Kufur Gaga Dear Friend, It is indeed my pleasure to write you this letter, which I believe will be a surprise to you as we have never met before, and I am deeply sorry if I have in any manner disturbed your privacy. Please forgive this unusual manner of contacting you, but this particular letter is of exceptional and very private nature. There is absolutely going to be a great doubt and distrust in your heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that, so many individuals have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds, thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and legitimate business class persons to get attention and recognition. There is no way for me to know whether I will be properly understood, but it is my duty to write and reach out to you. My name is KUFUR GAGA. I am the manager of a security and storage company in Nigeria which i will not disclose for now because of security reasons.I have worked with my company for 12 years now.As a result of this,i know the in and out,ie every thing that goes on in this company.My company is one in which politicians and great business men and women come from the whole of Africa to lodge thier money and other valuables for safe keeping. There is this particular trunk box that that contains the sum of $28.5 million which belongs to one Chief Dada Jago from Liberia.This money has been in our storage since the year 1999.Between that year and the year march 2002,the owner paid for the charges that this money has accrued.But between April 2002 till now that i am writting you this, he has not shown- up to pay for his charges, ie his belongings has attracted a lot of demurrage.I have carried out my personal investigation and found out that Chief Dada Jago is dead long ago. I know you must be wondering what all these has to do with you.This is it.In filling the form for the lodging of this money,Chief Dada Jago in the column for his next of kin,used one David Mills a business partner of his, as next of kin.This is where you will have to come in. What i want you to do, is for you to agree to be Mr David Mill,the business partner of Chief Dada Jago. Also, there is the need for you to know that, we shall be sending you upon commencement, about US$10,000.00 that will be used in taking care of some expenses, which you shall handle personally, so there are absolutely no bills to be paid by you in the course of the transfer If you agree to deal,i will furnish you with the next step of the plan which i have mapped out to benefit both of us. Beinformed that this transaction is 100% risk free and should be kept in ultmost secrecy.Please,send your reply to my private mail box:gaga4kufur@yahoo.co.in Thanks Sincerely Your's Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Mr. Gaga, I am very excited by your proposal.It sounds like it may be risky, but I am having such problems with my penguin farm here in the Mohave, I find myself in a position where a deal like this may be the only way out for me. Please let me know what I should do, and I will assure you I am capable of holding up my end. Charles Addams Kufur Gaga DearCharles Addams, I thank you for your urgent reply as regards the transaction.I am of the hope that you are ok.For us to start the transaction you have to send me the following information: 1) YOUR NAMES 2) YOUR CONTACT ADDRESS 3) YOUR TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBER 4) YOUR MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION ( SCAN AND SEND TO ME YOUR FIRST PAGE AND LAST PAGE OF INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT OR DRIVERS LICENSE) 5)YOUR BANK DETAILS 6)YOUR OCCUPATION AND AGE As soon as i received these information my attorney will send you the Change of beneficiary form.Youwill act asDavid Mills thenext of kin to Chief Dada Jago.I will hand over the certificate of deposit of Chief Dada Jago to the lawyer.The lawyer will file all the necessary documents through the ministry of justice to the security company where i work for the release of the fund ok.As soon as the file gets tomy office i will monitor it until the fund gets to you. Morealso,we shall be sending you upon commencement, about US$10,000.00 that will be used in taking care of some expenses, which you shall handle personally, so there are absolutely no bills to be paid by you in the course of the transfer . Be informed that 60% of the fund will be for us,30% for you and 10% will be set aside for expenses. It will be a joyful thing to tell you that this transaction is risk free and should be keep in ultmost secrecy. As soon as i receive your information my attorney will furnish you with the next step to take. I await your response.God bless you. Polite regards Kufur Gaga. Charles Addams Gaga, Before we begin, I just want to be very certain what I am to do.Am I going to pretend to be David Mills?Or am I to be myself, and present myself as the next of kin? Whatever it takes I will be happy to help and do as you say. Here is some information. Chales Addams Addams Penguin Farms 69 Zzyzx Rd. Zzyzx, CA. USA I am a penguin ranch owner here in the Mojave. My scanner is not hooked up right now but I will send a scan of my ID as soon as I get it working. Charles Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams Addams Penguin Farms 69 Zzyzx Rd. Zzyzx, CA. USA. I have received your mail ok.I thank you for your mail ok.You are pretending to be David Millsthe next ofkin to Chief Dada Jago.YOU ACT AS DAVID MILLS OK. Please,send me your phone number and fax number for easy communication. I await your urgent response. Kufur Gaga. Charles Addams OK I understand OK. My phone number is 419-851-xxxx. What do I do next? Charles Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams, I have received your phone number ok.Thanks for your understanding as regards the transaction. The lawyer will send the change of beneficiary form accross to you as soon as he secureit fromministry of justice. I will advise you send him a mail introducing your self to him.Tell him why you needed the money urgently.I have spoken to him about you. Remember,you acting as David Mills.Your mail will ginger him to hasting the process.Make some promiseto him that if the money gets to you ,you will offer him some good money. Send him a mail.Here are his information James Dudu,Inc attorney at law aprofessional business corporation 10 apapa crescent lagos-nigeria email:barristerjamesdudu@yahoo.co.in +234-802-376-6218 (direct number). Incase you have any problem with the lawyer dont fail to mail me.Always give mefeed back for every discussion you have with him. Make sure you contact him Ok I await your response. Kufur Gaga. Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams, I tried to call you but your phone was placed on answering machine.I will advise you remove itto enable mehave access to you whenever the need arises ok. Thanks for your cooporation. Kufur Gaga. Charles Addams as David Mills Mr. James Dudu I am David Mills, the good friend and close relative to Chief Dada Jago. I recently heard that he died, leaving him insensate.Being his heir apparent and Next of Kin, I would like to have his money transferred to me as soon as possible.Please inform me how this can be done.Please expedite this matter, as the penguins are dropping like dead birds all around me, and I need this money to correct financial cash flow problem with my breeding farm. Best regards, David Mills Charles Addams Dear Gaga, I am sorry, but the answering machine picks up when I am not there. Disconnecting it won't do any good, as then it would just ring and ring. I did receive your voice mail, which was unintelligible.I could tell you were talking, but it cut in and out.It was clear you were on a cell phone with poor coverage. I contacted Barrister Doodoo.I hope he will act quickly; there was a minor uprising in the transitional penguin pens this morning, which was put down, but I need to upgrade the facilities as quickly as possible. This money is very important to me. Charles James Dudu Mr. David Mill, I got your mail this morning.Firstly,i will secure the change of beneficairy form in the federal ministry of justice and send you a copy.I will write an application letter asking the security company for the release ofyour money.All documents will be filed for proper documentation in the ministry of justice.After which,the document will be tranfer to the security company for the release of your money.At this stage,the security company will vet all documents involve in the transaction if trully you arethenext of kinto the desease.As soon as the security company finish that process the money will be sent to you through bank to bank tranfer or through other means you choose. Morealso,these are my charges in course of doing business with you. Office charges...................................... US$6,000.00 Documentation with ministry of justice....US$2,500.00 Change of beneficairy form..................... US$520 Total.................................................... US$9,020.00 This money should be send to me as we proceed on the transaction.I am leaving the office now to secure the change of beneficairy form.Be rest assure that your money will get to you as long i am the person handling your case file.I hope i will enjoy doing business with you? It will be good you know me facial,attached is my picture. I will send the form later in the day. Best regard James Dudu ( ESQ) +234-802-376-6218 ![]() [The above pic is probably a joke (haha) at the expense of some real Nigerian adjudicator. (Ha)] Charles Addams as David Mills Mr. Doodoo, Thanks, that is certainly some picture.Is there something wrong with your hair?There may be something a good barber could do to help. I appreciate your assistance in this matter of Dada's money, as do the penguins.They really need new living quarters.The breeding program has been somewhat unsuccessful.The zoos tell me it is the heat of the desert, but I think it is the ambience; penguins need the right kind of music, and appropriate Feng Shui design for their pens.Receipt of this money will allow a complete turnaround in my penguin farm. David Mills Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams , Good day.have you contacted the lawyer? Kufur Gaga. Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams , I am sending the money for the expenses so that you can pay the lawyer.Confirm your mailing address: Chales Addams Addams Penguin Farms 69 Zzyzx Rd. Zzyzx, CA. USA If different from the one above i will advice you sendyour mailing addressto me immediately so that i get the money accross to you. I await your urgent response. Kufur Gaga. Charles Addams Yes, This is the correct address. Charles Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams , Good day.I have made all necessary arrangement so that the money get to you.The finance house that has promised to make the loan available has made me to understand that the money will be sent to you through their affiliate office either in uk,canada,usa and japan.They have promised to send the loan in variuos means either by bank draft,check,money order and wire tranfer. I will advise you cooporate with the finance company since they have promised to assist. You should be handy to receive their phone calls or emails any moment from now. Thanks for your coporation. Have you heard from the lawyer? Polite regards Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Dear Gaga, Yes, Doodoo has sent me a couple of emails, one specifying some charges, the other talking about some forms that need to be filled out.I will follow through. I am glad you mentioned that you would be arranging for the money to pay the lawyer.I was afraid I might have to come up with this money, which doesn't seem possible right now.Until we get the revenue from our big Thanksgiving Penguin Push, we are running on no money here. Regards, Charles James Dudu Dear Mr. David Mills, Attached is your change of beneficiary form from federal ministry of justice.I have written an application letter in your names.your file is with the ministry of justice for proper documentration.your file will be tranfer to the security company in two days time for the release of your money. This is the update. Best regards James Dudu Esq +234-802-376-6218 Charles Addams Gaga, Doodoo has written a letter changing Dada's money to my name.He sent it to me.Not sure what I am supposed to do with it. Charles Kufur Gaga Attn:Charles Addams , Good day.Got all your mails.The document he sent you is your copy.keep it for future reference.The security company will vet all document before the money is sent to you. The financecompany have accepted to finance all the expense that we will incure in course of transfering the money to you.I have made arrangementwith the finance companyto send you the sum of US$13,500.00 so that you upset the lawyer's bill and keep the rest money incase of unforeseen expenses. Always keep your phone handy until we complete the transaction.The finance company will get accross to you soonest.Please comply with their instrution so that we can proceed on the transaction. Dont fail to keep me updated with your discussion with the finance company. Stay blessed Kufur Gaga. Kufur Gaga Attn: Charles Addams, Good day.I hope you are ok.What is the update of the transaction?Have they contacted you,i mean the finance house.I want to know the update of what is happening. I await your urgent response. Best regards Kufur Gaga John Smith mr charles, my name is john from afro link toronto.i have tried to call you but i always get voice mail. your partiner mr kufur gaga was the one that send your info to me concerning the bussiness deal both of you have. i want to sponsor it. but i need to talk to you first b/4 i will carry on, can you give me a call so we can talk. thanks john smith 416-821-5684 Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams , Good day. Mr. Smith from the finance company said he contacted you but they have not heard from you so that they can provide you with the money. I wonder why you must be doing this at this point in time when you know that the local attorney have change the beneficiary in your names. Let me know what is going on. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Gaga, Yes, I received several voice mails from Mr. Smith. I apologize to both you and him. There was an extremely unfortunate accident (if you can call it that) with some of the penguins in the mating pen. I have never had problems in there before, but this time some particularly zealous penguins assaulted me. The result was some of the worst injuries I have had yet working this farm. I have been in hospital for several days. The swelling has gone down significantly, and I am back at the farm. It is difficult to walk and sit, but the penguins never seem to sleep. Work goes on. What am I to do, what does this Mr. Smith have to do with our transaction? Charles Charles Addams Mr. Smith. I received your several voice mails. I apologize for not being here to accept the calls. There was a very unpleasant incident in the penguin mating pens and I have been in the hospital. Just now returned to the ranch. What exactly is the nature of your business with Mr. Gaga? Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams , Good day. In my prevous mails you know i told you i have finanlise arrangement with the financing company that have agreed to take care of all the expenses we will incure in course of thetransaction.Mr. Smith is the contact person that will provide you with the money.I have ask for the sum of US$13,500.00 (thirteen thousand five hundredunited dollar ) for now.I will advise you callhim so that the money can be send to you.As soon as the money getsto you, send US$9,020.00 (nine thousand and twenty united state dollar )to the local attorney and keep the balance of US$4,480.00 (four thousand four hundred and eighty united state dollar )for your self incase of further expenses. How far have you gone with the local attorney.I will advise you mail him to tell him the situation of things, that you will be sending the money as soon as you get the money.And that he should proceed with his documentation. I will advise you contact Mr. Smith for the money so that we can proceed. I await your urgent response. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga John Smith HI CHARLES, I AM AN INVESTING COMPANY HERE IN TORONTO AND WE DO SPONSOR BUISSNESS LIKE THE ONE YOU HAVE WITH MR GAGA OF WHICH I DON,T NO. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT SUPPOSE TO TELL ME ABOUT IT. BUT THATS IS NOT THE CASE.I WILL LET MY ASSISTANT TO CALL YOU AND TALK TO YOU BUT B/4 THAT I WANT YOU TO LET MR GAGA BE AWARE THAT I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU.AND IF YOU WANT TO CARRY ON WITH THE DEAL YOU HAVE TO SEND ME YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS AND YOUR PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER TO ME B/4 I WILL START LOOKING FOR THE FUND. OK JOHN SMITH AFRO LINK TORONTO 416-821-5684 [Mounties, this one's for you!] Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams, Good day. Where you able to contact Mr. Smith for the loan? Yourfile is now with the security company where i work.The file was brought in this morning.We are progressing.As soon as thefile is vetted the money will be transfer to you.But, we have to pay all debtsbefore the money will be release to you. You have to contactMr Smith for the moneyas soon as possible to enable you pay the local attorney. Treat as urgent.get back. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga James Dudu Dear Charles Addams, I tranfer your file to RoyalCrown Security Company today.You money will be tranfer to you as soon as the company cross check your documents. I willvisit the office again to know the update of the file. Make arrangement for my bills. Thanks James Dudu Esq +234-802-376-6218 Charles Addams Mr. Smith, I am a little confused.Mr. GAGA was asking for my assistance in some financial matters, which would be beneficial to my penguin farm.He referred me to you concerning the finances of Mr. DADA.Are you a venture capitalist?Would you like to hear something concerning my business? I am the sole owner of Addams Penguin Farms, located here in the Mojave in Southern California. We raise penguins and sell them along with various penguin byproducts to a number of businesses involved with fertilizer, clothing and the food industry.The biggest growth area is in the area of Turkey replacement.Anyone who has seen an actual turkey will understand the opportunity.We believe the large volume of turkey consumed during the Thanksgiving season can be tapped in to using penguins as a replacement.Imagine a happy family sitting down around a grand thanksgiving penguin dinner.We believe the image is much more acceptable and will take off in the next couple of years, resulting in huge revenues. I can send you some of the marketing information we have, and discuss this in more detail if you would like.I am sure you can see the tremendous opportunities we are pursuing.Our current need is to get financing for the next two years to cover the market penetration push for penguin products.We should start turning a profit within the next year.Relocation out of the Mojave Desert is also a priority, as the current location has turned out to be something of a mistake. If you would like to drop by I can provide you with an excellent tour and penguin dinner with all the trimmings.Las Vegas is only about 2 hours drive from here, and we'd be happy to sponsor some gaming time. Chales Addams Addams Penguin Farms 69 Zzyzx Rd. Zzyzx, CA. USA Charles Addams GAGA, I was a little confused about the role Mr. Smith is supposed to play in this whole transaction.Is he supposed to invest in my company?I sent him some information on this, I hope this was appropriate. I am more active now, thank goodness.The swelling and discomfort is gone.But, I appear to have some serious aversion to the mating pens. Just can't go near them.That was traumatic, I can tell you. I invited Mr. Smith to drop by for a grand penguin dinner with all the trimmings.Would you be interested in coming with him?I would send you a frozen penguin ready for roasting, but I can't guarantee the shipping.It might not last all the way to Africa. Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams , Good day. Thanks for your response towards the transaction. Mr. Smith is not investing in your business.Mr. Smith is the one who is to provide you with the money that you will use in paying the local attorney bills and other bills that will come your way OK. For now,i have asked for the loan of US$13,500.00 (thirteen thousand five hundred dollar ) to be provided to you.Contact the financing company Mr. Smith so that the money can be sent to you.As soon as you receive the money you pay the local attorney,keep the rest money with your self incase of further expenses. Contact Mr. Smith now. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga John Smith hi charles, kindly send your full name to me so that i will mail out the check to you. do you want it to be mailed to your company name or your own name.make sure you put in your real address b/c i dont want to make a mistake on it ok. john smith Charles Addams Certainly, Charles Addams Addams Penguin Farms 69 Zzyzx Rd. Zzyzx, CA. USA 92309 Make the check out to me personally, if you like. Please let me know when you send this, I will look for it.Our mail delivery is problematic, as we live in the middle of a dry lake bed in the desert.We must drive in to town (Baker) to pick it up.I guess the postmen either are afraid of the penguins or won't come all the way out here.We did have one incident with a postman and one of the larger penguins and a tree, which might explain the current situation. Charles Charles Addams I contacted Mr. Smith, and provided the information he wanted. He has not responded.Was he supposed to send me a check? Charles Charles Addams Mr. Smith, Has the check been sent as yet? Charles John Smith hi charles, no not yet it will be coming by next week ok.when everything will be ready i will let you know ok john smith Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams, Good day. I saw your mail.I am very happy you have contacted Mr. Smith for the money.I dont know if Mr. Smith will send you the money through check or not. What i know is thatMr. Smithwill send you the money eitherthrough bank wire tranfer,bank draft,money order or check.I will advise you follow thier instructions since Mr. Smith have agreed to give you the money. Incase you have any problem with Mr. Smith dont fail to mail me. Alway keep in touch with Mr. Smith so that he can give you the money. Keep in touch. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga Kufur Gaga Attn:Mr. Charles Addams, Good day. What is the lastest news from Mr. Smith? Has he sent you the money? Get back. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams, Good day. You seems not to be up dating me the update between you and Mr. Smith.I expect that you shouldbemailing me telling me the up date story going on as regards the money Mr. Smith finincing company has promised to loan you to enable you pay the local lawyer and other expenses. Consindering the magnitute of the transaction we have at hand warrant constant communication. I expect your urgent reply as regards the money. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams, Good day. How far have you gone with Mr.Smith? I need an update. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. What is the up date from Mr.Smith?Have you been provided with the money for the bills?Always remind Mr. Smith through mail so that he would send you the money on time. Keep in touch. Regards Kufur Gaga Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams , Good day. I just spoke to Mr. Smith on phone some hours ago.He made me to understand that you should be expecting the money (loan) any moment from now. You will be provided with the sum of $60,000.00 (sixty thousand US dollar) instead of the initial $13,500 (thirteen thousand five hundred US dollar) that i told you before.I know you must be wondering why the increase in the fund. Concerning the magnitute of the business at hand and the cost of dumurrageand other expenses we will incure in thesecuritycompany Mr. Smith suggested that he will assist you with the money at once instead of re-applying for another fund. Beinformed that i have made arrangement on how you will receive the money from the security company where i work.The duty lies in our hands ( you and i). I am to ensure that the fund leaves the country to the destinations where the security company has a firm that are near to you. Please, inform me of your travelling ability to europe?excluding England. With this information i will commence the airlift break down charges . I am making a Diplomatic Courier delivery arrangement too, to your country USA on our country's diplomatic immunity coverage but this seems more difficult but i am still on it. But that of Airlifting of the fund as a consignment to Europe is easy but am considering the nearest to you. To save time and money. I will advise as soon as the check from Mr.Smith gets to hand do not fail to alert me.Once again i will adviseyou have to work out timetowards the transaction as am equally working out time to make sure the fund gets to you. I mustthank your effort towards this transaction.Morealso,you should be thinking of the investment plans for the money. Like i always told you that this transaction is risk free and need ultmost secrecy. I am waiting for your mail and comment on my plans towards the delivery Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga John Smith hi chales, have you got the mail i keep trying to call you but no ans. so let me know when you get the mail ok j smith John Smith HI CHARLES. I HOPE BY NOW THAT YOU WILL GET THE MAIL. IF YES GIVE ME A CALL AND LET ME KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON AND I NEED YOUR NUMBER TO TALK TO YOU AT ANY TIME OK. JOHN SMITH Charles Addams Gaga, I must apologize. This has been a very difficult week.I have never seen penguins actually swarm before, and they seem to be following some rather unusually large specimens.After consulting with a penguin psychologist, it appears that this behavior is virtually unknown.He believes that it is the result of the high temperatures here in the desert, which is a somewhat unnatural environment for the birds.The entire farm was shut down and I was locked out until the county authorities had things in hand.The result is that I have not had email access for several days. Mr. Smith called once, and sent a couple of emails, but I have not received any money from him.I hope he did not mail this to me, as mail service was disrupted while they got the swarm under control.I will be contacting him straight away. Please have faith that I will be straightening all this out very quickly so we can proceed. Charles Charles Addams Mr. Smith, We have had a rather difficult week, I apologize for my temporary silence.I believe things at the farm are under control now, and we can proceed. What should I do with the check?Do I just deposit it? Thanks, Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. I got your mail now.I amvery sorry for what is happening to the penguins right now.I guess the temperature must be too high for them. Mr.Smith sent you a check of $60,000.00(sixty thousand US dollar )through mail service.Iwill advise you check your mailing address. Confirm from Mr.Smith what delivery services he used in sending the money. Get back to me on the up date. Regards Mr Gaga Kufur John Smith CHARLES, YES GO AHEAD AND DEPOSIT IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND LET ME KNOW HOW MANY DAYS THEY GIVE YOU BEFORE IT CLEARS OK. I HAVE SPOKEN TO MY ACCOUNTANT TO ACTIVATE THE ACCOUNT OK.. JOHN SMITH Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. Where you able to contact Mr.Smith as regards the fund he sent to you? Waiting to hear from you. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Charles Addams To John Smith Due to a rather unfortunate altercation with some angry folks from PETA, I was arrested.I just got back after posting bail.I don't know how long it will take to clear, but they said something like 10 days.Can I draw on these funds before they clear? Charles Charles Addams Gaga, This business is really more complicated than I ever thought.There was a big protest by people from PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals).They thought conditions at my farm were unacceptable and were demanding that I release the penguins.There was an altercation, and I was arrested! I have posted bail.I don't think anything will happen to me, as the PETA folks have no idea what would happen to the penguins if I just released them in to the desert.Not a pretty sight. John Smith has sent the funds to me. What should I do now? Do you want me to pay the lawyers?I will write a check and send them the money immediately.Please provide the name and address of who needs to be bribed and I will follow through immediately. We need to act quickly; I had to use some of the money from Mr. Smith for bail money. Charles PS I am increasingly concerned about the size of some of the largest penguins.There appears to be a mutation, perhaps caused by the environment here.They are outgrowing some of our restraining methods. Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. I just saw your mail now.I am very sorry for what is happening to your farm right now.Be rest assure that by the time we complite this transaction you will be one of the biggest penguins owner. How much did you use for your bail?We must have to be very careful so that we dont run out of cash for expense.You must have to be careful with the PETA officials so that it does not lead to further arrest now that we are almost at the verge of compliting this transaction. I have calledthe local attorney to send you information which you use to send his money. I must thank you very much for the effort you made avalaible towards this transaction. As soon as you transfer the fund to the local attorney give me an update. Regards Mr. Kufur Gaga James Dudu Dear David Mills, I just received a phonemassage from Kufur Gaga that my fund is ready and that i should get accross to you. Send the money through my account officer information below via Western Union money transfer: NAME: OKAFOR JUDE ADDRESS:LAGOS-NIGERIA TEXT QUESTION:ONE PLUS ONE TEXT ANSWER:ONE Remember that my billsare $9,020.00 (nine thousand and twenty USdollar).You have to send the money on three(3) different transaction because we are not allowed to receive more than $3,500 (three thousand dollar) on one transaction. As soon as you send the money,reconfirm the payment information to me immediately. Thereafter,i shall send you an account information which you willuse to tranfer the dummurage fees. I await your urgent response. Best regards James Dudu (ESQ) +234 802 376 6218 Charles Addams Doodoo, I will send this money, but your process is very strange to me.Why do you want me to send three separate payments?And why aren't these payments to you?Who is Okafor Jude? Regards, Charles Charles Addams Gaga, I only used $5,000 for bail.I will not worry about this.But your joke about my being one of the biggest penguins owner is upsetting me. The largest penguin I have at the moment has grown to almost 6 feet in height.This is very disturbing, and very unnatural.I heard from some locals over in Baker that this area had been used for biological weapons warfare testing some years back, and I am now wondering if this mutation may be caused by chemicals in the area.The 6 foot penguins will have to be put down, as they don't really fit in with the rest of the population, and are accidentally causing damage to the facility and some of the other penguins. Doodoo has contacted me, and wants me to send three separate payments of $3500 each.This is very strange, I have not heard of a lawyer working like this before.Is this OK? Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. The $5,000 you used is not too much.Keep all records of expenses. Follow the localattorney instructions.Send his money to him as he requested.I have ask him to provide you with an account which you willtranfer the rest money so that he can come and settle the dummurage in the security company where i worked.Thereafter the money will be tranfer to you. Send the attorney his money. Get back. Regards Kufur Gaga James Dudu Dear David Mills, Okafor Jude is the name of my accountant OK.We dont receive more than $3,500 via Western Union money transfer.You should know that you are owing me $9,020.00 which can not be sent to me in one transaction.That is why i have instructed you to tranfer the money on three (3) transaction via Western Union money transfer. Use this information below to send the money via Western Union money tranfer. NAME: OKAFOR JUDE ADDRESS:LAGOS-NIGERIA TEXT QUESTION:ONE PLUS ONE TEXT ANSWER:ONE As soon as you send the money,reconfirm the payment information to me immediately. Thereafter,i shall send you an account information which you will use to tranfer the dummurage fees. I await your urgent response. Best regards James Dudu (ESQ) +234 802 376 6218 Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. Send the local attorney his money.I have provided the local attorney an account details which you will use in tranfering the fund for the dumurrage.Just pay in the money as soon asthe attorney send you the account details. Be informed that you should keep records of all expenses you incure because we areto pay back Mr .Smith as soon as the funds gets to you. This is how you areto spend the money. Local attorney:................................$9,020 Charlse Adam (bailed).....................$5,000 Dumurrage and delivery charges.....$38,700.00 Total................................................$52,720.00 Balance in your hand...........................$7,280.00. I will advise you keep the balance of $7,280.00 for your running around and wire charges that you may incure. I have fufill my promised in providing you with the expenses and i expect you pay all charges that are due to be paid.As i will want this transaction to be concluded as soon as possible. I have arranged a diplomatic delivery service that will deliver the fund to you in American on my own country diplomatic immunity coverage. Morealso,you should be thinking of investment plans for the fund. Make sure you comply and treat as urgent. Regards Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Gaga, Doodoo has provided a method of payment, which appears a little cumbersome, using Western Union.I am going to check this afternoon if there is a better way to send the money.Baker does not have a Western Union office, so I would have to go in to Las Vegas any way. Unfortunately the difficulties with these monster penguins are reaching a critical point, and I can not leave the farm right at this point.Even as I write now, there is a loud noise coming from shed #3 which sounds like a large beak banging on the wooden walls.We've had to separate any of the birds over 4 feet from the rest. A 6 footer broke out of his pen last night and we have not found him yet - we can only hope it will not meet any people.I suppose that is unlikely out here in the desert. I will send messages toDooDoo and yourself as soon as I send the money. Who am I supposed to send the demurrage charges to? Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr. Charles Addams , I saw your mail now. Pay in the $38.700 into the account details the local attorney gave to you.The account detail was provided by the security company for the totaldumurrage and delivery charges. Forwards the payment information to the local attoney for record purpose as soon as you make the payment today. Send the local attorney his money $9,020todayvia Western Union as requested by him. Youshould try all possible means to leave the farm today to attend to pressing needs because i want this transaction concluded this week. Let one of your worker takes cares of the penguins just for today to enable you complete these payment. Incase you do not have any worker which i dont think,look for someone that will look after the farm while you are a away for today.You are dragging these payment issue for too long. I await your urgent response. Mr. Kufur Gaga John Smith hi charles, sorry that i am writting late. you have to talk to your partiner about that and i will soon call you to find out what is the out come ok. john smith Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. I do not know what you will say thathas disturbs you yesterday for not making the transfer.I wonder what is really wrong with you at this concluding part of the transaction. I received a telephone call from Mr.Smith asking me if i have received the funds meant for the transaction.I said no to him and he is not happy with the situation based on my agreement with Mr.Smith before the loan was granted.I will advise you act fast so that the money is not call back by Mr.Smith.Morealso,i promised to pay Mr.Smith as soon as the US$28.5 gets to you. I am tied of these your pinguins story. Is really affecting these transaction.I must be frank with you Ok. Make the payment of dumurrage charges ($38.700) in your city Baker with the account details the local attorney provided .Travel to Las Vegas to make the payment of the local attorney via Western Union as he has demended. Confirm your payment information to me as soon as you conclude the tranfer. Best regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Gaga, I did receive your voice mails today, thank you for calling. I understand your frustration, as I too am frustrated.I entered this deal enthusiastically, and I still wish to conclude successfully. There is still hope to save my penguin farm if I can get my percentage. You must understand the current situation.It is clear that several of the larger penguins have broken free.The police were here all day, questioning me.Being as I am known to them because of the conflict with the PETA people, they are very suspicious about the disappearance of a boy in the area. I have attached an article from our newspaper that may help explain. But, the police have demanded that I not leave the state.Las Vegas is over the border in Nevada, and I could be arrested if I go there now.I have contacted the local Eat and Get Gas convenience store, and they have a money order system through Zoom which can be used to send money by wire.I will go down to the store this evening and send the money $9,050 to the lawyer. You said to send the demurage $38,000 to the security company.But they have not contacted me and asked for this payment?Should I ask them what their bill is? Or just send the money?I don't even know where to send it. Have to go - there is another disturbance in the large holding pens. Charles ![]() John Smith hi cherles, i unerstand that you want to use $500. for you own works in the farm thats ok.please make sure that you send the money to them as soon as possible ok thanks john smith Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams, Good day.I am very very bothered. I am very sorry for what is happening to you at this momentwe are about finalising the transaction.I read through the newspaper you sent.One thing i must let you know is that you should be calm with the security personnel to avoidfurther arrest. The security company does not need to contact you to pay their dumurrage charges.The local attorney is your representative in the transaction who is handling the transaction on your behalf.The dumurrage and airlift charges have been calculated to the local attorney that was why i have to notify you.Pay the money into the security company's account below.The amount is $38,700 Account Name: SOLUTEK HOLDINGS INC. Dollar Account #: 009-019-00130-7 Bank Name: United Overseas Bank Philippines / 314 J.P. Rizal Sta. Elena Marikina Metro Manila Philippines. Swift Code: UOVBPHMM The securiy company owns this account details above.all we need do is to provide the security company with the payment information there after your fund will be delivered to you in American with your contact address you provided.I will advice you pay in the money in your local bank in Baker today so that we have the transaction concluded. I will call the local attorney immediately i leave the office.I will inform him to provide you with anothermeans in which he can receive his money since you said going to Las Vegas willresult to the police arresting you. Re-confirm the payment information to me immediately as soon as you make the payment today. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga James Dudu Dear David Mills, Mr.Kufur Gaga told me all what you are going through in your farm in a phone conversation some minite ago.Sorry for that. Kufur made me to understand that you find it difficult to send my bills via Western Union and Kufur has instruted me to provide you another means through which i can receive my money. You are very free to tranfer the money through bank to banktransaction with the account details below. ACCOUNT NAME: JOHN MUBIRU ACCOUNT NUMBER: 61259172 SORT CODE: 40 05 23 BANK NAME: HSBC ADDRESS: 69 PARK ROYAL RD,LONDON NW10 7JR Note that JOHN MUBIRU is my Co advocate that lives in London. Send me the confirmation slip as soon as you aredone with the transfer to enable me collect the money from JOHN MUBIRU as he has promised to help me. Best regards James Dudu (ESQ) +234 802 376 6218 Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. I quite understood what you are going through but i must be frank with you that you making me feel very very unconfortable at this time.You are not always handy to your phone.I keep on dropping voice mail.You do not respond to my mails at this point in time that we are about concluding the transaction.There is money in your poccession but you can not even call the local attorney to explainthe situation. What is the situation of thing? I am very bothered. I really what to know what is wrong. Get back. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Mr. Smith, The sheriff was just here looking for me, I hid out in the larger pens in back.I blended in because I wore the large penguin suit. Apparently the fund you provided to me, that I used for my bail, was NO GOOD.The bank says the fund did not clear, and they are requesting their money back.The sheriff was here I think to arrest me, and take me back to jail for writing back checks to the court for the bail money. I hope it had nothing to do with the disappearance of the local boy scout, they seem to suspect me in that too. Please, why did your money bounce and what is the cause can you make this clear so that I can make the check right with the court for the bail? Charles Charles Addams Mr. Doodoo I sent this money, but the fund from which I sent it was no good - I had received money from a bad loan and the bank has said I must pay it back. So, I must ask you to send this money back immediately; I will try to send you funds from another source.Right now it is very difficult because the police are looking for me and the penguins are all breaking out and I am overdrawn at the bank but I promise you I will get you your money. Charles Charles Addams Gaga, I am very disturb too.I can not answer the phone because I am constantly getting calls from the local papers, the bank, and even the court.The penguin scare has come home to roost, as the community is now aware of what is going on in my penguin farm.There are two people missing now, not to mention 13 of my largest penguins. They should never be able to survive in the desert, but these mutations appear to be more robust than normal.Not to mention their size, which appears to be over 6 feet at this point, and increasing. THE FUND FROM Mr. SMITH WAS BAD.The court is now looking for me to get their money which I paid for bail.I SENT THE MONEY TO THE LAWYER, but I NEED IT BACK because the bank will repossess my farm and the court will arrest me for paying bail with a bad check. Things are very bad, and I am afraid of the penguins.They appear to have some kind of unusual intelligence which is allowing them to escape capture.And I can't mount an effort to get them back, as I must hide to avoid the sheriff and the bank! Please, can you get someone to send me the money to cover the $5,000 for the bail, at least then I can avoid going to jail! Charles James Dudu Dear David Mills, OK. Mr.Kufur Gaga called me now to return the fund to you immediately.He said i should have some patient that you are having a problem with the source of the money. Send me the payment slip you use in tranfering the money so that i can send the money back to you. I await the payment information. Best regards James Dudu (ESQ) +234 802 376 6218 Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , Good day. I saw your mail saying that you have sent the money to the lawyer.I have to call the lawyer on phone but the lawyer had made me to understand that he did not receive any payment information you made incourse of tranfering the money to him. I will advice you send the payment information to me so that the money can be re-tranfer to you since you said the check Mr.Smith gave to you was a bad check. In the first place why did your bank accepted the check.I am really really confuse on the latest development.What do we do now? I await the payment information/method. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Digory Kirke
Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , Good day Thanks for your mail.What is the health situation of my goodfriend Mr.Charles Addams? I hope he's fine? Mr.Charles Addam stands as a beneficairy to Chief Dada Jago from Liberia his business partner.The fund is been keep in Africa and wants me and his local attorney James Dudu to tranfer the fund to him. The transaction is almost concluded.He was suppose to pay the local attorney his bills ( $9,020 ) and dumurrage charges ( $38,700 ) duedto the security firm wherehisfunds ( US$28.5m )is been depositedto enable the firm tranfer his money to him before he had the problem with the police and PETA ( people for the ethical treatment of animals ). Mr.Addams said he has paid thelocal attorneyand dumurrage charges but he has not sent the local attorney the payment information.I demanded for the information from him but i have not heard from him.I will advice you reconfirm from him if he's with the payment slip to enable youconclude the transaction. I await your urgent response with your phone number.............................,mobile phone number............................and your contact address................................... Feel free to contact me on +234 802 872 9701 Regards Kufur Gaga Digory Kirke Mr. Gaga, This is a little unusual. I know something about Mr. Addams business dealings. He did not have $47700 in liquid funds to pay this kind of fee. I doubt very seriously if he paid this money, as his penguin farm was almost bankrupt. While Mr. Addams health is good, he is currently being moved from jail to jail to avoid the angry mobs of people. Apparently the fear factor has taken hold of our small community of Baker, and these wild tales of giant penguins has driven some people mad. As a result, it is difficult to track him down. However, I will find him and get his confirmation on how this money was paid (if it was paid), and will forward any information I get. Digory Nikabrik and Associates 501-636-9225 Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , Good day. I saw your mail.I will be waiting after your inquiry from Mr.Addams. I await your response. Mr.Kufur Gaga Digory Kirke Mr. Gag, It appears that Mr. Addams has gotten in to hot water this time. My understanding after talking with him is that you arranged a loan for him for some business dealings. He used some of these funds to pay for his bail from his arrest with the altercation with the PETA people. The funds used for this loan appeared to be bad, and his check bounced. This made the police very angry, and when his penguins got loose and started their rampage, the police were only too happy to re-arrest him. He says he sent money to a Mr. Doodoo. We must get this money back, as it is based on bad funds. Can you please contact this Mr. Doodoo, and have him send this money back? If so, we may be able to get the bank to drop charges. The National Guard has been called out to deal with the penguins, but I am afraid they will be harsh and the Addams penguin farm will not survive. Digory Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , Yes. Mr.Addams had ealier said he send some money to Barrister James Dudu the local attorney. I calledBarrister James Dudu to confirm the payment but he said that no payment was made by Mr.Addam. I wrote Mr.Addams to forward the payment information to me so that Barrister James Dudu can send the money back to him.He did not send me any payment information. Let me ask you a question.How can you send money to a local attorney without provided him with the payment information?How do you want him to collect the money without payment slip information. I will advice to tell Mr.Addam to send me the payment slip information so that i can send the money backto him. Morealso,through which means didMr.Addams send the money and how much did he send the local attorney? These are the questions i would love you to ask Mr.Addamand feed me back. For now,there is nothing i could do to help him other than sending me the payment slip information to enable mesend the money back to him. I await your urgentresponse with the information. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Digory Kirke Mr. Gag, Some of this begins to make sense to me now. Mr. Addams sent the money via Xoom, which is a money transfer service similar to Western Union. I am not sure why, but he sent three separate payments of $3500 each to the lawyer. It was sent to this DooDoo fellow, in Africa. Mr. Addams also mentioned sending the $38,000 to a Mibubu person in London. I don't know who that is or what it was for. Would you like to buy some penguins? I am setting up a fire sale to liquidate Mr. Addams holdings, and I will be selling the entire stock of penguins. There are really a lot of them. You could resell them as pets for a hefty profit, and perhaps use some as food. I hear they taste a lot like chicken. You can get them at a very cheap price. Digory James Dudu Dear Digory, I have just received a telephone call from Mr.Gaga that Mr Addams sent $3,500 via Xoom.I ask him to pay me via Western Union not via Xoom.I have never heard of tranfering fund through this means before.Well, i will find out. On the other hand,he said he paid $38,000 to London account.Please tell Mr.Addam to forward the payment slip to enable me send the money back to Addams as instructed by Mr.Gaga Looking forward to hear from you. Barr,James Dudu ( ESQ ) +234 8023766218 James Dudu Dear Digory, I just came back from the bank to inquire the Xoom payment.I was made to understand that there can not pay me without providing the payment slip information Mr. Addams used in tranfering the $ 3500 in three differenttransaction. Also,forward the payment slip of $ 38,000Mr. Addams paid toJOHN MUBIRU in london account to enable me tranfer the money back to you immediately. I will adviseyou tell Mr.Addams that we are ready to assisthim as soon as you send the payment slip to me.You should forward me an account details that i will usein tranfering the money back to you as soon as i collect it. Looking forward to hearing from you soonext. Regards Digory Kirke Mr. Doodoo, Your email landed in my spam folder. Do you commonly send mass emailings from your email account? Exactly what type of lawyer are you? What is your specialty? I am currently trying to find the payment slips you mention. Mr. Addams penguin farm has become a rather dangerous place to be, as the penguins are swarming and attack randomly. It appears they are also trying to fly, futile as we all know this is. I will send slips as soon as I find them. Digory Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , Good day. I must thank you for your effort towards my good friend Mr.Addams.The only way to help my friend out of thissituation is for him to release the payment information of the money he sent to the lawyer.He has to send me the following information. 1) The payment information he used in sending the $3500 in three different places -The sender's names -Text question and anwser -The receiver's name 2) He should forward the payment slip of the $38,000 which he paid into Mibubu account in london. With these information i need now,my good friend will save himself from the bank charges. You send me an accountdetails along with the payment information so that i can tranfer the money to you. One thing you have to bear in mind is that without these payment information there is nothing i could do to save my friend from these situation because Mr.Dudu is not the rightful owner of the account Mr.Addams transfer the money into and without the presentation of payment slip information the bank will notrelease the money to Barr,James Dudu.You can now reason with me why i am insisting on the payment information to enable me send back the money to Mr.Addams immediately. I await your urgent response to save my good friend. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga +234 802 872 9701 NOTE: You could reach the local attorney Barr, James Dudu on +234 802 376 6218 Digory Kirke Mr. GAGA, I have found one slip so far. Mr. Addams said he sent three separate payments, but I have only found one. I am attaching the slip I found. I am still looking for documentation on the larger transfer to London. I will inform you when I find it. Working at Mr. Addams farm is scary. The penguins are swarming outside. Never seen anything like it. Some are climbing to the roof and attempting to fly. They don't so much fly as plummet. I just found Charles' bank records, so I think I am getting close to the other documents. Best regards, Digory ![]() Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , I must thank you for the effort you have made so far in helping my friend Mr.Addam.I received one attached payment slip( $ 3,500 )so far.I will advice you go back to the farm or Mr Addams house to search for the other slips he used in tranfering the fund.Most especially the slip he use in tranfering the fund to Mibubu in london because the payment slip isonly alternative means which i woulduse toretrieve and send the money back to you personally. As soon as you find the other slips,send me your personal account detailsalong withthe payment slips to enable metransfer the fund back to you.I want you to receive the money by 24th october (monday ) 2005 Whatis the health situation of my good friend Mr.Addam? I await your urgent response and usual coporation. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Digory Kirke Mr. Gaga I found to additional items. They are attached. I do not hold out much hope of finding more, as the farm is now closed by the national guard. Tanks have been brought in, and I heard gunfire in the desert. Oh my god, what have we wrought! You never answered my question as to whether you wanted to buy any penguins. We are letting them go very cheaply. They make great pets! Digory ![]() ![]() Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Digory Kirke , Good day. I have recived the payment slip of$ 38,700.I have also farwarded it to Mr.Mibubu in London to enable him withdraw the money.As soon as the money gets to me i shall get you posted. I will advise you send me your account information to enable me transfer the fund as soon as it gets to me. Have you found the other payment slips? I am not happy with the situationabout what is happening to my good friend Mr. Charles Addams.What i am after is to save my friend's life and not buying penguins. I await your response. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga +234 802 872 9701 Digory Kirke Mr. Gag, Has Charles contacted you? He was released on bail late last night, but I fear he may try to flea the country. Please, if he contacts you advise him not to run. Never mind about the penguins, they apparently have some kind of version of mad cow disease, they have termed mad penguin disease. The government will not allow us to sell them. They have brought out the air force and are destroying anything that moves around the dry lake bed. If Charles contacts you, have him call me. Digory Charles Addams Gaga, I was bailed out of jail by a friend, and I am out and moving now!I will not go back!The penguin farm is a total loss, the penguins are swarming every where, they have even been talking about the "nuclear" option. I have a flight to Chile this evening, and there is a great idea I have for a stoat farm.If we can get this money transferred, I will be able to start a new venture in Tierra del Fuego! Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams , I am very happy for you now that you areout from prison.One thing i was made to understand is that you where playing games with me.You collected the fund and you dissapear into the tin air.You did not make any payment.You forged those papers.But, why? Mr.Smith is now asking for his fund from me. Send me a contact information on how i can reach you in Chile. Regards Kufur Gaga Charles Addams OK... I am [in] Tierra del Fuego.It is safe here.I am ready to begin again.It is just entering summer time here, but is only around 40 degrees.Cold. I am ready to resume our work together, and I have a feeling that we will be able to do great things!No more farming for me, but I have a great idea for development of a water park here in southern chile. They've never seen anything like that, and I will bet it would take off like gangbusters! So, how can we finish our deal so I can get my share and start this enterprise?! Charles Charles Addams Mr. Gaga I do not understand, what papers were forged?I did not send you any forged papers. My situation here in TdF is stabilizing and I believe we can complete our deal now.I was able to draw on an off shore fund to get myself established, and I am operational. Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams, Good day. Those payment slips you sent to me where forged.You did not make any payment. Sent me power of attorney to enable me search for another foreign partner so that i can complete the transaction.I realise that you are not been truthful to me as regards the transaction. I need the power of attorney. I await your response. Mr.Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Gaga, This is devastating.You are showing yourself to be an erratic and unreliable business partner.What is it that you want from me?I no longer have access to my documents back at the ranch; I had to leave them all behind.What power of attorney are you speaking of? I have been counting on you to help me out of my Dire Straights.I have always been as honest with you as you have been with me!How can this have happened? What can we do to repair this situation? Charles Kufur Gaga Attn: Mr.Charles Addams, If you know youare still interested in the deal.Go look for the expenses money and make the payment and stop bothering me.We cannot move forward without paying those expenses. As soon as the fund is ready keep me updated. Regards Mr.Kufur Gaga Charles Addams Well, gag me with a spoon.As if I was a bother to you! I have done everything in my power to assist you in the transaction, but now that I am in Chile, you do not seem to be interested any more.You claim I sent forged documents that I never sent, I have no idea what you are talking about.The fund you sent me to pay the expenses was bad and bounced.I was thrown in jail and was able to escape prosecution, only by escaping to Chile.This is your fault, not mine, and yet you are acting as if you were the one damaged. I need this share of the money, and I do not have $40,000 anymore to pay "expenses". Are you rejecting me now because I am no longer in the US?Am I no longer of use to you?Have you cast me aside like a used kleenex? Charles |