations. I informed you immediately when I saw irregularities in your bank's operations and have tried to assist to the best of my abilities. Please do not treat me as if I am some pariah. My parents did. See where it got them. Lizzie Barrister MacAuley wonders whether he should transfer the money to a "security company" or another bank. Also pointedly asks whether Lizzie killed her parents' Barrister Mark MacAuley Subject: Thank you. Date: 4/9/2005 Dearest Elizabeth, Thank you very much for your explanatory email and for providing me with your telephone number. This has also shown the commitment you have towards this. I immediately tried to call you to speak with you, but all attempt to get a hold of you failed. Your seems to have dropped a voice mail which I immediately replied by my own voice mail also. There is a major part of my email which I expect you to show much interest in, but you never did. I asked if I should order the transfer of the funds to Gulf bank, or if I should withdraw it, and place it in a security company, as gold bar, so that it can be shipped to you as gold bar consignments. I await your instruction to know which you will prefer out of the two so that we can both proceed. I must also make you realize that my phone line as at all times be active. Perhaps the failure to get through has been due to bad connectivity on the side of the phone company.v I wish you well, especially over the case of the murder of your parent. In all of this, you have not been able to make me realize why the police are after you. Did you kill them? Evangelist Macauley Mark. Lizzie says it is his money and up to him where he puts it. Avoids answering the "did you kill your parents" question). Warns him that she may suddenly drop out of site if she ends up convicted and on death row. Lizzy Borden Date: 4/11/2005 Mr. MacAuley, Your voice mail was received (at least I think it was you), but I think I now understand why my attempts to call through were unsuccessful. You must have been on a cell phone, as the connection was very poor, and I was not able to understand any part of it. I heard only little snippets of your voice. The cell coverage must be terrible there. As for the money, that is your decision, not mine. I recommended getting it out of that corrupt bank as quickly as possible. You would know more about what method is most efficient and most flexible for later transfer in to the US. Please keep that in mind when selecting an option. I think we will have a verdict on the case sometime in the next couple of days. I appreciate your willingness to continue with me during this difficult time, and will keep you appraised. If I suddenly stop answering emails, it is probably because I am on death row. If I continue working with you, it will mean the jury has found me innocent (which I am convinced they will, in spite of the evidence and common sense). Thanks again. All the best, Lizzie Barrister MacAuley has the money in CASH, but needs $2,500 to ship it! Is that a non-sequitur or what? Barrister Mark MacAuley Date: 4/12/2005 Dear Elizabeth, Thank you so much for your mail once again. I am happy to let you know that everything seems so bright. I was able to withdraw the money from the bank following a call up letter i sent them. I right now have the money with me, in Cash. I have gone to the courrier company to know how much it would take to send it to you via courrier service. And they said the cost of shipping it would be $2,500 due to its weight. Kindly get back to me, to look for means of getting the money paid to the courrier company so that they can have it shipped to you within the shortest while. Once again, thank you for your sincerity love and honesty. Evangelist Macauley Mark. Lizzie sends the barrister a newspaper clipping describing a small part of her trial (fake of course). Lizzy Borden Date: 4/13/2005 Mr. MacAuley, I have been cutting newspaper clippings from the trial to keep my mind busy while we wait for a verdict. I thought I would send you one of them, as you appeared to be interested. Lizzie ![]() Lizzie has been found NOT GUILTY! Lizzy Borden Date: 4/14/2005 Mr. MacAuley, I have been found NOT GUILTY of all charges. As I knew I would. Whether through the stupidity of the prosecution or the thick headedness of the jury, I have not been sent to death row. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am free! I apologize for my brief inability to concentrate on this deal. Now that I am free, and no longer under a cloud of suspicion, I can act more clearly. I understood your last email. Can you please deduct (remove) the shippers fees from the cash and ship the money to me? It appears that you have made a very wise move in personally extracting the money in cash. Best wishes, Lizzie But the Barrister appears to have dropped from sight. Scared of working with a murderer? Caught by the incisive logic that if he has the money in cash, he should not need Lizzie's money to ship it? |